Forum 2006-2007
This is the archive of forum postings between early 2006 and the end of 2007. To see current/recent postings please go to Forum 2012-2014.
Please note that, as with Forum 2008-2009, entries start with the latest postings at the top and the earliest at the bottom.
As with the 2008-2009 Forum exchanges, may you be helped by the postings below and, where motivated, contribute for the help of others, from your own revelatory experiences or messages.
Brian Longhurst
The following exchange was posted on December 31st 2007
Thank you, Brian, for sharing this (The link to Akiane Kramarik). It is truly a joy to reflect on each of her paintings and read her poetry. Her website will become a "favorite" on my computer.
Out of curiosity, Brian, here is my question to you. How close in appearance is Akiane's portrait of Jesus to what you've seen? How does it compare?
With much love,
Hi Rosa,
Good to hear from you again, as always. I am glad you found Akiane inspiring. I have not a moment's doubt that there are untold numbers of Crystal children, as she is, in the process of emerging, to jolt the slumbering world to a greater state of wakefulness of the reality of Heaven and our rightful place there as Papa's beloved Son. Thank goodness for the internet, so that they can be brought to the attention of the world at large so graphically and rapidly. Truly, now is the time.
In response to your question about the appearance of the Master Jesus and how closely my awarenesses of him resemble the image of him represented by Akiane, I can best answer by pasting an extract from the Forum, posted November 1st 2007:
Jesus and Papa speak to you. Has Jesus appeared or manifested to you in daytime, vision and dreams? He first manifested, as described in SYFK chapter 2, in my full ‘waking consciousness.’ There have been numerous dreamtime encounters and other awarenesses. He has because He became the "door" through which you went to meet with Papa. Are you permitted to describe Jesus' appearance as He chooses to manifest to you? This is an important question. It should be understood that we are not a body but pure spirit with Mind awareness and creativity identical to that of our Father Creator. Our body is an ego-mind construct, an illusion, does not exist in reality and neither do our eyes, which are also part of that ego construct, which trick us into believing that everything is ‘outside us’ – ‘over there’ – when in reality, the Kingdom of Heaven and its Creator, Papa, are within us.
When a Master chooses to manifest to us here in our Earth-mind consciousness, he (or she) is able to create the appearance of a body using Christ-Mind creativity, (as distinct from ego-mind fabrication), and sometimes such manifestations will happen by using the psychic emanations or ectoplasm of the person having the experience. Whatever the mechanism selected, it is to serve a Kingdomly purpose.
We appear to ‘see’ things ‘out there’ with our bodily eyes but in reality it is our split, little self mind that sees what appears to be out there and it is our right, Big Self Mind that has awareness of the things of Heaven, of God, of Eternity, within us. That awareness is not the same as just our bodily seeing; it is a full and comprehensive ‘experience’ of our Mind. This is immeasurably more all-encompassing than our bodily sight. One has awareness of intent as well as event. So, at our ‘tea party’ (SYFK Chapter 5, ) I did not just ‘see’ the way his mouth moved as he smiled; I experienced the intent as well as the event. This enables the fullness of the experience to lodge in our awareness. It is not so much just ‘seeing’ him, as if studying a photograph, but ‘experiencing awareness of his being.’ One knows him, who he is, unquestioningly, at the Big Self, Christ Mind awareness level. This is our real Self, wherein there is no doubt, no uncertainty; only knowing. Questioning does not come into it; it is certainty.
However, on one occasion, he was with me and a group of others at a big house in rural Wiltshire, playing badminton on the lawn, and drinking lemonade; and later, walking along the narrow country lanes, with hedges either side. I was surprised to observe, very clearly, that he had a modern day, ‘short back and sides’ haircut. Still, it was unmistakably him, although his name - neither ‘Jesus’ nor ‘Yeshua’ - was not mentioned once. We all knew precisely and unquestioningly who he was, so we had no need to ask. He was very ‘normal,’ very light-hearted, caring, empathetic. He knew not just who we were, but everything about us at the soul level of our being, but it was no big deal, either for him or for the rest of us. At one point, one of the younger, teenage, members of the party, who was carrying a sickle (we were obviously on our way to do something requiring a sickle) and was getting carried away, waving it about, coming close to causing an injury to himself or someone else. The Master, who looked so young – barely 30 – showed heartfelt concern that anyone should be injured, and said, ‘Do, please, be careful; we do not want anyone to be hurt.’
As he says in ACIM, we should not hold him in awe because we are the same as he: one in the Sonship. The only apparent difference, which is temporary, is that he has remembered who he is and the rest of us are in the process of remembering; yet that seeming difference is illusory because it is of time only.
Akiane's painting is an outward expression of how her awareness of him in her one-on-one encounter(s) registered in her mind. Everyone who encounters him will have an impression of his 'appearance' that is personal to that person, and if they create an image of him such as a painting, it will be to serve a purpose. That purpose could be to help those who are at the place where they need an image to help them understand the reality behind the image but the image itself is nothing more than a symbol of the spirit reality behind the image. There is no doubt that Akiane's purpose is to to help people who are at that place, and the image is easily powerful enough to accomplish that.
As Arten and Pursah remind us over and over in Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality, we must keep focussed on the fact that bodies should not be allowed to distract us (which is just what ego wants to do) from our main/ultimate objective: getting Home by undoing the illusion of ego-mind through the mechanism of true forgiveness.
I hope this will be helpful, Rosa.
Many blessings for your going forward during 2008,
The following exchange was posted on December 28th 2007
Hi brian. i don't remember if I have sent you this link but I thought that I would send it, this girl is so talented. Happy New year. Pearl.Bless you Pearl and many, many thanks. You are right; Akiane is truly a Crystal child, another in the Master's portfolio of reminders for the awakening of his brethren from the dream. Every time I think, 'Surely there cannot be more wonders for our blessing and awakening,' along comes another angel straight from Heaven. How truly and deeply are we loved and how beautifully are we being nudged to wakefulness and remembrance of who we all really are. Words are entirely inadequate to express what this lovely and loving soul is bringing by way of gifts from the Heart of Papa.
With love and blessings for 2008,BrianPS: The link below is to Akiane's website, for more about her.
The following exchange was posted on December 21st 2007
Hi Brian, Thank you for your response to my email about last year and what I called my computer spook . (See posting below dated December 20th 2007)You were spot on with all the things you said, especially with that 'surge' you experienced. You said a lot of things that I had tried not to acknowledge myself and of which you had no outward knowledge.
There was, as you suggested, someone whom I thought it might be - a friend who had recently made her exit from the physical body - and there were issues which I should have dealt with while she was in that physical body . Yes Brian, I see this friend was calling out for love and I did love her as a friend, but she wanted exclusive cover in all relationships while she only gave conditional love which didn't last, hence her own dysfunctional and mostly nonexistent family relationships. What you reveal here about your friend shouts out loud how desperate she was for love and understanding, and was in denial about that, hence her what Olga used to call braggadocio character quirks. Such can so easily be annoying and bring on a bout of ego-mindedness in response, especially when it is so what in modern parlance would be described as ‘in your face.’ Truly, Keith is right to describe such as ‘JAFOs’ (Just Another Forgiveness Opportunity).
Here is an example of where using Jesus as our example to emulate will be immeasurably serviceable to our progress on the Way Home. By this I mean that he chose to see past all this illusory, fear- and guilt-motivated behaviour and our misperceptions of our self as ‘little,’ to the real us, whom he knew were just as he was: humble, pure, innocent, unconditionally loving (how conditional is the ‘love’ of most of us, including – and some might say especially – professing religionists?), compassionate and giving from the heart. Most of us are so far from the example of Jesus and so in the thrall of ego that any of us who wish – truly wish – to change our behaviour will do well to follow the counsel in ACIM about mind retraining. This takes total commitment, dedication and a long time because we are so ego-mind conditioned over countless acts, but if it will get us free of the cycle of birth and death and Home to the Eternity of Heaven permanently, then the sooner we start, the sooner we will finish.
But we all need to have some people who love us. She also loved herself as this wonderful never-wrong, God-praising person she appeared to believe she was. My immediate reaction to this is that in truth she despised herself and that her sense of self-worth was at rock bottom; that the outward show of bluff and bluster was to cover all that up. As I type this I am suddenly overshadowed by her affirmation and thanks for our understanding on this point. She has come to a new place of self-awareness as a result of these exchanges between us and the desire-thoughts, prayers and blessings engendered for her by them. Alleluia! I didn't go into competition with her so we got on OK. I believe you will be getting on more ‘okay’ after today, and will receive a communication of some sort from her to verify this, and in thanks.
Because in life she didn't seem to have an understanding of the unspoken, normal boundaries that exist between people’s lives and also because of this tendency to infiltrate other people’s space, whether their relationships or their cupboards, (wow!) I feared to acknowledge that this might be her trying to communicate via the computer, although I wanted to. I had a warning feeling that if I acknowledged her, because of her infiltration skills, she might get into my mind and live a surrogate life. This was a good warning feeling and no doubt provided you with some apposite protection. I am very pleased you heeded it and also that you have had the courage to share all this, as it will be so helpful to so many. It certainly felt as if something was acting like a teacher and marking my work. I am absolutely confident now that you can place all such concerns behind you after today.
Does a good opinion of oneself translate into the next imaginary dream world when the physical body drops away? Leaving our Earthly body behind changes nothing about our mind-set and behavioural characteristics unless and until we come to a new awareness about ourself and about reality. Many people are so bewildered when they make their ‘transition’ that they stay as they were before and without help from someone here who knows how is willing to pray/commit/bless them for their release and going forward, can remain so for an indeterminate period. This appears to have been the case with your friend, who remained of the same perception about who she was, and her interference with your computer was her way of calling for help, which she has now received and has now gone forward to the start of a whole new state of awareness. This is why I am confident that you will have contact from her, to let you know that she has benefited by your help in this with/by these exchanges on this matter. Here is a very real example of how blessing really does help and that all can and will benefit by it. The addition of true forgiveness will enable much more progress because the burdens of guilt are dispelled also. The importance of this cannot be overemphasised.
Because I hadn't started studying ACIM last year with its basis of forgiveness, part of me doesn't think I handled the phenomena very well and also I wondered if, because of the way she was in her life, she might still be stuck near this Earth plane. In spite of never having studied ACIM I tried to come to terms with these negative thoughts by endeavouring to realise that on the other side of the coin she could have incarnated as an opportunity to give me a lesson in forgiveness, assuredly this is her gift to you and for this you can be entirely justified in giving thanks to her, even as she will now be giving thanks to you and I was also helped by your advice to bless. Great; very happy to help. She was very into things spiritual and spiritualistic, and at times sounded like an advanced hot gospel aspirant, so she like everyone, had two sides. She is prompting me at this to say to you that she has undergone a transformation in her understanding as a result of this sharing and you will now see she has toned down greatly, no longer needing, nay, being desperate, to impress as a result of her former lack of self-esteem. She is indicating that she now realises she has much, much, much self-reassessment to work on. As I write, she is emanating a vibration of deep sincerity and humility about this.
Another problem I have is with a brother who I believe, because of an unhappy life family-wise, has degenerated from enjoying a drink to help him cope with life, to a full-blown alcoholic. He is divorced and lives on his own with the help of a very compassionate carer/friend who is trying to get him to cut down, and spends most of the day and evening with him, for which I am thankful, even if it is mostly at the pub. It is sad to see the state that alcohol has reduced him to. He doesn't want to know anything about what he calls religion and drink is his god. He drinks all day, is rarely sober and eats practically nothing. He has many medical checkups because he doesn't feel well but amazingly there appears to be nothing wrong with him yet. Do you know of anything that will help him when he doesn't want to be helped?
There may be nothing you can do outwardly, except the usual love and kindnesses whenever an opportunity arises. However, it is a mistake a) to be overt in one’s endeavours to help such as your brother because they are so full of self-loathing and seek any opportunity to project it; they will often project scorn and contempt (a cry for help) on those who love them and try to help them the most. However, as indicated above, loving, blessing and forgiving them from the heart (and giving those energies into the care of the Holy Spirit – and being sure to leave them there - for safekeeping and placing in the forgivee/blessee/lovee according to His wisdom and timing) is the best and only real help one can be, and b) do not interfere in their life.
This is so often what people, with all the best intentions, do and think it is their duty so to do. It is actually none of their business, other than to show – actually, feel - love, concern, understanding, blessing, forgiveness, and send out, radiate, express those feelings (not the words, the feelings; the words are as likely to bring rejection and more scorn). It is the person who has decided to be an alcoholic’s issue, and none of us here is in command of all the reasons for this, which could go back more than one previous act. In that sense, there is no difference in principle between your friend and your brother. There must be many people with this problem. Untold numbers, manifesting essentially the same problem in many different ways; namely, guilt and fear over the ‘separation.’
All this is so well explained in ACIM that I can only commend it to the reading/studying of us all, whenever the moment to begin feels right. Sadly, that so often happens only when a crisis has brought people to their knees, literally and/or metaphorically. Olga used to say the Lord works through a crisis but that is not the only way he can work. He can and will work with anyone who is willing to allow him to work with them, before ever a crisis occurs. Ego, and its construct known as the institutionalised church, with its hordes of unKingdomly (unKingdomly because they are conditional) doctrines, dogmas, rules and regulations, dos and don’ts, has turned such multitudes of us away from our Way-shower that it is only when they are at breaking – or broken – point that they are all out of resistance to his help and may send out a mayday call for his help. Then he is in there like a shot because they have given him their permission to help.
Thank you for everything Brian. Love Dorothy
Dorothy, it is your input to this Forum, raising ‘real-life’ issues - that so many also experience and do not know how to deal with them, so they retreat deeper into the shell of isolation, guilt and fear as a result - that enables some meaningful help to be offered. Without you and others like you who have the courage to raise such issues/question/observations/doubts/fears, no such offerings could be made. This is a true Christ service for the Kingdom and for the release of us all from the wilderness back into the Kingdom. So, a big thank you also to you and to all who contribute.
The following exchange was posted on December 20th 2007
Hi Brian, Hi Dorothy,
My friend F and I exchange frequent emails. We write about everyday things like family happenings, or where we have been, or who has come to lunch, but most importantly we seem to share a similar spiritual journey. That gives purpose to the relationship, enriching it to a higher level. Then suddenly last year, whenever I wrote something a bit profound, the computer started underlining it, all on its own. I hadn't touched the mouse, so at first thought I was accidentally touching the action keys whilst I was typing. But that was easily discounted as I do not touch-type and I look at the keyboard while I am typing anyway. The underlining only appeared on spiritual writings, never on mundane meanderings about everyday happenings and only initially appeared in my emails to F.
At first it was annoying, and I explained it to F as a computer malfunction. I found I could only take it off by going into 'Font' and doing it from there, so I started leaving it. I called it our computer spook and as the preciseness of the underlining continued, a part of my mind became full of wonder at the real possibility of an other-world phenomenon manifesting before my eyes. I used to joke to F that I wondered if it was pointing out that the concepts were approved, or if it was saying 'could do better.' So far, I can see little ‘wrong’ – or at least, harmful – except that no being from the Realms of Light would do this other than initially, to point something out to your benefit and then, only by knowing things that were not yet known to you. No such enlightened being would impinge upon your intentions against your wishes. That indicates it was definitely not an enlightened soul from the Realms of Light.
My guess is that this is either what some call a Poltergeist, or mischievous being from the etheric realms who is ‘harvesting’ your psychic energy (like ectoplasm, though not necessarily visible to human sight, but still just as real) and using it to try to show off by indicating they know a bit about enlightened matters by only underlining the ‘spiritual writings,’ and when you demonstrated you were not happy about it, the endeavour became to annoy you. Or it may be someone from a former relationship with you, perhaps from a former act, or earlier in your Dorothy act. More on that below. The problem with what can start off seeming harmless enough is that if the source is not the Realms of Light, it can become insidious, eventually leading to invasive and even harmful activities. How to avoid/prevent that is discussed below.
It didn't appear on all spiritual ponderings only on specially deep ponderings Showing off enough knowledge to discern between enlightened words and less enlightened words. It does not take great enlightenment to do that when the enlightened words have emanated from someone else (you). Or, trying to attract your attention for help, resolution of unresolved issues from the past. If it underlined a paragraph, it started doing it at the beginning and finished at the last full stop. It never spilled over onto the next paragraph. If it emphasised a sentence the same pattern applied. There were sometimes a few seemingly random words that were underlined but they always appeared to be connected with the spiritual ponderings.
I got really spooked though, when at the end of an email to another friend A, I decided to tell her about what was happening and to share one of the sentences that had been underlined in the email I had just written to F. As I started to write the words "Things which create a negative response within are really gifts to work with", so the underlining started. I did not want this, and as I could not stop it and type these words without the underlining, I stopped in mid-sentence, explained to A why, and finished the email. I felt as though someone was standing at my shoulder interfering with what I wanted to write and trying to take over, then with a blast of irritation, I mentally told whatever it was to clear off and to stop underlining bits of my writing.
In ACIM we are reminded that everyone is either expressing love or calling for it. It seems evident that this entity is calling for love. This is truly, as you say, an opportunity for you to express love; toward this Earth-bound entity. The fact that it was emphasising enlightened stuff suggests to me that it is genuinely seeking help/love but like most of us, does not always know the best way to ask for it.
Nevertheless, it did make an attempt, and in a way it succeeded because, in your own words, "Things which create a negative response within are really gifts to work with." So, by this, you are acknowledging that you are ready for a challenge/opportunity to grow spiritually, so this entity knew you would be ready to help it – and yourself at the same time, even if you did not realise that yourself, yet/at that time. So, the point is that you are coming to the place where you would be ready, but more important, willing to help. Rather than being irritated and telling the visitor to clear off, here is my suggestion:
First and foremost, we must all look out for ourself as the number one priority and ensure we are protected from unwelcome intruders (from the etheric, ‘invisible’ realms, in this context). The only sure way is to place ourself in the care, guidance and protection of someone who is authorised and empowered to do that. Olga Park was very clear to Theresa and me that Jesus of Nazareth is unquestionably thus empowered and that there are also those in spirit acting under Christ authority, working with him under his leadership; that we cannot do better than to ask him to guide and protect us in all matters – and mean it. This will ensure that whoever comes/is brought to us or permitted contact with us from the etheric realms, it is for their help/benefit and that we also will benefit by the encounter(s). See Vignette 14 in SYFK for more on this.
Second, you could say to this entity something like, ‘Peace be with you. You are welcome here only if you come in the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I am willing to help you to move more fully into the Light and the only way I am able to do that is to bless you, bless you, bless you, (BLASER blessing) and commit you into the loving care of Jesus; to forgive you for all that you have never really done, so that I may receive the forgiveness that is rightfully mine; and also to ask your forgiveness for all that I have never really done, so that you may receive the forgiveness that is rightfully yours. I also forgive myself for any negative attitudes I may have held toward you, so that my blessing of you may flow unfettered from my heart.’
Dorothy, as I began to type the part above about asking the entity to forgive you for all you have never really done, so that it could receive the forgiveness that is rightfully its (his/hers), I felt a surge, as if affirming that this was a key area in this situation. I have no outward knowledge on this but have a feeling that there may be some background relationship of unresolved issues between you, and that this true forgiveness exercise could release the karma/unconscious guilt and fear and enable the healing of the relationship. This is my sudden, unexpected thought/feeling. I have no idea as to the background and perhaps you don’t either, consciously. ACIM tells us we have much unconscious guilt and fear and an indeterminate amount of this will inevitably stem from previous acts. I leave this with you and look forward to hearing any comments you may wish to offer, in due course.
Well, in the next email to F, I couldn't believe it, italics took over from the underlining. I left it for F to see and then did another mental 'seeing off' regarding the unwanted italics. It worked, but whatever it was had the last word. The next email I wrote to F was ok this end , but she said the last paragraph in which I wrote about spiritual thoughts was in enlarged type --- but only at her end. In my Sent Box all the type size on that email was the same. Perhaps it all really was a gift to work with. It doesn't happen now. Are you saying the interference has ended – at least for the time being? Perhaps you have already been practising some true forgiveness?
But what I wanted to point out to you was that the affair with the printer felt like a helping hand. It did the job and stood back.
The affair last year felt like interference (perhaps that was just my reaction and it was harmless) but there is without a doubt, a very fine line between helping and interfering. You are right. Yet if we feel irritated it is a good sign that there are some forgiveness opportunities. Keith calls these ‘JAFOs’ – ‘Just Another Forgiveness Opportunity.’
It occurs to me that when trying to access very deep spiritual concepts, the words to clothe them have to be applied as they surface. Very incisively put. So when a channel is forged, through which they come for us to clothe in words, do perhaps other things make use of the channel? Also very observant. This can definitely happen, the more so with people whose psychic door is open. This tends to be the case more with women than with men. If you do not feel it seemly for such uninvited intrusions, the suggestions I have offered above will be of significant assistance.
I will gladly discuss this further with you if you wish. Just say the word.
All for now, Love Dorothy Love and blessings for a very joyous Christmas, Brian
The following exchange was posted on December 12th 2007
Hi Brian and Theresa, a curious thing happened last week with the email that you sent with the 'deliberate' mistake. At least I thought it strange. A friend rang up as I was preparing to go out, and because she hasn't got a computer she asked if I would look up on the internet to see what ACIM study groups there were in her area, so I looked while we were on the phone. None suited. Then I remembered your latest message of encouragement which I had only had time to glance at, and had been intending to print off to read in comfort. I thought that she would find it interesting, so I set up to print off two copies, one of which I said I would post to her when we went out.
Well the computer took the order but the printer was having none of it. I tried again and there were then three copies in the queue for printing according to the computer, but the printer just stayed silent and refused to participate. We checked the connections but everything was in order. Then I decided to delete the requested copies, take the plug out in the hope everything would reset itself, and try again when we got back. Well, I deleted two copies but the third one stayed put and nothing would persuade it to go, so I took the plug out anyway and went out.I plugged in again when we got back, the printer whirred into life and the copy that wouldn't delete was delivered. Then I saw the email you sent with the amendment, in my inbox . I read it and wondered whether to block out the erroneous 'Yes' and write 'No' on the printed email, or block the 'un' in 'unavailable'. I decided on the latter, and went out to post it to my friend. It definitely wasn't meant to be sent with a mistake and it would have been if the printer had complied earlier. I was able to print my copy off and the printer has been behaving perfectly since, as it always has. All for now Love Dorothy
Hi Dorothy,This is a classic example of how what Olga used to call 'the invisibles' are so close, loving and helpful in a practical way, while, no doubt having great fun at the same time. It seems clear you have someone close to you who is a whizzkid at matters electronic, and I feel suddenly prompted to say, may be eager to establish a more active Mind to Mind communion with you. You could actively co-operate with this by attuning with your helper(s), even if name(s) are not - at least yet - known to you.Names, they (the invisibles) always say, are not important for us to know, though we, here in the Earthly life, tend to like to know who we are communing with. Attuning is actually very simple, straightforward, uncomplicated. For example, one could choose a suitable moment/place, where all is quiet and no disturbances expected (it could be in the shower, walking in the hills, driving to the supermarket - wherever one feels at ease) and send out one's thoughts toward one's 'invisible helper(s)' (they will know exactly who you mean because they will already be close to you; not geographically, but on the same mental wavelength).Gratitude is the best starter in all such communing of Mind to Mind. One could say, in a perfectly normal, conversational manner, something like, 'You know I do not know who you are but I realise that makes no difference; I simply want to thank you for your practical and loving, caring help with the computer printer (or whatever). I also want to affirm that you are welcome at any time and in any situation, for whatever caring help that you and/or your friends and fellow Christ servers are able to provide, all under Christ authority. If you wish to bring to my awareness a name, sign or other indicator of who you are, I welcome this but realise it is not important in the grand scheme of things; though in due course it will be made known to me, whenever the moment is right.'
I have no knowledge of how much of this you are already aware of Dorothy, but this is an excellent opportunity to share such information with others on the Forum.
I must emphasise that for those who are not already certain that they are under Christ-authorised guidance and protection, it is vital to always (at any communing with an 'invisible' for the first time or times) say something like, 'You are welcome into contact with me only in the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ.' This placing of oneself within Christ guidance and protection is setting the rules of engagement and by doing it in the name of he who is empowered to guide and protect us (if we have already asked him to be our guide and protector) we are thus protected from unwelcome visitations, which can be psychically very, very damaging to our spiritual - and eventually, bodily - well-being and peace of mind.
Theresa and I have a son, Peter, in spirit, as described in SYFK, who is an electronics wizard with computers and anything else. Years ago we had a car with an electric sliding sunroof. The connection of the electrical circuitry became intermittent and we got into the habit of asking Peter to see to it. Without fail, whenever it became non-functional (which was eventually quite frequently), as soon as we asked his help, it would immediately begin working.On another occasion Theresa was out in the car with our daughters when the engine became overheated. It turned out that the coolant had got very low. A helpful passing motorist topped it up for her but when they came to close the bonnet (hood) it would not close. They tried to unscrew the pneumatic arms that raise and lower it but the nuts securing it would not loosen. Eventually the breakdown service was called out. He took one look at things and said, 'There is a coolant hose ruptured. You wouldn't get a mile up the road in that condition and the engine would seize up.' He replaced the hose, re-filled the system and the bonnet then shut as smooth as clockwork, allowing a safe and uneventful journey home. When they got home our daughter said to Theresa, 'That was Peter; I saw him holding the bonnet open and preventing it from shutting.' He had averted what could have been a very tricky, dangerous situation.Truly, we are being helped in ways of which most of us have no awareness. To welcome it, give thanks for it and be more open to co-operating with it enables much greater levels of such help to available to us.Thanks for sharing, Dorothy.Love and blessings,Brian
The following exchange was posted on December 7th 2007
Hi Brian: Hi Sharon,
Your friend Dorothy has described, very profoundly, on your forum, what is happening/has happened in my life; awesome! Here, then is a good example of how helpful the Forum can be for those who are ready to receive the benefit, affirmation, reassurance, encouragement, help, enlightenment – whatever – that may turn up there, perhaps in an unexpected way or form. I hope – feel sure – it will be for you also, similar encouragement to be happy for anything your may wonder about writing, asking, sharing on any future occasion, to be posted, for the benefit of others. This is because to Papa, we are all important, loved, honoured; it is only ego who wishes us to see ourself – and our fellows – as unimportant, unloved, dishonoured. So, together, we can actively work for the dispelling of these ‘lies of satan.’ She seems to have the key to what I've been trying to figure out - I wrote to you some time back, while studying ACIM, that my experience of God did not resonate with what was being said in ACIM. I remember it well, back in about May; the exchanges were posted on the Forum on June 1st this year. I feel sure it will have been helpful to others. I'm still trying to untangle what happened to me 4 years ago - when God came into my life - the messages that came with the wave of JOY - the messages and the wave of joy seemed to conflict - the messages were very 'demanding' and devastation-orientated - in conflict with the joy. The indication from you at that time was that my responses back in the spring helped, at least somewhat. Nevertheless, an event such as you described then can remain in the ‘pondering department’ of one’s mind for a long time afterwards, and keep on bringing forth new nuances of understanding. That can only be good. Off and on over the past 4 years I re-visited the experience many times – ‘pondering mode', knowing for sure God was the wave that brought the joy and love and happiness into my life - but it SO conflicted with the messages - I just couldn't understand the voices, the words, so there's been this 'blockage' that I couldn't get through, I couldn't find the answer to - until Dorothy's message - I read her posting on the forum last week and was ready to respond but didn't because I needed to study and ponder it (!!) more to see if indeed it was what I was looking for and now, even though I still don't understand the words - could it have been the ego dying? One way or another, now is the time for the end of ego and every ‘little victory’ – however small, or indeed, large – means less power over us and more empowerment to us. So, in a way, you are correct. Every time we say ‘No’ to ego and ‘Yes’ to Holy Spirit, we are one glorious step nearer Home. It makes sense that this is what it could be. Both Dorothy's posting and your reply resonate with me in that I know there is 'going forward' here for me with these postings. How brilliant is that!? When you mention 'a great temptation to be one of the crowd.' I totally resonate with this. Sharon, I believe the vast majority of us resonate with that. But for those of us who hear the Call to Home from the Voice for Papa, and respond affirmatively, and extend the Call to our fellow travellers, the journey for us ALL is being immeasurably shortened, until time runs out altogether. It just keeps on getting better and better. All my life I tried to 'fit in.' How 'out of place' 'frustrating' 'demeaning' 'esteem-lowering' this can feel all the hallmarks of ego, again! to a child/girl/woman - as was the case with me growing up- when you just can't - no matter how hard you try - to 'fit in.' NOW I see why I couldn't - I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO! What a relief! Eeee-yaaaahhh! Now I don't want to and am so very grateful not to want to! It feels good, doesn’t it? No, it feels much better than that; it feels indescribably fantastic. I resonate with the 'carousel.' I tried to step back on the wheel when things got tough - after God coming into my life I questioned many times whether this is REALLY where I wanted to be or not - but the 'old life' doesn't 'fit' any more. Indeed, it does not and when we try to fit back in we find it is anathema. Here is the February 14th 1988 Diary entry, which covers this area of consideration. The last two paragraphs of the Master's message will be especially meaningful for you, I believe:
Beloved Lord, I see how the programme for mankind’s redemption has gone forward in the last few decades. I see also how there is so much for us to know and understand that I wonder how we can ever grasp it all.
My son, the soul who is committed and dedicated one-pointedly to the path of Service of the Kingdom Purpose must first learn obedience – obedience to the single source of guidance and love, which will bring the Kingdom into the lives of mankind. This means a willingness to give up all worldly power and authority and self. When this has happened and complete faith in the voice and spirit of guidance is established, then shall the faith be replaced by sight – sight of the Kingdom reality and the love and power inherent in it. This is how to restore, to uplift, to make whole, to transform, to make new. It is a power that can only come when self-desire has been left behind and willingness for God’s love to replace it has been adopted in its place.
You have glimpsed the reality my son. You know of a certainty that it is and that it will be for all the world.
I counsel you, do nothing; you cannot bring this state of being,* neither can you adopt the way of Mammon and its power complexes, for they would destroy your inner being. Simply be at peace and contemplate within your heart these matters. New realisations shall come to you from this and all shall be accomplished for you.
Master, I know that of myself I can do nothing. I commit all to you and pray that my life may be serviceable to you and your Great Programme. Guide me along the path a step at a time.
* He means by this that we cannot bring it because we do not have it; but he has it and can/will bring it to us and give it to us, freely, if/when we have FTOC enough to accept it, freely.
God’s love, Sharon
Thank you Sharon; it is always good to hear from you. You and Dorothy are very incisive observers of eternal reality. Love and blessings to you also,
The following exchange was posted on November 22nd 2007
Dear Brian and Theresa, Thank you for the reply to my email, your response was very helpful. (See posting dated November 21st, below) It shone a light on one of the ACIM reviews for the that day "I am never upset for the reason I think". There it was - complete with the answer shining out. It had been hidden within the so-called problem. As the mind read the words in your email, the clouds cleared and the battle being fought by the ego (aka Satan) came into focus - the battle to keep the illusion going - that the illusion which provides the ego with its reality and its home, .Yes, I could see then that I wasn't upset, as I had thought, because of feeling of being an outsider in the world. Not upset because of still wanting to jump back on the 'carousel of the crowd ' even though seeing clearly that it was going nowhere. I wasn't upset because I couldn't block that sight out, and so feel safe and at one with the carousel riders. It was the ego which was upset and whispering "You'll be on your own. It will be lonely. Go back and play the games, you only have to pretend and you can have the companionship. Forget that you think you know more."I do realise that on an inner level I have been at that brink between the worlds for years, perhaps we are all there in different stages of realisation but prefer to stay with the crowd even though we can see the world as we know it is insane.But there has to be the courage to let go the ego and plunge into that Abyss of Nothingness which is the last thing the ego sees in its moment of death. To give up everything known and leap into the unknown - the ego doesn't want to do that and disappear, so it will whisper all manner of 'sensible' suggestions to keep its unreal existence from being discovered.What it seems we have to do then, is to acknowledge the higher part of us, so we are not under the delusion that the ego is important to our sense of Self. We have then to use our dream of life to prepare and reach out to the other side of the perceived Abyss, perhaps we are building a bridge, so that when the moment comes, faith changes to knowledge and we, the prodigal son, can walk over to dwell again with our Father in Christ.I am using the guidelines in ACIM, however inexpertly, to endeavour to do that.Love from DorothyHi Dorothy,
Brilliant. I am overjoyed at your going forward and that our exchanges are helping you, me and others as they encounter them on the Forum page. Together, we are performing a true and blessed Christ service for the Kingdom.
I love your insightfulness. Few indeed are blessed with it as are you. Fear is the great fetter to our progress toward freedom, and doubt - self-doubt - is the great dismantler of faith and trust. The way forward may be perceived, through ego-distorted vision, as an abyss; but faith and trust truly build a bridge that is invisible to those myopic eyes and enable us, by taking that leap of faith, to see that the chasm is safely and securely bridged and that our way to freedom is unbarred. Ego may fall into the abyss, to its end, but we, our true Self, are on that bridge, onto which ego cannot venture because it is the bridge to Eternity. The key is, if only we can believe all things are possible.
It is, truly, a great temptation to want to be part of the crowd. Yet, to those of us who are ready to begin the awakening process, it is anathema to go back. Once we have taken that leap of faith, there is no going back. Yes, we may take 2 steps forward, feel the uncertainty, the wavering of our Self-belief and allow ourself to go back a step; but then we see that going back is so retrograde, so restricting to a soul ready to soar, that we soon realise that we must turn around and move forward on the path back to the Light again, knowing that there actually is no alternative.
You are doing so well, Dorothy, assuredly there is great rejoicing in Heaven over you (whose name means 'God's Gift'). Your contributions are a real and welcome gift. Keep on keeping on; you are greatly loved, blessed and watched over.
The following exchange was posted on November 21st 2007
Dear Brian and Theresa, Hi Dorothy,
because it was from you, I made a wish on that Mother Theresa email as you suggested - it was the same as the prayer - and returned it to you as requested. I do wonder however why these generic emails sometimes have requests for them to be returned to the sender. I agree with you. I am ambivalent about them myself and most, I just delete, some I act upon but have never experienced anything detectable from such action. I have no doubt, increasingly, that it is an ego ploy to distract us. It doesn’t have much distracting power for me. Such matters have only as much power over us as we ascribe to them.
We have all received similar ones, it goes with the cyberspace territory. Indeed it does needlessly and valuelessly, other than as an opportunity for true forgiveness. Some are very beautiful, but some are just sentimental trash trying to sail along on people's transitory emotions which quickly change when something else stirs the pot. Appositely expressed. I did a few months ago return a couple of the said emails as requested, because I felt it would be discourteous not to acknowledge them from that particular source, but didn't, and wouldn't, have revealed other email addresses on the returned one if I had sent them on. I always put addressee details in the BCC box, so nobody else gets to see them. Otherwise, it could be perceived as a breach of confidence. I may have been wrong, but the silence from that end evoked a strong feeling that this wasn't quite what was wanted. As shown in today’s Message of Encouragement, the Master says in Section 15 of the Manual for Teachers in ACIM:
You who are sometimes sad and sometimes angry; who sometimes feel your just due is not given you, and your best efforts meet with lack of appreciation and even contempt; give up these foolish thoughts! They are too small and meaningless to occupy your holy mind an instant longer.
I felt this because although I was now familiar with that aforementioned, but friendly and innocuous source, it had originally got my email address from somewhere and approached me in the first instance to promote and deposit its copious outpourings. .
Brian, your email did contain a prayer That is really why I sent it which must be good, and I realise there is some kind of personal block I have. I believe you would be fairer to yourself if you saw it not as a block but as sound common sense and logic, to keep you from getting suck(er)ed into every item that flits past on its way to the nothingness from which it came. I would love to believe in it all but I just feel on the outside looking in. In this instance this is a very good thing because the outside is sanity, reason, right-mindedness and the inside is the asylum. I guess also that these ‘make a wish, send on, and see what happens emails’ are probably originally created with high intentions, but are they helpful to the real task in hand? I usually simply ignore the make a wish bit and send it on only if the main theme is something that appears to have some value – harmless, inoffensive humour, uplifting to the spirit, pause for thought or whatever. I can see that they might be comforting and give some sort of hope for those who are going through trying and traumatic times in their lives but is it helpful on the pathway into the Kingdom? Perhaps some are (not counting the ‘make a wish’ bit, with a thinly disguised implication that if one doesn’t, bad luck will befall the errant party) and some not. As the Master says of this illusory world of dreams, ‘Make it all meaningless.’ Do they feed the greed and fear of the lower mind - fear of having bad luck, or the inner greed which likes to believe it is getting something for nothing. This is what it is all about all the while ego has any part in it.
The opportunity is then offered to cover over any realisation of this by virtuous posturing in the act of outwardly clicking 'Send' by which act it is implied that the clickers deserve and are entitled to some sort of heavenly reward or protection. The ego works in very clever ways pretending to be what it isn't. Bull’s-eye! Very perceptive of you.
Realising this, could this non-acceptance within me of what others seem so easily to take on board, also be the ego masquerading in a different cloak and with another mask, pretending as always, to be what it isn't? It wouldn't be a problem except that it would be so nice and easy just to go along and 'belong', but something won't always let me follow the crowd. This is your right mind (under Holy Spirit influence) guiding you. It digs its heels in and says "don't go down that road. It is going the wrong way" Should I listen to it? Definitely listen to it. Do not let ego instil a sense of guilt, as if you are being supercilious. An adult is not being supercilious because it does not wish to indulge in children’s activities. The way to maintain one’s focus and balance in such matters, where niggles of guilt are knocking at the door, is to forgive (the person/situation/event) and then forgive yourself (for any feelings of anger, impatience, frustration, guilt or whatever) and always send a genuine, heartfelt blessing. If you do not feel it could be heartfelt at the immediate moment, pause, attune with Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit, ask Their peace and equilibrium, remind yourself that you are perfect love, compassion and infinite patience (just as They are with us) and ask for the Peace of Papa to envelop you, well-up from your Heart-Centre, fill you, so that you can then genuinely extend it to the person/situation in question. I think you will enjoy getting your teeth into this. Dorothy, I love the way you always see past the mundane, that most would barely give a thought to, (just as ego wants it) and see how ego is getting deep into our mind, sullying it with trash, trivia and distractions. It should make quite a meal. This has been an hors d’oeuvre. But I love hors d’oeuvres! I hope it doesn't give you indigestion though. Never. Love from Dorothy
Thanks, Dear One. Love to you also, BLASERed, Brian
The following exchange was posted on November 20th 2007
Hi Brian, Hi Susan,
Thanks for the insight on the purpose of the communion (see exchange below, dated Nov. 18th). It is a deep and soul soaring joy to know someone with whom such esoteric realities can be shared. My thanks are, therefore, to you also, for being such a person. Awakening to our deep oneness with the Christ mind and that we are the Christ consciousness is what we most need. Set that to music and I'll sing descant with you!! I was able to access your recent wisdom. We are the hidden wholeness but we don’t know it and live it. It is my life's commitment to help as many as are able/ready to come to that place of awareness, deep within, as possible, by the help of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. However, the communion helps it become more than a fleeting transcendent state, but a more continuous way of being beyond all being and becoming. Finding the words to adequately express that truth is not easy but you have done it perfectly. Thanks; I will share them on the Forum. The dualities no longer make sense from that perspective—them-us, self-other, you-me. Again, I could not have expressed it more meaningfully myself.
All the best, Thanks; all the best to you and Mark also,
The following exchange was posted on November 18th 2007
Hi Brian. Do you think that weakness invites contempt from weak people, because it is a reflection of
Regards. Pearl.
Hi Pearl,
This is entirely in accord with the ACIM position that, under ego-mind domination, we project our own unconscious fear, guilt, misperceptions about ourself onto others, who are not really outside ourself - 'over there' - any more than we, or the world, or the physical universe are here; that all that appears to be present are projections from our ego-dominated, unconscious
mind. Gary Renard's books, 'Disappearance of the Universe' and 'Your Immortal Reality' are very, very helpful, in support of ACIM, in helping us to more clearly understand all this. I commend them to you.
Ego wants us to believe we are weak, but it is not true because we are Papa's beloved Son, made in His image and likeness, with ALL His attributes. The 'fall' of man into 'the separation consciousness' is a religious myth (religion being an ego-construct to keep us here under false pretences) which appears to be the case but in our right, Christ Mind, has never happened, and according to Jesus in ACIM has never been more than a momentary, idle thought, that was over the moment it took place. This appears not to be the case because we appear to have placed ourself outside Heaven, which is Eternity, into a false, apparently linear time and place illusion.
To perceive others as weak is not something Jesus ever did. He saw past the illusion and is with us now to help us to do the same. That way, we can see ourself and each other as he sees us: whole, perfect, innocent, guiltless and sinless; one, undivided, with him in the Sonship. The way to do that is to forgive ourself and our fellows for what we (all) have never done, and thus not give reality to the misperceptions (because they have no reality).
This is possible, although it takes a very strong motivation and commitment, practise and reminding ourself multiple times every day, whenever we become caught up in the illusion, (and ask the Holy Spirit to help us with this) that what appears to our bodily eyes as separate, individual people, walking about in separate bodies, with apparently separate minds, is an illusion; that we are NOT a body, but perfect Spirit, with the Mind of God, able to think as One with Him and with our true Self, the Christ (Papa's Son); that God and His Kingdom, our true Home in Eternity, is within us and nowhere else; that nothing else exists, in spite of such apparently compelling evidence to the contrary.
The Mystical Communion with Christ is an attunement mechanism that can help us to attune our (apparently separated) mind with that of Jesus - and others working with him under Christ authority for the restoration to Oneness in the Realms of Light - but it is also preparatory to our communing, Mind to Mind, with each other here in the illusory Earthly life.
Some may see this as telepathy but it is at a higher level than 'ordinary' telepathy because it is not just mind to mind but (Christ) Mind to (Christ) Mind. This is a prelude to the disappearance of the universe, in preparation of and for the Atonement (At-one-ment). We cannot be 'magicked' into wakefulness, which is what orthodox Christians believe - i.e. that Jesus is doing it all for us and meanwhile we carry on here in blissful ignorance of what he is doing until the last trump begins the rapture and we all end up in Heaven. It is an event (the Atonement) in which our full co-operation and understanding is required.
Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit will bring us to that place of awareness and understanding as and when we are ready to co-operate by 'ASKing' (Ask, Seek, Knock-ing). This is taking, will take, each of us many incarnations (acts) to arrive at the place of understanding the Great Rescue Programme. The good news is that those of us who are already ASKing have already
progressed, by/through many acts, to the place where our understanding/remembrance of the Truth of Eternity is growing. This can only continue by our continued truly seeking and earnestly desiring to know the Truth of Eternity, until we become fully enlightened. Becoming
complacent will leave us only part way there. The 'travelator' only carries us forward by the empowerment of our own desire.
True Forgiveness is the shortcut that will save us untold numbers of further acts. Seeing our brethren as weak is an indication of our own unconscious misperceptions of weakness in ourself. There is only one of us, so what we see in others is a reflection/projection of our own unconscious, misperceived weakness.
I hope this helps, Pearl. Thank you so much for asking.
Many blessings for your strengthening and encouragement, unto the coming of the KOHOE,
The following exchange was posted on November 13th 2007
Hi Brian, Hello Ted,
It has been a long while since I have communicated with you. I am doing very well and I hope and trust that you are doing well also. I am very pleased to hear that you are doing well and equally so to confirm that, yes, indeed, we are doing wonderfully well. Life on the Path back Home to Papa may not always be comfortable but is never boring and becomes more joyful, peaceful, blessed, with every step, as we awaken to the remembrance of who we really are and the opportunities for service of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth become more fulfilling.
The underlying theme of my path has been trial and error. My dear friend, regrettably, this is the case for most of the ‘children of Earth’ who set out on their own without a reliable, empowered, trustworthy Guide to lead them unerringly out of the wilderness. I am overjoyed to tell you (it will come as no surprise if you have read SYFK!) that Jesus (the real Jesus!) is just such a Guide. Sadly, the church has done such a demolition job on him that few today are willing to place themselves within the care of the real, living Jesus, because they have become so confused about him as a result of the false Jesus the church has fabricated. People see the sham of the church and think, mistakenly, he whom they claim to be representing is also a sham.
That is the purpose of my life, SYFK and the HTG website: to help my fellow travellers to see that the real, living Jesus is not a sham; that he is really our big brother, fully wise, knowing, empowered by love and humility, to lead us all Home. And all without a shred of religion!! Spirituality, yes, oodles of it, full measure, pressed down and never expiring, but no religion, which is the polar opposite of spirituality. Good news, don’t you agree!? I spent many years “going within” and gained some degree of understanding through it, but I also reached an unavoidable dead end. With the real Jesus, no such dead end exists. Fantastic, I agree. Since all of eternity is ahead of me, a dead end is something I would like to avoid. Ted, this is a wise statement indeed, and such is, truly, avoidable.
Obviously whatever you are practicing is working for you. Yes, it truly is, but as you are clearly aware, this is not a five-minute exercise. However, it has not worked for me. I would be most pleased if you can explain what this means. Are you saying you have tried following the living Jesus and that did not work? I have found a much more infinite and fulfilling existence in going beyond the senses rather than behind them. I regret I do not understand this. Please explain what you mean, especially by ‘going behind the senses.’
Through trial and error, desire and thought are what I have found to be useful. I am confident that Jesus is applauding this. Desire is the beginning of everything and thought follows closely behind. I believe this is how Jesus found his way Home (the first of the separation so to do). This is my understanding from ACIM. He is the first to say that most of us simply don’t think. This is just where ego wants us. The key has been to not let the lesser desires outweigh the greater ones. For example, would one desire to indulge and be controlled by a craving, or completely overcome it? It is my understanding also that we overcome by simply realising that we are not a body and all the things that a body appears to crave are tawdry, keeping us ensnared in our own, illusory dream world; that our true riches and fulfilment of our heart’s desire is being back Home in Papa, where we actually are but have forgotten; yet all we have to do is desire to awaken from the dream and return to full wakefulness.
Another great question is: Is it better to desire an end result or to desire to perform an action that has a positive or beneficial outcome? It seems clear to me that to desire (truly and earnestly) the KOHOE is the start of our awakening to eternal truth; our coming within the protective, guiding aura of those in the Realms of Light who are authorised and empowered to lead us Home, one step at a time. That then, we will awaken, one step at a time, to the realisation that because of our desire for peace, love, truth - for ourself and for our brethren - we will find ourself presented with opportunities to undertake actions as we make our journey Home, that will bring a positive and beneficial outcome. That is well documented in SYFK, particularly regarding the ‘rescue work.’ I deeply desired it, especially after reading Hugh Dowding’s book, Lychgate, and the opportunities for it were brought to me. I had no idea how to do it but the Master did and he brought about the circumstances for many rescue events to take place. Such rescue events are, even now, taking place and this is more rewarding to my soul than any riches of Earth.
Through trial and error, I have found that for me it is more fulfilling to desire to perform the action. I am interested to note that you have desire (first) for there to be actions for you to perform. Without desire, there can be no decision, no action, no outcome. After all, that's what life is, living, moving breathing. If you are speaking of life here, on Earth, I see it as opportunity to fulfil our potential, to accomplish that for which we have returned to a body, so that we can heal all our broken relationships through true forgiveness and, thus become unencumbered, and go Home.
Desire must be mastered and also be used in conjunction with thought. I agree that this is a deeply profound truth, Ted. Desire without thought leads to an unpleasant end; thought without desire leads to a miserable confusion of infinite complexities as well as a lack of energy and purpose. The desire to do something is what makes it pleasant. Therefore, when one has gained control over desire, they can aim it at whatever they wish. When thought serves the highest consciously willed desires one may find themselves living a simple, happy, existence in eternity. I agree with all this and observe that we are here, under the dominion (most of us) of ego-mind; antiChrist; hellbent on keeping us here in an upside-down thought-system that will prevent us from getting Home. In my experience, Jesus, who is fully awake to the truth of eternity and who we really are, can help us undo ego-thinking and re-engage our right mind. There are few indeed who can get there unaided.
With greater love than ever, Ted, what a wonderful thing to say. Bless you mightily; my heart responds to your salutation equally, with never-ending love,
Ted Brian
The following exchanges were posted on November 1st 2007
Hi Brian,
My goodness. I wasn't expecting my e-mail to you to appear on your forum. Life is full of surprises! I hope you don’t mind. The purpose of the Forum is to be focussed specifically on matters – questions and answers, comments, experiences, illumination etc – that will help readers to gain an increased understanding of what the KOH is, how/where to ‘find it,’ attune with it, get out of the rut humanity is in and get HOME!!! Nevertheless, it needs to be presented in a way that will not be too dry and stuffy (not what the KOH is) and hopefully will draw readers in and keep them coming back.
I'll have to think on what I say now. I was only speaking candidly to you, not to others. I would have used more discernment in the content and structuring my of my sentences. The real point here, Margaret, is that what you say has something of interest for third party readers, either within itself or in the opportunity it provides for an answer that will help serious seekers to gain in understanding. That is the purpose of the Forum. This world is so staggeringly ignorant of esoteric, spiritual, mystical, metaphysical reality and the way Papa has Creation organised (PLFs) that without sensibly, caringly, meaningfully helping to provide some answers that people can understand, how can the lost sheep be restored to the fold? The Master told me in the 1960s that I was his harbinger. That frightened me fairly considerably because I could not possibly see how I could do a John the Baptist job! But he has led me so wonderfully over these last 40 years, and prepared me for the job. Now I feel ready for it. Not that I am the sole harbinger. I am, I now see, one singer in a choir of singers of The New Song. And each has his/her important counterpoint to contribute to the rendition.
Especially when I had a dream after my initial posts to you showing me I was showing a tendency to argue for argument's sake rather than share ideas. Well, that was a good thing; a going forward for you. We never stop.
However I will respond to you a little later but with a lot less focus on personalities in "history."
In fact I was going to rein in my thoughts a bit. Now I'm exposed. Be careful Margaret. Let this be a lesson. There is never a shortage of lessons opportunities!
I received "Your Immortal Reality," last week from Abe Books so that sits in line until I read my current selection of two books.
I am looking forward to Gary's third book which is about Love in the new year, so I see all these threads coming together from many writers now. I am delighted to hear he has another one in the pipeline. I intuitively knew he would have and that it would be soon, so thanks for the confirmation.
You won't know how interesting and important your work has been to me Brian. And so generously given. Have you any idea how gratifying these words are to me? Sharing, extending the love, wisdom, joy, blessing and all else that is the KOH, is all that matters to me. This has been so ever since I met Olga and especially since January 24th 1967, when the Master manifested to me in Vancouver. Compared with the KOH, everything else is utterly meaningless. Of course sensible, healthy eating, caring for ourself whilst appearing to be here, treating others with respect and goodwill, loving our neighbour as ourself etc are all contributory to the KOH and form part of it; that goes without saying.
Margaret H.
Hi Brian (again),
May I ask you some questions about your work? Of course!
You have posted your diary excerpts only recently. Were you instructed to do so at this latter period by Jesus but not recommended to earlier by Jesus? Because it was before the public's time? Or did you have no real impulse to put it to public view earlier and decided to more recently because you felt it would be useful? What I am now doing is the fulfilment (or at least, the beginning of the fulfilment) of what began in the 1960s with my meeting Olga Park and then the direct ‘hook-up’ with Jesus. He told me over the years that all that was happening was a preparation for what lay ahead; that what I was doing (the Mystical Communion with Christ, the practise of which leads to and enables our hearing his speaking, one-on-one, and all the revelations, enlightenment, remembrances, awarenesses that practise brought) was ‘an operation of hiddenness;’ that when the time was right, it would become ‘an operation of openness,’ for example, see Diary entry April 25th 1993 in which he said:
The time is not yet for your work to become an operation of openness. Await my word. You will know of a surety when the time is right. It will be circumstances not of your making which shall bring it about. Meanwhile keep on as ever, for your awareness of the Light and the Word continue to grow apace and this must be your strength and your shield from the wickedness of the world. Fear not, for I am with you, your guide in hostile territory.
It was to be another 12 years before the openness began. It had been the burning, unquenchable desire of my heart to share his living reality with all the world right from the moment he manifested to me in 1967. But he had other plans for me. This is how I have described it in the Home Page of the HTG website:
I have been greatly blessed by half a lifetime of wondrous contact with and leading, guiding, inspiring, enlightenment from the living Jesus, who first manifested to me in a basement room in Vancouver, Canada, in 1967. It was such a magnificent, soul-soaring experience that I immediately wanted to rush out into the world and shout from the roof-tops that he is ALIVE, REAL. But he had other plans for me. In fact he told me many times over the years that we – he and I – had agreed and arranged ‘afore time’ (which was his way of saying, before I incarnated) the path along which he would lead me. He also said many times, as we journeyed along that path, ‘I lead, do thou follow.’
He knew where we were going but this was, according to pre-arranged plan, withheld from my conscious awareness, until the last few years. It has now been revealed to me that the objective of not knowing but following in faith, trust, obedience and commitment, was so that I could have this decades-long experience of the real, living Jesus and his great plan for the spiritual upliftment of ‘all who will’ to the ‘Kingdom Awareness’ and then share the practical and soul-feeding benefits of these experiences with my fellow travellers on the Path back to Eternity. I hope many of these events, recorded in the attached story, will resonate for you and bring joy, enlightenment and inner peace to your heart and soul.
The event that switched the operation of hiddenness into an operation of openness was when I was given, in the middle of the night, the allegory of the Caterpillars and the Butterfly. As it says in the Introduction to SYFK: This allegory was given to me inspirationally in a manner with which I was previously familiar: I was awakened in the small hours of the night and heard the words being spoken. They were so imaginatively impressed into my consciousness that I was easily able to write them, verbatim, after waking several hours later, well after dawn had broken.
I e-mailed this allegory to Owen Waters, and several other people. I didn’t even say who had written it. I had no thought of this becoming the catalyst of the transformation from hiddenness to openness. Owen administers the Infinite Being website and within a few hours he e-mailed back saying this was fantastic and could he use it as one of his weekly articles? Of course I said yes. The instant Owen asked – which came as a bolt from the blue - I knew deep in my soul, of a surety, that this was the ‘circumstances not of my making’ that would throw the switch from hiddenness to openness. Owen introduced the article and said that I had also written a book and was willing to e-mail it to any who were interested. Well I was swamped with responses, both thanking me for the insightful allegory, which helped many of them to get Jesus, our relationship to him and the church into a far clearer perspective, and later, thanking me for the book, which also had helped them with their understanding of the mystical realities of Eternity. I sent the manuscript to all who had enquired for it, saying I was preparing a website for uploading it and also that I was intending to upload, a few at a time, entries from what I had earlier decided to call ‘Diary of a Christ Communicant.’ The rest, as they say, is history.
Jesus and Papa speak to you. Has Jesus appeared or manifested to you in daytime, vision and dreams? He first manifested, as described in SYFK chapter 2, in my full ‘waking consciousness.’ There have been numerous dreamtime encounters and other awarenesses. He has because He became the "door" through which you went to meet with Papa. Are you permitted to describe Jesus' appearance as He chooses to manifest to you? This is an important question. It should be understood that we are not a body but pure spirit with Mind awareness and creativity identical to that of our Father Creator. Our body is an ego-mind construct, an illusion, does not exist in reality and neither do our eyes, which are also part of that ego construct, which trick us into believing that everything is ‘outside us’ – ‘over there’ – when in reality, the Kingdom of Heaven and its Creator, Papa, are within us.
When a Master chooses to manifest to us here in our Earth-mind consciousness, he (or she) is able to create the appearance of a body using Christ-Mind creativity, (as distinct from ego-mind fabrication), and sometimes such manifestations will happen by using the psychic emanations or ectoplasm of the person having the experience. Whatever the mechanism selected, it is to serve a Kingdomly purpose
We appear to ‘see’ things ‘out there’ with our bodily eyes but in reality it is our split, little self mind that sees what appears to be out there and it is our right, Big Self Mind that has awareness of the things of Heaven, of God, of Eternity, within us. That awareness is not the same as just our bodily seeing; it is a full and comprehensive ‘experience’ of our Mind. This is immeasurably more all-encompassing than our bodily sight. One has awareness of intent as well as event. So, at our ‘tea party’ (SYFK Chapter 5) I did not just ‘see’ the way his mouth moved as he smiled; I experienced the intent as well as the event. This enables the fullness of the experience to lodge in our awareness. It is not so much just ‘seeing’ him, as if studying a photograph, but ‘experiencing awareness of his being.’ One knows him, who he is, unquestioningly, at the Big Self, Christ Mind awareness level. This is our real Self, wherein there is no doubt, no uncertainty; only knowing. Questioning does not come into it; it is certainty.
However, on one occasion, he was with me and a group of others at a big house in rural Wiltshire, playing badminton on the lawn, and drinking lemonade; and later, walking along the narrow country lanes, with hedges either side. I was surprised to observe, very clearly, that he had a modern day, ‘short back and sides’ haircut. Still, it was unmistakably him, although his name - neither ‘Jesus’ nor ‘Yeshua’ - was mentioned once. We all knew precisely and unquestioningly who he was, so we had no need to ask. He was very ‘normal,’ very light-hearted, caring, empathetic. He knew not just who we were, but everything about us at the soul level of our being, but it was no big deal, either for him or for the rest of us. At one point, one of the younger, teenage, members of the party, who was carrying a sickle (we were obviously on our way to do something requiring a sickle) and was getting carried away, waving it about, coming close to causing an injury to himself or someone else. The Master, who looked so young – barely 30 – showed heartfelt concern that anyone should be injured, and said, ‘Do, please, be careful; we do not want anyone to be hurt.’
As he says in ACIM, we should not hold him in awe because we are the same as he: one in the Sonship. The only apparent difference, which is temporary, is that he has remembered who he is and the rest of us are in the process of remembering; yet that seeming difference is illusory because it is of time only.
May I ask how and at what time in (the year/s) you learned of your "past" experiences or is it still in the larger portion yet to be posted by you on your website? This has come in the form of what Theresa and I call ‘Flash awarenesses.’ These are given us by the Holy Spirit, in which we ‘find ourselves’ in a situation of another time and place, both observing and experiencing the events that we see, and in which we have the ‘knowing’ that it is coming from the Akashic records, under the authority of Eternity, who we are and what is happening and how it relates to this act. We don’t necessarily receive the full understanding at the time, but the details fill in subsequently, inspirationally, over time, as we ponder, reflect and ask for further illumination. All this has been unfolding since the operation of hiddenness became an operation of openness, about 28 months ago. The timing was perfect. From travelling back in visions and dreams or instructed by Jesus? Or the teacher? I think we can ascribe this to the Holy Spirit, although He and Jesus are as One, which we all actually are also, but are not yet awake to the experience of that, although this awakening is happening even as these words are being typed, one step at a time
The "teacher." He appeared to Olga Park as a man of short stature. So he did appear as he lived as John of Patmos. That is certainly the inference I have drawn, but again, these are details with which we will do well to not allow ourselves to become bogged down. It’s like the Immaculate Conception, or was Jesus married. Do any such issues detract one iota from the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus’ empowerment to lead us Home? They are of interest, but the knack is not to allow them to become of too much interest, distracting us from the main event, which is getting Home, as soon as possible. After all, who wants to stay apparently out of Heaven a moment longer than we can help?
Has he appeared to you Brian? Yes, I have had ‘awareness’ of him on many occasions but it is not the ‘physical’ appearance that impresses itself uppermost upon one’s awareness; it is the essence of his nature, character, the intent of the appearance (e.g. is he coming to bring a moment of joyous uplift, or a serious message of deep importance and illumination). It helps if we approach such considerations from the perspective that we are experiencing such encounters with our Christ Mind, in which bodies do not exist, nor are they important. This is from the June 23rd 1991 Diary entry:
At the hymn after the partaking I saw the Teacher lounging in a huge, antique padded armchair, legs crossed, smiling a satisfied smile that everything was as he wished it to be.
And so it is, my friend. Your realisation of the wholeness, the oneness of the Father's life and creation and of this ritual attunement, with the joy and upliftment of life, goes forward at a pace which maintains the equilibrium. This is both satisfactory and essential, that balance and harmony be maintained; for as well you now know, without this balance all would collapse in disarray and your lives would be in tatters. Indeed, it is this very lack of Heavenly balance and harmony in the lives and affairs of the children of Earth, in their individual personal affairs, their business doings and international dealings, which creates the energy of distress, disharmony, disease in the aura of the Earth. And mankind, the children of Earth-life consciousness, reel to and fro in anguish, crying for relief.
Yet it is not the will of the Father for his little ones to be so distressed. As you now perceive, His Creation is ordered, balanced, harmonised.
Have no concern, dear friend, even as you see that I and all who serve the Kingdom purpose of the Lord of mankind, here in the Spirit Realms, have no concern. We have love, compassion, caring for the children of Earth and desire for their anguish to end. But you know, not even the Lord can persuade them to give up their ways -- he tried 2000 years ago and well you know the result. They must come to the place of their own within whereby they realise the foolishness of being on the wrong path and voluntarily choose the path of righteousness, peace and goodwill. Then shall the joy of Heaven reverberate throughout all the affairs and realms of his little ones.
Meanwhile, I counsel you, attune your lives, your minds, your hearts, with the realms where all is joy, and be at peace. In such attunement is strength and wholeness and balance so that others can recognise this in you and grow to desire that which you have and they lack. Thus shall your heart's desire be fulfilled; that you may bring the awareness of the living Jesus into the lives of the children of Earth. So be it. Praise be to Almighty God.
And this extract from November 20th 1994:
At the hymn Creator Spirit by whose word… I saw the Teacher sitting in his “chair of office” behind the Sanctuary table. He was presenting himself as if all was “normal” and outwardly dignified and as befits such a being of exalted status. But this could not, nor was it other than a scarcely veiled attempt at hiding what was all too easy to see -- an excitement bursting forth from within that he could barely contain and which he really had no desire to contain any longer than this humorous pretence at being seen as reserved and dignified. It was altogether an overwhelming, uplifting, exciting and enlightening experience.
Beloved Teacher, I'm so excited and overjoyed at this, our work for the Kingdom, really getting underway.
My dear friend Brian, you rightly observe the great excitement that I cannot, nor do I wish to, hide. I do assure you that we go forward apace, with much rescue work. Now is the time of readiness for this progress. I see you perceive that the years of preparation have been necessary in order that your awareness of the reality of the eternal realms of spirit could grow in your Earth-life consciousness. There has been much for you to learn, to assimilate, in order that you could be brought to this place. It has been my joy to oversee your progress. Now do we all rejoice that the "serious" work begins.
I know I do not need to caution you to be constantly on guard against the wiles of the enemy, or to maintain your armour of defence against the darts of destruction. You know that the cloak of the Lord's protection -- living in Him and always keeping your heart and life open to His presence -- is the whole armour and that no further contortions of mind or body are needful for such protection. The greatest threat of breach to such armour is complacency. Thus shall the practice of this ritual serve you well in reminding, renewing and restoring you in Christ humility, love, desire to serve. And thus shall the desire of your heart be fulfilled in joyous fellowship of Heaven. And thus shall there continue to be much rejoicing in Heaven, echoing and reverberating in the caverns of Earth, as such become illuminated with the light of the Kingdom, banishing away the darkness forever.
Peace, joy and love be with you all, always.
I paste these snippets here to help create an image of the character of the Teacher, who he is, rather than simply a physical description, when in reality, no such body exists, but the character does.
Can you describe him. I hope the foregoing will leave you with some useful indicators by way of a description of the man. If you think it important, mind. It is important… up to a point I'm simply curious. I totally resonate with such curiosity. What I aspire toward is transcending that curiosity, so that the events and intents may be experienced at a higher level of awareness, and not bog me down simply at the level of curiosity. This is an important part of what the Master describes as retraining the (ego) mind back to (Christ) Mind.
I have received "Your Immortal Reality," but have yet to read it. I have not read the work A Course in Miracles though I have the book and access to it on the Internet.
I am ill and feel unable to work through a course even very slowly. I am willing to discuss the condition you are experiencing with you if you are willing to share with me, but I prefer to do so on another occasion than this. I do not feel an intention, liking and impulse to read it through just yet either. I do however recognise its unique and superior and highest method of forgiving and I do apply this to everything I perceive and witness. I wonder if the cause of your health condition is connected to your feelings of disinclination at the moment to study ACIM? We are all here with unresolved issues, many from former acts and these are mostly hidden within our unconscious mind.
However my dreams and guidance show that this is fine (not reading it). They (dreams) also advise the reading of other works. Jesus is my Guide. He presented Himself to me in early 1999 at night during sleep. I dare say you might feel as I have stated above about describing him.
I belong to the Disappearance of the Universe forum and I read a little of the opinions but it is 5,000 membered and too fast to keep up. And I feel it can be more confusing to debate these things rather than simply quietly read them myself. Forums such as you describe can have a very heavy aura of argument, clamour, ego trying to jockey for position. I usually find that a few minutes at them is enough before having to abandon them and get back to being centred again. This is why I decided to maintain editorial control over the HTG Forum page. Clamour has no part in the KOH. And I tire of the conversion of life lived into ACIM terms. I venture to suggest that when the time arrives for you to engage with ACIM your perceptions will undergo an evolution. Twists and turns and dizziness. I commend to you that you actively, positively, seek counsel from the Holy Spirit on this whole area of consideration and leave it with Him. Keep asking but keep leaving it with Him. Don’t ‘dig up the seedlings.’
Your comments on Helen Schucman. All I can say is it's a very good thing that she has made it back, or her illusory self/ves have been nullified in effect. This is good for the Sonship and better for those of us still here as she can in turn reflect her success through to us in guidance should she so choose. I feel confident Helen would say, ‘Why are you asking me? Ask Jesus.’
Same with John if he has also succeeded. All good news.
I agree with you that A Course in Miracles is as Jesus relayed it. I also agree it should not be pulled apart and reinterpreted but applied as suggested. I am greatly pleased to hear this Margaret. There are too many who want to make another religion out of it. This is definitely not the intent and it has been compiled in a way that should make such an endeavour difficult. ACIM shares that in common with the SMCC communion service. This is the work of the Teacher and his intent was that it remain a private, solitary or near-solitary endeavour, with no Earthly structure for hidden-agenda merchants to distort.
I agree it is a mind course not a psychological or psyche course.
Brian said:
The point is that the full awakening and return to Oneness in the Sonship in Papa will not take place this century or even this millennium, but will be completed at or by the end of the Aquarian age, in 2000 years’ time. In that perspective, it does not matter that the vast majority of humanity is not - yet – ready, at the Earth-mind level, for the message of ACIM. In terms of who we all really are, it is the definitive message/scripture for getting us all Home.
This is the very reason I said that ACIM is not enough. Just because the earth is an ongoing experiential dream plane Not making it real is essential to our escape from it means all good works are relevant to improve the opportunities for those who have yet to reclaim their original status which they do reside in in reality but are not awake to yet varyingly. One example. Good education. Gary Renard enjoys the illusion while he works to transcend it. I do the same. So did Jesus, enjoy the fellowship with his friends, etc, and so do I. The secret is maintaining balance between remembering who we really are and that all around us is an illusion, and not allowing it to distract us from the central theme of getting Home.
We don't seek to change the world. We seek to do what the Holy Spirit advises. This advice however may include changing something. The main, indeed, only thing ultimately to change is our mind. It never means seeking to change another human being of course. That is a breach of free will which God gives us. Absolutely. This is judgement. Really what it means is we do what our highest Ideals motivate us to do. What our hearts tell us to do. Of course this includes doing what we feel motivated to do to reduce our carbon footprint, help our fellows who are in distress, love our neighbour. And whether or not there is something we are able to do, bless, bless, bless and forgive, forgive, forgive.
I have no guru. Certainly I would never guruize And there was I thinking you were a Kiwi, not a Yank☺ any human that has or is presently walking the earth. Certainly I don't hold Edgar Cayce as a guru. I have to be very careful I do not judge. This comes with the territory. We are conditioned to judge, unconsciously, multiple times each day. Mind retraining is a major exercise, and takes absolute commitment, for a very long time. Forgiveness, love and blessing all contribute to the retraining. I've had a plain life. Others like Cayce had a very colourful life. That engenders envy bordering on jealousy in me which is an ego trait I ask to be slowly relieved of as I identify it. Alleluia. Bless you for strength and commitment to succeed in weeding out that unserviceable condition. The fact that you have identified it and are able to confess to it means you are half way there, at least. That takes courage. Cayce is fallible and verifiably fallible. Jesus also verifies these errors of Edgar Cayce's when he spoke with Helen Schucman who was studying the work. You know much more about Helen than I do.
Jesus has told me His mission for me is to be involved in a work centred around the Cayce readings after Jesus has caused the work to be edited in the future. Please keep me posted. In short, holistic health, hand in hand with good modern medical practice. This life purpose given to me for me "straight from the Horse's mouth." Maybe this is why you are experiencing health issues, to get you focussed on this mission?
The body is unimportant in the ultimate reality. But it is our vehicle. It's a mistake to label all body-related concerns with the word "ego." Unless you are directly instructing and applying ACIM to receptive others. I agree 100%. Jesus resided in a body and His friends often females gave of their substance (work and money food and companionship) to enable Him to do His work effectively. Jesus looked after his body. Even though He could have turned away all concerns such as food, He chose to live as we do, eat, become tired, rest, laugh, mourn, worship with various groups and visit the odd tavern to share in the conviviality. Amen! He has been with Steve and me in the pub many, many times. I feel it's enough to live in the illusion to one's highest ability but with fully knowing it's illusory and not reality. Precisement, mon ami!
I agree Jesus is completely trustworthy. I am gratified Jesus approached me Himself and offered to be my Guide. However for all of my life Jesus' "mother" Mary was my Guide and this knowledge is equally inspiring. In fact I feel they work in tandem. I feel sure this would be correct. It is a sad situation the way the Catholic church has distorted the image and perception of Mary. Certainly Mary guides many young mothers. Wonderful.
That's all for now. God bless. United we stand. Divided we fall. This has been a long one, but great to share with you, Margaret. Thanks so much. Until next time, many blessings for peace, joy and fulfilment,
Margaret H. Brian
The following exchanges were posted on October 28th 2007
Dear Brian, Dear Margaret,
I just wanted to thank you for making your writings available online. It is my joy and pleasure; I am glad you have found them worth reading and hope you have enjoyed them and even benefited by them. I have added your name to the mailing list!
I have looked at some of Olga Park's work you provide a link to also.
Only one thing I scratch my head a little over.
Olga Park seemed to think her "teacher" was John of Patmos.
Edgar Cayce said in his voluminous readings that John was to return (reincarnate) again some time after 1939 I am pasting here from John 21:
21: Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?
22: Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.
The bit in bold tells me that John was enlightened and had no need for further incarnating but since we are now in the time of the emerging Christ Mind in the rest of humanity (‘the Second Coming,’ after the First emergence of Christ Mind, in Jesus, 2k years ago) it does, in theory mean John could have reincarnated in the 20th century.
eventually to be a sort of a messenger. But a messenger on behalf of all the good works already provided but not adopted or accepted by a goodly portion of the global community. I assume to get the message across Jesus Himself would need to back this up somehow. Jesus is more than adequately doing that in ACIM. We have many good helpful works but an unbelieving world on the whole proportionately. And, just which parts to believe? For this we have to go within and ask Jesus/the Holy Spirit for help and guidance. I have written about this many times in the weekly ‘Messages of Encouragement,’ including this week. As I have now taken the liberty of adding your name to the mailing list, you should receive this, with the ‘Diary of a Christ Communicant’ entries tomorrow (October 10th).
So as far as I'm concerned "John" currently walks on earth. This is assuming EC was correct. Do you believe EC was infallible? How often was he correct in his predictions? 100%? 90%? 75%? Who knows? Are we in danger of making an idol out of him? The Kingdom is within us and if it is there that we will find it, how likely are we to find the truth of eternity in someone else who is not (fully) enlightened? If he was Olga's teacher then he must have been her teacher in his future when he was the disciple John. Bearing in mind time and place are illusions, and are only linear to our ego-mind perception, but can be manipulated by those who understand it (which John assuredly does) he could be both incarnate AND discarnate at the same time, in a different persona in his incarnate state. To get more understanding of such matters, try reading ‘The Disappearance of the Universe’ by Gary Renard. Otherwise all our lives lived continue on, my past personalities continuing to live - where? Within us, as 'seed memory.' that would be perplexing. Until I had gotten right Home. I see ACIM as an ideal state. A way off state to achieve. It will be just that for you if that is how you choose to perceive it. I have written about this in this week’s Message of Encouragement, which you will receive tomorrow. When we are given a "name," I think this means simple graduating out of returning to an earth life in relative amnesia. My opinions change daily though.
This "all times" being One while we are caught in the realms below the Light ones, simultaneous, interconnecting and ultimately finished when viewed from out-of-time is quite taxing to think on. Would you care to try that one again? I could not follow your sentence structure; sorry.
But put that aside. Now, you were told by the "teacher" or rather he made you aware of the fact as you felt it, that he had been King David.
Now Edgar Cayce again. It's suggested in one reading by Edgar Cayce that the disciple John had been Jacob in an "earlier" experience. Jacob was the father of among others Joseph the dreamer (an incarnation of Jesus' - Edgar Cayce If EC was right. I am open on that but Jesus could have been many biblical characters, even some at the same time. Don’t forget, time is an illusion. I am inclined to the idea that Jesus was Noah and Osiris, but ultimately, what does it matter; it is more important that we don't get hung up on such issues because they can sidetrack us from why we are really here).
It's a stretch for me to accept that John was David was Jacob. Stretching is a good thing. I'm wondering if Olga was not mistaken or maybe even you as to who the "teacher" was. Debating these matters is of no great value; going within and finding one’s own truth there, with the help of those who know the truth (Jesus and the Holy Spirit, for example), is of immeasurably greater value.
But that is just the mental meanderings I have. Some very good works seem to make mistakes when compared to Edgar Cayce's Is this making an assumption that EC was not (ever) mistaken? . Yogananda Paramhansa suggests Jesus was Elisha because of "miracles" wrought and as the One who wore Elijah's mantle reflected in Elijah being John the Baptist & preparing the way for Jesus. Interesting theory but whatever, the only thing that matters is, does the real Jesus, as we can understand him from his speaking one on one with us and in ACIM, know the truth of eternity and can we be enlightened to it if we follow him? From my own 40 years of journeying with him as my guide, I have not one shred of doubt about this. My objective in writing SYFK, and the HTG website, is to present the evidence to all who choose to peruse it, so that any who feel resonant with what I have written/am writing can decide for themselves whether or not to ask him to lead them, which he will do if they ask him. I have found him to be 100% reliable and trustworthy. I know of no-one else to whom I can ascribe such a quality (with matters of Eternity), other than those who have espoused their lives to him and his Great God Mission for all mankind.
Yet Edgar Cayce says in a self-tranced reading that Jesus was not Elisha. Elisha had been Noah and much more recently he'd been Joseph Campbell.
Cayce states Jesus was Amilius, Adam (Atlantis) Enoch (Hermes) Melchizadek, Joseph the dreamer; son of Rachel & Jacob, Joshua the son of Nun, Jeshua the scribe of Nehemiah and finally Jesus. Only one third of Jesus' lives are revealed. Less than one third. I suggest more likely one 1000th. But the real point is, none of that matters one iota. What matters is, will studying ACIM and its central theme of true forgiveness get us Home to Papa? I can state from my own experiences that I have no doubt whatsoever that it is absolutely so. Are you able to tell me of anything else that matters other than awakening from the dream of time and place?
A bit longer than I had planned. Again, thank you for your writings made available to those of us who are interested in such things. Thank you for writing, Margaret. Peace, joy and love be with you, always, Brian
Margaret (H)
Dear Brian, Dear Margaret,
Sorry to be so long responding; it has been busy here and I have been behind with e-mails after being away for a fortnight.
I'm just concluding and answering your post in reply to mine.
I have read Disappearance of the Universe. I can't find Your Immortal Reality in a library so I have ordered a second-hand copy which is on its way. In the same way as orthodox Christians study the Bible (they don’t just read any part of it once), so am I on my 4th reading of D.U (and have read Immortal Reality 3 times) and Theresa and I have read ACIM once but will continue to study it, because more can be obtained from any spiritual writing upon each reading. I have certainly found this to be massively true with D.U. and I.R. and it will assuredly be so with ACIM.
I do believe Jesus would never mislead us individually but he will reveal only what is necessary to our path. We each know a certain amount. This does not change how much work still needs to be done by us. I'm stating the difference between mental mind and heart mind. I agree entirely with all this paragraph.
I'm the only one who has lived my in full life and Jesus will (does) relate to me on that basis. And the same with you. The same with Helen Schucman. According to Pursah, Helen was prepared for this channelling work during former acts. This comes as no surprise really, because it is the most important piece of channelling ever undertaken and Helen will have required enormous preparation for it – more than one act could accomplish, especially as she had no prior awareness of it in her Helen act before it began. That shows how Jesus was entirely in charge, whereas other channellers/mediums have usually been under control/guidance from other, less illuminated souls from the spirit realms and that can cause distortion. In her Helen act, she was coming to this work with a clean slate and that will have meant that there would be less distortion.
I can also state that, like you, during this act I have been one-pointedly committed to following Jesus, with no entanglements with other occult groups or teachings. That doesn’t mean I have zero distortion; it is as you say, he reveals to us, individually, what we need for our particular place on the path. That validates the purity of Helen’s channelling of his speaking. I am not saying it is necessarily perfect but that does not mean it should be rejected in its entirety. It also doesn’t mean we should fall into ego’s pit of saying, ‘If it isn’t perfect, I can interpret any part of it the way I like, to suit my own purposes.’ That is just what ego wants us to do: doubt.
I don't agree that ACIM is enough. It is the purest and highest (based on eastern ideas) but certainly not the way for all. I would add the words ‘yet’ and ‘all at once’ to that statement. We will benefit by bearing in mind that the Great Rescue Programme (GRP) is a 6,000-year programme (the 3 measures of meal; see chapter 10 of SYFK.
The point is that the full awakening and return to Oneness in the Sonship in Papa of all of us will not take place this century or even this millennium, but will be completed at or by the end of the Aquarian age, in 2000 years’ time. In that perspective, it does not matter that the vast majority of humanity is not - yet – ready, at the Earth-mind level, for the message of ACIM. In terms of who we all really are, it is the definitive message/scripture for getting us all Home. And it appeals to many who are better able to grasp abstract ideas. Such are not nascent, in this present act, to spiritual awakening but will have already made substantial progress in ‘former’ acts.
All through time individuals have become enlightened without ACIM as stated to Helen Schucman. Now that we are at the beginning of the last phase (3rd measure), we are more ready for the greater truths of ACIM than the vanguard of humanity was ready for earlier in the 3-phase GRP. That is why Jesus has given this - the most advanced, nay complete, comprehensive, instrument for our awakening to full remembrance of who we really are - at this crucial stage in the GRP. The timing is perfect (how could it be otherwise!?) Ego, of course, does not see it this way at all and will do all it can to divert us from that truth, particularly by employing resistance to accepting it as such and getting us to look for ways to downgrade, alter and besmirch it or those involved with its dissemination and promulgation.
There is no real indication except from what Ken Wapnick says in his biography of Helen, just how Helen was when she developed in terms of completing the work (her life's lessons) to the degree necessary to not be pulled earthwards again. Ego would love us to be distracted by focussing on the channel and trying to sow the seeds of doubt about the message by picking at any prospect of finding fault - or contriving to find fault - with the vehicle by which the message has been delivered. The Master has warned me many times over the decades about being on the lookout for such pitfalls of ‘the enemy.’
My piece of letter that you couldn't understand was really about this time matrix we are in which also takes in astral realms and those still short of "arriving home to God," though arranged differently. An ego trick to confuse us and keep us trapped in illusion. I was tired and I am also sick and the newer ideas are quite taxing to a mind not grasping it all.
It was a bit presumptuous of me to say John can't be David and Jacob. I'll ask Jesus in the nest few days and weeks. John may well have been both. Does it really make any difference, in the greater scheme of things? Detail can be serviceable as a tool for increasing our understanding but it has a habit of bogging us down (if we let it) and keeping our attention diverted from the Principles of Life of the Father (PLFs)
Edgar Cayce is fallible but even Jesus told Helen that he (Jesus) has far more faith in his work than Cayce himself does. Would this not be characteristic of Jesus about most of us? Jesus told Helen that he will back Cayce's work in the appointed time which is not yet. Cayce's work is large but the larger proportion is about Holistic Health. The world cannot progress much without it. ACIM emphasises the unimportance of the body, that getting attuned to the Kingdom (Eternity) is the key to awakening, and this is through true forgiveness. Our bodily health/wellbeing is entirely controlled by mind. If it (our mind) is ego-dominated (guilt- and fear-ridden), it will manifest health issues; if it is under Christ Mind illumination (our goal, since that is who we really are) it will first recognise that our bodily state is irrelevant (genuinely, not a forced, and therefore illusory, attempt to so perceive) and then our bodily state will be, like our Mind, at peace and balanced in its functioning. All this is possible while we still appear to be here to accomplish our purpose of dispelling any further need for a body - just as Jesus has done and is now helping us if we are willing to accept his help, so that we can waken to the truth of Eternity and get back there quicker. Is that not an offer worthy of serious consideration, especially as it is free? Jesus also said he guided Cayce's work. I know he did because I see it in the work itself. Jesus accompanies Cayce at times in walking him back to his body.
I won't comment on Olga. She seems an extraordinary woman and these characters that work almost silently I feel are in many ways the most enlightened. ‘Fame’ and the limelight (ego diversionary tactics) are irrelevant to such souls. Her work was unique to her and to us but so is the work of Cayce, Steiner, Walsch and others. Even Walsch says he has a way to go but that didn't stop God within from producing through him - the CwG series. There is a fundamental flaw in these communications, even though so much in them is good. The flaw is that it (CwG) states the Creator Spirit, Papa, created the physical universe, polarity, duality; the exact opposite of what ACIM states. Either CwG is mistaken and ACIM is not in error, or vice-versa. Having followed Jesus since the 1960s and found him to be utterly trustworthy, and then coming to ACIM in the last 2 years, I immediately recognised that the author of ACIM is he who has been leading me on my life’s path this past 40+ years. During that time he has shown himself to be unequivocally trustworthy. Careful, prayerful reading – especially by anyone with a modicum of esoteric awareness - of SYFK and ACIM will leave readers in no doubt as to the identity of that Guide.
But the individuals I mentioned are still only presenting a portion of what humankind needs. ACIM a psychological approach I believe it is more accurate to state it as a ‘Mind’ approach. This means, according to ACIM, a retraining of our minds back to Holy Spirit thinking and away from ego thinking. Ego is the ‘prince of time and place;’ Jesus/Holy Spirit is the Prince of Eternity, which is a state of mind that is whole (holistic), not split, Cayce a most interesting and colourful work and absolutely necessary for whom? We have the choice of Jesus or EC. If we have access to the Mind of Christ, why do we need EC? , Steiner - education, agriculture etc. Walsch an armature and structure for humankind to build upon, Gary Renard melding ACIM with Bruce Cathie and many similar time-matrix ideas. Then there is Findhorn and its demonstrating of cooperation with nature. With Jesus/Holy Spirit/ACIM we can break the cycle of birth and death and get Home, permanently; with all the others you have mentioned this is not the case.
Jesus tells us the ‘physical’ realm is an illusion, a dream, a prestidigitation of ego mind; that our real Home is Eternity, Heaven, where we have always been, have never left; that time and place is an illusion. Either this is true or it is not. If it is true, then to be distracted by appearances from the dream are delaying our return home. D.U. speaks of duality and pure non-duality. Only pure non-duality (of mind) will awaken us from the dream. All else will delay our awakening and keep us in the dream.
Yes this is an illusion and transitory but while we are bringing (re-revealing) heaven on earth, we still have to live, generate electricity, relieve the suffering of many not yet served by modern medicine, better plan our cities, villages. ACIM tell us how we can go within. These characters have gone within and produced other works for us. To co-operate with the balance of the material realm is a Kingdomly approach, since, clearly, to ignore/abuse it is an ego, unKingdomly way of thinking (behaviour stems first from thinking).
ACIM is to save us unnecessary lives but just as long as those of us/them have to keep returning here then all the bits of the puzzle are to be used. This is true, as long as we keep uppermost in our mind that the important aspect of this is to make them (all things to do with time and place) meaningless, as Jesus said to Gary Renard. To put this into a graspable context, let us take the example of food. Food helps to keep a body functional so we can express through it and use the opportunity it provides to heal our broken relationships and get us Home, but many of us make food a central aspect of our time here, rather than simply a means to an end. This time and place illusion and all its facets – such as food, and UFOs - is just that: an illusion. It only becomes ‘real’ if we give it reality – in our mind. Jesus reminds us in ACIM that that is what idolatry really is.
On the other hand, if we keep reminding ourself that none of this is real and remain steadfastly focussed on the only reality – God and our oneness in Him in Eternity – then the apparent reality of time and place (including our own body, and those around us, nature, the stars and planets) gradually becomes less and less of a reality. It is a subtle, gradual change of focus/emphasis but that change can only come about if we are one-pointedly committed to getting Home and leaving the illusion behind us. Can we leave it behind us if we are focussing on it? Lot’s wife turning into a pillar of salt is an allegory about what happens to us if we keep looking back, hankering for what we are ‘leaving behind.’ Ego has us believing what we are asked to 'leave behind' has some value but its value is nothing compared with the reality to which we are returning. Let us hasten and not tarry!
For example, I walk in the Cotswold hills each day, from where there are magnificent views down the Severn Valley and across to the Black Mountains in Wales. However, since studying ACIM and receiving the reminders there about the unreality of all this, I have been less inclined to admire the views and more inclined, as I walk, to enter into the within, into communion with Papa, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The uplift obtained by/from that switch of focus is immeasurably more beneficial in terms of inner peace, enlightenment, joy, upliftment of heart and mind. It is not a case of switching-off the world around us; rather a case of recognising it for what it really is and placing it where it belongs within that context.
I don't believe anyone is infallible. All of us who are here because we still have some unconscious guilt and fear, some broken relationships to heal through true forgiveness, all of us who are still open to deception by ego mind, are fallible. However, none of that is who we really are, and those who have awakened to full remembrance of who we really are (of whom Jesus was the ‘firstfruits’) are infallible because they have completely identified with Christ and replaced consciousness and perception with knowledge. That is not partial knowledge but complete and absolute, non-duality knowledge. Of course there are, at present, very few who are at that place but as a result of ACIM, the numbers awakening-to-full-remembrance is now going to take a sharp rise during the coming generations. That is because the leavening/raising up to fullness of Kingdom awareness is now starting to take place and accelerate. I take what Walsch's (God within) said, "Whatever you do, don't believe these words." That does not mean we should not believe ACIM – though those who are not yet ready for it will not believe it – yet. At some ‘future’ time, another act or two, or however many, it is inevitable that they will come to a state of readiness to believe it because that is, ultimately, who we really are, once all the illusions have been dispelled. It was to show it is help and advice on the way which just may change (will change) as we become more responsible.
Thank you for putting me on your mailing list. I belong to several yahoo groups but I prefer to study alone. I agree with you. Theresa and I study ‘alone’ (i.e., together, just the two of us, because it works for us, but we have been together on the path of spiritual waking for a number of acts, so we are now ready for this, but we also study ACIM not in each other’s company) And of course I have Jesus. Alleluia! How good is that? If only the ego-world knew. He has a unique way of contacting me but he says its limitation is all part of his plan with me. The SMCC mechanism of attunement could, I feel sure, assist this for you. So, in patience we regain awareness of our souls.
If portions of my letter are not clear it doesn't matter. Its quite a mission for me to arrange my ideas in a half-articulate way due to being way below par physically. Bless you, bless you, bless you.
Margaret (H).
Hi Brian,
I hadn't expressed these points.
21: Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?
22: Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.
I believe the two verses you quoted simply mean that John would not be martyred. Indeed he is the only one of the eleven disciples who wasn't killed. Poor Peter being crucified as an old man. I stick with my earlier interpretation of this, especially as he whom I have known since the 1960s as the Teacher is (‘still’) John the Seer of Patmos; this indicates John has not reincarnated, or ‘tasted death’ (although he may also have taken other personas while remaining John of Patmos).
John did tarry until Jesus returned to him giving him the Revelation of God. John died an old man after returning from exile. He was the only one not to die a violent death apart from torture. ‘Death’ of the physical body is not the ‘death’ Jesus was speaking of when he said, ‘And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?’ (Jn 11:26). This supports his theme in ACIM that we are not a body. ‘Death,’ in his context means loss of awareness of who we really are, such as happens when we reincarnate and forget who we are, starting around again on the carousel.
I do not believe John or any of the disciples were fully enlightened as you put it. The Apocrypha shows John wanted three time to marry yet Jesus would not permit such, wanting John to help spread what he understood of Jesus' teachings around certain areas. Such details do not affect the GRP. We can allow ourselves to become bogged down in detail or choose to remain focussed on the PLFs. ACIM points us in the direction of the PLFs by reminding us who we are and who we are not, and how to get Home from this illusory realm of dreams. Now we find that most of the disciples did not understand Jesus in great part but the seeds were sown. This begs the question, ‘Are we fructifying soil in which those seeds can germinate, grow and bear much fruit for the Kingdom, or are we stony ground - or perhaps choked by thorns (Mk. 4:7)?
Several of the disciples returned to earth during Edgar Cayce's lifetime. Peter, Andrew, Mary Magdalene, Lucius (Luke) not a disciple but returned and had been responsible for the eventual book of Luke and The Acts. A couple of others whose name escape me also returned. Is this according to EC?
We know that Gary Renard was Thomas and an unnamed friend Thaddeus? Gary Renard still has another experience to undergo as we know.
When you say John may well be here (I believe he is) wouldn't it be very interesting if he was female? Now that would be a challenge for him/her - that soul. I am in no doubt that we have all been male and female many times but, again, gender is only of the time and place consciousness and has no place in Heaven/Eternity.
The point about John wanting to marry and not being permitted to (his love for Jesus was great - he would do anything for him even sacrifice companionship it seems) I think this unresolved need or wish to experience would have John at the very least living another life/s after John's. John wasn't squeaky clean, he and brother James wanted to have prize position on either side of Jesus in "Heaven," and I feel there was more to both that needed working on. Sons of thunder no less still bubbling under I would think despite a long life (John).
I am not convinced that John of Patmos was John the brother of James (these are Anglicised names and there is plenty of scope for identity confusion). Olga believed John of Patmos (‘the disciple Jesus loved,’ who outran Peter to the tomb) was the rich young ruler spoken of in Mt. 19:16 ff. The record says he went away sorrowing after what Jesus said to him because he was very rich. What it does not say is that he then thought about what Jesus had said and decided to become a follower of Jesus. He is the disciple referred to in Jn. 18:15, 16: And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another disciple: that disciple was known unto the high priest, and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest. But Peter stood at the door without. Then went out that other disciple, which was known unto the high priest, and spake unto her that kept the door, and brought in Peter.
James and his brother John were Galilean but this rich young ruler (who knew Caiaphas and was in the Sanhedrin) was a Judean. This makes sense if he was formerly David and had ‘unfinished business’ in Judea (the location of Jerusalem).
But not to worry, these things will come out eventually. I'm working on (and have been invited to in the future) looking back at just where I have even been. Jesus promises this by the Holy Spirit. I'm holding him to it. Please keep me posted on progress.
And again thanks for being another voice who helps us to put the pieces together Brian.
Sincerely, Love and blessings, always,
Margaret (H). Brian
The following exchange was posted on October 25th 2007
This exchange resulted from the Message of Encouragement dated October 24th 2007
Hi Brian. Hi Pearl,
This is the sort of thing that I have done sometimes. Written letters to people, then cremated them I trust it was the letters, and not the people, that you cremated! in my wood furnace. This is a mechanism recommended by a number of philosophies and organisations, including some Christian healing centres. What we learn from ACIM and from Arten and Pursah in Gary Renard’s books is that everything is really in the mind. What this is saying is that what we ‘do,’ outwardly, is not critical, or even important but that it is the motive (desire) and sincerity of our intent that is critical to the outcome of everything. So, if we write a letter to a person with whom we have issues – a broken relationship – truly seeking and earnestly desiring to heal that relationship, and are sending that person those thoughts as we write the letter and committing the healing into the care of the Holy Spirit as we burn the letter, then benefit will, assuredly, come from that process.
However, it is helpful to remember that such an act (burning the letter) is only symbolic. The real process is in the mind. It is the sincere desire for restoration of a loving communion between the person writing the letter and the person to whom it is written that is the all important thing, bearing in mind that that person is, in the only reality, which is Eternity, one with us in the Sonship of the Father Creator (regardless of any outward appearances to the contrary, all of which are projections of unconscious guilt and fear, designed to keep us in the illusory wilderness of time and place).
The inference that can be drawn from this (i.e. that it is the sincerity of the intent, in the mind that matters) is that the outward, physical act of burning the letter is not crucial to the outcome, although if the act is felt to be helpful, then there is nothing wrong with it. You say to write the forgiveness letter every day, for how many days? I actually said ‘we speak these words’ rather than writing them. What that means is, one could write the words only once and keep the piece of paper with that message on it to hand (feel free to use the example I gave if you resonate with it). Speak the words (daily or more than once daily) for as many days, weeks or months as you feel motivated so to do.
Here is an example of where ongoing application of the forgiveness procedure until the desired result (healing, restoration of the relationship) is achieved, might come about and unfold:
Person A and person B have been in a close, caring, loving relationship for multiple acts but something went wrong in a previous act and the relationship was damaged, broken, beyond repair during that act. The real, Kingdomly purpose of reincarnation (as defined by the Voice for God, Holy Spirit) is to call into our presence opportunities to restore and heal broken relationships, so that we can all awaken from the dream and go Home to Papa, permanently, as soon as possible. The purpose of reincarnation as far as ego is concerned is to perpetuate the broken condition, to keep us reincarnating again and again, getting us entangled in ever greater karmic conditions. Our job is to choose our preference from these two options.
So, A and B reincarnate, into conditions that create another opportunity for either continuation of the breach (ego) or healing (Holy Spirit). The circumstances will, of course, be different, but the principle will be the same. A and B will have forgotten about the breach in the previous act as they take on new personas in the new act. So, it appears as if they are starting with a clean slate but in reality, the seed memory of events in the previous act are dormant in the unconscious mind of both A and B. The relationship will start out positive, loving, cordial but then something will happen that will cause a breach (again).
This manifests as adversity but in reality is opportunity for a healing to take place. Ego will be trying to persuade A and B that the other is wrong, guilty, evil, a scoundrel, and each will project that energy in the form of attack onto the other. If both do respond in like manner and fail to recognise the opportunity for what it really is, there goes another turn round on the carousel. However, if, for example, B chooses not to allow ego to be in charge, but, calling upon the help of the Holy Spirit, chooses to steadfastly see past the apparent attack, guilt, fear brought on by the event that caused the breakdown, and engage the PLF of true forgiveness, perhaps using the example I gave, then the path to restoration and healing will commence, even if A is unrelenting.
The objective is a healing, of course. The greater the desire B has to heal the relationship, the greater the commitment of B to achieving it will be regardless of the magnitude of the breach,. Now A may be so immersed in unconscious guilt and fear (perhaps because A perpetrated a great violence against B in the previous act) that he is projecting the guilt and fear, in the form of further attack – which doesn’t have to be physical but simply verbal (though, effectively, in the ego-dominated mind) – onto B and will not have any contact with B, or be reasonable with B at the physical level of contact.
This is where giving the gift of forgiveness via the Holy Spirit comes in very handy because the Holy Spirit is inextricably linked at the Higher Mind level to both A and B. Now in his Higher Mind, or ‘Big Self,’ A is ready for a healing (because both A and B reincarnated to create the healing opportunity, even though it was necessary to recreate the breach, albeit in different circumstances, in order to provide an opportunity to heal it). But in his ego-dominated, fear and guilt ridden, little self consciousness, A has blocked-out remembrance of who he really is and sees B as a threat, so must attack B before B attacks A. Yes, this is insanity, just as Jesus describes it in ACIM. This blocking out of remembrance of Big Self with little self is the shell in the analogy of the chick (Big Self) trying to break through to freedom.
So, if B chooses with Holy Spirit and truly seeks and earnestly desires a healing of the relationship with A, even though A has no such ‘little self’ conscious desire, so outwardly is not willing to participate in this process, remaining intransigent instead, this is no problem for Holy Spirit (and those of us who choose with Him). As indicated in the example I mentioned, B repeatedly used the true forgiveness example I gave and for some time there was no outward indication of any progress from A. But B was undaunted by apparent lack of result and continued every day with the forgiveness procedure. A was, of course, receiving the forgiveness at the Big Self level of awareness but it has to come into effect at the little self (shell) level also, to break the cycle of birth and death.
Now that shell is very, very hard indeed but B’s heartfelt, sincere, daily forgiveness exercise generates spiritualised psychic power at the Earth-life level for the Holy Spirit to use in gradually strengthening the chick (A) and gradually, according to His wisdom, weakening/dispelling/disintegrating the shell (little self A), so that a breakthrough could be effected from above (Big Self) down (little self), to the point where, after weeks of true forgiveness practise, with B focussing the communing (speaking the words of the forgiveness exercise) directly to the Mind (Big Self) of A (not little self/shell), until suddenly, A is able to exclaim ‘I am ready!’ to receive the gift of forgiveness.
That does not mean that immediately, outwardly, there will be a healing, and it is vital to be aware of that, in order not to be discouraged by not having an instant fix.
However, it is a breakthrough and should encourage B to continue with renewed enthusiasm and commitment to commune the forgiveness exercise to the Big Self mind of A, who, after a few more days of this communing/forgiveness activity from B says, ‘Please continue sending the blessings; it is really helping me to break through this shell.’ This signifies further progress – and provides for even further encouragement to B to continue, for as long as it takes (time is an illusion; getting us all back Home to Papa is all that matters) - in what has been a very major opportunity (outwardly, breach in the relationship) to actually restore and heal the relationship to its true level of siblings in the Sonship, so that we all can from there be re-united as One, in Papa.
In due course (Holy Spirit timing, with FTOC from B) there will follow a full breakthrough of the shell (we all know this eventually happens as the chick hatches out) that will result in a reconciliation/healing and A and B will be restored to Kingdomly sibling kinship, bringing to an end what may have been a multiple-act breach and will have saved even further acts, if we forget to choose with Holy Spirit and choose instead (again!) with ego.
You ask ‘For how many days?’ The answer is, it depends on one’s desire, commitment, faith; the degree of breach and how close the relationship was that got breached; how important is the relationship and its healing to the forgiver; how great is the degree of intransigence of either of the parties (how thickly has fear and guilt constructed the shell?) If the breach is minor, between parties who are or were not close, perhaps one practising of the exercise, sincerely conducted and committed to the care of the Holy Spirit, will suffice. If the relationship is important and the breach severe, then it can only be good to practise as often as the desire for its healing motivates us, for as long as it takes, bearing in mind that this, according to Jesus in ACIM, is our only way out of this wilderness and back Home where we belong.
And can one also do this for more than one person? There is no limit to the number of people for whom one can practise true forgiveness (including for oneself; after all, how many of us love to beat ourselves up over the smallest matter!?) However, sincerity of desire should be the governing factor. I would also say, if there is one in particular that is head and shoulders above the rest of broken relationships, concentrate on that and get accustomed to, adept at, the procedure until results happen. This will make subsequent forgiveness endeavours easier because we will have already seen results and been greatly encouraged by them. Above all, believe it will happen. It cannot if we doubt because doubt is ego’s jackhammer for dismantling our faith. Believing, unswervingly, disempowers that jackhammer Thank you. regards. Pearl.
I hope this will help. Pearl, your questions provide wonderful opportunity to share inspiration from the Holy Spirit, Who is our Helper and Guide on our journey, with as many as are able to receive His answers. Bless you for asking. Please never feel shy about asking; Jesus and the Holy Spirit are infinitely patient, loving and caring toward us all.
Love and blessings, as always,
The following exchange was posted on October 18th 2007
Hi Brian and Theresa, Hi Dorothy,
I thought I had better drop you a line in case you thought I had fallen off the planet. I didn’t think that very likely but we are always delighted to hear from you! I am very engrossed at the moment, because prompted by your references to it, and although like a lot of people, I believe I get very little time for reading, (honesty says the real reason is that I let other things take priority) I decided that although I haven't finished ‘The Disappearance of the Universe’ yet, I would start working my way through ACIM, and it is working out well.
This is because it came into my mind that instead of the Text-Volume1 - being a foundation for the Workbook-Volume2, if the two are read in tandem the Text could be a framework for the Lessons. The inner prompting came when wondering if I could do it. “Get started” it said!!!!. Great; go for it! And then I saw that there are 365 daily Lessons in the Workbook -Volume 2 and 622 pages in the Text -Volume 1, so spread out over a year even the busiest ‘got no time to read’ person could attempt it. Well, this is as good a prompt as I can imagine for all those persons to take a leaf out of your book and begin reading ACIM. If this approach works for you, stick with it. I suspect that continuing to read Gary’s book will also help. I am on my fourth reading of that and am getting something more from it on just about every page, as the awakening process continues.
Theresa and I read right through the Text first, then right through the Workbook and are now on the Teacher’s Manual. It works well for us. It is a great help having two of us (well, at least the Master/Holy Breath are also there with us, plus whoever else from the Realms of Light, to inspire us) and it is really a study/contemplative occasion, with some joy, peace, love and thanksgiving contributing to the wonderment and enlightenment of the process.
Then when I looked at the introduction to the Workbook for Students in Volume 2 and read the first paragraph, I was astounded and it seemed a confirmation of my line of thought. It is so comforting when that happens.
“A theoretical foundation such as the text provides is necessary as a framework to make the exercises in this book meaningful. We certainly found this to be true but we also found that 40 years with the Master has helped massively and I guess there is somewhere around 5% of the text that we struggled with. However, what then helps with that is to ask the Holy Breath to bring enlightenment and then leave it with Him; then we come back on the next study occasion to the passage that we struggled with and read it again, and are amazed that we struggled with it in the first place, because it now seems perfectly clear! Yet it is the doing of these exercises that will make the goal of the course possible. An untrained mind can accomplish nothing. This is such a massively important statement, which I believe most of ego-dominated-mind humanity does not recognise, and is, I am sure, the reason so many fall by the wayside with ACIM. It is the purpose of this Workbook to train your mind to think along the lines the text sets forth.” Far be it from me to be confirming how right the Master is, but on this occasion, I must attest to the vital, essential, paramount importance of this last sentence. The reason for this is that our ego-mind is trained into the exact opposite of the correct vision of our true Being as Papa’s Son and is so smothering to our awareness of and attunement with our true Being that a radical ‘ego-mind-ectomy’ is what is really needed. It is that one-pointed commitment to re-training that will make the difference. Of course, the vast majority of humanity is not yet ready for such a commitment. But they will become so during this third measure of meal epoch, during which the whole will be leavened (raised up).
Does 'text' mean ‘Text' and is it to be used as a framework representing a theoretical foundation for the lessons? Do we read the Text first or does the mind have to be trained first by the lessons to be able think along the lines of the text. So what comes first, the chicken or the egg? That is when I decided to stop mulling it over and start reading the two in tandem. Clearly this was a sound decision and you will assuredly be receiving inspiration and enlightenment as you proceed (don’t forget to ASK the Holy Breath for help!)
When I next wrote to my email penfriend in Tasmania and included this bit of information, there came a very excited response about the synchronicity. My friend said she had also had a feeling for some time that she should read ACIM, although she did not know much about it. She had just told someone that she had ordered a copy and then this person joyfully lent her one that had been given to her some time ago but which she hadn’t read herself, and then my email arrived when my friend got back home. And adding further to the synchronicity, she told me that when the email arrived at her end, the font size of the paragraph in which I told her about my interest in ACIM was enlarged. But when I checked it again in my ‘Sent Items’ folder it was the same size as the rest of the email, just as when it was sent. There is nothing the world can bring us to match the kind of thrill a synchronistic moment like this brings us.
What I have noticed about the Lessons is that there is no pressure, and the encouragement is not to do more, but to do less if what is recommended does not feel comfortable. Because of this freedom, there is a feeling of choosing and joy in the personal effort. That is so characteristic of Jesus, who I readily attest has infinite patience. It is genuine, too, based on his absolute knowledge of the reality that time (and therefore the sense that it is ‘running out’ so we must rush at everything) is an illusion, and that in Eternity all is peaceful, relaxed, unhurried. Am also endeavouring to finish ‘The Disappearance of the Universe’ before it is due back at the library. All for now, back to the books. Love Dorothy Thanks so much for writing. Enjoy your studies (they are really a recapitulation of what we already know in our Big Mind).
The following exchange was posted on October 17th 2007
Hi Brian. Hi Pearl, Hope you are keeping well etc. Wonderfully well, thank you; I hope you are also. I have been reading the ACIM book, and on page 28 it says" Forgiveness is an empty gesture unless it entails correction, without this it is essentially judgmental, rather than healing. Jesus is speaking about the two different types of forgiveness. In the Message of Encouragement dated April 11th I have written:
In the Message of Encouragement dated February 7th 2007 it was stated that forgiveness is the central theme of ACIM, but forgiveness appears to our ego-distorted minds as one of the most convoluted issues of life. In truth, it is actually, like all matters of God’s Creation, very simple once the light of spiritual discernment has been applied to it. For that light, ACIM comes once more to our help (if this is the real Jesus speaking, who could expect anything less!?) For here we are reminded that there are two types of forgiveness:
1. False forgiveness, in which the ‘sin’ is acknowledged and then forgiven. However, the flaw in this misperception is that by acknowledging the sin, we give it reality. This a ploy of ego mind, which wants us to be bogged-down in a false world of sin, and
2. True forgiveness. Here, the words of Jesus from ACIM are the most serviceable to our forming a clear and uncluttered understanding:
Forgiveness recognises that what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and (therefore) make them real. It sees (instead, that) there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven. (Mt. 6:15) (My parentheses and italics). (ACIM Workbook, page 401).
False forgiveness is an empty gesture because it a) makes the ‘sin’ real (in our perception) and 2) does not engage the correction process. The word correction is not implying some form of punishment but simply the re-training of our mind from ego ‘upside-downness’ to ‘rightside-upness’ as in Christ Mind, our true, Big Self Mind. False forgiveness is, as the Master says, essentially judgemental, rather than healing.
Also { I forget what page} It says not to analyze. I always analyze situations as I feel that it helps me to cope with the situation better. Analysing is an ego-mind function, as in ‘the spirit of reckoning, standing in the place of faith.’ Here is what I wrote about this last week (October 10th Message of Encouragement):
But ego doesn’t give up without a struggle. Ego wants us to be lost in his territory, so keeps working his prestidigitations upon us, to keep us looking to the without for the answers to life, the universe and everything (including who we are). He has many helpers: our parents, our teachers, our peers, our scientists, our friends, our researchers, CNN. They all feed us with images, stories, beliefs, mythologies as if they were the realities. And our own, split-off mind, which has accepted the ‘lie of satan’ from the beginning of the separation about who we are, adopts this through our intellectual selective, comparison (analysing) processes. This, Jesus called ‘the spirit of reckoning, standing in the place of faith’ in his message to Olga Park of March 31st 1948 entitled ‘The Thirsting Christ’ (see vignette 10 in SYFK).
In our Right-Mind we do not need to ‘reckon’ because we know, of a certainty, who we really are and where we really are: Papa’s beloved Son; safe with Him; indestructible; fully and totally provided for and loved beyond any imagining of our Earth-mind, little-self reckoning.
The bit highlighted in yellow really explains this. I hope you will find it helpful. Please get back to me if you need some further assistance with this. I am finding it very interesting, although I do not understand some of it. You are not alone there, Kiddo!! It is not a five minute exercise but a lifetime – actually, more likely more than one act (depending on where we are on the Path) – exercise, correcting our upside-down, ego-dominated mind and re-training it up for our restoration to our true Home with Papa in Eternity: Heaven. But that will it serve us well if we allow it to daunt us and cause us to abandon the task. That would be falling right into ego’s first pit! Christians don’t study the Bible just once, not if they are committed, sincere Christians. Those of us who are earnest in our desire to awaken from the dream will be equally committed and one-pointed in our desire to learn how to break the cycle of birth and death from the One who knows (and whose words have not been adulterated by ‘hidden agenda merchants’), so that we can rejoin with him without unnecessary delay. Assuredly, if we give up, we are simply delaying the moment for, perhaps another act, or more. I am on to page 217 of the Text. This is probably going to take me two or three years to read, and then maybe start it again, I think!!!. Alleluia!! That's the spirit. Good old Yorkshire stick-at-it-iveness! I implore exhort and encourage you to keep on keeping on. I am wondering if you could explain to me what the forgiveness line means. Namaste. Pearl. Thank you. Thank you, Pearl; please keep writing with any questions.
Love and blessings
The following exchange was posted on October 14th 2007
This is a continuation of an exchange with Ed that was posted on October 3rd (see below).
Thank you for your time and effort in your reply. Ed, it seems apparent to me that your attention to interpreting Bible scriptures in a particular way is so focused that you are missing a much wider and more meaningful and important message from Jesus to us, his brethren in the Sonship. That message is to be found in ACIM, about which I have been writing, under inspiration from the Holy Spirit, for some months, in the weekly ‘Messages of Encouragement’ and about which Gary Renard’s books ‘The Disappearance of the Universe’ and ‘Your Immortal Reality’ speak in a way that can help everyone to understand ACIM more meaningfully.
You also appear to have decided that in spite of acknowledging that the Bible has now been shown very widely to have been so tampered with by ‘hidden agenda merchants’ as to be very misleading to its readers (especially those without the light of spiritual - as distinct from religious doctrine and dogma interpretation – discernment), you are still committed to perceiving it as having some specific – though hidden - message from the Father Creator . I believe it would be a sad missing of a much wider opportunity for you to grow spiritually toward the place of readiness to awaken to the reality of Eternity/Heaven if you were to blinker yourself to what is manifestly a much more meaningful message to us all (ACIM) for this time in our progress Homeward than the Bible is able to provide. It is apparent to those with eyes to see that ACIM is the definitive Scripture for mankind in this 'end times' phase of the Great Rescue Programme (GRP).
Further, if you are (as it seems to me) one-pointedly focused on the improprieties of world leaders, power-structures, fiscal bodies, corporate entities etc (rather than blessing and forgiving them and leaving them to the Holy Spirit), and how they appear to you to be fulfilling some esoteric code hidden within the Bible, how, have you ever asked yourself, can you come to be ready to embrace the magnificence, joy, glory, peace, innocence, love, of Jesus, our big brother, and all that he has come to remind us is our true nature, destiny and heritage?
I have found some gems that I can use to put some things in perspective. Ed, none of these 'gems' are to be found in the Kingdom; why then, I cannot help wondering, are they of such profound value to you? If this is not filling your heart and soul with peace, love and joy, it is not of the Kingdom and will never lead you back Home to There, but rather, is a distraction to keep you locked into the cycle of birth and death. If you truly desire to get on Jesus’ wavelength, then attuning to it, not to the mammon of unrighteousness, is the only way to do it.
At the present time I am working on the commercial aspect of the Bible to step forward in harmony with fulfilling the law of Mathew 5;17. You keep using the word ‘commercial’ and unless you explain its use within the context of the Kingdom of Heaven (which is what Jesus – and even the Bible, to some extent – is all about, then I have no idea what you mean. there are very few that see what I see in the Bible as to your commercial redemption Ed, I can assure you, I have no understanding of, nor interest in ‘commercial’ redemption and I feel very sure that other sincere seekers after spiritual truth will not have either. The reason for this is that the Kingdom of Heaven/Eternity has not one jot of commerciality in It. which can not take place unless one has an appreciation for the Bible regardless of the manipulation and short falls of it Spiritual redemption, on the other hand, is what Jesus is all about and ACIM explains it all in plain language. My appreciation for the Bible, after 40+ years, is for the only tiny amount it contains of who and what the real Jesus was (and is) all about. Much of the rest is what he was not about and a lot of contradictions as to Who and What God and His Kingdom is.
Perhaps when I have gotten to where I need to be in my process, I will let you know and if you would like to see what I see, Ed, in all your written communications I am more confused than enlightened. Until such time as what you are trying to say has something of Eternal meaningfulness to me and conveys some spiritual enlightenment, how can you expect me to wish to hear more of what I can only perceive as a bizarre quest you have set yourself? I would gladly go to England and show you first hand, but that would be your call and only on your approval.
Sadly, it appears you simply ignore anything that does not harmonise with this quest, so engaging in a progressive discussion about Jesus and his GRP does not seem to be bearing much fruit. Nevertheless, your inner peace and enlightenment remain concerns of my heart, since, within the true eternal context of our Oneness in the Sonship, we are brethren indeed and I give thanks for you and bless you for this.
Yours in Kingdomly Brotherhood,
The following exchange was posted on October 12th 2007
Again, your words are right on target! (Message of Encouragement, October 10th) These last few weeks, I've been vacillating between my "reckoning" and desire for truth. Today's message about putting "all" in the hands of God, (upping the ante of "faith"), just reinforces that I need to have stick-to-it-ness. Rosa, dear one, I can tell where your heart lies, or you would not continue to write and exchange fellowship in this way. Jesus loves you and is kind to you; I urge you, 'stick at' being loving and kind to yourself, even as I know you truly desire to be.
Too often I am struck by a pang of doubt, or fear that I will have to suffer first before I can ever experience the ecstasy of heaven on earth. This statement indicates the reality that the institutionalised church is an ego-construct that has taken the message of Jesus and dismantled it and re-made it in ego’s own image and likeness: duality, with the agenda of fear and control instead of love and freedom, thinly disguised as a message of love and forgiveness. Sadly, many of those who have sought after the real, living Jesus but have been waylaid by the church and taken in by it end up being the most judgemental, elitist, separatist souls one is likely to encounter. This statement is intended as observational rather than judgemental!!
(Oh, How I long for that state of bliss that you describe.) That state is as close to us all as our own heartbeat; closer. All we have to do is allow it. You know 'your mind is part of God’s and that you are very holy.' Keep on keeping on and never give up. Ego wants you to give up. It is very easy to give up but there is no reward in it, only a sinking, despairing feeling afterwards. Every day, every moment you stick at it you have accomplished one more step toward the Kingdom, where there is great rejoicing over you - as over us all.
You said that there are many workers of the Realms of Light who are helping me. This is the absolute truth. That gives me such comfort Long may it continue ...and I feel gratitude for God, Source and Infinite being who loves me so much that I'm provided Angels of light to care for me on my journey. Atta girl! Here is Papa’s word for encouragement from May 15th 1996; I copy it here now for your peace of mind and upliftment: My son, fear is for the ungodly; in My garden of delight is joy and peace and fulfilment. Open your arms to receive My bounty and in this act shall fall away that which is not of the eternal.
This thought seems to slightly fend off the fear that hounds me... of falling prey to calamity. ...that I can't have joy without first suffering - emotionally, financially and physically. This, ego’s legacy through the church for the children of Earth, is tenacious indeed. Remember: ego, the church, fear, only have the power over us that we allow them. Ask Papa, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, to strengthen you in repudiating that power, forgive the church and be released into innocence (you may wish to revisit the forgiveness exercise given in the Message of encouragement dated August 22nd this year ...and so I'm anxiously worried about the impending financial doom that will surely come because that's the "ring of fire" I have to go through first.
My dear Rosa, if it is any comfort to you, you are very far from alone in this. I believe there are vast percentages of humanity, including - perhaps particularly - in the developed economies of the world, who are in this vise-like grip of fear. Most are too fearful to acknowledge it to themselves, let alone anyone else, so you are being very, very courageous in speaking openly of it like this. That can only be good. As your stick-at-it-iveness continues and you become stronger in your faith, trust and conviction of the Love and Help you are receiving every moment, so will this debilitating fear gradually subside. I know this from my own experience, because yes, I have been there and it has only been comparatively recently that this has diminished significantly. Every time you win through in faith, not only is it one more to faith but it is one less to ego, so the gap widens much more rapidly than many might realise.
It occurred to me that I have been operating under two beliefs that I acquired at an early age through my Catholic religious upbringing. At Mass we intone, "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.." and "Lord, I am NOT worthy to receive you, only say the word, and I shall be healed". ACIM says neither is REAL, neither is True. Yet, this Unreality which I have created (my ego life) keeps forcing itself on my consciousness, and manifesting as my dream life. I realize that all these fears of suffering are just reflecting these two, distorted beliefs. My fears are just a projection of the guilt I've built up through these beliefs.
This Mass intonation is an ego constructed calumny of the greatest magnitude, that goes so deep into our unconscious that it remains there from one incarnation to the next. I suspect that this is an issue that you have brought with you from a previous act and that is why it weighs so heavily upon you; you have called it back into your presence as another opportunity to outwork it and be released from it. If you live in the USA, where the Unity Church is widespread (and is very different from the institutionalised denominational churches in its perspectives on the real Jesus, guilt and sin etc.) I believe (though I actually know little about them but have heard some very good things) they might be able to give you some practical help, counselling, release from this misperception (which though it seems so real to you, always hovering, sapping your life energies, is - as you really know - what it is).
I know this. Yet, often the old fear rises up and I am scared. It takes some time to make my way out of it...always starting with "my mind is part of God's. I am very holy." This is and can only be a good, powerful mantra. Even as I tell you this, I don't say it to confirm your comments about the Church not being truthful, or being deceitful. I no longer harbor a grudge against the Church....amazingly I've recently taken a position within the Catholic church. I do not say this to deliberately unsettle you, but I wonder if you have asked yourself if this might be some of a previous act’s condition drawing you back there because you unconsciously feel this is where the issue has its origin and are drawn back to ‘the scene of the crime’?
I feel the Holy Spirit has guided me here so that I can use my experiences as the opportunity to find the True Freedom promised as "heaven on earth" an opportunity to develop the daily discipline to work my "forgiveness" program as a member of "J's team." I hope this is correct. Perhaps it might help if you ask Him to affirm this for you and then leave that request with Him. If nothing shows up as the affirmation within a ‘reasonable’ time, it might be worth looking into the Unity Church (without quitting your job, unless subsequently guided so to do).
By the way, my prayer is now "Lord, I am so worthy to receive you, and I am thankful to be one with you." This, assuredly, is an antidote to the condition. Thank you so much for sharing this Rosa. I pray, earnestly, that you find swift release into ‘the joy of Heaven to Earth come down,’ and that others may also benefit from hearing your candid and honest expressing of your feelings and experience.
In Christ's holy name, Love and many, many blessings for your inner peace Rosa,
Rosa Brian
The following exchange was posted on October 3rd 2007
I recently forwarded a prayer kindly sent to me (copied below) to a number of people, and received an interesting reply from Ed.
Best Prayer I Have Heard In A Long Time...
Heavenly Father,
Help us remember that the jerk who cut us off in traffic last night is a single
mother who worked nine hours that day and is rushing home to cook dinner, help
with homework, do the laundry and spend a few precious moments with her
Help us to
remember that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested young man who can't count
change correctly is a worried 19-year-old college student, balancing his
apprehension over final exams with his fear of not getting his student loans for
next semester.
Remind us, Lord, that the scary looking bum, begging for money in the same spot every day (who really ought to get a job!) is a slave to addictions that we can only imagine in our worst nightmares
Help us to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slowly through the
store aisles and blocking our shopping progress are savoring this moment,
knowing that, based on the biopsy report she got back last week, this will be
the last year that they go shopping together
Heavenly Father,
remind us each day that, of all the gifts you give us, the greatest gift is
love. It is not enough to share that love with those we hold dear. Open our
hearts not just to those who are close to us, but to all humanity. Let us be
slow to judge and quick to forgive, show patience, empathy and love.
If you send this on to some other people, then you have a chance to touch some other people.
Working for God on earth doesn't pay much......but His retirement plan is out of this world!
Dear Ed,
I am going to speak forthrightly, which does not mean insultingly, but merely straightforwardly, in response to what you have written.
Debbie Ford writes that we can either be ‘Affected’ by something (or someone) or ‘Informed’ by it, or them. Affected means it pushes our buttons, in a negative way; gets our blood pressure up; upsets/distresses us. ‘Informed’ means we are at peace in/with such an event or person; we accept it/them for what it is/they are, and are relaxed about it.
If we are affected, it is telling us that we have some deep, unresolved issues that are causing our distress, angst, negative reaction to the person or situation. The reaction is a message to ourself that we have some resolving to undertake and that by ‘retracing, facing, embracing and replacing’ the cause of our negative response we can move forward, grow (spiritually), leave behind, deal with the issues we have come here to address; that railing against them is taking us nowhere but into ill health and another circuit on the carousel; that the issues never go away (ever – and will require further incarnations to deal with them if we are unwilling to deal with them when they arise) until we have retraced, faced, embraced and replaced them. ACIM speaks of true forgiveness as the resolution mechanism for the healing of relationships – more on that below.
I usually don’t get into stuff like this because there is so much of this which really means nothing in the big picture. I really enjoy this one and will pass it on because as a student of the Bible, I know that we live in a truly pagan society that pays lip service to the Creator and does not honor him and this makes me VERY FRUSTRATED with people.
Do you think it might be helpful to ask yourself whether you believe Jesus, the Lord of unconditional love is affected or informed by such as you describe. If he is at peace within himself (and radiating it out toward all of us, including the pagans, the child molesters, the despots), and we who love him desire to emulate him, is allowing ourself to become VERY FRUSTRATED honouring Jesus (and ourself)? Do you believe Jesus would wish us to honour ourselves or dishonour ourselves, based on the PLF that to dishonour another, we dishonour ourself (because, in truth, there is only one of us)?
The last part of this comment is really what it is all about and I know our time here is nothing compared to eternity which is what we have when you realize that you keep incarnating back into school until you learn what is stated at the end here.
Olga Park’s friend, to whom reference is made in SYFK as ‘the Rector,’ said to her many decades ago, ‘To understand all is to forgive all.’ I have pondered that statement many times over the decades since the 1960s and the more I ponder it the more I realise what a true statement it is. By understanding what is causing another person to behave in a certain way (which may cause distress to others) it enables us to forgive that person instantly. THAT, for me, is the message of this prayer. The last sentence is actually speaking of the end result, the effect, of the forgiveness – which comes automatically once the cause of the behaviour is understood - that is cited several times through the prayer.
The thing I find frustrating is that when one looks at the Bible as a commercial book, Regrettably, I do not understand what this means, although we did exchange communications at length some while ago on this. I do not see the Bible as a commercial book but sadly, it is a deeply flawed book because of all the additions, deletions and alterations that unKingdomly agendas have caused to be made to it over the centuries we have our commercial remedy given to us at the end of this age Are you speaking of the Piscean age (second measure of meal) now ending, or the Aquarian age (third measure of meal), just beginning? Also, I do not understand what you mean about a commercial remedy being given to us; by whom? so that those who know who and what they are can step forward as Sons of God The Bible, and Jesus in ACIM, reminds us that we are all Sons of God (though most of us have forgotten this reality) and he is here to help us to awaken from the dream that is causing us to mistakenly believe that we are guilty, fearful sinners in harmony with the Bible and like Jesus at Mathew 5;17 says, I CAME TO FULFILL THE LAW, NOT DESTROY IT. Too many want to change thing when we Who are 'we'? have thing set up perfectly According to Jesus, speaking to us in ACIM, things on Earth are not and never have been set up perfectly; that only in Heaven/Eternity is this true; until we have escaped the time and place illusory realm, through true forgiveness of our selves and our fellows for all the things none of us has ever actually done (because this 3-dimensional realm is nothing but a dream and we are and always have been at Home in Heaven with Papa), so that we can receive the forgiveness that is rightfully ours; that true forgiveness is the only way we can dispel the unconscious guilt and fear caused by our upside-down, split, insane, ego-dominated-mind and be restored to our right-side-up, Christ Mind that is the true us. but we also have the Synagogue of Satan Satan is a religion-mythologised character representing ego. Ego does not want us to know that ego is within us (our split, upside-down mind), so projects all that it represents – separation, guilt, fear, attack, lies etc – into the without; something outside ourself. The Synagogue of Satan is the Church of Laodicea, on which I have written extensively in SYFK (Vignette 10) that has obscured the real message and has been blocking the Sons from accessing the provision set up by the Creator for his Sons.
The Church of Laodicea (Synagogue of Satan) is only able to do this to those who voluntarily place themselves under its ‘power,’ which in reality is zero. That same church has no power whatsoever over those who repudiate its authority. Today’s harbingers of the Kingdom Age (third measure of meal) are telling people that they no longer have any reason to place themselves in subservience to the dogmas and doctrines of the institutionalised church (Laodicea). In truth it was never required of any of us but ego had us fooled up until now, when all that is changing as people answer the Call to awaken. Papa’s angel says: Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Rev. 18: 4).
Thanks for this message It is my absolute pleasure because I needed it to keep me focused on the fact that I have to accept all regardless of whether they are Godless or not. I do not believe Papa compels us to accept all, in any ‘Do it or else’ manner. How the Great Rescue Programme (GRP) works is by awakening us with/to the Truth of Eternity, so that we then see the reality about everyone else (just as they will then see the reality about us) and then we simply will be unable to not love them.
This does not come to us unbidden. We have to truly seek it and earnestly desire it because it is given in commensurate measure to our desire for it. If our seeking and desiring is intermittent, luke warm, insipid, so will be the measure of our receiving the unconditional love and spiritual enlightenment of Heaven. Not because Papa withholds all that He has but because of our partial attitude toward receiving it. He only (always) gives us what we ask for, so if we ask only a little, He will give us only a little. He knows our hearts and if therein we are truly seeking and earnestly desiring spiritual truth, discernment of it, awakening from the dream, forgiveness of our fellows (and ourself), then He will assuredly give it all, full measure, pressed down.
Peace, joy and love fill your heart, Ed,
The following exchanges were posted on September 30th 2007
Dear Brian, Dear Margaret,
I have been reading your diaries and the forum for most of the day and I am astounded at the synchronicity of events that led me here. Aah! That wonderful word/phenomenon again. Whenever it happens, be sure you are being watched over very caringly and lovingly. I will try to keep this short and succinct; however, I am so thrilled I am not sure I am able to describe what is transpiring in my spirit.
Let me first say that I have known always that there had to be more than what I had been taught in church; a simple knowing in the depth of my being. It is that lack in the church that has really motivated my commitment to sharing my experiences of spiritual reality and the Great Rescue Plan (GRP) of the Master Jesus, who I love with all my being. What I have always known for sure is that I so deeply love Jesus and that that love is indescribable to this day. What can I say? ‘Alleluia’ springs instantly to mind!
Many years ago I began a journey in my spiritual life that at once overwhelmed and inspired me and it was during the time my sweet daughter was dying of cancer. What a desperate time it must have been for you. It is events of this kind that can be so massively helped by opening to the reality of Heaven and eternity, so close around us, if only we can believe and open our eyes to receive Its truth, love, blessing and joy, even in bereavement. Indeed, such awareness transforms bereavement into a different dimension of understanding and awareness. I could write/speak for hours on this, I have such a longing to help my fellows who are walking blind, by their own choice, when Jesus and the Holy Spirit are there, right with us all, to bring comfort, succour, eye-balm, remembrance of who we all really are. Thanks be for ACIM; assuredly, the Holy Scriptures for the third measure of meal awakening epoch that will bring an end of time and a return for us ALL Home to Papa, where all the tears are gone forever. How indescribably magnificent is THAT!
Unfortunately, I was not as strong as I thought and all my awareness stopped and left with her. I spent 10 years in bitterness and anger; needless to say this state is devastating to the spirit and nothing can be accomplished here. How right you are. It was not long after her passing that I wanted to know something, anything that would reconnect me to her (though she had sent me many messages, it wasn't enough). I called a psychic and she told me my child was having difficulty passing. It seems clear to me that your holding on was much to do with that. Don’t beat yourself up about that; it is entirely understandable because of the widespread ignorance of eternity, and is happening all over the world. This is why the world is in such need of the Kingdom Age revelation that is coming into our midst at this, the most exciting time in world history. This I could not bear to think; naturally (or unnaturally) I shut down even more.
For the past couple of years, I have been in a higher state of awareness and forgiveness. Gradually, I have been coming out of the darkness and recently I have been devouring websites for information about what I believe in my spirit to be truth without denying Jesus. So finding your website is an affirmation to me and no coincidence at all; it is so reassuring and exciting!! We always say, ‘There are no coincidences; only Godincidences.’ How thankful I am for this, and that the HTG website was there for you. That is my reward and fulfilment of my heart’s desire: to help my fellows to awaken to the reality of the real, living Jesus and his GRP.
Anyway, several weeks ago a group of friends and I went off for the weekend to celebrate my daughter's birthday and fellowship with her somehow. I must say it was the most amazing experience of my life, she was there and there was no doubt. I don't know how you feel about pendulums but she spoke to us through that and others did as well. I have no problem with pendulums; all I would say is, many can become stuck with such mechanisms when they could be going forward more rapidly with more comprehensive forms of attunement with the Realms of Light. I noticed in one of your posts that you said those in the higher realms could see those in the lower but the ones in the lower could not see the ones in the higher. This is absolutely so. And this leads me to question so many things. But for now I would like your input about my daughter's reaction when asked about my father. Mind you, my daughter is extremely happy and at peace where she is; Thanks be for this she is with Jesus and is in communion with many others as well; however, when asked about my father she very clearly indicated she had not seen him and did not want to? It was clear to all of us she did not want to comment or could not about my father. I will tell you that my father was a highly RELIGIOUS man. He went from an abusive alcoholic to an adamant follower of the Bible and the Baptist Church. It is clear that there are some unresolved issues between your father and your daughter. This is between them, and on one hand you can help by loving, blessing and forgiving - true forgiveness, not false forgiveness, as explained in ACIM and on several occasions in this page of the HTG website:
And on the other hand would be contrary to cosmic law to interfere with by trying to intervene from your Earth-mind, limited understanding. By giving this matter into the hands of Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit and allowing Them to deal with it, with your only input being love, blessing and non-interventional goodwill and caring. This way you will be helping to untangle the karma and not make it worse.
I know nothing of this situation other than what you have said but it is not hard to guess that there could be all manner of issues, some from this ‘act’ (incarnation) and/or from previous acts. Unless you receive inspiration from the Realms of Light on what it is all about and any particular action you can undertake that could be beneficial, it will be best for them and for you to do nothing that comes from (ego) self-will. If you would like to say any more on this, please feel free so to do. I will gladly offer any inspirational help that comes to me.
I would so appreciate your comments on this subject. And thank you so much for sharing so much with the rest of us. You are truly blessed.
Margaret (P)
Dear Brian,
Thank you for responding to my email; I understand that you must get inundated with emails on a daily basis and I am one of a large group seeking your council.
I have finally finished reading your writing "Synchronicity" and I just had to write to you once again. I am deeply moved by all of it and I could not help but write and thank you for sharing this knowledge. I have never felt more reassured to know that it is possible to go beyond what one conceives as the limits placed here on earth into the realm of light. This quote always comes to mind on this issue:Mt 23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
Nothing has changed in the institutionalised church since Jesus spoke those words. But it is changing now because the spiritual awakening of the children of Earth is taking place in spite of the church and if they don’t change they will find themselves on the outside looking in.
I have seen glimpses only and have so desired more but never allowed it, I guess because I feared so much. Fear and doubt are the great dismantlers of faith and blinkers to the light of spiritual truth and discernment.
I have seen the lengths that our Father will go to return his children to Him. I felt the presence of angels, especially during that time. It is so wondrous to know that there is so much more available to one who seeks and allows the doors to open.
I look forward to your response to my questions in the first email. And again thank you for reaffirming what I have always felt in my heart. That clearly indicates that you were ready for this, otherwise it either would not have come to you or you would not have recognised it for having any importance or resonance for you. I cannot express in words what it has meant to read you book; and the affirmation given to me. You are truly one of the messengers to those of us seeking love and truth from Jesus and Our Father. I have no doubt that he led me to this place. My dear Margaret, this is one of the most rewarding and blessed communications I have ever received. Knowing how much it has helped you (and, I hope, will continue) brings joy of Heaven to my heart and soul.
Many Blessings to You Always, And to you, Dear One,
Margaret (P) Brian
hi i am Seve from sweden i have been seking the truth all mi life and i have always felt that christ is my guide hi has led mi on mi way in life he nows what i seek for only the truth
i whold be so hapy if i were in contact whith him so my quetion is what shall i do to get i contact
whit him
Hi Seve,
Thanks for writing; I feel your message is a cry from the heart, from a soul so eager to fellowship with Jesus. I resonate very strongly with that.
I note that you seem to have a bit of a struggle with English. Regrettably I have no ability with Swedish. If you are able to read English fairly well, I strongly recommend that you read SYFK and that you then visit the Christ Communion website:
Then, please come back to me with any questions at any time; it will be my joy to help you all I can.
Please keep in touch and let me know how you are getting on in your quest for direct contact with the living Jesus.
With many blessings for Spiritual Awakening under the guiding of Jesus,
The following exchange was posted on September 28th 2007
Hi Brian , Hi Dorothy, Thank you so much for what you have written, especially the words of enlightenment in the last paragraph. (see posting dated September 22nd, below) It’s a pleasure. You have obviously realised that I find it hard sometimes to interpret whether gut feelings about something are due to prejudice and tarring everything with the same brush, or if they are a warning from a higher source.
In a way, they are both because a) ego-conditioning has us prejudiced (judgemental) about just about everything, so a ‘jaundiced eye’ gets cast upon anything coming our way, as a conditioned reflex; most of the time we do it without even being aware we are doing it, it is so habituated, and b) the fact that you are, like many of us who are truly seeking and earnestly desiring the KOHOE, starting to become aware of and objectively observe these conditioned reflexes.
That is, if not exactly a warning, at least a reminder, a wake-up nudge. It is part of the forgiveness process because once we become aware of what we have been doing (pre-judging) we can then start to undo the ego-conditioning of our mind and replace it with Holy Spirit Mind, namely by/through true forgiveness.
Until we can see the face of Christ in our fellows (as distinct from somebody ‘out there’ intent on taking unfair advantage of us), we will be stuck in time and place, unable to break the cycle of birth and death and return Home permanently to Papa, one again in the Sonship. This is because whatever we see ‘out there’ is a reflection of who we appear to be. If we can see the face of Christ in our fellows it is because that is who we have remembered we really are; if we see something less, we are perceiving ourself as something less.
One of these areas of scepticism, that I have had to deal with, born from this separation consciousness, believes that there are many people who are setting themselves up as spiritual teachers and advisors, but not all of them are awake.
It is not wrong to have the light of spiritual discernment and if we see another in the way you describe, then to deny what our faculty of discernment (as distinct from judgement) tells us would be to deny our own awakening spiritual discernment. I have no doubt Jesus knew exactly how others saw themselves and believed themselves to be. He did not deny himself those powers of observation/discernment. What he did do was recognise that such a person was mistaken about himself, look past that mistaken self-perception (of the other person) and chose to see that person for who and what he really was but had forgotten: Christ.
Not in the way people think they are anyway. But you have given me a different perspective on this, to see it all as movement towards the shift in consciousness. Which is precisely what it is. This switch-over is chaos time. That is inevitable, so we do well to see it as such, allow it (not rail against it), give thanks for it. Jesus has said many times, ‘When you see chaos and disarray all around, then rejoice and give thanks, for it is a certain sign that the Kingdom is at hand, even at the doors.’ That is a good reminder to keep in mind because it is very easy to become dismayed, despondent and disillusioned by such bewilderment and disintegration. That is an area you have brought into my view, and it is a much wider view. Alleluia; I am very happy about this.
But my feeling is still that some could be used by 'the enemy' and could perhaps lead people back deeper into the dream with more and more elaborate play games and sometimes with all the treacle sentiment thrown in to form part of the trap. That is inevitable and will happen; is happening, to many without the light of spiritual discernment. The knack is to avoid that trap, having rightly observed it as such, just as you have done/are doing. Then the thought comes, what can I or we do about this in reality, perhaps just mind our own business? We can give thanks for our preservation from such and bless the fellow who has succumbed, and at the same time forgive them for what in reality they have not done (because this is all a dream and none of it is real). One could BLASER them with words such as ‘I bless you, bless you, bless you for restoration to fullness of remembrance of who you really are.’ Getting into the habit of such blessings helps us to remember who we really are, so that we move forward toward the place of experiencing ourself as Christ and can thus see the face of Christ in all our fellows – because what we see in them is a reflection of our Self.
The ego is clever. It knows how to stay alive --- in the dream..... Sometimes it adds a promise to its victims of ways to get more and more of this world's playthings (which we can so easily allow to become sidetracking distractions from why we are really here: to return Home) into the bargain, and could this dream catcher be sold as a 'waking up' signpost, -- as the preliminary ‘waking to the dream’? It could, depending upon the degree of spiritual awareness/discernment (or otherwise) of each individual.
But Jesus did none of this did he, nor did he preach it? He said you have to give up this world's goods to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In ACIM he counsels us to allow such to become meaningless to us. To speak of ‘giving them up’ can so easily be construed as an instruction to sacrifice, albeit only for those who are not yet ready to give them up - which is almost everybody!. Sacrifice has no place in the Kingdom. To allow ‘baubles’ to distract us from our objective of getting Home is an indicator of where we are: not yet ready to awaken from the dream and leave this realm behind. When we arrive at the place where those baubles have become meaningless to us it doesn’t mean we have to physically part company with them; rather, that whether we have them or not makes no difference to our proximity to the Kingdom. In other words we have to hold in our hearts the treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven as the real treasure, and recognise the treasures of this life as that which will vanish into nothingness in the Glorious Light of the Son. Perfectly put.
And as you so rightly say, adversity is opportunity in disguise. Adversity stops us getting too comfortable and these will be the times when there is the possibility to rise up from our illusory dream-world and open our eyes. We don't even think of this if life gets too cushy, we just stay and enjoy it. That is a very good reason why we can – and will do well to – give thanks for adversity.
Anyway, who am I to take my eyes off my own limited view and look askance at someone else's. Well, dear Dorothy, don’t beat yourself up about it; we are all there, or have been there. The only question to ask is, ‘Am I choosing to allow the Holy Spirit to retrain my mind to think/observe as He does?’ After all each individual will wake up from this dream of life in their own time. Precisely. It is inevitable. We can assist the process by co-operating with it or we can choose to allow ourself to fall behind by not co-operating. One thing is certain: we cannot hinder the process. We can hinder ourself, to our own detriment but not Papa’s Holy Purpose.
Should others try to awaken them, even those who seem not ready to awaken. It is manifestly a waste of time trying to awaken someone who is not ready. That is like digging up seeds to see if they have germinated. It is counterproductive, and will cause damage. Loving and blessing them, forgiving them - and ourself, doing them no harm and being who we really are will be the greatest help possible for all such. We are told that time is an illusion anyway so does 'when' matter. It matters not a jot, though that is hard to see until our perspective becomes more aligned with our eternal awareness. What is the 'right' attitude to this? I hope this has helped. Also, in this context I would be inclined to think in terms of ‘most beneficial’ rather than ‘right.’ Thank you again for your email and the advice on perspective in the last paragraph. It is always a joy and a pleasure to be able to help.
Am going to try to get 'Disappearance of the Universe' from the library tomorrow. That title sounds right for the bit of the path that is currently on show. It sounds from what you say, that this is the moment for you. Having already read ‘Your Immortal Reality’ you will be well prepared for it. I have read both books at least 3 times and gain more each time from them. They are very helpful for improving the understanding of ACIM.
Keep up all your good work. I will continue, by the help of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, which makes it a joyful and fulfilling endeavour, for which I have been eagerly waiting since 1967!
Love Dorothy Reciprocated, with Kingdomly interest, Brian
The following exchange was posted on September 22nd 2007
Hi Brian and Theresa, welcome back. Hope you had a good holiday and are feeling rejuvenated and ready for all the work awaiting you.
Bought a copy of Gary Renard's 'Your immortal Reality' and read it while you were away. Also I found something that was quite interesting to me and I thought it might be for you. By typing the words 'ACIM read book on line' ( ) in the search engine, and when all the web sites came up, choosing the one with that title, then scrolling down the home page, a section appears called 'Original Guidelines Given By Jesus'. One of the tenets given by Jesus is the same as he gave you, "Freely have you received, now freely give"
I expect you will guess, that at the moment, it seems from the view of my limited consciousness that there are two factions in this study to which I have to give the labels 'waking to the dream' and 'waking from the dream'. Maybe they are just two sides of one reality. Waking from the dream, or perhaps partially awaking, would present the opportunity to explore lucid dreaming, or 'waking to the dream' when the dream reality could be manipulated. There are also loads of 'How to get everything you ever wanted' merchants out there, selling the idea of new dream formats to those who are not consciously aware that they are dreaming, but never-the-less respond to the inner recognition of this truth.
Well I had better not write any more, you will have enough to read when you switch your computer on. With all good wishes Dorothy
Hi Dorothy,
We are back from a wonderful interlude with our dear friends from our Vancouver days, John and Helen, whom I met in 1965 and we have been linked at the soul level ever since. We met up with them in Belfast, hired a people carrier and spent a fortnight travelling right round the island of Ireland anticlockwise, with Theresa and me acting as driver and tour guide to John and Helen, whose first visit this was to Ireland. It really demonstrated to T and me that time is an illusion, to be compressed or expanded according to our perspective on it.
What is so utterly resonant about Gary's writing is how it is so one-pointedly focussed on the Kingdom and how to get back there - permanently - to it. Every time the dialogue strays, even for a moment, such as into a bit of humour, or in any other way off the point, (not that humour is off course) Arten or Pursah pull the conversation straight back on course. This, I have learnt from my time with Olga and from the communing with Jesus and the Realms of Light subsequently, is absolutely vital to prevent ego - the enemy - from sidetracking us from our objective, goal, destination.
I have written about this somewhat recently, as you may have noticed! The truth is, it is my desire to write about it and emphasise it a great deal more because one-pointed commitment is so absolutely crucial to our getting home to Papa in the most timely manner, without unnecessary delays, or reincarnations.
In ACIM the Master speaks about the importance of a trained, disciplined mind and that a mind under ego-domination is undisciplined; that ACIM is about getting the mind trained and disciplined. That means being one-pointedly, focussed, centred on and committed to the desire of our heart: the KOHOE. We have to have the KOH on Earth first because we have to get onto the wavelength of the Kingdom before we can enter into oneness with it.
When all of us on Earth have been restored to oneness with the Kingdom, then we will be One again in the Sonship and Papa will welcome us back Home into the Kingdom of Heaven in eternity. Then the universe of time and place will disappear and we will have awareness only of the true Universe of God's Heaven. It is a good - nay, perfect - Plan, the GRP and as the Christ servers from the Realms of Light have told me many times, it is infallible and unstoppable, because it has, in the only reality - which is eternity - already happened. That, it seems to me, is cause for celebration and Jesus is a great one for celebrating. Truly he takes after his Father.
We are reminded in ACIM that giving and receiving are one and the same thing and that there is only one of us anyway, so the admonition that as we have freely received, so should we freely give, is compelling; who would wish to make a charge against himself for what he gives to himself!?
Thanks for the lead to 'Original Guidelines Given By Jesus;' David Hoffmeister seems to me, from the little I have seen of him, to be a wonderful 'Teacher of God,' and there seems no doubt that he is a truly enlightened soul, fully resonant with Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the objectives of ACIM. Thanks be to Papa for David and his work for the Kingdom. (For more on David, go
It does seem inescapable to me that there are only two choices we can make: to choose for Jesus/the Holy Spirit and the Great Rescue Programme (this is equivalent to what is described in ACIM as the Atonement) or to continue allowing ego to dominate our mind. I have been warned numerous times over the years to watch for pitfalls of the enemy (ego), who will never give up trying to deceive and mislead us until we are fully enlightened and his 'time is up.'
My understanding from ACIM is that Jesus' objective is to help us to awaken from the dream and that before we can do that we need to awaken to the dream, or in other words, awaken to the fact that this world of time and place is only a dream. The vast proportion of humanity has not yet done that. However, this is not a problem for the Holy Spirit and the GRP because the process is not a linear one but a hologram, where the end is already accomplished and the awakening to that is not time-dependent. So, it will happen/is happening at an exponential pace and the next few generations will see changes Kingdom-wards that will render this world unrecognisable from what we have known it to be in the recent past.
As for the peddlers of merchandise for the new order, this is part of the transformation process, the shift; it is a stepping-stone towards the goal and will phase out as the Spirit of Truth becomes more established in the minds of the children of Earth. How exciting is all this!!!???
Many blessings and love eternal,
The following exchanges were posted on August 31st 2007
My Dearest Brother in Christ, My Dear Scott, Your greeting brings a tear of joy, love, blessing and thanksgiving to my eyes, and a lump to my throat, of resonance with your soul. How thankful I am for the fellowship of brotherhood with people of such devoted commitment as are you to the real Jesus of Galilee, our beloved brother in the Sonship of Papa, and who is so lovingly, caringly, devotedly awakening and leading us back home to Heaven.
I just wanted to write and thank you on the wonderful newsletter you faithfully deliver each week. It is the fulfilment of my heart’s desire since he first came to me in 1967, to share the reality of the living Jesus with my fellow travellers in this dream world. To have messages such as yours, thanking me for this, that takes this fulfilment into another, greater dimension of reality. Words are not adequate to express my thanks for this; I hope you will feel the gratitude that the words are unable to convey. I am a relatively new student of ACIM although I have been preparing for it all my life. I know just what you mean by those words. Theresa and I only came to ACIM about 21 months ago but our lives have also been a preparation for that moment. I have recently read Gary's book, Disappearance of the Universe, and have Your Immortal Reality on order. Gary’s writings make ACIM so much easier to understand; truly this is very much a key part of the GRP. I have also been enjoying Ken Wapnicks teaching excerpts on the FACIM site. Now if ever there was a devoted, one-pointedly committed soul for the Master and the KOHOE, Ken assuredly is it. His unassuming humility and gentleness are characteristic of Kingdomly qualities. I bless him for all that he is.
It is such a blessing to know our eternal destiny is assured and God's will cannot be thwarted. A very loud amen to that, Scott. I am honored to join with you as God's most holy Son. Thank you, thank you, thank you; the honour is entirely reciprocated.
Bless your day and all your continued efforts. Thank you again, Scott. I ‘BLASER’ this back to you.
My bio page: A wonderful resource for the Kingdom. I commend what you have placed here to anyone.
"Care about all things and care about nothing. Place all your expectations in God and you will never be disappointed." Truer words have not been spoken.
No more messages please. My comment is that I find the messages rather repetitive over time. The same old thing time and time again.
Best wishes, Abraham
Dear Abraham,
I have removed you from the list, as requested. I appreciate your candour; thank you.
The difficulty with attempting to communicate meaningfully on deeply esoteric matters with people from all different places on the Path with a single communication is that for some it will seem 'old hat' and for others, very advanced. For most of us, especially those who are a few steps behind, repetition is highly beneficial in order to get the message deeply and meaningfully installed into our comprehension, so that the point can become part of our mind re-training - back to our true, Christ Mind - and enable us to leave behind our guileful, upside-down, ego-dominated mind, by which we have become so encumbered.
The objective of the HTG website, including SYFK, Messages of Encouragement, the Forum and the Diary entries sharing, is not just metaphysics for metaphysics' sake. Its focus is and has always been specifically and solely directed toward helping a) people who have been confused by religious mythology, doctrine and dogma and b) anyone in general who is awakening to a realisation of the spiritual significance of these 'end times' but may be in need of some light of discernment as to the opportunities and implications of them for us all. This is of crucial importance as we move into the leavening of the third measure of meal, the fulfilment of Jesus’ Great Rescue Programme and the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, so that we may be part of it, one with it, with the least amount of delay.
If the restoration of humanity to our spiritual wakefulness in eternity, through the process of true forgiveness, under the leadership of Jesus of Galilee, is of further interest to you but you are finding the general communications too slow or repetitive for the pace at which you feel ready to progress, I would be very pleased to continue a one on one dialogue with you on this subject, outside the weekly sendings. Should this be the case, please feel free to respond any time and we may perhaps find some mutual benefit in such exchanges. They could, perhaps, especially be helpful to some of our fellow travellers on this journey if they are serviceable for sharing in the Forum.
If I do not hear back from you, then I bid you God-speed in all your endeavours.
Warmest wishes and many blessings,
Hello again Abraham,I was thinking about the things you said last year about the first 3 centuries of the Church and remembered the article, below, that was sent to me from a friend in USA. It is quite long but seems to be something you are interested in, so here it is.This is all activity at the intellectual level and the authors (and readers) of articles such as this who have no soul awareness of and commitment to the spiritual realities will be imbalanced in their perspective of eternity. This is what I call engaging too heavily in the sojourning in time part of their being, and inadequate focus on the citizens of eternity part. This is the whole problem with life on Earth, as I feel sure I do not need to remind you.Best wishes,BrianNB The article is many thousands of words long, so only the introduction to it is shown here and any who wish to read it all may be able to obtain it from Nexus
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 14, Number 4 (June - July 2007)
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381
From our web page at: www.nexusmagazine.comby Tony Bushby © March 2007
c/- NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton, Qld 4560, Australia
Fax: +61 (0)7 5493 1900What the Church doesn't want you to know
It has often been emphasised that Christianity is unlike any other religion, for it stands or falls by certain events which are alleged to have occurred during a short period of time some 20 centuries ago. Those stories are presented in the New Testament, and as new evidence is revealed it will become clear that they do not represent historical realities. The Church agrees, saying:
"Our documentary sources of knowledge about the origins of Christianity and its earliest development are chiefly the New Testament Scriptures, the authenticity of which we must, to a great extent, take for granted."
(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii, p. 712)
Hello Brian, Hi Abraham, Thanks for your reply.
Thank you for your email and copy of Tony Bushby's article in Nexus Magazine. As I usually buy a copy of Nexus Magazine as they become available in our local bookshops, I was already familiar with Tony Bushby's article, which confirms with a great deal more detail my findings of how and why the Christian Church was created. I guessed that might be the case.
I am at a loss to understand how you can conclude that those, like myself, who read or write articles, like that of Tony Bushby, have no soul awareness of and commitment to the spiritual realities and thus imbalanced in their perspective of eternity. What I actually said was: "those who have no soul awareness of and commitment to the spiritual realities will be imbalanced in their perspective of eternity." It was not my intention to state definitively that all who write or read such articles have no soul awareness. Some will have, others will not.
Information comes to us via three channels, or levels, of awareness:
1) Intellectual activity, such as reading, researching, studying, using our Earthly senses in what I call ‘Horizontal’ activity, meaning mental or physical activity at the Earth-conscious level only, in which there is no openness or receptivity to input from the Realms of Light - our true Home.
2) as with 1) but in which inspiration is received from the Realms of Light unwittingly, without any conscious awareness of it happening or the source of the information (inspiration). This happens much more than most of us are aware, simply because we are eternal spirit, not a body, whether we know it or believe it or not and also because even in a state of unbelief, we are deeply and totally loved by and from those Realms, who desire above all to help us.
3) By conscious co-operation with and openness of mind and attitude to receiving such inspiration, guidance, enlightenment, wisdom, revelation. I call this ‘Vertical’ attunement. This does not entail the intellect, which is an outgoing activity and is a device of ego to keep us focussed at the horizontal level. Vertical focus, or attunement, employs much more a state of receptiveness of the mind. Most of us are focussed at level 1) during our daytime activities, especially if we are researching historical or physical events, though level 2 will often come into play.
I acknowledge that Tony Bushby’s article was long and I did not read it slowly and comprehensively; it was more to get the general drift of it. During that scan I gained the impression that his writing was simply a setting out of information and historical facts about events that took place at various times since the first century. I also acknowledge that his motive was constructive, not destructive and is well balanced. I detected no bias for or against the religious institutions. I further acknowledge that he is a man of spiritual values and principles. The comment I made was not intended to cast aspersions on the integrity of his character, motives, intentions or sincerity. What I was endeavouring to say was that there did not appear to be any statements or comments about the mystical, spiritual nature and reality of the man we know as Jesus, of whom I have had many experiences and contacts since 1967 (written about extensively in SYFK and in Diary of a Christ Communicant).
To me, the history of the church and its institutionalised form of religion, which is manifestly the antithesis of spirituality, has no place in the Kingdom of Heaven, either on Earth or in Heaven. I quote from the Introduction in SYFK:
In December 1995 I was given this message:
…Be not surprised that many souls are lost,* for the light of my spirit was deliberately snuffed out from the Church of Earth by those who sought riches of Earth before riches of eternity. But it is not possible for the Father's purposes to fail and the light shall be shone in the dark places until all the shadows of death and fear shall have fled away. Rejoice greatly at this my beloveds and sing the New Song, that my little ones may hear and dance the dance of freedom. That which I have purposed in you shall prosper according to the wisdom of the Father. Be not anxious for any detail; all is well.
*It should be noted here that this is not indicating that such souls are 'lost' for all eternity, but simply that they have lost their way on the Path back Home to Eternity, or Heaven.
After this, any doubts I may have entertained about whether to proceed with making public the message that this account of my experiences places before you, the reader, must be removed from serious consideration. This writing is my rendition of The New Song. May it produce a pleasing, informative, enlightening counterpoint with renditions of The New Song by other singers.
At this momentous period in the outworking of the Great Rescue Programme, there are two opposite forces in operation. One is the dissolution of the ‘old order’ of institutionalised religion (in fact everything that is not Kingdomly in its vibration), and its passing away. The other is the bringing back into the mind of God’s Son the remembrance of his eternal, spiritual, unchangeable nature, which he has momentarily forgotten in his dream of time and place.
This is what the GRP is really all about (the dissolution comes about of its own accord because all that will be dissolved is not of eternity, has had its ‘season’ and run its course). This happens by the shining of the Light of Spiritual Discernment into our minds, direct from the Source. This is awakening us from our dream of time and place – an illusion that has no reality in eternity, our true home. (Sorry to be repetitive!) Our true nature has never actually left us and is now in the process of being restored to us by this process of awakening from the dream, which seems like the reality but is no more real – from the true perspective of eternity – than any other dream.
It seems to me that at heart you are a very conservative fundamental Christian, SYFK makes it unequivocally clear that this is not the case. By the time I was 22 the sham and un-Christlike nature and function of the institutionalised church had driven me away from it and I was led, by the interceding help of a man from the Realms of Light, (without me having any conscious awareness of his presence or activity) into contact with Olga Park, who had had many mystical encounters with he whom most of us know as Jesus of Nazareth. There was never anything fundamentally Christian about Olga.
I wish to differentiate between a) ‘fundamental,’ with its inference of accepting and adhering to doctrines and dogmas of an institutionalised church, and b) sincere, one-pointed commitment to following guidance, inspiration, spiritual illumination, leading direct from the author of A Course in Miracles (ACIM), who first manifested to me in a basement room in Vancouver in 1967 (as described comprehensively in chapter 2 of SYFK). Olga was one-pointedly focussed, committed and devoted to this real, non-church-constructed Jesus, but this has nothing whatsoever to do with fundamentalism in the conventionally understood sense, and that applies equally for me.
The point here is that regardless of the intrigues of the church down the ages, the spiritual, mystical (not academic, intellectual) guidance and revelation of ACIM, and that recorded in Diary of a Christ Communicant (which share so many similarities as to indicate the source of both as identical) is all-sufficient and adequate to those who are willing to follow such guidance faithfully and one-pointedly (as distinct from ‘fundamentally’) from such a trustworthy, constant, unwavering, reliable source from the Realms of Light (which ACIM and the ‘Diary’ source has proved to be).
This source of spiritual guidance is leading those who are willing to follow somewhere and that is from the place where they have believed themselves to be (in the wilderness of confusion about who we all really are) to the place of remembrance and restoration to full wakefulness in eternity – here, in the Earthly life, not just after we ‘die.’ and utterly convinced that only people, believing like you, know the real truth. We can read in ACIM that there is spiritual knowing, which comes from mystical revelation, that is far beyond belief. The author of ACIM (let us refer to him here, for convenience, as Jesus, however different the Jesus of the bible and the church might be from this real person) is at that place of knowing, and by following him we can and will also arrive at that place of knowing, beyond believing.
This is true, unchangeable knowledge of eternity, not according to the changing perspectives of Earth-mind humanity (this is also written about in SYFK; I wonder if you have read it?) Here is a case in point: I often – frequently, in fact – get asked questions, the answer to which is in SYFK. The questioner may have read SYFK once, and has not absorbed, picked-up on the answer there, from that one reading. That is because there is a vast amount of information in it that is not part of their present understanding. That is where repetition comes into play and is so beneficial.
Ego does not want us to believe such knowledge of eternity is possible, and wants us to keep going round in ever-decreasing circles, based on what Jesus described to me as ‘the elaborate theories of men.’ Those elaborate theories are often more far-fetched, and indeed, laughably ludicrous and absurd, than the actual truth of eternity, yet are clung to by those who doggedly stay in the wilderness, labouring under the heavy and uncomfortable yoke of the enemy (ego).
Looking back on my life's journey, my spirit guides have introduced me to knowledge, that taught me understanding of myself and others with an open mind, of which I am most grateful. I am very pleased to hear that you are under such guidance and illumination from spirit. If you are willing to share some of these treasures with your fellows, perhaps they also can benefit from it. Do your guides speak to you of the Kingdom of Heaven and its joy and unconditional love and perfect Oneness in the Father Creator?
You said my messages of encouragement are repetitive, saying the same old thing time and time again; the writing of these messages is under guidance from the Holy Spirit, so I am simply going with It/Him, allowing Him to lead, having surrendered the leasehold on my life back to Papa. We are told in ACIM, ‘Disappearance of the Universe’ and elsewhere that repetition is very important when the information is so far from our prior beliefs. Most of us cannot take in such revolutionary information at first hearing.
For those who are always seeking some new source of information it may be more desirable for them always to be hearing something ‘new.’ To me, the trustworthiness and reliability of the source is paramount. In my experience over 40 years, Jesus has led me at the pace that he knew was right for me, even though I was almost always eager to be racing ahead a mile a minute. But he, from his vantage point, knew that would not serve me. I can now state from the certainty of experience that he was right. Here is another quote from SYFK (chapter 3) that sets this into a true perspective:
During this period, when I was in the very early stages of the Path back in the 1960s, I said to the Master, “Why don’t you just give me the answers to the ‘top 10’ questions (about the Creator, Creation and Eternal Truth) and then we can really get this show on the road.” He said, “It doesn’t work like that. This is a growing process and you have to be able to assimilate the realities of eternity (back) into every level of your being. To simply have them on a plate for your mind, which has not yet been made ready to receive them, would not be serviceable to that growing process and would cause confusion because the growth has to be balanced across the full spectrum of every aspect of your being.”
Abraham, it is my intent that exchanges such as this be in the spirit of peace, goodwill and brotherly love between us. I have no desire for confrontation or to make me right and you – or anyone – wrong. That is not what the Kingdom of Heaven is all about, and that is my life’s passionate commitment and desire, for us all. Best wishes, Best wishes, always, to you also, Brian
Dear Brian: Dear Sharon, I always know when I am going to hear from you. You come into my mind; not just fleetingly, but with that sense of knowing that we are communing together, on the same wavelength. Then, usually within 2 or 3 days, presto! your message is there. Great to hear from you again.
Thank you for being that place that is there when I need it; even though your words may not be needed at the time they are given, they sit there in my arsenal and when I need them they are there to get
. Fantastic; this sounds like the Holy Spirit working His works – again! Big storm, high seas; I felt like I was going down with the ship, but I had the life-raft you gave me and it saved me. How wondrous this is and how glad I am to have been helpful The joy returned; I didn't know if it would. The glorious thing about Papa is that He NEVER lets us down; all He asks of us is that we trust Him, have faith in the certainty of His loving help never failing us. It is only by our faith that we can receive the help that He always gives us in response to our asking.
I wanted it back so badly, I was so remorseful that it wouldn't come back. That is such an empty, bereft feeling. It can be very, very fearful, with a great a sense of being alone, without help. Once you know joy and you experience it gone then you know for sure where the path is, you know without a doubt. Doubt was part of my life. Doubt is the great dismantler of our peace, faith, trust and sense of wellbeing. It is utterly life- and hope-draining. It's leaving now. A big, Heaven-ringing Alleluia! It was a 'biggy' holding me back from so many things.
I had no idea that I would have to go through such a big storm to leave it behind. The Master said to Olga Park many decades ago, ‘Because of the steep places, I have veiled thy sight.’ That is love and compassion and real help. That same love, compassion and help is available to us all and you have experienced it in this situation. If we knew ahead of time what steep places lie ahead, would we be able to face them? Yet all such are decided upon by us, as our path, before we incarnate, so we are never the victims of such but the choosers, the beneficiaries, for the outworking of a higher purpose.
Such storms as you describe are an opportunity (heavily disguised as adversity) to demonstrate for ourself that our FTOC is intact. Then, when we have survived (perhaps only by the skin of our teeth! and always with help beyond our imagining) and come though, we find our FTOC has been immeasurably strengthened in the process; preparing us for receiving greater gifts from Papa than we previously were aware could be possible. Truly, He is the Good Husbandman, always growing us into fulfilment of our true potential.
Brian I am so grateful that you're on this voyage with me
. My dear Sharon, I do absolutely assure you that that sentiment is entirely mutual. When I was heading into the storm I asked God for 'safe passage' I don't know where those words came from but I repeated them over and over and over, ........ and he granted it. The key here, when racked by doubt and uncertainty, is to keep on asking, refusing to listen to ego pressing down so hard on our apparently vulnerable mind. You have demonstrated to yourself the essential importance and value of that. Ego does not want us to do that because it knows that is the channel, or mechanism by which we are able to receive Papa’s answer to our prayer, so it does everything it can to lull us back to the apathy and sense of hopelessness of our dream. Keep on asking and never give up; that is the undoing of ego’s stranglehold in a situation such as you describe When the storm passes and the seas subside, and the sun comes out and you sail along, Joy flows again. What a feeling that is; surely there cannot be another like it on Earth. It is SO important that people know that it WILL RETURN, yes, yes, yes, it will just know for sure. ASK, ASK, ASK; it is SO important to KEEP ASKING, even when you're sinking, the last breath you take, the last fleeting thought of life, that you KEEP ASKING. That is exactly it; never, ever give up. Thank you for being my life-raft Thank you for seeing me thus and for saying so; it is deeply appreciated, I know for sure now that A COURSE IN MIRACLES is where I am to be. This truly has made my day. Another of ego’s life-lines severed; another giant step toward the Kingdom. Thank you for being there to teach me. It is my joy and pleasure. We are all teachers for each other; we all learn from each other. Your sharing is teaching me how I was right to continue with the courage of my convictions in setting out on this path.
With a grateful heart, Sharon Amen to that. Thank you so much for this, Brian
Hi Brian. |
The following exchange was posted on August 18th 2007
Hi Brian, Hi Susan,
I have been pondering some of the things your messages say about how our life in time is illusory relative to the ultimate divine unity, and wonder, in light of this, how you deal with Jesus’ focus on the kingdom of heaven upon earth and the love of this planet, its long evolution, beauty, and the value of the temporal consciousness. I am deeply grateful you are asking this question. I find it surprising that nobody has asked it before! It is so contra to our Earth-mind perceptions and understanding, turning all our multi-generational understanding on its head. That is why ACIM (and Gary Renard’s writing, which focuses entirely upon it, with immensely helpful explanations) is so revolutionary. The answer is actually very simple once we have adjusted our focus from double vision to single vision, so we can start seeing past the immediate and begin to observe from the perspective of eternity, which is not just different from time and place but the opposite of it.
Olga was absolutely right in her perception that Jesus prayed and worked for the Kingdom of Heaven ON EARTH (KOHOE), and I am deeply and profoundly grateful to her for emphasizing that so much during our years with her. The reason why it is so vital for us to pray and work for the KOHOE is because time and place, which is an illusion fabricated in an instant by the Son of God (us) and not by the Father (as explained over and over in ACIM and Gary’s books) is an opportunity for us to become ‘Kingdomly in our thinking;’ to re-train our minds back to the right way of thinking, while we are still here in ‘upside-down,’ ego-land, so that we are made ready, prepared, leavened, ahead of time, so to speak, to return to eternity.
We cannot return – permanently – to eternity (Heaven) until we are restored to ‘Heaven-mindedness’ because it is so different (opposite) from Earth-mindedness that it would be too great a shock for us to deal with, especially all the unconscious guilt and fear accrued in time and place. So, the real purpose of the Earth-life experience, of time and place, is to re-train our minds Heavenwards. That, according to Jesus’ teaching in ACIM, was not its original purpose. Its original purpose was to hide away from a vengeful God, (Adam and Eve, covering themselves with fig leaves and hiding amongst the ‘trees of the garden’). However, Holy Spirit has taken that situation (Earth) and accorded His own purpose, namely the re-training ground for our upside-down, ego-split minds, to restore them to right/Heaven/Christ-Mindedness.
Of course, most of humanity at present is so heavily engaged with sojourning in time that their citizenship of eternity is far from their thoughts. Jesus, having been restored to Christ-Mindedness and thus, oneness (as the Son) in the Father, came to begin the re-training process for the rest of us, his brethren, and has now established a vanguard of souls – billions in the etheric counterpart of Earth and a now ever-growing nucleus in the Earth life – to continue the leavening process, until the whole is leavened.
Earth life is the training ground for restoration of Kingdom-thinking (which leads, automatically, to Kingdom be-haviour. I have written that word hyphenated to emphasise that how we act is an outward expressing of our inward being). Earth, and the KOHOE is, as I have written in SYFK and the Messages of Encouragement, a staging post. Here is what I wrote on March 28th:
The HTG website focuses heavily on the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; however this is a temporary situation, a ‘staging post’ from where we - at present still labouring under the yoke of the Earth-mind (ego) consciousness - are being metamorphosed back into the Christ- or Holy Spirit-Mind, or Eternal awareness (remembrance). We are still in the early stages of this because we are only in the beginning part of the 3rd measure of meal. However, this process does not progress arithmetically but logarithmically. It has taken billions of years, in linear time – from the moment of separation – for our return to the Kingdom consciousness to reach this place, but by the end of the 3rd measure of meal, 2000 years hence, the process will be complete and the consciousness of all humanity will have been leavened to its true potential, just it was 2000 years ago with the ‘firstfruits’ – Jesus.
And this was in the August 8th Message of Encouragement, an extract from ACIM with my parenthesised comments:
The Holy Spirit reaches from the Christ in you to all your dreams, and bids them come to Him, to be translated into truth. (This is the activity that is taking place now, in this, the final measure of meal, being leavened) He will exchange them for the final dream which God appointed as the end of dreams. (This is the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; the final staging post immediately prior to the consummation of the marriage of Heaven with Earth, in which Earth consciousness will have become transformed, metamorphosed, subsumed into Christ Mind – our true nature – in the Oneness of Eternity in Heaven and the physical universe will cease to be part of our awareness, cease to exist, just as the dreams we had last night and have already forgotten are no longer part of our awareness, no longer exist). For when forgiveness rests upon the world and peace has come to every Son of God, what could there be to keep things separate, for what remains to see except Christ’s face? (Indeed, there will be nothing to keep us separate and we will no longer be separate, either from our Self, our brethren in the Sonship or our Father, the Creator Spirit).
And how long will this holy face be seen, when it is but the symbol that the time for learning now is over, and the goal of the Atonement (At-one-ment) has been reached at last? So therefore let us seek to find Christ’s face and look on nothing else (He means right now, here, in the Earthly life; for any idea that we must wait is a ploy of ego which we are now, already, free to repudiate without delay, if we so desire). As we behold His glory, will we know we have no need of learning or perception or of time, or anything except the holy Self, the Christ Whom God created as His Son.
In the last vignette, number 27, at the back of SYFK, it says:
Holy Communion February 16, 1997
At the beginning I saw a ladder/stairway stretching from highest Heaven to darkest, deepest ‘hell.’ It disappeared out of vision into the light above and the darkness below. Our Communion Sanctuary was like a ‘staging post’ about halfway up the ladder. I felt as if the words concerning the Lord’s eternalness and His great God-mission for all mankind were being broadcast down to all levels and, as if we were an amplifying/relaying station, via what we do and our commitment, into the depths below.
It then goes on to say that I saw Jesus fastening a ladder to the floor of bedrock hell and then added:
Our sanctuary of Mystical Communion with Christ was placed on a circular platform through which the ladder passed on its way up to Heaven.
Susan, I believe the purpose of John of Patmos, the Teacher, King David, establishing the SMCC attunement mechanism in the Earth-life is to help ‘all who will’ to get attuned with Christ Mind, in the guise of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, ‘the Voice for God,’ to act as a major instrument in preparing the Children of Earth for ‘lift-off’ or ascension into the Heaven, eternity awareness.
Some people, like the secretary of the interior under Ronald Reagan, James Watt, answered environmentalists who were concerned about humans’ treatment of the planet by saying something like, “What does it [the physical environment] matter? The Lord is coming soon anyway and this world will be burned up. So who cares about a few trees.” I know, of course, that this is not what your language implies; in fact, just the opposite. Yet I have seen this kind of apocalyptic, other-worldly thinking used to denigrate earth and human experience in time.
Apocalypse is an ego-mind perception of a metamorphic event. There is not and cannot be anything apocalyptic (widespread, mass destruction) about anything to do with Papa, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. This is literal-mindedness of ‘little-self’ humanity, dominated by fear, guilt and negativity putting their (not God’s) slant on the end times. That does not mean that little-self may not effect apocalyptic activities (9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Wounded Knee, Enniskillen, Hiroshima, Nanking, etc., etc.) but it is not part of the GRP and in fact the GRP includes every possible mechanism (other than intervention, which is contra to cosmic law) to avert as many such events as possible.
Ego wants us to perceive the end times as an event so fearful that we will not wish it to happen and will do all it can to delay/avert it but its thought is so puny and impossible that it is simply one more delusion to add to the pot. But that is not part of the Programme for the Marriage of Heaven with Earth. The ‘end times’ are literally that: the end of time and the return to eternity for the Son of God. To read other/more into it - of a negative, apocalyptic nature - is an entirely unserviceable misperception, born of ego to maintain the consciousness of fear.
It seems to me this physical sphere, though less comprehensive than higher levels) is crucial to the mission of the Master and, hence, his focus on it over the millennia. You are absolutely right; the Earth is crucial to the GRP because that is where Jesus’ brethren in the Sonship believe themselves to be, so that is where he is focusing his efforts (the ‘physician’ coming to the sick). Nevertheless, let us not forget that, as indicated above, Earth is the staging post in the leavening process, so while it is essential to the process, when the process is complete – that is, we have been restored to Oneness with Jesus and all our brethren in the Sonship, in Heaven, and time and place are no longer necessary, because we will be in eternity for eternity, in a totally unrecognizable-to-Earth-comprehension state – the physical universe will simply cease to have existence for us.
It is also helpful to keep in mind here that according to quantum physicists, there is no such thing as ‘solid’ matter. It is no accident that this has come to light in recent years. It is part of the preparation, the transformation, the re-training, the metamorphosis, the resurrection of the mind - not the body; we are perfect Spirit, as created by the Creator and our bodies are a temporary device for re-training our mind Heavenwards; when that is done, our bodies have no no further purpose to serve - of Earth-life humanity (the caterpillars) to our true, Christ-Mind awareness in eternity.
ACIM reminds us that the Earth and all the physical universe was not created by God but by the Son in a moment of musing which was over as soon as it began and that the Son (us) never left Heaven. That is why we can be sure that all we appear to see and experience is a dream, an illusion. In fact, Jesus also tells us that all we are apparently seeing and experiencing actually ended as soon as it began and time is/was over as soon as it began; that the billions of apparent ‘years’ since the big bang are imaginary, in the dream-moment of the Son’s mind that ended as soon as it began. Thus, all that appears to be happening here and now is actually, already over within the perspective of eternal, Christ Mind, and it is an illusion that we mistakenly perceive it is still going on. That is an indicator of the creativity of the Christ Mind (albeit, a momentary misdirection of it with apparently lasting consequences), which is our birthright, inheritance and destiny.
Every stage of consciousness is good, because the spirit permeates and sustains it all. It is true that spirit permeates all, but time and place is not our true, real, eternal and only Home, so while we may have fond feelings toward this world, it is like a beautiful lily of the field, more arrayed than Solomon in all his glory; ‘tomorrow’ it will be ‘cast into the oven’ (not to be taken literally as destroyed by fire by a vengeful god, or by apocalypse!) and gone. The reason not to be dismayed at its disappearance is that it is nothing compared with the glory of our real Home. A lily of the field is a beautiful thing but is come and gone in the blink of an eye, so getting it, along with time and place and all else that appears to be in it into a balanced perspective will be serviceable to our mind re-training activities.
After all, Jesus’ central teaching was on the kingdom of heaven on earth, not just on some other realm, and the emphasis of his words was not merely on gaining a better place in the afterlife, but building the kingdom here and now through a radical shift in consciousness. This is essential, as indicated above, to our preparation for the ascension into Heaven: the resurrection of our minds. This is why we have to prepare for the Kingdom here on Earth – by the resurrection of our minds to Christ-Mindedness - otherwise we will be unable, unprepared, to ascend. This is all very carefully, comprehensively – and beautifully – explained in ACIM.
The kingdom of heaven is within us and around us and we are that kingdom, but we don’t see it. Exactly so. That is our Earth-mind, with its double vision, causing our whole body to be filled with darkness (Mt. 6:23). Hence the need for resurrection/leavening/raising-up/metamorphosing/transforming and that can only be done here, in preparation for the ascension back into eternity/Heaven.
Mark and I have had some messages over the years on how changing how we perceive and act here has impact on all realms This is true, because there is only one mind – Universal, God Mind, of which we, the Son, are indivisibly part. It is only the split, upside-down, ego part of our mind that sees things as separated from that. That split mind has no effect on our real, true, Christ Mind, which is unaffected by the separation. Holy Spirit’s job is to help us to recognize one from the other and choose, freely, between ego-mind and our real, Christ Mind and that our lives are not illusion or unreal, but very important and on a continuum with the ultimate reality. Our lives are not an illusion; our bodies and all of the time and place consciousness is the illusory bit.
As ACIM reminds us many, many times, we are not a body but eternal radiant spirit and that anything that dies is an illusion, not of God, because God created us in His image and likeness: eternal, indestructible, like Himself. That is, it is important that we love this planet and our bodies and our temporal selves To behave toward ourselves, our fellows, our planet in an unKingdomly way would not be at all serviceable to preparing us for our true Home, which we must do here in order for us to move from the Earth staging post into our eternal Home.
In Luke ch. 16 Jesus says: He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? at the same time as we realize we are much more than the body and that we are cosmic beings as well.
The emphasis of Jesus’ teaching in ACIM (for me, the definitive Holy Scriptures, straight from the CEO of the GRP - unadulterated by those without the light of spiritual discernment - for the third measure of meal) would, I believe, place a full stop after the words ‘cosmic beings’ and omit the ‘as well,’ on the basis that this is focusing on two states of being, thus functioning from a place of duality, or trying to serve two masters. This is why Olga emphasised over and over and over the essential importance of one-pointedness, and the Master emphasised repeatedly the importance of singleness of purpose and of vision. In 1992 he said:
… as you go forward from this place so shall your singleness of vision increase and draw the Earthly sight into oneness with it so that the two gradually become one. I cannot improve on that!
Later, in the same message, he said:
I shall be with you at each step, that ye falter not, neither stumble and fall. This indicates his concern for our physical well-being. Of course, while we appear to be here he wants us to be safe, so that we can accomplish what we have come back here to do. Hold fast little one and this vessel I feel sure I do not need to say he is referring to our physical body shall come to no ill in the tempest and here to this world and its stormy conditions but shall safely arrive at its ever-intended destination and here to Home, Heaven, eternity. In 1998 he said:
The enemy (ego) wants fear to invade and take control in your heart, your mind, your life. Hence the need for singleness of vision, so that his objectives are screened out. This is what Jesus/the Holy Spirit are engaged in with the ‘Children of Earth’ right now, with ‘all who will.’ It is the leavening, resurrecting activity, getting us back to Christ-Mindedness, singleness of vision, so that our whole body can be filled with light. Ego’s objectives are to sidetrack, distract, bog us down in worldly matters, to the extent that we lose our one-pointed focus on eternity. That certainly calls for singleness of vision and purpose.
It’s a delicate balance. It certainly is!!
Love and blessings, And to you also. Thank you for this opportunity to extend some awarenesses, for our mutual going forward. Brian
The following exchange was posted on August 15th 2007
I have a friend of around 15 years who is a psychic. Recently I rebutted something she said- by the way she knows little about the New Testament and Jesus’ mission on earth. In response she said I was a negative person and negativity just oozes from my being. She said that the reason why we got broken into (our garage was robbed for the third time of bikes and tools) was because I have such negative thoughts. She follows the movie “The Secret” avidly and believes we are what we think. I replied to her, "Jesus was the perfect man, the son of the living God. He had enemies and confronted evil 24/7 while he walked the earth.
There is an inference that could be drawn from this statement that Jesus went about looking for evil with which to go ‘head to head’. I feel sure that is not what you were implying, but this wording makes it easy to misconstrue. I have no doubt that Jesus was/is functioning from such a high, positive place of being that negativity and evil was not registering as a significant concern on his radar because he knew it was all an illusion and none of what ‘appears’ to be ‘confronting’ us is real, so it cannot impact upon any (including him) who have that awareness.
His death at 33 was the result of man's belief that he spoke heresy declaring himself to be one with God.
Again, I feel it is important to place that statement within the context of the fact that he chose that, ‘cup’ or event, before he incarnated (almost certainly, before Abraham incarnated, if one looks from a linear time perspective, though he was in the eternal awareness) and it did not happen ‘to him,’ as if it was, in some way beyond his control, a ‘victim’ of someone else’s plot. This was his plot; he was the lead player and Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin, Judas, Pilate, the Roman soldiers etc., were all his supporting players in this grand drama.
Does that support your argument? Are you saying that Jesus created these circumstances because he had negative thoughts?" She said, "That's not what I meant," and went on. Brian could you kindly respond to this as I must admit it has caused a major rift in our relationship.
Regrettably, you did not say what she went on to say, so it is difficult to respond to this further. Now just a note, this is a very conceited woman who does a fair amount of grand standing in promoting her gifts.
Can you see her as an angel whom you have called into your presence to bring the wonderful gift of a magnificent opportunity to transform adversity into fulfilment by remembering who you really are and awakening from misperceptions of your self into true vision of your Self?
Realizing this, I take it with a grain of salt, but her words did cut deep to the open wound and admittedly, I was depressed after I spoke to her.
Debbie Ford writes that we all have unresolved issues lurking in our unconscious mind, from childhood traumas or from ‘previous’ acts and that there is a foolproof way of finding out if such issues have been ‘Retraced, faced, embraced and replaced.’ That is to observe whether, when faced up with something such as you describe, one is ‘affected’ by it or ‘informed’ by it.
‘Affected’ means, does it get our blood-pressure/hackles up; does it hurt and make us feel vulnerable, threatened, attacked, defensive? ‘Informed’ means we feel none of the above, but our pulse, demeanour, attitude toward the other party does not alter. That is because we are comfortable with who we know ourself to be, even if the other party is mistaken by outward appearances; it means we can genuinely have feelings of love, goodwill, equanimity toward the other party (lying to ourself is a waste of time in such an exercise).
If we find that our spontaneous reaction is ‘affected,’ it is a signal that we can turn to our advantage by beginning to retrace the causative factors of our affectedness. For example, if your friend saying you are negative, etc., affected you, it is a signal that you unconsciously feel this is a ‘direct hit’ in terms of your own, deep-down self perception (even if you might strenuously deny it outwardly, or, in other words, be defensive about it).
If, on the other hand, you truly are aware that you have a balanced perspective on yourself, and are not negative, then the motor-response of quickened pulse, feeling hurt, vulnerable, threatened, attacked, defensive would not occur and the heart-rate would remain unaltered by it. If, as your message suggests, you have been affected, the first thing to do to help turn this around and use it to your benefit (as distinct from trying to respond to perceived ‘threat’ with ‘attack’) is to acknowledge to yourself that this is the case and be honest with yourself, ask help from Jesus/Holy Spirit in this matter.
This way it can be brought to the surface (rather than remaining buried, only to keep re-surfacing because it is there to be resolved, so you can go forward); faced/acknowledged; embraced/forgiven (using the ACIM true forgiveness of one’s self and whoever is, mistakenly, perceived as the ‘out there,’ projected cause of the problem of, in this instance, negativity; for example, it might, typically, be something from a parental relationship during formative years etc); and finally, replaced, such as by some ‘mantras’ from ACIM.
Here are some examples you might wish to consider:
‘I am not the victim of the world I see’
‘I have invented the world I see’
‘There is another way of looking at the world’
‘I could see peace instead of this’
‘I can replace my feelings of (list, or name them, such as negativity, depression, anxiety; or my thoughts about this situation, person, event)’
‘My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.’
‘My holiness envelops everything I see.’
‘My holiness blesses the world’
‘There is nothing my holiness cannot do because the power of God lies in it’
‘My holiness is my salvation’ (as a countermanding of ‘my unloving thoughts about …. are keeping me in hell’)
‘God goes with me wherever I go’
‘God is the light in which I see’
‘God is the mind with which I think’
‘God is the love in which I forgive.
‘God is the strength in which I trust’
‘There is nothing to fear’
These are all from the ACIM Workbook and each has a detailed explanation of the meaning, value and benefit we can derive by going through the committed process of making them our truth. These are worth careful, detailed investigation, as they will assuredly help to bring about a new, transformed perception of one’s self and the world. This takes commitment, dedication and it will work, but is not an instant fix.
Rather we have to undo the hard-wiring of our synapses and retrain our mind into a new, Kingdomly way of thinking, seeing, being. It will take time but the alternative is to ask oneself, ‘If I do not make this commitment, and carry on as I am, where will I be in a few years/at the end of my sojourn here/when it is time to re-incarnate?’
I will not say ‘No gain without pain’ but I will amend that to ‘No gain without commitment.’ It will seem slow and almost imperceptible and ego wants us to believe it is not happening, and therefore, to give up. Papa says to us, exhorts us: ‘Don’t give up!’
Can you help me on this one, dear brother? Dearest Patti, I earnestly hope this will be helpful. Try to look past the immediacy of any situation and see the perfection in it and ask why you have called it into your own presence. It helps to switch to a different, true perspective. Love to you and yours, Patricia. With love and many blessings, as always, Brian
The following exchange was posted on August 10th 2007
Hi Brian. Thank you very much for your email, (see August 9th posting, below) it is a great help. I thought that you would like to read some of Vernon Howard’s sayings. He seemed to know what people are all about. Regards. Pearl.
Dear Pearl,
Many thanks for these. They are so utterly in harmony with HTG objectives of focussing on manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth that I am posting them on the Forum page.
Bless you for sending them,
Here they are:
When two people meet, the prize always goes to the one with the most self-insight. He will be calmer, more confident, more at ease with the other.
Never permit the behavior of other people to tell you how to feel. Any friendship requiring the submission of your original nature and dignity to another person is all wrong.
Mystically speaking, there is no difference between you and another person. This is why we cannot hurt another without hurting ourselves, nor help another without helping ourselves.
You understand others to the exact degree that you really understand yourself. Work for more self-knowledge.
If you painfully lose a valuable friend, do not rush out at once for a replacement. Such action prevents you from examining your heartache and breaking free of it.
Every unpleasant experience with another person is an opportunity to see people as they are, not as we mistakenly idealize them. The more unpleasant the other person is, the more he can teach you.
Do not mistake desire for love. Desire leaves home in a frantic search for one gratification after another. Love is at home with itself.
Change yourself, rather than working to change others.
Attend to the reason why you felt hurt, not to those who hurt you.
We demand a social gain of a person because we think it will fulfil us inwardly. It won’t. It never will - as we have suspected all along.
So-called success provides ego-excitement, but never self-fulfillment. It is just as impossible for an exterior result to provide inner happiness as it is for a new hat to give us a new mind. Reflect on this!
Flatly refuse to let anyone put pressure on you. In some cases this means a calm but firm statement that he or she must stop it. When done correctly it is a favor to both of you. A bully might resent being told to knock it off, but at the same time he will like you, for he is secretly glad to find someone who isn’t bluffed by his childish pressure.
No one can possibly behave above his own level of understanding. Don’t expect people to do any better than they are compelled to do at their present level. Your problem is in assuming that they should and could behave better. That is like thinking that a monkey should be as dignified as a deer. Understand this and annoyance disappears.
Anything you get from another human being that requires a sacrifice of your integrity is not worth getting.
A certain sign of deepened understanding is when you no longer criticize unkind or troublesome people, but feel sorry for them. You realize that no one can get away with badness, that unkind people are their own punishment. When a man catches his first glimpse of what it means to live above his usual mechanical and negative reactions to life, he feels a new pleasure. And he senses an entirely new kind of opportunity!
These wonderful and reassuring gems of wisdom come from The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power and The Power of Your Supermind, by Vernon Howard.
We all encounter challenging people and situations on a daily basis. These wonderful and exceedingly blunt, but true insights to human behavior will help shake us up and finally enable us to begin seeing things on a higher and more realistic level. This will help us to then finally extinguish the enormous pain and suffering we have in our interactions with others and to begin having much larger spans of happiness, harmony and peace of mind no matter what is going on in our lives!
And Pearl has also lovingly sent this, from
HEAVEN #2450 Can you not love yourself?, August 10, 2007
God said:
It is inevitable that what I say will sink into you. You will forget My words, and yet you will have taken great strides. You may think you are getting nowhere, but you are getting somewhere. You are rising to meet yourself, beloved. You are becoming a friend to yourself. As you uplift yourself, you uplift the world.
Your journey is not for yourself alone. You are to raise the consciousness of the world. How would you raise it if you stayed the same? You have perhaps been waiting for the world to change, when the first move is yours.
If you want peace in the world, make peace with yourself. You have fought yourself long enough. Lay down your arms. You have been stalking yourself, tripping yourself, laying imprecations upon yourself. Today look up and see Who you really are. Then you will love yourself. You must love yourself. You must know that you are worthy of love. Can you not love yourself? Can you not love what I love? Are you so much better than I am that you can say you are not as good as I say?
You have been mistaken. You definitely had the wrong idea about yourself. You descried your humanness. What makes you so high and mighty that you would disdain one particle of one Being I made and made with love? How dare you not value yourself more? Much more. How dare you put yourself down. You are here to raise yourself up. You are here to reach the stars. You are here to rescue yourself.
The world may try to glue your feet to the ground and keep you right where it wants you, but the world is not your leader. I am, and you are.
Become a beneficent Being. Be beneficent to yourself. This not at all the same as selfish. It is supreme selfishness to keep yourself nailed down. Make the decision to free yourself. Free yourself first from all the false ideas you have had about yourself. You took what you heard at face value. Now you know that what you heard was not true. You believed everything then. Believe Me now.
Remove the cellophane of the past. Remove the records of the past. Remove all past associations from your heart and mind. Whatever amount the past served you, you are done with it now. The past is an old newspaper. Burn it. Let it go up in smoke. Today is a new day, and you are to be the hero of it.
Let go of all your laggard thoughts. Begin to do yourself justice. Gain a new image of yourself. You are not a weakling. You are a strongling. You were birthed from Greatness. Think of it. I created you. From the palette of My heart, I painted you the colors of love.
You have somehow thought you were an accident of some kind or a manufacturing mistake. Not at all. I knew what I was doing when I created you. Only you have not known what you are doing, You have belied yourselves, beloved. You were the treasure, and you thought you were refuse. You thought you took up space. You thought you were a bump on a log. You had an incorrect impression of yourself. I made no mistake. You have been mistaken. You mistook yourself for less than you are. Heretofore, you have been good at that.
Today, begin to look up. Look into My eyes, and begin to see Who you are and why I made you exactly right. My hand did not slip. You did not fall from grace. You merely have not looked up enough. Look up now
The following exchange was posted on August 9th 2007
Hi Brian. Thank you for your answer to my question. This situation has been going on for some years now. My friend thinks that she is afraid of me for some reason. Situations like this are nothing to do with outward appearances but are of the psychic, or unconscious mind realms, to do with issues, karma, from previous acts. If rational, reasoning discussions do not lead to the outworking of the issues, which clearly in this instance they are not, then it is because the other person – your sister-in-law - is not ready to confront and resolve the issues. This is because she is living in the consciousness of fear and is thus in denial of who she really is. That is how it appears. Now let us see what Gary’s book, The Disappearance of the Universe (‘DU’), says about this within the context of true forgiveness, as explained in ACIM, as being the only way out. If you turn to page 256 of DU, you will see it offers an example of a true forgiveness thought process:
A Thought Process Example
You’re not really there. If I think you are guilty, or the cause of the problem, and if I made you up, then the imagined guilt and fear must be in me. Since the separation from God never occurred, I forgive “both” of us for what we haven’t really done. Now there is only innocence, and I join with the Holy Spirit in peace.
I have underlined a really key part of this, for emphasis. It says in the paragraph preceding that, that we can apply ‘you’ and ‘you’re’ to any person, situation or event, so here, you could apply it to your sister-in-law and the entire situation. On page 258 Gary goes on to say,
In my ego’s script he (in your scenario, your sister-in law) was the guilty one, not me – but now I could change my mind. It didn’t really matter if I got in touch with the form (sister-in-law) of my own guilt that he was symbolizing for me. All that mattered was that I forgive. The Holy Spirit would take care of the details.
Without separation, this guy couldn’t exist apart from me – and if our separation from God was an illusion, neither one of us could possibly exist as individuals. What I was seeing wasn’t really there. I could now perceive innocence, or true perception, by having the attitude that he was entirely without guilt. I could forgive him for what wasn’t really happening. In that view, my own sins, of which I covertly accused myself were also forgiven. I released my brother (sister-in-law) to the Holy Spirit in peace, and thus I was released as well.
Of course, to ego mind this is all utterly absurd; a complete fantasy. Of course my brother (sister-in-law) is real; I can touch her, experience her presence… etc., etc. Ego has had it all its own way on this one since the beginning of time. Now it’s time to turn the tables on that illusion and see past it, to the truth of eternity. That seems very, very, even a third very, hard. It will appear impossible unless we have the desire for all this to be behind us, consigned to the ‘cosmic recycling bin.’ If we resonate with the idea, the concept of all that appears before us as an illusion, we will be half way there. If we simply cannot see that, embrace the idea, however hard we may wish to believe it, then we are not yet ready. Even if we are ready, we are not yet ‘there’ so there is still much work ahead for us in retraining or re-educating our mind, getting the hard-wiring of the ego-synapses undone and some serious re-wiring done.
However, we do not, of course, have to do this on our own. This is where FTOC in the help provided from/by Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit is a requisite. All that is required of us is the desire for it and the FTOC to keep on keeping on. All the rest is done for us in response to our desire and FTOC. Don’t let ego convince you otherwise. We have the choice of keeping on or giving up. By keeping on, we really begin to see how our thinking does undergo a revolution. It isn’t a sudden firework display of new perceptions but a slow, almost imperceptible change, where it gets less hard to think in this new way, and less hard to stop thinking in the old way. The one does not suddenly, instantly replace the other, but a gradual switch-over takes place, with the new phasing in and the old fading out.
I have an idea what it is but I could be wrong. I have talked to her, my husband, her brother has talked to her, but of no avail. I stayed away from the family gatherings for a year. I hoped that I would get enough strength not let her get to me. She has a strong Aura. As the ‘Heavenletters’ quote you sent me so perfectly and timely states:
‘A tyrant could not exist when everyone is his own sovereign. How could there be a bully when everyone is strong in his own worthiness? There would neither be bully nor bullied.
Govern yourself. Do not be unruly. Attune to a greater rule.
You are not subjects in the world. You do not bow your knee to any one person, you bow to all. Bow to yourself.
This really says it for you, doesn’t it Pearl? Another (person, church institution, mythology, whatever) only ever has as much power over us as we ascribe to it. Once we look closely, carefully enough at it to see past the illusion, we can see the truth of eternity within it. In this instance, that you are, have, your own sovereign power over your life. Take a step back and look at the situation. Then you will be able to see it more clearly and I believe you will be able to laugh at the unreality of it all. But most of all, get focussed on true forgiveness by saying, ‘None of this is real because it will pass and only that is real which is eternal.’
I went with my husband last Saturday to his 65th. birthday party. She arranged it, but did not include me in this. I feel that I will have to stay away permanently, but I will still bless her. I have been married for 37 years. I am probably too sensitive. You can choose anew on that, dear Pearl My friend thinks that she is bringing up old wounds, as she is just like two of my sisters. Anyways, I feel that staying away is better for me, and I can bless her and the rest of her family. Space is a very serviceable tool in enabling peace to become established but only if the space does not make you feel excluded, put upon, victimised, because that would be ego ensnaring you in another of his devices. Namaste. Pearl.
Hi Brian. I have read your email again, and am wondering why this person is seeking love? Most of us in the wilderness of this illusory realm are seeking love. It stems from unconscious guilt that we have betrayed, attacked God and goes back through previous acts and the guilt, fear, attacks that have been our experience since the separation. I never had any children, and my family are all in Ontario, and one in Germany. She has two lovely daughters and her family. She controls them behind a brick wall. Brick walls are hard to penetrate. Try observing all this from the perspective as outlined above; namely, she isn’t really here, neither are you, so she cannot be guilty, and neither can you. That change of focus is the only way Home. Don’t give up Pearl; I know you won’t because you are still persevering and have a tenacious FTOC. I wish to encourage you with all the encouragement I can muster. Thank you for being patient with me. Patience is not an ego trait but a Holy Spirit trait. It has not been an easy part of my journey, moving into patience. But Jesus has been infinitely patient with me and without that I would not have been able to stay the course. I give thanks for that every time impatience wells up within me, and then I choose again, to be like Jesus. It is working and I am much transformed in this regard in recent time. As he says in ACIM:
Your patience with your brother is your patience with yourself. Is not a child of God worth patience? I have shown you infinite patience because my will is that of our Father, from Whom I learned of infinite patience. His Voice was in me as It is in you, speaking for patience towards the Sonship in the Name of Its Creator.
Now you must learn that only infinite patience produces immediate effects. This is the way in which time is exchanged for eternity. Infinite patience calls upon infinite love, and by producing results now it renders time unnecessary. (Text, chapter 5, section 6).
I have been quite upset lately, I know it is me being upset, but after 37 years of being married to her brother I feel that she could appreciate me just a little. I will forgive as much as I am able to at this time. That’s the spirit. I have gotten over it before, so I will get over it again, and hopefully be even stronger. As the Master has said to me many times, ‘Hold fast.’ Here are some Diary extracts on this for your upliftment and encouragement:
Hold fast to that which you know to be true, right and of eternal values; such shall stand you in good stead and serve you well as strength and support. Do that which you perceive necessary; let love, compassion, caring, kindness, goodwill and resolve guide your thoughts and actions at all times, especially of decision.
And let your heart and mind be aware of those in the realms of Light who care also for you. You (all) who travel the Earth-life path are not alone. We are ever close to you.
Heed my words to hold fast to that which you have, that your crown be not taken from you; nay, rather that it may be embellished with all the jewels for which it has been prepared.
Hold fast to that which I have given you and let this light shine for the children of Earth to see and know of this living reality.
It is my desire and purpose also to be the Way by which my little ones may be brought safely back from the wilderness to the Kingdom and be freely given their garments of purity, to take their rightful place with Abba and me.
Of course there will be resistance from the enemy and, in ignorance, by those my little ones who foolishly and blindly follow him. This is as nothing my son, to all who hold fast to that which I have given them. Their crown is theirs. Ultimately, the choice must be made by each as to whether he desires his rightful inheritance or whether his adoptive hovel is his preferred dwelling place. There shall be no compulsion. Only love and freedom.
Now is the time of great outpouring of (God’s) Spirit upon all the world and many shall be the signs and wonders given to those who love Him and hold fast to that which has been given to them.
Those who gladly and gratefully receive and hold fast in the face of persecution and ridicule and torment shall desire to share those gifts with their fellows who have not yet so received, as a result of unreadiness.
Hold fast to the goal of your vision so that perspectives in-between do not lead you astray.
It is paramount that, come what may, you, and all who would follow me, must hold fast, be utterly one-pointed in your focus, steadfast in your desire to be my disciples. Only by experiencing flat spots can you become aware that effort, commitment, faith, trust and obedience are absolute prerequisites of the path of discipleship. The enemy seeks to trip you, to tip the crown that it is my good pleasure to give you, over your eyes and deceive you into many false ways…
The enemy wants fear to invade and take control in your heart, your mind, your life. Hence the need for singleness of vision, so that his objectives are screened out. I say to you, keep on one-pointedly; the great refining process continues and all who hold fast shall be saved, protected, all their requirements for fulfilment of their hearts’ desire provided.
Have I not told you, Papa knows all your needs before you ask? Assuredly you know that it is so. Hold fast in faith. All your needs are well within His ability to provide. Have no anxiety about the timing, for this is a toehold for the enemy to insinuate his fearful ways.
Hold fast. That which passes away is not your strength and your salvation. I am. Every detail of your life is within my care.
Each new step always appears to be a great obstacle with almost insurmountable height to be transcended. Can you do this without guidance, instruction, help, faith, trust, obedience, commitment? As each step becomes steeper, so these qualities become more necessary. So I say to you my son, stand fast, hold fast, trust in Me. I will never forsake you or leave you but will be for you your beacon of light, your tower of strength and protection, a very present help in all your needs.
I say to you and your beloved, as I say to all who have taken the downwards journey into the place of the evil one, hold fast, your faith shall make you whole. Let your focus upon this be sharpened. Ask and continue to ask of me. It shall not be denied you.
I counsel you, hold fast; focus on the God of Grace, whose good pleasure it is to give you the Kingdom, to make new, to restore the fallen caterpillar to the fullness, beauty and glory of its rightful estate of butterflydom.
Because you have followed faithfully, one step at a time, so does your journey bring you to the Hill of the Lord. There lies greater vision of Earth and of Heaven. For atop this Hill come together Earth and Heaven. Then, once the vision has become assimilated into the wakefulness and perceived as the reality, attainable by all who hold fast, believing, so shall such a faithful one be enabled to bring that reality down from the mountain top into the valley and establish it there for the entertaining and revivifying of parched and hungering souls for whom the rains have failed and the crops withered and the river of the waters of life has run dry.
Namaste. Pearl. P.S. Sorry to bother you again. Pearl, dear One, I do assure you that rather than a bother, you are providing wondrous opportunity for you, for me and for all who might read these words and benefit from them to be blessed, uplifted, encouraged, restored and renewed in commitment for continuing the Homeward journey.
Hi Brian. You said in your email to go to April 11th.07 for the Message of Encouragement, False forgiveness. I went to the Forum on your web site and it goes from April 5th. to april12th. The reference to false and true forgiveness is to be found on the ‘Messages of Encouragement’ page of the HTG website, rather than the Forum page. Also when I start reading the ACIM book, where is it best to start, at the text or lessons? ACIM and DU emphasise the importance of reading/studying the Text first because without it, the context of many of the Workbook lessons is incomplete. First reading Gary Renard’s books is a massive help to the understanding of the Text but assuredly you will not understand all of it at the first reading anyway. Do not let that put you off. If we truly desire to get Home as soon as possible, perseverance will pay immeasurable dividends. I strongly recommend that you persevere with the text before moving to the Workbook. It will aid your comprehension and assimilation of the Workbook lessons very greatly. I have read The disappearance of the Universe and Your immortal reality. Have you read the book You Are God Get Over It? No, I have not heard of this but it sounds interesting. There are so many wake-up calls to those persisting in second, or even first measure of meal consciousness mind-sets, one wonders how many more wake-up opportunities it will take for them to begin to awaken to where we are on the ‘cosmic calendar.’ It was written by a Story Waters. Answer when you can, I know you are busy. Best regards.
Love and many blessings for your strengthening and encouragement, unto the fullness of your remembrance of who you really are: the Light of the world,
The following exchange was posted on August 8th 2007
Hi Rosa,I have just finished re-reading Gary Renard's Disappearance of the Universe. The first reading helped me understand ACIM, which was difficult and revolutionary in thought (for me at the time). I've almost finished reading the full ACIM Text now, and I am grateful to Gary Renard and the Holy Spirit in assisting with my understanding of it. His books are really immeasurably helpful. I am reading DU for the 4th time now and still getting much from it, in concert with ACIM. It is no mystery any more to me that your weekly messages are always attached to my weekly readings and musings. They speak to me....because you are me....we are Christ, the Son of God. How wonderful it is to hear a fellow traveller speak these words, so resonant with my own realisations, and to know others on the Path are awakening to the light of Home that is growing so illuminatingly as we draw nearer to our Destination.I remember an incident in his book that Gary cites of a person bleeding, dying in a mall. He says/thinks to the person: You are not who you think you are..."You are Christ." When I am faced with a "forgiveness" opportunity, my ACIM mantra is: My mind is part of God's. I am very holy. Fantastic. That is a real armament in the dissolution of ego's lie that we are sinners, unworthy; well worth daily self-reminding. And ACIM has almost endless further mantras that will inspire us out of our dream.I then think, if my mind is part of God's and your mind is part of mine/God's, then together we are very holy. This is the great thing about ACIM; it leads us, one step at a time, through these sequences of thought until we arrive at the inevitable conclusion: we are all One in the Sonship, with Jesus and in God, and have always been. It is then so much easier to let go of the judgement and see it for what it really illusory barrier to God. Rosa, our job is now to be Beacons of Light for the restoration to eternal truth, by awaking from the dream, for our fellow travellers, so that we may be restored. It sounds to me your work also has begun, or at the very least, you are ready for it to begin, and by these exchanges we are together shining a light for the New Dawn that is heralding the Kingdom Age. I am so happy that you are discovering ACIM at the same time as I am....again, no accident. Indeed, no accident but a happy synchronicity.With much love, Thank you; received and returned, amplified,Rosa Brian
Hi again, Rosa,
Thank you for your reply. I always so much look forward to your weekly entries. I know you are my true friend/brother as well as a beacon of light for me on our journey out of the dream.
Bless you for such words of kindness, which I can feel are right from your heart. In today’s fear-filled, untrusting world, to speak openly and unguardedly from the heart takes great courage but those of us who truly seek and earnestly desire to awaken from the dream will set an enlightening example for the help and encouragement of other, nascent seekers after truth and we will also be helping ourselves in our forward progress by so doing.
I want to share just one more thing with you, as I don't know anyone else who would appreciate/understand it. While reading DU for the first time, something unusual happened. I don't have my book available at this moment to pinpoint the spot, but it was somewhere in the beginning of the book. The ascended masters were explaining the use of J versus the use of Jesus. They said Jesus was building a team to do forgiveness work for the salvation of the Sonship. They described the “J team.” At this point in my reading, the pencil in my hand moved toward those words and a strong forced underlined those words many times...... ‘the J team.’ I realized the message was for me. Wonderful; a true demonstration of the help for you so close (literally) to hand. That same help is available to us all, if only we can believe (to borrow J's own words). I am to join the J team. I cannot think of one reason to indicate that you are not already a member ;-)
The Avatar course, The Disappearance of the Universe, the ACIM and your SYFK/journal entries on-line, all have converged in my life over the last few years...bringing me to this point in my life. I clearly understand that I am on J's team.
Aah! Now you are talking. It is my life's forgive.
If we are to believe Jesus (if we can’t believe him, we are in deep wilderness) then this is the most important thing in life and the only way out of the wilderness and back Home, permanently. Can there possibly be anything more important than that? Of course to believe anything else could be is ego-mind perception deluding us. This seems to somehow be more clearly in focus now and I feel sure that is because that is the focussed thought of the Holy Mind in this Holy Instant, and the power it is building is beginning to break through into the Earth-mind consciousness of ever-increasing numbers of souls in this world right now. The leaven is really working its works.
Your journals brought the reality of Jesus to my understanding...after so many years of rejecting and denying him. For so many, such a situation would be cause for endless guilt, fear and shame; just what ‘Dr’ Ego ordered. For Dr Jesus, however, such is nothing because it has never happened and he knows it. If it is nothing to him, we can, assuredly allow it to become nothing for us also. Well, thanks to him and his ACIM we now know it and can really start applying it, allowing it, until we remember, once more, that this is who we really are. That's why I am eternally grateful for your one-pointed commitment.
Your success in this area is also an example for me to follow. I know that I must be vigilant and true to this commitment as an early member of the J team. This is enough; it is all that is required of you. Your truly seeking and earnestly desiring are sufficient. Papa, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will perform all the rest, in response to your desire. It is really that simple.
Ego does not want us to believe that, so keeps driving, goading us to ‘do’ more, flagellate more, feel inadequate more, feel worthless, guilty, useless more. None of that will get us Home, so why bother? Holy Spirit/J will get us Home to Papa because They know how and are so empowered. We don’t know how, nor are we empowered, in our Earth-mind, ‘little self’ understanding. I don’t use such terms to deprecate, degrade or belittle anyone; simply to observe that this is how we have been seeing ourselves since the separation took hold, and to point out how it is wrong-mindedness.
I count on you as my true friend in Christ... Thank you Rosa; that is the kindest, most blessed and blessing thing I could ever hope to hear from anyone as a result of the mission for the Kingdom upon which I am now embarked. The Holy Spirit's grace brought to me over the internet. (Of course, his grace transcends the internet). When I think of all that has transpired, I can hear “All is well.” loud and clear. Indeed, all is well; wonderfully well. Alleluia. Gratitude is abundant. Amen to that.
Thank you, dear Brian.
Thank you, also, dear Rosa,Rosa
The following exchange was posted on August 4th 2007
Hello Brian: Hi Patricia,
Thanks so much for sharing this moving, poignant story with a blessed, Kingdomly outcome.
This is especially significant as I have always struggled with forgiveness particularly when I have been wronged by someone for no reason.
True forgiveness can really be one of the hardest aspects of our being here to truly accomplish, yet is assuredly, the key, most crucial thing for us to master because it means the cycle of birth and death is broken forever and we are, once more, Home with Papa. Ego knows that and will work hard to prevent us from getting there; that’s why it seems so hard. And it can take years – even life-times – to achieve it, even just with one particular karmic entanglement. This is why we need so much help to win through, from Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit.
With Their help it can collapse the amount of time from thousands of years, or more (multiple incarnations), or circuits of the carousel. Yet, the sense of release upon succeeding is more than any other experience can give and that is because true forgiveness is the only route out of the wilderness, according to the central theme of ACIM. This is why it seems so worth committing to.
Years ago, my uncle wrote me out of his will and for years I pondered why?
He was childless and his wife, my dad's sister, always embraced me as her daughter. My uncle met another woman and she deleted my name in favor of her three children. Well, needless to say, they got a very handsome inheritance but I was left in the cold. I felt hurt more than anything as I was very dedicated to him- taking him to appointments, bringing him meals and the like. Shortly after he passed away, he came to me in a vision and told me he did not know how this could have happened. I sent him away telling him I did not want him around me. For years he was bound as if one ties an old carpet.
It took years to get to the point where I could say, “I forgive” and mean it.
This was a very big opportunity Patti and I observe that the bigger the opportunity, the greater the amount of progress it affords us on our journey Home to Papa, so it is well worth the effort, regardless of how long it takes and how painful the experience may feel while working through it; worthy of a big ‘Thank You’ to Papa for all the blessings and release it brings Right now I am free, I totally forgive him, albeit I still feel the pangs of hurt by the betrayal- not the money so much as the mention. To this day I have had difficulty grappling with the notion of forgiveness. You have provided such a clear explanation. Well, that is worth an ‘Alleluia’ and a ‘Thank You Papa’ also; thank you for letting me know. Thank you again, dear brother. God bless you and yours. Patricia.
P.S. Brian: may I ask you if you could tell me why it is important to fast? I notice in many biblical writings, there is mention of fasting as Jesus did while spending 40 days in the desert etc.
I am not convinced it is that ‘important.’ I believe that we could do well to look at this within the massively larger context of who we really are. Jesus tells us we are the Light of the world, that we are Papa’s only, beloved Son, with all the creative empowerment bestowed upon us at our Creation; that this illusion called the physical universe was created by the Son (us) in a moment of idle thought that was over in no ‘time’ and does not even really exist. The church (an ego-construct) has had an agenda for many, many centuries, of keeping us ensnared within the percept that we are ‘little self,’ ‘sinners,’ ‘unworthy,’ etc. It loves to make up ever more rules and ‘don’ts,’ all to keep us off the true Path, by simply loving God and loving our neighbour as ourself (because he is our Self).
I have not a shred of doubt that Jesus, who knew all this not only before he incarnated, but a very long ‘time’ before Abraham incarnated, also knew that fasting would not hasten our return Home; that the Gospel records have been tampered with by the hidden-agenda merchants many times since the first century AD and that fasting has been added to many of the accounts.
If Jesus fasted for 40 days it was because he had meat to eat of which his brethren in the Earth life knew nothing, and it meant little to him one way or another. He was so focussed upon what he went into the wilderness for that food simply was not on the agenda; it was not a case of him going to fast to enable the accomplishing of that agenda, although it no doubt did nothing to interfere with that accomplishing. Additionally, he was here on a mission so immeasurably greater than any of the rest of us that what he did or didn’t do is in a very different sphere from what we feel we should or shouldn’t do (especially if someone else tells us!)
Why is it spiritually important to fast?
This begs the question, ‘For how long?’ Olga used to remind us that a full stomach takes blood away from the brain and makes one sleepy, so we only take breakfast after communion. That makes sense and is only a couple of hours! Is that ‘fasting’? If one ate before communion because one was distracted by a rumbling stomach, how much should one eat? In matters to do with the esoteric, spiritual facets of life, getting things into a balanced, peaceful order of perspective is immeasurably more important than following somebody else’s rules, particularly if they do not resonate with our own inner feelings of what is serviceable to our spiritual awakening.
Is fasting, according to someone else’s perception or rules, going to get us Home any quicker, or is it going to make us feel resentful and thus keep us stuck in the wilderness for another circuit?
I am so grumpy when my stomach is not filled, me too! yet Mother Mary asks visionaries to fast weekly on bread and water and in some cases only water. Why? I know nothing of this. Where does this asking take place? Is this something she has done one on one with you? Or is it what somebody else says she asks? The KOH is within (us). If fasting (for one hour, one day, one week or whatever), brings us into greater at-one-ment with the Master and the Love, Joy and Peace of Heaven, how can it be wrong? If it makes us grumpy and causes a blood-sugar crash and miserable feelings, how can it be right?
Thank you for your time and attention. Thank you, dear Patricia, and much love, always, Brian
The following exchange was posted on August 2nd 2007
Hi Brian. Thank you for your emails, they are very interesting. I have finally got my book a Course in Miracles, and will start reading it. I have a question. When one has forgiven someone for something they have done, why do they keep doing more things sometimes worse than before? Namaste. Pearl.
Hi Pearl,
Thanks for your message of encouragement and support.
A Course in Miracles is 'strong meat' for most of us in this world. I know a number of people who have started reading it with great enthusiasm but have ground to a halt after a few chapters because so much is esoteric, alien to our upside-down ego-dominated minds. If you find this happening, I would like to urge that you get Gary Renard's book 'The Disappearance of the Universe,' which is massively helpful in understanding ACIM. Here is what Rosa says about it:
I have just finished re-reading Gary Renard's Disappearance of the Universe. The first reading helped me understand ACIM, which was difficult and revolutionary in thought (for me at the time). I've almost finished reading the full ACIM Text now, and I am grateful to Gary Renard and the Holy Spirit in assisting with my understanding of it.
Your question is very incisive. Effectively, the answer is very comprehensively covered in ACIM and also in Gary Renard’s books. It is because we, in the Earth life are, and have been since the apparent separation from Papa, been under domination from ego-mind, which is the antithesis of all that we actually, really, truly are and Papa is. This has, in linear time, been the case from ‘day one,’ so we are truly within the thrall of, indoctrinated by this upside-down, insane, attacking consciousness, motivated by unconscious guilt that we have because we believe we have attacked God and he is gunning for us to heap vengeance upon us. That is a deeply and profoundly fearful thing and we are a) living in denial of this, so we suppress it into our subconscious, unconscious mind and/or b) project it onto whoever or whatever is ‘out there,’ to try to avoid God’s punishment of us. One might say it is us saying, ‘It wasn’t me, Sir, it was him, Sir,’ to God.
Now, just because you, (or any of us) say, ‘I forgive you’ (using the ‘True forgiveness’ method, which has been covered in several earlier ‘Messages of Encouragement’ – see April 11th 2007 and elsewhere), does not mean the Earth conscious, ego/fear dominated, guilt-projecting, attacking mind of the other person has yet received your forgiveness into their perceptions of life and relationships (which they clearly have not if they keep on with the same attacking attitude). ACIM tells us that a) we don’t have to (and should not if the forgivee is not ready to hear it) speak the words out loud to them, but can say the words of forgiveness silently and give them to the Holy Spirit (HS) to keep for the forgivee until HS knows the time is right for the forgivee to receive them, b) the words and forgiveness act are NEVER lost and will be used by HS to correct the mind of the forgivee according to HS wisdom and timing. This means we should never give up having our true forgiveness attitude toward our fellows, regardless of the apparent, outward lack of response or change for the better, because, as there is in reality, only one of us, by forgiving the apparent other person, we are in truth forgiving our self and releasing our self from hostage to ego and opening our self to become, once again, host to God.
ACIM makes it unequivocally clear that true forgiveness is the only way out of the wilderness of forgetfulness of who we really are and back Home to Papa in the Sonship. It will be serviceable to our grasp of this if we keep this all in mind within the perspective of the 6000-year long Great Rescue Programme (GRP), or 3-measures of meal parable. We are now at the beginning of the last measure and the leavening is now beginning to really take effect. As Olga Park and Owen Waters have observed, this, the changeover between 2 epochs – the Piscean Age and the Aquarian Age – means chaos time, which is inevitable before the GRP takes sufficient hold on correcting our minds and a critical mass of restored-to-right-mindedness souls is empowered to re-establish balance where chaos reigned.
This is already happening – in fact has already happened in the etheric counterpart of Earth – but is still in the process of manifesting at the physical level of consciousness. As we become more attuned to the Kingdom wavelength, so will we, at the individual level, become more aware of these changes and the chaos realm will become of inversely proportional significance to us, because our centredness in Peace, Harmony and Balance will be our focal point, leaving all else only at the periphery of our attention, fading into obscurity. Imagine how that percept, applied to all of us – which will be the case as the GRP unfolds and takes hold – will cause the disappearance of the universe. It is we who have thought the universe into existence and as soon as we remember where Home is, we will cease to think the universe into existence and it will disappear.
The way out of the wilderness, true forgiveness, is simple in its principle but hard in practise because it is not a quick fix. We of Earth (ego) consciousness are so inured into the quick-fix mentality that anything that is not a quick fix is eschewed as not working. It is hard because it takes commitment. Commitment is not an ego quality and there is a paucity of commitment to awakening to spiritual truth in this world. I have observed repeatedly that it all depends on the degree of our desire. If we truly seek and earnestly desire, we will have the willingness to stay the course, however long it takes. The reason we will do that is because the only other option is to delay, to give up and let the ego world take control over our life again. That simply means that rather than dealing with the inevitable – getting back Home to Papa – now, or sooner rather than later, we put it off and it will add immeasurably to the ‘time’ it takes us to get there. That means what we could do in ‘this act’ will only have to be addressed in another and yet, likely, another and another act.
ACIM reminds us that we are all either expressing love or calling for love and that all attack is actually a call for help, or to be loved and understood. (The sooner our society awakens to that truth the better and nearer it will be to the Kingdom). So, when people ‘attack’ they are actually crying out for love, help, understanding, compassion, in their desperation to escape from the wilderness of this ego-dominated world. If we allow the apparent behaviour of the forgivee to deceive us into believing that is who that person really is, we have allowed ego to deceive us with its prestidigitation once more.
We are empowered to break that vicious cycle and reclaim our true nature and heritage. All our loved ones in the Realms of Light are saying to us when faced with situations such as you describe, ‘Don’t give up!!! We are here to help you. Call upon us for that help and it is yours, in the moment of greatest need. Instead of allowing such attack to get you down and on the retaliatory track, BLESS that person, who has forgotten who he really is and is crying out for love. Send it to them, unreservedly and so shall you be blessed unreservedly, and will have taken a giant step toward the Kingdom of Heaven, instead of another backward step into hell.’
I said to Patricia recently, who wrote that her two younger daughters were treating her like the enemy in the house:
Do not also let any apparent lack of outward response from, or change within, your daughters - to your inward change of perspective, forgiveness and blessing - to deceive you into thinking this is not working/will not work (ego's favourite ploy). I assure you with all my powers of assurance that it IS working. Instant fixes in the outer appearances are not always the Way because the situation is almost certainly deep seated over one or more previous acts. Fix your focus on the reality that every call for help is answered and every blessing you send out is a real, palpable energy for good that will be received by them within their own inward being and this will, even if slowly, almost imperceptibly, impact beneficially upon their hearts and minds and will eventually manifest in changes of attitudes; a healing, a resolution of karmic issues. This requires one-pointed commitment and what Olga used to call 'keep on keeping on,' or 'stick-at-it-iveness.'
Pearl, the reason things sometimes seem to get worse rather than better after one has begun the forgiveness process is because the guilt and fear held in the unconscious mind of the forgivee begins to come to the surface, stirred into the beginnings of wakefulness by the forgiving process. This causes the person to feel, temporarily (it could be hours, days, weeks, months, depending on their path to that place, which will usually involve previous incarnations as well as any childhood traumas) threatened, so their ego-instinct is to attack. This is a good thing, in spite of appearances to the contrary, because it shows your forgiveness/blessings are starting to work and loosen their entrenched position in the illusory prison in which they have been held captive so long. Redouble your efforts when you see this and give thanks that you are able to serve the GRP in this wonderful way. This gets you onto the Kingdom wavelength and uplifts, strengthens, protects and empowers you. You will feel that and it will encourage you onwards and upwards.
With much love and many blessings, always,
The following exchange was posted on August 1st 2007
Hi Brian,
I had a thought. In your reference below, and it is very good by the way, is it possible to include Daughters of God as well as Sons of God? It seems so masculine . . .
Much love and light to you . . . al ways
"All the while we think we are a body, with all its limitations, in which we restrict our self to one place for one blink of an eye (an incarnation) we will be simply that; a ‘little self.’ In our true estate as the Son of God, we are God-filled, with all the spiritual empowerment of our heritage in eternity. Jesus, the ‘firstfruits’ of the awakening from the dream and restoration to the Sonship in God, demonstrated this for us 2,000 years ago. The three-stage Great Rescue Programme (GRP) leads us from our primeval, unconscious state - from which we start back on the path to Home – which might be described as ‘God-seeking’ (the state of consciousness in which we began the first measure of meal part of the restoration process) through a state of being ‘God-aware’ (the second measure of meal) into ‘God-filled,’ the completion of the leavening (raising up, or resurrection of our Mind - not our body - from its moment in the illusory realm of time and place) process of the three measures of meal. Jesus was at the God-filled state of being before Abraham incarnated (Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Jn 8:58)."
Thanks for your message Evelyn, and your kind words, always received with deep gratitude and appreciation. And thank you for raising this point, which I am sure many will be wondering about.
I have been asked about this before and agree that it does appear, to our time and place perspective, to be 'one-sided.' There are really two points that help to put this into the context of eternity and who we (humanity, male and female) really are, from that perspective. It is from the context of eternity, rather than time and place, that I have endeavoured to present the message.
In eternity there is no gender because there is no separation; separation is a 'time and place thing' and does not exist other than as a dream, an illusion (one of the better parts of the illusion, I think most of us in the Earthly life might agree!!) but in eternity there is no need for reproduction because we are all One and, well …eternal; indestructible. The ‘separation’ brought about the division into the dyad that has male qualities (of character as well as biology) and female, and at the restoration to Oneness in the 'Father' (Jesus' terminology, not mine!) Creator Spirit, of which we are now blessed to be at the vanguard at this early stage of the 3rd and final measure of meal for leavening '...until the whole is leavened (raised up or resurrected),' the separation will be over.
From the beginning of A Course in Miracles Jesus makes it unequivocally clear that the Father has only one Son, and that we - all of us - are that Son; at the 'separation' - a momentary thought by the Son that brought on the dream, or illusion, that was only a timeless moment in eternity (where the Son indivisibly is and always has been, in the Father) but appears to have been ongoing in linear time since the 'big bang' billions of 'years' ago – the continuing division of everything, including the male and female dyad, into ever more separate illusions, such as the 7 billion humans on planet Earth, was set in motion, and will continue until the end of time. According to the 3 measures of meal parable, when the whole has become raised up (back to oneness in eternity), which is at the conclusion of the leavening of the 3rd measure (or 'watch': Lk 12:38 And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.') we will be restored to the Oneness. This is starting to take place, if we are open to seeing the signs of it, right now, and is gathering pace at an exponential rate of acceleration.
This is a state of Christ Mind awakening or remembrance within us. It is all very mystical and to understand it we have to step back from our Earth-mind perceptions and allow a willingness for the truth of eternity to start re-training our minds toward that state of looking at things, including, of course, our self. This is the role of the Holy Spirit. The only part we have to play in that is desiring that process to take place and allowing the Holy Spirit to accomplish it for us (like the caterpillar allowing the Creator Spirit to metamorphose it into a butterfly, which it certainly cannot do of itself).
Jesus describes the 'self' that we perceive our self as being, here in time and place, as a limited, 'little self' and that such a perception is a false image because our true Self is a 'Big Self,' with all the empowerment for unlimited creativity of our heritage as the One Son of the Father that the Father has vested in His beloved Son. Jesus, the ‘firstfruits’ of this mind-retraining awakening process, demonstrated all this at the beginning of the 2nd measure of meal, so we have that reminder/example to focus upon for our own leavening. It is looking at, desiring, choosing, to see our Self in that Light, that perspective, that our true, spiritual vision - (as distinct from Earthly, double sight - see Lk 11:34-36) that will, one step at a time, in response to the degree of our desire for eternal truth to replace the illusions that bombard our Earthly, illusory, senses - will come into focus and replace our upside-down, 'little self,' misperceptions of who we really are.
Jesus referred to the Creator Spirit, the Source of All, as ‘Father,’ (or ‘begetter) and that which is begotten as the ‘Son.’ The truth of eternity (the only reality) is that it is all of us, not just Jesus, who is the ‘Son.’ This is his terminology (use of masculine terms). To that, it seems to me, there are two observations: 1) he knows something – a lot, actually! – that we don’t know and I am happy to go along with his greater knowledge, at least long enough to allow a greater vision on all of this to be revealed to me and 2) this terminology is simply that; words; symbols of a greater reality that we, in our Earth-mind consciousness, have difficulty assimilating into our understanding. If we allow such symbols to become stumbling blocks to our greater vision of eternity, then that is what they will be.
Lastly, if there is one message of ACIM, it is that we are not a body. This is emphasised over and over. Here in this world, it is our perception that we are a body but it is a misperception; we are eternal, perfect spirit, in which gender has no role. In time and place, where we have all reincarnated many, many times, we have all assumed male and female roles on different occasions. We can choose to see our self as either, if we wish, or we can choose to observe from a larger perspective; the perspective of eternity.
I hope this will help to answer your point, not just for you but for all who see it on the Forum page. Thank you again for presenting this opportunity, Evelyn.
With love and many blessings, as ever,
The following exchange was posted on July 17th 2007
Dear Brian, Dear Rosa, Thank you so much for your encouraging news of progress you are making.
When reading your recent message, I stopped at the point where you invited your readers to "share" their progress along the way. As I reflected on that, I realized that I have much good news to share....and am in awe of God's Love for me. How do I begin?
Twice when I've written earlier, I mentioned that I have been worried and in fear of financial ruin because of some investment decisions I had made. This can be so all-pervading, fearful, debilitating. Following ACIM counsel to trust the Holy Spirit, and to "make no decisions by myself", I decided to try letting my worry go and trusting in the Voice for God to lead the way. Truly, this is the only way to dispel ego’s pall; and Holy Spirit – our Big Self – really takes care of it for us. It is eons-long conditioning by the voice for fear, ego, that causes us to believe it is not possible. But now is the time to kick that voice into touch, once and for all. Alleluia! Truthfully, I haven't always been consistent, You are definitely not alone there, Rosa but often when I felt like a "hostage of the ego", I would recognize it, and then ask the Holy Spirit to take over. That is the best news; and once we have asked and received the answer, how much better do we feelJ The result has been that 1) I'm not worrying about this anymore Thank you Holy Spirit! 2) Within the space of a couple of weeks, I interviewed for and was hired for a job in my original career; I retired two years ago. This employment will provide me with additional cash to meet some of those financial obligations that I've been stressing over. This, one can call a result.The wonder of it all is that I only decided about one month ago to return to the workforce. When we give our lives to Their care, Jesus/Holy Spirit really get to work, as a labour of love, freely given. To resist surrender into such wonderful and trustworthy care can only be described as ego-madness, just as Jesus describes it in ACIM.
The result of giving one's decision-making to the Holy Spirit is peace of mind There is nothing in this world that comes close to that Peace of Heaven....and in my case, a new job! A bonus!
Thank you Brian, again...for your one pointed commitment. Rosa. Thank you, dear Rosa, for sharing. Brian
The following exchange was posted on July 13th 2007
Yes indeed Brian. I received your diary entry this AM. It was a joy to behold as currently I am going through challenges with my two younger daughters. The oldest one is ok because she works fulltime but the other two are around more since they did not take summer session at school. They have decided that I am the enemy of the house and it is most unpleasant. I am simply not happy about their behaviour and their choices and they make their discontentment well known. What to do? I hate living under adversarial conditions. Unfortunately I have the day to day battling which is very challenging. Thank you again for including me in your correspondence. Blessings always, Patricia.
My Dear Patricia,
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and support, which are always appreciated and gratefully received.
Your circumstances with your daughters is obviously distressing, for you and for them. It can be of massive help if you choose to undergo a change of focus on this situation by reminding yourself that this is no accident and it is clear that there are some outstanding issues between them and you, from ‘past’ acts (otherwise the situation would not be as you describe it). People choose the circumstances, including their parents, into which they reincarnate and whether they (and their parents) are consciously aware of this or not, it is because there is unfinished business to attend to. We are all calling into our own presence, by the circumstances of our incarnating, the opportunity to address those issues. This will keep on happening, incarnation after incarnation, unless and until we actually awaken to this reality and face the opportunity.
Debbie Ford writes that we cannot escape this until we 'retrace; face; embrace and replace.' This means, get to the source, the cause, of the unresolved issues; face them when we have retraced them, and do not give in to the temptation (good old ego deceiving us again) to run away from them or sweep them under the carpet; accept them for what they really are rather than trying to make them something else or project the blame for them onto someone else, because we cannot give anything away until we own it; and only when we have embraced, or acknowledged that it (the unresolved issue) is truly ours, can we then choose a new situation, namely the resolution of that issue.
In ACIM the Master reminds us that the only way to resolve outstanding issues - and clear the Way for the return Home to Oneness in Papa, permanently, and thus break the cycle of birth and death, so that our sojourn in the illusory realm of time and place can come to a conclusion - is by/through ‘True Forgiveness.’ Here is what the Message of Encouragement said about this on April 11th:
In the Message of Encouragement dated February 7th 2007 it was stated that forgiveness is the central theme of ACIM, but forgiveness appears to our ego-distorted minds as one of the most convoluted issues of life. In truth, it is actually, like all matters of God’s Creation, very simple once the light of spiritual discernment has been applied to it. For that light, ACIM comes once more to our help (if this is the real Jesus speaking, who could expect anything less!?) For here we are reminded that there are two types of forgiveness:
1. False forgiveness, in which the ‘sin’ is acknowledged and then forgiven. However, the flaw in this misperception is that by acknowledging the sin, we give it reality. This is a ploy of ego mind, which wants us to be bogged-down in a false world of sin, and
2. True forgiveness. Here, the words of Jesus from ACIM are the most serviceable to our forming a clear and uncluttered understanding:
Forgiveness recognises that what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred (whether in this act or any number of previous acts) . It does not pardon sins and (therefore) make them real. It sees (instead, that) there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven. What is sin, except a false idea about God's Son? Forgiveness merely sees its falsity and therefore lets it go. What then is free to take its place is now the Will of God. (My parentheses and italics). (ACIM Workbook, page 401).
It is actually very simple but can appear to be very, very difficult to move into the place of being able to adopt such a perspective but a massive help to this is to step back from the minutiae of what appears to be our daily world and life and see that all this that we perceive with our Earthly senses is an illusion. It is a dream of separation from Papa that has, in the perspective of the eternal reality (which is our one and only true perspective because the separation has never actually happened and is impossible, so we can only be imagining, dreaming this fallen world) never happened.
ACIM reminds us that we are all either expressing love or calling for love and that all attack is actually a call for help, or to be loved and understood. (The sooner our society awakens to that truth the better and nearer it will be to the Kingdom).
Does it not sound as if your daughters are calling for love (as are we all!)?
Then on June 6th the Message of Encouragement said:
The only reason we are here is to respond to opportunities to remember who we are, resolve outstanding issues with our fellows through true forgiveness so that we are unencumbered by the ballast of karma that keeps us returning here from one revolution of the carousel to the next (one incarnation to another) surrender the ‘leasehold on our life’ to its true Source, Papa, and thus be free to the raising of our 'little' self back to our true, 'Big Self' estate of perfect Oneness in Him.
This cannot happen all at once but one step at a time. So, let us still our outward clamour an instant and welcome our Big Self - our real Self, the Christ that is already in each and every one of us, and always has been - to bring us peace, so that we may, for a few moments at a time, be transported in a trice Home with Him. When we have (re)experienced this Peace of Heaven just once, however fleetingly, we will earnestly seek it again and again and become, one step at a time, more adept at entering in to that place of communing with the Christ within us until we find ourself at last permanently at Home with Him and will then see only the true face - the face of Christ - in all our fellows, just as they will see the face of Christ in us. Then will we remember that there really is only One of us, truly Papa’s only Son and be, again, permanently, eternally One in the Sonship with the Father.
There is massively more about true forgiveness in ACIM than can be rehearsed here. What I believe you will find immeasurably helpful is two books by Gary Renard, both of which are about ACIM and its true depth of meaning, value, help and importance for us all. They are called “The Disappearance of the Universe” and “Your Immortal Reality.” I commend them to you absolutely.
Patricia, this situation with your daughters is an OPPORTUNITY. It has turned up heavily disguised as adversity. Do not let that disguise fool you. It IS opportunity. Our son, Christopher, in spirit, said to me some 10 or 15 years ago that the Master is the great opportunist and cannot permit a single opportunity to go to waste. If we aspire to be like him, it will serve us well to emulate this position. Of course you, like most of us, are not sufficiently spiritually awake to take full advantage of this opportunity without the help of the Master/the Holy Spirit; so, at every opportunity, ask Their help to enable you to take fullest advantage of this OTAF, which is Opportunity to Transform Adversity into Fulfilment. All this will require a letting go of Earth-mind perceptions, which are designed by ego to deceive and to cause our sight to fall short of the true vision of eternity.
Do not also let any apparent lack of outward response from, or change within, your daughters - to your inward change of perspective, forgiveness and blessing - to deceive you into thinking this is not working/will not work (ego's favourite ploy). I assure you with all my powers of assurance that it IS working. Instant fixes in the outer appearances are not always the Way because the situation is almost certainly deep seated over one or more previous acts. Fix your focus on the reality that every call for help is answered and every blessing you send out is a real, palpable energy for good that will be received by them within their own inward being and this will, even if slowly, almost imperceptibly, impact beneficially upon their hearts and minds and will eventually manifest in changes of attitudes; a healing, a resolution of karmic issues. This requires one-pointed commitment and what Olga used to call 'keep on keeping on,' or 'stick-at-it-iveness.'
I love you Patricia and my heart and soul go out to you in true and deep compassion for your circumstances. I do not pity you, because this situation is a blessing for you, not a curse. Tell yourself every day, especially when it is getting right in your face, that this is so, and call upon the help of the Master and/or the Holy Spirit.
Peace and joy of Heaven be with you, always,
The following exchange was posted on July 9th 2007
Hi Brian and Theresa, Hi Dorothy,
Have just received the weekly email from Owen Waters. Do you receive it? I am under the impression that you do, as it was through Owen that I found your web site. If that is so, I would be interested to hear from you about your understanding of these attempts at world wide connecting up at a certain GMT time for prayer or meditation. Yes, I did see Owen’s message about Fire the Grid. I have seen this before, a year or more ago. There was some more interesting synchronicity going on here about this, today. I called Theresa out to the office to look at it, so that we could discuss it and when we got back in front of Fred (my computer) there was your message, raising just the very points I was going to discuss with her! Needless to say, we have discussed this at some length today and I will attempt to set out our perspective on such matters.
Every so often, some-one somewhere sets up a project like this, decides on a time, and uses the web to make contact with like-minded people. I have joined in with these gatherings on occasions as it is a very laudable project but ... does it help with the waking-up process or would it possibly be an unconscious design to keep us asleep and dreaming? We share your same questions about this. As you say, such are laudable and we strongly, sincerely, enthusiastically support them in principle. However, we can all do well to take a step back and reflect carefully upon such matters within the context of our own position on the Path back Home from the dream, to help place them in a true and meaningful perspective.
In this realm of separation we all appear to be at different places on that path, so we all bring a different perspective to the world of illusions. To make any of those perspectives of any of our fellows on the Path right or wrong would be to fall into an ego pitfall of judgement; but we should not, nevertheless despise our own powers of discernment just to comply with the ego-contrived device known as political correctness, which is censorship masquerading under another, falsely-desirable name.
This means that, however laudable the project, if we allow ourself to be drawn into it when we do not resonate strongly with its objectives or methods, we are falling prey to ego convincing us to get involved with something for which we do not, actually, have a heart because our heart is engaged elsewhere. Such un-committed action will not contribute spiritual energy to the cause but will make us feel negatively toward it and entrapped by it. Just what ego wants!
There are several key points to consider before we can meaningfully decide what our own view is about these.
If we think of the Great Rescue Programme (GRP) (which is to rescue our minds - not our bodies or the illusory dwelling-place of our bodies, the physical universe, including Earth - according to ACIM) as a jewel, a jewel has many facets and each will reflect a different perspective depending on our angle of approach to that jewel. Our angle of approach will have been affected by our cultural conditioning and the issues that have brought us back to the Earthly life at this time. It is therefore important to take a big step back from the facet that we are facing to remind ourself that it is the entire jewel that is the reality, not just the facet we are perceiving.
If we have already taken that step backwards for a more overall perspective it can give us a more comprehensive picture of what is really going on; a broad brush picture.
The broad brush picture I have on the GRP is that it is under the overall command of Jesus, our Brother within the Sonship of God, the first to awaken from the dream, who devised it and has all power in Heaven and Earth to see it through to completion; a 6,000-year project, of which we are now just beginning the final 2,000 years. The GRP is a very broad, all-encompassing plan, and every detail has been designed to dovetail into the overall programme. It takes a very big step back to be able to take in the entire picture, to ensure we are harmonising with it and not allowing a facet of it to create a mistaken perception of what is the big, overall picture.
Jesus, as ‘Chief Executive Officer’ of the GRP, has many helpers at a very high level of spiritual attainment under his leadership, and who thereby are functioning within his power and authority. Jesus is entirely happy to delegate various aspects of the programme because he knows that all are working, as of one mind, toward the common objective.
That objective is to awaken us – all – from the dream and guide us safely back to the reality that we are all One in the Sonship, safe at Home in Papa, where we belong and where we always have been because in reality, it is impossible to be away from Home.
Any indications that we are separate from Him are illusory, including the physical universe, planet Earth and even what appear to be the billions of individuated souls on Earth, who appear to be messing up the environment, thus threatening life on Earth with mass extinction. This is just what ego wants us to believe, so that we can be kept in the consciousness of fear and doubt about our own safety, future and wellbeing.
Clearly, Fire the Grid is a project to assist in releasing us from the consciousness of fear. Here it is very worthwhile to take that step back again and remind ourself that all this is an illusion, that we are God’s Only Son, sinless, guiltless, indestructible, eternally safe in the perfection of Heaven, and that we are so immeasurably more than a body on a planet, that we are already the perfect, all-loving, all-empowered Son of the Father. Focusing on the time and place perceptions can distract us from this if we are not well-established in the reality that eternity is our true and only Home. Of that, I am entirely comfortable in the certainty of its truth.
In ACIM and the writings of Gary Renard, this is emphasised over and over and the questions Arten and Pursah ask Gary every time he raises a point about this scheme or that, devised by man (such as the Peace Department of the US Gov’t) is, ‘Will it get you Home?’ They always say, ‘We are not here to judge whatever anybody comes up with to improve things on Earth, but that is not the main, central, key objective of Jesus, which is to awaken us to the remembrance that there is no Earth, and passing laws and devising schemes or implementing programmes to improve life here are, bottom line, distractions from the GRP objective and will serve, ultimately, to prolong our stay here if we allow ourselves to get bogged-down in them.’ This is in no way intended to deprecate Fire the Grid or any other Kingdomly project; it is an endeavour to help us (all) to get such endeavours into perspective as a valid and significant part of the whole GRP.
It does not mean that any such schemes or devices are wrong, bad, undesirable; it is just that they (Jesus and the Hosts of Heaven, including Arten and Pursah) do not want us to get misled by such schemes into believing they are an end goal in themselves. That is a ploy of ego, so that large numbers of people will say, ‘Our scheme is better, more important, more desirable than your scheme, so you should join ours and forget yours.’ The schismatic churches have been saying that for centuries and where has it got them?
So, what about Fire the Grid? I personally feel it is a Realms of Light-inspired project and therefore, in principle is to be applauded and supported. Just because Earth is not our real home and we do not belong here because we are not a body but eternal spirit, does not mean we should dishonour it, or any of its life-forms (human, animal, plant or eco-systems) because by dishonouring another, we dishonour ourself, since there is only one of us. Instead, we will serve ourself (and our Self) well by honouring our Self and all that appears to be around us. When we awaken to that Truth we will realise that there is only one way to be in our attitude toward all that appears to be with us in the dream world of the physical universe: that is, Kingdomly in attitude; honouring, respecting, accepting, Loving, blessing, caring, giving.
Why? Because we are actually thus being all those Kingdomly things toward our Self. Then we will be able to see and remember that the Kingdom is our true Home and this will enable/hasten our awakening to that state/place of being. We cannot have an attitude of ‘despoiling planet Earth because it doesn’t really exist anyway, so why does is matter?’ and expect to awaken from the dream to find ourself in Heaven, because we are keeping ourself from attunement to/at-One-ment with the Heavenly wavelength by such a negative attitude.
So, we can support, in our heart and in our mind, wholeheartedly, such projects as ‘Fire the Grid’ because it is benign and Kingdomly and will be an important stepping stone for the Children of Earth back to Kingdomliness of heart and mind. That is essential to the ultimate objective of awakening to our eternal reality and without it ego will keep on distracting us from that ultimate objective with one distraction or another; including plenty of ‘worthy causes.’ What is crucial, however, is that such projects-within-the-GRP do not allow us to be misled into perceiving them as the end-objective in themselves.
A quick reminder here about the end objective: Getting Home to Heaven, as One in the Sonship, which is who and what we all really are, in Papa, permanently. This does not mean simply coming to the end of the present act and leaving our Earth-vehicle behind; we can only get Home permanently - meaning bringing to an end the repetitive cycle of birth and 'death' - when we have outworked and resolved all the karmic issues that bind us in guilt and fear and keep bringing us back here to the illusion of time and place over and over again. According to Jesus (who clearly knows about these things!) in ACIM this is only possible by the practise of true forgiveness (see June 1st 2007 posting, below).
Those of us who resonate strongly with other facets of the GRP jewel (or the whole jewel itself) will serve their own spiritual growth and awakening well to keep in mind that they are able to support such worthy, Kingdomly projects as Fire the Grid without becoming sidetracked from their own place on the Path by it. This is possible because we don’t have to ‘do’ anything; rather we can support it by ‘being’ one-pointedly, lovingly, givingly, caringly, supportingly, resonatingly, of a heart for it, ceaselessly, rather than just for one co-ordinated hour (though that is not intended to imply that doing so for that co-ordinated hour is not a serviceable thing to do). That will generate and send out spiritual power for the accomplishing of the Kingdomly objectives of Fire the Grid. There is no doubt in my mind that Shelley Yates is totally sincere and committed to her Light-Beings-inspired project and that it will impact positively on millions of souls and the restoration of planet Earth to harmony with eternity. The Kingdom of Heaven has to be established on Earth so that we can be raised up from that exalted state of being to our eternal home – the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven (eternity) – from ‘Earth staging post.’
It has been no accident that I was brought into contact with Olga Park, who had had a lifetime of experiences of the living Jesus and the Realms of Light by the time I met her in 1965; that this pushed my buttons so comprehensively and enabled my getting ‘hooked-up’ with him also, so he could lead me along this path (by my committed co-operation), demonstrating his all-power-and-authority (not ego-driven but Christ, the Son of God, humility driven) in Heaven and Earth. The real Jesus seems to have few proponents on Earth who are in a position to represent the reality about him and his GRP, and help sincere and earnest light-seekers find the secret (straight and narrow) path back Home to Papa.
All my mystical experiences over the decades have been Christ centred, focused, authorised and this meant I had no way of sharing these experiences without acknowledging Jesus as the spiritual Lord of life on Earth and its etheric counterpart, in charge of the rescue of mankind from our deluded perceptions of who we are. From that perspective it seems sensible to follow the leader of the GRP, who will give us the big picture of what is happening, just as he has done in/through ACIM. That then enables all other facets of the GRP to be kept within the perspective of the whole GRP, thus helping to avoid confusion over whether a facet (or several different facets) are the whole jewel or simply a facet of the jewel. It is immeasurably more serviceable to humanity to have a clear picture of the whole process than just a part here and a part there because then we can co-operate/attune/be at-One with it much more meaningfully. Ego wants us to remain confused, bogged-down in a morass of detail without a clear picture of how the parts fit together to form a complete picture. Jesus and the Holy Spirit have the opposite objective, so we can get Home quicker. It is up to each of us to decide which is our choice.
Many times over the years Jesus has counselled me to remain focused, one-pointed in following him, and not to allow myself to get sidetracked from that. He told me that by his leading I had entered the Inner Sanctuary and that I was to ‘go not out’ from there, but to remain at the entranceway, so I could give of the Living Word (‘Bread of Life’) and wine of Christ Love to all who also were invited – and in response chose – to enter in. In October 1994 the Master said this:
...Although the enemy [ego] is ever close, you are, by your commitment, within the aura of my protection. The enemy has no part in me and you are protected absolutely by your Oneness with me. Remember this as each opportunity to go forward arises, my son. You have entered in to the Inner Sanctuary and from therein shall your service be rendered. Go not out, for the invitation is to all to enter in and those who would do so shall receive of you the living word at the entranceway. Let the holy chalice also be offered, for you have seen how the wanderers in the wilderness crave its restoring liquid.
I am your guide and lead you in every step. Remain until I shine the lamp of eternal illumination at your feet to make sure and clear the Path before you. Thus shall no distress be rendered unto you. You have trodden the narrow and straight path of service my son; all is well for you and your beloved Companion of the Way. Rejoice, the banquet feast awaits.
I have italicised part of this message for emphasis within the context of this discussion.
Sorry to have to ask you this, but I know you understand the deeper implications of what is being asked. I know also that you are able to bring an answer through from Him who watches over us while we dream, and waits for us to wake so that he can take us Home. Please never feel a need to apologise; such acutely observed questions and discernments provide invaluable opportunities to share some insights with our fellows, so that all may have a clearer picture of the Process of getting Home. Thank you for providing such opportunities; without you they could not happen.
In anticipation, Dorothy
Love and blessings, Brian
The following exchanges were posted on July 6th 2007
Hi Brian and Theresa,
Thank you for your thought provoking exploration into the nature of consciousness. After reading this, the idea, seemingly unconnected, came into my mind to ask you to write a bit about some of the parables of Jesus and your interpretation of them. The one that kept 'walking' through my mind since that idea surfaced was about the labourers in the vineyard. I remembered reading it at school but didn't know where it was in the bible. I got the bible down and found it almost at once in Matthew 20. It always seemed a bit unfair that the labourers who had worked only an hour at the end of the day got the same wages as those who had been taken on throughout the day and had worked many hours in the heat. This did not sit well with the little earthly bit of mind, obsessed as it is with ideas of fairness and right and wrong. Fairness is a good thing to be committed to and is very much part of the KOH. Nevertheless, what we see as fair here isn't always the eternal perspective on things (which Jesus certainly had), so things sometimes seem unfair to us here, yet, with a larger perspective the position can undergo a radical change of understanding.Then, today, before I got around to writing to you and asking you to explain it, synchronicity manifested, and I realised that you had answered me before I asked, fantastic! in the last paragraph of those writings addressing the nature of consciousness. (See posting dated June 28th, below) You said that you had agreed before incarnation to do this work that you have taken on, and the householder representing God in the parable also said that all the labourers had AGREED to the conditions beforehand when they took on the work in the vineyard. Your insightfulness is wondrous to behold. Thank you for sharing.Then in response to a further wondering about the connectedness of reincarnated life forms (I didn't realise I had any doubts about this), when I considered my own incomplete memories, they seemed to give an indication that each life experience gives a separate , different, opportunity to wake up. I am sure this is true, especially when we see that everything that takes place is an opportunity, even when it turns up heavily disguised as adversity! It simply means we will do well to look more closely and in FTOC.Then I turned back the page where I had been reading about the labourers in the vineyard, and - synchronicity manifested again. There was Jesus, in Mt. chapter 17, verses 12 and 13, telling the disciples that John the Baptist was Elijah come again. But He said people didn't recognise John and were still waiting for him to come. So that seems to put that question into perspective, namely that although the outer form seems a different, separate vehicle, it is the same driver, and the journey is ongoing. Brilliantly expressed. Although that seems obvious now it is amazing how many personal mud patches show up and have to be driven through on this journey to the Centre of Being. This is why asking Jesus to be our driver (or at least, navigator) is such a sensible thing to do, because he knows the Way, and all the potholes to avoid along the way, having trodden the path himself. I am copying here his words to Olga because they so beautifully and eloquently tell us of who he really is and how we can benefit by getting up close and personal with him:Do not fear to tread the path I have marked out for you. Do you think it was only to men of old that I have shown myself? Have I not said that if any man open to me I will come in and sup with him, and he with me?
For I seek such and knock upon the doors of their hearts that they may open and receive me and know of a surety that I live. Blessed is he that hears my knocking; thrice blessed is he that opens to me.
I am the guide of many. Let no man confuse you saying, “He is high and lifted up and cannot manifest to the children of men.” For though I speak through the mouth of an angel, and though I write through the hand of a messenger, it is I; for I also am of your brethren of Earth, and it is the will of the Father that all shall know me from the least unto the greatest.
Come unto me, all you Little Ones, and you that labour, and I will refresh you with the joy of Heaven which I had with the Father before the time in which I dwelt with men.
Do not be discouraged that the revelation is imperfect in the beginning. Great things shall you do if your faith in me holds fast. These things have I spoken that you may know of a surety that I am the Messenger of the Holy One of Israel.
Peace be with you!
Well I thought I would share this with you and if any other questions surface will ask you, but "before you ask I will answer" it says somewhere in the bible!!!! (And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. Isa. 65: 24) And you might have pre-empted it. All for now. With all good wishes, Dorothy.And also to you,
Hi Brian,
I realized last night I have a subtle form of manic depression, I won't go into how I know because there’s too much to discuss but it would appear that I am.
I don’t know what your thoughts are on this kind of thing…personally I’ve always been of the opinion its just another label people attach to themselves to find a sort of identity or explanation for there lack of self-awareness/understanding. I know now its not that, and that in fact this condition is genetic….I had no idea that the way I am is actually different from the vast majority of people. Again, I won’t go into details now, there’s too much to write but I’m 99% sure it is the case.
Anyway, what’s my point? I don’t know, I guess I’m just looking for some reassurance or words of wisdom!!!
I didn’t want to accept it because I didn’t want to label myself and felt by doing so I was limiting myself to a type of illness that I had no need to attach to. The truth is, I know now I am different from the norm, not a bad thing, just something that I have to deal with and work with.
Anyway, there you go I guess….not expecting miracles from you just felt like writing and saying hi!!
Speak soon.
Hi Russ,
Please be assured of one thing: How much you know, remember, understand is not important. What IS important is how much desire you have. What I see in you is a soul of deeply committed desire for progress on the Path of spiritual awakening, who is confused about how to progress along that Path and this is causing doubt, uncertainty and confusion. While that is obviously distressing, you are actually handling that in a very mature manner and it is not, from the larger perspective, as serious a problem as you may feel, because it is the depth and strength of your desire for spiritual truth that will always keep you coming back to a state of centredness. What I really find ultimately reassuring about you is that you turn to Theresa and me and I know - because you have said so and you keep coming back to us - that you trust us and find that what we say resonates at a very deep level for you. That is no chance thing.
I agree with what you say about labels and would also point out that we are not genes but perfect, radiant, eternal spirit. You chose your parents for reasons known to your Self and it is your Self that is the real you, not your body. Humanity is stuck in ego-land because we have been too suggestible. Now we can choose who we wish to be, during this Waking Hour of the New Dawn of the KOHOE. You are facing a choice, a decision to be the radiant, perfect, glorious, eternal Son of Papa (which you, along with us and everyone, are) or to allow what scientists and medics (who know squat about Papa, eternity and who we all - including them - really are) tell us we are by looking at our genes. Genes, along with all the life science studies in an illusory world of dreams, are simply part of the dream. The only reality they have is what we give them and we are always at free choice about that, just as with the church and its mythology.
Being different does not mean you are 'bi-polar.' We are all different in this life, it comes with the territory. Don't let that hang you up.
The 'words of wisdom' I offer are to establish a routine or set aside time each day (perhaps in your bedroom where you can be sure to not be interrupted by family - tell them, if necessary, that you are establishing a routine for meditation, prayer, reflection, going within, whatever, at a given time each day and that you would appreciate not being disturbed during that time). Decide what you wish to have as the focal point for that time. Here are my suggestions: The Messages of Encouragement; the Diary entries; the Essential Diary; the Communion Service (try listening to the music/hymns, beautifully and inspiringly performed by Bentley Kalaway).
Really get focused on the depth of meaning that speaks to your heart and resonates deep within you. Speak to Jesus from the heart; place yourself unequivocally within his care, guidance, leading and protection. Tell him how you feel and ask his leadership and guidance in your life (only if that is what you truly want. He knows what you want already; telling/asking him simply gets you on his wavelength). He cannot take you under his guidance and protection until you definitively ask him; that's cosmic law and he cannot break it. He can only respond to your asking. And the brilliant thing about him is that he says 'Behold, I make all things new,' and believe me, he means it and is able to do this, for each of us personally - if only we can believe - as well as in the greater scheme of things.
This is all in SYFK and the Diary entries. I get the feeling you desperately want to do that but something - fear of commitment, maybe - is holding you back. I can tell you that such a commitment - to Jesus, not the church - will not imprison you, it will set you free. You must decide how much time to commit and when - morning or evening or any other time. That is difficult when you are in your parents' house but hey! that's just an opportunity;-)
All this is me allowing the Holy Spirit to prompt me. I have applied no lengthy intellectual processes to this reply; just gone with the flow. Russ, I know and you know that you have this within you. Something is telling me it is decision time for you. Here is the Master's message from July 1988 about surrendering our leasehold on life. I feel it may speak to you.
Beloved Lord Jesus, I have glimpsed a living, loving Spirit of the Father Creator, right here in my own being and realised that He is with us, within us, constant in the power and joy and uplifting energy of His loving, transforming ability. Speak to me more of this.
My son, the Father it is who is your life; truly is He within all His creatures, and His spirit of Creative, ever-becoming Being is within His Children. This it is that will transform and uplift mankind. Of myself I can do nothing. It is by the realisation that self cannot accomplish the Kingdom-of-all-harmony-with-Love and that by allowing the Father within to expand His dwelling place by inviting Him to take control of your life and giving up your own leasehold on your life, that He can begin to grow and fulfill your inner being. Then shall be seen in you -- and all his little ones -- the manifestation of His Glory.
First we must “surrender our leasehold” to Him?
My son, trust is all. His love for all his little ones is total giving. Only by absolute surrender, as you put it, can He accomplish the Glorifying of Himself in you, even as He did in me. Have no thought for the morrow; sufficient unto the day let your commitment be and then likewise on the morrow and each and every morrow. Put your trust in Him and do that which is given you to do each day. Thus shall the Spirit of Truth, the Father Creator accomplish His purpose in you.
My command is to bring this good news to the children of the Father. This command is won through surrender of self to His Will. Only by this at-one-ment can we fully receive his Spirit within us; only by this at-one-ment shall the Kingdom of God-consciousness manifest in the lives of His children.
Have no fear my son, your desire shall enable Him to accomplish it for you. Therefore, be peaceful, let go, enjoy all the activities of your lives together, Earthly and Heavenly. Let them be of a pure motivation and be not anxious always to "please" Him; He will please you with His good gifts.
All here is with heartfelt love and goodwill; I am sure you are aware of that. I hope and believe you trust me; that I would never wish to cause you doubt, fear, guilt or any other distress.
Love and blessings, as ever,
The following exchanges were posted on June 28th 2007
Thank you Brian and Theresa for your latest message of encouragement. I was enabled to enter into the spirit of the message and be at one with it. "Everything is coming together", is the nearest I can get to expressing the effect of reading the words, and the feeling of being on the way home. Your comments are so definitive. Thank you so much, because it affirms that my heart’s desire is in resonance with the Master’s Great Rescue Programme and that it is being beneficial to readers.
I have 'A Course in Miracles' which I bought in 1998 intending to study it, but was over-awed as the realisation dawned of how much time that would take, so have only dipped into it on occasions. That clearly indicates that the time was not yet right, even though you were beginning to move in that direction. Awakening to the reality of The Kingdom is a lifetime process and until we are ready for that process to begin, we will not stay with it. It is all about desire and priorities. The inner being stirs and recognises Truth, but the apparent reality of this dream of life, weaves its insidious fantasies again, and sleep reaches out its tentacles to hypnotise and enclose. Beautifully and poetically put.
Sleepers who have stirred, and arrived at the doorway to the real, are led on by your awakening Light into the green pastures and still waters beyond. Then the prodigal son has entered the Father's territory and is walking towards home. I love this; it creates such a vibration of spiritual awareness.
With best wishes for your continuing good work. Dorothy Thank you so much Dorothy, your messages are always most warmly welcomed. Blessings, Brian
Hi Brian and Theresa,
In the Holy communion entry of March 19, 1989 which was received tonight with your letter of encouragement, the Master Jesus referred to the ‘nature of consciousness’ as number10 in the ten top questions about Creator, Creation, and Eternal Truth. He said that the question was “some way ahead for you” when He spoke to you at that time in 1989. But He said that contemplating it in your heart would bring new understanding, and he promised “you will be a lighted beacon to my people.” So am wondering if it would be in order to write a bit about the nature of consciousness now. Dorothy, you know how to home in on the biggies, don’t you;-)
All that follows is my present understanding of our essential nature and relationship to the Father-Creator. Anything that emerges here from inspiration by the Holy Spirit will increase that understanding as it emerges. This is outwardly a seamless process, though inwardly, new awareness registers as such, even if only after it has emerged from the keyboard.
Our return to remembrance of eternal reality is a process rather than an event, so until it has become complete, our remembrance (restoration of mind to all-knowingness) grows one step at a time, although this can make sudden surges forward by revelation events, in which one moment we have no understanding of a particular matter and the next we have all-knowing of it, without any intellectual thought processes being involved. Then, we know of a total certainty, at the eternal, ‘Big Self’ reality level, even if we are unable to put this new knowingness into words that are meaningful to another who is functioning only at the Earth-mind level of consciousness.
I have undergone some clarification of terminology since reading ACIM and Gary Renard’s writings about ACIM. From that I have come to understand that ‘consciousness’ is of the divided, illusory world of duality, of time and place, and refers to partial awareness or perception, mostly of things that appear to be outside ourself, such as other people, things, places, ideas or thoughts about them. So, we could observe a rock and have a partial understanding, or perception, about it and its essential nature and that perception would be termed ‘consciousness.’ It is, therefore, incomplete by definition.
Only when we and the rock have merged into the Oneness of the Mind of the Father-and-the-Son will we have all knowingness of the rock; that is to say that we will be aware that the rock does not exist as a separate entity but we have simply projected it from our mind as an apparently separate existence. This is true of all entities we perceive with our bodily senses, including our bodily self and our fellow bodies. Therefore, to use terms which have come into popular usage in recent decades, such as ‘God-consciousness,’ are actually misnomers and are more accurately termed ‘God-awareness,’ or ‘Self-Realisation,’ meaning we have remembered who we really are: the eternal Son of the eternal Father, undivided from Him and from our Self. The terms God-consciousness, cosmic-consciousness etc., have become deeply ingrained into common parlance and are likely to be around for a while, perhaps until ACIM and those in resonance with it become more main-stream.
In ACIM Jesus uses the word ‘knowledge’ to describe what we might term ‘all-knowledge,’ and ‘consciousness’ and ‘perception’ as incomplete, flawed, confused by the duality of this ego-constructed, upside-down world. As alternatives to knowledge he also uses ‘awareness,’ indicating or implying ‘total awareness,’ and ‘understanding,’ also indicating total understanding or all knowledge. This is spiritual knowledge, of eternal realities, and is of the Christ- or Holy Spirit-Mind. It is not intellectual information, which is of time and place.
To have (all) knowingness is to be spiritually awake, or enlightened, and restored to fullness of memory of who we really are; that there is only one of us and the separation into individual bodies and minds is an illusion. When we come to the place where we remember that we are all the one and only Son of God and can see past the illusion of separate, individual bodies, personas, characters and see only the face of Christ in our Self and in our brethren, we will be restored to the Oneness. Jesus was at that place 2,000 years ago. This is our birthright, inheritance and destiny and we are now in the final phase of that process, thanks to help, guidance and leadership from Jesus, who is entirely identifiable with the Holy Spirit, which is who we all really are in our Big Self reality. Thus are we all One. This is perfectly expressed in John 14:16-20:
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, (the Holy Spirit) that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
The italics and underlining are mine.
What is referred to above as the nature of consciousness I would now term the nature of the One Mind. At the Earth-life level of (illusory) experience, it functions at three levels: Super-Mind, meaning above the mundane perception and is our Big Self, our Real, True, eternal Self, of which most of us have no perception but to which we are awakening in this third measure of meal phase of the GRP. We have no perception of it with our bodily senses because we believe we have separated from the Source of All and have become a body with a brain. With our bodily senses we are simply ‘Conscious’ meaning we perceive things around us and interpret, or decide, what they mean to us. At the sub-conscious level all the processes like digesting food, growing hair, bio-chemistry at the cellular level, etc, are controlled.
Life, which is the essential nature of the Creator, is perfect Spirit and perfect, all-knowing Mind, functioning as Oneness. Mind is the Creative aspect of the Oneness, and All is unconditional Love. Only in the separation consciousness does this appear not to be true. Most of us in this life think we are alive, or have life, but if we are not truly seeking and earnestly desiring the return to Home in/with Papa in Eternity, but are deeply engaged with our illusory sojourn in time, then we are ‘dead.’ Jesus said of such, ‘Let the dead bury the dead.’
The letters of encouragement are already a lighted beacon travelling with us on this last stony ascent. Thank you. Thank you, for seeing them as such. If the light increases, in the understanding of the answer to this question, it will dissolve what we thought was reality (our dream) and what we thought was 'us'. Are we ready for this? Most of us believe we are not ready for it but what Papa and Jesus know is what really matters. Therefore, appearing not to be ready is actually an illusion, from which we are all being lovingly, gently, tenderly awakened. If it takes another 2,000 years for us all to awaken, that is a wink of an eye in eternity and means nothing in that perspective.
Thank you again for agreeing to take on this Momentous, Divine Task , but -- how could you refuse Him? The Master has told me many times that all this was agreed 'afore time,' meaning before I incarnated. Theresa and I have been visiting the Akashic records during the last couple of years and the background to this present act has been motivated by an act in the 1600s in puritan England, in which events have catalysed the path of one-pointed commitment to the KOHOE and speaking out in this act about the unKingdomly nature of the institutionalised church. Theresa is writing a book about this and in due course it will be published on the HTG website.
The Master only asks us to do what he knows we are well and truly 'up for.' In the Master’s plan, all is by agreement. There are no press-gangs in Heaven! I know, from visits to the Akashic records, that this has been activated by my desire and commitment, forged in the fire of Holy Spirit, engendered in and from other 'acts,' especially one in the 1600s of puritan England. He told me in 1966 that his job was to help me develop and fulfil that which I had come here to do (see SYFK, chapter 2 for details). It has been a long and winding road but I now see clearly why it was all necessary and your appreciation makes it all worthwhile. Bless you mightily, Dorothy. Brian
With Love, Dorothy
The following exchange was posted on June 9th 2007
I have received this message from someone's Mum, and she is eager to maintain anonymity, so I am leaving names out in this posting...
Dear Brian:
I am married to a negative person. Being positive myself, I don't know how to handle some situations. I don't have the strength to say what I should be saying to help the situation. Therefore, we have a lot of misunderstandings. Which leaves us both not speaking to each other for a few days. I would like some help on finding more strength and what to say to help him and myself. It is very frustrating. Please help.
Thank you in God's name.
I remain, 'B'
Dear 'B,'
Intimate relationships such as marriages are a very big test of humans functioning at the Earth-mind consciousness level of awareness and because this is the chaos time, chaos is active in all levels of relationships from international to personal/intimate. However, we can choose to see such situations, as with all things here, as an opportunity rather than a test and in truth, it is actually accurate to see them that way because that is what everything that happens in this life is. I don’t know if you have read SYFK but in there I wrote:
In the summer of 1999, as I walked with Susie, our little rescued Lhasa Apso dog, in the woodlands of the Cotswold hills, suddenly a dump truck upended a load of bricks right in front of me. There must have been twenty tonnes of them. This was, of course, not a physical event but in the psychic consciousness. The bricks were black and shiny, as are the bricks used in the damp-proof course of older houses. This load was obstructing the path in front of me. My initial reaction was, ‘Oh, no, another obstacle to progress along the path of spiritual growth.’ I said to Papa, ‘Why these adversities when all I seek is to be serviceable to the Kingdom?’ Immediately He spoke. ‘Do not fear adversity for it is the very stuff of which opportunity is made and without adversity there can be no opportunity. Rather, welcome it and give thanks for it. Each such encounter is an opportunity to transform adversity into fulfilment and create some magnificent new structure to the glory of God and man reunited in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. In truth We are a Desire and Construct partnership, working together in creative unison. You may perceive Me as the Great Architect and you as ‘merely’ the bricklayer but I say to you, how can the architect realise the grandeur of his greatest designs without the bricklayer to bring them into the fullness of their manifestation?’
The underlined words are the PLF (Principle of Life of the Father).
One reason humanity is in such a muddle is that they are almost always functioning from the place of effect rather than cause, or more explicitly, from detail instead of from Principle. The more we focus on detail, the more detail rises to meet us and we become bogged down in details and lose sight of the Principles that govern each and every detail.
My parents’ marriage was a ‘chalk and cheese’ relationship. I think my mother had a tendency to see the negative side of things and was all too often critical/judgemental of my Dad, ‘Pop,’ so she was missing the opportunities to heal/restore the relationship, which, like most intimate relationships, was karmic. This means they were together because they had unresolved issues from previous incarnations, or acts. Their coming together again in this time (1937 they married) was to call into their presence once more the opportunity to resolve those outstanding issues (which is what karma is)
There were senseless rows about nothing much of the time, although Pop often did not respond, I guess because he simply did not know how to respond. They eventually went home without resolving those issues and this means they will have to re-incarnate and call into their presence the opportunity again to outwork the outstanding karma. I am in daily awareness of and contact with Ma and Pop since they went home. Ma was very much 'there' waiting for Pop when he followed her 3 years after her (1994 and 1997). She said to me, very excitedly, a short while after he left behind his Earthly vehicle, "We've got him over, safe and sound!" They have been close together ever since and are still in a close relationship.
I am in no doubt that the differences are now at least set aside, though I feel sure they will both have to come back to work through what was causing their inability to resolve differences whilst they were here. They will of course have different personas and times and circumstances but the Principles will still be the same. That is the difference between details and Principles. If people look at the details and that is all they see, they are almost certain to become bogged-down in them and fail to see a route through to resolution which Principle will always provide.
Now, with our Earth-mind consciousness we are hardly ever able to see the way through, especially if we have already become bogged down but we have help always available to us. This help is the Holy Spirit, which in reality is our Higher, eternal Spirit Self, Who is as close to us, always, as our next breath, heartbeat and blink of an eye. Most of humanity has forgotten this but this does not make it untrue. Now is the time in the history of humanity for the outworking and resolution of karma, or outstanding issues, at every level, from personal to international (for more on international/interracial, see Part 2 of SYFK, Vignette 2, 'Hal/Sitting Bull') because there is a cosmic shift of consciousness, an awakening to the remembrance of who we really are, which is our Higher, eternal, Spirit Self. We are always at free choice as to whether we wish to go forward into that place, where we really belong and where we have come from, or to shy away, usually out of fear, from grasping the opportunity. I receive inspirational quotations each day from a friend called Evelyn. Here are today’s two quotes:
"It's not what you are that holds you back. It's what you think you're not." Those wise words probably explain why more people fail to achieve the life they seek . What keeps most people from achieving is they spend too much time dwelling on their weaknesses and shortcomings instead of focusing on their gifts. And that's significantly due to their self-esteem (or lack thereof).
There is but one cause of human failure. And that is man's lack of faith in his true self.
From our perspective as our Higher Self, we have not and cannot fail but only appear to do so from our illusory, Earth-mind ‘dream’ state. However, that does not help you in the immediacy of your ‘opportunity to transform adversity into fulfilment.’
I suggest that you go to a quiet place, alone, either in the house or out for a walk in the woods or the hills, or the park, and, taking your courage in both hands, speak (it doesn’t have to be out loud, but in your mind) with ‘Big Self B,’ or Holy Spirit. You could say something like this:
‘Dear Holy Spirit, I am new to this idea of speaking with You and though I don’t really know how this works, I am placing my faith and trust in the reality of Your presence, that You hear me, that You understand me and know me in every detail and circumstance, including the events, from previous acts, that have brought about the present situation with (your husband’s name). I am choosing to accept, in absolute faith, that You love me and (husband) unconditionally and are not there to take sides or make me right and him wrong (or vice-versa). I am asking that You help me in seeing the situation from Your perspective rather than just mine, because that is the true perspective and will transform my understanding of it, leading to a resolution, so that (husband) and I can grow spiritually at the pace with which each of us is comfortable.
I am not yet confident enough to be sure I can or will hear Your speaking with me on this matter but I do believe that You are entirely capable of bringing Your answer in any number of other ways and I will now be on the lookout for it. Thank You for helping me to recognise it when it comes. I will do my utmost to set aside a quiet time each day, if only two minutes (though I know 5 or 10 would be more beneficial) in order to practise getting on Your wavelength, so that whatever form Your answer takes, I will be more attuned to receiving it when it comes (B, do not say ‘if it comes’ because that is creating an opening for doubt, the great dismantler of faith, to slither its way in. You are already well-versed in doubt; now is time for a change of heart and direction).
I bless (husband) and I forgive him for what it appears to me the things he has done but I now am trying to assimilate the greater truth of eternity that in terms of Your, higher perspective, which is the only real and true perspective, he has not actually done because I am now beginning to try to understand that this realm in which we believe we are all living is in truth an illusion, even though it all seems very real to me from where I am presently seeing it.
If, therefore, in absolute, eternal truth, this is all an illusion, a dream and none of us is actually here, then (husband) has not and could not have done any of these apparent things, so it is, from that perspective, not hard to forgive him. I do understand that Jesus reminded us that only by forgiving can I receive the forgiveness that is rightfully mine as Papa’s beloved daughter and I sincerely and earnestly desire for both (husband) and me to go forward into the Light of Eternal Truth, where there is real, palpable and lasting peace, joy and freedom.
I do realise that I would not be in this relationship with (husband) if it was not chosen by us before we incarnated, because nothing happens ‘to’ any of us and I am choosing not to see myself as a victim because that is a ploy of the ‘enemy’ – ego – to which I choose not to succumb, but instead, be strong and positive, a quality I know is one of my gifts this act. Maybe my positive strength was deliberately chosen by me this time for the very purpose of helping (husband) and so I will look for opportunities to use it for that purpose because I observe (not judgmentally or criticisingly) that he is not gifted with that quality this time. Maybe last time he was strong, positive and I was the negative one! In any event, I know that there, but for Papa’s Grace, go I.
I realise that because this is so new to me, my ability to attune to You is nascent and so my ability to receive Your wisdom and answers and blessings may mean my awareness of them might be slower than instantaneous but I also now understand that the sincerity of my desire is a big plus for me and helps You greatly in extending to me what You have for me. So, I am going to be patient, give it all to You and now wait, whether it takes minutes, hours, weeks or months. I am also going to remind myself that any delay is not in Your giving but in my ability to receive immediately because I am out of practise.
I now give grateful and heartfelt thanks for Your help, even though it seems to be in advance because Your help has not yet appeared to me but in the eternal reality it has already been given, so this is what I am choosing to focus upon, to create the positive vibes through which I will be more receptive to its arriving in my field of awareness.’
B, when you have placed your appeal with Holy Spirit (HS) (in your own sincere, from-the-heart words and feelings, only using what I have written above as a guideline; if all of the above resonates entirely with you, use them if you like but only if you resonate strongly with them) and left it there with Him, take a metaphorical step back from the relationship with (husband) and keep your own counsel for a while, avoiding the temptation to jump in with hasty responses. Then, when a potentially confrontational moment arises, send up an instant appeal to HS for help and listen for His inspiration.
Do not react to (husband) until you have managed to centre yourself in the certain knowledge that HS is with you, even if you have no conscious awareness of Him. But whatever happens, immediately, under your breath, bless (husband) and only do so when you are comfortable that it is sincere, however much he may be irritating you at the moment. Try your utmost to smile, sincerely at him and irradiate him with loving, positive energy; this will envelop him and disarm him from his negativity. He will find this a new and strange, yet pleasant experience and he will want more. Give him more at every opportunity.
Understand that these actions are not submissive in an obsequious manner because that would be a position of weakness, enabling his negative energy to gain the upper hand again. Rather, this time, you are actually approaching the situation from a newly rediscovered position of inward strength (because you now have HS working with you, closer than hands and feet). Remind yourself of this reality and be aware of it as the situation unfolds before you.
B, I realise this may be very new to you. Never mind; it is an opportunity and that means you are ready otherwise you would not have called it into your presence and you would not have had the courage to write your letter asking for help. Bless you for that courage. It will work very well for you in outworking the opportunity to transform adversity into fulfilment and thus place yet another jewel in the Crown of your Glory.
Peace joy and love, always,
The following exchange was posted on June 7th 2007
Hey Bri!! (aka ‘the rock’!!)
Hi Russ, As ever, more than great to hear from you. I anticipated it because you have been so much in my mind since first thing this morning. Truly we are attuned to each other's wavelength. Your aka is deeply appreciated that you should think of me as such. Thank you.
Long time no speak!! How are you and Theresa? and of course Susie? I hope you’re all brimming in the light of truth/peace and happiness, because that’s your rightful home!! We are ALL doing wonderfully well, Susie included. You may have read that we had to send Oscar back Home to Papa a few weeks ago. He was in a lot of discomfort with his rear quarters and had become doubly incontinent, so it was time to release him. Jason (the vet) was wonderful with euthanasing him. I held Ossie and stroked him; told him we were releasing him back to Papa and he would be safe and free of all his aches. He was completely at peace. I saw his etheric body emerge, slowly and at first gingerly from his earth body, as if 'testing the water.' He said to me, 'Hey, I can get used to this!' Within an hour I saw him, sleek, young, lithe, moving in true cat-like manner. Theresa and I see him pretty well every day, full of love and joy in his relationship with us. He is in the care of my mother, but is still visiting us numerous times each day. I have told him we love him dearly and welcome his visits all the while he wishes to do so but that we are happy to let him go whenever he is ready, so that he can move on.
I'm finding my spiritual path fascinating at the moment. I went through a religious stage where fear had definitely crept in (you recall when I didn’t speak to you for ages because I feared everything and everyone!!), then I went the other way and ‘The One’ and ‘god consciousness’ was the truth….and now I'm back in a place of Christ-consciousness/JC enables us to focus on just him and so self is taken out of the picture completely….strange but I'm really at peace with it all….ok, when problems arise with money and my security/living conditions are unknown I find it hard but apart from that I'm cool. You are doing fantastically well. I deeply honour you for the way you are dealing with whatever you have called into your presence. Adversity seen very rapidly as opportunity to be transformed into fulfillment. Truly the Kingdom Programme is speeding up. Glory!
So I've got a few things to ask you Bri, why is John Hagelin/Transcendental Meditation the ‘tempter’ again? ….you did explain when I was over but I need some more explanation on this area if you don’t mind. Glad to help; however, a friendly reminder that you have the answer in your own within and this is a good – nay, perfect – opportunity for you to practice going Within for alignment of your mind with the mind of Jesus/Holy Spirit. Your ability to hook up with Their mind has been amazingly well demonstrated below and it would be the perfect opportunity for you to get re-attuned with the Within.
There are some indications in your message that part of you is still seeking the Kingdom ‘out there.’ It takes massive commitment (which you and I know you have), focus, practice (entailing time… well that is how it has been for me; 40 years of it) to get so absolutely one-pointedly on the Kingdom-within wavelength that what is going on ‘out there’ in the without makes no difference to your own inner being and focus; nothing out there will be able to distract you.
That is how it was for Jesus and that is our goal if we wish to break the cycle of birth and death and get back Home to Papa permanently (no more re-incarnating), while at the same time helping our fellows to move forward in that direction also.….and the other thing which fascinates me….I was over at Tim's the other night and we were talking about God and JC as per usual and I asked God to speak through Tim as I needed to know some answers particularly about TM…it was funny; I told Tim after he’d given me his answer and he looked stunned at me and I knew he knew the answer had flowed through him….his answer was simple (what I can remember of it!!): Why focus on an outer source when you have the Ultimate Source within you already? Just as I said, you have the answer within you!….I understood, sort of, but I seem to have forgotten what I learnt, it seems that happens a lot at the moment, I learn something new (or at least I think I do) and then sure enough its gone the next day….only sometimes mind you, not every time!!!
I feel prompted to say that this is because you are rushing at it and seeking in the without. The route to the Kingdom is ‘One step at a time, Laddie.’ Your head is trying to outrun your heart, where the peace is centred in us. The two have to be in balance and the energies aligned, not tangled like a plate of spaghetti. Peace is the key and peace is at-one-ment with Jesus; that at-one-ment is without effort. If you are struggling to achieve it (like almost everyone on Earth, so don’t use that as an excuse to beat yourself up) it is because you are trying too hard; trying to force it. Let it happen. Jesus is relaxed, happy, peaceful; focus on that truth and visualize him as being such. Create a mental image of him being laid back (as he is, always) and then absorb his vibes and let them become yours.
Also it is important to remember that because you are still in the early, development days/stages of your spiritual awakening, you are like an iceberg: only a relatively small part of your mind is bathed in the light of spiritual discernment; the majority, like most of us on Earth, is still floundering around in the dark, not knowing truth from deception or misperception. By FTOC the portion of your mind that is in the light will grow and the dark will diminish. This can only happen by one-pointed commitment; otherwise we get endlessly sidetracked/distracted from the part of our mind that is in spiritual darkness and is unable to distinguish between truth and misperception, thus necessitating countless additional circuits of the carousel (re-incarnations) and all the distress to our soul that that inevitably entails (look at history and the news if in doubt about that!!) Here is a Diary message about what is happening at present, in allegorical terms, from 1991:
Holy Communion October 6, 1991
Although the “power” or psychic awareness is low this morning I am aware of the IPS -- a vast horde of them -- gathered at this “gateway” between the Heaven and Earth realms of consciousness, eager to use this opportunity to serve the Kingdom purpose in some way.
My friend -- eager are we indeed, to be going about our/the Lord's business of search and rescue in the dark corners of the Earth consciousness. Herein dwell countless souls lost in the "blackout" and yet in their hearts -- the very seat of their innermost soul -- crying out in the wilderness for succour.
By this link of the attunement ritual and the desire and one-pointed commitment of your hearts in the Earth life we are able to use the energy created by your desire-thoughts to accomplish many acts of first aid, bring care packages, undertake 'stretcher rescues' and lead the way "home" to the walking wounded, the shell-shocked and the bewildered. We are able to unfurl the banner of Christ light to give direction in the darkness, that the souls of those lost and afraid in the darkness may have lit for them a pathway through the treacherous terrain of anti-Christ territory.
These souls have been deceived into the service of the prince of time and place by promises of great reward but the bounty is not of the eternal, it is not self-renewing; rather, it is a mirage, fading before their sight and their grasp.
These mercenaries have now been left without a leader and without orders, without pay and without rations. Many are realising the foolishness of their ways and are ready to repent of their folly and rejoice at the Light, the banquet, the safe path back to "base camp" wherein lies warmth and comfort and peace and restoration.
So do you see how the analogy of war-time conditions is able to create for you a picture of events. This is entirely serviceable to the reality and you shall become increasingly aware of these rescue activities as the picture builds for you. All is well, all is under full control; we go forward in Christ-Fellowship to the fulfilment.
The ‘battle plan,’ so long drawn-up, is working perfectly, as you would expect from the Master strategist. It works because it uses the Principles of Life of the Father and therefore cannot fail.
Thank you dear friend of Christ authority.
I am one who serves with His battalions, as a lieutenant. It is a campaign such as has never been seen before. The enemy is in full rout and confusion. Nevertheless, be not complacent for there are many pitfalls dug to deceive the unwary and the unprepared and over-confident. There are many booby-traps also to maim and disfigure. To all who would serve I say again, put on the whole armour of God, for this shall be defence and protection; draw near to the banner of the Lord and be faithful, one-pointed in your commitment. Thus shall your fulfilment and protection be assured. Peace and joy be with you and all who serve. In Christ's beloved name we are as one. Amen.
And here is another, in similar vein, from 1998:
Holy Communion July 26, 1998
Beloved Lord and Master, I rejoice in your charge over our lives, your guiding, leading and instructing. I thank you Lord, that you have made us aware that our relationship with you and Papa and the Breath is a Partnership.
My son, if our relationship was not a Partnership, what would it be? Do not you want your little ones to grow into a full and equal relationship with you? As Papa's children, this is His desire for you also.
In order for the fallen world to be restored to its rightful position there must be cooperation between Heaven and Heaven's emissaries in enemy territory -- 'the Resistance.' Without this the prayers and blessings from Heaven cannot be made manifest in the lives of the lost sheep, the imprisoned, the blind, the seekers after truth.
The energy of life and love and blessing needs transformers for converting to the required level of implementation. The whole Kingdom Rescue Programme is one of voluntary commitment. There are no press-gangs in Papa's House. All is by equal partnership and all are dependent on the continuing, voluntary commitment of each other volunteer. This is the Freedom of the Kingdom of God. The enemy has no such arrangements. All his servers are prisoners of fear, hatred and ignorance. It is Papa's changeless desire to freely share all the bounty of his Kingdom with all who will freely enter into his joy. Although the path is arduous and beset by pitfalls, these are of the enemy. It is my desire to equip all the little ones with night-sights, so that they may see and negotiate all obstacles from and within the darkness, until they reach the glorious Light of Day.
The power of prayer is something I have unequivocally learnt and whenever I pray I pray to Jesus…which is awesome because it's automatic now, no strangeness about it, v. natural process This is fantastic progress; accept it, rejoice in it and give thanks for it. Allow it to rest with you without getting anxious about the myriad other aspects of your being you are sniping at yourself about;-) and when I really outpour my heart, I know it’s a powerful focus on that person and/or situation Wonderful.…something I've noticed though, it may not last for that long…e.g: I prayed for Tim to find peace and happiness with who he is, and sure enough he did about 3 days later start feeling great, which was awesome…but then sure enough it faded and he was back to the way he was.
The Bible says Jesus said to people when he healed them, ’Go your way and sin no more, lest a worse thing befall you.’ Healing - true healing – comes from a change of inward being. Not even Jesus could heal someone permanently unless that initial healing began a change of attitude, a change of mind, because without a change of mind/understanding, the behavior patterns that brought on the illness in the first place will continue, keeping open the channels for dis-ease to re-establish itself.
Tim is not undergoing a fundamental/lasting change of mind/understanding about who he really is, and the reason he is not is that he is still attached to the church, and misperceptions of who he really is: a guilty, fearful sinner, who believes Papa is an angry, wrathful, vengeful god who is out to get him if he isn’t extremely careful. That is the legacy of the church and even if he is oscillating about leaving the church (which I believe you said he was), all the while he is giving them any authority over his life energy he will experience their energy controlling his, so his inner peace will be affected. …..a touch disheartening but then that’s the way it has to be I guess, (“everything in its own time Laddie!!” ha-ha!!!) So, don’t be disheartened, Russ, dear friend; just ask the only real question: WHY? When we understand, then we will be at peace.
But we have to be willing to allow Jesus to lead us to the answers (simply because we know and can trust that he really has the answers and is totally trustworthy), not some sect, cult, denomination that is screwed up in a 1000 different ways, promising the Earth, Moon and Stars and delivering messed-up heads! Jesus/Holy Spirit will provide the answers, whether by the still, small voice within or a messenger, such as someone Jesus has been training up for a while (because Jesus delegates, extends the living Word to all who will walk the Path with him one-pointedly until he arrives at the Holy of Holies and is ready to be given/receive that delegation, and discharge the responsibilities that come with it with total commitment).
My synopsis of last 6-9 months or so: I was really flying at one point, then I think I got too big for my own boots, (I remember laughing saying how could people get caught in the religious web of fear…it just doesn’t make sense!!)…whoops….so I got that lesson…big time, then since then I've oscillated around and I'm only now starting to find my feet again, I really got knocked for 6, Bri…its bizarre, but of course all part of the process!!! This sounds like a fair and objective summary;-) Well done you for being calm and accepting about it. That is the important thing. It does not matter what happens; what matters is how we respond to what happens that makes the difference.
P.S. My Mum and Dad seem to think I've suffered from depression for the past 6-9 months…I guess its their only known category to put me in….I try and explain but it doesn’t make sense to them. Anyway, its all good, it doesn’t matter that they don’t understand; they think I've had an awful time…. What they cant quite get is that I wouldn’t change my last 2 years for the World…everything has been amazing, evening the lowest of the low I don’t regret because I learnt so much….everything and anything that happens to me is part of my journey….the fact they haven’t experienced what it means to be consciously living a spiritual path is not their fault and I love them whatever they think!!! All this para. is very, very insightful. You and your parents are not on the same part of the Path, so some space between you will enable the familial relationship to continue cordially; otherwise there will eventually be some serious stress building up. Blessing them every day will help massively.
All good, anyway, guess I've just data-dumped my thoughts on paper as per usual!!! Great, we love it. Don’t stop on our account.
Speak soon…thanks again Bri.
Kind regards,
The following exchange was posted on June 1st 2007
Hi Brian
I have the hard-covered ACIM and in Chapter 5 HEALING AND WHOLENESS, under the section The Invitation to the HS It is actually in the next section of ch. 5, section II, ‘The Voice for God,’ that this appears and I come across "The Voice of the HS does not command." This throws me for a little bit of a loop; not distressing, just this: when I was awakened (for not knowing what it really was that happened I'll call it my revelation (R)). During this R, I experienced what I call a 'wave of energy' and when the wave was coming in the distance toward me I remember trying to decipher the size of it - remember trying to see the 'edges' of it but it spread so wide I couldn't see the edges so I knew it must be huge because I could see a long distance to the right and left of me from my vantage point through the window.
As this wave 'washed over' me I got 2 distinct messages and it was very clear that the messages were coming from behind me to the front of me - I didn't get the significance of this until 3 1/2 years after it happened, which was all my 'stuff' was coming from the 'dark' - behind me, to the 'light' - in front of me. The two messages were - on the left was a 'life review' - I didn't know what that was either until I was reading a book called "The Journey Home" where Philip Berman contrasts 'near death experiences' and 'mystical experiences' and the near death experiencers talk quite a bit about 'life review' - then I realized that's exactly what I saw - I only remember one significant thing in the life review and that was that my life with my husband was 'total devastation' - that message was loud and clear - as the review was happening the words TOTAL DEVASTATION were what I knew; I didn't hear it like an audible sound but it was a knowing of what was being said and the description was 'anguish' I remember seeing me respond to the 'anguish.' - anguish isn't pleasant:)
On the right part of my head was the knowing of the words WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN! It was in a very demanding tone with a definite emphasis on the word 'hell.' Believe it or not, the R left me with the most incredible feeling - and I know I never knew what joy was before - of joy that was unimaginable before; I was so peaceful that I don't think I could have been any more peaceful than if I was walking along with Jesus. Now that's peaceful! 'Stunned' was the order for the rest of the day. So this is where I don't understand the words in ACIM saying "The Voice of the HS does not command" I was sure it was God who came and spoke to me, so if the voice of God doesn't command, whose voice was that? Thank you for such a detailed account. I agree that from behind to front is dark to light; or it could also be past to future, which could equate to the same thing.
Here is a quote about wisdom from Proverbs, ch. 3: Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Now these words also apply absolutely and totally to Jesus and the HS. In 40 years I have never once known the Master to be anything other than the embodiment of those words. So, I can state with certainty that what you heard was not from any of the Holy Trinity. That raises the question, who were they from and why did they come within your R experience? Part of the answer is in your observation from dark to light, behind to front, past to future. It is difficult for me to be more specific than this without more details about your husband but my feeling, from what you have said, is that this is from, or connected in some way to, him and your relationship with him.
Now almost all of us are here to outwork and resolve outstanding ‘issues’ in relationships. ACIM tells us that the fast track to that - which will save countless incarnations of floundering without the light of spiritual discernment - is by true forgiveness, whereby we remember that because none of us is really here and all the relative realm is only a dream, we cannot have done any of the things we believe we and/or our fellows have done, therefore none of us can be guilty, therefore it is absurd and entirely counterproductive, playing right into ego’s hands, to hold grievances, because there is actually - in terms of the only real perspective, which is Heaven, the eternal reality, where we, the Son of the Father, are and always have been - nothing about which to be aggrieved.
Now these unresolved issues accrue over more than one act or incarnation - unless those involved are awake enough to resolve them in one act, which has not been very common throughout history, although it will become more common as humanity begins to awaken from the dream during this, the third and final measure of meal in the Great Rescue Programme (GRP).
Because there is only one reason we are here, and that is to remember who we really are, so that the dream can end and we can break the cycle of birth and death once and for all and return finally to Home, Heaven, we have an inbuilt mechanism that calls us back into the presence of those with whom we have outstanding issues from one act to another, so that we can re-call into our presence the opportunities for resolution of those issues. This will keep on happening until we actually succeed, so that we can move on. This is why true forgiveness can save countless incarnations.
In this chaos time, where most of humanity is running around like beheaded chickens, people are getting into relationships blind, believing they are ‘in love’ (those jolly hormones on the rampage again!) whereas they may in reality be drawn to that other person because one murdered the other last time around (an extreme example but it does happen and is used here just to illustrate the point). In due course the blindness caused by the hormones wears off and the relationship gets back to where it left off in the previous act: dysfunctional. That is where the opportunity to transform adversity into fulfilment (OTAF) takes up the case, but because there is no light of spiritual discernment amongst the lost sheep otherwise known as the children of Earth, they blow it again by walking away from that opportunity (mistakenly thinking that by so doing, they are escaping it and leaving it behind forever) instead of choosing to retrace the cause of the issue(s), face them, embrace and replace them (retrace, face, embrace & replace).
This means accepting that the relationship is not an accident – because there are no accidents - and is happening for a reason. Therefore, it is beneficial to allow reason to come to the rescue. Ego mind may not know about reason (that’s why so many relationships end in ‘disaster’) but our HS mind DOES. This is why it is of inestimable benefit to ask for help, guidance, inspiration, enlightenment from Jesus/HS in all situations where enlightened clarity is not already present.
Walking away from broken or unhealed relationships is not the Way to the Kingdom and they have to be revisited until, as ACIM reminds us, we can see the face of Christ (which is who and what every single one of us really is, with all else appearing to the contrary being ego-constructed dream illusions) in the other party(ies). This may seem a one-sided process, and thus unfair and unworkable to our Earthly, ego-confused senses but that is not how it actually is to HS Mind, through which ALL relationships can be healed. That does not mean a divorced couple have to re-marry, but it does mean that aggrieved parties have an opportunity to heal those relationships so they can both/all move on along the Path to the Kingdom. Many will say, ‘Well, I am willing but the other party is so far from that place that it will never happen with them, so what’s the point of me trying?’ Just how ego wants us to perceive it and leaving out the most important ingredient: miracles; because without Papa so much seems impossible but in our re-connecting with Papa, ALL things definitely are possible . What is the book called? ‘A Course in MIRACLES.’
This is where FTOC comes in; a scarce commodity in a dream-world like we believe we are in. But help is always at hand if we ask, and it is always freely, lovingly and immediately (FLI) given, even when we have no conscious awareness (at first) of it. With FTOC it will become apparent, as long as we are not deeply attached to ‘quick fixes.’ We’ve all been at this, in linear time terms, so long, and our approach patently hasn’t worked, so it seems entirely reasonable to now say 'Why not try something different? when the ego-alternative is designed not to work and rather to keep us on the carousel of birth and death; karma.'
I have no way of knowing if the voice that spoke the words ‘Where the hell have you been?’ was your husband or perhaps even you (in truth there is no difference because there is only One of us and all else is an illusion) but it seems one has been ‘waiting’ for the other to join them. The emphasis on hell is indicative of the state of mind of whoever spoke the words and that is another reason one can be certain it was not from ‘above.’
ACIM also seems contradictory when it says "Before the separation you did not need guidance." then it says "God does not guide, because He can share only perfect knowledge. Guidance is evaluative, because it implies there is a right way and also a wrong way." So on one hand it says 'before the separation you did not need guidance' implying that we need guidance now after the separation. then it says 'god does not guide.' I don't get this. FTOC, dear Sharon!! Remember, God, the Un-Divided One (Papa), has no awareness of the momentary dream of the Son. Where Papa is, there is only wholeness, perfection, total knowledge, so guidance is not needed there (the only ‘Place’ there is) and never has been. As far as He is concerned, the Son is all that He endowed Him with and the dream doesn’t exist. However, at the separation the HS, the Voice for God, came into being/operation as a mechanism whereby we could hear the truth of who we are and be guided back Home.
So, the Voice for God (HS) guides us through our dream, as does Jesus, who is entirely one, or interchangeable, with the HS in terms of the guidance we can receive. But we have to ask. The Cosmic Wisdom Teacher responds only to the student’s asking. This is vital for our remembrance. Ego does not want us to ask, so it keeps sidetracking us and causing our dream self, which believes it is a body, to believe we are so clever we can work out all the answers without the Voice for God helping us. Deep in our dream we believe that. This is why Earth-mind institutions like governments put all these ‘programmes’ in place, to ‘solve’ ‘problems’ like drug addiction, crime, unemployment etc. There is, in reality, one solution to all ‘problems’ - and only one 'problem,' namely that we have dreamed we have forgotten who we are - but dreaming humanity and its so-called leaders are not ready to acknowledge it. Humility is not an attribute for which ego is renowned!
ACIM says "the Voice for God is always quiet, because it speaks of peace' but the voice I heard came in loud and clear. There, you have the answer for yourself;-) This is clearly indicating that this was not the Voice for God (HS) I'm not talking about the two peoples' (voices) that I used to be because I recognize those two people and I remember telling myself that "someday I'm going with you" I knew that even without knowing what the heck I was doing, that someday I'd go with the heart and I did and now I'm one person. Sharon, this is telling me that you are on track and ready to be awakened. This is a very affirming indicator for you. I would like to point you at a website that is dedicated to ACIM and helping its students to grow in understanding of it. ACIM is so advanced and so far from almost all in which we have been conditioned for many centuries that we all need lots of help in re-educating our minds to the Truth of Eternity.
That help, all from HS, can come in many forms, of which dedicated souls operating numerous websites and help facilities in various guises are but some. Theresa and I have been blessed to have received help from the Master during a 40-year period and clearly that was necessary to the path we had chosen ‘aforetime,’ so our grasp of ACIM has been much quicker – albeit that it has taken us 40 years to get to that place where it could be quicker and easier! Because the GRP has moved along somewhat during 40 years, there are now many facilities available to newly seeking souls. Here it is: There are also many links on that site. I hope and believe that this could be of help to you, as no doubt it has to others. Do let me know what you think. I'm talking about that voice that wasn't audible with my ears but that I heard. The voice that I heard was not quiet like it says in ACIM. If such a voice is full of anguish, fear, frustration, desire for control, hate, attack or any other of a multitude of ego qualities, you know this is not the Voice for God. I hope all this helps. If there is anything else you may wish to share, such as some more background about your relationship with your husband (still, or ex?) that may help to shed some light on your experience, please do so.
ACIM says "if you listen to the wrong voice you have lost sight of your soul. You cannot lose it, but you can not know it. It is therefore 'lost' to you until you choose right." But in a page before this it says "God does not guide .... guidance is evaluative, because it implies there is a right way and also a wrong way." Again, this seems contradictory to me. In this relative, illusory realm there does appear to be a right and a wrong way. It is only in eternity/Heaven that there is no wrong way; only One way: truth, so guidance is not required there. So Papa does not guide us; but here, in the dream world, there appears to be choice, only one of which is right and because we have forgotten the right way, HS, as the “Voice for God,” (ACIM terminology) is here to guide us, help us to choose the right way.
I sense the frustration within you over what appear to you to be inconsistencies and contradictions, and perhaps most, at your own inability to grasp the true meaning. When I was in the very early stages of the Path back in the 1960s, I said to the Master, “Why don’t you just give me the answers to the ‘top 10’ questions (about the mysteries of life and the universe) and then we can really get this show on the road.” He said, “It doesn’t work like that. This is a growing process and you have to be able to assimilate the realities of eternity (back) into every level of your being. To simply have them on a plate for your mind, which has not yet been made ready to receive them, would not be serviceable to that growing process and would cause confusion because the growth has to be balanced across the full spectrum of every aspect of your being.”
Reading ACIM in a prayerful, meditative and contemplative mode is of inestimable help. I suggest you ask Jesus and the HS to be with you and guide and illumine your mind as you read, at commencement of each session. Then, anything you are not clear about, as you come across it (and there will be plenty), ask again and then leave it with Them. You may not get instant answers and that is where FTOC comes in again. With time, patience and commitment, your link to the HS will become more perfectly established and the answers will come more quickly. Be accepting when they don’t, and realise it is not the HS not answering; it is your link with Him not yet well-enough established for those answers to get through immediately. It will improve if you are patient, accepting and trusting. That is not a platitude; it is Cosmic Law. It works because you are allowing it to work by patience, acceptance and trust creating the receptive state into which answers can be received by you. Without that receptive attitude they have no access point.
Lastly and of great importance, Gary Renard’s two books, “Disappearance of the Universe” (DU) and “Your Immortal Reality, how to break the cycle of birth and death” are fantastic aids to the comprehension of ACIM. I commend them to you utterly.
Very lastly(!) please see how all that you are asking and having difficulty with are just what untold numbers of others are also having similar difficulty with. That is the entire objective of the Forum; that people writing in can share (and by sharing, grow) their difficulties (as well as insights) and receive some help on their way forward, so that ALL can benefit and then we can all get Home that much quicker.
I assure you, any suggestion about your communication not being inspirational is actually not the case. It would be the case if you had all these thoughts, doubts, questions, uncertainties and did nothing about them, like, not writing to ask for help. The fact you have done so IS inspirational. I do assure you most sincerely, Dear Sharon, that you ARE progressing, ARE well on the way and that this will be of great help to many others if you are willing to let me post this. We all feel foolish in the face of our apparent inability to grasp the truth of eternity. I assure you, there are many who wish they were where you are and they can be helped by allowing this exchange to be posted for their benefit, ‘Inasmuch as ye have done it to these, the least of my brethren, ye have done it unto me.’
Namaste, peace and blessings, always,
Is it okay to post this and not have the answers to it? Sharon
Dear Sharon
Let me explain something of fundamental importance that is a PLF, for easement of your puzzlement:
It is not crucial to the Process of our restoration to Oneness with Papa that we do not, as yet (that is to say, at any particular moment), with our conscious mind perceptions, understand what we are experiencing, what is going on, what is unfolding, what we are reading. What is the crucial, paramount, centrally important factor is that we desire to understand, to know, to receive enlightenment, to be grown by the Good Husbandman (Papa) into the place of fully awakened remembrance of our true Self as His beloved ‘Son’ (please understand, as I am sure you do, that gender is not a feature of Eternity, Heaven. When Jesus uses the term ‘Father’ it could equally be translated as ‘Giver of Life’ or ‘That Which Begets’ and when he uses the word ‘Son’ or ‘Sonship’ it could equally be ‘Offspring’ or ‘That Which is Begotten.’ ‘Son’ works well for me because it has a personal attribute about it – not just to me but about the term, whereas ‘Offspring’ or ‘Begotten’ does not have that same identifiable-with quality or ring about it).
Without the desire, sincere desire, emanating from deep within our heart and soul, all that we ‘do’ has no eternal meaning and Papa cannot grow it within us. If we have the desire and the faith, trust, obedience and commitment (FTOC) He will grow in us all things of the Kingdom – enlightenment, wisdom, knowledge of the things of the Kingdom – one step at a time. It is about first believing and then seeing, not the other way around.
Here is what Jesus said to me in May 1997 about desire. Please read the whole message, contemplatively and prayerfully, even though the first few lines may seem to say all you feel you need or can absorb. Another PLF is that if we have the desire (but not yet the understanding) the rest is assimilated at/into a higher level of our awareness and will be brought back to our awareness and increased understanding somewhere further along the Path that is appropriate to our journey :
All is according to your desire. Psychic conditions of the moment have no impact upon the desire of your heart for it is forged in the realms of *fire, unquenchable.
Let your heart and mind focus on your desire; let your desire be as my desire -- for love, blessing and the freedom of eternal life for all my little ones -- for in this is peace, strength, power, upliftment, wholeness, and renewal for you as well as all the beneficiaries of your blessings. This is Papa's way, that all should benefit. It is eternal reality. It is livingness; dynamic, joyous, mystical, empowering. It is of the life force and shall uprate the lives of all who partake of it. It is not of the mind or the intellect or the rationale. It is available to all who humbly seek the Truth of God. It is unavailable to those who have not a shred of faith, of seeking after Spiritual Truth. Let them first come to their knees in humility and repentance, seeking forgiveness for arrogance and haughtiness and pride. Then shall my Father forgive and they must begin the journey again, this time as little children, in faith, trust and obedience.
And the meek and the humble shall be given all things of the Great Storehouse of eternity, so that all shall know the livingness of my Word. And many shall come to me and drink of the fountain of living water springing up from me, that they might be refreshed eternally.
I say to you all, be of great good cheer, for all is accomplished and the fulfilment of prophecy is assured. This is the power of desire. Let your light so shine among your fellows, in the Earthly life and for those who have left their bodies behind but not the Earth. All is well. Peace and joy be with you always.
*Fire is the symbol of the realm of Eternal, Spiritual reality.
I am certain you are a soul with a heart full of desire for spiritual truth. Papa knows, Jesus knows, the Holy Spirit knows. Your conscious, ‘Earth’ mind is flailing about, full of doubt, uncertainty and fear. This is not the real you at all. It is ego, trying hard to prevent you from going forward along the Path you decided before you incarnated. It is time to choose between ‘blind’ faith, first, so that Papa/Jesus/HS can fill you with the true Light of Heaven (in response to your desire, your hungering and thirsting, your asking, seeking, knocking) OR wanting to know first, so that you then can believe. That is the beguiling lie of ‘Satan’ (ego) and all the while we remain within its thrall we are stuck in bewilderment, uncertainty, unbelief, doubt, sorrow, confusion.
I assure you absolutely, Dear Sharon, that all the uncertainties that are going on inside your head and heart are known to Jesus and the Holy Spirit and it is nothing to Them. All They are focussed upon is your desire, because that is all that matters to Them and in due course you will realise that it is all that matters to you (it has taken me decades to come to that place, so don’t beat yourself up for being slow☺
Every single one of us is at a different, unique place on the Path back to Papa, so it makes no difference to any other readers what ‘Sharon’ - who sent in this message to which ‘Brian’ has responded with inspiration for help from the Holy Spirit – understands. Other readers of this will have their own perceptions about the exchange(s) between us, and Papa, the Good Husbandman, will use it to grow them just as He is growing you and me. We each are able to extract benefit from whatever is the message according to where we are on the Path and that is fine with Papa, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. One step at a time is how we are grown.
Hi Brian:
I still don't know why I don't know for sure if it's the right thing to do to post this. I knew for sure about the other postings, I'm blocked on this and I don't know why. You are blocked on this because of your doubt and uncertainty. It is a ‘vicious circle,’ a device of ego to keep us held, prevent us from being grown How can something I don't even understand help anyone else; I don't want to scare or confuse anyone. Are you scared or confused by exchanges between others and me on the Forum page? You have no need to be and if you are, you can say, ‘This is a device of ego to hold me back. I am as You created me, Papa, and all else is an illusion. I place myself in Your care, for inner Peace and tranquillity.’
The way to unblock this situation is to choose to place yourself in a state of inward acceptance, allowing all things to be free, knowing that you are utterly safe in His hands. Until you do that it will seem disturbing, confusing, fearful. Once you have done it – the instant you do it – you will say to yourself, ‘What was all that about? There was nothing to fear; it was an illusion, nothing at all.’
Peace, dear Kiddo; you are greatly loved and understood,
Dear Brian:
You can post it. A big thanks to you Sharon; not just from me but from all who will read this and benefit from it. Thank you for your encouragement, I am very grateful. Sharing brings joy of Heaven into our Earthly lives. I want to share with you what is really cool about what you wrote here: I have been training someone at a doctor's office how to do bookkeeping with a computer (software package); one of the things about this beautiful soul (just starting this new job) is her desire to learn this and to become confident with it; for her the process involved applying what she was learning (as we went) to the computer program (new to her) and all this on top of going back 6 months and 'undoing' what was improperly done, re-doing it, and continuing on.
When I gave the progress reports to the owner I remember saying to him and knowing (and telling her) that 'her' desire to want to do this and to feel confident about it was the special thing that she had, that because of her wanting this, everything else was going to fit into place. I told the owner it would now take her some time to 'assimilate' it (that word is not a coincidence an affirming piece of synchronicity, for your encouragement because I don't use that word - it just 'slipped' out during the conversation and I remember after it came out asking myself where that word came from but trusting it without question ('cause I made myself) Fantastic. Well done. That is FTOC. because I had asked God to be with me during this assignment Wonderful; do you see how, when we align our mind with the PLFs they are able to actually work for us instead of appearing to our upside-down, ego-confused mind, to work against us and I knew after the word came out that that particular word resonated with the owner (and it fit) ) that she will be working along at the day-to-day bookkeeping and she'll go "Oh, that's why we did that," "Oh, that's how that got there", "Oh, that's how that works."
So you know what? - I've been doing what you just said but didn't know I was doing it. It's because of your letter to me that I now see that I've been doing what comes natural, just unsure, and now what you just wrote makes me see that. Thank you. FTOC enables everything to fall into place and you are actually experiencing it working for you. Now you KNOW and anybody trying to convince you otherwise will be whistling in the wind. I'm grateful for you being on this part of the journey with me, This was no chance thing. Be certain that you are contributing mightily to the Kingdom programme by these exchanges. Without your commitment and your courage, this could not be possible. Allow yourself this bit of glory; there is immeasurably more where this came from: Papa.
I'm trusting more and I've becoming more aware that 'trust' is not comfortable for me, I can see that. I feel it is from experiences in your past that have left you feeling hurt and resistant to trusting. Go with trust, knowing that you are being looked after. Place yourself within that care. but the more aware of that that I become the more help I'm getting with it. This will continue until you are as sure of the help as you are that the sun will come up each morning. Then you, and all who commit to being grown by the Good Husbandman into that place of being, will be the fulfilment of Jesus' words, 'The works that I do, you will also do, and greater things than these, if only you believe.'
warmly, Sharon
Sharon, I am overjoyed with and for you; there is so much growth taking place in you. There is much rejoicing over you in all the Halls of Heaven. Alleluia!
The following exchange was posted on May 13th 2007
Hi Brian,
Thanks for last letter I found very interesting that some of the points that you stated and referred to, I would like to say have been coincidental or should I say God incidental in my own experiences in the last few weeks.
As you rightly state that forgiveness is something that we all have to seek, if we harbour unforgiveness then we are only locking ourselves up, as our saviour taught forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Only a few days ago I watched a programme on TV about inmates inside prison, and interestingly they nearly all agreed that they had to forgive, so that they were able to get on with there lives.
A further point you touched on was about our oneness and knowing that interrelationship, I was in conversation with a lady the other day and someone else joined in, and I explained that we were discussing how sometimes thoughts come to us as we are receivers and that GOD is the transmitter I have only spoken to this lady briefly and I apologised that I could not remember her name, but I kept thinking Angela, she then shocked me by telling me that was her middle name, coincidence or what?
Finally something I was reading and quote that this person was describing a nightmare that kept occurring, that she was being chased around her home by a big monster and was cornered, so she screamed at it, and asked what it was planning to do to her? It replied “I don’t know it’s your dream,” proving the point that our thoughts play an important part in our lives!
I am writing this as a word of encouragement, and that you continue to transmit the good news for a long time.
Many blessings to you both.
Hi Geoff,
Many thanks for your message of encouragement. With all help from the Holy Spirit it will continue. It is my observation that this work for the Kingdom is only in its early stages and since it has taken the better part of 40 years to prepare me (I like to think of myself as a slow starter but a strong finisher!) I am trusting that there is plenty more to follow. Certainly I am up for it, as the present vernacular says. The Master told me many times over the decades that all that he was leading me in was simply preparation for what lay ahead – which is now unfolding, day by day.
Also, for me, messages such as yours are affirmation that I am on the right track because you are finding it affirmative in your own life’s experiences. If I was making all this up it would hardly relate to the experiences of other people because it could only be my own invention.
As for forgiveness, one of the key revelations of ACIM is that there is ‘true’ and ‘false’ forgiveness. False forgiveness, ACIM tells us, is where the forgiver and forgivee acknowledge the ‘sin’ or trespass, or wrongdoing and then ‘forgive’ it. ACIM says the acknowledging of it gives it ‘reality’ and therefore, if we have actually ‘sinned’ we can only be guilty and therefore deserve punishment. The forgiver is therefore effectively saying, ‘I forgive you but I really know you did this and therefore I know that you are guilty and really deserve punishment. I am letting you off the hook now but if I change my mind later (which ego mind is very good at), you will be back on the hook.’ This sets up a dynamic between forgiver and forgivee which keeps them from truly being able to let it go and move on to the place where each can begin to see the face of Christ (which is who and what we all really are) in each other.
The gulf between false and true forgiveness is that true forgiveness is a recognition that in fact all that with our Earthly, double vision we perceive as having happened or happening is an illusion because we are dreaming this whole physical dimension; it is not really here, neither are we – any of us – because the separation never actually happened and we are not separated into innumerable individual souls but are, in the eternal reality, the One Son of the Father or Giver of Life, Home with Papa, having never actually left; therefore we cannot be ‘guilty’ of ‘sinning.’
That makes forgiveness much more a definitive process in which ‘closure’ can be the outcome because we are effectively saying, ‘I forgive you for what in reality I know you have actually never done. If you have never actually done it and I can recognise, remember and be certain of this truth of eternity, then there is really nothing to forgive.’ Knowing there is actually nothing to forgive (because it is all a dream and in our true, eternal-consciousness wakeful state, which is where we actually are and have always been, no such ‘sin’ ever happened) means letting go of it is immeasurably easier and the true forgiveness process then brings any dynamic between the parties to an end, meaning both (or all) are then free of ties and trammels to the (imaginary) past.
All this is so radical a departure from what we have all been led to believe by the institutionalised, so-called Christian religious denominations for so many centuries that even those who have long since abandoned the church are still chained to and by those misperceptions, thus keeping us tied to the cycle of birth and death. This means that we have to keep (imagining we are) coming back over and over again trying to achieve release from these ego-constructed illusions and ‘never’ actually achieving that release because the misperceptions are passed down through the generations over and over again.
It is from this that Jesus is our saviour. It could therefore be justifiably stated that Jesus is saving us from religion set up falsely in his name. We now have the internet, so that effectively, we are all now free from the yoke of church and state, to grow spiritually and share our remembrances of who we really are with our fellows anywhere on Earth, without political or religious boundaries to hobble us and hold us back. That is a sure outward sign of where we are on the cosmic clock. And even any despotic government that may try to burn books (such as ACIM) can no longer succeed because geo-political borders are losing their grip on the movement of people, ideas and information.
I love the dream where the monster says, ‘It’s your dream.’ That is in absolute harmony with ACIM.
Thanks so much for sharing; it seems you are experiencing synchronicity and that is a sure sign you are getting hooked up with the eternal consciousness and beginning to see through the illusion. Alleluia.
Please continue to keep me posted with progress.
The following exchange was posted on May 12th 2007
Dearest Brian: Hi J; great to hear from you;
I have finally been able to catch up reading the diary entries you lovingly send out each week. It is so exciting to really understand and feel the words echo true in my heart….I feel such a spiritual enrichment that has made me realize how much I also need physical spiritual nourishment, by way of soul companions.
This is so true. We all have soul companions, extending over multiple incarnations and some are with us in the Earth life and some in the Realms of Light. That way we get literally, the ‘best of both worlds’! Those who are with us in the Earth life are what the Master Jesus calls ‘Companions of the Way.’ If there is one individual with whom one forms a life-partnership, like Theresa and me, then that one individual is close in terms of where one is on the path of spiritual awakening, and each becomes for the other their respective Companion of the Way.
The Master told me shortly after Theresa and I met that he had brought her to me to be my Companion of the Way. Of course this was not the first time we had been together and we know of at least 3 former ‘acts’ (incarnations) in which we were together as husband and wife. Theresa is writing a book about this at the moment and in due course this will appear on the HTG website.
I love my husband dearly, but while he supports my spiritual growth, he is not one with whom I can share my insights comfortably without an ensuing debate or his need to challenge my beliefs. This is very interesting, your use of the word ‘challenge.’ This is ego at work. Ego realises that a person on a path of spiritual growth is a threat to its existence because the more we awaken to eternal truth and become resonant with it, the weaker ego becomes because its realm is time and place only. Ego functioning through M will recognise that your growth is a threat its existence, so will try to ‘head you off at the pass’ by challenging your new awarenesses, trying to undermine your new, emerging understandings, while they are still nascent in your mind, before they become well established and thus more difficult to dislodge.
That used to bother me, that I couldn’t share everything with him but I think I really accept it now. J, that is a very, very major going forward for you. There is no doubt in my mind that you and M are re-visiting some unresolved issues from previous acts and you are definitely making progress. By being steadfast in your resolve this will keep you moving forward and, even if you don’t always see it, this will definitely be helping M, even if ego appears to be indicating to the contrary. Deep inside, he is being helped by your progress and when the time is right, you and he will both see it. I wish to encourage you in this as much as I can because it is so beneficial to you both and all in whose sphere of influence you move, not least your children.
One person can’t be all things to us, right? True enough, but each person is an opportunity for us to grow, because what (or who!) may show up (perhaps, heavily) disguised as adversity is always actually an opportunity for us to remember who we really are. Are we loving, blessing, accepting, compassionate, caring, forgiving in the context of this person (or situation) or are we testy, snappy, judgemental, etc., etc.
Because of my work schedule, I haven’t been able to attend the Methodist church where I am a member. During the past couple of years away from the church, I realized how much the church was not filling my needs. When a person starts to awaken to the eternal, spiritual realities, things that are of this temporal realm start to pall and become less and less attractive and satisfying to the inner being. This includes orthodox religion, which is founded on ego-constructs of sin, guilt, fear, unworthiness, sacrifice, death, a-tone-ment (instead of at-one-ment), control, rules, dogmas, etc. Of course these denominational churches speak of love but because they are founded on a false foundation, the love they speak of, within their institutions, is conditional, not unconditional, and therefore cannot be of eternity.
None of their constructs is true and they all get in the way of our re-unification with the Giver of Life, our Heavenly Father, Papa. Needless to say, the souls who attend these institutions are not consciously aware of these factors and most are sincere in their desire for something in their lives beyond the material dimension. They do not yet have sufficient light of spiritual discernment to differentiate between religion (with all the above named constructs) and spirituality, which has none. The awakening soul instinctively senses this as remembrance of who they really are begins to emerge into their waking consciousness and they feel unsatisfied by religion, which starts to appear as empty, hollow, lacking in substance satisfying to their hungering and thirsting souls.
When my work schedule changed, finally freeing up my Sunday mornings, I sought different churches…even attended a Unity church across town that I thought I would like more. It was nice but left me wanting. The drive to get there is also long. I have no personal experience of the Unity Church but what I have heard from others appears to set it far aside from most of the mainstream denominations by its openness to and acceptance of many truths of eternity.
Of course there are and will be many individuals within orthodox religious institutions who will press for change within those structures, and changes of a meaningful nature will, slowly but surely, begin to take place. This will be successful with some individual congregations but as with women clergy and homosexuality, the liberals and the conservatives will find these changes to be further fuel for the separation consciousness to cause ever more division. Finding spiritual fellowship is of great importance as we sojourn here in the Earth life.
Theresa and I were brought together in 1968 about 4 months after I asked Jesus to please bring me into contact with the right life-partner for this journey (see SYFK, chapter 4). Such fellowship helps in the awakening process because sharing gets the focus on the object of one’s desires and generates psychic energies of a refined, exalted, spiritualised nature that act as conduits for our loved ones in the Realms of Light to come close and inspire us with new awareness and enlightenment.
These loved ones include Jesus and the Holy Spirit if that is the level of our desire. If it is not, they won’t, because it is cosmic law never to enter uninvited. Sadly for many sincere seekers after spiritual truth who place themselves within the energy field of institutionalised religion, that acts as a barrier rather than a conduit to such lines of communication and enlightenment because such institutions usually insist on obedience to their doctrines and dogmas, most of which are not resonant with eternal truth. Such institutions will hold power over those who submit to such controls until such time as the individual remembers that such submission is no longer where they need or choose to be. Then they will realise that they simply no longer need to place themselves under that outside control.
Untold numbers of relationships are formed for other than spiritual fellowship reasons, so when one partner begins to awaken it can be deeply frustrating to both parties, each from their own perspectives. I have no answers to how this can be remedied but trying to force the other party to become what they are not ready for definitely will not work, as I feel sure you need no reminding;-) Of one thing I am sure: if we ask for help with finding others with whom we can share deep fellowship on the Path, and leave that request to be answered, it will happen. This may come from some place of group fellowship, where one or more others will be drawn by the vibes emanating from the seeker. Then it is up to the individuals to move forward as the spirit draws them.
While driving home from work couple of days ago, I realized I missed my friends at the Methodist church. My women’s group that I was part of is a loving group of women who really rallied around me during my recuperation. When I decided not to come back, it was mainly because of the group leader’s views, more fundamentalist I guess. That can be very off-putting to someone seeking the freedom of the spiritual pathway. I remember one Sunday morning when she was talking about a co-worker of hers going on and on about talking to her dead relatives in her dreams. This of course, is a big no-no to orthodox religionists and is well covered in SYFK.
Mary Jo, the leader, was aghast and begged her co-worker not to discuss such sinful things. This will seem very real a ‘sin’ to those who are not yet ready to awaken to the reality that we are all indestructible, eternal, radiant souls and not bodies; that bodies and all things temporal are an illusion. This change of focus does not come easily but we receive help unlimited if, as and when we are ready to begin that journey. Awakening from such a deeply ingrained dream can only happen one step at a time, from the within of the person according to their readiness.
Well, lately, I’ve felt the pull to return to this loving group, love is a great magnet even with Mary Jo there, for she is a very good person and I don’t have to agree with everything she says. Good for you. That’s when I found out that she and some others have left the group for another church. I emailed her to politely ask why she left, if she wouldn’t mind sharing, since I was planning on returning to the group. Here’s the email she sent back to me:
I will share why I left but I only do so if I'm asked.
FUMC seems to be going too liberal for us. They were introducing a book that has
a chapter in it stating that homosexuality is God's plan "B" for a person. My
brother-in-law asked Rev. Taylor if he agreed with this and Rev. Taylor said it's
not God's best for a person but he would not call it a sin. You know me, Jolena,
I'm all for loving the sinner and hating the sin, but we've got to call sin, sin.
This is a big sticking point for people wedded to institutionalised religion.
The only way past it is to remember that we are not a body, that eternity is our
true home, where we actually are (even though we appear to be on Earth), have never
left and all this illusory world of dualism (gender - and confusion over attendant
sexual proclivities - and all the other symbols of separation) can be seen for
what it is if we are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to open our Single Eye
vision of eternal Truth.
Then we can say, “I forgive you for what in eternal reality you have not done,
so that I may receive the forgiveness that is rightfully mine, because I now
remember Jesus’ teaching that by the same measure with which we forgive, so are
we forgiven.”
According to ‘A Course in Miracles’ (ACIM) this is the only way to break the cycle
of birth and death and escape from ego-land. It is interesting how religion speaks
of forgiveness and yet is so judgemental. And all about what none of us has done
because we are not really here, all this being a dream! When many letters froma lot of different people to the bishop did not make a difference, we decided
to leave the Methodist Church altogether. We have joined West C***** Baptist.
Here we see the separation consciousness at work, allowing what is perceived as
‘out there’ causing us to react, when all that is out there is really a
projection of unconscious fear and guilt from our own within. This can belikened to being at the cinema where we are looking at images projected onto
the screen. We may wish to change what is appearing on the screen, yet the
place to change it is not on the screen but in our projection room, where all
that we appear to be seeing is actually coming from. That projection room is
our unconscious mind.
Only true forgiveness can enable those changes to be
made. True forgiveness is a recognition that the ‘sin’ does not exist and
therefore is easy to forgive and thus receive forgiveness because it is not
in us either. False forgiveness is acknowledging the sin and then claimingto forgive it because our mind is then making it real by acknowledging it
when it does not actually exist. If we make it real, it happened, so we are
guilty. In truth it never happened so we are not guilty, so there can be no
blame, judgement or condemnation and punishment. That is how it is in Papa’s
sight, so to get Home to Him permanently, we will do well to start seeing with
His vision. I think you will find that a lot of people have left.Love you, Mary Jo
I’m certain that Mary Jo would be surprised that her email only makes me want to return even more. I’m sure it will. I have not responded to her, as I’m not sure how yet. You can respond in your heart, with love, blessing and forgiveness and send that out on the ether I don’t want to be judgmental. I want to respect her right to feel what she feels…and I certainly wish her the best. You can send those words on the Ethernet; it doesn’t have to be the internet! The Baptist church may be a better fit for her. If that is the place she feels she belongs, then so be it. Bless her mightily.
I grew up going to both Baptist and Methodist churches. For me, the Baptist religion is way too fundamental and contrary to what I now believe. That is a going forward;-)
Another reason I want to go back to this group at the Methodist church is because I believe now that all religions are just different pathways to the same God…just as we have different languages and cultures across the world All these are outward symbols of the separation consciousness. There are no denominations, different languages, cultures, genders in eternity. When we are able to see that truth in our brethren (a term I use to indicate an absence of gender differentiation and to be all-inclusive), that we will have remembered who we really are and be back in the Oneness with Papa.
I could seek for eternity and never find the “right” church. My guess is you’d give up before then!! I had chosen the Methodist church because their views conflicted the LEAST…and I felt for a while that was hypocritical of me to go to a church but not agree with all the dogma. Even while I now feel I don’t need a church to be spiritual, I still miss the nourishment of spiritual companionship This is the key J. Maybe there are some folk within the Methodist church with whom you can find spiritual resonance without having to remain within the doctrinal structure of it? and I now know that whatever religious vehicle (church) I choose to be part of, I can be strengthened by being part of the larger whole. We are ALL his beloved. If only we knew just how much this is true.
I’ve always admired Mary Jo’s faith and the eloquent way she led us in prayer. Another reason is because my mom’s name was Mary Jo. When my legs were broken in 2002, I was surrounded by Mary Jo’s everywhere. J I felt like my mom rounded up all the Mary Jo’s to give me comfort during my healing. My first nurse in Oklahoma where I had the accident was named Mary Jo…and there were Mary Jo’s at the hospital in Houston around me AND at the rehab hospital I spent 4 months at, the case worker assigned to me was named Mary Jo.
Part of me wants to share my beliefs with her but I don’t think it’s a good idea. I feel sure you know this intuitively and should follow your intuition, however much you would like to share. Sharing with those who are ready is one thing, but with those who are not is casting pearls before swine. I’m not afraid of her reaction but I don’t know what I could say except to wish her well in her new church home. Then you will do well simply to leave it at that, perhaps along with polite thanks for her reply.
I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me. I’ve been doing much soul work. I’m happy to say that meditation is becoming daily for me since I got an iPod for Christmas. I’ve downloaded many guided meditations…and meditation music that I can listen to easily by just plugging in my earplugs and closing my eyes, no matter where I’m at. Brilliant. A truly exalted use for such technology.
I’ve also been doing lots of reading…and listening to audio books on my iPod. Have you read any of the “conversations with God” series by Neale Donald Walsch? The audio books are narrated by Edward Asner and Ellen Burstyn. Ed Asner has such a wonderful voice, as the voice of God. The voices switch gender between Ed and Ellen, to show that God has no gender. I have read Conversations with God, parts 1-3, as well as “Communion with God”, “The New Revelations: A Conversation with God”, and “Tomorrows God:Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge”.
I have read all of them, some a number of times since 1999. I resonate with most of the first 3 books but as discussed in the Message of Encouragement dated April 25th 2007, there are some key, fundamental differences between the CWG explanation of why we are ‘here’ and that presented in ACIM. The ACIM explanation, rings true for me and I have as yet to reconcile the differences, if indeed a reconciliation is possible. At present, my feeling is that they are so fundamentally different that it seems unlikely. I wrote to Neale last September asking him about this (he has a page on his website inviting people to write with their questions and he will phone you back and discuss with you. So far I have not received a response. Meanwhile, as you may have noticed, my spontaneous resonance with ACIM is entirely comfortable for me and meshes with the last 40 years of my sojourn here.
I ’m being careful not to substitute these books for the Bible, or any other holy book…nor look to Neale as a spiritual leader. Ultimately, if we do not follow where our own within leads us (because that is where we have our connection with Papa) we will get more and more bewildered about life trying to follow multitudes of other people’s stories. He is simply, yet wonderfully, another messenger, like you…chosen to help Jesus lead his flock back Home. I am so grateful you and he accepted this task. I had no option because I knew that if I arrived at the end of my time here, I would be so filled with regret at a missed opportunity to share that with which I have been so greatly blessed; and all this has happened for a reason, not by chance. Neale’s books are congruent with ALL you have shared. More so, they are congruent with my soul, telling me YES, these are all the things I have forgotten and I’m just so filled with joy to remember and know I am one with all that is...and one with everyone I meet. This is the Way Home and you are well on the Way.
Another book I am currently reading is by Caroline Myss called “Entering the Castle – An inner Path to God and your Soul”. It jumped out at me during a recent visit to the local library. J She also wrote “Anatomy of the Spirit” and “Sacred Contracts”. (I look forward to reading those) She is another messenger, echoing your writings as well as Neale’s. In the preface, she wrote the words “…The closer you get to your true self, the closer you get to God.” Amen to that. Those were the very words that popped into my head , out of the blue, over 10 years ago while driving home from work in west Texas. Also during that time, I would have very odd daydreams once in a while, picturing my leg, cut off at the knee, sometimes just partially. I think my soul knew what was to come, almost a decade later.
My home life is coming along. I am very pleased to hear about this. It takes resolve and commitment to achieve a balance in your circumstances and most would simply give up. This is a big opportunity for spiritual growth for you and for M. In the long run you will be very pleased that you found the strength to ‘keep on keeping on.’ My husband resigned from teaching in March and is currently trying to decide what to do. He is seriously considering taking a job as a medic on an offshore oil rig…..on two weeks then off two weeks. I think that would be grand...the time apart would be good for me and the reunions would be wonderful ;>. Sounds good to me. I’m praying for the right job for him….and to keep his spirits up. He’s managing fairly well so far…..when our teenagers don’t drive him nuts. J
I hope you and Theresa are happy, healthy and blessed.
Namaste with love,
Many thanks J; I am very pleased to hear from you.
Blessings and love to you also,
The following exchange was posted on May 9th 2007
Dear Brian:
Tonight my daughters were having a hard time falling asleep and when I went to see why they were making so much noise when they were supposed to be asleep my oldest starting asking questions about God. I started asking God right away inside my head "I need help here; what do I do, what do I say." I did this because in the past when they asked me questions about God I answered them in the way I understand it which I don't really feel they get so this time I'm asking what to say, what to do and nothing comes for an answer so I hesitate and then explain that the hesitation is because I find the questions to be very good questions and that I don't know the answers to them, but that I know someone who is close to Jesus and could probably answer those questions for them.
I told them out loud how I would ask you the questions they have, to see if I was getting it right - we needed some editing so I went to get a pad of paper. My oldest’s (just turned 10) question was frustrating her, "If God didn't think of you or the Earth then you wouldn't be here and that would be scary because if you didn't exist that wouldn't be very good." When I read it back to her she felt silly saying 'scary' and 'good' and told me to cross those words out and I told her I would but I wanted to ask you the way it came out of her the first time so I put them in here. "How come God decided he'd make the Earth and every other planet." "Why did he even want to make people and Earth and all the planets." From my youngest (just turned 8), "Was God ever a person - because Jesus was." "How did he create all the countries."
I feel ill-equipped to answer these questions in a way they will understand. My oldest gets frustrated with “what was before this, and before this and before this." I told her that those were really great questions and I thought that she was very close to God because to me those questions were coming from God. She mentioned about answers 'popping' into her head but they couldn't be from God because they were wrong. I asked her how she knew they were wrong and she said she just knew; I'm not sure what that would be? Why would she think that answers popping into her head were wrong?
Any suggestions how I make my 'grown up' talk about God 'child friendly/understandable'?
Dear Sharon,
This is amazing, wonderful, delightful. Thank you so much for taking the trouble to write; bless you mightily. Your daughters are truly angels, here to help the world to awaken and remember the truth of eternity.
As I first read it, my immediate thought was, how can I answer these amazing questions; these are hard enough for grown-ups to understand, with careful choice of wording, because the real truth is so far from our time and place conditioning over untold generations. But by the time I had finished reading I asked the Holy Spirit to help me here and I had the intention of coming back to it later, when the Holy Spirit had had time to prepare!!! Little did I know. Before a minute had gone by I realised that inspiration was already happening and words, ideas, sentences were flowing in thick and fast. I knew I couldn’t begin to type at this speed, so I grabbed a pad and pencil and began scribbling. Before I knew it, 6 pages were filled. This is what was written:
Above all, God is Perfect Love. Unconditional Love. We are His offspring and created in His image and likeness, with all the perfect attributes, or qualities, of God. This is very important for us to keep uppermost in our minds, above everything else. When things appear to be otherwise, reminding ourselves of this can draw us back to that over-riding truth and reality. Anything else that appears to contradict that is not true, and it is therefore not real; it is an illusion, even though it may appear to be ‘very real’ at the time.
Only God and what is from God is real, is true, lasting and unchangeable. Keep in mind what God is as you consider any event and ask if it is of or from God. Let us remind ourself again what God is: Perfect, Unconditional Love. Perfect, Unconditional Love does not judge or condemn. If we do something ‘wrong’ God does not – nor ever will – judge us or condemn us. If we want to be like God – which is who and what we really are anyway – we will not judge or condemn ourself or anyone else when we, or someone else, forget who we really are and do something ‘wrong.’ Instead, by remembering who we really are, we are able to forgive ourself or another. We can do that by remembering we are truly like God because He created us like Himself. Because there is no bad or wrong in God and only God is real, anything bad or wrong in us isn’t real either; we only believe it is because that is the way life on Earth has caused us to believe for thousands of years.
But that is not actually true because it is not from God and is not the way He sees it, so it is not the way we have to see it either. We can decide to stop seeing things the way the world sees them and start seeing them the way God sees them. Then, gradually, the false way of seeing things – as bad, or wrong – will fade from the way we perceive things. So when we see someone does something ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’, we can choose to look at ourself and the other person more deeply; look past the superficial thing that we first saw as wrong or bad and start to see as God sees, which is that we are really, deep down inside, good; Perfect Love, because that is how God created us and that is and can only be, the way we all really are.
Now this takes practise, so why not begin to practise this together, as a family. That way, we can help each other and remind each other when we temporarily forget (which may happen quite a lot at first!) We can make a ‘game’ of this because games are fun and God is fun because love is fun; love is all things good and enjoyable and lasting and true. Everything else is not lasting or enjoyable or true, so it must be an illusion. We can make illusions ‘real’ if we choose to believe them, but it is much better for us and for our friends and everyone else if we choose to allow only that which is loving and kind and understanding and forgiving and caring and compassionate true because all those things contribute to what Perfect Love is, which is what God is.
He is lots more besides those things. Can you think of any other things that God must be? Things that truly reflect Perfect Love? It helps if we think of opposites. For example, we could ask ourself ‘Is God tolerant of intolerant?’ Which do we think Perfect Love would be? Well it isn’t hard for us to decide that Perfect Love would be tolerant.
Is Perfect Love (God) to be feared or to be joyfully accepted? Is Perfect Love forgiveness or judgement?
Every time a new situation arises that presents us with an opportunity to ask, we can say to ourself, ‘Would Perfect Love do (or react) this way or that way in this situation?’ This or that might be caring or uncaring, afraid or unafraid, friendly or unfriendly, loving or unloving.
We are all, always, every moment, free to choose which we shall be in every situation. The challenge – which is really an opportunity – is to remember. It is easy to forget who we really are; in Whose image and likeness we have been created.
But we can help each other by making it a game. Most games come to an end but this one doesn’t have to. This game can go on indefinitely, right in amongst all the other things that make up our daily lives. Remember, games are intended to be fun, so let’s decide that’s how we’re going to make this game, so we can both enjoy it and benefit from it at the same time.
Part of the game – in fact a big part of it – will be reminding each other (and ourselves) when we forget who we really are (who we really are is eternal spirit, radiant, Perfect Love, created in the image and likeness of the Creator, with all His qualities of unconditional love, which means total acceptance, blessing, forgiveness of our own mistakes and misperceptions and those of our friends, family, loved ones and indeed, anyone else. Any reason why that couldn’t or shouldn’t include that person who made a mistake in the traffic and then blamed it on Mum or Dad, just because they happened to be there?) And of course, we can start the game right at the reminder! Will our reminder be a friendly reminder or will it be an unfriendly reminder? Remember, we are at free choice every time as to which it will be.
Another aspect of this game is that it will get better and better the longer we play and, by practising, we also will get better and better at it, day after day, week after week, year after year.
Other people will see how we are becoming happier and happier, more radiant with inner joy and peace, and they will ask how this is happening. Then we can explain to them about this great game of Life called Perfect Love and they will want to join in. And then we can ask ourself ‘Will my response be inviting or uninviting?’
Now Jesus did remember, completely, who He really was and He demonstrated Perfect Love when He was here. In fact, He is still not just demonstrating but being Perfect Love, from where He now is, which is in Heaven. Heaven lasts for ever, which is Eternity, where time doesn’t exist. Heaven, Jesus tells us, is all around us and within us and we need to go into the quietness of our own inner being, shut out the outer world and be still in order to have awareness of it. Then it will grow in our awareness until it becomes true reality for us.
Heaven, or Eternity, is where God is and it is also our true, real, everlasting Home. It is where we have come from and where we are going back to when we have finished what we came to Earth to do.
What we came to Earth to do is help Jesus to transform the outer, physical realm of Earth, with all its misperceptions about life, judgement and condemnation, into Heaven again. To do that we have to start thinking in ways that Jesus thought, which is Perfect Love, toward ourselves and toward everyone else. This is a big task but every task has to begin with the first step; then the next and then the next.
Fortunately, we have our big brother, Jesus, to help us. He has already taken all the steps, so He knows the Way back Home to Heaven, or Eternity. He wants to help us find the Way within ourselves and accompany us on our journey back Home. He will do this if we ask him and truly want him to. He will then come to us in our mind, in our thoughts, and in our hearts, which is where Perfect Love lives within us.
With him so close within us we will feel safe and happy. He will remind us of all the things that are, of and from God, one step at a time, if we ask him and keep listening to him as he speaks of the truth of God within us. We can call this speaking ‘the Still, Small Voice within us’ or ‘the Voice for God’ within us.
Because Heaven or Eternity is our true, eternal home and we are on our way back there, Earth and all the planets and the entire physical universe is just a stepping stone, or temporary place for us. Something that is temporary is not and cannot be part of Eternity or Heaven. This is true also of our bodies. But our soul or spirit is eternal and that is who and what we really are. Everything we see or experience with our Earthly senses is temporary and not, therefore, of Eternity.
Jesus is asking us to look past all the things that are temporary and to focus our minds, our thoughts, our attention, on the Place we have come from and are returning to. He is reminding us that everything that is temporary – even if it seems to be lasting for a very long time – is an illusion, and even that time itself is an illusion. All this is difficult even for grown-ups to take on board so we can only do it one step at a time.
Jesus tells us now in ‘A Course in Miracles’ (ACIM), his spiritual guidance for this, the last two thousand year stage of three two-thousand year stages of man’s rescue from misperception, given to his chosen scribe, Helen Schucman, by the mechanism of the Still, Small Voice within her receptive mind, that as we become more and more attuned to the eternal reality of Heaven, that this will become our reality, even while we are here, with a physical body in the Earth life.
He tells us also in ACIM that the way to achieve this state of exalted awareness - effectively, healing from all the troubles our misperceptions bring to us - is by forgiving ourselves and our fellows (that is, all the people around us – friends, family, strangers even) for anything that appears to us as a grievance. In fact, he states, ‘Love holds no grievances.’ He reminds us that as we forgive our fellows, so are we able to receive the forgiveness that is equally ours, in the same measure as we are able to forgive.
He tells us that by this forgiveness process we are able to ‘awaken’ to the truth and reality of eternity, or Heaven, and that we will then be aware that the Earth and all the physical universe will no longer be part of our awareness because we will have left it behind, like all things that are temporary, and will instead be aware only of our True Home: Eternity; that then we will realise that the things we thought were reality will be seen as illusion.
"If God didn't think of you or the Earth then you wouldn't be here and that would be scary because if you didn't exist that wouldn't be very good."
"How come God decided he'd make the Earth and every other planet?"
"Why did he even want to make people and Earth and all the planets?"
From my youngest (just turned 8), "Was God ever a person - because Jesus was?"
"How did he create all the countries?"
In truth we do exist but it is not our Earthly body that is our real existence. That is just a vehicle through which our true, eternal, indestructible, made-in-the-image-of-God Self expresses, functions, achieves what we have come here to do and help us to once again become: Perfect Love. Where we belong is in and with Perfect Love, with Jesus and with the Giver of Life – who most of us know or refer to as God, or Heavenly Father. I asked Him for a name or title by which I could call Him and He invited me to call him ‘Papa,’ and that is what I do. For me that is a very personal, intimate, meaningful way to think of Him. You could ask Him for a name by which to call Him if you like. It will be something meaningful to you, just as ‘Papa’ has a deep, personal meaning for me.
Jesus tells us in ACIM that God didn’t make the Earth and all the other parts of the physical universe; that we have imagined it all. That seems very hard to believe because it all seems so real. One way that can help us to understand it is this:
Imagine a little girl at home, tucked up safe and sound in bed asleep. She begins to dream. That dream may have some good parts, like sunshine and birdsong and flowers, but sadly, it also has some frightening parts, like wars and illness and fear. This is frightening for the little girl in her dream. Her Daddy comes in to check she is alright and sees that she is dreaming and distressed. The dream seems very real to the little girl but it isn’t real for her Daddy because it is only a dream. So, he lovingly, gently, tenderly strokes, comforts, soothes her back into a state of wakefulness, where she can realise that all the time she was tucked up in bed at Home, safe, warm, with no danger, nothing to frighten her; that her experience was nothing more than a dream.
Sharon, your daughter’s words ‘scary’ and ‘good’ are perfect ways to express these concerns. Please tell her that her questions are providing wonderful opportunities for her, and for many others also, to be comforted; that this is a really helpful part of this wonderful game of Perfect Love.
I decided (with help from the Holy Spirit) that the best way to tackle this area of questing is head-on and introduce the ACIM revelation that God did not create the physical universe. This is such a shock for almost everyone that it is really hard to get our heads around it but ultimately we have to decide for ourself, ‘Either this is true or it is a load of nonsense.’ The support for it being true that is to be found in ACIM makes it entirely compelling for me, and that is greatly backed up by Gary Renard’s books, ‘The Disappearance of the Universe’ and ‘Your Immortal Reality.’ If it is true, and the physical universe of time and place is not our true home because we are not a body but eternal Spirit, whose true Home is eternity/Heaven (which is so obviously true to all who give it any serious consideration) then it must be time now for this truth to be disseminated amongst the children of Earth (adult and pre-adult!)
Jesus tells us that He and His Heavenly Father, God, are One. In that sense, God was/is a person but He is more than a person in the sense we think or perceive ‘persons’ are in their physical bodies. Jesus was and is much, much more than other people saw him as in a physical body and so are we all, also. Jesus told us that all the things he did, we will do also and even greater things, if we can believe. That is why we have come here, to Earth, to remember once more how to believe. We are now in the moment of history when we are at last coming to believe once more who we all really are. Then we will awaken from that scary dream and realise we never left Home but were always safely there with Papa.
Clearly Papa did not create all the countries, as that was mankind’s area of endeavour; another symptom of the separation consciousness!
Why would she think that answers popping into her head were wrong?
This is a delicate area and careful, gentle, loving handling will produce spectacular results; incorrect handling could cause a clamming up and shutting down of the inspirational channels for what could be many years. It is my feeling that she is indeed receiving answers from the Holy Spirit (or Jesus; there is essentially no difference because they are both of One Mind). Coaxing them out of her, reassuringly, lovingly, letting her understand that you will absolutely never mock, ridicule or make light of anything that she reveals to you about this, will help her to be, at first tentatively perhaps, able to share with you these answers that pop into her head.
Any suggestions how I make my 'grown up' talk about God 'child friendly/understandable'?
The overriding answer to this is, sincerely (as I know you would always be) to ASK Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help you. They NEVER ignore such a plea for help that is from the heart and soul. Then, give thanks to them for that help in advance and reassure yourself that having asked, sincerely, it WILL be given. Then forget about it; don’t worry it like a terrier with a slipper.
Every time doubt starts to creep in, dismiss it and give thanks again for the help; this will reaffirm and strengthen your link to that help. Then, when your girls ask more questions, don’t panic. If you can succeed in not panicking, you are a long way forward on the Path;-) You might start by saying to the girls at the outset, ‘Okay; this is an opportunity for us all to receive inspiration from Jesus and the Holy Spirit, so just to be sure we are getting on their wavelength, let’s take a moment to ask them to be with us. What do you think?’ I feel sure they will like this idea and so you can say, ‘Okay, let’s close our eyes because this will help us to shut out the outer world and get attuned with Them.’
Then you could say, out loud, for the girls to hear and share with you in their hearts and minds, something like:
‘Dear Jesus, we know you love us with a Perfect Love and that it is your heart’s desire always to help us to understand the Truth about you, God and eternity. We love you too and want to feel and experience that you are with us, right where it matters, in our hearts and minds; so, we are, right now, opening the door of our hearts and minds and inviting you to enter in and fellowship with us, in this moment and in every moment. Thank you Jesus, for hearing us, which we know you do, and for accepting our invitation, which we also know you do.’
Then, you could all sit quietly for a few moments, eyes still closed, to allow the spirit of the moment to build within your awareness, and for any inspiration to come in. You might wish to hold hands in a circle while you do all this; it helps to build the power and strengthen the link to the One Mind. Then, once you have all opened your eyes and made eye contact again, you could gently ask the girls if they received any inspiration; if any answers ‘popped into their heads.’ This must be done in such a way as to not let them think you are applying any pressure on them to have answers – especially that they must be the right answers ‘or else’! If they have nothing to say right away it may be shyness or reticence that is holding them back, so you could then share with them any ideas or thoughts that have come to you. Your sharing may very well help them to overcome their reticence and start them sharing what came to them. Spiritual inspiration is not the exclusive domain of adults!
If you resonate with all this and try it and want to try it again and again, I assure you, it will get better and better as each time brings more comfort, reassurance and relaxation to you all.
I hope you are able to share these inspired thoughts with your darling daughters and that it will help them (and you!) How much easier the introduction of eternal truth to children will become when it is more widely accepted by the adults, and they can start rearing the next generation with this as part of everyday awareness, instead of religious mythology and misperceptions about sin, guilt and judgement. I know Theresa and I would have been better equipped for the nurturing of our offspring, even though we had already seen through the charade of the church.
Finally, just as with adults, so should it be with children: Always let the lead come from them. As the saying has it, ‘When the student is ready, the Teacher comes.’ This means that only when the student is ready (i.e. starts seeking, asking, knocking) does the Teacher respond. To proceed otherwise is contrary to Cosmic Law and will always end in a cul de sac.
With love and many blessings, as ever,
PS: In ACIM Jesus says (page 28 of the Text):
You can do much on behalf of your own healing and that of others if, in a situation calling for help, you think of it this way:
I am here to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him Who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.
Hi again Sharon,
I hope you have found yesterday's message of some help, even if only in part. I realise it was very long; perhaps far too long for little ones like your daughters to assimilate, especially all at once. Indeed, none of us can assimilate the truth of eternity all in one go, how ever simply the message is put, and that is fine; that is the way it is and Jesus has infinite patience and tells us the the Holy Spirit also has infinite patience. One could observe that since time is an illusion, patience doesn't actually come into it from where Jesus and the Holy Spirit are functioning! I venture to suggest that the message was something that your daughters can ponder, perhaps with you helping them, on an occasional basis, over as long a period as is serviceable.
Hoping to hear from you soon and with love and many blessings, as ever,
Dear Brian:
When I got your response I was totally overwhelmed, I thought "Brian, there's no way I can read this to the children, I can't even handle this." That's because I was biting it all off at once and it's always my impulse to rush right away to someone so I can share it with them. That was my first impulse here, even before I read it all myself! I was so excited that you wrote back - and my intention was to show them how important they are that you wrote back to their questions.
Indeed, they truly ARE, totally important, just as we all are, in Papa's sight. This is absolute truth, no nonsense! I thought it would tickle them as much as it did me. I bet it did. I was guided to read it all the way through by myself first and to practice delivering it to them. And then I went "Ahhhhhh, this is to be read like it is (because when I first read it I thought "oh man you mean I have to take this and put it in a way they'll understand it), just VERY SLOWLY, in some parts one word at a time - I knew that for sure. I knew, as I was writing it, that the Holy Spirit was giving me the thoughts as if I was speaking to your girls and that it was in language that was right for them and would not need re-translating but would be entirely serviceable for engendering questions, further discussion and that this would all add to their growing in understanding. And before I knew it I was editing as I read - not the message, just some of the words, and directing it to them and not me. That is good. The words are only symbols and whatever way they can be manipulated to help expand the comprehension of what the stand for, so much the better. This, of course, falls down when the person doing the re-wording doesn't have the correct understanding of them to start with, so care is needed. We started tonight May 7th and did 2 paragraphs - and there were questions! I bet there were. They were taking your information, processing it, and asking it their own way so they could see if it was what you were saying, so cool! Positively chilled! My part was to see if what they said made sense with what you said. Fantastic; what a team. This will be a mini-course for them, it will take awhile and I know for sure that that's okay. A-okay. We did the 2 paragraphs after their book tonight and they went right to sleep; they were satisfied. I think we can call this a result. Alleluia.
Yes, you can share this on the forum; I had that thought several times, that it doesn't get more real than this. It certainly does not. I am buzzing with the joy of Heaven over this.
Amen to that,
The following exchange was posted on May 1st 2007
Hi Brian. Here is an email from another friend of mine, not the one I had
mentioned in an email. This lovely lady and I phone each other when we
have a problem, or about a book we have been reading. Although she has not
read Disappearance of the Universe. Best Regards. Pearl.
Dear Pearl,
Many thanks for forwarding this message from Connie. I am greatly
impressed, inspired and encouraged by her insights; truly she has a mind
that is open to enlightenment of the eternal realities. There seems to be a
real nucleus of spiritually aware people in Eastern Canada. It is surely
more than something in the water;-)
I hope it is not invalidity that has kept her home alone for 20 months.
Whatever it is, it is clearly a blessing for her.
Subject: Re emails to Brian
I enjoyed the emails and wisdom.
I can understand very well what Brian is trying to convey. As guess the past
year and eight months, being home alone etc I was given the gift of
understanding. Not just the wisdom that was given to me from my truth, but
living experiences. For example remember I once told you the experience I
had at Canadian Tire with this lady. As a result I realized I was her, I am
everyone. This is the truth
I am capable of what every other human being is capable of.
When we all
awaken to this, we will have peace on Earth
So I understand
when one rejects
another we reject ourselves.
This is
true in all things. If we judge
another, dishonour another, hate another, fear another, love another,
forgive another, we do it to our Self As I mentioned in our phone
call, when
you fully understand who and what you are, you seem to always come back to
that, no matter what is going on in one's life. I seem to have more
understanding of others because I know what I am.
are few amongst us
who can truthfully claim this, for this is spiritual truth, not illusory
'truth.' I am the true essence of love, I am the gift, and
everything else
is the wrapping. And this sentence
demonstrates that. Connie is a Light for
the world; I hope she is set on a candlestick and not under a bushel;-)
Anyways, I enjoyed the emails, isn't it nice he answers you personally.
Connie, dear soul, I will gladly
answer you personally if you are willing!
Take Care
The following exchange was posted on April 29th 2007
Hi Brian: Hi Sharon,
You said: “…It is this: We can say to our fellows, ‘I forgive you, that I may be forgiven; forgive me, that you may be forgiven.’ ”
Can we also say, "I forgive me for thinking this is real"
Practising forgiveness as committedly as a concert musician practises is certainly strenuously encouraged in ACIM and in the associated books ‘Disappearance of the Universe’ and ‘Your Immortal Reality,’ because these writings remind us that true forgiveness is the only way off the carousel of repeated incarnating, which is, in reality, preventing us from returning home to our eternally conscious joy with ‘The Giver of Life,’ ‘The One,’ ‘Papa,’ ‘God.’
The words you have quoted from last Wednesday’s message could more comprehensively be stated as follows: “I forgive you for what in reality you have not done, that I may receive forgiveness for what in reality I have not done; Forgive me for what in reality I have not done, that you may receive forgiveness for what in reality you have not done.”
Whatever helps us to move solidly into the place where we can truly remember that the world and the universe and all that we see with our bodily eyes isn’t real, can only be beneficial to our going forward on the Path of remembrance of who we really are. That can lead to your conclusion of forgiving our self for thinking it is real. Practising such forgiveness ‘mantras’ will help us to gradually remember that we are not a body and none of what we experience with a body is real.
You also said: “...Then are we able to see in our brethren the face of Christ – and they will see the face of Christ in themselves and we in our Self – “
What I've noticed is really cool is when someone who has never experienced God helps you experience God and after you experience God you help them experience God.
The Master Jesus reminds us that one of the best ways to learn is to teach. What you are observing here is that this is so. By helping our fellows we are teaching them and by this we also teach our self. ACIM also reminds us that there is no difference between giving and receiving; this is because there is, of course, only one of us, so what we are giving to our ‘fellows’ we are actually giving to our Self. Truly, it is a ‘win-win’ situation. Conversely, what we take from our fellows we are taking away from our Self.
In the Holy Communion July 4, 1993, you say: "This is because the way of the Cross does not permit intervention or confrontation." Is this because intervention would make the dream real?
This is deeply incisive perception on your part, Sharon. It is clear you have been around the block a few times and are remembering the route! That is indeed a deeply underlying principle you have recognised. The practicalities of following this principle are set out in the rest of the message from that date and it is copied below for ease of reference. There is no doubt but that all is well understood in the Realms of Light and those who dwell there operate within the guidelines of what works. This makes everything much more efficient. We, in the Earthly realm, will do well and grow spiritually much quicker by following that lead.
This is because the Way of the Cross does not permit intervention or confrontation. Love, which is the Way of the Cross, is unconditional, and they also serve who only stand and wait. Then, when all has been spent by the enemy forces, so shall those who serve the Cross of Light enter into the desolation and begin the work of restoration. Fear not that this is wasteful, for the enemy brings down upon itself the structure that it has builded up and this means there is no demolition work necessary for the workers of the Lord in preparation for establishing the foundation for the Kingdom City. It is, as you see by this, the truly perfect perfect plan, in which nothing is left to chance because it is according to the principles of eternal life. This is Wisdom. It is unstoppable. It proceeds and goes forth. Let us give thanks to Almighty God for His love and caring.
However much you may feel frustrated by the enemy having free sway, and wish to intervene, let this understanding of the principles guide your steps and bring caution into your actions for the Lord.
Thank you Pearl; thank you Brian for the comfort of the response to Pearl's question.
It is always good to hear from you Sharon. Thank you so much for sharing your spiritual wisdom with me, so that I may extend it to visitors to the HTG Forum page.
Many blessings,
The following exchange was posted on April 26th 2007
Hi Brian. I am wondering that if we were created in the image of God, why would a piece of the Christ Mind want to break off and be separate from God, as it says in The Disappearance of The Universe? And if we are all illusion what about all of the animals and all the planets? I thought that God created everything and our egos decided to separate.
Hi Pearl,
Your question is a very major one that calls for a detailed response. There appear to be several explanations of how ‘we’ came to be ‘here’ (in a ‘physical’ universe). As I understand it, one version has it that this was all created by God, so that He could experience (as distinct from simply ‘know’) reality and He is doing this through ‘us,’ in this realm of relativity. This account acknowledges that there has to be a dynamic polarity between the opposing forces that enables this dimension to appear real. This means there has to be dark for there to be awareness that we are the Light; left for there to be awareness of right; bad for there to be any experience of good; poor for there to be any experience of rich, etc., etc.; that this dynamic polarity has to exist for the ‘material realm’ to hold together and that without it, it would simply disintegrate. According to this theory, this dynamic polarity of opposite forces operates at every level, including right down to the atomic and sub-atomic level. To me, this polarity is an indicator of separation. Not a good start for being in the eternal Oneness!
Also according to this theory, we cannot experience the glory of Oneness with the Father in eternity if that is all there is, because there is nothing with which to compare it. This appears to be a flawed perception to me because rapturous, ecstatic, cosmic, unending spiritual orgasm of the soul IS an experience of which we can only truly hope and desire to have awareness, whilst apparently ‘stuck’ within the relative realms of time and place.
The whole basis of this premise is that without experiencing life-in-action/manifestation, simply ‘knowing perfection’ for all eternity is not enough. Herein lies another immediately recognisable flaw: How can it be perfection if not experiencing it (by the contrast of its polar-opposite) makes it ‘not enough’? This percept, it seems to me, is the ego clinging onto its desperate attempt at survival of its individual, separate identity. It is acceptance of this misperception that keeps us locked onto the carousel of repeated incarnations, of ‘birth and death.’ Since we are not a body, but eternal, effulgent spirit, birth into a body can only be an illusion, and since eternal radiant spirit cannot die, death is also an illusion. So why do we keep coming here, time and again? We shall re-visit the answer to that a little further on.
Quantum physicists, starting with Einstein (himself a mystic as well as a physicist), now know that there is no such thing as ‘physical’ and that what appears to be matter is in fact energy. This means that the entire physical universe and everything that appears to be in it, including us, is not actually here. It is all an illusion, or a dream. Without what we perceive as a body, we could not experience this dimension but the body isn’t real either and although it appears to be here, it is only here in ‘time and place’ which is only an illusion. As suggested last week, one way we can visualise that is if we shrink time (in our imagination) so that 100 years is one second, then we are gone almost as soon as we arrive; nothing more than a shadow.
Now the version of how and why the physical universe and our apparent presence here fits the eternal (and thus, only) reality more meaningfully – although it is still hard for us, who believe we and the physical universe of time and place (including the planets, galaxies and animals) are here, to grasp because we are conditioned by the perceptions of our bodily senses – acknowledges that we are, of course, not here at all but are imagining, dreaming this. It posits that in a moment of musing, the Son of God has projected the physical universe, along with all of us, the animals and plants, into being, like a hologram. Of course there is more to it than that but that is a start. Here goes with the rest!
This account is according to A Course in Miracles (ACIM) – which I have no hesitation accepting is channelled by Jesus because the Jesus who made himself known to me in and since the 1960s is very clearly the same as speaks through ACIM and is therefore, to me anyway, entirely trustworthy. It says the ‘Father Creator,’ or ‘Giver of Life’ has only one Son, created in His Own image and likeness; lacking in nothing, including, of course, all the creative power of the Father Creator. The Father and the Son are of One Mind and One Spirit, forever, eternally.
This state of being is, for Father and for Son, perfection, rapture, exquisite ecstasy for which there is no Earthly equivalent or words to describe it. This is a state of Being without form and without need of form because it is perfect Spirit with all-knowing, all-powerful Mind. How can you or I comprehend such a state of being with our Earth-mind limitations and misperceptions? Of course we cannot but we will come to – are coming to – comprehend because we are an inextricable part of that Oneness and are even now in the process of being restored to an awakened state awareness of that Oneness. The separation consciousness is simply a state of unawareness, or forgetfulness.
There is nothing, and can be nothing, that is not part of and within that Oneness, that state of perfection-beyond-description. It is all there is and all there ever can be in the only reality there is: eternity, or Heaven. Anything that appears to not be part of that Oneness, or separate from It, – which the physical universe in which we are conscious appears to be – must, therefore, be nothing, and therefore not exist, and therefore, be an illusion. This seems so radical to our ego-conditioned (separated) mind that we cannot and do not readily want to accept such a ‘far-out’ idea because once we do, the ego-realm and identity will disappear; the very last thing ego wants to happen.
The burning question is, then, how did this entire apparition come about? The ACIM/Disappearance of the Universe explanation, which takes a lot of re-programming in the mind department to find meaningful, is that in a moment of consideration, the Son had the thought, ‘What would it be like to be off on my own?’ That was the ‘big bang,’ the moment of apparent separation; not because the Father, the Giver of Life, got upset with the Son for having such a thought and expelled him from this Heavenly state of eternal Oneness, as mythologised in the Genesis story of ‘Adam and Eve.’ Interestingly, early in ACIM Jesus reminds us that in the Genesis story ‘Adam’ fell into a deep sleep and that nowhere in the narrative does it state that he awoke from that sleep. The inference to be drawn from this is that all that appears to have taken place subsequently is Adam’s dream.
This ‘idle thought’ had the massive apparent effect that we perceive because the Son was endowed with all the creative qualities and power of the Father, so such a fabrication was well within the capability of his creative mind. To be on One’s own, away from the Father, is impossible in reality but in One’s mind, a ‘dream,’ a figment of One’s imagination, it appears to be possible and the only way to seem to be away from the Source of All Light, Truth, Reality, Being, is by imagining what is the opposite of all that the Father is. Hence the ‘separation.’ If we imagine all that the Father is – Life, Love, Light, Eternal, Peace, Joy, Perfection, Changeless to name but a few – then the opposite is what ‘separation’ can only be: death, fear, hate, darkness, time and place, guilt, imperfection, change.
Through all these exercises of the imagination upon which we are engaged in this discussion, it is helpful to keep uppermost in the mind that none of these things is or can be possible because the Source, the Giver of Life is everywhere and forever, so it is not possible to be separate from Him, other than in an imaginary, dream, unreal sense and by imagining being away from (or the opposite of) all that He is.
Because eternity is reality and time and place therefore unreality, time and place do not actually exist other than as a momentary, imaginary event in the Mind of the Son. It is only apparently a multi-billion ‘year’ phenomenon. Rather like us musing upon some idyll that may seem like hours in our mind’s contemplations but in effect is nothing more than a momentary event. That means that there are not billions of us, but One of us, safely in our true Home in the reality of eternity, Heaven. We are simply separated into billions by the illusory state of unawareness of who we really are; when we remember who we really are, we will return to the Oneness, where we truly, eternally belong.
Those of us who truly seek and earnestly desire to escape from the illusion and return to the truth of eternity – this does not mean ‘die’ and spend a while in the Realms of Light, only to return here to the illusion because we have unfinished business here - will be willing to make a commitment to whatever it takes for that to happen. Falling off our bike a few times will not cause us to give up our commitment to mastering bike riding. Those who are not ready to make a commitment, or who start out apparently full of commitment but soon fall by the wayside, will be content to stay within the illusion and ‘take the rough with the smooth.’ That will mean continuing to experience the illusory cycles of birth and death until they eventually come to themselves and realise that returning Home to Papa – permanently - is actually where they belong.
Staying on the carousel of birth and death may seem more comfortable than beginning what from that perspective seems like the long trek Home. Indeed, the ‘long trek’ does seem like it is long and will not always feel comfortable, but it will never be boring and we will always have all the help that the infinite resources of Heaven can provide. The act of asking ensures it is with us even when we are unaware of it. The desire, commitment and co-operation is our choice and responsibility; the rest is the job of the Holy Spirit and/or Jesus in leading, guiding and protecting us on the journey Home.
As stated in earlier messages, ACIM reminds us that we think we are ‘hiding,’ here in the ‘physical’ realm we have made, from the ‘wrath’ of God because we believe we have, as stated in the parable of the prodigal son, ‘…sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. (Lk.15:21). The guilt we feel is unbearable so we project it onto our fellows. Yet none of this has actually happened, so it serves no real purpose other than ego’s. However, the belief is so ingrained in our unconscious that the only way to eradicate it is to move through the procedure called forgiveness. Only by moving through this process can we arrive at the place – the remembrance of who we really are, the Christ, the innocent Son of God - where we can ultimately see that forgiveness isn’t part of the eternal consciousness, Heaven, but a gateway through which we must pass to get there.
Forgiveness has been made into a convoluted process by the institutionalised church and I have struggled over the years to arrive at a simple formula to help me understand it more clearly. Jesus tells us that unless we forgive we cannot receive forgiveness because it is by our own forgiveness that we are forgiven (Mt. 6:14-15). I have been asking the Holy Spirit for inspiration on this and this very day a simple formula has been given me.
It is this: We can say to our fellows, ‘I forgive you, that I may be forgiven; forgive me, that you may be forgiven.’
In parallel with this are Jesus’ words, ‘Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.’ (Matt. 7:1-2).
It is by the measure with which we forgive that we also are forgiven. This is both a 4-step process and a circular process. 1: We forgive our fellows 2: we are forgiven 3: they forgive us 4: they are forgiven. This completes the circle and we are released from the guilt, fear, hate, shame, all the stuff we have been harbouring in our unconscious, of which we believed we were guilty but which, because we are not really here and all this is a dream, was never really the case. Remembering that because none of is really here and therefore have actually done none of the things for which we harbour the guilt, makes forgiveness massively easier. So, we can effectively say, ‘I forgive you for what you have not done and therefore I am much more easily able to receive forgiveness; and vice-versa.’
Having moved through the forgiveness process we are released from our own self-imprisonment and can see with our single eye, or soul vision, that it was all an ego-construct to entrap us in time and place, birth and death. Then are we able to see in our brethren the face of Christ – and they will see the face of Christ in themselves and we in our Self - because all the misperceptions caused by guilt will have evaporated away to the nothingness that they always were. And then we will be One again!
Not a bad incentive to commence the ‘journey without distance’!
What keeps the world in chains but your beliefs? And what can save the world except your Self? Belief is powerful indeed. The thoughts you hold are mighty, and illusions are as strong in their effects as is the truth. A madman thinks the world he sees is real, and does not doubt it. Nor can he be swayed by questioning his thoughts’ effects. It is but when their source is raised to question that the hope of freedom comes to him at last.
Yet is salvation easily achieved, for anyone is free to change his mind, and all his thoughts change with it. Now the source of thought has shifted, for to change your mind means you have changed the source of all ideas you think or ever thought or yet will think. You free the past from what you thought before. You free the future from all ancient thoughts of seeking what you do not want to find.
The present now remains the only time. Here in the present is the world set free. For as you let the past be lifted and release the future from your ancient fears, you find escape and give it to the world. You have enslaved the world with all your fears, your doubts and miseries, your pain and tears, and all your sorrows press on it, and keep the world a prisoner to your beliefs. Death strikes it everywhere because you hold the bitter thoughts of death within your mind.
The world is nothing in itself. Your mind must give it meaning. And what you behold upon it are your wishes, acted out so you can look on them and think them real. Perhaps you think you did not make the world, but came unwillingly to what was made already, hardly waiting for your thoughts to give it meaning. Yet in truth you found exactly what you looked for when you came.
There is no world apart from what you wish, and herein lies your ultimate release. Change but your mind on what you want to see, and all the world must change accordingly. Ideas leave not their source. This central theme is often stated in the text (the first section of ACIM), and must be borne in mind if you would understand the lesson for today. It is not pride which tells you that you made the world you see, and that it changes as you change your mind.
But it is pride that argues you have come into a world quite separate from yourself, impervious to what you think, and quite apart from what you chance to think it is. There is no world! This is the central thought the course attempts to teach. Not everyone is ready to accept it, and each one must go as far as he can let himself be led along the road to truth. He will return and go still farther, or perhaps step back a while and then return again.
But healing is the gift of those who are prepared to learn there is no world, and can accept the lesson now. Their readiness will bring the lesson to them in some form which they can understand and recognize. Some see it suddenly on point of death, and rise to teach it (that is, after having a near death experience). Others find it in experience that is not of this world, which shows them that the world does not exist because what they behold must be the truth, and yet it clearly contradicts the world.
And some will find it in this course, and in the exercises that we do today. Today’s idea is true because the world does not exist. And if it is indeed your own imagining, then you can loose it from all things you ever thought it was by merely changing all the thoughts that gave it these appearances. The sick are healed as you let go all thoughts of sickness, and the dead arise when you let thoughts of life replace all thoughts you ever held of death.
A lesson earlier repeated once must now be stressed again, for it contains the firm foundation for today’s idea. You are as God created you. There is no place where you can suffer, and no time that can bring change to your eternal state. How can a world of time and place exist, if you remain as God created you?
What is the lesson for today except another way of saying that to know your Self is the salvation of the world? To free the world from every kind of pain is but to change your mind about yourself. There is no world apart from your ideas because ideas leave not their source, and you maintain the world within your mind in thought.
Yet if you are as God created you, you cannot think apart from Him, nor make what does not share His timelessness and Love. Are these inherent in the world you see? Does it create like Him? Unless it does, it is not real, and cannot be at all. If you are real the world you see is false, for God’s creation is unlike the world in every way. And as it was His Thought by which you were created, so it is your thoughts which made it and must set it free, that you may know the Thoughts you share with God.
Release the world! Your real creations wait for this release to give you fatherhood, not of illusions, but as God in truth. God shares His Fatherhood with you who are His Son, for He makes no distinctions in what is Himself and what is still Himself. What He creates is not apart from Him, and nowhere does the Father end, the Son begin as something separate from Him.
There is no world because it is a thought apart from God, and made to separate the Father and the Son, and break away a part of God Himself and thus destroy His Wholeness. Can a world which comes from this idea be real? Can it be anywhere? Deny illusions, but accept the truth. Deny you are a shadow briefly laid upon a dying world. Release your mind, and you will look upon a world released.
Today our purpose is to free the world from all the idle thoughts we ever held about it, and about all living things we see upon it. They can not be there. No more can we. For we are in the home our Father set for us, along with them. And we who are as He created us would loose the world this day from every one of our illusions, that we may be free.
Begin the fifteen minute periods in which we practice twice today with this:
Then merely rest, alert but with no strain, and let your mind in quietness be changed so that the world is freed, along with you.
You need not realize that healing comes to many brothers far across the world, as well as to the ones you see nearby, as you send out these thoughts to bless the world. But you will sense your own release, although you may not fully understand as yet that you could never be released alone.
Throughout the day, increase the freedom sent through your ideas to all the world, and say whenever you are tempted to deny the power of your simple change of mind:
Hi Brian. I have read both of your emails, thank you. I was surprised that you put my questions as your news letter, It seemed like a sensible idea so I went with it;-) Rigidity of format did not seem to serve any purpose, so I dispensed with it. I hope you don't mind. a friend of mine also has the same sort of questions as when I last saw her she was asking about this subject, as she is reading The disappearance of the Universe. I have emailed the news letter to her. She is reading three books at once!!! She is welcome to ask me any questions if she wishes, but it may help if she reads SYFK first, because that does clarify many esoteric matters.
It is true that some people back off when they start this kind of thing, because as Gary Renard and some other people say the ego starts acting up and we think of all kinds of crazy thoughts.
Ego is so subtle, so much like a part of our self that it is very, very difficult for those with no prior awareness or understanding of these matters even to know that this entity called ego is inhabiting part of our mind and has turned it upside down. This, of course, means that such people will deny it, even though its characteristics (anger, jealousy, fear, attack, hatred, doubt etc.) form part of what they and others observe as part of who they are – or, appear to be. If we do not know it is there, how are we to work toward its elimination? This is why ACIM is such a massive help in moving into freedom and remembrance of who we really are: all the opposites of ego.
Plus a lot of emotion comes out. Not only does ego direct all the negative energy toward others, it directs it at its host, or more accurately, its hostage. In ACIM Jesus asks us if we wish to play Host to God or to remain hostage to ego. Anger, tears etc. And worse. Physical assault, stabbings, theft, rapes, murders – many of which are unprovoked – are part of today’s so-called civilised society. And our so-called leaders have no understanding of the real cause, so have no meaningful answers. Yet. All these matters are entirely known to Papa, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the answers, outworking and resolution – Salvation (not the church’s variety) – are available to us. It is simpler than the ego-dominated world can, or wishes to, grasp because that means its undoing. The answer is in one word: Forgiveness. This is the true, not the false forgiveness as described in the April 11th Message of Encouragement. It transforms attitudes and relationships, and sets us free from ego’s insane grasp. And it works immediately.
For example, a person may appear to have done something to cause us to hold a grievance against them. That can eat away at our peace of mind, causing fear, tension, upset, anger toward them, and eventually affects our bodily and mental health. By saying to that person (they don’t have to hear it with their Earthly ears, for the Holy Spirit will convey it to them and hold it for them until they are ready/able to receive it), ‘I forgive you for what in reality you have not even done, so that I may receive forgiveness; forgive me for what I in reality have not even done, so that you may receive forgiveness,’ all the negative dynamic energy that existed between you will disappear and you will find that you feel differently toward that person.
I am starting to realize that if someone does not treat me very well that they are doing it to themselves and they do not realize what they are doing. Precisely so. It helps in a situation like this, if opportunity arises, to ask, without it appearing to be an attack, (or at least realise it for yourself) ‘Have you ever realised that by dishonouring another, we dishonour our self?’
And all that really matters is love. Precisement, mon ami! When people reject you they are rejecting themselves. Absolutely correct. That’s ego-mind for you. Insane. Thank you again for the surprise newsletter. I will probably have questions sometime. Any time, Pearl; keep ‘em coming whenever they arise. They provide a learning, growing opportunity for us all. Namaste to you and Theresa. Love, peace, joy and fulfilment be with you,
The following exchange was posted on April 18th 2007
Hello, Brian: Hi Owen, Good to hear from you☺
That was most interesting, in your vignette 10 from Part 2 of SYFK, about Steve seeing "the street packed with souls from Edwardian, Victorian, Tudor and all ages, each going about his business, completely oblivious to the presence of the people from all the other times, walking right through each other. He could see the present day events, with electric street lights, Tarmac road; cobble-stone paving and gas lamps; unpaved, unlit street, all superimposed upon each other."
Yes, this was a very interesting demo of the reality of eternity, even working in its own, stepped-down way with Earthbound spirits. We have seen stone-age settlers walking in the woods atop the Cotswold escarpment, where we walk Susie. We have also seen vast numbers of wood nymphs, fairies, elves and whatever other forms of nature spirits there are dwelling 'in the midst' amongst us. When we say hello to them and send our greetings, love and blessings, they respond with great outpouring of reciprocal greetings. Then, of course, there is the tree-consciousness, with which we also have loving exchanges and conversations. Humanity is so blinkered and enchained by its own narrow perspectives and of course, almost all of that comes from you know what: the fear-based, institutionalised religions.
That means that each of the earthbound spirits are creating astral scenery that suits them, from their own historical period. They probably don't even see the other earthbounds, assuredly not and certainly not the cars and bright streetlights. They just want to be on the street they knew and see it the way they knew it. Fascinating, isn't it? Owen, you realise that everything you have said in this paragraph actually applies exactly to us - the 'present-time' Earth-sojourners - also. What is that telling us other than that we are 'Earthbound spirits' also? There is no difference between all these 'historical' beings and us, and this further demonstrates the point that there is only one reality: eternity. Everything else, including our presence here, in time and place, is an illusion. Truly it is 'time' to awaken to the fact that we are actually, really, truly, eternally and unalterably at Home, with Papa - right NOW - and all this that we appear to be experiencing here is just as much a dream, an illusion, for we who believe we are alive, incarnate on Earth 'now' as all those who equally believe themselves to be here but in other 'times.'
I wondered what you thought about my health freedom rant.* I was interested, and a little surprised, that you had made this statement of protestation (not quite an outburst!). But of course, what you have brought to the attention of your readers is a timely and important warning about the lies, greed and treachery of ego-minded big business and its insidious takeover of unprincipled, corrupt government(s).
The alternative-therapy example you cite is simply one area of well-intentioned human endeavour that ego is determined to overthrow. Of course, ego also wants to stir up those in favour of alternative therapies to go into battle with the move to outlaw such health-benefiting modalities, rather than using Kingdomly principles of love, blessing and irradiating parliament and the hidden-agenda would-be freedom-destroyers with positive spirit energies. This is because ego is about separation, division, schism, destruction, degradation.
This is where the likes of you and I, and all who earnestly desire the manifesting of the Kingdom of Heaven, here in this realm of consciousness, can be a force for its promulgation. The way this can happen is not to allow ourselves to get sucked into the clamour and turmoil but to shine radiant beacons of light, exposing, bringing to the awareness of our fellows the truth about what is happening, so that people-power can prevail; not by joining the fray (and thus giving cause once more for ego to rejoice), but by people telling their political representatives in peaceful but unequivocal terms - in writing, by letter or e-mail - that they do not want this, yet another freedom of choice, to be taken away. I think what you said did all of those positive-energy things and this does not surprise me at all because you are awake to spiritual, eternal reality.
It was quite a different style of writing for me, one which was designed to get some action out of people. There we have it. May it be positive action, not negative, turmoil-increasing action. I had intended to filter it down to USA email addresses only, but I forgot and, when the emailout started, I just let it roll out to everyone. That is no bad thing. I was slightly surprised to see the degree of negation of harmless/beneficial therapies that is afoot in the USA; yet, after the powers the US government has wrested from the people since 9/11 and placed upon itself, this is but one more step down the slippery slope to totalitarianism.
In Europe they have been more subtle about alternative therapies. They have not actually banned them (yet!) but have made it illegal to make any claims about them. When one compares that with the ludicrous claims made by the cosmetic companies for their products, it shows how uneven is the playing field.
I suspect that I'm better at talking about love, hope and light than at putting a stop to political shenanigans. I see no reason why the two cannot be symbiotic and complementary, so long as one is conducted according to the principles of the other. However, Dreama and I plan to be very active in providing alternative healing one day, Well, I sincerely hope you are not going to leave me dangling on this little bombshell!! Any clues? so this issue landed on our personal doorstep.
Keep up the good work! Thank you; I plan to! And the very same to you.
All the best, Cheers!
Owen Brian
*Owen is the administrator of the InfiniteBeing website and recently sent out a newsletter warning of USA government plans to make complementary therapy treatments, such as osteopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal and vitamin supplements etc, illegal, to 'protect' the citizenry from such beneficial options, thus further eroding freedom of choice from the people.
The following exchange was posted on April 12th 2007
Dear Brian, (and Theresa) Dearest B,
You are always so close in my thoughts. As are you in ours. I find that communication, or rather, the lack of it, at the physical level, such as by phone or e-mail – all of which are great – does not actually detract one iota from what is happening within and between the minds and souls of those of us who are in a naturally, spontaneously loving and resonant friendly relationship, founded in the heights of Heaven. This, I conclude, is because such relationships are of eternity; outside and untouchable by time. So if weeks, months or even years elapse between contacts at the ‘body’ or physical level, the relationship is still as vibrant and dynamic as it was before the time elapsed. Nevertheless, it is always a joy and uplift to my heart when I see there is a message from you in my In-box because of the radiance that emanates from your writing. There is a depth, a sincerity, a fullness of meaning and purpose in your writing that, sadly, is sparse on the ground with today’s dumbed-down, shallow culture and the so-called education system that it has created.
However, I remind myself, every time I start allowing focus on the chaos time of which we are now in the midst, to rejoice, for this is a certain sign that the Kingdom is at hand, even at the doors. Of course, the Kingdom is within but as its power builds up in the within of the vanguard few, the moment arrives when it can be contained no longer and bursts forth into the without with all the power of a laser; powerful enough to penetrate the darkest hell. Alleluia!
Each week I marvel at the sparkle and clarity of your messages which introduce the diary entries and each week their profundity escalates exponentially!! B, thank you so very much for these words of encouragement and appreciation. I value them very greatly. I assure you that what you find is thanks to the closeness, enlightenment and inspiration of the Holy Spirit (or the Spirit of Truth; see Message of Encouragement dated Dec. 13th 2006 for more on this). The whole idea of these weekly ‘Messages of Encouragement’ was not really mine. They simply started happening without me planning any such thing. It didn’t take many weeks to realise that it was the Holy Spirit behind it, so I said, ‘That’s just fine by me!’ and went with the flow (of inspiration).
For weeks, I wondered what to call them and eventually it came in a flash that the Master – in fact everyone in and everything about the Realms of Light – brings uplift and encouragement; a commodity of which this world is in short supply and great need. So that clinched it and I decided that whatever the weekly theme might end up being each time, I would be on the lookout to ensure that, one way or another, it would be a message of encouragement. The things that come through the keyboard amaze and astonish me, still. That is the magnificence of the Kingdom of Heaven (or Eternity, or The Realms of Light), to us in this illusory realm; Its outpourings are always so refreshing, uplifting, inspiring and so very often, surprising. Even when I have a thought, perhaps a few days ahead, of a theme, the way the message unfolds surprises me. For example, this week I had not a single thought about Einstein, but as soon as I put my hands to the keyboard, that is what emerged and led from there into the theme. Who would have thought that Albert Einstein and True Forgiveness would come up in the same context!?
I have been growing by leaps and bounds For never a moment did I doubt that this would be so and feel that you are totally aware of that Yes, I have been and am aware of it, at the inner, soul level of knowing. You are a soul full of one-pointed commitment, so it is inevitable that you will be going forward at various levels and in various ways at every moment even though I have not chosen to write for some time. One of the diary entries explains my experience perfectly:
Forward progress is not of self-will but of letting go. Have no concern when all is not perfect in the Earth conditions: this is because details are not yet brought into line with the Lord's programme.
The past few years have been full of this “letting go” theme for me and learning great lessons about self-will. 'Letting go' is a place that ego definitely does not want any of us to go, because it spells the beginning of the end for it. Being in the clutches of ego is like being possessed by an Earthbound spirit. They hang in there to the bitter end and do not want to let go at any price. Letting go is the antithesis of ego’s script for us, and we have become so conditioned into the perception that we have to strive and struggle and ‘do what it takes’ to achieve our Earthly goals by dint of our own effort, the ‘sweat of our brow,’ that re-educating our mind to the Kingdom reality, which is that everything is already ours, because Papa gave it to us when He created us and He has never taken it away from us; we threw it away when we decided to leave Eternity and make Time and Place our ‘home.’ T&P is where the struggle and striving and sweat of our brow sets in as the misperception of who we are and what is our true Home and inheritance.
Since all our true, eternal inheritance is within us (already and always has been), we don’t have to wait until we ‘die’ (another misperception!) before it is ours. All we have to do is desire it and be willing to receive it from Papa as the free gift that it always was. However pie in the sky ego-mind may wish us to perceive such thinking, Jesus is our living proof that it is so. The fact that he chose not to accoutre himself with ‘worldly wealth and possessions’ – because he had other, much more important issues to do with life eternal on his mind – does not mean that he did not know of a certainty beyond all doubt that whatever he asked from Papa was already his. That is the difference between where he was/is and most of the rest of us.
But as we gradually awaken and begin to experience this reality, so does Papa, the Good Husbandman, grow our faith by such experiences. And, if we are committed to growing, awakening back to remembrance of who we really are, namely, the Eternally Living Christ, along with Jesus and all our brethren in the Oneness of the Sonship of Papa, then He will continue to shine the Light of Eternal Truth upon us and grow us until all the shadows of this illusory, time and place world will have fled away. How enticing, inspiring and encouraging is that!!??
Perhaps one of the most difficult messages for me to hear came from the place I call my “communion” heart, I love it when I knew it was time to let go of my relationship with K as part of a forward progress for both of us. Truly, this was a wrestling match between your Big Self and ego and thanks be, You won, were grown and have been strengthened by the experience. Such experiences of success are great encouragement for the next opportunity that we call into our presence and each time our faith to continue whittles away at the hold ego has on us until eventually, with all the help we care to ask for, ego has no part in us and we are free, awake, whole at last. At the time, I had no idea of just how that would deliver him to Papa, because he made that choice after I followed my directives. I honour you for this, a great leap of faith. How affirming it is when that brings Kingdomly results. And truly, it was a release and a focusing exercise for K that has paid off big-time – for you both. What a transformation in him!
Although I can’t match his daily communion schedule, I remain committed and blessed, not only in communion, but as I live each day. I have been in a situation since losing several jobs in November that I don’t have regular employment. Another opportunity for you to allow Papa to grow your FTOC! Each week, I simply am guided to trust and watch, and though I experience many life solutions in just the “nick of time,” I marvel at the grace and creativity present always. The Master told me years ago that he cannot open new doors for us until we are willing to allow him to close the door that has been open for us and has now become unserviceable to our forward progress; that this is cosmic law, a PLF. That is where FTOC comes in and truly serves us and our ultimate objective of getting back Home to Papa in Eternity. What you describe sounds like it must be Papa/Jesus/Holy Spirit at work!
I have also just passed the exam for a real estate license. In a very funny synchronistic event, within an hour of signing on with a brokerage, a request for a very good musical job came to my mentor, (another singing real estate agent), concerning a gig she didn’t have interest in. Long story short, I took the phone out of her hand, got the job, the client was thrilled and I am now in a position to be able to fill in for musical events at a very lovely high-end restaurant I had been endeavoring to court unsuccessfully for three years!!!! Wonderful; I am so pleased for you; not just what happened but your FTOC enabling it. It sounds to me as if your deciding to move on and make a change of endeavour was you allowing the Master to close (some) door(s) for you; perhaps you had been striving for this job at the high-end restaurant too much (ego) and this was a way of getting you to let go and let it happen. By leaving them to Him, He will bring them into line, when the "timing” is right. Timing is, clearly, integral to the synchronising process.
More than this, although there are many challenges, I have found a much deeper clarity to live from that is progressively more soul infused. This is an absolute indicator that you are truly, well on the Way. Though K and I are not still a “couple” in this earthly sense, we are absolutely fabulous soul companions, and it seems to me that this is the greatest blessing we could have found. It is only in hindsight that we have both been able to see how we were each neglecting our true path and hiding from a truer mission in clinging to each other. Something inside – your higher Self – was speaking to you, saying the log-jam had to be broken, and even though you had no idea what would happen at the Earth-mind conscious level, it is evident that at the higher conscious level, you and K knew what was necessary and that it would get things moving along again, on a higher wavelength that was going to become soul-fulfilling for you both in ways that you could not have experienced or comprehended until you took that leap of faith. Faith shall be replaced by sight. We are finding a new way now, which requires we each walk our own path to empowerment in the world in order to bring all that we can to assist in creating Heaven on Earth. You don’t need me to tell you how wonderful that is but I cannot resist telling you anyway!
My sweet parents, E, 82 and B, 78 are arriving on Sunday to spend two weeks with me and I am very aware of the preciousness of the gift of this Earth time with them. You are obviously very close to them. It is priceless to have such a close familial relationship. Do they share your spiritual life awarenesses and commitment?
My parents are both in spirit now and I am aware of their loving closeness more or less daily. Yesterday we had to have our 17-year old cat put to sleep. I asked Ma to look after him and from first light yesterday she was very close. As I drove away from the vet's afterwards, Ma spoke, ‘We have him, safe and sound.’ I saw him awakening in his soul body, free from aches and pains. I got the impression of him saying, ‘Hey, this isn’t so bad; I could get used to this - again!’ Then, back at the house an hour or so later, suddenly he was rubbing round my legs, purring, tail up, looking like a youngster again and thanking us for our love and care over the years (he was a horrifically abused rescue cat and it took him years to know he could trust that we wouldn’t hurt him). Then, late last night, Theresa saw Ma with Oscar (the cat) snuggled in her arms, happy as Larry. My dad is never far away and we have a few signals that let me know when he is here, and we just chat away as we did when they were here in the flesh. The only thing I miss is the hugs we had. I haven’t yet learned how to do that with someone in spirit! Of course it is all really at the soul level that we experience these things, even here in our body, so I guess it will come with continuing one-pointed commitment and focus.
It feels so wonderful to write you and share just some of my growing, and yet I am so aware of how close you are. It is wonderful for me too, dear B; I am so overjoyed at your progress and commitment and to hear your news. Spiritual sharing is a joy beyond all the pleasures of Earth. Today I saw the image of Papa’s hands just threaded through your being reaching out to touch my life always. What can I say? This is beyond words, B but it is a fulfillment of so much of my heart’s desire to share the reality, the joy, the blessing, the riches, the greater dimensionality and fulfillment that the Kingdom opens for us when we open to its unreserved and unlimited gifts. And in turn I have learned to let them run through my life to touch others. I know of a certainty that what you say is true because it is simply, you, through and through.
Much love and blessings, Thank you; reciprocated, fully, and with soul-hugs,
B Brian
The following exchange was posted on April 5th 2007
Again thank you for your one-pointed commitment. It is joy to me that you are benefiting from what it has brought to me. We all have one-pointed commitment to something. For some it might be their favourite sport; for some, making money; for some, the opposite sex; for some, global domination; for some, charitable works. For me, as soon as I heard from Olga that direct contact with the real, living Jesus was available to all who truly desire it, and that his great, one-pointed commitment was for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, that became my one-pointed commitment. It was, in the awful parlance of today, ‘a no-brainer’! I believe everything you write has exponential transformational power, This is music, Rosa, not just that it is so, but that you believe it and, I understand that my "moving forward" is positively impacted by the attunement celebrations of the Holy Communion rituals....even if they were done years ago! The great thing about the attunement mechanism called the Mystical Communion with Christ, is that it is a tool for taking us into contact with the eternal consciousness, the Realms of Light and Peace and Joy and Love, so the date at the top of any of the Diary entries is of no significance to the content of the communication. Jesus tells us in ACIM that ego-mind will resist this process strenuously and with great guile, cunning and any ploy available to it. Ego-mind is exactly as institutionalised religion has mythologised satan. In present time, I look forward to your weekly commentaries that precede the Holy Communion journals. As always, they speak directly to me to help me clarify or understand the precise issue or point that I am dealing with at the time. This sounds like our old and trusted friend, ‘Synchronicity’ is at work!
Today I have a question about the actual journal writings. Specifically, this section:
...And all who will -- all who desire goodwill and peace and are ready to abandon the path of experience at the psychic group consciousness level and that which is pleasant and to be desired (Gen. 3:6) in the here and now, and in its stead favour that which is in harmony with the principles of the eternal consciousness -- will be also one with the Kingdom of God.
As I wrote in the January 21st Message of encouragement (it might be helpful for you to review that message), the word ‘psyche’ is Greek for ‘soul.’ After that message was sent, my friend Susan, from Vancouver, wrote and reminded me that it also means ‘butterfly’ and within the context that a spiritually-undisciplined psyche flutters about ‘every which way,’ it is an interesting illustration of the nature of Earth-mind (ego), spiritually (self) undisciplined humanity.
Psychic group consciousness is best described by use of analogies and examples. In its extreme forms it allows whole nations to succumb to murderous insanity, in the form of Nazism; the cultural revolution of Chairman Mao; the Kmer Rouge under Pol Pot in Cambodia. Excessive nationalism and hubris can readily lead to disaster within the group psychic consciousness.
Less extreme but still ugly examples are spectator/supporter hooliganism at sporting events, schoolboy (and girl) bullying. It is a phenomenon where people will resort to doing things when in a group that they would never do if on their own; a type of mass hysteria or hypnosis, where a group consciousness asserts itself over the mind of individuals within the group.
At the less glaringly obvious level it is the whole, gradual manoeuvring of cultures and religious sects into unKingdomly beliefs, attitudes, actions. This is happening now in most countries and cultures and 9/11 triggered a sudden and rapid upsurge of this, particularly in the USA and the UK and in Muslim cultures.
Conspiracy theorists are susceptible to this condition of group psychic consciousness; when people readily abdicate their own, inner, God-Self-empowerment to radical governments who engender fear of terrorism (or any other ism), that is group psychic consciousness. It encompasses such banal things as succumbing to the blandishments of advertising products that have no real value, benefit or use; the latest craze, fashion or social trend and which are as often as not, actually bad for ones well-being, such as tobacco, liquor, junk food. The promoters of all such, from Nazism to junk food persuade the spiritually undisciplined, gullible, easily-swayed souls that what they are offering is ‘pleasant and to be desired’ (Eve being tempted to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil), even though the long-term consequences are entirely the opposite (obesity, cancer, genocide, addiction, radicalism etc).
We are all subject to this to one degree or another, because whichever country we have incarnated into we are conditioned by its cultural qualities (good, bad or indifferent). Clamour is a sign of its presence. Inward stillness, peace and Kingdom-centredness is a sign of its absence. The latter favours ‘that which is in harmony with the principles of the eternal consciousness.’ For now are all the children of Earth sons of God but it does not yet appear what they shall be. Therefore they are destined to inherit their birthright. But such an endowment cannot be given to he who has not yet come of age, he who is not yet willing to receive it.
Fear not my son; you begin to experience the power and the place, the level, from which it comes. Do not have wrath in your heart for he whose eyes are still shut, whose heart is not yet open to the joy and glory of his inheritance; rather, let compassion and love and tenderness be the place from which you view such little ones. Thus shall you be above the maelstrom of their psychic energies that would draw into itself all who venture near. Clamour and (psychic) maelstrom tend to draw into themselves the unspiritually disciplined, flitting and fluttering souls, and as we all know, clamour and maelstroms can be dangerous phenomena, mostly starting out as seemingly harmless (pleasant and to be desired). To be above such is to be spiritually centred, focussed on the truth and reality of eternity. Can you envision Jesus joining in a riot, or joining a movement that had unKingdomly ambitions? All is well and shall continue to be. We go forward unto the Marriage Banquet.
Brian, could you comment on this psychic stuff, especially psychic group level consciousness. What exactly does this mean? I hope the above will have provided you with some deeper insights into the differences between Heaven (eternity) and Earth (time and place). Please keep in mind that Heaven is a state of being, of spiritual awakening and awareness and is entirely possible in time and place surroundings; that is to say, during our time with a body, here on Earth; we do not have to wait until we are 'dead.'
I am facing some difficulties...lack of money. Would you say my desire to not have this issue facing me, means that I am caught up in psychic energies of the here and now? I feel prompted to say that this is not a case of absolutes but of degrees. I believe desiring not to have a lack of money is an entirely reasonable state of mind. It is when that is tempered either by focus on other, uplifting considerations (such as one’s place in eternity, relationship with our Creator, healthy concern for environmental well-being, peace and justice for our fellows etc) that it is in a reasonable state of mental and spiritual balance.
I have found that the more focussed one becomes on the Kingdom of Heaven (not in some pie in the sky, fantasy-driven way), the less shortage of money causes concern, because as Jesus reminds us, Papa loves and cares for us and provides for our needs moment by moment. This is why He told the Israelites to gather only enough manna for the day, and not to concern themselves for the morrow. Jesus taught similarly. Copied here are his words from Mt. 6: 25-34. I have copied them all because they are so beautiful poetic, inspiring, helpful, faith- and trust-invoking, but the bits I have underlined are central in terms of comfort for people in your impecunious situation.
Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
The last bit of underlining is and has been for me, since the 1960s, the most powerful focusing teaching of the Master.
Thank you for your response and your unflagging efforts to bring light into the world. Rosa
Rosa, dear soul, the thanks are to you because, as ever, you are bringing an opportunity to share some more of the realities of eternity, of which the children of Earth are so profoundly unaware. This is my calling and my heart’s desire, as the Master said to Olga: …‘to minister unceasingly to the sick and fainting spirits of men.’ The message from which these words are extracted is so beautiful, uplifting and inspiring that I am pasting it here, to close off. Love and many blessings,
“In the midst of the Earth ariseth my city
after the fashion of the Heavenly,
Wherein the multitude of them that love me and keep my words
Minister unceasingly to the sick and fainting spirits of men.
The call goeth out continually, Come, O come ye to the waters
Everyone that thirsteth. Buy milk and wine without money and without price,
And nourish your souls, and rejoice in health and joy;
For it is my Father’s good pleasure to bestow upon you
the freedom of the city.
Here is freedom from sickness: whosoever will, let him be free.
Here are riches of wisdom and power: whosoever will, let him be rich.
Here is knowledge: whosoever will, let him know the secrets of God
and the power and perfection of His laws.
Here is fulfilment: whosoever will, let him enlarge his capacity
and his influence.
Here is Peace: whosoever will, let him meditate therein.
Grace be with you.”
The following exchanges were posted on April 4th 2007
I have been reading and enjoying your channeling of Jesus. In writing my new book (The Original Teachings of Jesus), I was also channeling Jesus. Would you take a look at my site? I would appreciate it.
Michael Buckner, M. Div., Ph. D.
Dear Mike,
I am deeply impressed by the words in the intro on your website: God is called “The One.” Heaven is called the “World of Light.” Hell is never mentioned.
The original teachings of Jesus are deeply spiritual, but they are not religious. Salvation is offered, but it is accomplished by spiritual enlightenment and has nothing to do with sin.
This resonates totally with my own awareness and understanding.
I hope your book gives some background on your channelling of Jesus! I must say, in 40 years I have never thought of my experiences as 'channelling' but times change and new terminology comes into usage. I have been described as a teacher and definitely do not think of myself as that; a 'sharer' definitely (given half a chance!).
Many blessings,
Brian Longhurst
Thanks for your note. I actually did not mention the channeling in the book. It was, however, an interesting experience. I literally was having words put in my mouth and having subtleties explained as I was writing. Shortly after I finished the book, I attended a week long workshop with Dr. Brian Weiss, who is the foremost expert on past life regression. During one of the exercises, I found myself as a teen who followed Jesus and listened to him on the fringe of the crowd. It was dusk and Jesus came to me. He said that his teachings would be changed and asked that one day, many life times in the future he wanted me to write down what he really had to say.
I also have a friend who has been through many life times with me, who was my cousin in the time of Jesus. My cousin often joined me to hear him, but was not present that day. We both remember hearing of the crucifixion.
Hi Mike,
Many thanks for your message. I am agog about what you say. I believe you will find Gary Renard's writing interesting, as they strongly support and help readers to understand A Course in Miracles. One crucially important point about Gary's writing is that it does not get sidetracked. Ego-mind wants nothing more than to sidetrack people away from matters of eternity (and 'he' ain't half doing a job!) but Gary remains one-pointedly focussed on the objectives of the writing, which is forgiveness as the way to escape the ego's clutches and re-awaken to the reality of who we are (God's eternal, glorious, radiant Offspring) and that our true and only Home is Heaven.
Truly Jesus' teachings have been changed, and untold millions enslaved by false church doctrines for countless generations. But now is the time of the fulfilment of Joel's prophecy. One might have thought murderer's of prophets (Jesus, Martin Luther King and innumerable others) would realise that the truth is unstoppable and now is the time when it will come out. As the Master Jesus said to Olga Park in the 1940s:
Do not fear to tread the path I have marked out for you. Do you think it was only to men of old that I have shown myself? Have I not said that if any man open to me I will come in and sup with him, and he with me?
For I seek such and knock upon the doors of their hearts that they may open and receive me and know of a surety that I live. Blessed is he that hears my knocking; thrice blessed is he that opens to me.
I am the guide of many. Let no man confuse you saying, “He is high and lifted up and cannot manifest to the children of men.” For though I speak through the mouth of an angel, and though I write through the hand of a messenger, it is I; for I also am of your brethren of Earth, and it is the will of the Father that all shall know me from the least unto the greatest.
Come unto me, all you Little Ones, and you that labour, and I will refresh you with the joy of Heaven which I had with the Father before the time in which I dwelt with men.
Do not be discouraged that the revelation is imperfect in the beginning. Great things shall you do if your faith in me holds fast. These things have I spoken that you may know of a surety that I am the Messenger of the Holy One of Israel.
Peace be with you!
(The emboldening is mine).
What you say about having words put into your mouth is much as my own experience. I am greatly aware of the Master or the Holy Spirit inspiring and enlightening my thoughts - and indeed, putting completely new thoughts in my mind, often when at the keyboard, so I find myself having written things that I did not know until I check through what has been written.
There are also others from the Heaven Realms, 'wordsmiths,' espoused to the Master and his great rescue programme, who bring words of inspiration from the Realms of Light: Francis Bacon, William Tyndale (a native of Gloucester - 500 years ago - where we live) and C.S. Lewis, or 'Charles,' as we affectionately know him. He was Theresa's favourite Uncle George in our 1600s incarnation together, and is closer to Theresa for inspirational writing than he is to me. Nevertheless, we are one extended, happy family in eternity; some here with us and some there, helping, guiding and protecting us here. How's that for a good, Heaven-sent system!?
Of course, this is true for us all but the church has ruthlessly suppressed contact with or awareness of such for centuries and those who are still affected by the yoke of the church and feel themselves to be under the influence of its oppressive power and its narrow, exclusivist, literalist doctrines are fearful that any and all such contact with the Spirit world is opening us to ensnarement by the 'devil.'
Well, Olga, in her wisdom (thank goodness), carefully and thoroughly counselled Theresa and me in the 1960s that we should always 'test the spirits,' that they come in the name and by the authority of the Master Jesus. This is the soundest advice I can pass along to anyone else because spirit is not all the Realms of Light and getting entangled (possessed) by a lost soul from the lower astral realms is no picnic, especially for those who have no idea what is happening. There are millions of hapless souls walking the Earth today oblivious that this is happening to them and if they could be released from this grip their wretched lives would have a chance to really turn around. Those who follow Olga's advice, (also, of course from 1Jn. 4:1) will be protected to the degree that they are sincere in their commitment to following such advice.
Peace, joy and love bless you for fulfilment of your work for the Kingdom,
The following exchanges were posted on March 28th 2007
Hi Brian, what are the principle's of the life of the father?
Hi Sharon,The Principles of Life of the Father are the Natural, Cosmic Laws by which Creation functions. They are nothing to do with the laws of physics or chemistry but of Life and Truth. One such example is what Jesus stated to the people of Palestine 2000 years ago, which is:If you forgive your fellows for their wrongdoing against you, then you will be forgiven for your wrongdoing against your fellows. Conversely, if you are unable/unwilling to forgive wrongdoing against you, this will prevent forgiveness of your wrongdoing against your fellows. (See Matthew, chapter 6).This is not because God is withholding forgiveness from us but because our unforgiveness is preventing us from receiving forgiveness. If we are full up with unforgiveness, then there is no room within us to receive the forgiveness that awaits us. We have to make room for it.I am attaching today's Diary entries and accompanying message because it just happens to be on this very subject.All the PLFs are founded in Love, truth, peace and are designed to be for the common good and benefit of all Creation. I feel sure you can ponder this and as you progress along your life's path you will start to see those things you encounter that are PLFs and those which are not. Please let me know how you get on and do not hesitate to ask if you need further help on any matter of eternal consideration.Many blessings,Brian
The following exchanges were posted on March 23rd 2007
HI BRIAN, THANK YOU FOR MAIL, AND WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT Jesus has been encouraging, exhorting, uplifting, inspiring me from day one; the opposite of this world of petty backbiting, criticism, judgement. I know how that leads into a downward spiral to despondency and history repeating itself; ego Mecca maybe but not the Kingdom of Heaven, so I have made the deliberate choice to follow the example of the Master and encourage, exhort, uplift and inspire at every opportunity. This only works if it is from the heart and with absolute, sincere commitment. AS I NORMALLY ATTEND CHURCH ON EVES. BUT I HAVE BEEN VERY SPASMODIC LATELY, I HAVE BEEN FEELING A LITTLE LOST FOR FELLOWSHIP, AND WELCOME THIS OPPORTUNITY OF SHARING. Great! Sharing is the Way of the Kingdom. It fills the inner being (soul) with joy and uplift.AS I EXPLAINED TO YOU IN THE PAST THAT I ATTEND QUAKERS, AND AT TIMES THERE SEEMS TO BE SOMETHING, HAPPENING AND AT OTHERS JUST SILENCE. I GUESS WE JUST HAVE TO LEARN TO BE PATIENT. I realised shortly after meeting Olga that we do not need an intermediary body/structure/ institution/sect to come into fellowship/communion with Jesus (or Papa, or the Holy Spirit). All we need is to enter into the ‘closet’ and shut the door (on the clamour and self-serving of the outer world) and there, open our heart and soul honestly and sincerely to Them (Papa, Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit). Geoff, it is my heart’s desire that you and all who truly seek after God may understand fully and finally that this is not a glib platitude but the absolute truth and reality. I am copying here some verses from John chapter 14, which emphasise the actuality that They are WITH us:
3: And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. This has now happened. His ‘receiving us unto himself’ is not dependent upon a ‘geographical location’ such as ‘Heaven’ because the Kingdom of Heaven is right here, WITHIN US, whether we are still incarnate or excarnate. So, he receives unto himself if we DESIRE it, not if we have attended church – keeping the focus in the ‘without’ when it is in the ‘Within’ that we find him - and ‘been good.’
4: And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. These words are especially true NOW, if we listen to his speaking to our own within and I am able to give absolute affirmation that the best way to hear that speaking is to go alone into our closet and shut the door, just as he counsels (Mt. 6:6).
16: I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (My underlining)
17: Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18: I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. He is already come, to all of us. Always. If only we can believe, have FTOC, we will have personal, one-on-one, intimate, love-filled awareness. Jesus told the people of Palestine in the long ago they were a faithless and perverse generation. Nothing has changed in that regard, outwardly, yet; but we are now in the time of fulfilment and very big change is now incubating in the within and is in the process of emerging.
20: At that day (which is RIGHT NOW, not some indeterminate, future day) ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
21: He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
23: Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. Geoff, I know of a certainty that you love him; trust, therefore, that he has fulfilled his promise, to you. It is the time, now, for us all to shrug off the yoke of ‘unworthiness’ with which we have been so falsely burdened for so long and remember that we are Jesus’ brothers, One with him in the Sonship of the Father.
1Jn 3:2 says: Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. Geoff, he has now appeared; not in the without but in the within (where he tells us the Kingdom of Heaven is) of those who love him and keep his words (see vs. 21, above). Before we can truly 'keep' his words, it is necessary for us to understand them. We cannot keep (cherish and desire to live in accordance with) what we do not understand.
Jesus was/is a mystic and our experience of him is and can only be mystical. Sadly, the institutionalised church has made mysticism a taboo, so it is not possible to have deep, full, complete understanding of him and his teaching from within the confines and strictures of the institutionalised church. When he says, in this verse, that he and Papa will come unto and make Their abode with those who love him and keep his words, he is speaking of a mystical act/process/event that has and can have absolutely nothing to do with institutionalised religion because a mystical experience is a one-on-one event.
Anyone who has a mystical experience of Jesus, or the Holy Spirit and or Papa, and tries to share the experience with the authorities or the congregants of an institutionalised church will very quickly find that they do not want to hear about it and will sideline the person if he persists in his endeavours to share it. This is inevitable because the church, as it is currently structured, is a construct of ego-mind, which is the antithesis of the Kingdom of Heaven.
ONE OF YOUR LETTERS I FOUND SOME DIFFICULTY WITH WAS THE EXPERIENCE OF MEETING WITH HARRY SECOMBE AND PETER SELLERS , WAS THIS IN A VISION,? The encounter with Harry and Peter was really no different from the encounters with all the others; Hal and Sitting Bull, Bobby Kennedy, John & Josephine Bowes, Jesus of Nazareth, my own parents and offspring, the Rector, the Teacher, the US cavalrymen, Rachel, the Dutch Jewess and countless more. They are all in spirit.
As Jesus reminds us, ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions.’ Some souls are in the higher realms, nearer to the Father’s light of Life and some (those who were/are in need of rescuing) are in the lower realms (mansions), far, in their perceptions, from the Light. Peter was in the lower realms and in need of rescuing. His trustworthy friend, Harry, although much more recently passed over, was in the higher realms (he was, in this life, as you know, a believer). The lower has no awareness of the higher, so Peter was unaware of Harry but Harry was aware of Peter and his predicament, and also of us, in our light-lasering communion activity.
Harry was able, no doubt by some loving, caring subterfuge, able to get Peter to within sight of what we were doing (those in lower realms of spirit are able to see those of us in the Earth life). Now, as I have said, we are all ‘souls’ and the Greek word for soul is psyche. Our true, eternal senses (as distinct from our bodily senses) are of the soul and souls in the spirit world, even of someone in the lower realms of spirit, are able to pick up the vibes without any difficulty. So, once a lost soul, such as Peter, was able to be manoeuvred into contact with us (that is the job of Jesus and all who are espoused to his Rescue mission of the Kingdom Programme) (see Lk. 14:21-23) the rescue was, from thereon, a cake walk, as they say.
Once Peter’s ‘eyes were opened’ he would then become aware of Harry, just as Hal was immediately able to see Thomas More (see Vignette 2, SYFK). With Bobby Kennedy and Rachel, they came so close to us that they actually overshadowed us. That is not fundamentally different from being near or far away. They simply were not aware of what was happening – until they were helped into wakefulness by our love, blessing and words of explanation to them of what was happening.
Geoff, I assure you, there is nothing fearful, ‘magical,’ evil, sinful, ungodly about such events or activities, especially if one’s motive is Kingdomly in one’s desire to help our fellows, whether in this life or the next. As explained in SYFK, our loved ones in the Realms of Light are able to help those in the lower realms of the spirit world much more easily if they are able to engage the help of willing participants in the Earthly life for ‘bridge’ work.
OR FOR WANT OF CLARITY, A DIFFERENT DIMENSION OR POSSIBLE PARALLEL UNIVERSE. Geoff, this is another ‘dimension’ if you wish to consider it in that way but labels are irrelevant. It is simply that Peter and Harry (and all those named above) were in the spirit world and I was (still am!) in the Earth life. The common factor is that they are eternal, indestructible, radiant souls, Sons of the Father, brethren of Jesus, and so am I; and so are you.
The mechanism by which I am, or anyone is, able to become aware of such events/experiences is the soul senses, our true senses, which are just as readily able to function while we are with an Earthly body, if we are open to such and do not let fear or doubt get in the way and create a cloud of fog before us, just as they are able to function once we have left our Earthly body behind. And as for ‘parallel’ universe, well, this is also just a term. It could as readily be applied to this as ‘different dimension;’ there is no real, meaningful difference and are simply labels.
At Jesus’ ‘death’ on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn in half, from top to bottom and as I am sure you know, that veil symbolises the illusory veil between us in the Earthly life and the realms of Heaven, our true, eternal home and inevitable destiny. It is with us here, now, so we don’t have to wait any longer. Any who say otherwise are missing something or have another agenda. I HAVE PROBLEM IN UNDERSTANDING THIS ! I trust this will help your understanding.
I WONT LOAD UP TOO MANY QUESTIONS AS I APPRECIATE YOU HAVE A PERSONAL LIFE TO GET ON WITH , JUST A THOUGHT CAME TO ME. MAY I SUGGEST THAT IT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE TO INCLUDE ON YOUR SITE A REGISTER OF LIKE MINDED SEEKERS IN LOCALISED AREAS WHO WOULD LIKE TO MEET UP, WELCOME YOUR COMMENTS BRIAN. I do not see this as my remit. I am one-pointedly committed to Jesus’ teaching to enter, alone, into our closet and shut the door and then pray. Unless and until we are able to FIRST achieve communion with Papa, Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit by this method, and become so inculcated in that awareness that no outward activity, presence or clamour can distract us, such meetings would simply be multiple perceptions causing distraction and confusion. The KOH is within, not without. If we cannot go within, we will go without.
IT COULD BE INTERESTING IF ANY THOUGHTS FROM ABOVE ON GLOBAL WARMING ?. I commend to you the writings of Gary Renard, ‘The Disappearance of the Universe’ and ‘Your Immortal Reality.’ These writings are complementary reading to ‘A Course in Miracles’ and they (all 3) will transform your understanding of Creation and Eternity. However, this is the chaos time between the second and third measures of meal and Jesus reminds us that when we see chaos and confusion all around us, then we can rejoice, for the KOH is at hand, even at the doors.
Jesus calmed the tempest simply by infusing it with his peace; the peace of Heaven, which passes all ego-mind understanding. This is available to us, all of us, also, if only we can believe, and even greater things than these, shall we (all) do. There are believers incarnate even now who are becoming thusly empowered because they believe. There will be many, many more awakening and emerging from the chrysalis in the time immediately ahead. This is how the Earth and life here will really be transformed. Of course we must awaken to the state of harmony with the ecosphere and sustainable ways of living but it is from the within that all the worlds problems will be resolved because all our ‘problems’ are only able to be ended by spiritual solutions. The KOH is within. Let this become your mantra, dear friend, and you will see with new, single vision.
GOD BLESS YOU BOTH (AS I KNOW HE HAS) Thank you Geoff. You too, as I know He does and is doing.
BRIAN THANK YOU FOR YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT, AND WHAT YOU SAY MAKES THINGS A LITTLE CLEARER, I SUPPOSE I AM STILL RUNNING ON OLD FUEL AND ON THE CHANGE, THE DANGER IS THROWING THE BABY AWAY WITH THE DISHWATER, IF ONE'S NOT CAREFUL. Geoff, as our friend Jim, the Scottish Doctor, famously says, ‘One step at a time, Laddie.’ Jesus leads us forward at our pace, always cognisant of the importance of our comfort.
Then, in the autumn of 1970, not many weeks before Theresa and I were due to sail back to England, one Saturday afternoon when Theresa was out and I was busy making a bread pudding (old English recipe!), it was as if a bell had rung in my head, to switch the focus my consciousness from where it was lodged in the physical-world, concentrating on my culinary endeavours, to the spirit realms and the Master Jesus said, ‘My son, I would speak with you.’ I immediately washed my hands to remove the cooking ingredients, went to the sanctuary, lit the votive candle (fire or flame is a symbol of the Realms of Light in the spirit world and a candle flame helps to focus the consciousness on/attune to those realms), picked up my pen and opened my notebook.
He told me that when we returned to the land of our birth we would not find Kingdomly fellowship there to the degree we had enjoyed it with Olga; that fellowship there would be, sporadically but not at the level to which we aspired; not to be dis-spirited by this but rather to turn more purposefully to the Heaven world within for fellowship at this rarefied level and there we would always find food for the soul to satisfy our hungering and thirsting.
The last 3 lines are the key here; the rest is background, simply to establish how this came about. These words are and have been the basis of our journey with Jesus and I have no doubt that without this understanding and commitment, this wondrous, blessed journey could not have taken place. What he is saying here is a PLF (Principle of Life of the Father) and the esoteric order of Creation can only function according to PLFs. Outside that, all, as we can all readily attest when we look at the world around us with out Earthly vision, is chaos and disarray.
That cannot and will not change for any of us unless and until we attune/align the within of our lives to the PLFs. Of course we do not know how to do that because most of us have little or no idea what the PLFs are. That matters not one iota. What is essential is that we desire so to do. Papa does the rest for us. It’s that simple, if we can break the mind-conditioning of this world that tells us we have to do it all ourselves. That’s the tricky bit and it takes one-pointed commitment. I have no doubt of your one-pointed commitment to the KOH, Geoff, and taking things one step at a time, following Jesus/the Holy Spirit’s lead, you will be in very loving, safe hands.
THERE SEEMS SO MUCH HURT AND DESPAIR ALL AROUND AND HEAVINESS , We can allow ourselves to be dragged down by all that or we can (because we are always at free choice) choose not to allow it so to do. That does not mean we harden our hearts to the hurting of our fellows, for that is the end of compassion. What will benefit us if we remind ourselves is the Master’s words about, when we see chaos and confusion and destruction all around us, to then rejoice, because it is a certain, absolute sign that the KOH is at hand, even at the doors. Now that is some good news that we can really hold onto. "THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE IM GONNA LET IT SHINE" WITH HELP FROM ABOVE. Alleluia
THANK GOD FOR JESUS. Yes; and thank God for his brother, and mine also: Geoff.
The following exchanges were posted on March 16th 2007
I HAVE WITNESSED THESE ALL MISUSING THE BIBLE, TO DEFEND THEIR BELIEF SYSTEM AS AN EX JW , ANGLICAN, BORN AGAIN SPIRIT FILLED, FGBMFI , I HAVE OBSERVED THE SPIRIT OF PRIDE CAUSING DIVISION AND SEPARATION, AND HEARTACHE ACTIVE IN ALL THESE. We knew an ex-Salvation Army man and his wife and he told us that he had to leave because of all the division and self-serving, petty squabbling. I was deeply astonished at this; I have had the greatest admiration for the Sally Ann for decades, for the wonderful, selfless work they do, so it was very saddening to hear this ego-stuff going on even there. Bless them all for a deep and permanent awakening to the truth of the Kingdom on Earth.
WE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST, SAVED BY THE GRACE OF GOD, THAT WE MAY BE ONE BODY OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS A TRUE FAMILY REUNITED. I totally resonate with what you say here about being all One in Christ. Christ is not just Jesus but we are all Christ, Papa's beloved offspring. That it does not yet appear to our flawed, Earthly vision, full of darkness, does not alter that eternal reality for a moment. And, the moment we change our priorities and decide that that is our heart's desire, Papa will begin the process of transformation and people's lives will begin the Big Turnaround towards the Light.
Hi Geoff,I am not sure I understand if you are referring to my message yesterday and if you feel what I have written is good or bad, positive or negative. I would be most grateful for your clarification.I hope and believe you are aware that my motivation is service of the Great God Mission of Jesus for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and that I hope and believe it is with humility that I am endeavouring to help those who have become bewildered by institutionalised religion to see past the rules and regulations, dogmas and doctrines and come into direct communion with the living Jesus, even as I have been so deeply and greatly blessed.I have felt inspired to support any statements by scriptural references in the hope that this will provide comfort and reassurance to those who truly seek after spiritual truth by following Jesus but have difficulty sifting the wheat from the chaff.If you now feel I have gone off track somehow, it would be a big help if you could be specific about what and where, whether in yesterday's message or anywhere else.On the other hand, if I have got the wrong end of the stick and you are saying that where others are distorting things and that what you get from here is helpful for you, then I give thanks.You suggest reading the parable of the prodigal son but have not indicated why. This has long been for me one of the Master's key messages for us all, so if you feel I am missing something, please help me to understand what you have in mind. Please speak freely, forthrightly and candidly.In Christ love and with many blessings for the joy and peace of Heaven,BrianPS: What is FGBMFI?
THE PRODIGAL SON STORY WAS SHOWING THE LOVE OF THE FATHER, FOR HIS CHILDREN THAT HE EVEN RUNS TO WELCOME US HOME. This has more depth of meaning than most are aware. Apparently, people of exalted status in Jewish culture NEVER ran; it was considered undignified and especially to run to someone who had behaved inappropriately was deeply frowned upon. What Jesus was saying/implying by the narrative that the father ran to his returning son, which he knew what cause a stir amongst the religious authorities, was, Papa loves us so much and misses us so much and is so entirely unconcerned with all that man-made nonsense, that he simply allows what comes naturally to take precedence. I'm with Him, as I am sure you are too!
ONE DAY WE MIGHT MEET UP, AND IT WOULD BE GOOD TO FELLOWSHIP TOGETHER, SO KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Thank you; with help from above I shall continue, as this is my heart's desire above all else.
You're a good man, Geoff, and I greatly appreciate your clarification. Thank you so much.Many blessings, as ever,Brian
The following exchanges were posted on March 1st 2007
Dear Sharon,
I am assuming your two messages dated 10th Feb are about the same situation and that the second one is your own working through of what was clearly troubling you greatly in the earlier message. That is very interesting because during the day yesterday (10th), as I pondered your first, troubled-spirit message, I sent out my love and thoughts to you for your peace and said to you, 'Dear Sharon, at a deep level within yourself, you know the answer to this and you don't really need my input to provide the answer. Go within and earnestly ask, seek and knock and the answer, which is already with you, will be revealed, uncovered for you.'
I have changed to blue type some of your words that stand out, below, as so important and so true and have written additional comments in green type.
Dear Brian,
The storm is over, it was a storm this week, I recognized it this morning when I woke. In 2003 when I was awakened I didn't know it was a storm, I was bewildered, confused, spinning, you name it, I didn't know what was going on and I was very traumatized by it all. Now I know it was a storm and I think the storm's might keep coming, if what I'm feeling right now is the result of passing through a storm, let it storm! I now know to hold on and that I'm being held onto. The sync happening so fast, I think it was the 'warning' that a storm was coming! I am so excited this morning and the joy is here; I have my hand over my mouth so I don't burst out 'cause the children will think I've lost it - and if you saw me and not knowing what you know you would think I've lost it! My faith just took a gigantic leap!!!!!!! Part of the storm yesterday was proselytisers dropping in for a surprise visit.
I am not enthusiastic about engaging with people of other 'belief systems,' as it causes dissipation of energies and focus of thought and understanding. The Truth - YOUR Truth - is within you and I am sure you are well aware that they, who have accepted someone else's 'truth' will not be able to accept your Truth, unless and until they abandon their acceptance of their version. They are there to convert you and although the exchanges may outwardly appear cordial, that does not alter their commitment. In an encounter such as you describe, there are psychic energies swirling around the room and between you and them.
If you could SEE those energies you would immediately realise that they are not beneficial to your own inward peace and wellbeing, because their own agenda is only apparently well-intentioned while they believe there is a chance of converting you. There is nothing in it for them if they are unsuccessful and because that is their mission, when they discover they are unsuccessful their energy will radically alter. That can only happen if that energy is actually already within them. Do not be deceived by outward geniality; it is not always what it seems.
Jesus said to the disciples when he sent them out to preach the 'good news’ of the Kingdom of Heaven, "Salute no man by the way." What he meant by that was, 'Do not engage with others in debate about their perceptions/beliefs/view on life, because it will distract you from the mission upon which I am sending you.’ It was cordial and just fine as it always is but we have some very 'alive' conversations/debate as we always do and something happened during the visit that you mentioned how to handle that same situation in your e-mail (and it was handled by me but not me) that same way that you said to do "It is important that we retain our own sovereign power over our own life… Being pleasantly assertive without stridency or aggression will achieve a good balance." (See Message of Encouragement, Feb. 7th 2007)
It is indeed your sovereign power and free choice to engage with proselytisers who do not share your beliefs and Papa will never interfere with that free choice. It is also your sovereign choice to be aware that you are not yet strong enough in your spiritual wisdom and understanding to engage with such on equal terms, because they ARE strong in their schooling and commitment and knowing what to say and do and psychically, can maintain control in the way the conversation/energy exchanges between you are directed. Because you do not 'see' this does not mean it is not so. Again if you go within and ponder this prayerfully, it will become clear to you.
I am, of course, delighted for you that 'something happened' during that discussion that was beneficial for you. This was a sign from the Holy Spirit to forewarn you but it does not necessarily mean that forewarning has equipped you with the spiritual strength to retain your sovereign power over your own Path the next time you engage with proselytisers. A warning of an approaching storm does not provide weatherproofs but it does give you time to take evasive action/find shelter. but I didn't get your e-mail until after the conversation, and only then because during the conversation a message came to me to 'ask Brian.' It was not a 'hmmm, who can I ask about this, who would know about this', it was an immediate 'ask Brian.' So I couldn't wait 'til they left to get to the computer to ask you and there was your e-mail! My mouth hung open as it always does when this happens.
This is characteristic of 'The Lord of Surprises' who answers before you ask because He knows what is happening before it happens, because He functions from the Eternal Consciousness, in which time has no order or meaning. How could that have happened? So last night I printed your whole e-mail - "February 7, 2007," and read it - usually I just skim and if nothing catches my attention I don't go through the whole thing, this time I knew I should.
Today the doubt is over. I thought it was the beginning when I 'awakened' (and in a way it was) but today is the day I move forward knowing for sure what I know. I have never, until right now, been so sure of anything. This is wonderful news indeed, Sharon and I am profoundly glad at your going forward. Still, take care and be cautious of the intent of others, such as your proselytiser 'friends.' Until today, I did not feel the strength to stand up for what I believed (things would come out of my mouth that would make one (and me) think I knew exactly what I was saying) in because although I knew what happened to me I still couldn't understand why, why me I would cry to God as though he had burdened me with this gift, and now I go forward. Today I know where the path is and you Brian are a vital link.
Please always keep in mind that the Kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN and go within to get on its wavelength and the wavelength of He who is your Guide to Eternity; the Master Jesus. Only within his guidance and protection are we truly safe from the bewilderment of mixed messages/signals leading us into a state of fear and confusion. Alleluia for knowing something for sure! Sharon, dear friend, truly I rejoice for and with you. It may sound as if this message is dampening your joy and upliftment at what has happened and your going forward this last day or two. That could not be further from my intent, but I do ask that you proceed forward from this point awake to and aware of the fact that there are still pitfalls abounding.
Pasted below is the Diary entry for Oct. 6th 1991. I have emboldened a part near the bottom that came to mind for you and that I send with love and blessing and in the spirit of desire to be truly helpful. I hope you will find it beneficial. I now trust that this is where I am to go for guidance for this part of the journey; there's no way this could have happened without God/Jesus being in the mix. Truly spoken.
Those who say you cannot commune with the Father except through Jesus are allowing too much literal-mindedness and doctrine to blur their vision. They speak from the place known as the separation consciousness. There is no separation, either between Jesus and God or you and God, or anyone else and God, except what any of us chooses for there to be. Such perceptions – or more accurately, misperceptions – are ‘the lie of Satan,’ which is ego-mind, upside-down thinking and is the polar-opposite of Eternal Truth and Reality, for us all. These misperceptions, or doctrines and dogmas, abound within institutionalised religions. Jesus said, ‘I and my Father are One,’ and Papa, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all One Mind, for the Truth of Eternity.
In Truth, therefore, it makes no difference whether we are in communion with Papa, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Your Truth is your Truth; do not allow others who are well behind you (which proselytisers are, or they would not be proselytising) on the Path back Home to Papa to deceive you or mislead you when they are simply speaking someone else’s ‘truth.’ If it feels comfortable it is because your higher, Soul, Self knows it to be your Truth, one with Papa’s Truth. Stay steadfast in that and you will progress far.
Sharon, dear friend, I thank you for this opportunity to share. This is joy and fulfilment of my lifelong heart’s desire. The objective of the HTG website is to help those who are lost and bewildered in the Way to find the Path again. One way in which such help can really be given is by sharing such exchanges with the many others who are equally lost and bewildered.
Many blessings and much love, always,
Holy Communion October 6, 1991
Although the “power” or psychic awareness is low this morning I am aware of the IPS -- a vast horde of them -- gathered at this “gateway” between the Heaven and Earth realms of consciousness, eager to use this opportunity to serve the Kingdom purpose in some way.
My friend -- eager are we indeed, to be going about our/the Lord's business of search and rescue in the dark corners of the Earth consciousness. Herein dwell countless souls lost in the "blackout" and yet in their hearts -- the very seat of their innermost soul -- crying out in the wilderness for succour.
By this link of the attunement ritual and the desire and one-pointed commitment of your hearts in the Earth life we are able to use the energy created by your desire-thoughts to accomplish many acts of first aid, bring care packages, undertake stretcher rescues and lead the way "home" to the walking wounded, the shell-shocked and the bewildered. We are able to unfurl the banner of Christ light to give direction in the darkness, that the souls of those lost and afraid in the darkness may have lit for them a pathway through the treacherous terrain of anti-Christ territory.
These souls have been deceived into the service of the prince of time and place by promises of great reward but the bounty is not of the eternal, it is not self-renewing; rather, it is a mirage, fading before their site and their grasp.
These mercenaries have now been left without a leader and without orders, without pay and without rations. Many are realising the foolishness of their ways and are ready to repent of their folly and rejoice at the Light, the banquet, the safe path back to "base camp" wherein lies warmth and comfort and peace and restoration.
So do you see how the analogy of war-time conditions is able to create for you a picture of events. This is entirely serviceable to the reality and you shall become increasingly aware of these rescue activities as the picture builds for you. All is well, all is under full control; we go forward in Christ-Fellowship to the fulfilment.
The battle plan, so long drawn-up, is working perfectly, as you would expect from the Master strategist. It works because it uses the Principles of Life of the Father and therefore cannot fail.
Thank you dear friend of Christ authority.
I am one who serves with His battalions, as a lieutenant. It is a campaign such as has never been seen before. The enemy is in full rout and confusion. Nevertheless, be not complacent for there are many pitfalls dug to deceive the unwary and the unprepared and over-confident. There are many booby-traps also to maim and disfigure. To all who would serve I say again, put on the whole armour of God, for this shall be defence and protection; draw near to the banner of the Lord and be faithful, one-pointed in your commitment. Thus shall your fulfilment and protection be assured. Peace and joy be with you and all who serve. In Christ's beloved name we are as one. Amen.
The Teacher gave his blessing to the “troops” as they rested between search and rescue activities with a most earnest and sincere voice and at the end they all immediately sent up a spontaneous and enthusiastic cheer of exalting proportions.
Love to you, Sharon; I look forward to hearing back from you,
Dear Sharon,
Many thanks for your message. I am going to respond to each part as warranted. Yes, I have said much in SYFK about ‘institutionalised religion’ and of course am in good company there; you are no doubt familiar with the things Jesus said to the religious authorities of his time. My experience was 'deflating.' Some time after my awakening when I was feeling able to face the world again I decided to go to church (the same building as I'd gone to as a child attending Sunday School and church, the Anglican church of my community). I and my surroundings felt 'different' than I/it had before my awakening. As I sat in the pew by myself at the back of the church I experienced a 'deflating,' just like I was a balloon and as I was listening to the minister talking to the people, 'the air went out of me' and my thoughts were "this is it?, a man talking to some people." All the 'I'm in the house of the lord, a man speaking on behalf of the lord, a sacred place, a holy place, a be respectful place, a watch what you do because God is watching place' died right there as the air was coming out of me. After the service I walked out as though I couldn't understand what I had seen all those years, there was no desire to go back. Since that time I have walked into other churches (which I would never have done before and especially not by myself) to see what I had been afraid to try to find but I couldn't make myself fit anywhere and haven't to this day. I am not familiar with the Bible, I have not been taught it and that was some of the lure with the proselytisers, here were people who would take their time to teach me the Bible when no one else was offering that.
Further, the ‘institutionalised religions’ calling themselves Christian are, in so many ways, just about as far from Jesus’ life and teachings as it is possible to get. Owen Waters calls them ‘fear-based religions’ and they have caused more misery on Earth than any other body. If you read Vignette no. 10, ‘An Open Letter,’ in Part 2 of SYFK, which includes Papa’s message to me and Jesus’ message to Olga Park, you will see how the church has misled countless millions of souls for many centuries and are still doing so today.
Dear Brian:
A day or two after 'the storm' correspondence with you I was reading our local paper and happened on this story from John Whitcombe –who had a near death experience that has transformed his perception of life and death. This story convinces me that I should share my story with others this can happen on the HTG Forum page!! because of the help and comfort that this article gave to me and because this guy isn't afraid to say it like it is.
I don't know if I've articulated to you or not or maybe assumed that you knew how much you are helping me along this path. When I read the last two e-mails from you I sat there in stunned silence, haven't responded to you about them because all that would have come out at the time was babbling, mouth open, starting to say something and then about to go 'how can that be' but that phrase - which has been so prominent over the last month or so (how can that be) - won't come out any more, it's gone. It's cool when something leaves, you know it's gone, that you've gone by that point. You have answered my very sought after questions about Jesus and when these answers come in the form of writing so personal that it's as if I'd confided in you everything that I've confided in God (and no one else) then the only response is stunned silence.
You answered sooooo personally in the e-mails that there's no way this isn't the truth. Thanks, Kiddo, it is right from the heart, supported by 40 years of experiencing the real Jesus, in addition to all that happened in previous incarnations and ‘afore time’ (in Heaven, before this one) so I have been very comprehensively tutored and prepared. The interaction that has been going on between me and God, and me not being able to accept the answer from him, he knows I need the 'ground/earth' contact to help me out. Talk about a God who is nothing but love, he gave me what I needed the way I needed to receive it, he knew I wasn't able to accept it from him at this time. Talk about grace! I’ll drink to that! There really are no words to do any of this justice, just a quiet, peaceful realization that God is here and that I am connected. Bullseye.
How do you think that sharing my thoughts with your forum can help? It is your perspective and question(s), with my responses (inspired by the Holy Spirit, of Whose Presence I am often deeply aware when at the keyboard, responding to other people’s questions, or writing the weekly ‘Messages of Encouragement’) that help those with whom the Forum exchanges resonate. The number of people who visit the Forum page (from, now, over 75 countries) tell me this. The church (along with many others who misrepresent Eternal Truth) has caused so much confusion and bewilderment that people don’t know what to believe and are fearful of believing anyone. What you have said, above, about ‘stunned silence’ shows how my tutoring for this work by the real, living Jesus has prepared me well to help such souls to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
After seeing John Whitcombe's story and knowing the help and comfort that his story gave me, it would be my hope that maybe I could provide help and comfort with this interaction with you? Assuredly, this is the case. Do you believe seeing the John Whitcombe article was an accident or coincidence? This is synchronicity, and synchronicity is the norm in the eternal consciousness, so when it starts happening here, in our Earthly lives, it means, for sure, that we are getting on the wavelength. The more we get on the wavelength, the more synchronicity happens, right here.
It is not my intention to bash or downgrade anyone's belief, it may be all they have to hold onto, and something is better than nothing. This is absolutely right. People are where they are because that is where they have arrived at. All the while they are comfortable there, there they will remain, until it is time to move on. Papa knows; we don’t. But He is able to gently, lovingly nudge us along when He knows we are ready, and this often happens with one of those ‘chance’ encounters. My intention is to uplift and bring joy and peace and maybe some comfort and to help people find their God so he can be a part of their life We share a common desire, Sharon; how can saying that a given sectarian belief system is wrong help do this?
I have not said it is wrong, for them or for anyone. What is wrong is proselytising – whether by Catholics or Mormons or Anglicans or Baptists or whoever. It is against cosmic law, the Law of God, to try to persuade someone else to adopt a belief system. It is by ‘walking the walk,’ not talking the talk that persuades others that what we have is for them and they will respond to that if they resonate with it. Then, and only then, is it appropriate to share with that other person the Sweetmeats and New Wine of the Kingdom from our own table. This, from SYFK says it all, especially the bits I have underlined here:
In March 1968, a few days after I had moved into my own flat, there was a knock at the door. I answered it, thinking, ‘This will be for the previous tenants, since nobody knows I am here yet.’ When I opened the door a man and a woman were standing there but said nothing. I interpreted this as surprise on their part to find me there when expecting to be greeted by the previous occupants. Still they said nothing. Then the penny dropped. They were proselytisers, most likely Jehovah’s witnesses. My assumption proved correct and they began their routine. However, I was bursting with the zeal of my own good news. Needless to say, they were not listening to my news and I had no interest in theirs! I had heard it before and it did not resonate with my own experience, which I was so eager to share with any and all comers.
It was a salutary lesson for me and the Master spoke almost immediately the door was closed at their departure. ‘Do not go out looking for people to speak with and share your message; rather, I will bring them to you. For I know the hearts and minds of all and will bring only those who are ready to hear your speaking and will inspire you and give you the words to speak to their hearts.’ Strictly speaking, I had, of course, not gone out looking for them; they had indeed come (or been brought – I was not able to tell which at the first instance) to me but the message of the Master was not to be construed in that most literal of ways. What he was saying is, observe and if a person whose path crosses yours gives some indication to you (it may be unwitting from them but perceivable by you as a sign if you are watchful) that they are ready to hear of the esoteric realities, then and only then, speak more openly of them to the person; further, if that person is ready, the Spirit of Truth will put the words into your mouth that will resonate strongly with the soul of that person.
Later, when I recounted this experience to Olga, she shared with me a message given to her by the Teacher in 1948: ‘…Guard thy tongue: especially to strangers to this way of life and the knowledge and wisdom of the spirit. Give place to the views of others, even though you know them to be in error. Send forth a prayer for such that they may come to the fuller knowledge and the clearer sight.’
On another occasion, the Teacher said to Olga, ‘Your heart outruns your head. You may stand at the cross-roads of life, and offer your good things to them that inquire but run not down every alley pressing them upon the halt, the maimed and the blind; for think you that your treasures will, as if by some magic, create in them a new set of values? You know within yourself that it is not possible, for it is contrary to spiritual law. As the Master taught, so we know -- to him that hath shall be added.’
What you have written in red (above) could be very helpful to many, many others. I do assure you that you are not alone in this experience. Pasted here is an extract from SYFK (Vignette 10 in Part 2). I have underlined a part near the end that applies to this context but the rest is background that I believe will be helpful for you because you say you are not familiar with the Bible:
In 1967 Olga wrote a treatise on the messages of the ascended Christ to the ‘seven churches of Asia’ (Revelation chapters 1, 2 & 3) in which she states that these messages are not just to be perceived as to seven congregations dotted around what is now Turkey at the time that John wrote of these manifestations but applicable also to 7 phases of the church during the period from that time through the entire Christian Era. This treatise posits that two of these churches, Philadelphia and Laodicea are applicable simultaneously to these times and actually describe two very different churches:
The one, Laodicea, is ‘lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, believes itself to be rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, whereas it is in fact wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked, so the Lord counsels it to buy of him gold tried in the fire, that they may be rich; and white raiment, that they may be clothed, and that the shame of their nakedness do not appear; and anoint their eyes with eyesalve, that they may see.’ Further, Jesus says that because they are lukewarm he would spew them out of his mouth.
To the other, Philadelphia, Jesus says he has set before them an open door, that no man can shut: for they have a little strength, and have kept his word, and have not denied his name; that he will bring others who are false believers to learn of them; will keep them from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world; counsels them to hold fast to that which they have, that no man take their crown; to those that ‘overcome’ he will make pillars in the temple of God, will write upon them the name of God, and the name of the city of God, and also his own, new name.
Clearly there is much symbolism here but the differences are that Jesus has a diatribe against Laodicea and praise and encouragement for Philadelphia.
It is obvious to the objective observer that the institutionalised church of today is perfectly described by Jesus as Laodicea and that Philadelphia is those congregations and individuals who have kept their love for Jesus and their earnest desire for the Kingdom alive in their hearts, regardless of whatever is going on within the institutionalised, denominational churches; have not allowed themselves to become blinded with rules and regulations and petty arguments; that where necessary, they have abandoned ‘Laodicea’ in favour of ‘free’ churches/congregations and home worship (entering into their closets); kept their loyalty to Jesus first and refused resolutely to let Laodicea stand between them and Jesus.
If a person is a ‘citizen of Laodicea’ and decides that that is no longer where he wishes to be, it is entirely possible to ‘emigrate to Philadelphia’ simply by the act of so choosing and making the ‘consciousness shift.’ Jesus said to the Laodiceans:
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear... (Rev. 3:20-22).
There is a groundswell of ‘emigration’ actually taking place now, in these climactic times in the events of world spiritual evolution, encouraged by the Creator Spirit, who says: Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Rev. 18:4)
Would-be émigrés will be enheartened by the knowledge that Philadelphia is a substantially plague-free zone.
It is, of course, spiritually that the (Laodicean) church of today is lukewarm and it is spiritually that the church is ‘wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.’ This has happened because the church has become institutionalised and the purpose of an institution is to perpetuate itself. That is when the original objectives of its leaders, who have become lost in a mire of rules and regulations and administrators and petty politics and power struggles, are there to perpetuate the institution rather than to be motivated by the fire of spiritual zeal for the great desire of Jesus: the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (which is never mentioned in today’s institutionalised churches because issues such as the ordination of women and homosexuality have become the consuming issues, bogging the institution down in sidetracking detail rather than maintaining their focus on the Principles of Life of the Father, which will keep souls in the Earth life on the right path – the Path of Spiritual Progress - through the maze of detail and on course toward our destination – the Kingdom).
We are in the time on the cosmic clock when institutionalised religion has run its course (the second measure of meal) and has no spiritual role to play in the Kingdom Age because we are all being awakened to the remembrance that we are, as Jesus was and is, one with the Father (of course we are all doing this at our own individual pace and most will take many more incarnations during this next 2k years, but we are at the beginning of a mass awakening right now). Intermediaries are unnecessary when we remember that we are Papa's offspring and that is what is on the agenda right now in the GRP (Great Rescue Plan).
Of course the institutionalised church (this includes what we know as sects like RC, Anglican, Baptist, etc, Mormon, JW and many others) will continue for a long time to come but their influence is waning and will continue to wane as people awaken from their own within. The institutionalised church does not welcome that awakening because it is a Gnostic, mystical, spiritual, esoteric process and they do not understand it, so they fear it.
None of this is of any concern to Papa or Jesus and it need be of no concern to us because each of us who is awakening is/will be looking forward, with single vision, toward the reality of the Kingdom which is manifesting from within the life and consciousness of each soul who is awakening.
Institutionalised religion functions in the psychic consciousness (through the body) and the nature of the psychic consciousness is retrograde, downwards and backwards, referring only to history (the Bible, etc) for its lead. That has been serviceable up to a point because of Jesus and the things he said 2k years ago are still applicable today as they are of the eternal consciousness.
Where this becomes unserviceable is: the church has been tampering with the original records and altered, added to and deleted what was not serving their own, hidden agendas, so it is very hard for unawakened souls to know what Jesus actually said and what has been added/altered and attributed to him; they have added ever-increasing new rules and regulations, dogmas and doctrines, burying the congregants in a mire of convoluted, complex 'do this, don't do that' instructions that have nothing to do with the Kingdom of Heaven, which is uncomplicated.
Of course, none of these institutions wishes to be told these home truths and most are resolute in their determination not to listen or align themselves with spiritual reality. That's fine; I do not see it as my 'job' to tell them but I am committed to helping individuals who have become bogged-down, bewildered, lost, confused by involvement with them but are now ready to awaken and move forward. That has been the case already with many visitors to the HTG website and readers of SYFK. My earnest hope is that more will benefit and this is where the Forum page can be of service, by posting exchanges such as this.
Many blessings, always,
The following exchange was posted on February 16th 2007
As usual, Brian, good pep talk, where is the check book and the travel tickets? God Wanted to Know what it would be like to be Non-God and it got out of control. Exposing Him means joining him, not executing silly rites and uttering enchanting prayers...
God Wanted to Know what it would be like to be Non-God; hence he created all creatures who Know-Not Who or What they are, nevertheless they remain transparent to the Father;Jesus and other Folk broke through the blindness, and in Earth's Reality, that is taken as a serious blasphemy, pretty well in every earthly faith; the utter Irony being that uttering the Truth of Ones Being is a Provocative Act to the Authorities Worldwide. Very adequately documented!
God allows himself two safety harnesses as security while He functions as a creature rather than the Creator in order not to totally forget his True Being; which is what Hell really means ;;these safety nets would ultimately remind him of the way home.
What are they? these two features of life, (or as many as you deem wise are): Then are: holy men and sex. It is not linear logic; it is something just slightly hidden from immediate sight but not totally hidden by establishment religions, who value family life, support of culture and religious ceremonials in their vast variety, holy family, the nuggets of civilization, all resting on sexual expressions and sublimations.
God juggles the enigmas throughout eternity ; thousands of created variants; it is best to see it through as many eyes as one can and thus share the view with our Father.
One is monitored from above for Ones Sincerity; knowledge or truth depends on the circumstances; decency is the water that goes with every pill that life demands that we swallow..
Hi Bill,
I regret I have not had opportunity to read all that you have sent but I am most grateful for your words of thanks and encouragement.
There seem to be two somewhat opposing views on the separation: One, that Papa wanted to experience being, as you say, non-God. This is rather the view presented in Neale Walsch's writings. It makes a lot of sense, and I resonate with most of the Conversations with God writings, although there are some apparent inconsistencies in it and the last three or 4 books lost my attention somewhat. The last one of all made little or no sense to me and was not in harmony with my own experiences.
The other, which one could say is the opposite view, is the ACIM version, supported by Gary Renard's writings. That is that the Father, the Creator Spirit, the Source of all, Papa, had nothing to do with the creation of the 'physical' universe; that it is is all an illusion that exploded into being as the result of a momentary thought by the Son (of God) to head out on his own (the parable of the prodigal son describes this) - i.e. the separation - and brought about the ego, upside-down, insane half of our mind, which is all the aspects of us that are the opposite of everything that characterises God. This has become mythologised by institutionalised religion as Satan and this is a characteristic of the separation consciousness, - to project all the apparent guilt, fear and shame for our apparent separation from the Father onto anyone or anything but our self because it is too much of a burden to bear. I have seen the effects of this at fairly close quarters so know how much people can get into denial of their own experiences as a result of guilt and fear.
With Papa there are things that seem irreconcilable to our earth minds but in fact are possible in the eternal consciousness and there are things we accept as 'truth' in the relative world that are actually impossible in the eternal consciousness (like being separate from Him, for example; the sooner we forget that idea the better we will be).
Of the two apparently opposite views, I am more and more resonant with the latter. There are three reasons for this. The first is that it ultimately makes more sense to me, although it took a while for some of it to settle comfortably. The second is that the channelling author of ACIM, which I have not a shred of doubt is Jesus of Nazareth, says so many things in ACIM that are in harmony with what the living Jesus has been saying to me since 1967 and in such a similar style of speaking and language use (although I had never read a word of ACIM until the last 14 months or so). Third, and of perhaps the greatest importance, is the mystical experiences Theresa and I have when we are reading/studying ACIM. Papa, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are with us, enlightening us and giving us revelationary illumination of so much from ACIM. Assuredly, this could not be happening if we were not attuning with the wavelength of the Most High at such times. One could hardly be reading antiChrist stuff and be attuned to the Realms of Light at the same time.
There are those - either fundamentalist, legalist, literalist, religionists or atheists - who would say this is not actually happening as we say it is, or we are attuned to antiChrist and are being deceived by the enemy. Only those who have no mystical experience of the living Jesus, and whose religious (as distinct from spiritual) understanding is at the level of intellect only, can make statements about something of which they have no experience. Anyone who has had a mystical encounter with he who has all power in Heaven and earth (Mt. 28:18) will know of a total certainty, beyond all doubt, who it is they have encountered. For those who have not had such an encounter to then say that he who has had such an encounter has not, or that it was 'the deceiver,' is mistaken. It is folk such as this who then accuse the experiencer of blasphemy and apostasy and want to cast them out of the 'body of the church.'
As stated in SYFK: ...Such a seeker will experience there (in his own within) a peace and joy not of this Earth and will awaken to eternal realities that will place him in the perception that the congregational churches are no longer able to be the source or channel of his spiritual sustenance because he will have outgrown them. He will also find that they will have no desire to hear of his inward, mystical experiences.
Indeed, people who have, and wish to share, such wondrous, mystical experiences of Eternal Reality with church officials or even most of their fellow congregants, are perceived as anathema in such circles. Theresa and I have experienced this and I have had letters from people who have also been made persona non-grata by their former church colleagues when they started having mystical experiences.
But, as Jesus reminds us, 'Nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed' and any attempts by institutionalised religion to suppress what is being outpoured on the consciousness of God's children by their Heavenly Father, will place them further and further in outer darkness, or what Olga described as being 'on the outside, looking in.' Seriously dyed in the wool fundamentalists will become more and more set in their ways and antagonistic toward change or acceptance of the now dawning, Kingdom Age Reality. In a sense they will be like Pharaoh, hardening his heart toward Moses' appeals to him to 'Let my people go,' when faced with increasing evidence that he (Pharaoh) was clearly out of synch. with reality.
Of course their numbers will continue to diminish as their dogmas and doctrines are seen by more and more of the populace to be the meaningless sham that they are. However, the good news is that souls who end an incarnation in that recalcitrant mode will have a chance to review their position once they awaken in the etheric realms and that will then present them with an opportunity to re-incarnate in circumstances that will enable them to awaken from their previously unbending posture. That happened notably with a high church dignitary called Monsignor Hugh Benson, who was the son of a former Archbishop of Canterbury, and who vehemently campaigned to suppress mysticism in the early 20th century. When he passed over and awoke to the truth, he was so mortified at his earth-life activities that he sought and received opportunity to channel a series of books called 'Life in the World Unseen,' by Anthony Borgia.
Since the third measure of meal is 2000 years in duration, that will avail them of adequate chances to awaken to the lack of necessity to approach God and Jesus through an institution that belongs to a former epoch and that claims to be Jesus' representative on Earth, even though almost nothing of their structure, creeds and behaviour are out of his mould, and that if they actually follow the counsel of Jesus to go alone into their closet, then they will have untrammelled, direct access to God and Jesus, in fulfilment of Jesus' words from Jn. 14:23 - 'If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him.'
Truly, the Great Plan is infallible and unstoppable. Assuredly, this is the most exciting time in the history of humanity. What a joy and blessing to be here for it, right now.
Please explain your question: 'Where is the check book and travel tickets?' ;-)
The following exchange was posted on February 14th 2007
It is 3:43 am here. My goodness, are you on nightshift or are you a very early riser!? Your journal entry came in just as I was logging in. What a gift! Once again, Jesus words to you spoken in 1995 were just as if he was speaking directly to me, addressing my concerns, answering my unspoken questions. This sounds bizarre to our Earth minds but this is, precisely, what is actually happening. This is explained by Jesus’ oft’ used statement that ‘The message is to he (or she) who receives it.’ What this is telling us is that whoever is on the wavelength of the meaning of the message, it will speak to them specifically, because they are at the place where it is right for them.
This is what I have been saying about the HTG website all along: that although the various messages and experiences have been received and recorded by me, I am a messenger of them, to convey them to any and all for whom they resonate at the soul level. That is why sharing, which the HTG site enables me to do, is so fulfilling for me, because I am here to be a messenger of this wondrous reality, which most of us in the Earthly life have forgotten. Helping my fellows, or brethren, to use another of Jesus’ words, to remember, as is happening with you, is the most soul-fulfilling thing any of us can undertake. Ask Jesus; that is what he is doing and look at the high he is on!!
This week, I have been churned up about a family issue, struggling to get out of the “horizontal” thought patterns to reach the upper (vertical) levels of consciousness. The ‘Message of encouragement’ last week (Feb. 7th) was on this very topic; did you see it? I hope it was helpful. Your words today reemphasize that I have the ability to do so....I've been using Avatar exercises I am not familiar with these. and the ACIM workbook exercises to help me...i.e., “My mind is part of God's. I am very holy. My holiness envelopes the world. My holiness blesses the world. There is nothing my holiness cannot do. My holiness is my salvation.” This has been my mantra. Yes, well may they be, for they are immeasurably powerful and empowering. I can only wholeheartedly commend any and all to them. Possibly because this is as far as I’ve gotten in the workbook: Through lesson 39. The further you progress, the more empowered you will feel and in due course, become.
You have mentioned previously Olga's tool of “attunement”....and I have resisted it. Most of humanity, labouring under the yoke of ego-mind contrariness, resists that which is of Eternity because it wants to perpetuate the illusion of the time and place experience, which is the only place ego has any existence. Look at the lies, treachery, cover-ups, duplicity that go on in ‘the corridors of power’ in places like London and Washington for extreme examples. Yet, once the desire of right-mindedness takes the reins, even if only for a moment, in such a matter as you cite, our Soul, or Big Self, resonates so strongly with ‘the peace that passeth all understanding’ that we then are able to say to our self, ‘Why did I resist that experience for so long, when it was actually so joyous, uplifting, enlightening, restorative?’
I do so much want to commune with the lord and be at one with God. That is because such a state of being is who we all really are and Papa’s love is drawing us Home to Him; we are feeling it in our very essence and it is starting to awaken us from the dream (or nightmare). I know now that it is part of the one-pointed commitment that will help me not be distracted by ego (like what I've been going through this week).
The ‘tool of attunement’ acts like an anchor, enabling us to hold fast in the face of tempests (which ego is very good at generating) of heart and mind. It takes time but my dear (new) friend, Keith, who has now been using this tool of attunement for 197 consecutive days, has affirmed to me that it has totally transformed his life. He is sending me an update of how this has happened even more since he and I last communicated. I should have that tomorrow and will perhaps post it on the Forum page. Meanwhile, you might wish to refer to an exchange I had with Keith that was posted on the Forum page on November 2nd 2006. But even more inspiring were Jesus' words!
…every step, every inch of the Way, is filled with wonder and joy and experience for your upliftment, your strengthening, your edification, your delectation, from He who is the Source of Life, of Love, of fulfilment.
Once again, spoken directly to me! Alleluia! Synchronicity, again!
Thank you, Jesus, my friend and dear brother for your everlasting love for Brian and for all of us. What can I say but ‘Amen’?
Yes, Brian. Truly all is well. Gloriously, wondrously so, Dear Rosa,
Rosa Brian
The following exchange was posted on February 7th 2007
Hi Brian, Hi A,
it's been a while, thanks so much for your advice, you are a very wise man. Thanks for renewing contact and for your kind words. As you know, encouragement is always uplifting and strengthening.
regarding the last email i sent you, ( about my marriage) i think it's time to move on. I can't do it anymore, i feel terrible as i don't want to hurt anyone but i can't live like this anymore. This situation is always distressing; the shattering of a vase. But see today’s Diary entries (June 5th 1994) about the shattering of vases. The Master Jesus has always said to Olga and me, ‘Grieve not for the shattering of any vase.’ That is because he is the Master Potter and a new vase is already turning on the wheel of life. That new vase is YOU, A, and he will take the best fragments from the old, shattered vase, and incorporate them into the new one, for its embellishment and strengthening and to create an even more beautiful and serviceable vase than the old one.
I feel like i cannot be myself at all as my husband is very judgemental about what is right and wrong and i just don't agree at all. That is a clear enough signal that it is time to move on. It is always good to read and decide on these sort of signals, which are, effectively, from your own inner Self; your soul.
I love him but i am not in love with him anymore and i feel if i can live on my own with the kids, our lives will be a lot happier and positive. In time i think M will be happier too. What gives me heart about this situation is your very positive attitude. This is massively important for your own mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing in what is and will be for a while, as you proceed through the separation process, a stressful and testing time for you all. Your positive attitude and strength will be what your little ones need and will be an immeasurable help for them in this transitional stage.
Although i really am ready to go, i can't help feeling guilty and selfish, am i doing the right thing or should i stay and bear it for everyone else? Above all, do not allow guilt to take a hold or affect your decision-making processes. By all means, ask yourself if what you are doing is the right/best thing for all. I believe you already know the answer to that. It will, ultimately, be the best thing also for M. Then act according to the answer to that question, kicking guilt into touch. If you let it play any part in this it will only be a negative and water-muddying part. Be aware that any sadness is regret that the situation has come to this place; but regret should never be confused with, or allowed to become, guilt Would Papa and Jesus approve? A, Papa and Jesus love you unequivocally, totally, and are with you, caring for, upholding you every single moment. Judgement forms absolutely no part whatsoever of their feelings for you; or for M. I feel their love for you as I type this and it is welling me up. Take it, receive it, allow it to enter your heart and strengthen you, as assuredly it will.
It is important that you retain your own sovereign power over your own life in a situation like this. Being pleasantly assertive without stridency or aggression will achieve a good balance in your exchanges with M.
I know you have not asked me this question but it has been very much on my mind since your message arrived, so I feel prompted to say it: When you announce your decision to M I dare say it will be a big shock to him. If he sees that you are committed to this decision (which must be your approach to the matter) it could shock him into a state of wakefulness about your relationship and his negative attitude and effect a genuine change in him. I do not feel that should be adequate cause for you to relent and reverse your decision. The only way you - and he - will find out if such a change is real and lasting is to go through with the separation. There will be ongoing contact with him on a regular basis because of the children and you will be able to tell, over a period of time, whether he is a changed man. Then, and only then, listen to your heart about whether you desire to be back with this new, metamorphosed M. Do not let glib promises about change sway you (I know you wouldn’t anyway!)
Your advice would be greatly appreciated but only if you have time, i know how busy you are! A, there may not always be ‘time’ but a willing spirit always enables opportunity ;-)
Thanks Brian You are and will be always in my heart and often on my mind as you take this courageous step forward. So will it be also with Jesus. How good is that!? Many blessings to you all, Brian
The following exchanges were posted on January 23rd 2007
Dear Brian, Hi Ted, great to hear from you; thank you for sharing. I have made some comments in blue type against your message. Please see below.
I hope and trust that all is well with you. Wonderfully well; the same with you, I guess, from your message. I mainly just wanted to say hello and keep in contact, but there is also something I would like to share with you.
As you already know, ever since my "I Am" experience I have realized the all importance of love, but for the most part my experiences of love had been inconsistent, resulting in many heartbreaking experiences. This is how it is in this ego-mind realm. Good job Jesus is at the helm, to restore us to right-mindedness and the Kingdom. Last spring I took it upon myself to figure out once and for all the secret of love. Boy, you don't believe in small projects, do you! After a spring and summer full of internal experiments, many of which proved to be disastrous, I figured out a way to generate love. It is as follows:
1. Love myself deep down inside, beyond personality 10/10, perfect. ACIM reminds us that without this we cannot love our fellows because there is only one of us. You were more than half way there.
2. Think of someone
3. Think about how the presence of self in me is the same presence of self in the other person. This completes the process. 100%
While doing this I can really feel a powerful love, but it only works effectively on fellow humans, so out if it I evolved this method of loving:
1. Love myself
2. Think of loving whatever else it is that I want to Love. Do you have a dog? Dog is God in reverse and dogs are a mirror-image of God. Unconditional love. If you have had the companionship of a dog you will see Papa's life and love in its eyes and know of a certainty that Papa is in everything, is the very essence of everything, whether us, His children or any other aspect of His Creation.
This method seems ridiculously simple That's how it is with Papa for the amount of toil that I went through to figure it out. A wonderful learning curve and opportunity and now no-one can tell you otherwise; you know of a certainty beyond all doubt because you have experienced it. This has equipped you for helping many of your brethren to the Kingdom within. Alleluia.
Irregardless, it has been well worth it That is all that matters. The most important thing to me is love. It is the only thing that makes life spectacular for me. In order to figure this out, I had to leave behind all other spiritual and religious writings, as well as other peoples experiences. That was an essential part of the process and is because the truth is within YOU and everyone else's truth is theirs, not yours (unless you resonate with it and it naturally becomes yours by spontaneous adoption. It was not that I doubted them, but none of them really answered my question or solved my problem. How do you love unconditionally under any circumstance? We have been as far from that as it is possible to get, within the separation consciousness, and it is/has been a long, hard road back. This is why this is the best, most wondrous time in history, because Jesus has been leading us back and we are now nearly there.
My dedication to love is even greater than my dedication to truth, although I would like to believe that they go hand in hand. It is hard to envision that as being anything but impossible. Truth as I have experienced it though was only a lonely experience that led me to realize the Importance of love. One without the other doesn't compute, does it?
Another very surprising realization has accompanied my figuring out of how to generate love. I have found that love expands and grows through division, I do not know if you have read ACIM but the word used there is "extension." By this he means extending our love, our giving, to our fellows and that by so doing it becomes more, not less. Ultimately, when we love all creation, then we become One with it but that is a state of being that most of us are not able yet to comprehend. not by collecting everything into an indistinguishable mass
of divine energy as I previously had thought. It seems the more I separate and divide things in my thinking, the more possibilities open up and the more my love grows. This has been inconsistent with most of the things I have read about, but nonetheless it has been wonderful. By the division and separation of things (as well as certain blending), endless
artistic creation can go out through infinity, but by mixing ALL of the paints together, it is not much of a view. Of course in order to keep things harmonious, the law of love must be obeyed, otherwise it will just be chaos.
May love enfold you throughout eternity, I feel the sincerity of your words. Thank you so much Ted. It is greatly cherished. I return the blessing, lasered. thank you for your sincere effort to help us blind ones. Ted, we have all been blind but truly your single eye is opening to the truth of eternity, which is love. Full circle.
Ted RoachMany blessings and heartfelt love,
Love is the alchemy which turns the ordinary into the
amazing. True indeed
Dear Brian, Hi Ted, Great to hear from you, as always. You have such thoughtful things to say; clearly you are a man of deep and penetrating perception, whereas the vast mass of humanity is still deeply asleep, with no light of spiritual discernment. The good news is that all this is in the process of undergoing a major metamorphosis and we are blessed to be participant in that process, in this moment of eternity.
Thank you for your wonderful comments. Towards the end of my last email I spoke of division and separation. I did actually, partly, address this, in the previous sentence. The cause of many misperceptions is imprecise terminology. You have used the word ‘divide’ whereas Jesus (in ACIM) uses the word ‘extend’ – one might substitute the word ‘share’ but somehow, extend, for me anyway, is more meaningful. As for ‘separate,’ I know what you are trying to say here but unfortunately, this word is so widely used in referring to the ‘separation consciousness’ that it is likely to be misconstrued by many within the context that you are endeavouring to express. I was hoping you might have something more to offer on this.
What I am trying to say is that I recognize the source from where we came and I have love for that source, but what really seems to make my heart overflow is thinking about how we (not just me and you, but everyone) are all individuals but we are connected at the source, and the same life flows through us all. 20-20 vision, Ted. It seems to me that love is not totally complete through oneness and it is even less complete through only individualization. However, through a combination of both, I rejoice that I am part of a divine kinship in which there is no end. From this mindset eternity seems ever expanding and limitless in its creativity.
I believe this is about as far as we, from our time and place, Earth-life perspective, are able to comprehend this aspect of Eternity, unless and until we receive (individually, in response to asking) a revelatory experience from the Holy Spirit. What you say is, at the present moment, my understanding also, but I have a feeling in my bones that when we arrive at a more elevated perspective, we will become aware that this is actually only true from where we are looking at it so far and that the reality will be something beyond our present comprehension, and that will be changed, or augmented somewhat by revelatory experience. Meanwhile, our journey back Home to Papa continues one step at a time. It is a bit like tectonic plate movement: we remain where we are in understanding but some things are happening somewhere deep in our consciousness; this starts to build pressure and suddenly, a revelatory experience causes a shift in our awareness and we undergo something of a shake-up in our understanding of Eternity. That shake-up eventually settles and we find our self in a new place.
It brings great joy to my heart contemplating it. Much more joy than contemplating returning to the beginning and staying there forever in isolated oneness. I can understand why you should feel that way because part of me feels that way also. However, as discussed above, I have a feeling that this is limited vision. A few years ago, Papa wakened me in the night and we had a conversation which was also an experiencing, for me, of what was being said. We were talking about moving into the Togetherness and through that state of awareness/being into the Oneness. I have written about this in SYFK, chapter 11. Here is the extract, for your reference:
After the experience of entering the parlour for afternoon tea with Papa, I was not sure where I went from there and contemplated this very carefully for some time. Although I knew this event was the ‘entering in’ to the Holy of Holies, the question was: What happens then? And the answer at which I have arrived is that the Holy of Holies is, in a greater sense, not just a place but a state of being into which one enters, as a Citizen of the Kingdom of God and in which one is able to come and go freely, but whether in or out, one remains a citizen of the Kingdom just as a citizen of a country on Earth is a citizen of that country whether in it or travelling abroad at any given moment. I realised that entering into the Holy of Holies is entering into ‘the Togetherness’ with the Creator Spirit and that after the initial entry process and the period of adjustment that takes place after such a magnificent, wondrous event, one’s awareness emerges into a further state of being and that is that even more than being in the Togetherness, one is a part of ‘the Oneness.’ This is part of the cosmic-consciousness ‘process’ and our own, Earth-mind-conscious self-will (ego), action or determination plays no part in it.* It is in response to the desire of our heart and soul that we are drawn by the Creator Spirit, one step at a time, at a pace with which we are comfortable, able to assimilate the meaning of the process and remain in a state of peace, harmony and balance.
These are terms that hardly describe the reality and the awesome meaningfulness behind it but it may help to think in terms of ‘the Togetherness’ as being in the presence of another person; you are you, ‘here’ and they are they, ‘there’ – even if ‘here’ and ‘there’ are not very far apart, such as two lovers, totally enwrapped in each other, physically, emotionally and spiritually but still being two individuals, having separate and distinct identities and personas, engaging harmoniously and even rapturously with each other. Being in ‘the Oneness’ is a conscious awareness that there is no difference, no distance, no separateness between oneself and the universal, omnipresent, eternal Creator Spirit; that ‘His’ consciousness is your consciousness, indivisibly One. One has access to it at all times, is a part of it and yet there is no part of it which oneself is not; no part of it that is withheld from oneself because one is the ‘One-Self.’
Yet, even more amazing and difficult to find words to describe is the fully conscious awareness that this does not effect a ‘loss of one’s individuated Self.’ Cessation of awareness of oneself as ‘I am Brian’ - or Theresa, or whoever - does not take place, even as it clearly did not take place with Jesus, although its importance to the one having the experience becomes subliminal, of no concern, because one has moved from the Adamic consciousness, ‘Red Earth’ (ego) end of the spiritual spectrum to the ‘Blue Heaven’ (Self-realised or ‘God-filled’) end. There is no reason or cause for fear at this, at ‘losing one’s identity;’ this process is not about becoming less but about becoming more. At all times one is, henceforward, part of the Oneness but always free, also, to go out from it; just as being British means one is British whether in Britain or outside Britain. One’s ‘Britishness’ does not cease to be, once outside Britain – at least not unless one chooses for it to be so. That remains one’s free choice, always.
This is who we are. Each and every living soul, incarnate or excarnate. So when Jesus said ‘I and my Father are one,’ (Jn 10:30), it was entirely true for him but it is also true for all of us. Jesus remembered this truth but most of the rest of us have forgotten it. He was fully God-filled, having travelled the path to Oneness. We are some way back on that same path, in a state of varying degrees of forgetfulness about who we really are (Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: 1Jn 3:2). Jesus came to remind us. Will we choose to remember or will we choose to remain clothed, or even bound, in conditioning that denies us our reality by stating that we are all separate from ‘God’ because we are all ‘sinners’ and have fallen short of the mark in the sight of God? That is like saying a young child has been ‘naughty’ and therefore must be thrown out of its parents’ house and banished forever, no longer ‘worthy’ of its parents’ love and acceptance. Is this proper parental behaviour? How much more will our Heavenly Father continue to love us unconditionally regardless of our mistakes, or misperceptions? If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? Lk 11:11-13.
*It is made totally clear in ‘A Course in Miracles’ (ACIM) that the ego is the upside-down part of our mind that came into being as a result of a delusory attempt to separate our self from our Heavenly Father. Of course it is impossible to be separate from God because He is the Essence, the Source, the Origin of Life, Creativity, Consciousness that occupies every cubic centimetre of the universe – in fact ALL universes – and that keeps us and all things in this world operational.
The separation is, therefore, an illusion but very real-seeming to those of us in the Earth life who see the ‘physical’ universe – including their own bodies – as the reality, the truth, the actuality for them.
According to ACIM the upside-down half of our mind (not brain) is the antithesis of all that characterises the Creator Spirit (unconditional Love) and manifests in our Earth-life character as negative, accusatory, judgemental, comparative, critical, spiteful, attacking, fearful, manipulative, self-serving. This is the ‘true’ ‘Satan’ as characterised in religious mythology. Until humanity is able to metamorphose from its self-perception as a ‘caterpillar’ into a soaring ‘butterfly,’ all those qualities will continue to manifest in the Earth-dimension of human consciousness.
‘Ego-mind’ is very powerful, deceiving, and breaking free of it is possible only, first, by desiring it and second, by accepting the help of Papa God, the Holy Spirit and the first ‘butterfly,’ Jesus (all three of whom act in unison, as One Mind, One Consciousness). That requires a shift of perception from the ‘I will’ of ego-mind to the ‘I AM’ awareness of eternity.
This is no more possible for the human intellect than it is for the intellect of a caterpillar to effect its own metamorphosis into a butterfly. It is nothing to do with intellect but is of the Life Force. The caterpillar, led by the drawing power (which is Love) of the Life Force (‘God’) withdraws from its previous activity and is dissolved, at a cellular, molecular level, then reconstructed in its true form as the butterfly it always truly was, is and will be.
This allegory is equally true, at a metaphysical, mystical, spiritual, esoteric level (the true, eternal reality) for God’s Children: US.
We have to be willing (that is, desire) to allow Him to lead us in this process, accomplish this for us, because He has endowed us with free will and He never withdraws that free will and imposes upon us what we are unwilling to receive.
This is the only real challenge facing humanity today and all the other perceived challenges stem from failure to recognise this real challenge – actually, opportunity - and embrace it, totally.
Fortunately for us, Jesus does recognise this and is implementing the Great Programme, the Great Rescue Plan for us all, (including those of us who have no awareness of it or refuse - through ego-mind dominance - to recognise it) empowered for this by the Source of All, our Heavenly Father. Resisting it is, as ego-mind humanity is experiencing, noticeably less comfortable and noticeably more fearful, painful and destructive. Co-operating with him and the Plan will enable this more quickly and more comfortably. We are at free choice, every moment.
Also, when I separate the parts and pieces of things around me, it seems to have more of an opposite effect. I can see how things are connected, rather than just taking for granted that everything is one. As I read these words I was instantly prompted to say, 'This is how you are seeing it with your Earthly sight.' Truly everything IS connected, even when seen as separate (with our Earthly faculties) but in our Oneness with Papa, the Source of All, we don’t just SEE it, we ARE it. That difference is something far greater than we can take in except by mystical experience of it; only then do we really know what being One with Papa is actually like; until then we can only guess and that guess will be far short of the actuality.
This also invokes an element of intellect that seems necessary for survival and well being, which I had forsaken earlier on my path in the name of oneness. I am not yet entirely clear about the implications of intellect in the context of Eternity but have a strong feeling that intellect is closely tied in with ego and that intellect can lead us on one heck of a wild goose chase, all in the opposite direction to the Kingdom Consciousness, which is spiritual knowing, which is absolute certainty, just as it was with Jesus 2000 years ago. This a certainty beyond intellect. Intellect does not know how to walk on water, raise the ‘dead’ etc. The total certainty of spiritual knowing does.
Can you please clarify what you mean by loving all of creation? Do you mean all natural creation? or does it include mankind’s creation as well? According to ACIM what we perceive as the reality of this world, including our self in a body, is actually an illusion, a dream and has no reality in Eternity at all. When you think that in 1000 years’ time your ‘body’ and mine will have long ceased to exist, along with all trace of our having been here (and 1000 years is nothing in Eternity), it is easy to see how what he says is the reality. It is our God-aware, God-filled Mind and our eternal, indestructible Spirit that are the real us; the real us can make a (dream) universe, world, body, or anything else, because we are imbued with all the Creative Power of He who Created His Holy Son (that’s you, me, Jesus and everyone else). If you read ACIM, ‘Disappearance of the Universe’ and ‘Your Immortal Reality’ you will have a much more expanded understanding of all this (if you are not entirely able to assimilate what I have said here). Therefore, none of this illusory world – including you and I – are actually here but only dreaming we are here. However, anything that we create that is ‘Kingdomly’ – joy, peace, love, blessing etc – are part of Eternity because they are beneficial to ALL. Anything that is not part of Eternity (beneficial to all) is not part of Papa’s Creation and will fade away in time. Since time is also an illusion and will come to an end when we have all been restored to the Eternal consciousness, nothing that is dependent upon time for its – perceived – ‘existence’ is real at all. or just mankind’s constructive creation? and if so, what about mankinds constructive creation that seems to have a destructive effect on nature? I believe all this covered above but let me know if you are unclear about it ;-)
There is so much recorded material out there of people’s experiences that sounds good and feels good to read, but when put earnestly into action it does not produce results. I have loved all that is. I have loved all of creation. Jesus reminds us that there are only two ‘commandments’ – perhaps guidelines is a better term, since Papa does not command us – Love Papa and love our neighbour as (because he is) our Self. If we forget about all creation in the sense of undergoing a striving to love it all (one because it is all an illusion of our own making and 2 because with Papa there is no striving; how can we strive for what we already have?) we can more readily move into the place of being love, because loving is a state of being rather than an act of doing. I have tried many different combinations of them, and I am still just this dude in Alaska slowly creeping along in my eternal advancement who realizes that love is what makes life great. That sounds Elysian to me.
Some suggest that evil is just the opposite polarity of good, and that it is natural. It is only ‘natural’ in the relative world – which as discussed above, is a dream, an illusion and not part of Eternity. Evil has no existence in Eternity. ‘Evil’ is simply an absence of Light, and Eternity – God, the Kingdom of Heaven, the real US – are all Light. All the rest is an illusion. This is why Jesus said ‘for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.’ (Jn. 14:30) In my experience though, evil has been the path of least resistance that produces undesirable results in one’s life, extremely astute observation beckoning them to leave old ways behind So it might appear, but ‘Satan,’ (ego-mind) is the great deceiver and actually keeps us on the hook by illusory promises that ensnare the unwary and move on to the endless greater things that lay ahead of them, like unconditional love and its fruits. More than anything it seems to me as just an elementary phase of being in which very hard lessons are learned.
If we have chosen the hard path, the illusory path, the path of forgetfulness, the path of knowledge of good and evil, (which almost all of us on Earth have done), the lessons are always hard learned and painful. That is why it is a very serviceable thing to our wellbeing to place ourselves in the loving, protective care of Jesus because he has trodden the path, knows the ropes and is empowered to look after us and lead us on the Way back to Papa. I tell you this not, any longer, from a place of faith but from a place of certain knowing. Any reluctance to so espouse oneself is ego at work. Ego definitely does not want this because it is the slippery slope to the end for ego. I realize that some of this does not have much to do with your story, and I apologize for that, but this is where I am at. No apologies needed. This is not about my story but about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, which is everybody’s story. If I am able to bring some helpful observations to you and others, that is another step for us all toward the Kingdom, where we can share joyful fellowship for all Eternity. You have been on this earth much longer than I. I appreciate any help that you attempt to share with others and myself. But most of all, I appreciate your company in eternity.
May love always be ever expanding in your life,
Ted Roach
I speak on behalf of my dogs also, who I'm sure send their love as well. Ted, you say the most spontaneously kind and caring things. That indicates how far along the Path you are. I know you will never give up because you are already seeing the Light. Alleluia.
The following exchange was posted on January 11th 2007
I’m glad you addressed the issue of the “Gnostics” who didn’t even call themselves by that term and were very diverse in their beliefs and customs. The brutal suppression of these sects of people who communed with Christ in their homes, allowed women to be priests, focused on experience rather than belief, and kept the true focus on Jesus’ teaching on love and forgiveness alive despite the hierarchy of the church, is a legacy the church has not yet confronted. I have studied the Gnostics over the years and find the work of scholar Elaine Pagels to be the best. You might wish to look at her book The Gnostic Gospels, and Beyond Belief (on the Gospel of Thomas) sometime.
We are in a blizzard here, having had freakish weather all winter due to global warming.
Dear Susan,
Thanks so much for your comments; you obviously know a great deal about this subject and your input is greatly appreciated.
The church has a very great deal to confront if it is to outwork its many centuries of karmic imbalance and be restored to Oneness with the Christ consciousness. But, of course, ultimately, the church is comprised of individuals, both in its congregations and its clerics, and each soul awakens, when it decides the time is right so to do, individually.
Olga always said we only enter the Kingdom as individuals, not in the crowd. In other words, we cannot sneak in as part of a congregation that accepts what their church says, but according to our individual readiness, belief and understanding of eternity. Since the church has suppressed any esoteric, mystical, spiritual, metaphysical information that has come its way and has told its congregants that they must also eschew such on pain of eternal punishment, those individuals within the various church institutions who have, out of fear, adhered to their church’s admonitions, will find themselves, like the 5 foolish virgins, out of oil to keep the lamps of their spiritual awareness illuminated when the bridegroom appears.
Of course, the bridegroom has already appeared and because they are out of oil, they have not the light of spiritual discernment to see him. Such individuals are faced with the choice of either abandoning their adherence to someone else’s doctrines (the blind leading the blind) and entering alone into their closet for mystical communing with Jesus, or they will have to reincarnate and hopefully be led by someone who, by that time, is not blind and can help them forward on the path instead of round for yet another circuit on the carousel.
Thanks for the info about Elaine Pagels.
We have had gale-force winds here and torrential rain on and off for several days. Thank goodness it is all just a dream!!
Love and blessings
The following exchange was posted on January 10th 2007
Hello Dorothy,
Thank you so much for asking these vitally important questions. Peace of mind is essential for good contact during a communing moment, whether it is a few seconds, an hour or more. You are expressing concerns that disturb many people. I am responding below, in blue type.
Hello Brian and Theresa,
Some questions have arisen in my mind that I feel I should discuss with you. The first question arose when reading your latest email. In Holy Communion June 10 1990, Paragraph 7 it says “open your heart and soul to the love of God and give selflessly of your compassion when the opportunity permits. Let such commitment be ever within you, letting it flow out when it is safe for you to do so, otherwise you will expose yourself to danger from the enemy of the light".
As compassion is very much to the front in my life at the moment, and I am having to override my little self with all its foibles and disinclinations to try to do the best for the whole, I rejoice for and with you in this, Dorothy I am concerned as to what was implied here. What is 'safe'? Back in the 1960s, when Theresa and I were under spiritual mentoring from Olga Park, she impressed upon us over and over the vital importance of placing ourselves always within the care and protection of the Lord Jesus, because of the opportunistic activity of the ‘prince of time and place,’ or the ‘enemies of the Light,’ or, as Olga often referred to them, ‘the adversaries.’ At that time, although we had no clear understanding of who or what the adversaries were, we were all adequately convinced of the energy or power of such. Personally, I have never been convinced that an angel, the so-called Lucifer, could have fallen from Heaven and set up this place called hell, into which he was intent on ensnaring us, but that did not mean I was blasé about there being adverse conditions or invisible forces that can cause disturbance to our wellbeing.
With the passage of time and much further enlightenment that has taken place in the intervening years I am now entirely clear that, as very comprehensively explained in ‘A Course in Miracles’ (ACIM), and reinforced in Gary Renard’s writings (‘Disappearance of the Universe’ and ‘Your Immortal Reality’) it is the Son of God (which is us; all of us, with gender only a factor in the time and place consciousness and a manifestation of the separation consciousness) who momentarily thought about ‘going it alone,’ separate from the Father, and because of the enormity of the creative power of the Mind of the Son (equal to the Father because it is the Father’s gift to the Son), brought into being the relative state, or physical universe (albeit, scientists now know that there is no such thing as physical matter; everything is energy/consciousness, vibrating at different frequencies and giving an appearance of being physical, causing what is in actuality only an illusion).
ACIM describes this as a dream and that the separation actually never happened because it is impossible to be separate from the Father Creator; that Jesus is the first of the ‘separated sons’ to remember who he really is and is fully restored to Oneness with the Father. Hence his empowerment to lead us, his brethren in the Sonship, back Home to the Father, out of our dreamworld. Jesus tells the parable of the prodigal son to explain this process. This may seem a lengthy way of getting round to answering your question but this background is really necessary to bring me to the point of what you are asking about.
So, on we go: During this dream of separation, which is the opposite of Oneness, (but still only a dream) there is a continuous process of separating taking place and our minds became separated into two halves; our Right-minded side, which is still able to see Eternal Truth and harmonise with it and accept it as such, and our upside-down, ego mind, which sees everything in this upside-down way. It is this which is the real enemy, adversary, prince of time and place and has been mythologised by institutionalised religion as the devil or satan. Logic tells us that the institutionalised church (which I identify with the church of Laodicea, which Jesus says in Rev. ch. 3 he will spew out of his mouth), with all its fear-based religious mythologies about death, hell, judgement and eternal punishment, all of which is the exact opposite of the Kingdom of Heaven (our true, eternal Home), is a construct of ego-mind. Jesus describes ego mind as insane in ACIM and since it is the opposite of all that God and the Kingdom of Heaven are all about, it is not difficult to agree with that.
There are two ways of looking at this. The view from the perspective of Big Self, eternal conscious Self, which of course sees that in eternal reality this never happened, so there is nothing to worry about, and Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, is lovingly, tenderly, gently awakening us from that dream (nightmare!). The other perspective is from the relative, time and place (illusory), little self consciousness. This is where most of us believe (wrongly) ourselves to be and from that perspective, this has been going on for millions, or billions of years. However, for brevity, let us consider just the last 4000 years, during which most of us have ‘incarnated’ (remember, it’s all a dream, so none of it is actually happening in the eternal reality) numerous times and with ego-mind having a big say in our thoughts, words and deeds – especially with regard to relationships - karma builds up and unless we resolve the karmic entanglements, we have to keep coming back to present ourselves with another opportunity to outwork the karma. ACIM tells us that we can break this cycle of repeated incarnations to outwork and resolve the karma by forgiveness.
Because we are in a state of forgetfulness about our true Self and ego-mind is ‘stirring the pot,’ the karmic soup keeps getting thicker. Everything we think is generating energy according to the vibration of our thoughts. If we think unKingdomly thoughts we generate unKingdomly energy. If we think Kingdomly thoughts we generate Kingdomly energy and this is very powerful energy for good. Now for a very long time people have not understood the reality of this and have been put off Jesus by too much religious dogma, so because they cannot see the energy they are generating, they don’t believe it is there and that they can do whatever they like with no consequences. But there are, unavoidable, consequences; cause and effect is immutable cosmic law. If we are so conditioned into the belief in our ‘sinfulness’ and unworthiness of God’s love, we will come to believe we are on the wavelength of these energies (sin, wrongdoing, evildoing, whatever), and that we deserve punishment for it (because we have become wrongfully persuaded that God is a wrathful, vengeful God).
Because all that is untrue, we actually have nothing to fear but the best way we can come to believe that and actually experience it is by ‘espousing good and eschewing evil’ (which the Master Jesus has been counselling me throughout my journey with him).
Now comes the answer!! We are only unsafe if we believe our self to be unsafe and until we have arrived at the place where we KNOW we are safe, there is always that little doubt (ego mind having a go, sowing the seeds of self-doubt, the great dismantler of faith) that maybe we are not safe (because we cannot see with the single eye, which is perfect, soul vision). By following Jesus, placing our self in his care and protection, espousing good and eschewing evil, entering in to our closet and communing – getting on the wavelength – with him, espousing our lives to him and his great God mission for all mankind, we place our self in safety.
The actuality is that we are always safe but until we have grown into the place where we believe, beyond all doubt, that we ARE safe, it will SEEM as if we are not always, actually safe. When Papa, Jesus, the Holy Spirit or the Christ servers from the Realms of Light speak with us, it is at the level of, or in terms that are meaningful to us in the place where we are at that time. For example, we (believe we) are here, on Earth and that is our perspective on the sky, the sun etc., so we speak of the sun going behind a cloud. Of course that isn’t actually the case but it appears to be so from our perspective. As you will have read in SYFK, Theresa and I have had multiple experiences of ‘dark forces’ over the years and so we believed they were real. This was good for our focussing on the value and benefit of discipline and one-pointed commitment to following Jesus, and one step at a time he has led us out of that place where we believed we could be unsafe. This Diary entry dated May 4th 1997 is worth reading and contemplatively studying because it explains the importance of faith and the difference between faith and desire:
Holy Communion May 4, 1997
My beloved Lord and Master, Jesus, I give thanks for the myriad blessings and joy of the going forward you are bringing into our lives.
My son, it is to the act of Asking, Seeking, Knocking that your Heavenly Father, Papa, responds freely, lovingly, immediately, with his giving. It is not according to your faith but your desire that he responds. It is according to your faith that you are able to receive His giving. Your faith is something that Papa will grow in you as you ask. The more you ask, believing -- having faith -- the more you will receive and you will grow in your expectation of receiving that which He is always giving. You expect the sun to rise every day because it always does. That is faith. Easy. As you ask more and more of Papa, believing He is giving it, so will your faith in receiving grow until it is as your faith that the sun will rise.
It is by/with this faith that I came into the Earth life, believing that Papa would give all that I asked. These things which I did shall you do -- and receive -- also, and greater things than these. Believe and you shall receive. Ask, believing. It is Papa’s good pleasure to give to His little ones -- all of them, including you. He will give you wholeness of body, mind and spirit. Only believe. You know He is giving you the Kingdom. Can you celebrate with dancing and with singing if you are a crock? All is well. Be thou whole.
If you do not receive immediately it is more to do with your growth in faith than Papa’s giving. Be at peace and let your certainty be that He is giving so that your faith in receiving may grow. All is well my son. Rejoice for the Kingdom is at hand.
In 1990 we were not sufficiently in that place of faith for us to believe ourselves to be completely ‘safe’ and so Jesus, speaking to me in the place where I was at that time, was cautioning me to only open my soul to give out of Kingdomly energies for the benefit of my fellows, when I was in a place of conscious resonance with the vibration of the Kingdom. If I tried to do this when I was in a place where my energies were low, or I was downcast, depressed, feeling vulnerable, then I would seem to be vulnerable to energies from the lower planes of human consciousness (incarnate or discarnate, it makes no difference because we are speaking of soul, or psychic, energy).
This question is also because I have suspected recently that when someone is beginning to make progress towards the light, the dark forces rise up more strongly as a direct opposition. (the dark night of the soul?) When a soul begins their journey back to wakefulness they will experience fluctuations between the higher and the lower energies/vibrations/consciousness. It is inevitable because they have not yet become fully accustomed to/focussed in the higher. This is a time/stage in the journey when one-pointedness of commitment of one’s life into the loving, tender, capable care of Jesus is vital. It will grow one’s faith in the adequacy of Jesus to protect us from the nightmare of swirling karmic energies in which life on Earth places us. It is also important to understand that much of this is our own ego-mind, trying to get us off the road back to eternity because ego only has power over us in time and place. Ego has no existence in our Eternal Consciousness Self. Ego knows this so tries to convince us that we are a body and that our only existence is in the relative world of time and place; hence Jesus' reference to satan (ego) as the prince of time and place.
The other question is about 'Communion Instructions' by Olga Park. She writes about the solitary or near solitary Communion of Jesus Christ, and quotes the words "Enter thy closet and when thou hast shut the door, pray to the Father which is in secret". This was very comforting and fitted in well with my lifestyle. Alleluia ;-) I need to understand something she writes later however, about such devotions sending out a psycho-mental broadcast, inviting any disembodied beings who so desire, to enter into unity with us. It might be OK with people who are 'There' but suppose the light within us is not very strong yet and what about 'The enemy of the Light' mentioned, which would presumably be able to take on any appearance, as is the way with shadows. This is such an important question and one which will, for lack of a meaningful answer, put some people off from committing to partaking in the Mystical Christ Communion. The real answer lies in the word about inviting any disembodied beings who so desire.
Desire is the key to everything because any disembodied beings who do not desire (for whatever reason, such as being so engaged in thoughts of dark or fearful endeavours) would certainly not respond to the invitation. In fact, they would not even have awareness of the invitation because they would be on another waveband. To further put your mind at ease on this, I would draw your attention to the 1st numbered point made in the message of encouragement today. This states that this attunement mechanism (the Mystical Communion with Christ) will protect us from any interference from lower astral or unKingdomly forces. To borrow computer jargon, it places a firewall around us, through which only vibrations compatible with the desire and intent of the communion are able to pass. This is operated by souls from the Realms of Light, acting under Christ authority. From their place of vision and wisdom they can use the energy engendered by our prayers, blessings, goodwill toward ‘… all, who, in need, sorrow, sickness or other adversity (in this life or the next), desire our prayers’ to bring such souls who are ready to go forward but either are not yet aware of their readiness or do not know how to go forward.
The souls from the Realms of Light will use our energies (not to our detriment at all; in fact this activity revitalises us wonderfully, in contrast to spiritualist activity, which is severely depleting of the energies of trance mediums) to draw such lost souls to the light that we generate by our prayers for such souls (even if we do not know who they are; that makes no difference because we are all One in the sight of the Father) and they may not be awake to the realities of what is happening when they first arrive but as we become aware of them, we can welcome them lovingly, caringly, sincerely and that will help their awakening.
And should our soul awareness not be sufficiently developed to know when such souls have been brought to us, that doesn’t matter either because they will have been brought by those who are wise enough to know that such souls will be aware of what we are doing and that will help them to awaken and go forward even if we have no sensory awareness of it happening. This was the case with Theresa’s brother, John. He had been attending the service for some considerable time before we became aware of him being there (he went Home in 1979 at the age of 35).
I have great reservations about spiritualism, not because I don't believe in it but because I do, A very sound posture to adopt Dorothy and feel that such entities must be at all stages and levels as they are on this Earth. Precisely so, and this is why solitary or near solitary communion is so beneficial and protective. Spiritualist meetings take place in the presence of unlimited numbers, of ‘all sorts and conditions of men’ and this creates a mish-mash of psychic energies; very unsettling to souls who are trying to enter into their own within and there, commune, one on one, with Jesus. I realise that I probably haven't understood properly My dear Dorothy, it matters not one jot that you may not have understood. What really matters is that you have had the courage and sound sense to ask. This is the really beneficial thing. and I look forward to your reply.
Blessings to you both, Dorothy
Our heartfelt thanks for your enquiry and blessings to you, also,
The following exchange was posted on January 5th 2007
I think you are absolutely “spot on” about the atonement. In my estimation it is the primary doctrine of the church that completely inverted Jesus’ teaching on love and forgiveness. It is especially pernicious because it does two things. Firstly, it presents an erroneous image of God as punisher, one who judges and needs to be appeased. Jesus taught that God is unconditional love and forgiveness. It is a reversion to the most barbaric level of human misunderstanding of the nature of the divine. Secondly, as a consequence of the above, it turned Christianity into a shame-guilt religion. We can never be acceptable to God except through a brutal blood sacrifice, and even then we are always falling short. It is tied to the second greatest heresy or apostasy from Jesus’ teaching that has separated Christianity from both Judaism and Islam—
the notion that Jesus is God, a blasphemy in monotheistic religions. All the complicated theology of the Trinity could never eradicate this basic misconception, designed by the church, to keep the power of inner awakening in the hands of a hierarchical priesthood and a power structure. Olga’s poem, “Lament of the Thirsting Christ,” says it all much better than I can, and more succinctly. Fortunately, some of the churches and progressive theologians I have read like John Crossan, Marcus Borg, Bruce Chilton, and Shelby Spong, are now writing and speaking about the atonement, and many progressive Christians, some of whom I’ve encountered in the United Church of Canada, no longer preach or teach it. In fact, in the secular world, it is irrelevant, but still persists in consciousness as a sense that God is a brutal punisher who somehow dwells outside the universe. The Mel Gibson film, which I refused to see, is a case in point. I think your words on this subject to your learners are clear and well researched.
All the best in the New Year,
Hi Susan,
This subject obviously touched a nerve with you. This is a subject overdue for overhauling. The ‘power-structure’ institutionalised church is now very well known for its attempts at/agenda for cover-ups and baulking at dealing with crucial issues that will expose its fundamental flaws; witness how the RC church is still pretending that the issue of paedophilia, especially amongst its celibate (itself an unscriptural stance and an anachronism that belongs to the past, whence it should be consigned with all haste) priesthood, does not exist or tries to dodge the issue when instances of it are brought to light. How unKingdomly is that!?
But there is, this being the beginning of the Kingdom Age, when the Creator Spirit is outpouring the Light of Eternal Truth upon mankind, good news on this front. This is the time of the 2 churches, Philadelphia and Laodicea (Rev. ch. 3), the one that has kept Jesus’ Word and not denied his name and the other, that is lukewarm, poor, blind, wretched, miserable and naked and of whom he says, ‘I will spue thee out of my mouth.’
I wrote in the ‘An Open Letter’ vignette in SYFK:
It is obvious to the objective observer that the institutionalised church of today is perfectly described by Jesus as Laodicea and that Philadelphia is those congregations and individuals who have kept their love for Jesus and their earnest desire for the Kingdom alive in their hearts, regardless of whatever is going on within the institutionalised, denominational churches; have not allowed themselves to become blinded with rules and regulations and petty arguments; that where necessary, they have abandoned ‘Laodicea’ in favour of ‘free’ churches/congregations and home worship (entering into their closets); kept their loyalty to Jesus first and refused resolutely to let Laodicea stand between them and Jesus.
If a person is a ‘citizen of Laodicea’ and decides that that is no longer where he wishes to be, it is entirely possible to ‘emigrate to Philadelphia’ simply by the act of so choosing and making the ‘consciousness shift.’ Jesus said to the Laodiceans:
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear... (Rev. 3:20-22).
There is a groundswell of ‘emigration’ actually taking place now, in these climactic times in the events of world spiritual evolution, encouraged by the Creator Spirit, who says: Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Would-be émigrés will be enheartened by the knowledge that Philadelphia is a substantially plague-free zone.
The Laodicean church allows itself to become sidetracked by and bogged-down in ever-increasing detail on issues that have nothing to do with the central theme of Jesus’ KOHOE (Kingdom of Heaven on Earth) mission, begun in the long ago and moving now into its fulfillment stage; namely, the spiritualisation of human consciousness back into its original, eternal state of Oneness with the Creator Spirit, as he was and reminded us we will be, if only we can believe.
The further good news is that those of us who are awake or awakening to this cosmic process and becoming ever stronger in our FTOC (faith, trust, obedience and commitment) are acting as power-centres for Earthing and lasering (see the vignette in SYFK entitled 'Laser: amplifying the Light for the Kingdom) this elevated consciousness, and it is then radiated out to our fellows in the Earth life, for their upliftment. This process is bringing about a critical mass of souls with all the attributes of Christ consciousness; thus the transformation of all humankind from the separation consciousness to the restoration to Oneness with Papa becomes an accelerating process. This will have become fully completed, or have leavened the three measures of meal rescue programme, under the executive leadership of Jesus of Nazareth by the end of the Aquarian age.
Part of this cosmic process is the exposing to the light of spiritual truth of the false doctrines of Laodicea that have kept innumerable millions of souls trapped in the shame-guilt-fear based strictures of these false doctrines. One word sums up that prospect: Alleluia! What you say about progressive theologians is good news indeed.
Thank you so much for your powerfully affirming words. Many blessings for peace, joy and love through 2007,
The following exchange was posted on December 10th 2006
Dear Brian- Many thanks for your regular diary entries which I download and read carefully. Thank you Pattie, for your words of thanks and encouragement; always so very gratefully received ;-) This last one was especially pertinent as just yesterday a friend of mine from the 60's e-mailed me to tell me that Al Gore's most recent video- An Inconvenient Truth"- about global warming is certainly thought provoking and disturbing. You will recall Olga counselling us not to watch the news or allow ourselves to become drawn into the negative energies of the horizontal consciousness but to remain steadfastly focussed on the vertical; that the horizontal merely drags us into its downward spiral of negativity, causing depression and despair. There is more than enough of that already!!! For those on a Kingdomly mission here in the Earth life this is of the greatest importance. This is what Olga, and indeed the Master Jesus, call one-pointedness; letting our eye be single.
Al Gore's film is entirely serviceable to the wake-up call that is being issued to mankind and I utterly applaud him and what he is doing as a great work for the Kingdom. That is his work and will reach many millions. The Master has counselled me over and over that this - what he called 'going out' into the wider world, seeking souls in the wilderness to rescue (and bring home to the banquet feast celebrating the reunification of Earth with Heaven) - was not my work; that my job was to remain at the entranceway to the banquet chamber and welcome 'all who will' to enter in and to ensure that they are provided with the unspotted garment. I have copied below a few of the Diary records that make this plain.
Of course we each have our respective work for the Kingdom; those whose job it is to go out, or send out the message into the wilderness (of spiritual forgetfulness) will be suitably equipped for that work but the point I am making here is that whatever our calling, we should not allow ourselves to be distracted into other arenas because it is distracting and dissipates our energies and focus of concentration upon why we are really here. What it claims is that we really don't have time When we look at this and other situations to do with 'time running out' with our single eye it immediately becomes clear that 'time' is an illusion and the Master works from the Eternal consciousness, where time is as nothing.
This is not fanciful daydreaming but is the actual reality and time is the unreality, the illusion, which he and all who are espoused to him and his great programme for rescuing us (from 'time,' the great illusion and all the prestidigitation it performs on our minds) are empowered from the Source of All to 'manipulate' or collapse, or, to those who see only with the double vision of Earth consciousness, as playing tricks with what they misperceive as the reality. to fix the problem because greed for oil and the government's refusal to confront the problem has cause the problem which at present is irretrievable. This certainly appears (when viewed with the double vision) to be the case and is the cause for much fear and trepidation but the Master Jesus is given all power in Heaven and in Earth and if we can only believe - have faith - ALL things are possible.
To him there is no cause for concern and if we espouse our self to him, one-pointedly, we will also become single in our vision and know, of the same certainty that he has, that 'all is well,' and we can therefore find our self coming from the place of inner peace, tranquillity, just as he was when the disciples were frightened that the boat would be swamped and they would all drown. This is, truly, a test, an opportunity for us all to examine our faith and see what shape it is in. Only by believing, are all things possible. She studies the Mayan Calendar which curiously ends May 5, 2012- meaning- perhaps the end of the 25,000 year cycle of man- possibly giving birth to a new state of consciousness the kingdom of heaven on earth. If you read 'Your Immortal Reality' by Gary Renard, towards the end you will find some very enlightening discussion on this very subject. The separation consciousness is correctly called also the consciousness of fear and this clouds our vision of the reality that is the Eternal consciousness. The Eternal consciousness - whose sensory faculty is the single eye - is available to us all, here, now and it provides us with the certainty of knowing that the intellect and double vision can never provide.
I am not sure what Olga said about this but I do recall her saying the Master would come in the 3rd hour. As you will have read in SYFK and on the HTG website, my understanding of the time of his coming is focussed more on the 3rd measure of meal. I have recently written, under guidance from the Spirit of Truth, about the parable of the wise and foolish virgins and there, Jesus states: And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him (Mat. 25:6). I have no idea whether midnight somehow equates with the 3rd hour but it is interesting that 3rd measure of meal and 3rd hour each emphasise 3rd. What I am in no doubt about is that the Master is here, in the midst, with us ALL, right now, and that now IS the time of the consummation of the marriage of Heaven with Earth and that all are invited to this magnificent-beyond-description event.
This would fit according to astrology I think. It it somewhere in the records where she writes: Not the first, not the second but in the 3rd hour is what she used to say. I answered my friend and told her that I felt it was not irretrievable in the sense that the world would end. I am totally with you on this. It is a ploy of ego-mind to cloud our vision with fear and we do ourselves a very big service by resolutely refusing to give any energy to it. I on the other hand support the theory that the Son of Man and his angelic principalities will intervene. I also think that there could be also an extraterrestrial rescue of sorts. I'm not sure how you feel about this but I see it as being possible. I am sure we on Gaia (planet Earth) are constantly receiving help from extra-terrestrial sources but it is very easy to become sidetracked by such considerations. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (KOHOE) programme is not a sideshow. The crucial thing for us to remain one-pointedly focussed upon is that it is 'where we are coming from' that is the truly important thing to keep in mind. It is not important whether those 'who minister ceaselessly to the sick and fainting spirits of men' are incarnate, excarnate, from Earth, another solar system or galaxy but whether they are coming from the place of espousal to the great plan for the KOHOE
I pray for protection all the time, and feel Olga ever so close. My dear Pattie, I detect the vibration of fear in this statement. The Master says to us all, every moment (and means it) 'Fear not. all is well.' Of course it is good and sound to pray for protection (and help and peace and our wellbeing) but as the Rector said to me in 1969, 'Prayer is an attunement, not a pleading.' If we attune, rather than plead, we can become aware that that we are protected, loved, safeguarded, provided for, every moment of our life, so we can, as part of our prayer-attunement activity, give thanks that we are provided for. With regular practice this becomes part of our conscious awareness, certainty and thus our peace of mind.
Anyways, thanks again for your lovely words and i do so appreciate the stories within the stories. I too belong to a prayer group and it is astounding what prayer can do. love to you and yours, Patricia. Thanks to you also dear Pattie; you are always in our hearts and so often on our minds,
Holy Communion October 16, 1994
At the beginning, Ted stood up and sang their him, ‘Alleluia, sing to Jesus…’what a transformation!
Beloved Jesus, Lord and Master, this transformation of Ted is as great a wonder and joy as any I can recall.
My beloved friend, this is the power of love and commitment to Eternal Truth. It is all encompassing and shall make all things new. It is in your life, one with you, part of you and you are part of it. It is all available to you for good and by it shall be fulfilment of your heart's desire. What you see and experience is but the beginning for you. It is a gift, given freely. It cannot be abused, only used, in love and the spirit of goodwill for good works in my name for our Father. All that you ask in my name, believing, our Father will give.
Have no fear but be assured that all is well. Although the enemy is ever close, you are, by your commitment, within the aura of my protection. The enemy has no part in me and you are protected absolutely by your oneness with me. Remember this as each opportunity to go forward arises, my son. You have entered in to the Inner Sanctuary and from therein shall your service be rendered. Go not out, for the invitation is to all to enter in and those who would do so shall receive of you the living word at the entranceway. Let the holy chalice also be offered for you have seen how the wanderers in the wilderness crave its restoring liquid.
I am your guide and lead you in every step. Remain until I shine the lamp of eternal illumination at your feet to make sure and clear the path before you. Thus shall no distress be rendered unto you. You have trodden the narrow and straight path of service my son; all is well for you and your beloved Companion of the Way. Rejoice, the banquet feast awaits.
Holy Communion, Easter Day!! April 16th 1995
…I shall bring to you diverse seekers after the mysteries. It is necessary that they be brought to you, that the focus of my holy sanctuary be clear in your sight and that the many ways of the sojourner distract you not from my purpose in you.
Lord Jesus, this wonderful day of days! You are truly the Lord of Life; Life Eternal and Life Abundant. Thank you Jesus, my beloved Lord and friend; I love you and rejoice in your wonderful love.
Brian, faithful follower and server; it is my joy to wait upon you and to bring the feast of my banquet table to you; for you have watched and waited, knowing not the hour of my return from the wedding. Now comes the time when I shall bring to you diverse seekers after the mysteries. Remain and go not out, for they shall come to you. It is necessary that they be brought to you, that the focus of my holy sanctuary be clear in your sight and that the many ways of the sojourner distract you not from my purpose in you.
Doubt not that it is I who shall bring such to you; you have been established in the Way by your one-pointed commitment; this has been needful and makes possible the going forward in that which I have purposed by you. Occupy with that which is given and consider not who is sent and who merely passes by. It shall be revealed in the fullness of time according as I lead. Await my speaking and be a pure and clear vessel unto me. I shall provide for you all that you need and as you have sacrificed unto me, my abundance shall be with you. Be diligent in that unto which I call you.
Hold fast to my living Word and let no man take your crown. In me is all fulfilment. See thou to it even as I have performed in you that unto which I have called you. Peace and joy be with you all and in this place.
Jesus, Lord, Master and friend, only by your Grace, love and power can these things be and not by my will but by my desiring. Thank you for your word of authority.
Holy Communion, February 16, 1997
I had to establish contact through all the ‘mansions’ so that, having prepared a place in my Father's house, I could return to receive my little ones, my lost sheep from the darkest wilderness and restore them to their rightful home.
At the beginning I saw a ladder/stairway stretching from highest Heaven to darkest, deepest ‘hell.’ It disappeared out of vision into the light above and the darkness below. Our Communion Sanctuary was like a ‘staging post’ about halfway up the ladder. I felt as if the words concerning the Lord’s eternalness and His great God-mission were being broadcast down to all levels and, as if we were an amplifying/relaying station, via what we do and our commitment to it, into the depths below.
Later I saw the Master, at ‘bedrock’ of Hades (after his death on the Cross and descent into hell). He had his right knee on the ground and the other knee up by his shoulder, in the absolute darkness of this place. I could see him and what he was doing because he was radiating light from his own within. He looked just as he would have looked as the Galilean carpenter in the long ago. There was no indication of any effects from the brutal torture and execution he had just experienced. He was securely fixing the base of the stairway to a solid, black-as-coal rock floor with large nuts threaded on to sturdy studs set into the floor. It was clear that this fastening was intended to stay and would be immovable once he had completed his task. It was also clear that this man knew exactly what he was doing and was working with the ease and accomplishment of great experience in his trade.
He looked up at me standing close by watching him in amazement, smiled quizzically as if to say, ‘Why are you looking puzzled to see me doing this?’ and then actually said, “I was a carpenter!”
Master, I love you and I rejoice at this revelation.
My son, my friend, your heart's desire is known to me. I am aware of your deep desire to serve in rescue work. Yes, this is according to my parables of the lost sheep and invitation to the halt, maimed and blind -- for all who will to be invited into the wedding banquet for a feast of joy for all the senses. And he who follows me shall not walk in darkness. I had to establish contact through all the ‘mansions’ so that, having prepared a place in my Father's house, I could return to receive my little ones, my lost sheep from the darkest wilderness and restore them to their rightful home.
Yes, there will be rebuking and chastening, pruning of unfruitful wood. This is not your work; leave it to those authorised by Papa. All are assigned according to their various gifts. You are assigned for door duty at the entrance to the banquet chamber. It is needful that you ensure all who arrive are provided with suitable raiment. Hold fast to that in which you have been tutored. Let no false messengers turn you away from this duty. All is well.
Holy Communion Easter Day, March 30, 1997
Have no anxiety for any detail that does not seem comfortable and in accord with my peace and wisdom but commit and commit again all such matters and all such detail to me, so that I, who am able, may dispose in apposite manner.
Hallelujah. Our Lord, beloved of us beyond words to describe, has demonstrated his power of life eternal over the ignorance, waywardness and self-will of time and place consciousness.
My beloved Jesus, Yeshua, Lord and friend above all, how can I thank you for the import of this day and what you have done for us? I affirm my love for and devotion to you and your great mission for us all and I thank you for your loving presence and guiding in our lives.
My son, my friend, your love for and devotion to me are very well known to me – they shine like a beacon. So let it continue, that many may continue to be drawn by it. Have no anxiety for any detail that does not seem comfortable and in accord with my peace and wisdom but commit and commit again all such matters and all such detail to me, so that I, who am able, may dispose in apposite manner.
It is your job to invite and welcome all who will to partake of the banquet feast with me and my guests. Let the focus be on the words and spirit of invitation, rather than detail of the nature of the events by those whose eye is not yet single. Give of my bread and wine to those who hunger and thirst, not to those who haggle and harangue over labels and protocols. Let my love, my peace, the Spirit of Truth, be given in response to those who seek sustenance from the table I have prepared and set before you. I counsel you, do not be drawn into debate and venture away from the entrance to that in which I have established you.
All is well, my programme unfolds and my purposes progress in all their ways. Peace and joy be with you.
Holy Communion August 17, 1997
I had awareness of the Ammonites starting to descend from their hill country into the Jordan Valley, drawn toward where J. B. is ‘baptising.’
My son, now do you see why it has been essential that you remain steadfastly in this place and go not out into the wilderness, the surrounding hills and plains and valleys. It has been necessary for your own purposes as well as that of your fellows, that you ascend unto the Hill of the Lord. The Hill of the Lord is one place only; it is set fast in the place ordained of God, for His purposes.
It has been necessary that you remain, ascending one step at a time, that you might enter in to His presence and be lifted up, purified by the living flame and thus become a beacon of that light. Only in this way can the beacon be seen from near and afar off and draw many who seek to know the message that I have put into your heart and will speak from your mouth.
Have no fear, no doubt, no trepidation; I your Lord have performed it and will perform it. That which I bring is not of the Earth, therefore do not measure the prospect according to your Earthly perception. Rather, let your eye be single, focused on the mighty Word, which goes forth to fulfil all unto which it has been sent. This Word has been set in Holy Scripture for the comfort and reassurance of all who will seek unto its truth. As you seek among the Scriptures so shall you find affirmation of the Living Word that I gave to you from the throne of eternity.
Continue steadfastly my son, for herein is fulfilment, herein is joy, herein are riches, herein is power of the Holy One. I walk before you, I walk beside you, I walk behind you, I walk within you, for your peace, your comfort, your reassurance, your protection.
Nothing shall fail. Therefore rejoice; the Joy of Heaven abounds in all your endeavours in my name.
The following exchange was posted on December 7th 2006
You've invited me to turn to you when I have doubts and difficulties on my path. Always! Thank you for taking me at my word ;-) I do have a concern which I'd like to share. It's about prayer. The Rector said to me in 1969 'Prayer is an attunement, not a pleading.' It is my observation that the church believes the reverse, along with many other souls misled by the church's misperceptions I have taken your most recent advice, and now I silently communicate to Jesus as if he were in the room with me. Dear Rosa, I do assure you most earnestly, he is in the room with you. This is not a platitude but the truth and I can state this of a certainty because your focus upon him completed the contact between you and him. Here is an extract from chapter 3 of SYFK that will reassure you on this. The last paragraph is the key but the rest is for background and will be additionally helpful if read first:In early 1968 I returned to Vancouver. My inspiring, uplifting and enlightening times of visiting with Olga continued from where they had left off before my extended holiday. I had moved into my own apartment and Olga had recommended, upon guidance from ‘within,’ that I set up a ‘prayer table’ which would be a place where spiritual energy could build up from times of prayer-attunement with the Lord Jesus, God and in the broader sense, all those from the Realms of Light who are in a state of conscious ‘oneness’ with the Great Desire of Jesus: the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The most suitable place for this prayer-table was in a corner – where the exalted energies created by attuning in prayer with the Realms of Light are able to remain and accumulate rather than be dissipated by the comings and goings of day-to-day activities elsewhere in the room – on one end of a long, low chest of drawers. There, each night I lit a votive candle and knelt in prayer and focus on my heart’s desires for the reality of the living Jesus to be part of my everyday consciousness and experience.One night, as I knelt there, having sent out my thoughts and desires, I began speaking the ‘Kingdom Prayer,’ usually known as the ‘Our Father’ or ‘Lord’s Prayer.’ Half way through this I suddenly saw the Master Jesus come floating down through the solidness of the place above me where the wall and the ceiling met. He was in a sitting position and he floated down until he was sitting on the chest of drawers immediately to my left, less than a foot away. This was in itself, for me, an amazing experience but one which I felt put me in a difficult position. Here am I, directing my thoughts, words and desires to ‘God, the Father’ – the Supreme Being, the Head Honcho, to whom, it seemed to me, should be accorded my full and undivided attention. Now, unannounced and uninvited, into my flat (by a somewhat unconventional entranceway!) comes Jesus of Nazareth – ‘God the Son,’ as many would describe him. The dilemma was: do I interrupt my speaking to God the Father – surely not exactly etiquette with anyone but least of all with Him - in order to acknowledge the presence of and make welcome, The Messiah. What to do? My mind was in a state of frozen indecision.
I hardly need have worried, for Jesus immediately saw – anticipated - my dilemma and said, in a matter of fact way, ‘Carry on, everything’s fine. I can wait; I have plenty of time,’ and he sat there, his hands clasped in his lap, fingers interlocked, twiddling his thumbs and swinging his lower legs back and forth as they dangled over the side of the dresser. This was astonishing to me - the Anointed Messenger of the Holy One behaving just like any ‘ordinary’ person - and my focus on the rest of the Kingdom prayer was somewhat distracted, to say the least.
Nevertheless, I ploughed on and finished, the Master being good to his word and waiting for me quite unruffled. I turned to him and said, ‘How can it be that you are here, visiting me when there are so many others needing your help and whom you also would wish to visit.’ The question was really a double one. Partly it was saying ‘Can I be worthy to be privileged by a visit from you, the Lord of all mankind when there are many others more worthy and in greater need’ and partly it was saying, ‘How on Earth do you do that?’
His reply answered both aspects. ‘I am attuned to all mankind all the time; there is never a moment when I am not with you all. All that is needed to complete the contact is for you to attune with me and I am there, with you, at any time.’ This seemed to be a principle, along the lines of 2-way radio links. If party ‘A’ is at one end, listening to a broadcast from party ‘B’ on a given frequency, he can hear party B without any trouble. If he wishes to respond and be heard by party B all he needs to do is open his microphone with transmitter attuned to the same frequency and speak and party B will be able to receive from, as well as transmit to, party A.
I make jokes and speak to him as if he were a close friend Again, I do assure you most earnestly, he is a close friend, your dearest, most loving, caring, trustworthy friend, literally, personally, intimately. It will be immeasurably helpful to you if you can take this truth into your heart and mind and let it be your truth, by practising the awareness of it being so. The Good Husbandman will grow it within you and it will become more real, more palpable with each day that passes, even if you do not notice it in the first little while. That is where 'stick-at-it-iveness' comes in. It's a more comfortable arrangement for me. Wonderful; I am overjoyed to hear this, Rosa.
My question about prayer is about petition....i.e., asking for a physical healing of another person. Somewhere I must have read and taken on the notion that I cannot pray for another person...that prayer must come willingly from the individual ...the desire must come from the person him/herself. This is only true in the sense that interference in the free will and free choice of another is contra to cosmic law. If that other person specifically does not wish to be prayed for (for whatever reason) then it is appropriate to honour that desire. However, by being a soul who naturally, spontaneously radiates love, peace, goodwill and blessing, one is irradiating the said person with that vibration anyway, as is the case with all mankind. That is not 'praying' in the orthodox, literalist sense, but simply 'being' who and what one IS. That is not contra to cosmic law!That person will benefit even without being consciously aware of it - as will the one who is irradiating, because contrary to Earth-mind perceptions, the more we give, the more we receive. At the highest level of understanding there is no difference between giving and receiving, although that is a percept from which most of Earth-life humanity is still at some distance. That does not render the statement untrue! Yet today I am reading this week's Diary excerpt and it appears you have taken a different approach. Are you referring to the prayers at the Christian Healing Centre, for our grandson? Let me reassure you that our daughter was a frequent attendee there, and was fully aware of the power and benefit of prayer and would have been in full resonance with this activity, on her behalf and that of her baby son.
This Centre specialises in prayer ministry for healing of body, mind and soul, never contravenes the wishes of the individual and works under full awareness of the help of Papa God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as well as all in the Realms of Light who are espoused to the Kingdom cause. Their commitment and sincerity is unwavering. Sadly, their awareness of the Presences from those Realms being there and working with them is limited; were they more accepting of the realities outside the 'religious' and more within a spiritual (as distinct from 'spiritualist') context, their empowerment for Kingdomly works and benefits would be exponentially greater. However, because of their commitment and sincerity, as well as their devotion to Jesus, he is right there, in the midst with them. You might find re-reading the vignette (in Part 2 of SYFK), entitled The Crucifixion: "I did it to get your attention” helpful.
I am also confused about whether to ask for a direct miracle or ask for the inspiration, patience or whatever it takes to allow it to happen. Jesus counsels us to Ask and it shall be given; Seek and we shall find; Knock and it shall be opened unto us. Therefore, there is assuredly nothing wrong with this, except when we do it in a pleading, beseeching manner, because that implies that God is deaf. Always, always, always give thanks for the perfect giving of Papa in response to your asking; this opens you to receive because it implies that you are aware that He has already given it: Isaiah 65:24 “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear,”
Here is the Diary record of May 4th 1997:My beloved Lord and Master, Jesus, I give thanks for the myriad blessings and joy of the going forward you are bringing into our lives.
My son, it is to the act of Asking, Seeking, Knocking (ASK) that your Heavenly Father, Papa, responds freely, lovingly, immediately, with his giving. It is not according to your faith but your desire that he responds. It is according to your faith that you are able to receive His giving. Your faith is something that Papa will grow in you as you ask. The more you ask, believing -- having faith -- the more you will receive and you will grow in your expectation of receiving that which He is always giving. You expect the sun to rise every day because it always does. That is faith. Easy. As you ask more and more of Papa, believing He is giving it, so will your faith in receiving grow until it is as your faith that the sun will rise.
It is by/with this faith that I came into the Earth life, believing that Papa would give all that I asked. These things which I did shall you do -- and receive -- also, and greater things than these. Believe and you shall receive. Ask, believing.* It is Papa’s good pleasure to give to His little ones -- all of them, including you. He will give you wholeness of body, mind and spirit. Only believe. You know He is giving you the Kingdom. Can you celebrate with dancing and with singing if you are a crock? All is well. Be thou whole.
If you do not receive immediately it is more to do with your growth in faith than Papa’s giving. Be at peace and let your certainty be that He is giving so that your faith in receiving may grow. All is well my son. Rejoice for the Kingdom is at hand.
* Note that he says 'Ask, believing.' Also note that the blue type is to emphasise for you certain parts of this message. Pleading is an act of unbelief. It is according to our faith (belief) that we are able to receive His gifts. Jesus said to those he healed, 'Your faith has made you whole.' Their faith, not his. He could only be the agent of their healing if they were willing to receive that which was already given. To receive we have to have an awareness that it has been given. That requires practise. It requires acceptance that it has been given. By accepting that Papa withholds nothing from His children (including you), is the beginning of miracles. I do urge that you study this message diligently and greater discernment of its meaning and value will grow in you. Print it out and keep it in a prominent place until it becomes your understanding without having to think about it. It is a priceless treasure.I often respond to another person's need by a strong desire to ask God to help that person. Go ahead and ask - believing. And then give thanks. Love and gratitude are very powerful, positive, healing energies. But have held back because of this belief that I am being presumptuous According to ACIM, Papa has already given His children everything at our creation, so being/feeling presumptuous is an inappropriate attitude to that which is our free gift from our Heavenly Father. Being thankful is appropriate. I promise you this is real, true and works but it requires faith and practise for the reality of it to become manifest in our Earthly awareness. Don't give up; be steadfast; be certain in your commitment and your knowing. to ask for another person, especially if I haven't even asked their permission to do so. Who will refuse you permission to bless them, rejoice in them, give thanks for their very being and commit their wellbeing into the all sufficiency of our loving Heavenly Father? Assuredly there are vast numbers of souls in this life who have forgotten the truth of this and will not thank you for reminding them of it. If they were awake to the reality of the Kingdom they assuredly would welcome it. So meanwhile, let such communing be your little secret between you and Papa and/or Jesus. We are talking about life vibrations of a beneficent, healing, uplifting nature, not a threat or attack on their wellbeing. You can see I am confused. My dear Rosa, billions are confused. May this request for enlightenment be for you help and upliftment, to bring you inward peace, joy and love anew and abundant.
Brian, I am seeking your counsel.
Thank you. Thank you, for this opportunity to share.
Rosa Brian
The following exchange was posted on November 24th 2006
Dear Brian,
Thank you for your diaries. It is so funny as I did as you said and sat shaking my head knowingly. I can just envision you doing this; it's called 'resonance.' Wonderful, isn't it? I can honestly say that yours and Jane Leades are the only ones I have read and both are leading to the same place. I want to say thank you for after reading one of your entries I later heard your words and used them. So happy to be helpful ;-) I prayed to be a better person to have more love to pour out. This really makes a massive difference. This is the truth and believing it, even when we don't always experience the reality of it, definitely builds up, one step at a time, the reality of the ever-more-positive energies until they are detectable and empowering in our lives. It really is worth holding fast in faith to the certainty of this. It is all too easy to give up on it when immediate results are not apparent with our dull Earth-conscious senses. Instead of being the person that I did not really care for at that moment. Self-deprecation is a characteristic of the separation consciousness, which is upside-down thinking and is the opposite of who and what we really are. It is ego-mind; the opposite of our true nature, which is unconditional love. Ego-mind is all the undesirable, unloving things that form the 'dark side' of our character in this life. Institutionalised religion has mythologised this as Satan. A Course in Miracles reminds us how we can unlearn this and return, fully restored to our true Self in the Oneness with Papa God. It may seem a simple thing, but it was something I had not really heard. And when I asked, my Father answered me. Alleluia. The wonderful fact is, He does answer us, always; those of us with FTOC notice His answers, whether the still small voice within, a mystical experience or revelation, a sudden new thought, something someone says, a song on the radio or whatever. It is not He who is erratic or intermittent in responding or attitude toward us, His beloved little ones; it is we who are spasmodic in listening, attuning, 'inclining our ear' toward him. He changed me with a click, that is the best I can describe it, it was instantaneous, and it changed me. I would say a paradigm shift with an actual physical click. I can not really make myself understood here because I do not know how to explain it. Often there are not words to describe a mystical experience and such cannot be apprehended by anyone who has not had the personal experience of such. Thank you for sharing. But I felt it once about 30 years ago, in a moment of rage and pain, to have a click and I was changed. I knew it in the moment that it happened. I have never forgotten it in all these years and until last week I did not understand what happened.
So I would like to say thank you . You have given me a blessing on this road. Told me something that should have been easy to see, and yet I did not. This is very much part of our condition when in the Earth life, conditioned from birth into 'old order' thinking and perceptions, whereby we blindly, unthinkingly accept what we are told because that's the way our parents and peers see things. All this is now coming unglued, just as a caterpillar comes unglued in its chrysalis, in preparation for the shift to the Kingdom consciousness, in which we will be transformed, just as the caterpillar is transformed into a butterfly, into the radiant Beings of Light that, in truth, we always have been.
NOW is that time, Sharon. How wondrous is that? Coming unglued is a trepidatious process and appears as chaos and turmoil, when all the values we thought were certain suddenly seem very uncertain. As it says in Daniel (12:4): 4: at the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, (like chickens with their heads chopped off) and knowledge shall be increased. Whilst this metamorphosis is inevitable for us all, we can delay our own, individual transformation by not desiring or believing, or conversely, we can truly seek and earnestly desire, in FTOC and this form of conscious co-operation will enable the Process to proceed with our own individual transformation, or metamorphosis, without interruption, thus bringing us to the Kingdom consciousness that much quicker. It is, always, our choice. The Creator Spirit will not force it upon us if we do not desire it. He offers it, unceasingly, but it is in the act of receiving that it becomes ours. In eternity, it is ours, but we only become aware that it is ours by that act of receiving it, which we only do when we desire to receive it.
I know a test of sorts has happened and had I not read your work I would more than likely have failed the test. But knowing to ask for the love to pour out and to change me from the spot I was into a better person. I almost let pride rule my mind. Ego is always lurking, looking for an opportunity to trip us up. Being aware of it and keeping focussed on the Light is a sure way of loosening its grip on us, enabling right-mindedness to maintain our course for Home. The temptation was great, and I felt myself running in that direction. I know it was your diaries because I knew they were your words. How grateful I am that the fulfilment of my heart's desire is being of such help to you, my sister in Christ.
I am trying to read more than I am writing. I wrote a lot at first because I wanted you to know who I was before I read your work. There are some things like reincarnation that some find too hard to believe. And things of the paranormal. Of course there is no such thing as 'paranormal.' The truth is that Earth-conscious humanity is only half awake (much less, actually) and missing most of the wonders of Creation all around them. The metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly is one of the most miraculous events one could encounter and yet people either hardly know about it or do not truly see the wonder of it before their eyes and so they call it 'normal' or 'natural' because they cannot deny that it happens. Yet things that are no more amazing, but they can deny, they call paranormal or supernatural, so that they can continue ignoring it. If that is where a person is, that's okay; it is the perfect thing and they are where they belong. When the time is right they will awaken, even if it takes multiple more incarnations. Honouring, accepting and loving, giving thanks for and blessing them is the best thing we can do for them and for our self because we also grow by sending positive energies to our fellows. If you wrote me off then I would know you were not sent to me, and bid a fond farewell. Sharon, there is one thing I know of a total certainty and that is Jesus would and will NEVER write you off. How, therefore, could I write you, or anyone, off? He has been perfect love, patience, understanding, acceptance and love toward me for all the years he has led me. He is the perfect example of who we really are and how to be that. If ever a person behaves in an obtuse manner, ego mind wants to 'write them off' but then I remind myself, 'Is this how Jesus was with me? Is this how Jesus would be with me?' He has said many times over the years, 'Freely have you received; freely give.' That is my committed desire. How could it not be after the magnificent example and help the Master has been for me? My words did not scare you, nor did you mock what I said. If Jesus would not mock you, who am I to mock you, dear Sharon? Honouring, accepting, loving, blessing and giving thanks for you is the example in which I have been led and that is my objective. One hears people say, 'I am a Christian' and then they lie and cheat and vituperate and steal and dishonour their fellows. Is this what 'being a Christian' has taught them? It has been my observation for the better part of 40 years that to 'be a Christian' is not enough; that to be Christlike is and can be our only true goal. The fact my Father took me from both the church and the bible is a lot to explain for a Christian. But not a real Christian. As I wrote in SYFK:
How far is the church – generally – from the counsel of Him whom they claim to be following: ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you’? The word ‘first’ in Jesus’ admonition seemed to have failed to find its true significance with those for whom the church was so important in their lives and it seemed to me that the church had become stuck, in their perception, as ahead of God and Jesus in their list of whom or what they were supposed to be faithfully following.
I have done most of my changing in the last seven years. And the latest just last week. I am not always sure what is happening but I know that it is definitely leading to a plan, my guess is that the Plan is already well under way! and it has a pattern that I can not quite tell what my part is. But it does not matter because I will just follow Jesus until that day. Perfect!
Well I wanted you to know that I am still trying to keep up with my walk, but there are so many things in the world to draw me away. As you grow stronger in your Walk, in FTOC, so do the distractions become less and less of a distraction. After I left Olga's cottage at the end of my first ever visit there, immediately Olga shut the door, the Master spoke to her and said:
‘Speak of me freely and unreservedly to the young man; and so that he return again and again, I will fill his heart with joy beyond the pleasures of Earth.’ I can affirm that she did, he did and I did!
Indeed, the pleasures of Earth are three-dimensional but the pleasure of eternity are omni-dimensional.
Time is so limited, but it will all work out in the end. Your Sister in Christ.
Many blessings, always,
The following exchange was posted on November 16th 2006
Your entry today was so inspiring to me. The whole topic of was from your book that I really understood that it is possible to have Jesus as my a real and personal way. Since that time, I have never stopped desiring this,....although sometimes my negativity and poor relationships with others have closed my eyes to his friendship...I still desire and long for Jesus' companionship. I know Jesus is always there...his love available to me. Your single-pointed commitment has brought so many toward his circle of friendship and love. Including me! Thank you.Rosa
My Dear Rosa,
How caring of you to write such words of thanks. To know that this is helping people such as you to awaken to the 'New Reality' of the total and unconditional, tender, solicitous, personal, intimate, agapé love of the living Jesus and his Great God Mission for bringing us all, his beloved brethren in the Sonship, back to fully conscious oneness with him and Papa, our Heavenly, eternal Father, here, on Earth, right now, is my greatest blessing, even as it has been my greatest desire and hope since 1967. Of course, it is not a New Reality but an eternally old Reality because it has always been thus; we have simply forgotten this and lost sight of it in this upside-down, illusory world.
The wonderment that this truth is bringing into our lives - yours and mine and 'all who will' - is, assuredly, indescribably uplifting and exciting. For too long Papa's children have been wandering in the wilderness of forgetfulness, duped by the enemy (ego-mind, mythologised as 'Satan'). But now is the moment for the awakening and to know that none of us has to wait until we have 'died' is Good News indeed. Why would that make any difference to Papa? since we are who we are whether in this world or the next, and He knows us totally, heart and soul, which has nothing to do with whether we are expressing who we are through the vehicle of a physical body or have laid that aside and returned from whence we came.
I have often raised the question that if Jesus said, 2000 years ago, 'The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,' what has happened to it in the interim? The answer is, of course, that it has always been at hand. We have not known or been aware of that truth because we have been out in the spiritual wilderness of forgetfulness. The difference now is that, because of Jesus' unconditional love for us all, his brethren, he has asked for and received from Papa a 'command' (power and authority) to rescue us from the wilderness and bring us home. He told the disciples that he was going back to Papa to prepare a place for us and would then come back to receive us into that place. The records also state that he will bring the hosts of Heaven with him (referred to in Revelation as the Bride of Christ) and we will join with him and them in the air. This simply means an elevated place of being 'above' our present Earth-mind consciousness.
Of course the Kingdom, the place Jesus has been preparing for us, is not a geographical location or structure but a state of consciousness, so it is and can be anywhere - indeed everywhere - wherever we, who are Its Citizens are, in our oneness with that state of consciousness; regardless of whether we are incarnate with a physical body, or excarnate, having left our vehicle for physical expression behind.
Dear Rosa, do you speak, one-to-one with Jesus? Do you tell him of your heart's desire for this intimate companionship with him? This you can do every day, at any moment of every day, whenever you feel that longing, as many times in a day as you desire; you will not frighten him off ;-) Speak with him as your loving friend, just as you would any other loving, easy-to-be-with friend. Do not let anxiety or fear cloud the moment. He is not someone to be fearful of. He is tenderness and gentleness and total understanding. Be open in your heart and mind about his speaking, communicating with you in response. His responding can be speaking (most likely as a still, small voice within your head), showing you colours, lights, any images, and above all, feelings in your heart, especially to start, until he gradually wins your trust and confidence (not so much in or with him but in and with yourself in this situation, that it is really happening).
Please ask me further, or share with me further of any doubts, questions, fears, uncertainties, so that I might help you to grow in peace and inner tranquillity.
With agapé love, thanks and many, many blessings, as always,
The following exchange was posted on November 15th 2006
Dear BrianI couldn't open the attachment (More Diary entries from 1995) until I got home on my own computer...I just got through reading it. I'm staying awake, waiting for the plumber to arrive this morning before I go to sleep after working all night. As before, upon reading this I'm feeling stunned, excited, hopeful and say the least. More than anything, my heart overflows over having no doubt, no doubt WHATSOEVER that all this is real. Its heartbreaking to see scholars, scientists and "influential" people in our society argue over God's existence.....sadder still to see that doubt in the people even closer to us. I am uplifted though, now knowing of the rescue plan.
I'm curious to know if the Master, my Brother Jesus still gives you messages in Communion as He did in 1995, for instance. You speak of the Holy you mean Him?
I haven't had any more dreams (astral visits) from my mom since the special ones 10 years ago but if those are all I get, I will be satisfied that I even got those visits. Do you still get visual visits from Jesus or is that no longer necessary for your purpose? Hope this makes sense.
Picturing you surrounded in light and love,
My Dear Jolena,
What a kindred spirit you are; faithful and true and so outgoing with your words of love, thanks and encouragement. How desperately the world needs encouragers and how blessed is their work.The more I review the Diary entries over these 13 years from 1987 to 1999 (and right back to the 1960s, which I am doing in preparation for uploading to the website) the more inspired, uplifted, committed and certain I become of the utter reality of what the Master has been telling me. What gives me such total certainty now, really setting the seal on my conviction of its truth and unstoppability, is that so much of what he said over the years was not understood by me at the time.
So, I asked myself over and over throughout the years when this happened, 'Would I make up things that I don't understand?' Of course the answer was an emphatic 'No,' and that was evidence that this was indeed coming from him to whom I had committed my life in 1963 - Jesus of Nazareth - and not my own imagination. As my forward progress along the Path, led by the Master, continued and my understanding of his Great God Purpose for all mankind grew, so things he said perhaps years - or even decades - previously became meaningful. This happened yesterday, when what he said on September 8th 1991: For we now enter the final phase of the banquet feast, wherein the New Heaven shall manifest itself into the New Earth which I was unclear about at the time, and wondered if I had got muddled and not heard him correctly, but made complete sense within the context of the inspiration given by the Holy Breath yesterday, as I wrote the message for today, in which I found myself writing: First the formalities of the actual wedding ceremony, then the banquet feast, to which we are all invited and the doors to the banquet are kept open throughout the seven-days –for which read 2000-years - festivities. Then, at the end of the banquet, the bridegroom conveys the bride to his own home.
Of course this is saying that the Banquet Feast, to which the Master has referred so many times in his speaking with me over the years, was the duration of the second measure of meal – the 2000 years from the time of his return to his Father – or perhaps shortly after that – until now. I had no idea that that was the case until yesterday, when I wrote it, under inspirational guidance from the Holy Breath. I had always thought the banquet feast was from some time about now, or the near future, for some indeterminate future period. I had also thought that the doors would be shut and all who were outside would be stuck outside for eternity, even though that did not fit at all with the Master Jesus and Papa as I knew and experienced them, with unconditional love being Their vibration. Now it all falls into place and makes perfect sense.
I decided to write about the parable of the 10 virgins after seeing the last 3 lines of the 4th Diary entry for this week (April 23rd 1995). Then I wondered to myself, 'Am I getting above my station here? What do I know about it that I can state 'authoritatively'?' Then I remembered to make the decision in conjunction with the Holy Breath (HB), as so counselled by the Master in ACIM and so I said to the HB, 'This is what I wish to do because it is so big an area of concern for Papa's little ones at this time and there is so much about it that is misunderstood and causing fear. Shall we do this together, because without you, it will go nowhere?'Immediately I was given the strongest affirmation that this was right and that revelation would be given – not ahead of time but as I wrote. So, I started, not really having a clue where to start or what to say, but firm in the trust that the guidance would come at each moment of need. And so, indeed, dear friend, it did.
When I came to the bit about the door being closed, and my long-held perception that this meant the bridegroom had shut it from within against all further entry I felt I had hit a brick wall; I had no idea what to write about that because my prior perception did not resonate at all with unconditional love, which I knew, had been experiencing at first hand for decades, was the reality of Jesus, Papa and all our loved ones in Heaven. So, I simply said, well HB, now is crunch time, make or break time, because I have no idea how to proceed and if this is where I have to stop, the rest that I have so far written will come to an untimely halt, leaving it all hanging. That instant, the light came on, it suddenly dawned on me that it was not the bridegroom (bg) who had shut the door from within but the foolish virgins, from without, who had shut the door against themselves by not keeping the lamp of their spiritual awareness lit, and it had gone out. The actual words in the KJV bible say, vs. 10: 'and the door was shut.' It does NOT say, 'and the bg shut the door' or any words to that effect. But it was the instant knowingness of this revelation that really convinced me. This is the modus operandi of the HB; from total unawareness to total knowing, of a certainty, in a microsecond, removing all doubt. Thought processes are never involved because that is intellect and this is revelation, just like the light being switched on. I have experienced it many times, including while writing SYFK.As for visits from the Master Jesus, the answer is in John 14: 23: Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. But the understanding will be enlarged if this is read within the context of the preceding verses from verse 15. Jolena, it is more wonderful than words can describe. That will not stop me from trying though;-) This is why I have HAD to write SYFK, bring it wider awareness and also the Diary of a Christ Communicant; because NOW is the time of 'entering in' to the Kingdom of Heaven, right here, right now, on Earth.I could not leave my fellow travellers outside the door, believing they were excluded when it is a misperception of the words of that parable – even though I did not understand the true meaning until yesterday (boy, ask Theresa if that 'blew me away'!) – I knew, have done so for the last 3 years or so, that this is why I re-incarnated this time (amongst other reasons also).
The Master told me many times over the years that that which we were doing (the Communion Devotions) and the blessings and benefits of spiritual growth and awakening that it brings to communicants was 'an operation of hiddenness;' like a seed sown into fructifying soil, it stays hidden in the ground, out of sight of the world but all the while imbibing the waters of life and germinating, throwing down a radicle to get itself established for the uptake of more moisture and nutrition (nurture) until it is ready to spring forth into the light of day. He said it would become an operation of openness when the time was right and that this would not be by my doing but by circumstances beyond my control and that when it happened, I would know of a certainty that this was 'it' and there would be no doubt in my mind.
Well that happened when, in the small hours of the morning of my birthday last year (June 5th) I was given the allegory of the caterpillars and the butterfly. I went back to sleep afterwards but it was deeply embedded in my consciousness and a few hours later I got up very early and typed it out verbatim. I e-mailed it to a number of people without telling anyone I had written it myself. Not many hours later Owen Waters — — replied saying he would like to run it as one of his weekly articles.
That was the switch being thrown that transformed the operation of hiddenness into the operation of openness. The rest, as they say, is history.The Holy Breath (HB) is the Holy Spirit. This is how He introduced Himself to me, in October 1997. Here is the Diary entry for that occasion:Late October 1997
Susie (our rescued Lhasa Apso dog) was suffering badly from back trouble and as I asked Papa’s guidance on whether to take her to the vet I became aware of what seemed to be ‘Spirit Wind.’ I had a sense of it swirling round like a cloud, with a human-type face, radiating peace and love. There was no sign of physical disturbance — only absolute stillness and inward tranquillity, serenity. I asked what this was and the Voice spoke, from the face in the cloud; it was somehow not Papa or the Master but had Their same authority: "I AM the Spirit of Truth" and after a slight pause "the Holy Breath." The rest of the communication was telepathic, explaining that the visitation was to bring a message of positive assurance from Papa to leave Susie in His loving hands; not to expect an instant ‘fix’ but to leave it and be constant in faith; not to be concerned if she didn't eat for a few days.
This experience was, in my heart and my psycho-spiritual consciousness, utterly real and it gave me new sensation of awareness, of faith, trust and the ensuing desire for willingness to be obedient.
From that moment, Susie went into the dog’s bed under my desk (she never went there previously. It had been Muffy’s - our previous dog - bed and Susie instinctively honoured that and kept out of it, even after Muffy had 'gone home.' Susie stayed in that bed for 4 days without moving except to do her business, eat (not much) and come into the house at the end of each day.
From that time on, her back has been no trouble.
Here are some more Diary entries containing reference to the Holy Breath:
Holy Communion November 2, 1997
Beloved Jesus, I feel as if this (my encounter with the Holy Breath) has been a giant leap forward on the Path of cosmic progress.
My son, make no mistake, the Spirit of Truth is reality and all who experience His reality will never be the same again. Those who speak glibly of His presence in their lives will not have Spiritual Knowing or empowerment unless their lives are full of commitment, full of desire for Eternal Truth and willingness to be obedient to their inner, higher awareness. I counsel you, hold fast to your central, inner instincts for the steadfastness, rightness and Truth of Kingdom reality. Let no-one downgrade your inner sense of the pureness and Highness, the rarefied atmosphere of the Most Holy Place. None shall distort it to their own misguided and debased perception. Draw close and ever closer to me. Let the Holy Breath be upon you for renewal and guiding.
This shall be the whole armour of God by which nothing debased or evil shall sully or harm you. Be thou Holy unto the Lord and REJOICE, for the Kingdom is Holy and pure and joyful and uplifting. I come quickly; be thou ALWAYS ready.
Holy Communion November 16, 1997
Earlier in the week Pop (my dad) went home. I was aware of Ma being present and she said, excitedly, “We've got him over, safe and sound!”
My son, this joyous day is fulfilment of your heart's desire for your Earth-life dad. It is possible for you because of that desire, your commitment, your love, your prayers. All that you asked Papa in my name, believing, it is truly His good pleasure to give to you. And it is my joy also to see your heart's desire fulfilled in this -- and every -- way. This is truly a graphic illustration of Papa's work in the life of His little ones and it is true for all His little ones. These things which you have seen and experienced are for all. It is my desire that you witness to your fellows -- all who will receive -- to this reality.
Nevertheless, let your witness be according to my leading, my directing, my timing, my empowerment. Only by your faith, trust and obedience is it possible for the Holy Breath to breathe in you, to live in you, to speak in you, to work the works of my Father in you, as He did in me. I know you desire this; let it be your desire also that it be only for the glorification of Papa's Name and for His Kingdom. I am the Avenger; I will avenge. You are the son of Love; love. This is His good purpose in you. Rejoice, that His purposes go forward unto fulfilment.
Holy Communion December 28, 1997
During the service I heard Papa saying, "You have found favour in my sight."
Papa, beloved Heavenly Father, I feel as if I have a block against being able to hear from You your word of personal blessing concerning my own life, work, fulfilment, or whatever else.
My son, you have found favour in my sight. Let that not be for you any cause for alarm or concern but rather, rejoicing. It is, as you know, My good pleasure to bless and give of the bounty of My storehouse to all who will receive. You know you are desirous of such blessings and bounty and willing to receive of them. I counsel you therefore, be ready and receptive at all times. You have been faithful and willing; your desire for righteousness, in your own life and the world around you, is strong, reaching out to Me. I have searched and strengthened you in My Ways. To fulfil your strong desire to serve these Ways will you not allow Me to equip you with all the armoury -- the sword of the living Word, the Holy Breath; the shield and breastplate of protection from the enemy; the helmet of My living truth; the shoes of the gospel of peace and goodwill?
It is my good pleasure that you should be so equipped and empowered. All other items of which you have need and which you have been willing to give up for My sake shall also be restored to you a hundredfold because of your faithfulness. It is My desire that you should have no fear nor any concern for any of these things, for all are within My power and My jurisdiction to give, not to you alone but to all who live by the Word and hold fast to that which I have already given. Let love be your motive and I will perform all things for you My beloveds. Go forth rejoicing into the world. I will withhold nothing from you My son.
Your question about speaking with the Master after 1999 was asked by Sharon recently. Here is the exchange on that:
"Quick question, why did you stop posting the diary in 1999? Just wondering. Sharon Around that time some significant changes began to take place in the mechanism of commun(icat)ion between the Master (and Papa and all in the Realms of Light) and me. It has now become like cable broadband, where one is online all the time and no dial-up is required. I believe the objectives have been accomplished in the records between 1967 and the early 2000s. You will read more about this at the beginning of chapter 11 of SYFK."
Dear Jolena, this is all for now. I look forward to continuing our dialogue in the weeks and months ahead.
Much love and many blessings,Brian
The following exchange was posted on November 10th 2006
Thank you very much Brian and it is good to have a resource person. Interesting terminology. If I am a 'resource person' I would love to know what it is ;-)The question I pose to you relates to one that I have been asked time and time again by seekers: "How do I connect with Spirit?" Go within. Not only is the KOH within but contact with it and all who dwell there is within. Also, the question has to be asked, 'Why do you (the seeker) wish to connect with Spirit?' There is a total difference between desire for a spiritual awakening to the reality of the Creator Spirit and those who are serving His Kingdom purposes and a gratuitous desire for psychic phenomena. As Olga always made very plain, the latter is playing with very, very, very dangerous energies and should be avoided at all cost, unless and until the 'seeker' is sincere, committed, ready to be one-pointed in discipline to the highest desire. I believe this should always be made very, unequivocally clear to any who approach you (or me, or anyone) asking for counsel. As I have emphasised in SYFK and over and over and over and will continue to do in the HTG writing and exchanges with correspondents, only if one truly seeks and earnestly desires the coming of the KOHOE is one ready for a spiritual awakening. If the seeker does not obviously have that, they are not ready other than for playing what can be very dangerous games. That is not what SMCC is all about. Sorry to go on Pattie but clearly it is important that this is clearly understood by any (prospective) counsellor and that they make that clear to the counsellee. or "How can I develop my psychic abilities"* Again, these matters are too important to leave it to the Earth-mind consciousness of either the counsellor or the counsellee. According to the Master Jesus, speaking to a chap called Mike, there are over 3 billion souls in spirit 'ministering to the sick and fainting spirits of men.' Here is an extract from that website:
Divine assistance, meaning assistance from the spiritual realm, has been and continues to be an integral part of the evolution of Earth. There are at present over 3 billion spirit beings attached to Earth service. Some reside within the sphere and others work from distant posts. The dedication and loyalty to humanity is unsurpassed.Some humans are ready for higher levels of awareness, but most are not. It is our role to lift those who are unprepared to a point that they can receive greater awareness. We do so by offering love and light to all who live upon Earth. We work diligently with individuals and groups to open their senses and their understanding to higher ideals.
The veil, as you call it, represents the darkness of ignorance. Humanity must take responsibility for its part. So long as humanity's focus is steeped predominately in materiality, awareness of your true essence will be concealed. The deeper your daily lives become intertwined in material survival and accumulation of material security, the less energy you have for discovering the truth about yourselves. Humanity has the power to turn this around. Those of us in the spiritual realm are here to assist and stand ready to offer all that is needed.
Here is an extract from SYFK, chapter 7:
It is therefore highly serviceable for the ritual of spiritual attunement with Jesus and his great desire for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth to be solitary or near solitary, with preferably 2 people who are closely attuned to each other, such as man and wife. The fact that Theresa and I were able to establish such a powerhouse of psycho-spiritual energy for accomplishing so much rescue activity in close harmony with Steve showed exceptional singularity of commitment to the Communion objectives by all three participants. Without that, accomplishments would have been few.
It can be tempting to think that if two or three can generate much more spirit-power than one, why not get 4 or 5, or twenty, or 500 together? Jesus knew the importance of this when he said, ‘For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ (Mt 18:20). Two or three are about as many as, at this stage in the evolution of the spiritual consciousness of mankind, can truly enter into the closet (the within) together in spiritual harmony at the soul-awareness level of consciousness and perform in unison of body, mind and soul. Only when operating in this manner as a harmonised unit can spiritual creative energy be generated for accomplishing ‘miraculous,’ magnificent outcomes to the furtherance of the great God-purpose for mankind. It takes much commitment and practise for a solitary communicant to achieve this unity of body, mind and soul and a very high degree of commitment for 2 or 3 to achieve it together. It is not in accord with the agenda of the institutionalised church to perceive the words of Jesus as implying a maximum number of people but that is clearly his intent according to the realities of spiritual, cosmic law.
The nature of our desire determines the use to which this energy is put. If our heart’s desire is ‘to minister to the sick and fainting spirits of men,’ (it makes no difference whether such be incarnate or excarnate) then the energy we generate will be used for that purpose. It is an automatic process, designed and put into operation by the Creator Spirit (yes, there is a God; the entire universe, manifest and unmanifest, is not an accident!) It works in exactly the same way as described in Isaiah 55:11: ‘So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.’
I have been asked this question* many times and there are many answers but because it is no accident that we were brought into contact with Olga Park and that she was totally, one-pointedly committed to the Lord Jesus, and we became, in like manner, totally committed to him ('I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh to the Father except by me') and because the SMCC ritual communion is totally serviceable to helping 'all who will' to getting 'hooked up with Jesus,' the best and indeed only answer I can unequivocally give, knowing from my own experience that it works (if the seeker is sincere and one-pointedly committed) is, use this device (the communion service) to climb the secret stairway to the Upper Room of one-on-one counsel, care, protection, love, guidance, illumination, joy, peace, health, life abundant, fellowship with the real, living Jesus. He is totally trustworthy and fully empowered to restore each of us to Oneness with the Father. Of course, you and I cannot demand that a seeker - casual or otherwise - follow this disciplined Path, but it can help to establish where the seeker is coming from to probe meaningfully into their motives. That is why I strongly recommend that such be first pointed at SYFK because that will help them to understand that this is more than a game and give them some very serviceable background into the esoteric scheme of things, in a way that can be readily understood by the beginner. They will then, at no cost to anyone, be provided with a platform from which they can, if they desire, move forward.
None of this is a 5-minute exercise and in a world addicted to quick fixes, that will put off many 'seekers.' That is a good thing because only those who are true and earnest will stay the course and that is because only they are ready. Of course there are countless seminars, classes, 'teachers' of spiritual awakening and many are well attended. So be it. Some years ago, Peter Sellers (a Jew) came hesitantly, diffidently into the room at the start of the service. He had been brought to us by Harry Secombe. As soon as I saw him I was unsettled because I knew Peter is Jewish and I was not sure how he would take to our service of honouring the Messiah Jesus. The Master immediately walked purposefully over to me, sat down beside me and quietly but emphatically said, 'That which you do, do in my name.' That was all the guidance and direction I needed and from that moment on, that has been affirmation of the rightness of my determined commitment thusly. There are many websites about the spiritual awakening of humanity but none that I have seen, except HTG, is from a position of honouring Jesus as the spiritual Lord of humanity. The Path we have trodden is, manifestly, our Path, along which we have been led by the Master Jesus.
Here is the Diary entry about Peter:
Holy Communion March 2, 1997
‘Samuel’ a cleric from about the 18th century came in, stern and authoritarian but has been won over and is going forward, rejoicing in the love of the Lord. Peter Sellers has come in also and the Master walked very purposefully across the floor and sat down beside me and said to me in an earnest tone, "That which you do, do in my name." This to tell us we must be constant in our stand and commitment, whether any newcomer is Jewish or any other faith or ethnic background.
My son, you observe well, that in my name is power to heal, transform, uplift. Have no concern for the understanding of any who are brought, for they will have been brought to experience the sincerity and commitment of your hearts and lives in that which you do. There will always be a guiding hand, or sponsor, as Steve rightly observes, to provide for their comfort and well-being, even if they have no awareness of their sponsor at the time. Be true and constant in your commitment. That which you do is a beacon set on a high hill for all to see; see thou to it that you do not hide it under any bushel but let it shine forth even brighter, that my little ones, all sorts and conditions of men, may see and be drawn by the joy and Sacrifice of Thanksgiving.
Now is the banquet feast celebrating the marriage of Earth with Heaven and my Father would not have one of His little ones uninvited to the celebrations. Let your heart's desire be to send life and blessings to all who will respond. Let your desire be of profound sincerity, for this shall be undeniable to even the most reluctant participant, even as you have witnessed today with my servant Samuel. There is much cause for celebration in Heaven and Earth and you shall see more of this as your desire for blessing my little ones increases. Freely have you received, so let your giving be unencumbered. All is well. REJOICE!
I lovingly hope it will be helpful for you. Then, 2 weeks later, this:
Holy Communion March 16, 1997
Peter Sellers came through the open door and realised that it would not shut behind him, trapping him. This enabled him to feel unthreatened and able to relax. He knelt in prayer and the Master came up behind him with the unspotted garment. Peter said “I'm not bothered whether he is Jesus Christ or Yeshua Messiah -- he is the Lord.” At the Thanksgiving after offering of the bread “… that we may be faithful stewards…” Peter jumped up and said with great enthusiasm, “Can I be a steward?”
Lord, this has been such a wonderful service of new awarenesses -- that the door is open to enter and leave if any so wish -- for example.
My beloved son, my beloved friend, this is the beginning of miracles. You shall see much more, by your commitment, your faith, your love. I rejoice with you both, with all who faithfully serve and with all who enter in.
I counsel you, keep on in this way; broadcast your invitation in my name. It matters not that many who hear the call are not aware of my name. Truth, sincerity, peace, love are universal and this is common ground for all, by which they may enter in feeling secure. Yes, there may be old attitudes and beliefs causing uncertainty at first but your sincerity will disarm such fears, even as you have seen today. It is important that you do all this in my name because the Father of all Creation has vested in me power and authority for redemption and salvation, so that only by me, one-pointedly, can Papa's little ones be bought back and brought back. It had to be this way, for one from the Earth-life to descend into the depths to make fast the escape route. There could be no shortcuts or half measures or many would not have been able to be rescued. As it is, all who will can now come back to their Father.
Thank you for telling me this Master.
It is important for the rescue work that you know this. Peace and joy and fulfilment be yours.
Of course I cannot tell you what you must or should do; I only know what is my calling. As I said yesterday, SYFK is an introduction, a lead-in to ACIM; the last 40 years have been immeasurably helpful to Theresa and me in understanding ACIM and although I had not read ACIM when I wrote SYFK, synchronicity has been the modus operandi and I can state of a certainty that for a serious seeker to first read, study, assimilate the benefits to spiritual awakening that SYFK contains, they will then be much prepared for the strong meat of the 3rd measure of meal that is set out in ACIM.
The first thing that comes out of my mouth is what Olga said about frequencies. You must call upon the highest spirit guides to connect with you for the good of humanity. We all serve and are in servitude I would say 'service' because 'servitude' means slavery, or domination by another and that is not what the KOHOE is about. to others. I believe that is why I incarnated this time. I spent too many lifetimes being served by servants, if you will. With the exception of my last incarnation which was at Auschweitz I have had it fairly easy Well, that certainly will have re-balanced the books! In terms of psychic abilities- I am reluctant to tell them much since so many are at the Ouija Board level. I feel sure you will know, from what I have said above, that I am rejoicing at this, dear friend. They want to contact spirits because of Ghost Whisperers and films like that. Truly, we are on the same page ;-) For me my abilities have evolved through practice. You mention the special attunement well this is what forges connection- Olga explained it with electrical wiring. If you are tuned to the highest frequencies, you can expect the very best communication. And, the Christ is the Master Director of all frequencies. My rejoicing just moved up several orders of magnitude. Alleluia. I must tell you something though, as of late, I have had incredible communications with Angel Principalities. Now this is an area which is totally foreign to me. I have had manifestations lately of Michael- who works for the Master and with his sword can cut any lower elemental tampering. I have called up Raphael for healing and Gabriel for good news germane to my readings and I am gobsmacked at the results. In August, I experienced a personal crisis in my life. I prayed (pleaded) for Michael to aid me as i was totally alone against the odds. In my mind's eye I got a clear mental picture of Him wrapping his huge wings around me so that i was encased in Him. This is truly wondrous indeed. I saw exactly the same thing when Pauline was here in 1990. Here is the Diary entry for it:
Holy Communion September 16, 1990
As soon as I knelt for the personal dedication, the “door” to the Inner Plane Sanctuary opened and I was aware of the Teacher, very close. Pauline being here has added a new vibration and this is settling in and mingling with ours. All the Inner Plane Servers and the Master are very close but my attunement to their wavelength is slightly clouded.
As Pauline took the bread and wine, a tall, powerful angel stood up close behind her, wings swept forward, enfolding, shielding and protecting her.
Blessed Master, I feel this Communion is for us four but that nevertheless the power generated is for all who will, also.
My beloved son, there is much joy in Heaven and Earth that you little ones are together in my name and for the Glorification of the Father. We go forward unto a new phase of the Kingdom programme and there will be new experience and new awareness for you all. Be not afraid, all is well, all is under my control and you shall be constantly under the guidance and protection of the Servers of the Light. Indeed you are of the Kingdom and in the Kingdom and no evil can reach you and no filthiness can contaminate you, for such cannot enter in.
I counsel you, live in daily awareness that you are (all) children of the Kingdom, of the Light and of the Love of the Heavenly Father. Thus shall His Holy Angels keep you from the temptations of the prince of darkness.
Now is the time for the entering in, not the going out. Therefore do thou keep thy garment white and spotless.
Miraculously I sensed the peace of the Christ Spirit working through me and emanating from Michael. At that moment, I was spared harm from an attacker who backed off for some mysterious reason- (we know why?) It was a psychic attack but with malice aforethought and it was intense so only by the grace of God was I spared. Another time, Raphael came to my bedside while I was ailing with bronchitis. At times, I could not breathe and I called out for his help. I felt the silky touch of his hand in my right hand as if to say "you are well, go in peace". My point is just as revelations 12 points out Michael and the principalities of the highest order are very aware of our difficulties. They cannot help us unless we ask as they abide by strict cosmic law. Pattie, this is music to my soul, in which I am dancing for joy. Brian the last meditation communion I did, I got the message: "My child, your work is cut out for you" At 55, I thought perhaps I could start taking life easier but as you point out, things are stepped up- faster- things are happening at break-neck speed. Something is going on Spiritual warfare perhaps. Here is a quote from ACIM: There is an ancient battle being waged against the truth but truth does not respond. Who could be hurt in such a war, unless he hurts himself? He has no enemy in truth. And can he be assailed by dreams?" (Chapter 31, section ii, para 1) I look to the skies and see clearly angelic forces are constantly fighting off the dark. This quote is clearly indicating to me that this warfare is not for us to enjoin; that this is Angels' work and our role is to focus, focus, focus on the Kingdom. The Master has said to me many times, 'Espouse good, eschew evil.' I constantly give praise to the Father Creator by saying thank you , thank you, thank you and amazing things happen. something about doing things in three perhaps- after all we are in the 3rd hour. Olga is very much at my side. Many times when I draw a blank, I cast my eyes on her smiling face and gain inspiration and an easy flow. She is so close as she too wants to see the K. of Heaven upon earth- certainly she gave us the tools. Dear One, I love all this and again, rejoice in, with and for you. God bless you and please tell Theresa that I too was diagnosed with ME in 1992 after I had a serious car accident with a Porsche that went through a red light. There is hope out there. May I inquire as to her treatment please Here is the website for the chap who has been the agent of Theresa's restoration from ME. Theresa went through the Lightning Process (click tab on website) as I still have traces of it but more so fibromyalgia which is a painful immuno-suppressive disorder. I believe this will be released by the Lightning Process. Often I get the crippling stiffness, sore back, migraines- but lately since I have taken MSM,(?) I have felt some relief. Must go now, please keep me in your prayers as it is a constant battle Acceptance immediately withdraws the 'battle' consciousness. I do urge you to look anew at this. As Papa says in CWG, 'What you resist persists.' with my teens and others who oppose the light. love Patricia. With much love and many, many blessings, Brian
The following exchanges were posted on November 2nd 2006
Dear Brian,
You had asked for feedback with regards to including what you considered “personal information” in the latest sharing of diary entries (April 11 - June 6 1993). If what you were referring to was the Rector’s greeting on your birthday, for me it was the most inspiring portion of it. These words are deeply touching to my soul, Keith. Of course it was for me also but that you were able to see it this way is the true indicator that taking that decision in conjunction with the Holy Spirit was true inspiration and guidance from above. It truly made my heart swell with gratitude for who you are and what your commitment has meant to me. I cannot find words to respond to this, so just say a heartfelt ‘Thank you.’
Two days ago I crossed a milestone in my FTOC – my 90th consecutive day of communion practice. Now that truly is a shining example of FTOC;-) This experience and the blessings it is bringing and will bring into your life will get better and better, Keith. A few days previous my new employer instructed me to get promotional photos taken for new business cards and a press release. The before and after picture below does a far better job of demonstrating the effect of being held hostage by ego and then choosing FTOC to become a Host to the Holy Spirit.
The photo on the left was taken near my 51st birthday (6 months ago), about 1 month after falling 14’ from a ladder and almost crippling myself. As I mentioned previously, this blessed event was part of a series of “wake up calls” that felt carefully guided by Holy Helpers in Higher offices. A superb example of how we call into our presence the perfect thing, which can often show up looking suspiciously like adversity but is in fact ‘opportunity to transform adversity into fulfillment’ (OTAF)
The photo on the right was taken just 6 months later (10/27/06):
Apparently my ego weighed 24 lbs.! Truly the real you was hiding and has now emerged in radiance and 24# lighter. One would hardly know it was the same person. But this is true of all of us, as we awaken from the dream and remember who we really are. Here is as good a testimony to the wholeness that the Spirit of Truth can and will bestow upon all who truly seek and earnestly desire. Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. Truly they are worth 1000 words.
I’m sure you can imagine how grateful I am to Olga’s gift of Home Communion, and to you for your commitment to seeing that people like me can experience the fruits thereof. Glory be! This is only the beginning Keith. FTOC such as yours is a rare commodity in this hurting world but here is proof positive of its inestimable value.
Perhaps once you have your own experience of the living Jesus, in some way that is discernible by you, it never leaves you; it always shows up during the service, somewhere, like a thread that you just follow. It hasn’t been that for me. Mostly, it’s been about showing up with a willing heart; showing up with my vulnerability, with the deepest feelings I can lay on the altar, some so heavy I just can’t carry them myself. That is when we can remember that we do not have to carry them; Jesus, with the hosts of Heaven, who minister unceasingly to the sick and fainting spirits of men, are there, aching to relieve us of them and remind us that in truth there are no burdens. This says it all:
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Mat. 11: 28-30)
I give thanks that you are moving into that place of remembrance. And it is a blessed event when I can let the waters flow because it lowers the level in the bucket… Tears are a wonderful gift, to release the pressure and as you so appositely put it, lower the level in the bucket.
Mostly, I read through the service, sing the hymns, and catch myself processing my brain – then snapping back to the present. But tonight, there was a different feeling in the room. I looked deeply into the eyes of Jesus, really trying to reach beyond this dimension into his, and then went on with my usual ritual. But then I noticed something about the words on the page. They looked different, a little 3D, kind of jumping off the page a bit. And then about a third of the way into the service I found myself hearing the words differently – suddenly I became aware of the man who had said them, like they were being spoken by Him in this now moment. Keith, this is you attuning to the Eternal Consciousness, where Jesus is speaking the words to all who will receive them unto themselves. This is news of the grandest magnitude! This is the beginning and is a result of your FTOC. Such attunement is not an intellectual process; it is not of the mind or the understanding but of the life force (the soul) and is the natural growth consequence of FTOC. It is something that happens to us in response to our desiring it. It cannot be bought or manipulated by the mammon of unrighteousness. Thank goodness! I checked in with myself and realized that I was feeling the man who said the words – I was tapped into the living Jesus. Then I just burst into tears of joy. Only one who has had this experience can imagine or understand what this is like. I rejoice with a full and overflowing heart for and with you. Alleluia!!
It was nothing big, really; quite subtle actually. Big can still be subtle ;-) Your at-one-ment with this will grow and become bigger and bigger, yet at the same time, more and more natural for you. It was only an awareness of a different energy in the room and the awareness that I had steadily knocked, day after day, week after week, and that the door did open, even if just a crack, it was noticeable. How interesting that you describe this in this perspective. In actuality, it is the Master who has been quietly knocking at your door – as is the case with all of us (‘Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.’ Rev. 3:20) - and you have now heard his knock and opened your door a crack to him, so that his light can reach you. I assure you, dear friend, that as each step forward takes place, the door (your door) will open wider and the Master’s entry into your life and his ‘supping’ with you will become more and more until it is perceived by you (and ‘all who will’) as the great, cosmic banquet feast that it really is; fit indeed to celebrate the marriage of the King’s Son. For clarity, we, Papa’s children in the Earth-mind consciousness (whether here or in the etheric counterpart of Earth physical, the ‘lower astral planes’) are the ‘intended’ in this marriage, which will be consummated by the process of our restoration to the Kingdom consciousness, when we shall become, with Jesus and all our brethren – the whole of humanity – in the Sonship, ‘as one flesh.’
All is healing perfectly and at God Speed and I remain eternally grateful to the KOH and our collective role in it’s manifestation on Earth. Amen and alleluia!!
Love to you and Theresa, Returned, with laser-powered interest, endlessly,
Keith Brian
The following exchanges were posted on October 27th 2006
Hello Ed,
It seems to me we have discussed the issues you have raised here in previous exchanges!
I will go through each point you make/question asked and answer as I am inspired so to do.
Has Jesus, the spirit of all, discussed your I do not understand why you have used this word. It is not my process; I am simply a participant in it, as are we all, even if we are not consciously aware of it commercial I do not see the redemption process as a commercial exercise, though commercial endeavours will, as part of the Process, undergo a transformation also redemption process on this planet? All life, being, consciousness, energy - manifest and unmanifest (in ultimate reality there is no difference between manifest and unmanifest because 'manifest' is simply 'unmanifest' at a different rate of vibration; scientists are moving, as we engage in this discussion, to the realisation that all matter is energy and has universal consciousness) - is God.
According to Owen Waters' inspired writings, the Creator is universal consciousness, empowered/motivated by love. This has also been my understanding since the 1960s when I arrived at the perception that ‘God is Creative, intelligent energy motivated by love.’ With this in mind, it can be seen that 'money' is energy, in a particular vibration or form of manifestation (money gets things done and that requires energy, however you look at it). Of course humankind, having free will and an ego-mind distorting ultimate reality to serve expediency motives, corruption is inevitable, including and especially in places of commercial and governmental 'power.'
However, the point that you are missing, Ed, is that it is not man - Earth-mind, ego-dominated, power/money-corrupted man - who is actually in charge of the unfolding destiny of humanity but the Spirit of the Holy One, whose very life is what keeps you and me and all living things upright and functional. That truth is unaffected by denial of it being so; God is not the least upset or offended by such forgetfulness. Indeed, He knows all about it, understands how it came about, accepts it, honours it, and is calling us - all of us - Home. Not after we have 'died' but right here in our life incarnate.
That is what is happening right now and has always been happening but at the change-over period between the Piscean and Aquarian ages (or 2nd to 3rd measures of meal) the process gathers momentum and the transforming, metamorphosing energy is focused, concentrated, so a quantum leap of consciousness takes place in those within its sphere of influence (i.e., humans and all of Earth manifestation).
This process is entirely unaffected by shadows because they have no existence in Light. All that is not of the Spirit of the Creator is nothing more than a shadow. To see all the shadowy, corrupt, unserviceable-to-the-common-good-of-all activities that appear to be occupying so much of your focus of attention as anything more than that is to be engaged within the illusion that it is. The Light (which is love and eternal truth) that is now laser-power bathing Earth (I am speaking of spiritual Light, which cannot be seen or detected with the double vision of our Earth-life senses but only experienced with our 'single eye' vision, which is our soul senses) is energising our consciousness, which in a real sense (but which has to be explained in an allegorical sense because that is the only way we are able to comprehend the reality of it at our present, Earth-mind consciousness state of awareness) is metamorphosing us to our true Homo Dei Spiritui nature - as explained in the 'Synopsis of the Rescue Plan' (SRP) article.
Have you seen any of David Icke material? As I understand David Icke’s perspective, he believes in, and has perhaps constructed, conspiracy theories of astonishing array. The Master Jesus has described such to me as ‘the elaborate theories of men.’ I am not implying that there are not conspiracies in ‘high’ places (in strictly Earth-consciousness terms); it seems inevitable within the context of ego-mind-functioning humanity. All the conspiracy theories surrounding the so-called ‘Illuminati,’ which appear to occupy a substantial proportion of his energies and attention make the single assumption that there are – and have been for many centuries – a small circle of people and their successors, who control most of the world’s money and commercial, financial and industrial power and will go to any lengths to manipulate the mass of humanity to serve their covert agendas, and eventually establish a ‘One World Government’ which will be despotic in its intentions and activities.
This all must assume that there are groups of humans, generation after generation, who are clever enough and cohesive enough to grasp the enormity and mechanics of such an endeavour and who will remain, generation after generation, in single-minded focus adequate to establish and maintain, on this multi-generational basis, such a conspiracy.
The words of Jesus, that a house divided against itself cannot stand, come very much to mind in this context because, as we are reminded in ACIM, ego-mind, constructed at the separation event, is upside-down and insane, consumed with fear, guilt and shame, projecting these onto any likely candidate because their burden is too awful to bear, and that destruction, death and mayhem are its intent. However impossible that may seem to those endeavouring to make any sense out of this insane world, I suggest they watch the News. Everything about ego-mind is the exact polar opposite of Christ mind, which is our true consciousness and to which we are now in the process of being restored, by the unconditional love and grace of Papa and the Great Rescue Plan of Jesus.
Ed, even if this Illuminati idea were possible and actually the case, I assure you totally that such an agenda is so utterly puny and impotent when seen in the Light of the agenda of Jesus, who has been engaged with his rescue plan (which is to do with soul consciousness, not money and political/economic domination) since a very long time before Abraham (‘Before Abraham was, I am.’ Jn. 8:58) and is given all power in Heaven and Earth (somewhat more than the Illuminati, don’t you agree?) to accomplish it, that such a conspiracy, which appears to be in power and control when observed with one’s double vision of Earth-mind sensory perception (I urge you to raise your sights and allow your real, single – soul consciousness – eye to bring clarity of vision) is in reality, just a shadow and will disappear in the presence of the real Illuminati(on). Sorry about the length of that sentence but it will focus you mind trying to sort out its intent ;-)
As I see it there are many scenarios going on at the same time Of course there are many scenarios going on at the same time but only at the ‘horizontal,’ ‘without,’ Earth-plane, ego-consciousness level. At the Eternal consciousness level, which is where Jesus is functioning from and where the ‘show’ is really being run from (in spite of what the Illuminati and all the conspiracy theorists may think) and where all the real and only true power is for the metamorphosing of Papa’s Children, there is only One scenario going on.
When we are able to accept that truth and adjust the focus of our vision, it stares us in the face and we find our self saying, ‘Why didn’t I see that before?’ The answer, of course, is that only when we are ready does the understanding of the Higher come into focus for us. Meanwhile, all the other seems real to us, so it is, for us, real but only temporarily, until we undergo an awakening. Until our vision becomes adjusted to seeing with the Light of Eternal Truth, all the shadows seem very real. and as one who reads and comprehends the commercial aspect of the Bible, do you not see that many on this planet are in complete disharmony with the Creator/Supreme being. I would adjust the ‘many’ to ‘most.’
I see many on this planet being recycled That seems a very dispassionate word to use to describe Papa’s unconditional love for His beloved children. The term reincarnate seems much more in harmony with the Great Rescue Programme. again like they have for eons because of their separation As explained in ACIM and SRP, the separation did not and could not ever happen and is only an illusion; therefore, in the sight of He who IS the Eternal Reality, Papa, we are not separated from Him. Separation is a misperception by His Little Ones, who are, in the only true reality – Eternity – along with Jesus, ‘Big Ones.’ from the Creator and not following his plan set up in the Bible.
If we raise our vision we can see, with our Single Eye, that we ARE following the Plan. Jesus, the Messiah, who set up the 3-measures of meal rescue plan, is the focal point of Judeo-Christian scriptures and he came to anchor that plan in the Earth and ensure that the second measure became leavened and would thus be able to leaven the 3rd and final measure. Please shift the focus of your vision from the double, horizontal, earthly-sense sight to the soul sight of the Single Eye. This is what Jesus said about this:
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil (double), thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! (Mat. 6: 22-23). It seems to me very plain what is being stated here.
I see the Bible as our Book of Commerce If that is your choice, so be it. Is that how you believe Papa and Jesus wish us to perceive it? Do you believe that perception is serviceable to our restoration to the Kingdom of God-consciousness? and how to function on this planet Not only ‘this planet.’ We are Citizens of Eternity. We can only become restored to wakeful remembrance of that reality by living our lives from that place of being and ‘geography’ (i.e. whether we are in the Earth life or the ‘next’) has absolutely nothing to do with who we are and how we choose to see our True Self. Do you believe we are unable to see our True Being while here, with a ‘physical’ body? but it has been used to misguide the sheeple good term, Ed! who do not acknowledge the Creator or want to learn how to come in harmony with his plan here on earth to redeem oneself to come back into his fold in the heavens. The Great Rescue Plan of Jesus is bringing Heaven to Earth and that is right now, not in some future indeterminate time. Are you saying that you are amongst those who have allowed the church and their misuse/misperception of the Scriptures to misguide you?
That is what the so called Jesus of the Bible was trying to show that all fall short of the Grace of God and need to learn how to redeem themselves. Ed, dear friend, ACIM, SYFK, 40 years of walking and communing with the living, real Jesus, have convinced me that we do not have to redeem ourselves; nor are we able. Jesus is performing it for us, using PLFs to accomplish it. There is much misperception about all this and this is at least in part due to mythology fabricated by a corrupt church (which has been corrupt since the 5th century at the latest and has been more corrupted with each passing century). The internet is stuffed with websites demonstrating this. You appear to be a man who does his homework; have you not looked into this?
I have pasted a few paragraphs from SYFK, chapter 3, below, for your reference. This is in response to you statements, above, about ‘many scenarios going on at the same time,’ to which my response was that there is only One scenario going on where it counts, the Eternal consciousness. The extract below tells how Olga Park was instructed, out of the body, in spirit, in the presence of the living Jesus, in the Mystical Communion with Christ, and how it was deliberately established so that it could have no Earth structure and was thus unable to be corrupted by those with their own agenda. I truly and sincerely hope it will contribute to a greater understanding of the Process of restoration (or salvation, or redemption, or whatever resonates for you) of humanity. This is the parable of the prodigal son. When the father saw him making his way back from afar off, he ran to meet him and all was sweetness and light and banquet feasting. This is the message I am called to proclaim, now we are at the time. ‘Having eyes, see you not?’
Ed, all the while you are immersed in all this conspiracy stuff, that is where the focus of heart and mind will be and remain. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Mt 6:21 Do you believe this is where God and Jesus wish you to be when you could be entering the Banquet Chamber and joining in the celebrations of the Marriage of the King’s son, the (re)union of the Heaven with Earth? I assure you, all are invited, including you and me. A heavy, conspiracy-theory ridden heart is not conducive to a time for celebration. The elaborate theories of men are nothing to the power of Holy Spirit to accomplish Its Kingdomly objectives.
Peace and joy within, is my desire for you, Ed.
With love and many blessings,
She went on to explain that many years ago, after years of contact from and counselling by the soul from spirit who had introduced himself to her as her ‘Teacher,’ she had been visited by him one night and he took her out of the body to a place in spirit that appeared to be some sort of temple or cathedral.
There, before a gathering of a good many souls from the Realms of Light, including the Lord Jesus himself, he had instructed her in a form of service of Holy Communion. He had spoken the words, shown her gestures of the arms and hands, shown her when to stand, when to kneel, when to face toward the altar of Lights and of Bread and Wine of partaking (signifying the addressing of the words the Teacher had given her to speak to the Source of All) and when to face away from it (signifying the addressing of the words to - and the inclusion of - other souls present, whether in the Earth life or beyond). He showed her how to take the bread and consecrate it by blessing and breaking it, just as Jesus did at the Last Supper and the words to speak in accompaniment to the actions. He did the same with the consecrating of the ‘fruit of the vine.’ He gave her words and actions for the partaking of the sanctified bread and wine and for the partaking of the same on behalf of and as an offering to others, whether incarnate or discarnate, who ‘seek after the Light of the Sanctuary of Christ Communion and of all who have desired our prayers.’
There was much, much more. He explained to her that this was to be, for her, at least for the time being, a ‘solitary’ communion at the Earth-life conscious level; that it was and would become for her a ‘Mystical Communion with the living Christ;’ that there would be attracted to it by the spirit light generated by the sincerity of her heart, through the uplifting energies created during the service, many souls from the realms in the life beyond the Earth who were lost in dark and dismal places – the ‘Wilderness’ – who would find spiritual solace in this celebration event, as well as many from the Realms of Light who were in at-one-ment with its message and the desire conveyed by its words and actions.
But the central purpose and objective of the ritual in which the Teacher instructed her was that it was to be an exercise in unifying the focus of the soul, mind and body of the communicant in an act of attunement with the mind, soul and life of the living Jesus. The words of the ritual were assembled mostly from the words of King David (Psalms), Isaiah, Jesus, Paul and John of Patmos and linked into a cohesive, structured format by words given by the Teacher during this out-of-the-body instruction. There were also inspirational hymns included to add to the conduciveness of getting on a spiritually attuned wavelength.
The ritual was designed to enable the communicant to gradually ascend to a place of refined, uplifted attunement and then to have a period of silent communion of hearts, minds and souls with the living Jesus. This is to develop the faculty – dormant in most souls who have become so engaged in the ‘sojourning in Time’ part of their lives that their physical and spiritual lives are not in a resonant state of peace, harmony and balance with each other – of entering into the ‘Within’ part of their consciousness, where they will have awareness of and fellowship with the living Jesus. This will bring enlightenment and illumination of the eternal realities, of which Jesus is Master, for the uplifting of all who truly seek after God and earnestly desire the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
The communicant can speak with Jesus in their mind and have pen and paper ready for receiving his response, which comes into their mind as objectively spoken words; a form of communication described by Olga as the ‘Silent Voice.’
Olga explained to me that the words that the Master had spoken to me in my basement room were also part of the service in which she had been instructed and that because these words are the invitation of the Master to all who respond to his knocking at the door of their life and soul, their inner consciousness, so that he may enter into their lives and have spiritual fellowship or ‘supping’ - the Bread of Life and the Wine of Spiritual Love - with them, this was his message to her that I was ready to be instructed by her in the order and meaning of this service of Mystical Christ Communion.
This she diligently did and from then I went to her cottage every Sunday morning to participate with her in these Communion Devotions. She explained to me that this was an Earthly manifestation of a Heavenly ‘Society of the Mystical Communion of Christ’ or SMCC; that it was to have no Earthly organisational structure or rules or regulations; that it was intended as a focus to assist ‘all who will’ to enter into a state of at-one-ment with the great desire-thought of Jesus – namely, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; that it was intended to always be a solitary or near-solitary activity, in accordance with Jesus’ own teachings that when we pray we should enter into our closet and when we are alone, to then pray (Mt. 6:6) and also that when 2 or 3 are gathered together in his name that he would be there ‘in the midst’ with them (Mt. 18:20); that there would never be any outward, organised, institutionalised manifestations of it that could be usurped, manipulated, distorted or perverted for the self-serving ways of those who did not have a heart first and foremost for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Thank you for your reply. I see many scenarios in the Bible at the same time and I have a friend who says he talks to Jesus like you do and Jesus has apologized to him for the enslavement mess To what? By whom? We are set free the moment we realise we are not enslaved and it is Jesus who is helping us to realise that we are not enslaved. Enslavement is of the mind, not the body and that is our free choice, always. Many of the Africans who were taken into slavery realised that very clearly. that all mankind is in down here Not all mankind. Most, assuredly but not all and all that is, right now, in our time, in the process of changing. It will not be because of any political process but the spiritual transformation, metamorphosing that we are undergoing right now. That is why we are in the chaos time. As the old saying goes, you cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. Would you feel it appropriate to apologise to your brother if he got himself in a mess and you were helping him out of it? We all may be part of the source Creator but most on this planet are walking dead sheeple as I see it and will be recycled, reincarnated back and will not progress off this planet because they follow doctrines of MAN. Somehow, you have missed what I said in the previous message but the key here is that it is not man who is/is not effecting the rescue programme but it is the drawing power of the Creator Spirit that is doing it from above down, implemented in its operation by Jesus, our big brother. As an analogy, imagine having some ‘incurable’ condition, such as palsy, 2,000 years ago and saying, ‘I am going to sort this out for myself,’ OR, ‘I am doomed, there is no hope for me.’ Then, along comes Jesus. Suddenly, the ‘impossible, beyond the wit of man, is possible because of thinking, understanding, having faith outside the box of Earth-mind man, all becomes possible. Ed, you seem determined to keep your sights down; what kind of faith is that? The glass is half full; will you still choose to say it is half empty? I Corinthians 3 makes it very clear that your body is Gods temple and if you defile it he will terminate it. When it comes to the crunch, I always take what Jesus says over what Paul or the other apostles say, if there is a difference, which there frequently is. If he does this, do you think you are going to progress to another level, don’t think so. I, along with all who so choose, freely, have already progressed/are progressing to another level: the Kingdom of Heaven, on Earth; right now. Jesus said the Kingdom is at hand, 2k years ago. If it was at hand then, do you think Papa or Jesus have got in a huff because we did something wrong, and withdrawn it? I will agree that we have to go within to find our Christ consciousness but if one is walking around the planet as a Child of the Bondswoman We are only the child of a bondswoman if we choose so to be. To confuse biology with spiritual reality is to err. rather a Child of the Freewoman,[Gal 4] then you are not stepping forward as a Child of God as I see it. That is not how Jesus sees it at all: But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Mt 19:26. Why are you so determined to look on the negative side. Do you believe that is Jesus’ perspective? You cannot walk with Jesus if you are going in the opposite direction. Since each of us must answer for our actions And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. Jn 12:47 I will be pursuing both the Commercial redemption part as I see as well as the Spiritual part. Please remind me what Jesus said about Commercial Redemption. It is our eternal souls he is saving, not our bank balance ;-) Let us lighten up here! As I see they both go hand in hand and I will pursue the illusion or what ever you wish to call it as I see both sides of it. Mathew 7 makes very clear that few are on the road to redemption off this planet 2k years ago; the Plan of God goes forward and is going forward. Will you go forward with it or is it your choice to be ‘left behind,’ because Jesus will not force you. However, the doors to the Banquet Chamber are open and you will be given, free of charge, a white garment if you choose to enter freely. The white garment is free; redemption/restoration to wholeness is free to all who will receive it. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? Jn. 11: 26 and I will leave things in the Creators hands as to who goes where. Do you believe that is a perception of the Kingdom consciousness or the separation consciousness? I tell you plainly, the separation is at an end and we are now, if we are willing, freely invited back into the Oneness with Papa. As with all things, it is always our free choice to allow perversity to keep us out in the dark and cold.
I agree one hundred percent that organized Re-legion is corrupt and I see it as the anti-christ. I now see that it is actually ego mind that is the anti-christ and the institutionalised church, with its hundreds of absurd rules and regulations, dogmas and doctrines that are nothing to do with Jesus of Nazareth – the church of Laodicea - is a construct of ego mind. but I still put value in what is written in the Bible in parable and allegories Yet you seem to choose to ignore the bible allegories and parables that support the Rescue Plan perception. Interesting. and I will go with what my heart tells me You must do that in order to be true to yourself. All I implore of you is, do not doggedly close your mind against a ray of Light from Heaven offering you free entry to the Kingdom because of someone else’s doctrines and dogmas on which Jesus said nothing. the same as you are going with yours and I will accept that we both see things differently and will let it be at that.
Cheers, Ed,
The following exchanges were posted on October 26th 2006
Dear Brian,
Reading this (Synopsis of the Rescue Plan) made me feel more loved than I've ever remembered feeling. I am trembling with joy and excitement of what is unfolding and so very very grateful to have you helping show the way back home. After the first paragraph, I felt I had to read it out loud (with just my dog around to hear :)) , To be honest, I haven't been able to read all the diary entries, saving them for later. Silly me. Brian, I love you - my brother. This is so exciting!!! I will get back to you with any thoughts to share after I let these words wash over me for while. This is so exciting!!
My Dear Jolena,
Your words have deeply touched my heart. This is my One Desire; to help my fellows in this world of illusion and deception to see and experience the reality of Life, of the fact that we are Citizens of Eternity and that it is our birthright, heritage and destiny to have the Life Abundant that Papa longs to give is. That Abundance is spiritual, Eternal abundance, not this year's model Winnebago and a retirement home in Florida or Spain.
To have this feedback from you, indicating that you have received and understood and resonate with all of this, is abundance of heart-filling - in fact heart-overflowing - Joy of Heaven indeed. I love you too, dearest Jolena, for we are truly all One, brethren in the Sonship and that reality becomes ours when we recognise it for the Truth of Eternity that it IS.
There has been more positive response to this synopsis than I ever imagined, so you can imagine how my cup runneth over ;-) Assuredly, it is and can only be, unconditional love that will gently and tenderly awaken the slumbering souls from their nightmare.
I look forward to hearing back from you with further thoughts after this has permeated more deeply into your being. Indeed, this truly is, so exciting; immeasurably more so than any treasures of Earth can bring.
Love, peace, joy bless you always,
Dear Brian and Theresa,
Have only just opened up your latest email and I would like to say thank you so much for sharing that knowledge (Synopsis of the Rescue Plan). Everything you wrote is just so in tune with my inner being. It is impossible to close the door in my consciousness that has opened just a chink.. To me Christ is waiting on the other side of that metaphorical door which the path I have taken has led me to.. The wonderful words you have written are part of a synchronicity that is like a helping hand , reaching out in great caring from the Light that shines beyond the door, a door that is set in the dark wall of my little self, and there has arisen a longing to merge and be one with that Light.
I have prayed (asked) to find like-minded people whose consciousness flows in the same channels as mine and tonight synchronicity is in full flow, not only is there someone to write an email to who knows, (as opposed to believes) but also tonight there has arisen an opportunity to join with like-minded people with whom I can explore reality and not have to watch what I say in case of treading on their beliefs. Thank you again. I would like to share with you a poem I wrote a few years ago as a way of describing in metaphors a 'waking up' experience. Shakespeare's words say it more succinctly but for what it's worth, here it is. I have called it -
I live within a dim-lit room that bounds my whole reality
and there between the pain and joy,
the ups and downs, and ins and outs,
that whirl me round, and throw me down
and ever change, a tiny centre stirs.
Stirs within this dream of life.
What am I? When and how?
Who can tell me? Who knows Truth?
What lies behind the Now?
Waking from this shadow world,
illusions in a dim-lit room,
I creep towards the secret door
and push - a tiny crack, not more.
The room disperses into Light,
beyond the door a vast Abyss.
I cannot grasp my robes so bright,
the empty robes I thought were me.
Where am I ? Terror runs and hides
its head among the shadow-men
the moving scene within the room.
PRETEND! PRETEND, and shut it out.
Pretend and play The Game of Life,
while yawns the Space which waits outside
REALITY. unbounded, free.
that swallows everything ----AND ME !!
Time move on. I will not face
that 'me- annihilating' SPACE
where lives the Light which plays
while we - believe Its shapes - reality.
Yet through the many-layered me
beyond the Silence to life's core,
the tiny, naked I which 'saw'
explodes to hold Infinity.
Greetings and blessings, Dear Dot;
The following exchange was posted on October 25th 2006
Howdy Bri!!
Your writing has been immensely helpful but there is so much ground covered that I could use some extra help getting an overall picture of what you are telling us, so that I can wrap my head around it all.
Can you summarise it in a document that I can read in a few minutes and inwardly digest, so that the big picture is able to take shape in my mind?
Good on you for what you are doing,
Hi Russ,
Here goes!
The Path of our spiritual journey unfolds one step at a time, at our feet. As Jesus put it on January 25, 1998 (see Diary entry for that date):
In the same way as it is Papa's law not to try to gather more of His life-giving Manna than you need for each day, so do not try to take more than one step at a time or to see the path stretched out before you, for it is not there. It unfolds at your feet. It grows by Papa's life and husbanding in response to your desire, your outreaching to Him and by your FTO. I am the Way, the path, the sure foundation by which you come to Papa, and by this you shall neither stumble nor fall. Be patient, be faithful, be trusting. I will not let you down. It is my desire that you, my beloveds, shall be whole.
The Path leads us back to God, or I AM. I AM is all there is and all there is includes you and me; all of us. We are all part of I AM and in our higher Self, or soul consciousness, we are fully aware of this and one with I AM. We might call this, real part of our being, ‘Big Me’ and the Earth-life conscious part of our self ‘little me.’
Getting in touch with ‘Big Me,’ when one has been conditioned to ‘little me,’ takes one-pointed commitment. For me, Jesus has been the guide on the Path and the reason he has been shown to be trustworthy and 'able' (and has demonstrated that to me over 40 years) is, by way of a brief recapitulation, and based on what he has been revealing to me since the 1960s (although I did not understand many of his esoteric statements, just as the disciples didn’t understand him 2,000 years ago, until latterly – assuredly, the right time) and what he says in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) as follows:
There is only one Son of God
We are It (there is only One of Us and We are One with the Father)
The Son had a moment of thought that he could branch out on his own and that momentary thought created the big bang that was/is the separation. This separated us from Papa and from each other and so we see ourselves as separate entities.
The separation never actually happened but we have made the illusion and convinced our separated (ego) mind that it is true. It didn’t and couldn’t actually happen because it is impossible to be separate from the Creator.
For eons we have been stuck in that illusion but Papa has never abandoned us; He knows we have made an error, does not hold that against us, still loves us unconditionally and is always, unceasingly, calling, drawing us back to Him. This is a one-step-at-a-time progress, for which we are given all the help we ask. This Diary entry from May 4th 1997 can help us to more clearly understand the process of asking and believing, desiring and receiving:
My son, it is to the act of Asking, Seeking, Knocking (ASK) that your Heavenly Father, Papa, responds freely, lovingly, immediately, with his giving. It is not according to your faith but your desire that He responds. It is according to your faith that you are able to receive His giving. Your faith is something that Papa will grow in you as you ask. The more you ask, believing -- having faith -- the more you will receive and you will grow in your expectation of receiving that which He is always giving. You expect the sun to rise every day because it always does. That is faith. Easy. As you ask more and more of Papa, believing He is giving it, so will your faith in receiving grow until it is as your faith that the sun will rise.
It is by/with this faith that I came into the Earth life, believing that Papa would give all that I asked. These things which I did shall you do -- and receive -- also, and greater things than these. Believe and you shall receive. Ask, believing. It is Papa’s good pleasure to give to His little ones -- all of them, including you. He will give you wholeness of body, mind and spirit. Only believe. You know He is giving you the Kingdom. Can you celebrate with dancing and with singing if you are a crock? All is well. Be thou whole.
If you do not receive immediately it is more to do with your growth in faith than Papa’s giving. Be at peace and let your certainty be that He is giving so that your faith in receiving may grow. All is well my son. Rejoice, for the Kingdom is at hand.
Careful pondering of this until a more comprehensive understanding of the process becomes second nature will be highly serviceable to our growth in spiritual at-one-ment with the Source of All, Papa.
He who incarnated as Jesus was the first within the Sonship to return to full wakefulness and Oneness with the Father (all this has, no doubt, been a billions of 'years' long process from the relative perspective but is, simultaneously, a timeless event from the true, Eternal perspective because time is an aspect of the illusion).
Oneness with the Father means unconditional love, for everything - including, of course, us, Jesus’ brethren within the Sonship. This means he cannot not be committed to rescuing, saving, restoring us to the Oneness of/within the Sonship and with Papa.
He therefore planned an infallible Rescue Programme, to foreshorten the otherwise indeterminate period of us, his brethren, wandering lost and bereft in the wilderness of forgetfulness (seemingly we have got it 'wrong' before – such as in 'Atlantis' - and had to return to 'Go,' not collect £200 - although we did, courtesy of Papa, receive a free 'get out of gaol card'). So this time, thanks to the Rescue Plan, from Big Brother Jesus, we will get out of gaol, get Home - 'cos he is leading us - and collect the £200 (plus interest).
We know this Plan as the Three Measures of Meal.
It has some key PLFs:
1) No interference with our free will,
2) It is all, in its entirety, functioning in accordance with Cosmic Law (the PLFs), which is the Process, Life, Truth, Eternity, Love; all of which ARE God, the Father, the Creator Spirit,
3) It is fully empowered from the Source, so cannot fail.
We also know that he who incarnated as Jesus asked for this 'command' (authority) and earned the all-empowerment in Heaven and Earth to see it through to a perfect conclusion. Because of the prerequisite of honouring our free will, this has to be done by our willingness to be rescued. This he has already done with the ‘Bride of Christ,’ the billions of souls in the Realms of Light who have been convinced, not by coercion but by love and truth, that Jesus is the saviour (from our selves, our illusory, ego-mind perversity) and they are experiencing the indescribable joy, peace and love that is the Kingdom of Heaven. They have espoused their lives to his willingly and are joined with him in bringing the reality of that state of being and offering it to us here in the Earth life consciousness.
No-one here will be coerced either but any who are willing will be open to experiencing this state of being. It is given in direct proportion to the degree of desire for it. If we are wishy-washy in our degree of desire, we are placing our selves in a state where our ability to receive abundantly is commensurately diminished. This is cosmic law, a PLF, not a piqued god withholding a gift because we have spurned his offer.
If we are unreserved in our desire for the Kingdom we will receive abundantly of its treasurehouse of gifts. Such souls are becoming/will become the vanguard of this Rescue Programme here in the Earth life and will - by love, goodwill, selfless commitment, be instrumental, in fully conscious co-operation with Jesus and the Realms of Light – implement a full range of Kingdomly systems to assist those who follow behind to grow into the Kingdom consciousness.
These systems will include administrative bodies peopled by spiritually aware souls (to replace the present, corrupt, self-serving, counterproductive forms of government); education; health-and-wholeness-of-being services (to replace the present ‘healthcare’ services which are in fact ‘sickness care’ services); scientific research, functioning in conscious co-operation with scientists and researchers who are now in the Realms of Light and have immeasurably more access to such mechanisms as environmentally-neutral forms of energy and transport.
There will, of course, be many more areas coming under Kingdomly influence (no coercion, all by free choice) as the benefits of this enlightened approach to life on Earth become more and more widely appreciated. The critical mass required for these changes is now, in late 2006, a whisker away and in many cases is already in the nascent stages of starting to become manifest and the rate of expansion as they start to take hold will become exponential. Long before the end of this century there will be so many Kingdomly systems operating in the world that today’s outmoded, anachronistic institutions will be perceived as primitive and recognized as the highly unserviceable structures that in truth they are.
This Rescue Programme is now two-thirds of the way through the process and entering the third and final phase. That means that the early stages of Its fulfillment characteristics are now beginning to manifest in individuals who are at that place, by FTOC, on the Path. Synchronicity is one of the characteristics. These are perceived by observers as 'signs and wonders,' 'miracles,' 'an outpouring of Spirit of the Holy One' upon the children of Earth.
Those who have no knowledge or understanding of this process (are still asleep, wandering as somnambulists in the wilderness) will be amazed, astonished, bewildered, fearful, doubtful, unbelieving; this state of mind will include amongst its numbers many orthodox, fundamentalist ‘Christians’ who will see what is happening but not believe this is the Great Plan of Jesus, just as the religious authorities of 2,000 years ago did not believe Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah, in spite of him fulfilling all the prophecies of the Messiah from their Holy Scriptures, the Old Testament.
Those of us who do know and comprehend what is happening and in loving, accepting gratitude joyfully enjoin the Process, or leavening, will be empowered with the attributes of our birthright, heritage and destiny, which will be seen as those signs and wonders, miracles, spiritual wisdom and unconditional love - just as our big brother Jesus manifested 2 millennia ago and promised us we would also do – if only we could believe. Because they will have knowledge and understanding of the Laws - PLFs - by which such are possible, they will not perceive them as miracles or signs and wonders but simply as normal qualities and attributes of our nature, our being, just as they were for Jesus in the long ago.
Part of the Process of transformation, or metamorphosis of us, the Sonship, from our illusory state of separation and 'littleness,' requires a re-creating, back to our true Self. As with the analogy of a caterpillar (larva) pupating (becoming a chrysalis), a process in which the cellular structure is dismantled (the chaos state) and reconstructed into its new form as the butterfly, so is this, at a higher level of reality, the case with us humans, the Son of God, as we move through the pupa Process until we emerge as soaring, fully restored, Spiritualised Beings of Light, functioning from and as of One Mind, One Life, complete, fully in a state of Oneness with the Father; what Olga Park called Homo Dei Spiritui.
With the caterpillar, this metamorphosis is a phase in which the creature is in a potentially very vulnerable state; this is why it goes away by itself into a secret place, away from the dangers of its previous environment.
We, the offspring of the Father Creator, are, right now, in the chaos stage of the pupating, metamorphosing process and most of us have no idea what is happening, other than that all we have known is disintegrating and chaos and bewilderment are out of control. It is equally a potentially very hazardous time for us – individually and collectively. It is hazardous physically (because we might be mugged by a drug-crazed wretch, or blown up by a suicide bomber, for example) and psychically (e.g. getting ensnared, through fear, in cultist activities who tell us we have to believe their take on reality when it does not actually resonate with our inner feelings) or emotionally.
To withdraw into a safe place, away from the clamour of the ‘without,’ into the ‘within,’ is very sound counsel and to ignore it is to expose ourselves to the consequences of the potential dangers to our inner being as it undergoes the reconstruction process to the higher, real Self that we all truly are.
This is why we are in need of guidance, a Light shining in our spiritual darkness. Jesus, who has already completed the Process at the indivuated state of being, is in charge of this Programme and is empowered for its outworking to completion, is therefore the most qualified and able to be our guide.
It makes no difference, ultimately, to us or to him if we understand this or not; it is still the esoteric reality and order of this Process and will proceed to its conclusion according to the PLFs within which it has its functionality.
The only difference our recognition, acceptance and embracing of it and the PLFs that govern it will make, is that we will be co-operating with the Process rather than – at least some of the time, perhaps unwittingly – working against it, to our own detriment. By such conscious co-operation – initiated by our desire for it to be so – will the Process become increasingly easier, quicker, more comfortable, peaceful, healthful, enjoyable and spiritually empowering.
Since, at the Earth-mind consciousness level of awareness, we cannot ‘see’ or have awareness of the Process, or where we are within it, and thus, haven’t a clue what is happening (hence the bewilderment), we can do no better than to place our selves within the guidance and protection of One who does indeed, know exactly what is going on, because he is in charge of it.
That One, I hardly need say, is our big brother, Jesus of Nazareth.
He has been and is greatly misunderstood by almost all of humanity and much religious mythology has been established around him, based on partial understanding but often taken as literal rather than allegorical.
For example, institutionalised religion professing itself to be ‘Christian’ states that Jesus of Nazareth is the one and only begotten Son of God: the Christ. This has been used as a device to set him ‘up there’ and the rest of us ‘down here’ – separate from him and from Papa God. In a literal, limited sense, this statement is actually true but has been isolated from a greater reality by the way in which the statement is interpreted.
Jesus tells us in ACIM that God has only One Son and that we – all of us, including him – are that One Son; that by the illusion of separation we have fabricated a state of perception that we are all separate from each other and from him and the Creator; that that perception is mistaken and that there is really only one of us: the One and only begotten Son of the Father. The objective of the Three Measures of Meal rescue Programme is to awaken us from that dream (nightmare) and lead us back to the Eternal Reality of Oneness with each other and the Father Creator.
This is a synopsis of the Great Drama, as seen and understood from my perspective at this time of writing. Of course there are many facets to this drama and this cannot attempt to cover more than the broadest outline of it. Trying to restrict the length of a document covering a subject of this magnitude presents some challenges and I have deliberately asked and allowed the Holy Breath to take the reins and inspire what emerged. I hope it will be helpful.
Please share any of your own illumination, inspiration, guiding from the Realms of Light that might contribute usefully to the picture of the unfolding events that are bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth, so they might be shared with all, on the HTG website.
Brian Longhurst
Definition of :
I honour the place within you
where the entire Universe resides.
I honour the place within you
of love, of light, of truth, of peace.
I honour the place within you where,
if you are in that place within you,
and I am in that place within me,
there is only one of us.
The following exchange was posted on October 20th 2006
So, some of the issues are from our childhood and some from previous incarnations - or 'Acts' as I call them - but in essence, those from childhood are the re-visiting of the issues from previous Acts in this grand cosmic drama. What is required in order for us to bring resolution and then peace, joy and love into our life and that of our fellows, is a change of perspective, so that we can move into a new perception of what is actually happening rather than what appears to be happening when perceived from our illusory, conditioned viewpoint. Stuart Wilde says that Life was never meant to be A struggle. How right he is. It also reminded me of a movie I saw some years ago called Stairway To Heaven. David Niven was the star in that. He also crashed landed onto a beach and did not realize that he had died. Did you ever see this movie? Many years ago.
P.S. In-laws are not very easy to get along with, especially when one of their sisters-inlaw is their favourite and she has told it in a crowd in front of me. That can be a very hurtful experience. The good news is that we are, every moment, at free choice as to whether we allow ourselves to be hurt by such or not. This is where the new perspective comes into its own.
It comes from going within and attuning with the Realms of Light, where all is love, peace, goodwill. This is our true home and by taking 'time out' in that glorious, joyous place, we can then gain a perspective that people do things that are hurtful because they also are in the illusory state of consciousness wherein they believe they also are hurting, and a wounded animal lashes out in defence.
Your in law, like all of us, is starving for love, acceptance, recognition. Sadly, also like most of the rest of us, she has forgotten how to receive such and instead believes she has been hard done by by someone, somewhere and is projecting her hurt and fear and guilt in the form of attack on whoever she feels is also weak and vulnerable.
This gives her the illusory feeling of strength which in reality is weakness. This is why going within is so beneficial because here is to be found love, acceptance, encouragement, upliftment and we will then feel less fearful, vulnerable, susceptible to attack. Then we will not feel any need for responding because such activity will no longer cause us to feel threatened.
Of course this does not happen in a moment but by making a start, in faith, trust obedience (to our own inner resolve) and commitment (FTOC), we gradually move into the place of spiritual empowerment. This empowerment is an absence of ego self-will, an acceptance of others as they are, knowing they are as they are for a reason, even though we don't know what that reason is. This empowerment is gentle, forgiving, understanding; it is love.
Fortunately for us all, love is the most abundant element in creation (manifest and unmanifest), so there is no shortage of it! Take freely of it and fill your heart, soul, life that it occupy all parts of you, leaving space for no other contrary vibrations. These words are a quote from the Master Jesus to me recorded on March 20th 1994 and the full account is on the Diary page of this website. I hope you will find it encouraging, empowering and entirely serviceable in your journey along the path back to Papa God. Thank you. Pearl. Thank you, Pearl, for sharing and providing this opportunity for going forward for us all. With many blessings, always, Brian
The following exchange was posted on October 12th 2006
I loved your opening page as it is full of love and acceptance, the two things needed to shine a real light. I see you are a soul with a bright light of spiritual discernment. I have learned so many things since I was born again twenty five years ago. Born again can mean different things to different people but I am assuming you mean, awakening and becoming a clear channel for enlightenment from the Realms of Light, committedly under Christ Authority. Sadly, for many it means getting involved with the church and taking their slant on matters of Eternity as gospel, unquestioningly. Some might argue that that would be more like dying again ;-) I can not imagine what I would know given the chance to live another twenty five years. So I am so excited about this journey I am about to take in the reading of your book. If I say so myself, I believe you will not be disappointed! I have learned that there is no teacher like experience There are also those who repudiate this but they are souls who have no experience of spiritual, mystical, esoteric reality or have chosen to live in denial of it, preferring to accept the word of an institutionalised body that is 'talking the talk but not walking the walk,' and demanding that all its members believe what they believe and have all their awareness limited to the physical sense awareness, eschewing the soul (which is who we all really are) awareness, or else be cast out from their community. Very Christ-like, don't you think!? Jesus said plenty to the Pharisees about that and none of it was complimentary. but I also learned that others are also on a journey and they have experiences and to learn lessons of another is a blessing. This is true but only if one resonates in heart and soul with the experiences of the other person. If that resonance does not naturally well-up from within, it is because one's soul is saying 'Don't go there.' I have had many blessings, and more than a few experiences. Like yourself I did not learn what they meant until the last few years. I would say that seven years ago things changed in a day, and many things I thought would happen did not. That sounds like the Master Jesus re-directing things because what we perceived as the right next step was not actually in harmony with our 'afore time' agreed plan. The only thing that I said that was really the truth was that I was in my resting place. I used to say this jokingly and I believed it myself. Now I know it was not a joke it was the truth I was in a resting place.
I always tell the truth , it is easiest that way and well I am not averse to taking the easy way if it is also the right way. Ultimately, if we do not tell and live our truth, the only person we are lying to is our self. A rather futile exercise if only people stopped to give it some thought. I will not say that every thing I believe I is right, for I have had to change what I believe on many occasions when new facts have come to light. Another piece of wisdom that will serve you (and all of us) well.
I am 55, and when I was a baby my Mother tried to drown me, I was taken away and placed in an orphanage, I was then given out for Adoption and for almost a year had a family but then the Mother got sick and died. This happened twice. I was returned to the orphanage and then I was adopted again and this time it stuck, but again my Mother died by the time I was ten, it was an ugly, horrible death. Sharon, dear soul, I wept when I read this but also I rejoiced that you are able to speak openly and freely of these events. That clearly indicates that you are immensely strong in spirit and able to observe that in truth no real, lasting harm has been done to you. I bless you for continuing strength and courage.
I do not tell you this so you will feel sorry for me, I tell you so you can see that satan started on me from day one. Clearly you had chosen a hard and tortuous path. This indicates to me a soul with a purpose for the Kingdom when they are able to ride out the storm and come through it, as you are doing, and stay on track. I look at those years as the good years.
By the time I reached thirty I had been possessed, , left my body, died in emergency room, seen demons, other worlds, lighting shoot from the floor, and a million other things that would seem impossible. I was a broken insane alcoholic, with no hope. Truly you have trawled the depths. The establishment has no answers to such experiences but people like you, who have survived and awakened (as is the case with Theresa, my darling wife) will be able to help others with the same experiences who are lost and fearful. This will come about regardless of the establishment medical/psychiatric authorities because the old order is now in the process of being transformed from within. Those of the establishment who are not prepared to metamorphose will find themselves on the outside looking in. And just so that I would know that all of this really happened it was never hidden from those around me. What I saw they saw. Not many wanted to stay around me for long. Most souls on Earth are deeply asleep and fearful of such phenomena. I would also like to mention that I had read the bible and was quite unimpressed with this god who rubbed dung in the face of his own creation. Pasted here is what I have written (chapter 9 of SYFK) on this:
I gloried in trying to drag people away from him. Yes he and I went many rounds, with me losing of course. All good experience from which you have emerged much stronger and wiser.In 1996 I decided to read the Bible through from beginning to end, which I had never succeeded in doing before. Several changes in my perceptions came about as a result of this. I had heard many theologians and other sincere seekers after spiritual truth state that they saw the God of the Old Testament as a God of wrath, vengeance and judgement; somewhat of a contrast to Jesus of Nazareth – frequently referred to by Christians as the King of Love and the Prince of Peace. Keep in mind that this same Jesus said, ‘I and my Father are one’ and ‘If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.’
Contrary to that perception of the Old Testament God, the overriding impression left with me from my reading was that the God of the Old Testament wished to be perceived by the people He had delivered from enslavement in Egypt as a loving, caring, solicitous, protecting, patient, forgiving, concerned Father (Deut 32, esp. vs. 6, Jer 7:23, Prov 3:11-12) and that if the people lived a dissolute life, turning away from the guidance He had given, there would be inevitable consequences, which are entirely different from punishment or retribution. Sounds like the average, concerned parent in today’s society, doesn’t it? He warned the people countless times and kept on sending His messengers to admonish them and by and large they paid no heed. Sounds like today’s generation, doesn’t it?
So one bright Sunday morning, I woke up and it was a beautiful day, and I sat on the side of my bed for a minute enjoying it, and then I remembered who I was. You see I was sane at this moment, which rarely happened . I looked down and I was wearing my army boots, in bed. In case I needed to run away. I started to cry And I said “ Oh God if you are ever going to save me you have got to do it now because I am not going to make it” Alleluia! Perfect. That was a moment of despair and Papa did not let you down. It is not in His repertoire to let people down. In May 1997 Jesus said to me:
My son, it is to the act of Asking, Seeking, Knocking (ASKing) that your Heavenly Father, Papa, responds freely, lovingly, immediately, with his giving. It is not according to your faith but your desire that he responds. It is according to your faith that you are able to receive his giving. Your faith is something that Papa will grow in you as you ask. The more you ask, believing -- having faith -- the more you will receive and you will grow in your expectation of receiving that which he is always giving. You expect the sun to rise every day because it always does. That is faith. Easy. As you ask more and more of Papa, believing he is giving it, so will your faith in receiving grow until it is as your faith that the sun will rise.
It is by/with this faith that I came into the Earth life, believing that Papa would give all that I asked. These things which I did shall you do -- and receive -- also, and greater things than these. Believe and you shall receive. Ask, believing. It is Papa’s good pleasure to give to his little ones -- all of them, including you. He will give you wholeness of body, mind and spirit. Only believe. You Know He is giving you the Kingdom. Can you celebrate with dancing and with singing if you are a crock? All is well. Be thou whole.
If you do not receive immediately it is more to do with your growth in faith than Papa’s giving. Be at peace and let your expectation be that he is giving so that your faith in receiving may grow. All is well my son. Rejoice for the Kingdom is at hand.
Then as if someone touched me on the shoulder my body began to fill with love, a love for which there are no words. It filled every cell, which I could now feel and when it had done that it began to fill the room. But it streamed out of me like light, burning away what I once was. I walked around weeping and saying thank you over and over. It was not so much that I was healed as that there was a God. My life changed that day. I was born again. I did not really know what that meant but I knew my old life was gone, and I had been given a new life. Sharon, words cannot express how I feel when I read this. When you have finished reading SYFK you will, I am sure, know how I feel but for now, 'Alleluia' is one way of indicating my joy and delight for you at this wondrous, life transforming and awakening event. I know you will hold fast to it and never allow another soul to divert you from this truth. There will be those who will try but I urge you, bless them and leave them. They will not be acting as friends to you.
Then when I wanted to run out and scream there is a God to the world but my Father told me no, I was to put down the bible and stay out of the churches. This seemed impossible, and I did not understand, and I ran to all the churches around me , such disappointment, until I did as I was told. I spent about twenty years on my own, no church and no others like myself. But I was never really alone because my Father was always with me. He showed me things that were amazing, and I understood why no church would accept me. I had not yet learned to be quiet. Now I am smiling. You will see much in SYFK at which you will also smile and nod your head in a knowing way.
Well that is all for now. I would like to say at this point I am usually so busy at this time of day and yet today I have time. Synchronicity. I do my Fathers work first thing in the morning and usually spend a few hours at it, before my day starts. But today I wrote this. This sounds like His work to me ;-)
I would also like to say that I think…. I was saved because satan tried to get me to hate and yet could not even make me hate my mother who tried to drown me, I felt pity for her to have to live such a life. Truly you are in a remarkable place Sharon; a place where most souls walking this Earth do not even know exists. Until humanity is in the place where they not only see that the Way to the Kingdom passes through Forgiveness but that ultimately, there is actually nothing to forgive, they will have no comprehensive cognisance of the Kingdom. Thanks be that we are now entering the time, right now, when, by the Love of Papa and the Great Plan for the rescue of His Children (from themselves and their upside-down ego-mind) implemented by Jesus, when this is being brought into manifestation. To the double vision of Earth-mind man this seems so far from the realms of possibility that vast masses do not believe it is possible. What such souls have forgotten is that with Papa, all things are possible. They think it is impossible because they believe we are all that the double vision can see but in reality, what the double vision can see is much less than the tip of the iceberg. I would hug her if given the chance. You have the chance! Hug her with your soul; with your heart; with your mind. Envision her in your mind's eye (it matters not if you know not what she looks like or where she is - even in this life or the next) and tell her you love her, you forgive her, you understand why she did it and that you hug her, embrace her with all your being. Sincerity is a must for this and without it it will not work. Send that out to her in the ether and I assure you, she will receive it and she will be helped by it. And so will you. I think that is why my Father saved me, again I could be wrong. It seems to me you were saved because you are here for a Kingdomly reason. You will understand much more when you have read SYFK.
Thank you for your interest. I tell you this before I read your work as I want you to know who I am before I know who you are. Brian is my brothers name. I can not wait to read what you have written. Happy reading; I look forward to hearing from you with any observations you may wish to make. Your sister in Christ, sharon Not long ago I wrote this to Patricia:
I notice that you have several times lower-cased the P in your name. Is this deliberate? Have you ever considered that this might be you sub-consciously down-grading your true, radiant, glorious, 'Blessed-Thought of God' Self? Such is a favourite subterfuge of ego-mind. You are, for me, dearest Patricia, the Light of the World, just as Jesus told us we all are, and that rather than setting our light under a bushel, we should set it on a candlestick, that it might give Light to all in the House.
Quick question, why did you stop posting the diary in 1999? Just wondering. Sharon Around that time some significant changes began to take place in the mechanism of communication between the Master (and Papa and all in the Realms of Light) and me. It has now become like cable broadband, where one is online all the time and no dial-up is required. I believe the objectives have been accomplished in the records between 1967 and the early 2000s. You will read more about this at the beginning of chapter 11 of SYFK.
The following exchanges were posted on October 4th 2006
October 4
Dear Brian,
These last few days, my heart has been rather heavy. This
morning I really opened my heart to Jesus and asked for his
peace because I have felt fear in my life. I gave my fears to
him and asked for his gentle love and peace in return. What a
blessing to have his answer come immediately by way of today's
Diary entry. Honest to goodness synchronicity!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for commitment. It is helping
so many of us.
Dear Brian,
As you must know, your diary entries, and especially your introductions that address the duality of the times, are wonderful elixirs of hope and good cheer for us, the recipients, strengthening and encouraging us on in our metamorphosis.
This note is to assure you that this caterpillar has full confidence that he is becoming a butterfly. Today was day 63 of daily communions. On day 55 I realized that I had done the equivalent of one year of weekly communions. Now it has become a good habit that will surely be with me all of my days.
Life is grand adventure on the home front. With my single eye I can see the perfection of the circumstances that have led me on this transformational journey. The expansion of my heart and my capacity to maintain my FTOC (Faith, Trust, Obedience and Commitment) are healing the beautiful KB and BK story.
I send my warmest blessings to you and yours,
The following exchanges were posted on September 28th 2006
Brian, what is happening with me and your e-mails and my questions to God is amazing; I'm new at this so everything I'm shown is amazing to me.
Sharon, my dear soul, I have been on this Path for over 40 years and still it amazes me;-) May we NEVER lose our wonderment at it all, for then we will be in darkness because the light of our lives will have gone out
I know you'll understand this and I have to share it: thoughts in my mind lately - who do I go with - DOTU, Brian, Jehovah witness, pope book (Be Not Afraid, Andre Frossard) I'm reading articulates my thoughts, I'd never thought I'd find anything there, whoa.
You already know this deep in your soul, Sharon, but a reminder: Always listen to your feelings and your heart, for they are your Soul (the God-Self within you) communicating with you. If you are comfortable, if you resonate, with what Brian says or anyone else says - not intellectually but in your heart, because Life (God, if you prefer) is not to be found in the intellect but in the heart and soul - stay with it. BUT, ultimately, follow ONLY your own within because you are God's child, and it is to Him you (along with all the rest of us) are now returning. Brian can only help you to get on the right Path. And Brian has no monopoly on navigating.
As it happens, I have read DOTU (Disappearance of the Universe) and benefited greatly by it because it pointed me to ACIM (A Course in Miracles). The Old Testament is the Holy Scriptures for the First Measure of meal (Abraham to Jesus), the New Testament is the Holy Scriptures for the Second Measure of Meal (Jesus 'til now) and ACIM is the definitive Holy Scriptures for the Third and final Measure of Meal (now and for the next 2 millennia). See SYFK, chapter 10 for details of the parable of the 3 measures of meal.
The real point here is that all have some of the truth, including the JW's but none has the whole truth FOR YOU, except YOU and the only place this is to be found is WITHIN you. This is the hard part if you you are unwilling/unable to go within and the very easy part if you are willing. If you are looking for a mechanism to help you go within and there fellowship with a trustworthy guide who will lead you back to Papa God, then you know that I am going to commend to you the Service of Mystical Communion with Christ. There are always other ways but I can vouch that this way works and is reliable and trustworthy.
But this is not an attempt at proselytising you; that is against cosmic law. If the JW's are proselytising you, they are in breach of cosmic law. I have had a number of exchanges with people who have been ensnared by them and have found them to have a hidden agenda that is not the freedom of the Kingdom of Heaven, even though they may say otherwise. I know they would say to you, be careful.
I've just read your opening letter, there is one part that is the whole letter for me: ‘Satan’ is a mythological character, a construct of our Earth-mindedness, so that we can cast blame for our mistakes, - that right there is the exact same thought I had only a day or two ago, this is wild.
Synchronicity is the word I would use, Kiddo!
It was when I was reviewing the Jehovah teaching on Satan, giving it some credibility and thinking that maybe it did make some sense after all and that maybe it actually could be. I've also been talking to God about nothing happening lately - like these kinds of things - and I'm sitting here full of joy, thinking I could cry, excited, disbelief, talking to him saying, "you really do love me, how can this be?" For me this is awesome.
I rejoice with and for you, Sharon. Peace be with you, always, Brian.
The following exchanges were posted on September 6th 2006
Hi Brian
I read your book ages ago, & i loved it. Your views resonate with my own, so i thought you might be able to answer a few questions for me.
I have been married for 8 years, have 3 children, a dog, a mortgage, 2 nice cars, you know, "the supposed perfect life"! The problem is, i feel so empty. I left my husband 3 years ago, only to return a year later. Everything was great for the year that followed but now i am feeling like i want to leave again. My husband is a good man, i know he loves me & the kids, but the problem is he is so negative. I am very spiritual and he's not at all, we have nothing in common as i am a musician and he doesn't have any interests anymore. I used to be so optimistic and excited about life, always wondering what i could do to help the world, what i could do to enjoy my life ( i know that probably seems selfish), but as horrible as it sounds he seems to suck every bit of life out of me. All he does is work, and then constantly whinges he never gets to do anything he enjoys. I then tell him, he needs to make time for such things, but 1, he doesn't even know what he enjoys and 2, he will not make time to do it, he'd rather have a pity party.
It's hard to explain, i do love him, deep down inside he is a very caring person, who would do anything for his family, but the person he shows to the outside world, is a sarcastic, loud mouth, negative, boring person, who makes fun of other people, when he's not perfect himself. I know he does this as he feels insecure in himself, but i am at my wits end trying to help him. I feel my life would be so much simpler if i just left, maybe i would find something to be excited about again, but i do love him.
How do I know what the right path is? Do i stay & live this way forever, or do i leave when there is a part of me that still loves him?
I know your really busy, so only write back if you have time!
Thanks a lot Brian
Thank god for people like you!
Hi A,
I know just what you are feeling. Uncertain, full of doubts, torn in 2 directions.
You are feeling like this because you are remembering who you really are: A glorious, radiant, Being of the Light; a Beautiful Thought of God. Beings of the Light are Love; they cannot help so being. They have an inbuilt aspect/facet that simply cannot help desiring to help those on the Path who are a bit (or a lot) further back on the same Path back to Papa (it's the same principle as Jesus helping us).
Often, two souls will enter into an arrangement where one - let us call that soul 'A' - being ahead of the other - B - will help B to progress and by so doing, A progresses as well; it is, as is so characteristic of Papa and His wondrous Creation, a Win/Win situation. Bearing in mind that there are no accidents in Papa's Universe, your situation has all the hallmarks of the above. If it were not so, you would not still have these feelings of love for B and you would have thrown in the towel and moved on.
It would help if you could let me know your husband's name, so I can focus more on that when 'PCB'ing' - Pray, Commit, Bless - him.
I believe it is important to ask yourself if, at the deepest level of your soul, you truly seek and earnestly desire to help him to remember who he really is, as a true act of Love. When doing this, it may help you to comprehend the depth of commitment that such an opportunity brings if you keep in mind the Master's words to me many years ago in respect of such a situation: "Give everything; expect nothing."
When he said that, back in the 1970s, I knew I was a long way from that place but I also knew that ultimately, 'giving up' was not a real option because it would be failing to take advantage of an opportunity that would be helping me to grow spiritually toward that place and thus, it would effectively be 'self-defeating.' Even more important, by grasping the opportunity, A & B both grow and in the process grow together in love, light, oneness. That is what the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is really all about.
Now to the 'practicalities'!
Do you know the writings of Eckhart Tolle? I strongly urge you to get his book 'A New Earth.' It speaks about ego and how to move through the Process, leaving it behind. Souls who are exhibiting the character properties you describe are heavily 'ego-invested' and this book can be a fantastic help in moving through that Process to resolution. Eckhart also describes an aspect of ego that he calls 'the pain body.' I believe you will instantly recognise aspects of B there that this book will enable A & B, working together if possible, to grow through.
Here's how I suggest you proceed:
First, read this book yourself, alone, to familiarise yourself with what he is saying. I believe you will resonate very strongly with its message.
If you then feel it will help B, the challenge is to persuade B that first, there are issues, opportunities that will improve by addressing and then, how best to approach them in a way that does not cause 'defence mode' to set in. That can be a challenge and only great care, love, sensitivity and diplomacy stand a chance of success in moving through that successfully.
One approach that could, I believe, succeed would be, when B is in a reasonable frame of mind, to lovingly, disarmingly say, 'B, I feel sure you are able to agree that we have some (problems, challenges, issues, opportunities, whatever) in our relationship and that if we can discuss them objectively, lovingly, in a non-accusatory, non-judgemental, caring way, we can help each other to grow through this stage into a much deeper, understanding, caring, loving, harmonious, fulfilling, joyous relationship.'
In other words, offer a route that is non-threatening and with magnificent rewards that even the most ego-invested soul will find beguiling and non-threatening. This is vital because the main characteristic of ego is that it feels threatened, attacked, judged by just about everyone in just about every situation (even when the reality is far from that!).
If/when B says, 'Okay,' then you can say, 'Well, I have been reading this book and have found it immensely interesting and helpful. I believe it could help us to gain an impartial, objective insight into some areas we could benefit from.' It is very important to keep/express everything in positive terms; avoid negatives such as '...insight into some problem areas,' because ego will see that as an Attack, a Threat, a Judgement, an Accusation (ATJA) and will go on the defensive and/or the attack.
If you feel Eckhart's book is something you and B could study/read together - meaning read/discuss, lovingly, positively, caringly, always avoiding any terms in discussion that could be construed as ATJA - that would be immeasurably better than letting B read it alone because B can 'go through the motions' of reading it alone and still stay ego-invested, as what it sees as a defence mechanism (because ego does not want to be rooted-out from its comfortable home!).
Play heavily, if necessary, on the 'We are in this together and together we can address the issues and grow through them,' as justification/plausibility for the doing it together along positive, loving, caring lines.
A, dear Soul, the optimism and excitement is yours. It emanates from your own within. It is in abeyance just now in order that its absence may draw to your attention why you are really here; to catch your attention, so that you may begin the journey, to fulfil the purpose to which you afore time aspired and committed yourself.
As that purpose begins to unfold, consciously, and move forward into fulfilment, the sense of accomplishment it will bring you will revivify the optimism and excitement and they will be magnified exponentially.
One day at a time. One step at a time. One moment at a time. This is all we - any of us - have. It is best that way, for our inward peace and comfort. Follow your heart and you will be on the Right Path. Don't let the 'what ifs' and the 'yes, buts' get in the way and drag you off course. Doubt is the great dismantler. Faith is the great constructor.
Love, Peace and Joy bless you and strengthen you every moment,
And God bless people like you too, A. You are precious and honoured in Papa's sight and He loves you.
Hi Brian
Thanks so much for your wonderful reply, it sounds really silly to say, but it actually shocks me when someone like you (a very busy man!), takes the time to do something so nice. If everyone went out of their way for people like you do, the kingdom would be already here! What a wonderful thought! Yes, indeed. The good news is that the Kingdom IS already here, in 2 very real and important senses:
1) it is already fully and permanently established in the etheric counterpart of the Earth - the 'Heaven Realms,' where all who espouse its wondrous qualities of Love, Peace & Joy are fully there. You have loved ones and relatives there already and so do I; so do we ALL, and
2) it is already here, in microcosm inside you and me and all who truly seek and earnestly desire it. That means there are many, many 'microcosms of the Kingdom' and each microcosm is sending out ripples, or waves. This is how Bobby Kennedy saw it:
I know this to be a true, real, palpable fact because I have seen them with the psychic sight. These ripples are actually more like radio waves than water ripples in that they pass right through the body of all who are in their path (and that, of course, means EVERYONE ON EARTH!)
Now what that actually means is that, because Life-consciousness is at the cellular level, in other words, every cell of our body is conscious at the eternal-life level (even though, with our Earth-mind we have no awareness of that), every cell of everyone on Earth is actually receiving what you are sending out, at the cellular-consciousness level.
By keep on keeping on (as they say in Yorkshire) with this, you are, truly and incontrovertibly reaching the soul consciousness of B, drip after drip, wave after wave, day after day. This is the larger truth. That water-on-the-stone technique, done in love, faith, trust and commitment, as well as obedience to your inner calling, as is assuredly the case with you, IS contributing to his awakening from the cellular level, which is gradually - some would say imperceptibly - but still actually a gentle tapping on the door of the mind until the mind eventually hears and opens the door. How good is that news!? ;-)
Regarding your reply, thank you so very much, i understand completely what you're saying and I agree totally, it's just that sometimes it's very hard as you feel like you're up against a brick wall.
It's also hard when I know with all certainty, that life is in a way, a test I prefer to see it as an 'opportunity' that we call into our own presence, to demonstrate to ourselves the magnificence of what we are capable of creating if we so desire, truly and earnestly - and especially the more so if we do it in and as a 'desire and construct partnership' with Papa to see if we can overcome negative behaviour, to try and be non-judgemental, and most importantly love one another. Amen to that! I don't want B (my husband) to go home at the end of this life disappointed with his performance any disappointment we may experience once we have finished our sojourn here is felt more as 'missed opportunity.' (may I add i am no where near perfect myself), but I want to help him see this so he can at least try, & i do gently remind him occasionally of this, but he doesn't take me seriously.
Anyway, i'll buy that book you were telling me about & give it a whirl, I may fail a thousand times but if I succeed just once it will have all been worth it!!! There is rejoicing in Heaven and on Earth today, dear A, at this statement of yours. By making your commitment to this commits Papa and all your loved ones (and B's loved ones) in Heaven to helping you, so you definitely are - and will be - not alone.
Love to you Brian (give my love to Theresa too) Thank you so much; ours to you too, always,
A Brian
The following exchange was posted on September 1st 2006
This exchange with Evelyn was prompted by her sending a quote from Bobby Kennedy (shown above) as one of her daily e-mails with inspirational messages to all who wish to receive them.
My Dear Evelyn,
Your daily inspirational messages are, I simply have to write to tell you, for your encouragement, support and exhortation, a true and light-filled service for all humanity and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. It is also being performed in a truly Kingdomly manner: One-step-at-a-time; water on the stone; drip-feed.
I have no idea how you come upon such wondrous, truly inspired quotes but the main thing is that you are and that's all that matters. Whatever you do, I implore you, do not give up!!! ;-) This is an utterly uplifting, life-transforming service for mankind. Never mind that, at the moment, it may outwardly appear that you and I are reaching only a tiny proportion of humanity. As Bobby Kennedy says, we are sending out ripples.
I know this to be a true, real, palpable fact because I have seen them with the psychic sight. These ripples are actually more like radio waves than water ripples in that they pass right through the body of all who are in their path (and that, of course, means EVERYONE ON EARTH!)
Now what that actually means is that, because Life-consciousness is at the cellular level, in other words, every cell of our body is conscious at the eternal-life level (even though, with our earth-mind we have no awareness of that), every cell of everyone on Earth is actually receiving what you are sending out, at the cellular-consciousness level.
By keep on keeping on (as they say in Yorkshire) with this, you are, truly and incontrovertibly reaching the soul of mankind, drip after drip, wave after wave, day after day. This is the larger truth. That water-on-the-stone technique, done in love, faith, trust and commitment, as well as obedience to your inner calling, as is assuredly the case with you, IS contributing to the awakening of humanity from the cellular level, which is gradually - some would say imperceptibly - but still actually a gentle tapping on the door of the mind until the mind eventually hears and opens the door. How good is that news!? ;-)
So, again, thank you for this Kingdomly work of such vital import to humanity.
Your message today is of special interest to me because of my link with Bobby Kennedy. Pasted here is an extract from chapter 6 of "Synchronicity, for Goodness' Sake," which perhaps you have read:
On June 5th 1968, my 24th birthday, I awoke to the news that Bobby Kennedy had been assassinated. I do not recall what day of the week that was, (although, with the wonders of modern software, my computer is now telling me that that date was a Wednesday!) but on the following Sunday morning Theresa and I drove out to Olga’s for our Communion Devotions. By this time Olga, now 77 years old, had handed over the role of ‘Officiant’ to me and as I stood before the altar, facing outwards – toward any souls ‘in this life or the next’ - offering the consecrated bread and wine for the students of the ‘Sanctuary of Christ Peace,’ to all who seek after its Light and to all who desire our prayers, suddenly I was overshadowed by Bobby. I ‘knew’ that I looked like him, I felt like him and it was as if there were cobwebs over my head. As I ran my fingers through my hair, to instinctively brush away the feeling of cobwebs, my hair felt exactly like I knew his hair would feel. My own hair is very fine and straight but Bobby Kennedy’s hair was thick, wavy and wiry – a totally different texture and feel to my own. As this was going on and without me saying a word, Theresa looked at me and her expression became very startled. She blurted out, ‘Bobby Kennedy is overshadowing you; I can see him. Your features have disappeared and his are there.’ Theresa’s knowledge of such things was gleaned from her family background of her mother being a spiritualist medium for many years, so although she was startled, she readily knew and understood exactly what was happening.
The feelings I was picking up from Bobby were of confusion. He knew he was ‘dead,’ but he didn’t know what to ‘do about it’ and he was still Earthbound, stuck in the etheric counterpart of the Earth life, in part at least, because of the traumatic way he had been catapulted from his Earthly body. I believe he knew he was lost and was desperately trying to find his way, looking for help. No doubt there was a beacon of light radiating from Olga’s sanctuary and this had been seen by Bobby, who had been drawn to it, not really knowing what it was but being attracted by the fact that here was Light and he was in need of Light.
The fact that this sanctuary of Light was in British Columbia, Canada and Bobby had been murdered in Los Angeles, some 1,200 miles away, has no significance in the spirit world, where ‘travel’ is instantaneous, by either thinking about where (or with whom) one wishes to be, or by desiring a certain thing or condition, one is instantly transported to such. Further, Jack, Bobby’s older brother, who by this time had been in spirit for about four and a half Earth-time years, will have known ‘the ropes,’ will have been well aware of the plight of his newly passed-over young brother – they were/are very close – and will have been in a position to help Bobby, even if Bobby was not, at that stage in his transition, aware of Jack being close by. This could have been in the form of a response to Bobby’s urgent plea for help, even if he was unaware of anybody being close.
We spoke to Bobby, explained what had happened and blessed him in the name of Jesus, counselling him to ask Jesus to help him and that this would either bring Jesus himself or that he would send someone under his authority to help him. After a few moments, during which I had the feeling that this counsel was ‘sinking in’ – bearing in mind that Bobby was in a state of deep shock and bewilderment – he was suddenly gone.
I also paste here the Diary record from August 23rd 1992 because it mentions both Jack and Bobby Kennedy. They are true workers for the Kingdom and are closely involved with that upon which I am called to serve. There just is no end to Synchronicity! Of course, as I am sure you are aware, synchronicity is the 'norm' in the Kingdom consciousness. It only seems exceptional to those who are sleep-walking.
With endless love and blessings for empowerment in your great and vital work,
Holy Communion August 23, 1992
Representatives of all the races have been here, drawn by the Light and have joined in with the spirit of life and joy and upliftment that this Service brings. At the offering, the Life of the Father in the Bread and Wine radiated out to and through these peoples, stretching out and away into the distance behind them, as far as the eye could see. There were countless millions of souls.
The Jewish leaders have gone forward somewhat; Chief Sitting Bull said a loud “Amen” at the asking of the Lord’s continual help that we may be faithful stewards. This was met with much enthusiasm from the IPS. Jack and Bobby Kennedy stood to one side observing all these proceedings and I heard Jack whisper to Bobby, “This is what I have been praying for.” Winston Churchill was also there, along with Martin Luther King and many other leaders of different races and groups of peoples. At the offering of the Wine, Mahatma Gandhi came in. He is a great light, radiant as the sun and his power and love filled me to overflowing. He stood facing me, smiling a smile of indescribable, rapturous joy and with great happiness at what is happening. He was inches away from me and he stretched out his arms and touched his fingertips to mine. The surge of spiritual power, which is love, joy, peace, wisdom of eternity, which flowed from his fingertips into mine and through me was immense, overwhelming as if I had been plugged into the National Grid. I will never forget the beauty of his smile.
Beloved Teacher, this is indeed a universal wayside altar for all travellers to seek light, truth, peace, reconciliation, renewal and all the good gifts of the Father.
Brian, give freely to all who are drawn – there is no difference in the soul of man; all are one, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord and children of one Father Creator. All are here in the Earth conditions that they may come into oneness together in the full and joyful brotherhood and go forward to the House of the Eternal Father. This is the beginning.
You also have gone forward this day. It is necessary for each one of you Earth-life servers and officiants of this Sanctuary to come to the place of spiritual growth whereby the desire of your hearts for this, the Father’s Will, to be done in the lives of all the children of Earth, that it is your own awakened desire-thought and consciousness of His programme for His little ones that leads the Service ritual.
I am your appointed helper to guide you to that place but ultimately the crown of authority and fulfilment shall be for each and all of you. This is my glory and fulfilment – that it be so for you all. For this reason has the ritual Service been devised and for this reason have you been chosen to serve. As your heart’s desire grows and awakens and strengthens and your one-appointed commitment becomes united, so do we all become united in the fulfilling of our individual path of service by Jesus Christ, Lord of all mankind. We shall become brothers, equal in stature and sonship.
Meanwhile you progress as officiant and the reins are gradually given into your hands. Have no fear, all is according to Cosmic Law and can only be according to the Will and Way of the Father.
Peace and joy be yours that you may give freely to all who will receive of this precious gift of the Father. This is the path to eternal Life.
The following exchanges were posted on August 17th 2006
Eckhart Tolle writes about all this in 'The Power of Now' and in his latest book, 'A New Earth.' What he says is, as it were, an "introductory" version of what ACIM says about it.
I have no doubt that, as the Old Testament was the 'Holy Scripture' for/of the first measure of meal (Abraham to Jesus) and the New Testament was the 'Holy Scripture' for/of the second measure of meal (Jesus to now), ACIM is the definitive Holy Scripture for the third and final measure of meal (the Aquarian Age) which we are in the early stages of right now; the most exciting time in the history of humanity.
Holy Communion September 13, 1998
As I knelt to make my dedication I felt Papa above and around me. He held me in the stillness and said, “My son, draw closer to Me. Open yourself to receive My love more.” I realised that we have been led to believe that we must spend so much time in service to others that we don't allow enough focus on receiving Papa's love and blessing for ourselves, to receive the wholeness that He longs for us to receive. This is ‘the lie of satan.’
At the Kingdom prayer as I spoke the words to Papa “… forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors…” He jumped in and instantly said, “I forgive you!” and He reached down and placed something in me. It looked like a bolt of lightning held in His right hand. It didn't feel like it but it did look like it -- as bright as the sun. It seemed to restore me. I realised that forgiveness is what He longs to give us and it is integral with repentance -- turning round and being restored to full, loving, eternally-living relationship with Him. Until we “come to ourselves” and repent – turn around 180° and face Him - how can we receive the forgiveness (and with it the restoration to wholeness and Life) that He longs to give us?
Beloved Papa, truly, wholeness, restoration, life itself, is your gift of the Spirit. Truly it is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Breath, the wondrous Comforter. I thank you for your revelation today and joyfully open myself, my door, to receive your love more. Thank you for giving me your forgiveness. It is, I now know, the real experience and does transform our lives from within. I feel freed from the burdens of unforgiveness that have been ebbing and flowing around and within me.
My son, rightfully you say that this is my free gift to all who desire, earnestly, to receive it and hold fast in FTOC (Faith, Trust and Obedience & Commitment) to my Word. It is not possible for you to forgive others, only to desire to forgive others. By so desiring, I give you the gift of forgiveness and then you truly have forgiveness. It flows out from you, through you. In Truth, it is not yours to give. All things come of me and are my free gift to all who will receive freely. Thus can these good gifts not be abused or manipulated by distorted desires.
Eternal life is my free gift also to all who desire to receive it. Let your desire be pure in all things my son. I empowered my beloved Firstborn for forgiveness of ‘sins’ on Earth and in Heaven because it is my gift to give to whomsoever I choose. This was befitting of his status and his mission, so that as many as I gave to him should recognise him as my Anointed Messenger. To you I say, pray for your fellows as many and as often as you are able. So shall the incense rise up to me as a pleasant aroma and enable the outpouring of my love and wholeness to be received, to enter in whereunto I send it.
Peace be with you; all is well.
What does the word forgive mean - to give before? That doesn't make sense to me. As you will see from the foregoing, it is, as perceived from our present viewing place, an extremely complex subject. Only by letting go of any self-will, anxiety, irritation at not understanding (and by studying ACIM!) and allowing the Holy Spirit to work His works of enlightenment in us will true, fullness of understanding come (this cannot be hurried by any act of self-willing it to be so because that is ego at work. It will come, spontaneously, with no effort on our behalf - only desiring - at the 'right and perfect' time and ego straining for it simply pushes it away). And by then we will have moved to the place where we see no sin in ourselves or our fellows but only the face of Christ, and that forgiveness is no longer a thing with which we need concern ourselves. How then would Jesus explain forgiveness? I realize that he often said to those he healed "Sin no more etc....." Any feedback on the questions posed would be gratefully received. I hope this helps.
I notice that you have several times lower-cased the P in your name. Is this deliberate? Have you ever considered that this might be you sub-consciously down-grading your true, radiant, glorious, 'Blessed-Thought of God' Self? Such is a favourite subterfuge of ego-mind. You are, for me, dearest Patricia, the Light of the World, just as Jesus told us we all are, and that rather than setting our light under a bushel, we should set it on a candlestick, that it might give Light to all in the House.
By the way, yes, you are right I do use lower case "p" - possibly this is a subconscious inferiority complex I have about not being worthy. I've often thought it as just being humble but I accept your suggestion. Blessings and best regards, Patricia
Love and endless blessings,
The following exchanges were posted on August 4th 2006
My Dear Rosa,
As I have said to others who have written messages of thanks for the Honest2Goodness activities, what you have said has been so unspeakably affirming, validating and encouraging for my work (it is not really 'work' but the desire of my heart, being fulfilled).
One of the things that has been so enheartening is that, having been in such a close and loving fellowship with the Master Jesus since the 1960s, and having thousands of diligently recorded communications from/exchanges with him, in a style that I believe all who have now had a chance to read a fair number of them will agree is indicative of a uniquely characteristic mode of speaking, I then came upon ACIM last winter for the first time and found that not only what is said there displays so many of the same communication characteristics but also is parallel in content to so much of what he has said in his speaking with me.
To now receive this message from you affirming your agreement that this is one and the same communicator, Jesus, our beloved and loving big brother is appreciated more than words can begin to say. This is a Kingdomly thing we are experiencing and participating in, Rosa, and we can be assured of it by the fact that mutual gratitude is so deeply felt.
Thank you so much for writing and sharing.
With deep love and many blessings,
Dear Brian,
I’ve just completed a 5 year journey toward certification as a Hanna Somatic Educator. It has been an important part of my healing on a physical level. As a certified practitioner, it is a wonderful gift to those suffering the ravages of Sensory Motor Amnesia, a condition that plagues most people in western society. The strain of apposing stresses; the positive “get it done” stress and negative “fear” stressors) ultimately end up shrinking us in a whole body neuro-muscular contraction. Somatics is an empowering, first person practice of self sensing ones musculature. Through this conscious awareness, muscles relax to their normal length restoring function, movement, flexibility and health - ease and grace when ambulating…
As we both know, (name withheld for confidentiality) is an extraordinary gift to humanity. It has been a profoundly fulfilling relationship for me – the love of a lifetime. While she has immersed herself in communion, I have been focused on the completion and fulfillment of other matters – matters that represent my own healing around finances. Quite innocently, she and I drifted into some unconscious and dysfunctional patterns that were made quite clear during my (3-week) absence and most certainly clarified by her spiritual practice. The positive changes in her have been quite extraordinary since she began the communion practice and she is learning to really trust her God Self and cannot continue with me as I have been. Fortunately, I can’t continue with me as I have been either, that is, setting my actualization on all levels aside for a more convenient time.
I have become truly exhausted by ego’s efforts to find my way. I read through the communion instructions for the first time today and really resonated with it all. I relate what I learned in the instruction to what I, and so many others, have been suffering – a kind of Christ At-One-Ment Amnesia.
I’m sure this is not the first time that God has used the love of a woman to lead his lost sheep back to the flock. However, my seeking in not merely my desire to be with my Beloved. We have pursued relationship as a Divine path since our meeting 6 ½ years ago. It’s that she has found the missing ingredient first and is now well ahead on the path. I am requesting your prayers that my communion be turbocharged so I may catch up to my Beloved in mutual attunement to Christ At-One-Ment.
Thank you brother Brian,
Keith, my dear Friend,
Reading you message, my heart rushed out to embrace you and my cup filled up and ran over. I immediately said to Papa, ‘Fill him up, Papa; he’s ready.’ He instantly said, in a voice filled with love and tenderness toward you, ‘Oh, yessss!’ And after a moment’s pause, He added, ‘He had to find the void.’ I know I don’t need to explain that but for encouragement and affirmation, my take on this is: Ego-mind is so busy filling our head with stuff to blind us to the void that is waiting to be filled up with the Eternal, Loving Presence, that most of us don’t realise what it’s (ego's) ploy is. You are READY; you are WILLING, and now you have surrendered, having ‘plumbed the depths’ and arrived at 'the wall,' knowing there is no further to go down that path. Writing what you did took great courage; there are VERY few who are able to find that courage, living, as most of us do, in the consciousness of fear. This is a very cathartic experience and the Master can work through such a moment. The secret of success in going forward from that place, is to desire (which you clearly do) and ask for the going forward to be accomplished for you, because, of ourselves, we can do nothing. Even Jesus said that of himself. But, now that he has been given all power and authority in Heaven and on Earth, he most certainly can accomplish our going forward for us and the only way he can do that is by our willing co-operation in surrendering it – the ‘leasehold’ on our lives to him. This Diary entry from August 1988 says it perfectly:
Beloved Lord Jesus, I have glimpsed a living, loving Spirit of the Father Creator, right here in my own being and realised that He is with us, within us, constant in the power and joy and uplifting energy of His loving, transforming ability. Speak to me more of this.
My son, the Father it is who is your life; truly is He within all His creatures, and His spirit of Creative, ever-becoming Being is within His Children. This it is that will transform and uplift mankind. Of myself I can do nothing. It is by the realisation that self cannot accomplish the Kingdom-of-all-harmony-with-Love and that by allowing the Father within to expand His dwelling place by inviting Him to take control of your life and giving up your own leasehold on your life, that He can begin to grow and fulfil your inner being. Then shall be seen in you -- and all his little ones -- the manifestation of His Glory.
First we must "surrender our leasehold" to Him?
My son, trust is all. His love for all his little ones is total giving. Only by absolute surrender, as you put it, can He accomplish the Glorifying of Himself in you, even as He did in me. Have no thought for the morrow, sufficient unto the day let your commitment be and then likewise on the morrow and each and every morrow. Put your trust in Him and do that which is given you to do each day. Thus shall the Spirit of Truth, the Father Creator accomplish His purpose in you.
My command is to bring this good news to the children of the Father. This command is won through surrender of self to His Will. Only by this at-one-ment can we fully receive his Spirit within us; only by this at-one-ment shall the Kingdom of God-consciousness manifest in the lives of His children.
Have no fear my son, your desire shall enable Him to accomplish it for you. Therefore, be peaceful, let go, enjoy all the activities of your lives together, Earthly and Heavenly. Let them be of a pure motivation and be not anxious always to "please" Him; He will please you with His good gifts.
Thank you Master and Lord for the continuing revelation.
You have asked for my prayer and I have offered it and Papa has answered, instantly. As the Master said on the cross, ‘It is finished.’ It has been accomplished in the eternal consciousness. Only your co-operation is required now, to bring that accomplishment through into the Earthly life part of you. Being anxious and trying to ‘do’ things to help it along will be allowing ego-stuff back in. Remember, you have surrendered the leasehold and Papa has taken up residence. That does not mean He will kick you out on the street! He will, however, make the living for you much more at-one with His Kingdomly Mansion.
The going forward is happening, even when you are unaware, when you are asleep. Rejoice and give thanks that your heart’s desire is at hand, at the doors, even now.
The Master said to me years ago, about praying for our fellows, ’Pray, commit, bless’ and I have shortened that to PCB. This morning, you have been PCB’d. He now says, for you, ‘Fear not, all is well.’ Hold fast to that truth, that reality and allow no room for doubt (the great dismantler) to gain access to the dwelling place that is you.
Peace, Joy, Love bless you Keith, as we both know they do, mightily,
The following exchange was posted on July 30th 2006
I’ve been doing my communions and having the experience of the essence of it going into the world with me in ways I could never have imagined.
So, I don’t need to go into details except to say that I look at the world, holding in my heart the feelings I have in communion , and many amazing synchronicities are happening. What can I say? Alleluia comes to mind but no words really cover it. Thank you for sharing
Love and brilliant light, Bentley And to you, Bentley, always, Brian
The following exchanges were posted on July 17th 2006
I was so happy to see more diary entries when I got home late from my gig late last night. I was a bit heavy hearted from the “world” and needed the spiritual food. I know how that feels. And, as we both know, the only place from which that can be assuaged is WITHIN, by ascending the Holy Hill and communing there with Papa and the Master Jesus. I got up early and spent time in communion because I could feel my heart aching for the connection. Bentley, you are such a 'natural' for this; you just 'know' how and where to go for spiritual sustenance. I rejoice with a full heart with and for you, that you are gaining such benefit from that which I have been blessed to be the messenger for you. Then, I re-read the entries. They are so rich. Knowing the “Water of Life” song is on its way to you, I was touched deeply by the entry saying;
And with this pure water of life shall be mingled my love
Synchronicity is abounding from all directions. This is a special and poignant incident of that. The Master mingling HIS life and love with ours is truly a miraculous transforming of 'Water into Wine.' As you have time and opportunity to ponder - and indeed, experience - that mystical reality deep within your heart and soul, so will it become more dimensional in the fullness of its meaning for you. This is what Owen Waters describes as The Shift. This shift is from the 3-dimensionality of the Water of Life to the omni-dimensionality of the New Wine of Christ Love uplifting/transforming the Water of our Earth life to the Wine of the Kingdom Consciousness of Eternal Love, Peace and Joy. Being able to share these mystical realities with you, Bentley, dear One, is a blessing beyond price.
Because the lyrics in my song state “Water of Life, blessed from above, touched by your hand become Water of Love”I will share with you my morning silent prayer and response:
Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven,
My heart has been aching with a spiritual longing for Truth to shine in my life through right livelihood. Although I walk in surrender and gratitude, I feel that there is so much more I could be doing and I desire greater guidance toward that peace. [Bentley, these words speak volumes of who you are and where you are: One who truly seeks and earnestly desires. Such souls are very, very sparse on the ground and highly serviceable to the Master's Kingdom Programme. He never permits a single opportunity to go to waste and you are one of his more radiant Opportunities.]
Seeds lie dormant in the silent darkness before they blossom into this world bathed in light. This is still your seed time, a time of great faith. You are seeding worlds that have their own time for emerging and that is in the Father’s hands. Be a blessing to all. Let not the density of the earth plane discourage you, for it is part of life and your light is needed there. Give your burdens to me. I am the life in you and they will become as nothing in my Joy and Grace. Fill yourself with the Peace that I am. Drink very deeply. This will sustain you in the days to come. All that I am is yours in Christ.
Truly, what you have received is the Living Word and it has fallen into the fructifying soil of your heart, where it will grow and bring succour and comfort to many. You are truly blessed and a true blessing.
That which follows is a continuation of an exchange with Dan, posted on June 28th 2006 (see under that date, below)
June 28th 2006
I would very much like to know/understand more about you. Your statements appear to be somewhat guarded, as if hiding the real you and where you are coming from.
Received June 30th 2006, response July 17th 2006.
there is no such thing as the real self. To me, considerations such as this are more a matter of perspective . From the Eternal perspective, the reality is that we - individuations here on Earth of the Creator Spirit, the Source of Consciousness - are part of the Eternal Reality and therefore our eternally conscious, higher, real Self, simply are and therefore, by definition, have being and that is real, even though not in (manifest) form, which is not real in the Eternal sense or perspective. you are consciousness and as such you are maluable. in short, you are what you need or choose to be at any given time in your life. humans generally are pre disposed to self survival. If you are speaking from the Earth-conscious perspective, this is 'true' but that is a misperception of ego-mind, which posits that we are a body, whereas from the Eternal perspective (our higher, non-ego mind) we are indestructible, eternal spirit. they (ego-mind conscious humans, who are, spiritually, asleep and have forgotten who they really are: Citizens of Eternity, sojourning in time) want to be around as long as possible. the ingenuity of mind/self may influence matters, including those spiritual to create the niche for sanity in what could be percieved to be an overpowering dilemna for some. looking up into the night sky at infinity and being stuck on this troublesome planet maybe with a mortgage trying to cope with the competitive zone and maybe an ego that needs to be maintained. when you realise as i have done that in the grand scale of things we are not that signifigant The suggestion that we are not that significant (in the eternal, infinite scheme of things) is a delusion of ego-mind, temporal consciousness promulgated by the institutionalised church ('we are all sinners and there is no health in us') to keep those under its power living in the consciousness of fear. However, to the Source of All; God; the Creator Spirit; Universal, Unconditional Love, we are all totally significant, totally loved, totally accepted. There is a groundswell, now approaching critical mass, of souls awakening to that reality and this - under the guiding and leadership (whether we are aware of it or not) of He who came to kindle a fire on Earth 2k years ago - is about to burst into flames that will engulf the world and transform it into the Kingdom Consciousness, right here on Earth. Does that not excite your deepest, inmost being? but we do live on after death in electro/atoms to be recycled by mother earth and maybe some contribution to a collective consciousness, thats good enough for me. 'Electro/atoms' is an interesting concept but what do you believe is the SOURCE of those and Who do you think holds Mother Earth/Gaia in the palm of 'His' hand, co-ordinating all the synchronised processes that keep it all functioning? Do you believe that a single 'electro/atom' is not part of, indivisible from, conscious of, the source of its being? I am going to 'stab a guess' that this idea belongs to someone else 'An elaborate theory of men' and did not originate in the illumined, inspirational part of your own consciousness. If you truly seek, earnestly desire and humbly enter the 'within,' there, and only there will the Truth of Eternity descend upon your Earth-mind consciousness and lift you up to the enlightened state that is the birthright, heritage and destiny of us all. other than that no one including you can prove there is heaven or hell or for that matter a god as you believe it to be. It is not my desire, nor that of Jesus of Nazareth, nor 'God' to prove anything (because that posture is of finite, Earth-mind - ego - perception, that keeps souls in its grip from awakening to the Truth of Eternity) but rather, to simply 'be' there ('here,' actually) for those who are ready to begin the awakening process and lovingly, gently help such to find the Path. end of story. Dear Dan, I do assure you, the story has no end, for we are ever be-coming.
Love, peace, joy of eternity be with you, embrace, enfold, uplift, illumine and inspire you,
The following exchanges were posted on June 28th 2006
about a year ago i was watching the clouds in a
grey rainy sky drift by when one cluster caught my attention as it
formed a crude face. as i watched it changed to form the negative
picture that is associated with the shroud of turin. at this point i
became transfixed and went into a deep focused concentration with the
presence of a complete and very nice state of calm. the negative image
then changed to a full human facial form of a man with eyes closed. he
had a dark brown beard, deep olive coloured skin and long wirey hair
brown to black with a slight auburn tinge. his skin looked as if it had
been oiled and he just looked calm. if i seen him today i would say he
was maybe north african or arab mix. the face then reverted back to the
crude cloud cluster and intermingled and moved out of sight. any
suggestions as to the meaning of this ?
Aloha Brian,
I used the new versions (meaning the recording she has made) in my Communion today and thought I would share what came through. I thought it went very well with your 97 entries, which I read after the fact.
Your heart's desire is not impacted upon by the imperfections and inadequacies of your Earth-life circumstances. They are as nothing. It is your heart that is serviceable (from the Diary entries for 1997)
Communion June 14, 06
New music completed
Holy Ones,
The Communion Music has been recorded. I am so grateful for this opportunity and I feel an even greater yearning for the touch of the Master in my life to guide me. Thank you for your presence. Give me ears to hear you.
The pure love in your heart is a beacon. Your gift will touch many in ways you cannot fathom now. You have only just begun to fulfill your deepest yearnings. This will continue always for one is always arriving at a deeper understanding. Find peace in this knowing. We rejoice that you have found your way to this moment to offer your song back to God that he gave to you, a full circle indeed! Your tears of joy open worlds you cannot see, but be assured we are here loving you, and receiving the great love that is in your heart.
Blessings, Bentley
My Dearest Bentley,I am in total and absolute AWE at the job you have done. Listening to the hymns I had a profoundly mystical experience: It was as if you, Olga, the Master, Papa and I were transported together into the Oneness. We were all swirling in a circle, like the eye of a hurricane, but without any of the negative aspects such as the destructive force of a hurricane. It was a cosmic dance, with joy, laughter, inter-swirling of our individuality so that they became fused, first each with another, then interchanging with others until each was united with each of the others and then all together in/with Papa. There was no finite-ness to the experience because although it was the 5 of us as indicated above, all Papa's children and all of Creation were there, yet not intrusive into this 'little' (yet cosmic, infinite) celebration. We were swirling in togetherness, then into the Oneness and back out into the togetherness and back into the Oneness. And, as I have written in SYFK, about entering into the Oneness: There is no reason or cause for fear at this, at ‘losing one’s identity;’ this process is not about becoming less but about becoming more. At all times one is, henceforward, part of the Oneness but always free, also, to go out from it; just as being British means one is British whether in Britain or outside Britain. One’s ‘Britishness’ does not cease to be, once outside Britain – at least not unless one chooses for it to be so. That remains one’s free choice, always.In my soul I was singing with you but my voice was completely unable to vibrate the air because I was so transported and overwhelmed with the beauty of the singing and its helpfulness for us, Papa's children, for the journey Home to Him.Of course none of this adequately describes the experience.And to you, always,
The following exchange was posted on June 2nd 2006
After receiving the Diary entries for January 1996, Cindy sent this message:Hey Brian – It is 2006!
Hi Cindy,
You are so right, it is 2006 - but only in the Time and Place consciousness! In the Eternal Consciousness it is simply the Holy Instant, or the Moment of NOW, the only moment that exists.Of course it is very hard for us in the Earth life to grasp what that means, since our experience of linear time seems so utterly real, having been living with that perception for so long. It is rather like us saying 'Up' is toward the sky and 'Down' is toward the ground and we 'know' this because of gravity. But if we can imagine ourselves as out in space, there, the concept of 'Up' and 'Down' ceases to have any application. So, with 'Yesterday' (or 10 years ago) and 'Tomorrow,' if we can similarly make a journey of the imagination to the place where there is only NOW, then it will help us to move a step closer to the Eternal Consciousness.That is the purpose of life in Time and Place; to grow in our consciousness until we remember that it is in the Eternal Consciousness that we belong; from there that we have come and to there are we in the Process of returning. That we are 'Citizens of Eternity, sojourning in Time.'The purpose of Jesus counselling us to 'enter alone into our closet and shut the door, and then to Commune with our Heavenly Father,' ('Papa') and thus of the solitary or near solitary ritual of Mystical Communion with Christ, is that therein (especially for beginners, who are not practised in 'entering into the Oneness') we can shut out the time and place consciousness, so that we can become, gradually, one step at a time, attuned with the Eternal Consciousness, the Holy Moment of Now; 'God.'When we have grown, with the help of the Good Husbandman - Papa God - to the place where we can enter into that state of awareness at any 'time' and any 'place' (as Jesus was able to do in the long ago) then will we have truly returned 'Home' to God, the Holy of Holies, the Kingdom of Heaven. That does not mean we have to wait until we have 'died' and 'gone to Heaven.' Heaven, the Eternal Consciousness is with us NOW, in this eternal moment, this Holy Instant, all around us, within us, closer than our next heartbeat, right here in our Earthly life. If we truly seek It and earnestly desire It, then we will receive help to grow, to move into that place, that state of being, to remember that in truth we are already in that place and always have been. A shift of focus is all that is required of us to be there.The objective of sharing the Diary records accumulated since 1967 ('Earth time'!) is to help and encourage those who are not yet familiar or practised in attunement with these esoteric realities, to gain some insights and ideas into the mind and understanding of those - Jesus and the Servers of the Inner Plane Sanctuary (IPS) - who are espoused to this Great Purpose for all mankind of Kingdomly, Eternal-reality ways of seeing life, ourselves, our fellows, the Creator Spirit, so that we can begin to think like them. Of course no-one can take in the magnitude of all this in a 'moment' (or, for most of us, even a whole incarnation!); it has taken me about 40 years to arrive at this place of perception, this 'beginning of remembrance and experience of the eternal consciousness' that is the birthright, inheritance and destiny of us all. That is why 'one step at a time' is essential for our balanced, peaceful growth and why just a few records at a time is in harmony with that pace.After 40 years I am still impatient, (as the bookmark hanging from a shelf over my desk says,"Grant me patience Lord, but HURRY") though I now know of a certainty that those who love and watch over us from the Realms of Light and are overseeing our progress at a pace they know to be right for us, are functioning according to the recently posted Diary entry from January 29th, 1995:...You also know, for I have assured you many times, this (impatience for progress) will not hasten the unfoldment of the programme for raising-up the children of Earth. Your prayers and love and attunement will help you and will help all for whom you pray and will add to the transforming light. But the season is pre-determined, even as are the seasons of the year. All that you do in my name and with commitment to me and the Kingdom in your heart will contribute sunshine to the days, even though it will not change the seasons; therefore, keep on with goodwill...So, 2006, 1996? What's the difference? ;-)Love and blessings,Brian
The following exchanges were posted on May 20th 2006
The recent exchanges below, between Chris and me are lively, intense discussion about what is Truth, whether Jesus was a real, historical character, cults, conspiracies, Love and fear. They are lengthy and it will require some care in following because there are various colours of type involved, to distinguish who is who within the exchanges. But, for any who are interested in endeavouring to separate wheat from chaff in the metaphysical, mystical, esoteric, spiritual realities of life, this could be a useful exercise. I am greatly indebted to Chris for engaging with me in this way. May we all be blessed with new and greater illumination by it.
Brian Longhurst
Dear Chris,
Thanks for your message. As I recall, you told me on more than one occasion that you had one-on-one contact with 'the Christ.' Now there is much confusion amongst people in the Earth life about Jesus of Nazareth and 'the Christ.' My take on this is as follows: The word 'Christ' (Greek) means, literally, the same as Messiah (Hebrew), which is 'Anointed Messenger.' However, there is another aspect to the word in the sense that it has come to be construed as meaning a state of consciousness that is fully awake to, and one with, the consciousness, or mind, of the Creator Spirit. Jesus of Nazareth, who I must advise was a factual historical figure, is recorded as such by the Roman historian Josephus. Also, if you have read the Conversations with God books by Neale Walsch, Jesus is frequently referred to in them by 'God' as a historical figure, who did die on the cross and was resurrected, and who manifested to me in all his glory in January 1967. That event is fully recorded in SYFK. He has shown himself to me, Theresa, Olga Park and many others of my personal acquaintance and untold numbers of others around the world throughout history and in these times on more occasions than I can enumerate. He is unquestionably the author of 'A Course in Miracles' (ACIM), a fact I can vouch for absolutely by the way he speaks in ACIM as entirely characteristic with the way he has spoken with me since 1967. Now, as I understand it, Jesus of Nazareth became fully Christ conscious – meaning 'One with the Father,' at his baptism in the river Jordan.
Dear Chris, spiritual awareness, consciousness, mystical experience is all of and from a place, a dimension, a state of being of which Earth-mind/ego-mind/intellect knows nothing and can never know anything of these higher realities. This is well covered in SYFK and is written with the authority of 40 years of experience. The church, universities, scientists and the mass of humanity knows nothing of these things because they do not/will not humble themselves (that is, their ego-mind), enter alone into their 'closet,' shut the door and then open themselves, heart and soul, to the Source of All. Jesus said 'God is a Spirit' but ego-mind is still dabbling with whether there is 'life after "death" (itself, an illusion),' reincarnation, a 'God,' a soul and many other things which place them clearly in the kindergarten of spiritual, mystical and metaphysical awareness. These spiritual children are still so unbelieving - or lacking in the light of spiritual discernment - that they cannot accept that Jesus died on the cross and resurrected, or any other events that they classify as 'miracles' because they are so blind that they cannot see that there is no such thing as a miracle because what they call miracles are actually simply the normal processes of Life and Creation as understood by spiritually awake souls, which they do not believe anyone is or can be. I commend to you SYFK and ACIM (also The Disappearance of the Universe), in which you will read and have explained these things, if your heart is open to them, as I believe it is/desires to be.
I assure you that it makes no difference what allegories the Sumerians, or any other ancient culture, have promulgated, spiritual truth is still spiritual truth and Jesus was and is as real as you and I. I do agree that the vast majority of the bible has been tampered with to the point where only a tiny minority of it can be considered 'accurate' but as Jesus said to me in 1995:
…Be not surprised that many souls are lost,* for the light of my spirit was deliberately snuffed out from the Church of Earth by those who sought riches of Earth before riches of eternity. But it is not possible for the Father's purposes to fail and the light shall be shone in the dark places until all the shadows of death and fear shall have fled away. Rejoice greatly at this my beloveds and sing the New Song, that my little ones may hear and dance the dance of freedom. That which I have purposed in you shall prosper according to the wisdom of the Father. Be not anxious for any detail; all is well.
*It should be noted here that this is not indicating that such souls are 'lost' for all eternity, but simply that they have lost their way on the Path of Eternal Progress
Please see additional comments in green, below
Dear Brian,
I know your intentions are good, Thank you for your kind words. My intentions are good because the living Jesus of Nazareth has led me over nearly 4 decades along a Path that is invisible to those whose sight is still double, to the truth and reality of a great, cosmic programme for the spiritual awakening of humanity. It is more magnificent than anything this life of 'separation consciousness' can imagine, Chris. I know this because I am experiencing its reality. when you send these writings to your contacts, but I must tell you that through years of research I have discovered that Jesus Christ is a mythological character, whos myth was created by the Levite priest's who took stories that were written by the ancient Summerians and the ancient Sumer empire and added a hebrew character of their own to these ancient stories and created and extended this ancient myth into their Hebrew religious culture. See above.
An extreme amount of the bible as we know it is false and misrepresenting most people's interpretations, including clergy, This is absolutely correct and it is my objective to bring that to the attention of the children of Earth-life consciousness, 'as many as are willing.' of who the mythological characters really are. If everyone would look deep into historical scholars research findings, they would discover that they have based their lives on false beliefs, because this is a result of not using the God Mind to investigate why they believe or have faith in what they believe is the truth. This also is entirely in harmony with my experience. However, there is a very big difference between believing all the bible and the bible scholars and preachers and getting hooked up with the Source of spiritual mind, which I was greatly blessed to experience, as set out in SYFK. I was one of those person's who believed, to a great degree, what the preachers and the bible said was literally the truth, and I discovered through my own investigations that what I had thought was truth for years was all a lie. I would say that 'mostly,' rather than 'all' but there is also more to it than that. The fact is that there are many nuances to our perception of 'truth' and many levels at which it can be understood. Those who have taken the literal line on esoteric matters (because they are spiritually little children and little children are very literal-minded) have misconstrued most of what they have read or experienced and take it at only its most basic and literal level, which limits the greater understanding of the nuances. That is why Jesus spoke in parables or allegories, because spiritual truth can be perceived at many levels, according to the wakefulness of the hearer.
It has taken many years to work through this shock. The church has caused so much confusion and disillusion among so many souls, the world is reeling from it and this will take great love and understanding to outwork. I assure you, dear Chris, that Jesus knows about all this and is entirely able to resolve this tangle of karma. I am pasting here a Diary entry from 1997, which I hope you will find helpful:
Beloved Lord, one step at a time our heart's desire awakens within us and in sync with this, the operation that you have in place, as it unfolds before us.
My son, your heart's desire is not something that is becoming, a faltering, chance, haphazard development. It is a strong, well-established creation, as I have already said, forged in the fire of the Holy Spirit, in pure harmony with eternal reality. It is unfolding before you in your Earthly life as you go forward upon the path, led by me, your guide to eternity, motivated from within by that strong desire. Therefore it is no coincidence that what you describe is so, for it is in fulfilment of your desire, harmonised before time with those of like desire, with whom you are in close association because of like desires.
This is how you are in close association with me. That is not a chance happening; why should association with JB (John the Baptist) or any other of my beloveds, including my beloved disciple, be surprising? My plan is all encompassing; every opportunity is catered for, according to the power of the Spirit of Truth. No event in my Earthly life was ‘chance’ fulfilment of prophecy. So also is the fulfilment of your birth vision because you have committed your life into my care.
Let no one say to you there is no joy in such commitment of life, for I am the Lord of the purple ray -- the perfect blend of Earth-life and fulfilment (red) with eternal truth and reality (blue). The joy of Heaven is thus yours in the Earth-life and by no other means is this possible. So is it with all who come to me.
Lord, it seems so impossible that it could be as you have described, not just for us who love you and have been brought into alignment with your power and activity but for the billions of souls whose lives and karma is in such a horrendous tangle, like a mass of tangled cables or spaghetti.
This is not a problem because I am operating from the within of all my little ones; like fibre-optic cable, it can transmit the light even round corners and entanglements.
I had to let go of all religious beliefs, and only trust in the True Creator of the Universe, because all ALL!? other things were untrue. I urge people to investigate as thoroughly as they can, who this Jesus character/myth was. Was he really a person? This is covered above. I have found that he wasn't, he was a Hebrew, Levite priest created myth, which was taken from other previous ancient myths. Chris, is this YOUR experience, or is it somebody else's 'truth' that you have adopted as a reaction to the shock you experienced at finding what you believed was substantially not true? And, he was created by the Levite priests from thousands of years prior ancient Sumer empire mythological characters. Remember, you can use your mind and discover the real Truth, but you need to have courage and guts to accept the Truth.
Peace and Light, Chris
Creation is both real and an illusion, depending from which perspective one views it. That is true also for you and for me - however hard it may be to see past the illusion - and for Jesus. The words he speaks and the experiences he has brought to me are, for me, real. If you choose for them to be an illusion for you, so be it. Any who resonate with my recounting these words and experiences can benefit from them but if there is no resonance, there can be no benefit and the individual is always at free will to seek his/her own truth elsewhere. It was ever thus.
I hope we can continue in cordial and loving fellowship.
Love and blessings, always,
Hi Chris,
I am of course, aware that there are people who say - and believe - they are in the Illuminati (and various other cults) but the bottom line is that they have no true spiritual illumination and the reason I can state that authoritatively is that true spiritual illumination reveals that the ONLY true spirituality is LOVE. All else is FEAR-based and is of the upside-down, ego-mind, separation consciousness; the antithesis of all that is of God and His Kingdom. So, they have no REAL empowerment, except what we - any of us - abdicate to them. This means that if we accord them NO power over us, they have no power over us and are immediately seen for the illusion, the charade that they are living.
It is the same with voodoo and all other forms of psychism: it only has reality if you accord it reality and then it is only subjectively 'real' for that person and has no objective reality. It is the utterly profound ignorance/forgetfulness of humanity about spiritual, mystical, esoteric reality and truth that is enabling humanity to be so gullible about who and what they REALLY are: glorious, radiant Beings of the Light and this then means they abdicate their own, God-given power and authority over their own life into the hands of charlatans, bullies, fear-mongers (e.g. the church!) and end up in deep wilderness of fear and despair, all of which is unnecessary and an illusion.
It is this profound ignorance that I am committed to helping to undo.
Please see my comments in blue type, below.
Dear Chris,
Thanks for your concern to help me. I appreciate it greatly and know your heart is in the right place. You are correct Brian, I am concerned not only with you and your welfare but that of all souls on this Earth. I never have negative intentions for anyone and only mean to send/provide enlightenment for all to evolve spiritually. My focus is driven by love and concern and enlightenment as a fellow soul on this web of life. If I have made a discovery concerning my research, I want to share it with other souls, so that they can benefit and grow spiritually as I have from that. In regards to the Illuminati, I must tell you that my step father was a part of this organization so, I have personal experience with it being real. Just last year I was invited to attend an Illuminati group that was disguised as being something new age spiritual, but, when I got home and l reviewed the pamphlet which I was given, it asked if I had any relations and/or family members that were in the Freemasons, and that it was a requirement for me to have relatives, and/or family members in the Freemasons in order to join this group. It gave me the creeps, because I had done past research about this organization and previously, I had just read a complete book relating to the Illuminati/Freemasonry I was quite aware of what this group was about or would it could lead to if I joined it. I have always been a leader and an unusually strong spiritual person, never have been a follower, which I told the person who asked me to look over the pamphlet and join the group. I found out later through my research on the Illuminati that they highly prize these type of people to join their organization. Brian, I have researched and studied the Illuminati for over two decades, of which, this organization is very prevalent here in the USA. It would be very easy to speak with any American citizen here and ask them if they have ever known anyone that was a Freemason or connected with the Illuminati, and chances are they would say yes. Also, over the years, I have counseled with many battered and abused women (mainly) but some men too, and more times than not, the Illuminati is always connected with their sexual abuse. The Illuminati runs in families, they look for bloodlines, family ties. Of course bloodlines are meaningless and irrelevant spiritually because we are eternal, living spirits and the body is nothing more than a mechanism for expressing who we are or choose to be. The body, and therefore the bloodline, has nothing to do with who we are; only how we choose to express who we are. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that many, many times, the offspring of high-achieving parents (materially or spiritually) are often the opposite: scoundrels and wastrels. It is the offspring who choose their parents through whom they will incarnate and bring their own character qualities, and issues to outwork, with them. That is why all this hype about Jesus having children is an irrelevant diversion. There are many people out there who have been, what we call in the counseling area, as having been ritually satanically abused. We know people who have been thusly abused. It is a deeply damaging activity, both for the abused and also for the abuser. These sort of activities will only cease to find expression when we, as a society, awaken to the fact that we should be seeking to help the abuser, so that they can understand why they are so motivated and be helped to move to a place of spiritual understanding of who they really are and then the fear and hurt that drives them to such endeavours will cease to exist for them. We are still very, very young, spiritually, as a culture, here on our beautiful planet Earth. And this ritual abuse is hidden under the veil of religion, whether it be Mormonism, Catholicism, Jehovah witnesses, Christianity, etc. This has been my personal experience in counseling with these individuals and working with other PhD's that specialize in this field of ritual abuse. I won't go into detail of the horrific experiences my client's have shared with me, but I believe them and I believe the other counselors stories of their client's experiences too. Theresa has counselled the recipients of such abuse, so we know something of the depravity involved (and the deep distress it causes). But, as it states in A Course in Miracles, 'All attack is a cry for help.' The emails I sent you were so long dear, and I didn't want to add any more information to them at that time so, that is why I'd hoped that you would do your own research and discover on your own the information/evidence I was leading you towards. It's always better to get a lead and then go and do your own thorough independent research and let the God force/Source show you the things you need to know to evolve and have the veil lifted. This is, of course, exactly what I have been engaged in since 1965, with unremitting help and guidance from One who is All Truth. But he led, counselled, encouraged and never forced me to accept any of what he revealed to me. That is freedom. But, in this email to me and the prior one also, this information and/or possible path for further growth has obviously angered you. Dear Chris, I observe that you are making observations about me that are not my own experience. I always teach my client's that when anger and doubt and fear come along in your life, they are signals that you need to explore, go within yourself to discover where those emotions/feelings are coming from, we need to ask ourselves why? Quite right; I endorse this totally but I have no such thoughts or feelings because I have long realised that we are all free to have our opinions on all matters. This is why joining an institutionalised structure such as the church, which insists that you accept someone else's ideology (usually without question!) is entirely unserviceable to our individual spiritual growth. This is the small voice giving us the opportunity to listen or reject and never pursue hearing that small voice urging us, signaling us, to explore more, to question. I don't understand this sentence. Is some of it missing? However, I must tell you that I am fully familiar with the stories of the so-called 'Illuminati' and that IT is actually a lot of nonsense, a myth, a conspiracy theory that has been around for a long time. When enough people tell the same story, sooner ot later it becomes accepted by some as the actuality. It's not nonsense to me or the other counselors and our client's. Brian, I would love to say it is all a lie, and these type of organizations do not exist and these people are all mad who say they have been abused by the people in these organizations, but unfortunately I cannot, because of my personal experience with them, and of course, because of the research I have done. Have you considered that the sources of your findings are just as susceptible to flaw as anything or anyone else that you DON'T believe?
Ask yourself, are Earth-mind conscious humans actually clever enough and committed enough to start and continue, generation after generation for many centuries or even millennia, the infrastructure for such a conspiracy? The answer really doesn't matter. Oh, but the answer does matter dear, it always matters. That's what the Truth is all about, the answers to questions as these! This is why I wanted you to run with the clues I had given you so, that you could do your own independent research and find that it is not human beings entirely that are doing this. It all has do to with the royal bloodlines that have been preserved and created over generations and millennia, but you didn't want to go there dear, See above and so, you chose to close yourself off to this Truth, and I need to and do accept that Brian. We all make choices because we all have free will, well most of us do, except there are individuals who have given up their free will to the dark side of life, and so they forfeit their free will, and are controlled by the dark negative realms thereafter. What really does matter is this: What brings INWARD peace, joy, harmony, love, tranquillity, spiritual empowerment? Is it getting all embroiled in all these debates and theories about whether Jesus ever lived, whether he died on the cross, whether he had children, whether the Illuminati are who actually run the world etc., etc? This is a diversion away from peace, joy, love, spiritual fulfilment. Have you asked yourself this: Does it REALLY matter whether Jesus was a historical character or not, if what is promulgated 'allegedly' by him resonates for our inner being? Does the fact that the church has used the boss's name and ruined the business mean that the 'boss' is wrong? Is what Brian Longhurst is saying about Him something that engenders a feeling of upliftment to the soul? Is what Brian is sharing from his own experiences divisive or is it comforting, uniting, joy- and peace-inspiring? These are the only real questions. The others are diversionary, leaving questions, doubts, uncertainties, fears, a sense of being lost, directionless. Truth is truth, whether it has been brought from the Source of All by a messenger we call Jesus or anyone else. We humans tend to get hung up on the messenger and the message then becomes lost in the clamour about the messenger. Wow Brian, are you saying it's OK to lie to the people/someone Darling Chris, I think you know the answer to that is: of course not. The only eternal, desirable, true reality is Love, peace, joy, found in and by returning to the Oneness with 'Papa.' I assure you that filling people with fear and doubt by telling them about untold numbers of fear-based cults, sects, conspiracies is not on the agenda of the Creator Spirit. I feel sure you are fully aware that all such are human constructs, fabricated out of delusion as a result of a self-imposed 'separation consciousness' which means we have chosen to 'go it alone' without God. Of course that is actually impossible; where is there a place in the universe in which God is not? It is a delusion to believe that could be possible and so people who have convinced themselves that it is so are indeed, deluded. as long as it gives them false hope, false peace, false joy, Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, Truth (of Eternity, not activities here in time and place that are not of God but of expediency-motivated man) are not, and cannot be false because these are all qualities of the Creator, created by the Creator and are therefore eternal. It is the antithesis of these Godly qualities that are false; how could it be otherwise? etc..... Or, it's OK to lie to me as long as you tell me what I want to hear, instead of telling me the Truth? What do you want to hear? of the Love, peace, joy, fulfilment that is God and is our birthright, inheritance and destiny (available to us in the only moment of Eternity that exists: NOW, not just some indeterminate 'future time,' as the church would have us believe, in spite of Jesus saying otherwise)? Or of dark, tangled, myths (the church has been doing that for many centuries!), conspiracies, fear-engendering fabrications from the upside-down, ego-minds of those who have forgotten who they really are? Or, that's it's OK to perpetuate an untruth Setting aside for a moment whether Jesus was a 'real' historical character or not, what have I written (not of the man) that is an untruth? for the sake of everyone's delusion as stated above, joy, peace, love are not and cannot be delusions because they are of and from the Creator. to continue, therefore, avoiding, and oppressing the real Truth? We are Beings of the Light; we belong in the Light of Truth, our only Home. What you are referring to as 'the real Truth' is fear, darkness, oppression, constructed and perpetrated by man. How can that be Truth if you believe (as I understand you do) in a God of Love? We are in this world to experience all sorts of things, Chris, dear one, do not miss the crucial point, that is that we are here to CHOOSE our experiences, to CREATE them. If we choose to experience - and create (one could say, 'co-create, with Papa') experience of - Love, Peace, Joy (and whatever else from the rest of God's treasure-house of reality) then that is our God-given FREE choice; it is not mandatory, a dictat from the God of Love and freedom, that we also experience/create the Dark side. The Master has said to me many, many times over 4 decades, 'Espouse Good, eschew evil.' This is pretty sound advice from a 'myth,' wouldn't you say? ;-) both negative, neutral, and positive things, and to learn from all of those things, This is where the utterly benign, beneficent reality of the God of Love shows itself: that the negative or neutral can be transformed into a magnificent, Kingdomly creation of love, peace, joy and fulfilment. In fact He told me not to despise 'adversity' but to accept it as a Gift, because it is the 'very stuff out of which fulfilment is made.' Here is what I have written about this in SYFK:
In the summer of 1999, as I walked with Susie, our little rescued Lhasa Apso dog, in the woodlands of the Cotswold hills, suddenly a dump truck upended a load of bricks right in front of me. There must have been twenty tonnes of them. This was, of course, not a physical event but in the psychic consciousness. The bricks were black and shiny, as are the bricks used in the damp-proof course of older houses. This load was obstructing the path in front of me. My initial reaction was, ‘Oh, no, another obstacle to progress along the path of spiritual growth.’ I said to Papa, ‘Why these adversities when all I seek is to be serviceable to the Kingdom?’ Immediately he spoke. ‘Do not fear adversity for it is the very stuff of which opportunity is made and without adversity there can be no opportunity. Rather, welcome it and give thanks for it. Each such encounter is an opportunity to transform adversity into fulfilment and create some magnificent new structure to the glory of God and man reunited in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. In truth we are a Desire and Construct partnership, working together in creative unison. You may perceive me as the Great Architect and you as ‘merely’ the bricklayer but I say to you, how can the architect realise the grandeur of his greatest designs without the bricklayer to bring them into the fullness of their manifestation?’
not shut out of our lives what doesn't feel good or reject something because it doesn't fit with how we think or believe. We are all explorer's That is one perception but here is another, larger perception: we are all CREATORS here. Which is your choice? Mine is the latter, because we are created in the image and likeness of the Creator, with all the qualities of the Creator. He has left nothing out and why would He;-) here. The Source gave us a mind to learn/explore, and grow/evolve with it. Alleluia! We are in agreement ;-) Pain is our greatest emotion Do you believe this is a legacy from the Source, the Creator of Light, Love, Peace, Joy? I assure you it is not. This is a misperception from the upside-down mind of ego. The fact that the benign Creator has organised it so we CAN use even that (pain, and any other unGodly aspect of life in this illusory world) to assist our spiritual growing does not mean that pain is essential for growth. We grow INTO love, BY love. Example: we meet a soul (incarnate or discarnate, it matters not which), who is the embodiment of love, agape love, spiritual, God-filled love; they radiate it from the centre of their being; all they are and all they do is love, pure and undefiled (it happened to me in January 1967 in a basement room in Vancouver); the radiance of their emanations is so uplifting, so inspiring that all we desire is to be like them. There are many such soul-inspiring Beings of the Light, incarnate, here and now; we all know some of them. Enough said? for us to feel with, heal with, and therefore grow with/by. Your sweet wife Theresa wouldn't be the great gal she is today She came into this life the great gal that she is. The awfulness she experienced and endured blinded her, temporarily, to that reality but BECAUSE she is the great gal that she is, she did endure. With much help - necessary because she had been so blinded - she has been able to shrug off the effects of the pain and now, by the grace of the Creator and His messengers, she is able to use, transform that experience into help for others who are experiencing or have experienced such awfulness. But none of that means pain is necessary for growth. if she didn't experience and grow by/through the abuse she endured, she learned a great deal, and I know you did too. Yes, we learned/remembered how NOT to be or do, and that has served us very well. And I'm sure you have had your moments of pain and negativity too, in which you have learned and grew through, becoming a better, wiser, spiritual soul, but none of us has reached ascention as yet, we are all still explorer's/experiencer's. Covered above. It does matter, very very much, and it is extremely important, to find the Truth about and within everything, because all good things come from the veil of delusion/deception being lifted, and our eyes being opened to this Truth. That is how we evolve completely and then ascend, we cannot ascend and evolve in believing lies Chris, darling soul, Child of the Light, love is not lies. I write of the love of the Creator and His Messengers and of the distortion of that with which the church has deceived God's Children for about 17 or 18 centuries because I have experienced the Love of the Creator and His Messenger. It does not make one iota of difference who the Messenger is, if the message is of the Truth of the Love of the Creator. It also makes not one iota of difference if the purported messenger incarnated, manifested, materialised. As I said, humanity gets hung up on the detail and then misses the big picture. because it feels good to do so, or holding onto false beliefs because it feels comfortable not merely comfortable but exalted to the heights of Heaven, uplifted, inspired, rapturous, ecstatic; false beliefs cannot do that. or living in the dark because we never go outside our box for fear If our 'box' is the universe, all God's Creation, wondrous, joyous creative life, and getting outside it is entering the small dark, illusory world of fear' (yes, I have been there and know it is not a pleasant, desirable place), oppression, deceit, then I am happy to stay in my box. Another name for this box is the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus (that well-known mythical character!) spoke of it a lot. Have you noticed how the institution that claims to represent him on Earth never mentions it? Interesting, wouldn't you say? we will have to work on ourselves as the result of learning we were living in a semi-deluded state by some choices we made in the past. You are perfectly describing upside-down, insane, separation-consciousness ego-mind That is the antithesis of the Truth, and living in the Truth. And rationalizing is a form of a lie, and yet it is an outright lie. Seeking the Truth is never a diversion away from the Truth, it is a path towards the Truth and further enlightenment. Do you believe gathering information about cults and conspiracies, and experiencing pain, disillusion and fear is seeking the Truth, or that those things ARE Truth? But, aside from all of that and this, you need to make your own choices Brian, and know that I only intended to share some enlightening this word (‘enlightening’) describes that which is The Source of All and all that is of and from the Source of All Truths that I, guided by the Source of all Light, discovered. Do you believe that 'discovering' that cults, myths, conspiracies, fear, pain, oppression 'exist' is being 'enlightened'? The Truth always makes me more filled with more peace, joy, and comfort, I just wanted you to have some of that with my latest research discoveries. Do you really believe that what you have discovered by this research (which I could have told you about) is Spiritual Truth, the Truth of the totally loving Creator Spirit? This activity is simply about gathering information about events and activities in the Earth life of time and place. It is not 'finding the Truth' because Truth is of Eternity, of God, the Creator Spirit. TRUTH always matters, always! That is a 'true statement';-) But as Pontius Pilate said to Jesus, 'What is truth?' We each create and espouse our own 'truth.' Mine is that He who manifested to me in a basement room in 1967 and spoke to me words accorded him in Revelation (though I had never heard them at that time) and gave me the total meaning of them at the same time, is the real, living Jesus of Nazareth, who will lead all who so desire, 'back to God' and for the last 39 years has been so doing for me because I truly sought and earnestly desired. I hope you will agree (having read about it in SYFK) that it has been a grand adventure;-) I hope you are able to see that after 40 years of wise and consistent leading, loving counsel, EXPERIENCING, with which my soul resonates and by which it is uplifted to the heights of Heaven, I am not about to get diverted by the Illuminati and all the other divisive 'elaborate theories of men.' With all love and honor towards another soul, I can see a lot of denial within your words. You see denial; I see (and feel, experience) good, sound, rational sense Now, you need to ask yourself--why, what is it you are afraid of? Fear dominates the lives of most of humanity but I am overjoyed to be able to tell you, with Papa God as my witness, that by the leading, loving, guiding of His Messenger, I am now able to state truly and unequivocally that fear is now substantially behind me and I am growing each day in my ability to leave it behind more and more as each opportunity arises so to do. It is a totally, wonderfully, profoundly empowering, exalting experience. Dearest Chris, I commend it to you wholeheartedly. I do not ignore the 'Dark Side' out of fear but because I know that if all humanity ignored it, it would cease to have existence for us - all of us. And by each of us, individually accepting that and practising it, it becomes so for us, individually, even when it is not yet so for our fellows who have not yet moved to that place of understanding. They can do so at any and every next moment. Including you, dear soul. You must know also Brian that it doesn't matter how many years of experience you have, people can still be deluded or refuse to change or deny the Truth, it happens all the time. Indeed this is true but that does not prove, or indicate in any other way, that it is, or has to be, so with me. Only the Spirit of Truth and I can know that which is so for me - and any others who feel it, resonate with what I have written and what it speaks to their heart. Sometimes the older we get the less we want to disturb our comfort zone. But I am pleased to be able to tell you that this is not the case with me and I am eager, every moment, to experience more of the Kingdom of God, here, now, in the Earthly life, just as Jesus promised when he walked the Earth 2000 years ago. You will (if you so choose) hear and read more of how I have come to be totally solid in my persuasion of its (and his) reality as the Diary entries are posted on the HTG website in the weeks and months ahead. Will you deny the beauty and uplifting, inspiring, illuminating words that are there recorded? Open your heart, Child of God, not your mind, for it is the heart that is the seat of the soul and will speak with you of Spiritual Truth. True wisdom is always being open to explore the Truth Of course, but do not confuse the gathering of information about Earthly activities/events with the finding of Eternal Truth (or even truth!) and accept it when we find it, admit we are all human In a discussion of this level of consideration, we must be asking what we mean by 'human' because the Earth-mind perception of the word is totally different from the knowledge of what 'human' means in the sight of the Creator of humanity. and that we make mistakes, and move on and grow from those mistakes. History (with all its mistakes) keeps repeating itself because Earth-mind (ego-mind) humanity is simply NOT learning from his mistakes and that is because he has separated himself from the mind of the Creator and is refusing to go within and there, to open himself to the spiritual illumination of his mind by the Source of All Illumination and Truth. I didn't email you to debate the issues with you, I totally agree with you that debating can be very counterproductive. I have responded to most of what you have said in the hope that Light may be generated by this discussion, rather than heat, for our mutual benefit and any others who may read these exchanges. only to share the Truth with you dear, but you refused to see that I truly hope that the content of this response will demonstrate that I am motivated by desire for spiritual illumination, not just for me but for all with whom I come in contact who are interested in such, and that as such, I am open to and espouse Truth but have decided against darkness, fear and oppression. and only you and the Source knows the reasons for that.
Bless you, sweet, darling Chris, for PEACE, joy and upliftment, always,
You and yours are cared about always. Thank you for calling me darling Chris; that touched my heart
. Again, I honor your decision/choice not to want to explore. I have been exploring for 40+ years, dear Chris, as SYFK attests.
Peace, Light, Love, and Wisdom, Chris
Always and only, that we may all be so blessed,
The following exchanges were posted on April 21st 2006
Dear Brian:
I had a dream, wrote a poem and can't decipher it. Any way you can help?
I came to rest
upon a crest
of a hill I thought was home
But when I awoke
I began to choke
'cause all my stuff was gone
'Over there,' they said
that's the place
your hill is made of sand
You can't rest here
until you are near
to your home - the promised land
I have no idea where the words come from, they just come, these words simply flowed after reflecting upon a dream.
kind regards,
Dear Sharon,
This is a most interesting poem and I have no doubt it was brought to you from the Realms of Light, by someone who is very close and loving toward you. I suspect it may be more a group than one person. Whether this applies to you personally and specifically only you can decide. Reading your earlier communications causes me to doubt it but maybe you have become 'stuck in a rut' lately and need a bit of a push to get you moving along in terms of your birth vision.
I read this as being addressed to someone whose perception has become muddled - temporarily - between the illusory world in which we live - Time and Place - and the reality of Eternity. If we believe we have our true dwelling place in what we see around us in this life on Earth, we are building our foundation for our being on sand. Nothing is permanent on sand and what we think is ours can disappear 'overnight.' These were words of affectionate warning, a call to awaken from the mistaken perception and move on from there to a place where the foundation is 'rock.' 'Rock' is a permanent foundation and the person for whom the words apply (any or all of us) is being given a nudge to move along on the Path toward the true destiny, where everything is permanent; the Kingdom of Heaven, the 'Promised Land.'
In no way should this be perceived as a rebuke but encouragement, exhortation. It has a good, uplifting vibration and indicates it is from an Enlightened One or Ones.
Thank you for sharing it. I hope this helps to set your mind at rest.
Light and Love,
Many of my recent meditations have been on Olga's insight in her vision of the Church of the Future that prominence needs to be given to the resurrection rather than the crucifixion. This is fascinating because the Master speaks in exactly this manner at considerable length and detail in 'A Course in Miracles' (ACIM), which Theresa and I are studying at the present time. The wondrously synchronistic thing about all this is that we are reading in ACIM what the Master has been saying to me since the 1960s and since we only began reading ACIM around Christmas time, it is reassuring, validating and affirming of this work for the Kingdom in which I am now engaged. For many centuries the church has turned Christianity into a masochistic religion, interesting terminology; I had not thought of it in that way but again, it resonates with what the Master says in ACIM. but Jesus stood for joy and life abundant. I can attest that he still does, wonderfully and joyfully. He was not an ascetic. The world at large hasn't the faintest inkling about him. I am greatly pleased that that is now in the process of changing, big time. Alleluia.
Cheers, Cheers!
Susan Brian
It is simply not possible for me to find the right words to express the gratitude in my heart for the healing and understanding that has been poured upon me these past few days. I rejoice with and for you. I received Olga’s book (‘Man, the Temple of God’) and started it Wednesday night, waking at 4:00 am to finish it. The symbolism and explanations are life changing. You are truly a soul who is at home on the SMCC wavelength, B; I feel this by your response to its vibration. I feel that it is only recently that I could have taken it in. I have read it many times over the decades and still it has more to say to me.
I have read back through every email from you since last June, and also gone to the website to reread SYFK and the Diary entries for 87,88, 89. All of it speaks to me more clearly, especially in light of the events of the past year. I now know I have been feeling the human struggle as I let go of so much of my “earth sense” life. This clearly sets out the Path and the direction of your journey.
My greatest joy is that although (other plans I had in mind) did not work out for me, I feel that God knows my heart. This is a certainty of course, but when we come to feel it, then the Homeward journey really begins. I turned to you with the weight I was carrying in February and am so blessed that you have become a sincere trusted teacher for me. It can only be your perception of this that enables it so to be. All this has unfolded in God’s time, which so many of your messages explain. As the posting of the Diary records unfolds I am in awe at their content. Most, I have not read for years, other than whilst committing them to disc. Then, their content really spurred me on with the task!
I am understanding more about everything I have asked deep within from reading and rereading the Diary messages. B, this is joy to my soul. Thank you for telling me. The appreciation makes it SO rewarding. They are now a daily, (if not every few hours) source of comfort. For quite some time, I had let go of many pieces of my earth existence, longing for something more, truly feeling like I was in the desert. Spending some time in the desert makes us really appreciate the oasis. I have been able to shift my consciousness over this time and feel a sincere emergence in my being of the trust to be guided, to listen, to attune to the Realms of Light, sincerely invite Jesus into my life and get out of the way. I hear many people speak of 'getting out of the way.' I do not believe this is actually what Jesus wants of us. Yes, he wants us to ‘relinquish our leasehold on our life’ which means, put our trust totally in him as our Guide, but to me, getting out of the way has a self-deprecating note. Jesus wants to remind us how magnificent we are, as Papa’s wonderful children but many centuries of being told we are all worthless, sinful outcasts takes much unlearning;-)
The following passage was very helpful to me in your reply. It helped me understand that following my guidance was more important than having answers. I naively believed that just following guidance would swiftly bring answers in. Now I see the major benefit of the faith, trust and commitment part:
'My son, the keys to the Kingdom lie not in answers but in Faith, Trust, Obedience and Commitment...' (FTOC). The 'obedience' bit is nothing to do with what the religionists think but means obedience to ourselves, our own commitment, desire, for one-pointedly staying true to the discipline of following the Guidance from Within. Humanity is today creating a culture that says we don't have to have any FTOC, we can do as we wish with impunity and there will be nothing anybody can do about it. That is a sleepwalker's creed. There may be no punishment but there are consequences. The consequences of FTOC are entering in to the Holy of Holies.
When I read Olga’s book, I was astounded that you could have assimilated so much at such a young age and also that you have been blessed with forty years of guidance due to your heart and your desire and your discipline. At a deep level, I knew this was the Path for me; the reason I was here. It all just felt so right, comfortable and just fell into place. The Master was leading; all I had to do was follow! He engenders trust and confidence by his very life radiance, so it is totally different from following almost anyone in this world.
It is Easter tomorrow. I feel that this is my first Easter of knowing the Truth of Jesus Christ. If I have contributed in any way to that, I rejoice with heartfelt thanksgiving. There are no words to express that gratitude. And I feel that I am just beginning to understand. Be assured, dear B, there is more; much more. Tears of joy,
B I feel them and embrace you with my heart, in kindred fellowship,
Thanks so much for sending this (Diary entries). I keep seeking, keep praying, keep being lost, keep not knowing anything at all of spiritual import with lasting conviction, indeed, without any conviction I'm sure of at all. It often seems as if I'm contriving certain blessings I suppose to be real, but which vanish like smoke. If they were real, they would not disappear when I try to make use of them. I'm not a complainer, or whiner, just lost. Please pray for me.
D, Dear Friend,
My heart goes out to you as I read your cry for help. I have a true and dear, trustworthy friend, Joan, who has been through a very long, very dark night of the soul and has come through, after truly plumbing the depths, radiant and rejoicing in the Light of spiritual discernment. I have spoken of her to you before and sent you messages from her that I hope were helpful. I have again asked Joan for her help with your situation (please be assured that I have respected your privacy in this; she knows only your first name). Joan has responded with what seems to me to be truly inspired counsel and I would like to pass this along, as I believe she can be of much greater help in practical ways than I can because she has been through the dark corridors and therefore knows from experience (the great authority) whereas I have not, in this Act anyway, been there.
I am copying salient parts of her reply below, in green type. Joan is a 'straight from the shoulder' kind of person, stating it just as she sees it. I assure you that she has the heart of a lion and is filled with compassion, caring and love. If she says this is the way it is, speaking from her own experience, that is good enough for me. If you are interested, I could put you in direct contact with her. Please let me know.
I see from what you tell me that a Jungian therapist could be the greatest possible help. (D, she mentioned this before, as you will recall. Joan knows quite a lot about Jungian therapy and tells me that it is entirely Spiritually founded). Within the psyche of every person that needs to be told by 'Authority' what to believe, there is an inherent unwillingness to think of themselves as having any authority. That's why they rely on others. They buy, hook, line and sinker that they 'can't get it without help.' Self-esteem is non-existent and they're lost in the limbo of 'damned if I do and damned if I don't.... so, why try?' This guy is hanging by a very thin thread and he needs real help that he can has put him there and only counselling is going to get him out!!! Wherever he lives, if there's a Unity Church, encourage him to attend, or better yet, to speak with the minister. Above all, Unity takes guilt away! He needs a counsellor (Jungian) to debrief and a church (Unity) that is loving to the max....’cos he isn't getting it on his own.
It is time for D to look God square in the face and ask, "Do you love me?" and listen to the answer. It is way past time for him to shut up his mind, his circular thinking and ask, "Why did you create me if not to love me?"
Above all, D, know that I hear you and know what you're going through!!! I know how hard it is to make proper contact with Papa and Jesus because it is our egos that think we don't deserve it. Ego-mind, D, fills us full of fear, guilt, shame, sense of unworth and leaves us aghast at the separation. Fear, guilt, shame, unworth are all - all - of our own making, not Papa's and he does not see any of those things in us. He loves us UNCONDITIONALLY. We, Papa's Children are crying out to come “Home” and He is waiting, eagerly, for us to return. That does not have to be only when our time here is up, it can be right here, right now. Any statements to the contrary are made with a hidden agenda: control. It can be a long journey if we choose to make it so, but in truth, Papa and Jesus are with each and every one of us, NOW, and always have been. The only movement we need make is to hold out our hands to Them because They are right here, with us and have never left us and never will. That is what unconditional love is all about: unconditional. Any statements or perceptions to the contrary are our own self-deception.
Please keep in touch and know that together we are already in the Kingdom.
Peace, always,
Hi Brian/Theresa,
I saw a film that answered a big question in my mind at the weekend….arguably the biggest question…who is Jesus?…Film: The Passion of the Christ. I realise now more than ever before who Jesus is…..I mean really is!! Before I saw the film, I never knew why or who he was, but I do now….it’s all fallen into place. (I may or may not have mentioned it before but I had hit a snag when it came to Jesus because I felt like something was missing, almost like I was missing something…..I get it now, I didn’t understand what he’d gone through for us….in the face of all that adversity he just kept going……the gruesome task he KNEW he had to face for us, he not only faced it but forgave in the process….he’s the light, he’s the example by which all man should and will live…..not just every day but every moment…..e.g. you have some needy friends who try and belittle you to boost themselves, you accept that it is, you forgive and continue to love……no matter what. (If Jesus can go through that for me, I think I can handle a few mates and quite frankly any other challenge set before me!!...and so it begins!!)
Still not finished SYFK yet, but I get the feeling it’ll have more meaning for me now… was meant to be!!
Speak soon.
Love and light beams,
The following exchanges were posted on March 24th 2006
As I told you, I sent it to everyone I know - believers and non-believers. When I have wealth, I share's not up to me to make them read it...there's always the delete key. I just send it with love and let go for Boomer (God) to do the rest. Truly you are a citizen of the Kingdom, Joan, you resonate so perfectly with the 'Principles of Life of the Father.' I'd sent it to Ben and Chris (he's the one that's going through the dark night of the Soul caused, I know, by his unwillingness to open his heart to God which breaks my heart.) Chris read SYFK and adored it! She tried to get Ben to read it but he flat wouldn't. I told him that was perfectly okay because Boomer was just patiently loving him and waiting for him to invite IT in. I said, "Ben, I'm gonna make a believer out of you yet." He laughed, gave me a kiss and said, "Maybe you will, Joan...if anybody can it will be you!" It occurs to me that the time of the 'Believer' is over and that we are now moving into the time of the 'Knower,' the 'Experiencer.' St Paul writes that Faith shall be replaced by Sight. Jesus said he had come to open the eyes of the blind (quoting from Isaiah). The Piscean age (the Jesus age in the 3 measures of meal parable) was the age of the 'Believer,' in blind faith, which is what we are called to do – believe, in faith - but now, as we enter the early stages of the Aquarian Age, the Kingdom Age, that believing in blind faith will be and is being replaced by Sight, by Experiencing the realities of Papa's Kingdom, right here in the Earth. This is my yearning desire, to help true and earnest desirers, hungering and thirsting for the bread and wine of spiritual sustenance, to open their eyes and SEE, KNOW, the reality.
Are you saying 'transcendental meditation' is not a good thing?
Hi Sharla,
It depends so much on what you mean by the term. There are and have been many charlatans misleading numerous people into a maze of confusion with the term TM. If you mean, 'going within' as described by Jesus, where the Creator Spirit dwells in each of us, and communing with 'him' there, then it is certainly a very good thing. If it means following someone else's rules and regulations and doctrines, I do not believe it will prove serviceable to your spiritual centredness and growth. But you must decide for yourself because the Truth is within you. That is where you will find it.
Bless you,
Dear Brian,
Thank you for your Infinite Being article on the butterfly of Jesus and the story of humanity. It brought tears to me. I so want to be a butterfly and I know I'm in the stage of breaking out of the cocoon - it's just seeming to take me so long.
I have a favor to ask. You wrote in your introduction to your book “there is no authority like experience. When one has had the experience, no one can tell you that it is not so.”
My 5th grade son and I have done some diversity speaking for the local school district (we are scheduled again for later this month). We talk about him having gay parents and my life growing up gay in a non-accepting world. I am a little confused here; perhaps you can help me out? Would I be right in thinking you have born a son from a heterosexual relationship and are now in a homosexual relationship? Only you mention having gay parents (plural). We are open, loving, vulnerable and yet lively. People's hearts and minds open more when we visit with them. I want to get speaking gigs in corporations and your words really summarized why bringing us in makes a true difference for people. I feel sure that while you will help change attitudes with some to whom you speak, you will cause a lot of negative energy to be sent in your direction by those who feel strongly against homosexuality (which is a reality of today's world whatever anyone might feel about that) and this can cause a disturbing and distressing psychic shock. This can be bad/difficult enough for an adult to deal with but can be immeasurably more difficult and even dangerous to the emotional health and balance of a child (am I right in thinking your son is about 10 or 11?) I do not say this to frighten you but to draw to your attention that this could happen and for you to be forewarned. I do urge you to think very carefully about what you are doing and to prayerfully consider the consequences or at least be very watchful for any signs or indicators in the context of what I have said. When people have direct experience with us, hearts & minds open more. Can I use your words as my own in my brochure? (without making them a quote) Of course those words are not exclusive to me and you are most welcome to use them freely, especially since they are true!
Thank you for considering this. Thank you for your messages of love and Jesus. My thanks are to you for welcoming them because sharing is a blessing of great benefit.
Dear V,
Please see comments below, in blue text.
Bless you in the fullness of your remembrance of who you really are and who you choose to be,
Thank you, Brian -
For the use of your words and for your concerns. Yes, we have been proceeding very carefully in order to protect my son, and me, frankly. He was born to two women. Amazingly, he has had no personal negative experiences about his moms! In my observation of this wondrous, complex thing called Life, it is probably close to impossible to see (with our Earthly eyes) what is impacting the psyche of a child until perhaps decades later it comes out in some hurt or dysfunction. He has, of course, heard anti-gay remarks and even though those comments have not been directed at him, he is impacted. I see you are acknowledging that he is impacted. Not even he knows how deeply it is impacting him now but it will come out later, either in health issues or social dysfunction, or both.
We are careful also because, as he grows, he faces the peer-pressure and intense desire to belong to the normal group. It is difficult to engage with you in this area because someone in your situation (although you seem remarkably well-balanced and centred) can so easily see any remark I make as judgemental. I assure you I am not here to judge; only to observe! By 'normal' do you mean heterosexual? So his current comfort talking about our lives may turn in an instant to strong discomfort. This is strongly indicating to me that you are very unsure of what you are doing (taking him to meetings etc). What jumps out and hits me smack between the eyes is that it is difficult enough being a pre-adolescent and an adolescent but his situation is causing him massive confusion about his sexual identity and that will increase exponentially when he starts puberty and all those hormones kick in. If you are committed to him either becoming homosexual or deeply confused about his sexuality, no worries. If you wish him to be hetero, then there are some serious obstacles to comfort in his path. Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting you quit your choices but I do see an issue with you trying to give him yours and impinging on his freedom to have his own. People with confused perceptions of their own sexuality can end up deeply damaged and damaging others. Lastly but not leastly, have you considered that people who end up feeling confused/let down by their parental nurturing are the most prime candidates for alienation? He has only participated in talks where the audience wanted to be there to learn, not to judge. My personal view is that children are being thrust into the confused and dysfunctional world of adults far too young and have so much less time to enjoy the uncluttered (relatively) realm of childhood. I am far from convinced that pre-pubescents have any concept of these complex psychological issues of sexuality and that to draw them into it prematurely is not healthy for them. I am very nervous about pressing our agendas onto others, especially children. AND your cautions are good reminders as I move forward, because past successes can make it easy to forget that the audiences I most need to reach may not be safe for my son. Clearly you are acutely aware of how potentially dangerous a path this is for your son. If I were you I would say to the Lord something like, 'Dear Jesus, I am very uncertain of this path I am on and earnestly seek your guidance, so that I can be clear as to what is my own agenda and what is a truly Kingdomly path to walk, for the good of ALL parties. I truly and sincerely desire to leave any preconceptions I have out of this and allow the fullness of your wisdom to prevail, regardless of how that may affect my own position, so long as it is for the best with (your son's name).' Then, leave yourself open to RECEIVE that guidance, in any form (maybe this is it!) whether spoken direct or in any other method.
May I leave you lovingly with the following message given by the Master Jesus to Olga Park many decades ago:
Do not fear to tread the path I have marked out for you. Do you think it was only to men of old that I have shown myself? Have I not said that if any man open to me I will come in and sup with him, and he with me?
For I seek such and knock upon the doors of their hearts that they may open and receive me and know of a surety that I live. Blessed is he that hears my knocking; thrice blessed is he that opens to me.
I am the guide of many. Let no man confuse you saying, “He is high and lifted up and cannot manifest to the children of men.” For though I speak through the mouth of an angel, and though I write through the hand of a messenger, it is I; for I also am of your brethren of earth, and it is the will of the Father that all shall know me from the least unto the greatest.
Come unto me, all you Little Ones, and you that labour, and I will refresh you with the joy of heaven which I had with the Father before the time in which I dwelt with men.
Do not be discouraged that the revelation is imperfect in the beginning. Great things shall you do if your faith in me holds fast. These things have I spoken that you may know of a surety that I am the Messenger of the Holy One of Israel.
Peace be with you!
Thank you!!
Thanks Brian,
I appreciate your concerns and I realize we could email back & forth many times before coming to a comfortable closure on this topic. Know that I will heed your cautions and of course, I ask for (and open as honestly as I can to) guidance. Just to help because you sound very concerned, my son considers himself straight and is comfortable with that. (My intuition says he's straight, too.) "Normal" simply means feeling like he belongs with other kids - not all of them, but enough of them to have his need for peer acceptance met.
Hi V,
Like you, I rather thought just about all had been said but this morning I awoke with a further - key - point that I felt it would not be serviceable, in any endeavour to help, by not saying:
You came back to me about the words on experience being the great authority and of course I stand by those unequivocally. I have been magnificently blessed to walk the path for about 4 decades with the Shining One, Jesus of Nazareth. That takes TOTAL faith, trust, obedience and commitment and has not been always a comfortable journey (other than having him as my guide, about which I was ALWAYS comfortable and he NEVER let me down). I can therefore say I have had the experience. The Master said to me many times that the first many years (in my case) - say 30+ years - were preparation for the purpose for which I had incarnated. The difference with you, that came to me this morning, is that where you are NOW is still the preparatory place and that that which lies ahead for you will be the EXPERIENCE. I say this because a child has no choice but to go along with those into whose care he has been entrusted until he becomes able to see and experience the situation objectively. This, of course, will happen BIG TIME at puberty and as his adolescent peers begin to exert their perceptions on him. You are pioneering, just as I am pioneering. Just as Jesus said, you will be reviled and persecuted for my name's sake, we have to be prepared for that. It is not what we do that is important but our MOTIVATION for what we do; in other words, it is WHO WE ARE that is the important thing. If your motives are for the best for ALL, including the son you have chosen to engage in this drama, then so be it. If you are using him to engage your issues from growing up lesbian in a non-understanding world, then please be prepared for the consequences which you will be invoking.
I say this with love, peace and goodwill toward you all, in the earnest hope that you will think and pray very carefully before each step. I do not doubt the sincerity of your intentions but am not so sure you are clear about the possibilities for what may lie ahead.
Blessings, always, in all ways,
The following exchange was posted on March 11th 2006
Dear Brian,
Would you please answer these questions, Is God and Jesus, the same soul? being? Do you believe in creation or evolution, or a combination of them. Thank-you , Love Sheila.
Dear Sheila,
There is only 'One of Us' and that One is 'The All That Is,' 'The Source of All,' 'The Creator Spirit.' We, humanity, of which Jesus is part, is our 'big brother,' fully spiritually awake and in full, conscious at-one-ment with the Creator Spirit, 'God.' We are all individuations of the God Spirit but chose to separate ourselves from conscious awareness of that. In reality it is not possible to be separate from God because the very life force that keeps us functional IS God but we have entered into a voluntary state of 'forgetfulness' about this and believe ourselves to actually be, somehow, separate. He is the first of us, God's children, to return to the fullness of remembrance and because of his unconditional love for us, which issues from the Source, he is helping us to return to the fullness of remembrance of who we really are, 'soaring Butterflies,' not just 'crawling caterpillars.' This 'rescue' programme is a 6,000 year long event, split into 3 x 2,000-year sections and is described in chapter 11 of SYFK starting on page 73 in the Letter pdf version. If you read that again I believe it will clarify some points for you.
As for the creation/evolution question, it helps if we remind ourselves that there is actually no such thing as time. It is an illusion. The reality is eternity. Creation and evolution are one and the same thing, viewed from 2 different perspectives. Because the 'All That Is' is The Creator Spirit, or, the Spirit of Creativeness, 'he' ... wait for it ... creates! Because he dwells in eternity, where there is no time, everything he created 'happens' all at once because in eternity, there is only 'NOW.' From the perspective of the relative realm, where the illusion of time takes place, and we have persuaded ourselves that it is 'real,' creation manifests itself/we experience it as evolution. To our 'time and place' perspective the two seem dichotomous but in reality they are perfectly compatible.
I hope this helps.
Love and many blessings,
The following exchanges were posted on March 7th 2006
I just wanted to write you a note of happiness and cheer and congratulations on the success of your web site! Thank you so much. You are an angel of blessing and encouragement, radiating the Kingdomly Light in every direction. Keep up the good work. You see, many people are coming around to spirituality
, and I am thankful to see this on a daily basis in my work and in general interaction with people. Say hi to Christ for me. He says, 'Hi' right back but much more than just speaking the word, he is GIVING you all that he IS, attached to the word. There is such lightness and joy in his demeanour as he does this. You will know from what you have read so far (and there's PLENTY more in the rest of the story!) that 'all that he is' is PLENTY and much, much more; immeasurably more. And he gives ALL of it to you, Chris (are you okay with me calling you Chris, rather than Christiana?) I would just love for him to drop in on me more often. I am pasting here an extract from chapter 3 of SYFK because it answers your plea so comprehensively. He had just floated down through the ceiling and sat beside me as I knelt in prayer. I have underlined the crucial bit that homes in on your plea but the whole passage is pertinent for you by way of my answer:
I turned to him and said, ‘How can it be that you are here, visiting me when there are so many others needing your help and whom you also would wish to visit.’ The question was really a double one. Partly it was saying ‘Can I be worthy to be privileged by a visit from you, the Lord of all mankind when there are many others more worthy and in greater need’ and partly it was saying, ‘How on Earth do you do that?’
His reply answered both aspects. ‘I am attuned to all mankind all the time; there is never a moment when I am not with you all. All that is needed to complete the contact is for you to attune with me and I am there, with you, at any time.’ This seemed to be a principle, along the lines of 2-way radio links. If party ‘A’ is at one end, listening to a broadcast from party ‘B’ on a given frequency, he can hear party B without any trouble. If he wishes to respond and be heard by party B all he needs to do is open his microphone with transmitter attuned to the same frequency and speak and party B will be able to receive from, as well as transmit to, party A.
This was a profound lesson for me in understanding the ways in which communication between souls can take place: get on the same frequency. This is, in human soul terms, sharing the same desires. The stronger the desires and the greater the commitment of those souls to those desires, the stronger will be the connection between them. Therefore, the more truly one seeks after God and the more earnestly one desires the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, the stronger will be the soul-to-soul contact with others of like desire and commitment. This was not exactly rocket science and made my degree of acceptance of the presence of Jesus as a living, conscious reality much more meaningfully possible as an objective truth, rather than ‘just me being fanciful; so much wishful thinking; imagination running wild.’
This provided a very solid basis for acceptance of future experiences of contact with and from the Master Jesus and of others in the Heavenly Kingdom, operating under Christ Authority. This was a foundation for growth in mystical, Christ-authorised, spiritually-focussed living and being. I had asked Jesus of Nazareth to be my spiritual Lord, guide, protector and he had accepted my invitation/request. He never takes such a responsibility lightly or half-heartedly. Truly, he is the Good Shepherd. During the previous few years I had come to love this Nazarene with an all-consuming passion, by reading about him and hearing about him from Olga. Now, I was experiencing the dynamic livingness of the love that he IS and my soul and my heart were responding to that and growing within it.
Can you give me any hints/instruction as to how I might accomplish this? Well, I can only tell you what worked for me and that was the faithful and one-pointed following of the solitary (or near-solitary) Mystical Communion, which I began in 1967, as you have read. This required discipline and what Olga called 'Stick-at-it-iveness.' Being a Gemini, this was not my strongest point! But, it was because I, like Olga, 'Truly sought after God and Earnestly desired the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth'* that I stuck with it and the Master also told me many, many times over the years 'Keep on in this way and greater revelation shall come to you.' I feel sure he exhorted and encouraged me thusly because he knew very well that discipline was not my strongest quality! Of course, communing with the living Jesus is both instructive and fun, so it was actually no hardship but inspiring and uplifting. *These words are from the beginning of the Communion service, called 'The Holy Invitation.' and the key words are 'Truly' and 'Earnestly.' If a person does not resonate totally with those words from the Invitation, then he/she is not ready. Well, my time with Olga had certainly prepared me and made me totally resonant with them.
It is now my desire, bright as a magnesium flare, to ignite the fire in the hearts and souls of 'all who will' to also be made ready to resonate with that invitation and commence practising the Mystical Communion with the Living Jesus of Nazareth, Anointed Messenger (Christ) of The Holy One, the Creator Spirit, 'Papa.' I know how wonderfully it worked for me and although I also know that that does not mean it will work for everyone else, I do genuinely believe it WILL work for those who FEEL it will work and DESIRE for it to work for them.
The only way I know how to do that is by writing and publishing the story on the internet. It is my committed desire to so stimulate 'all who will' by the story that they will be fired-up by it and feel that calling deep within themselves, to also set out on the Path, to enter in and climb the secret stairway to the Upper Room of personal, one-on-one Communion with the living Jesus.
The Master told me many times over the decades that that which I do (Communing with him) was an 'operation of hiddenness' and that when the time was right it would become an 'operation of openness;' that this would come about by circumstances and not by being told - by him, or anyone else - that it was now time. That took place with the publishing by Owen Waters of the allegory of the Caterpillars and the Butterfly, last summer, as his weekly article on the InfiniteBeing website. It has been snowballing since then.
I am acutely conscious that, contrary to most institutionalised religions, proselytising is not the way of the Realms of Light (it is by how we live our lives, have our being that we convince others, not by preaching) and it is my profound hope that you will not see this as proselytising. It is an answer, the only one I know, to your question. From there, the next move is yours and there will be NO pressure, ever, from me because this is between you and the Master Jesus.
Because it has worked so well for me, I truly hope it will work as well for you (and any who feel so moved). I have not a shred of doubt that it can because it is following the teaching of he who assuredly knows the esoteric realities and how they work. And it was put together by 'the disciple Jesus loved.' He, John of Patmos, who wrote the 4th Gospel and Revelation, beyond doubt, is an ascended master himself and has not re-incarnated since his time with Jesus on Earth 2000 years ago. I gleaned some hints just from your online info. but I would like to have more or as much as you are led to supply me with. Well, dear Chris, this is about as much as I have been led to supply you with! I hope, truly and earnestly, it will help. No pressure! ;-) Much blessings and peace to you all.
Peace, Light, Love, and Wisdom, Christiana
Much love and blessing to you also,
Subject: Please Answer
Dear Brian, Mar 6th
I enjoyed the read, but I have two questions, can you please answer this for me,1 do we need to be saved from our sins, do we need a saviour, and is this Jesus,? I do not believe that we do this does not make any sense to me, 2 Is Jesus Christ God, (DIFFERENT ) from us as some Christians believe, Please answer me, Thank You Love Sheila.
Dear Sheila,
These are VERY important questions; questions that most of us living within the part of the global family known as 'Christendom' have been pondering for scores of generations and are just as much part of the concerns of sincere seekers today. I have pondered these myself from my teen years and finally, am now clear about the answers.
1) The idea of 'needing' a 'saviour' has been misconstrued by the institutionalised, orthodox Roman Catholic and Protestant churches and has become a central aspect of their mythology. It serves their agenda to convince us that we are all 'sinners' but the word sin simply means 'falling short of the mark.'
Spiritually we are as little children. Little children 'fall short of the mark' in terms of much of their daily activities and behaviour in the perception of their parents and society at large. They are learning, growing up and mistakes of understanding and behaviour are inevitable. Do their parents still love them and nurture and guide them? Or do they cast them out and banish them into 'outer darkness'? Of course, loving parents help their little ones to grow in understanding so they can leave behind their misperceptions and take their responsible place in adult society. This is how it is for us spiritually.
Jesus is spiritually 'grown up' and is here to help us to remember that we are actually like him but simply do not see it, because we are looking and listening only with our Earthly senses, which have little to do with our soul senses. Remember the Caterpillars and the Butterfly allegory.
In one sense we 'need to be saved from our sins' but let me rephrase that statement using different words, so that the inference placed on them by religionists can be cast in a better light and we can gain a more perfect understanding of what the words really mean: children who are running amok, fighting and squabbling over trivial issues, damaging their environment, their physical and mental health, all because they are lacking in understanding of who they really are (the light of the world, Sons of God, able to do all that Jesus did and greater things than these, if only we can believe) 'need a saviour' or someone to come and remind them who they really are and help them to grow into that estate by being an example for them to follow, so they can be 'saved' from their self-destructive ways.
With that understanding it is easy to see how we 'need a saviour' to save us, not from judgement by God and condemnation to eternal punishment but from the consequences of our own limiting, narrow beliefs, behaviours and misperceptions, of who and what we really are.
That is who Jesus is and what he is doing. It is difficult to see this when we look only with our 'Earthly, physical eyes' and hear only with our 'Earthly, physical ears' because they are focussed, attuned only at the time and place level of awareness, not at the Eternal level of awareness. If, however, we can step back from that and get attuned to the bigger picture, as described in chapter 10 of SYFK, which explains Jesus' parable of the three measures of meal, we can see that the process is a 6000-year long drama, unfolding in and through the history of mankind, starting with Abraham 4000 years ago.
We are now in the crucial and most exciting part, the beginning of the 3rd and final 2000-year long measure, during which the 'whole will have become leavened.' So, with this expanded understanding of who and what we really are, what we are doing and how we are misperceiving our true, eternal, spiritual nature, and the understanding that Jesus is, in terms of his spiritually fully awakened state of consciousness, our big brother and he has come to remind us that we are like him and 'lead us back to remembrance of who we really are,' the answer is: YES, we do ‘need to be saved from our sins, do need a saviour, and this is Jesus.’
You are right in not believing that we need a saviour in the sense that it has been portrayed (due to too much literal-mindedness; a characteristic of little children) by the institutionalised church but I hope you can now see that in the sense that Jesus is actually working, yes, we do. We, like little children who have taken themselves off by themselves, away from contact with (spiritual) grown-ups, are in a very big muddle and most certainly are in need of lots of help. Jesus is in charge of that help and has the assistance of billions of enlightened souls, mostly in the Realms of Light beyond the physical senses and consciousness of the 'children of Earth' but also, now, in this most exciting time, untold millions who are now incarnate/incarnating, remembering who they are, awakening to conscious communion with those Realms of Light and working, with Jesus - even if they are not actually aware of that, and that does not make any difference to the Great Plan of Jesus, for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. That has nothing to do with religion but everything to do with SPIRITUALITY.
2) For many years I pondered whether Jesus was, in some fundamental way, such as genetically, different from the rest of us. I now know that the answer is: Jesus IS God, in the sense that we are ALL God but not in the sense that the institutionalised church portrays it. It is their misperception that would have us all believe that Jesus is, somehow, different from the rest of us. The only difference between him and most of the rest of us is that he is fully spiritually awake and we are in various stages from deeply asleep to starting to move toward wakefulness, to starting to awaken, to being newly awake and getting our bearings... This awakening process is what the next 2000 years - the 3rd measure of meal - is all about.
Pasted below is an extract from SYFK that I hope will be helpful. The crucial part is underlined but it will be more helpful if you read it in the context of the entire pasted extract:
These words of the Master were given to Olga Park for the encouragement of all who, of sincere heart and seeking mind, earnestly desire Spiritual Truth:
Do not fear to tread the path I have marked out for you. Do you think it was only to men of old that I have shown myself? Have I not said that if any man open to me I will come in and sup with him, and he with me?
For I seek such and knock upon the doors of their hearts that they may open and receive me and know of a surety that I live. Blessed is he that hears my knocking; thrice blessed is he that opens to me.
I am the guide of many. Let no man confuse you saying, “He is high and lifted up and cannot manifest to the children of men.” For though I speak through the mouth of an angel, and though I write through the hand of a messenger, it is I; for I also am of your brethren of Earth, and it is the will of the Father that all shall know me from the least unto the greatest.
Come unto me, all you Little Ones, and you that labour, and I will refresh you with the joy of Heaven which I had with the Father before the time in which I dwelt with men.
Do not be discouraged that the revelation is imperfect in the beginning. Great things shall you do if your faith in me holds fast. These things have I spoken that you may know of a surety that I am the Messenger of the Holy One of Israel.
Peace be with you!
I hope this clarifies these most important issues for you, Sheila.
Love and many blessings,
The following exchange was posted on March 3rd 2006
HI BRIAN, HAVE JUST FINISHED SYFK, FOUND IT FASCINATING. AT TIMES HARD TO BELIEVE; ALMOST ENVIABLE. Thanks so very much for your words of kindness and encouragement. It makes it all so worthwhile. I AM A WAR BABY, MARRIED, THREE GROWN CHILDREN I ATTEND AN ANGLICAN CHURCH. ALTHOUGH I DONT LIKE TO BE LABELED .I HAVE BEEN A BAPTISED BORN AGAIN SPIRIT FILLED CHRISTIAN NOW FOR 30YRS .PREVIOUS TO THIS I SPENT 4 YEARS AS A JEHOVAHS WITNESS, DISFELOWSHIPED FOR SHARING MY THOUGHTS, WHICH CONFLICTED WITH THEIR TEACHINGS AND UNFORTUNITLY MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER STILL REMAIN AS SUCH, I AM SURE YOU CAN IMAGINE WHAT SPIRITUAL BATTLES GO ON. My dear chap, you are not alone; not that that is any comfort. There are many families divided by literalist, legalist, fundamentalist, exclusivist religionist perceptions! This creates great anger and hostility. Let me tell you it is all FEAR that does it.
IT SEEMS I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SE4ARCHING FOR MORE, REALITY IN MY SPIRITUALITY IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. I know totally what you mean and it is a lonely path when you cannot share with your nearest and dearest. For this I give unending thanks for Theresa, my beloved Companion of the Way. AND I FIND IT VERY DIFFICULT TYO SHARE THIS YEARNING WITH MY FAMILY.
1) We do not know for sure, the veracity of much of Old and New Testament (see exchange with D, which covers this in some detail, in addition to what I have written in SYFK about it)
2) Also as covered in SYFK, the Programme of God is not static; it is dynamic, unfolding, outworking, so what was 'right' for the people of 3K years ago is not necessarily 'right' today. Baby food is not suitable for adolescents. Nevertheless, I would always advise caution to anyone who wants to 'dabble, just for kicks.'
3) This is the most important bit. The New Testament counsels us to 'Test the Spirits.' It does not say, 'Never have anything to do with contact with souls visiting from Spirit.' Jesus himself had a meeting with Moses and Elijah. Olga counselled Theresa and me very strenuously not to have anything to do with any visitors from Spirit who were not under Christ Authority and that has been MASSIVELY helpful over the years. I do assure you that all the contact with the Spirit world has been from such, except where we were engaged in rescue work and then we were under Christ protection and authority, within the auspices of SMCC.
CAN YOU HELP ME IN MY QUEST? AS A HOSPITAL VISITOR I COME ACROSS A LOT OF PAIN AND SUFFERING, I SEE SO MUCH SUFFERING AND HURT, IN THIS WORLD AND I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE PURPOSE OF MY BEING USED BY THE LORD. The purpose of any of us being 'used' by the Master is usually multi-layered. I do not know enough about you to speak of other, deeper layers but it seems obvious to me that visiting sick and frightened people in hospital is a massive, wondrous Christ Service. He spoke of this in the long ago, 'I was sick and you visited me,' etc. I feel sure you would not be doing this if you did not feel strongly drawn to it. There may well be much deeper purpose behind it and that will be revealed to you in the fullness of time. As you have read in SYFK, when I read about Daniel's friends in the fiery furnace, Papa said to me, 'You are called... to be patient, that my purposes in you might be fulfilled.' I do assure you, patience is not my strong point but it has been beyond my control and I am totally grateful that it has been part of my life, even through I have often railed against it. Meanwhile, all I can say to you, Geoff, is, give thanks (as I am sure you do) that you have a great Christ service that you are able to provide right now.
MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU. Many blessings to you also, my new friend,
GEOFF. Brian
The exchange shown below was posted on March 1st 2006
This is very long (more than 2,500 words) but is included because it echoes the experience of so many seekers after God and I hope will be helpful to any who have become lost, confused, troubled, misled by those claiming to represent the Creator in some 'official' capacity here on Earth.
Dear D,
You are going through a dark place at present. I rejoice at your strength of spirit, that you are holding fast in faith, trust obedience and commitment to the Source of All, who is also the source of the strength of us all. His job is to strengthen souls, not break them.
I make some comments amongst your message below, in blue type:
----- Original Message -----
To: honest2goodness
Subject: Re: Diary of a Christ Communicant
I recently exited from a cult I've been struggling in and out of from an early age, that of Jehovah's Witnesses. Actually, they kicked me out. Don't quite know why, but it's just as well, though I regret not quietly disassociating myself by just stopping activity till all figured I was finally done, really done. As I look for a church, wanting most to inspire the sort of evangelism Jesus taught, I notice a prodigious lack, Characteristic of the Church of Laodicea widespread in these times (see SYFK, Part 2, in the Vignette entitled 'An Open Letter' and also in Rev. chs 1-3) The church of Philadelphia (Rev. 3) is the emerging, non-institutionalised church of 'the Within' which has no dogma and outward structure because man(kind) is the true temple of God and requires no outward structure. There are an emerging number of Philadelphian-type churches, many of which are home-groups. It will be a case of you asking Papa/Jesus to guide you to such and then, in faith, waiting for a lead into the place which is right for you. Ultimately, as you already know, 'the Kingdom of God is within you' and that is where you will find it. The best recommendation I can truthfully make is that you access the Olga Park Communion website - - and see if that resonates for you. It is not for everyone but you won't know unless you try it. There are 2 key statements that apply to it, that you might ask yourself: If you TRULY seek after God and if you EARNESTLY desire the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, then there is a good chance it will serve your heart and soul very well. These criteria applied for me and so it worked very well for me. the sort of lack not known among Jehovah's Witnesses, who, for all their fraud and misapplied scripture definitely do have one thing right, that of being missionaries, everyone being a missionary. I feel prompted to say, be a missionary unto yourself first; respond to Jesus' quiet knocking at the door of your life and invite him in. Just the 2 of you. Let him guide you as to what missionising is best for you, which he will do when he has helped you to become re-centred and restored to your full equilibrium (and I can vouch he is able, better than any, so to do). I believe I can safely say that he knows much better than you. I'm sure this truth is one you've known for a long time, and one you espouse and practice. Yes, have known it and do practise it because Jesus has said to me many times that the universe and all creation functions according to what he calls 'the Principles of Life of the Father' and which he told me I had a natural affinity for and in which he instructed me and affirmed me much more over the years. I now see very clearly that most of humanity has no awareness of these and is so engrossed in the 'detail' end of their lives and affairs that they have no awareness of the reality of the Principles. Thus, the lives of most of mankind are in an ongoing muddle. When they awaken to the Principles, and begin to function FROM that place, the details of their lives will fall very easily into place and they will be at peace with themselves and then - and only then - can they be at peace with each other. These Principles are not mysteries, hidden by a secretive, remote God but are available to all who are ready to go Within and fellowship there with the Master of Life. This, ultimately, can only happen one-on-one, in a solitary place. My feeling about you is that this will take you to a place of peace; that you have done freneticism and clamour and that the Master is now calling you in from all that. When you have graduated from His Tutelage, the way forward will then be known to you by circumstances which will not be of your doing. It is the 'Cosmic Process,' which knows you far better than you know yourself, loves you unconditionally, has plenty of time and is entirely able to guide you according to the real desire of your heart. Nonetheless, whatever church I go to, kinda gravitating toward non-denominational, whatever church I read or inquire about, this joyous zeal is almost completely lacking, with little or no training from the leaders. See the perfection in all this. Open your heart and soul and mind to the message from Papa in these circumstances. You cannot hear His speaking while you are fighting against the circumstances that have been called into your presence to help you to know where you are and to provide the opportunity for you to pause and take stock. This disturbs me very much, because I'm kind of starting over, the way I would have liked. I feel over the years I've developed strong missionary skills, which may, if God wills, You have just answered your own question! If God wills. So, start LISTENING to His speaking. He speaks with a still, small voice. It can best be heard in the silence of your own Within, where He dwells. He is in no rush, so you cannot be on His wavelength if you are. These are Principles of Life of the Father. You - everyone - already know them but almost everyone is ignoring them. Things cannot get better until we start listening. I have pasted below some messages from 'Diary of a Christ Communicant' which I hope will be for your encouragement and guidance. serve well in some evangelistic alliance where most live poor and the spiritual dividends are rich. I am willing and able to go anywhere. The Lord can use that, so allow him to direct things. I will soon have a medical transcription license which will allow me to work on line, no matter where I may be, as long as some sort of internet connection is available. This would make it quite easy to support my wife, who is still a Witness, and will sadly perhaps not be joining me any time soon. She is the most loving person I've known, and also one who is quite disabled and ill on many levels, struggling with the rather quantum effects of meds and menopause. Shakespeare said, 'All the world's a stage and all the people players. He was right. We each have our own drama. You are author, director and lead player in your drama and your wife is your supporting actress. She is author, director and lead player in her drama and you are her supporting player. You are not the author or director of her drama. Lovingly, blessingly, compassionately, supportingly, ALLOW her the space and freedom to be that. I would never wish to leave her, but she appears to believe that living apart from me more often would be suitable, but not always, or all the time. I want to be available. Be available but not subservient; honour yourself first in all things and then you will be able to honour others much more and much better, for their strengthening, encouragement and freeing-up from the convolutions of their dramas that have lost the plot. I feel like this is my life's work. I feel I've taken so much from those I started on the path of being Jehovah's Witnesses. I need to give back to God. But first you must allow Him to give to you: direction, peace, tranquillity, joy of Life, LOVE. When you have allowed Him the joy of so giving, then and only then, will you be best placed to freely give, even as you (we, all of us) have freely received. You would not be writing this message to me if you were not passionate about service. I assure you, there is no-one more passionate than I have been for 40 years and the Master told me to be patient. That was harder than you can know. I was gung-ho to get 'out there, breathing fire' of zeal for the Kingdom but He had other plans and I can tell you, hard as the wait was, it has been worth it. He also told me 'They also serve who only stand and wait.' I can tell you, that sure sounded like an oxymoron to me but I now know of a certainty that 'only standing and waiting' does NOT mean doing nothing or even more important, being nothing. You, like the rest of us, are a living dynamo of creative Life Energy, who radiates out that energy to all creation, including all your fellows, your nearest and dearest. So, while standing and waiting, BE. Be LOVE. Be BLESSING. Be PEACE. Be COMPASSION. Consciously, actively envision being all these qualities (for all of those things are who you are) and radiating them out to your wife, to your 'enemies,' to those who 'despitefully use you.' I assure you that that will be a greater work than rushing here and rushing there 'doing.' You will transform your life and you will transform the lives of all upon whom you heap your sincere, wonderful blessings. But do not 'expect' to see the results. Your 'job' will be done in expressing (silently is good, usually better than out loud). You are the generator and God's angels are the deliverers of that which you create. You will probably not see them and you have no need to see them because that is of the ego. Blessing is not of the ego-self. I would love some direction, and if I can't find a church here who elicits the sort of activity that defines the body of Christ, to leave, and never come back. Where will you go? The Kingdom is Within you.
Thanks so much Brian, for writing back so soon. Hope you like this little observation about Christian greatness.
Real greatness is not a view, but an attitude demonstrating a pursuit of all Jehovah God and Jesus Christ espouse, being the only great ones. The greatness of God lies inside you. You are the Temple of God. Invite Him in; allow Him in. Honour Him by honouring yourself. That has nothing to do with ego; it is to do with spiritual humility. Jesus Christ wished his ministry to be glorified, alongside that of God. We wish the same, with the blessing of living with him as Jesus does. You have just said it; now, please, think about what you have said. Allow that to be so. He loves you unconditionally and desires passionately to live with you and you with Him. Separation is our choice, not His. To be truly great in the esteem of the 2 greatest thinkers and Creators, we must There is no 'Must' about it. Desiring so to BE (not 'do') is all Papa seeks in us; then He will fulfil our desire. imitate them with such excellence This is not for our ego-self but only by surrendering our (ego) leasehold on our life can Papa accomplish this in, for and through us. This is how Jesus did it and he desires us to learn of him so that we may be like him. It is not of the mind or the understanding but of the Life Force ('God' if you prefer) within us. that our connection with them is obvious among our brothers, and at least perceptible to the world. Humility, expressing and complimenting greatness, never limits awareness and discernment of our potential, but suspends all arrogance and presumption in all activities, with all people. Greatness always implies a willingness for correction, when the source or expression of the correction is loving and trustworthy. Greatness is never content with it's present level of virtue, but only remains great when striving I prefer the word 'desiring' to 'striving.' God, and Jesus, do not strive. Since we are created in the image and likeness of the Creator, why would we wish to strive? That would be keeping ourselves in a place of separation from Papa and He passionately desires us to return Home to Him (we can do that here, in the Earthly life; we do not have to wait until we cast aside our vehicle of expression at the Earth-life level of being). to meet new plateaus. Greatness is never intimidated or jealous of any whose skill level exceeds one's own, but is inspired to a greater sense of achievement. Greatness always echoes itself, in that all who are touched by it are inspired, only if they are awake. always prompting those touched to be larger than they are. The only dimension or measure attached to itself is the knowledge that it is no greater or less than anything or anyone else.
D: I feel your passion to serve. I urge you, allow the Master to prepare you for that service and if you truly desire, you will not be concerned for how long that takes because you will be also serving by only standing and waiting, while He does His tutoring number on you, Within.
Blessings, joy, stillness, peace, be with you.
Holy Communion December 9, 1990 (Extract)
All matters must be permitted to run their course and many are distressing to those involved and even more to those looking on with their hearts brimming with compassion -- reaching out to help. Until those in need reach out and ask for help there is not much practical assistance to be given. But love and caring are great healers and I counsel that you give much to all in need.
Meanwhile, the Kingdom programme goes forward unto its fulfilment and it is upon this that we counsel you focus your attention. It is one-pointed, unswerving commitment to the source of all love, life, joy and fulfilment that will keep you on the straight and narrow path and prevent you from being drawn off into the wilderness where ditches and ravening wolves await all who stray.
Holy Communion March 21, 1999
Beloved Lord and Saviour, as I look back -- reflect -- upon the events of the last 35 years I marvel, exult, rejoice at the way your mighty hand has been working, leading, guiding, revealing. You were in charge of my life before ever I awakened to it.
And now that you are awake to it and consciously cooperating with my leading and guiding it has become possible for greater works to be accomplished by, through, in you and your beloved. Your conscious awareness is still only partial, just as my apostle wrote long ago, that at this phase of your service you see only in part. But because I have called you my friends, I tell you all things. I withhold nothing because you are trustworthy. Nevertheless, it must be by conscious asking, seeking and knocking. This is the true student-teacher relationship. The seeker must progress at the pace with which he is most comfortable and the answers will be revealed according to the ability to assimilate them and benefit from them. Only then are the answers meaningful or capable of becoming meaningful to the seeker.
I counsel you my son, let this be for you the guiding principle of your path as others come -- or are brought by my drawing -- into fellowship with you. Did I not say, "Seek and ye shall find"? All shall be revealed in response to the quest for eternal truth. Only by allowing Papa to draw your life into alignment with His can you be made whole, in mind, body, soul and spirit. This is why the children of Earth reel to and fro in sickness. Self-determination of the blind inevitably leads to the ditch. Our eternal heavenly Papa can lead us to eternity because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He sent me that His little ones might be led back to adoption by the Light of Truth that He placed in me in response to my willingness for it to be so by FTO. ('FTO' is Faith, Trust and Obedience).
The above exchange took place in summer 2005.
This week, the following exchange with D took place:
Since leaving the JWs I've read many things, meditated in different ways, argued with myself about Christianity, Buddhism, theosophy, and lots of other stuff. That is all good because it will have helped you to know who you are NOT as much as anything. If we lose sight of the unalterable truth that the Kingdom is WITHIN, we are destined to search in the 'Without' for it and this is an unfulfilling exercise. Yes, we will find things, or bits of things, that resonate with our own within and that's simply an affirmation of what is already in our own Within - the place where Papa and Jesus have their dwelling with each of us. Lately, doing research, and reading your story, or at least a big part, I once again am a believer, a Christian. I try to avoid associating myself with the word Christian because it means something different to everyone on the planet. I have been a devoted follower of Jesus of Nazareth since I was in my late teens but was never comfortable with all the accoutrements of 'orthodox Christianity' as manifested through the various church denominations. Clearly, you feel the same. My greatest desire is to experience Jesus and the Father working in my life, because of service to them. When I pray though, that is not the experience i get. Sometimes, I think I feel Christ, or the Father, answering my prayers, communing with me, but don't really know if it's not something I'm making up in my head, because the desire is so strong. This is one of the great snares of most of the institutionalised churches because they do not actually want any of their congregants to experience the reality of Papa/Jesus. This would cause them to lose their power over such congregants, who would quickly realise they no longer needed the church. So the churches sow the seeds of doubt in the minds of such seekers, saying, aah, this might be a snare of the devil. But I say to you, if you TRULY seek after God and EARNESTLY desire the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, do you think for one moment that Papa God and Jesus do not know this? I tell you, they know you immeasurably better than you know yourself and are closer than your own heartbeat - all the time. Know that, own it, live it, breathe it. Here is a message from Diary that I hope will uplift your spirits and that you can adopt, at least in part, for yourself:
Holy Communion January 29, 1995
Beloved Lord, I noticed the conscious awareness of the Inner Plane is usually turned right down when we of the Earth-life are experiencing problems with our health.
Brian, my son, as always, be at peace; you know this is no failure or judgement for wrongdoing. There is much to learn and understand of the complex interrelationship of energy activity between soul, body and spirit. In your mind and heart you may wish to be operating at the highest level of aspiration and spiritual awareness. This is understandable when Earth is in darkness and you wish to be one, again, with the Light and when you are passionate in your desire to shine the light of spiritual reality in the Earth-life affairs of man, to hasten an awakening.
You also know, for I have assured you many times, this will not hasten the unfoldment of the programme for raising-up the children of Earth. Your prayers and love and attunement will help you and will help all for whom you pray and will add to the transforming light. But the season is pre-determined, even as are the seasons of the year. All that you do in my name and with commitment to me and the Kingdom in your heart will contribute sunshine to the days, even though it will not change the seasons; therefore, keep on with goodwill. Have no fear. Be of good cheer. Relax and enjoy each and every day. All is well. Walk with me. Talk with me. Breathe with me. Live with me. Let the Kingdom envelop and surround and permeate your being. I will expand your influence among the children of Earth. This is possible by your commitment. It is like a dynamo. It is like a dynamo generating Light energy, which draws the little ones to the Light. Joy be with you all.
I have underlined a part that was called to my mind as I read your message but the whole message is for you, if you can receive it as such.
I don't believe my desire is as great as yours was, even at first, because it's not consistent. I believe it would be though, if I could sense through experience that they were really listening, reaching to guide me. In my heart, that's really all I want. They know that D. They do not doubt you; why do you doubt yourself? Though I have many talents and skills far above average, I've not made use of them to serve me or the Lord well. To me, so far, my life has been a miserable failure, That is not a perception held by Papa and Jesus about you. If this is true of Them, why would you wish to hang on to such a perception? only redeemable and noble with Christ as my Lord and also as your FRIEND, D. Hold fast to that. Everything you have read of my experiences, including walking with Jesus to the Holy of Holies and him morphing into the Golden Portal through which I was afforded entry into Papa's wondrous presence, is there for you and for ‘all who will.’ They have no favourites; They love you just as They love me and They see you just as They see me. I have forsaken him so many times. I know that is of no import, once I am truly committed, and repentant. I've tried constantly being in a state of prayer. That hasn't worked. Prayer is an attunement, not a pleading. Hold fast to that perception and you will do well. Here is another Diary record that your message has called to my mind:
Holy Communion June 3, 1990
As I filled the wine container by the kitchen table the Master stood right beside me and said, "This is my new wine of the Kingdom." His vibration was overwhelming, filled with joy, upliftment and peace.
The whole service, the whole house, is filled with a gentle, peaceful vibration.
Master, I begin to see the meaning of Your New Wine of the Kingdom.
My son, you are true in your perception: I am the vine -- the vine absorbs water from the soil -- the water of life -- and by the Life of God the Father, transforms the water into the juice of the grape, which, when fermented in the transforming, life-energising process of the Father's purpose is metamorphosed into the living wine of the Kingdom Age. This is the psychic life conscious level of Earth-minded man metamorphosed into the Spiritual, God-conscious, perfected man by the Love of God. It is the love of God which is the yeast, the transforming, converting, uplifting agent.
Master, I see how you are the true vine, a life-giving, transforming agent or vehicle for Earth-minded man.
Dwell on this, my son -- greater revelation shall come to you. I am well pleased with the harmony of you 3 one-pointed souls in this ritual service.
I had a great sense of Steve, Theresa and me closely attuned and in harmony for the generation of great and uplifting energies.
Earlier in the week as I thought, at bedtime, that I ought to say my prayers at the Sanctuary, someone, I believe the Teacher, said, "Do it not from a sense of duty but from a sense of gratitude."
I have put the particular part in blue type (and underlined) that was called to mind.
My faith is strong. I know it. Papa and Jesus know it. Be at peace about that. I don't want to expect anything from Christ and God. I have no expectation of them behaving in a certain way that reaches me, so I'm always aware of the link when I pray. The flip side of that though, is that it seems right that I should be sure sometimes. That would be enough, and I'm not. I assure you, they truly desire for you to be sure ALL the time. You are punishing yourself needlessly. This is another of the tools of the institutionalised church: GUILT. Well, guilt AND fear, really. This keeps driving a wedge between you and Papa/Jesus. You have the freedom to choose to say NO to that power they (the institutionalised church, including JWs) still hold over you. I assure you I know about these things. Is there a soul alive who has not experienced it? It is part of the group consciousness of humanity after many centuries of inculcation by the hidden-agenda church structure. As the Master said to me in December 1995:
Be not surprised that many souls are lost,* for the light of my spirit was deliberately snuffed out from the Church of Earth by those who sought riches of Earth before riches of eternity. But it is not possible for the Father's purposes to fail and the light shall be shone in the dark places until all the shadows of death and fear shall have fled away. Rejoice greatly at this my beloveds and sing the New Song, that my little ones may hear and dance the dance of freedom. That which I have purposed in you shall prosper according to the wisdom of the Father. Be not anxious for any detail; all is well.
*It should be noted here that this is not indicating that such souls are 'lost for all eternity,' but simply that they have lost their way on the Path of Eternal Progress, a matter that can readily be rectified by asking directions from One Who Knows the Way.
Please pray for me. Perhaps you have some suggestions. Of course I 'PCB' you ('Pray, Commit, Bless'). I made a suggestion to you before and that is to go alone into your closet, shut the door and THEN pray and to do it using the formula brought into the Earth through Olga Park many decades ago, by John, the Disciple Jesus loved, and which I began to practise in 1967 and has been the mechanism by which I was able to find the discipline and focus to attune with the living, speaking, loving, guiding, caring, infinitely patient Jesus, who told me it was his job to lead me back to God. This he did, over more than 30 years and I can tell you that without the Mystical Communion with Christ service, this would not have been possible for me. All that I have received and am now blessed to be able to share is thanks to that. I am not here to pressure you, or anyone; that is not the Way of the Kingdom. You asked for suggestions. This is my best one and indeed, the only one I have in response to your request. I admit, it's hard not to be somewhat sceptical about some parts of your experience, but, at a deeper level, or something, I know you're not lying. Thank you for that; what could I gain from lying? I assure you, I could not have invented all this ;-)
D The Master loves you and that's good enough for me also to love you, Brian
You infer the Bible wasn't preserved accurately. That's easy to believe. It says in Ex 33:20 that no man can see God and live, and that Moses was only allowed to see God's glory, yet, you spoke face-to-face with God, in the form he took. I don't doubt your experience, so is the Bible credibility a hit-and-miss affair? This is what I wrote to another seeker a few days ago:
Of course the Bible is wonderful but always be open to intuition/inspiration as you read/study because there is much attributed to Jesus that it is not possible for him to have said (in other words, so out of character/accord with who he is and his purpose for coming here). Let your heart speak to you if you come across something attributed to him that does not resonate for you. Hold fast to all that does resonate in your heart, always keeping in mind that Jesus, like Papa, is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and who also said, 'I have not come to judge the world, I have come to save the world.' If you read something attributed to him that is not in accord with this, be careful, hold it in the 'pending file,' and ask him - direct, not through a hireling - for illumination on it. It doesn't matter if the illumination comes immediately or days, weeks, months or years later, if you are simply keeping the matter in the pending file, without getting agitated about it. When the time is right and you have, meanwhile been growing spiritually, you will assuredly gain greater understanding of the veracity or otherwise, of the item in question.
If so, it would seem we should only believe the writings specific to Jesus, if that, and nothing else. Is this right?
After the Caterpillars & the Butterfly allegory was published as Owen's weekly article, I had this message from a woman named Barbara:
Whenever I read anything, I ask the Creator: "How valid is this?" I get a percentage in my mind and it is validated by the Creator's energy which moves a pendulum that I have worn for the past 24 years. I don't do anything without asking for direct guidance. A great deal of information has been put in my path -- and I am totally open to learning.
I asked the Creator about the validity of The Old Testament -- I was given 7% valid. I asked about the validity of the N.T....6% valid. I asked who was responsible for the creation of The Bible -- and was told "find the money." Who had the money to do it? It wasn't the poor followers of the Messiah. It was the pagan soul-less Constantine who came across some manuscripts -- and hired scribes to elaborate and change them -- in order to create Christianity. All the future popes and other wealthy rulers added to them. Did you ever wonder how some of his disciples and his brother had English names -- from the 1600's? How did a Hebrew brother bear the name James back in the early part of the first century? Where did the name Jesus Christ come from? I found out that there were no letter J's until the 12th or 13th centuries -- and that the Hebrews of that time only had one name plus a place name -- from whence they came. Look in the beginning of Matthew and you will see what Hebrew names look like: Abraham, Isaac, David, etc. However, there was no Jesus -- until Constantine invented this name. I asked the Creator what was the real name of the Messiah -- and got something that was on the list of begats.
By the way this Roman emperor knew nothing about Hebrew Traditions -- and how they named their children. A Yosef would never have had a Yeshua.
Then we come to Revelations – ‘don't add to or change one word -- or you will suffer all the plagues that are in this book.’ It was designed to scare uneducated people that they would suffer eternal damnation -- if they didn't support the Church from whence it came. It was all about money.
You know the Pure Essence of the message that was brought: Two Commandments both based on Love. However there was no money for those who wanted tribute. So, the original manuscripts were altered by a very evil emperor.
The love that was, is and ever shall be -- is the love that created every soul in existence. When I looked at Matthew 10: I got the message. The Messiah said, ‘Don't go to the Samaritans or Gentiles -- go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel’! This did not sound to me that he was endorsing the start of a new religion. He was unhappy with the Jews who were turning his Father's House into a place to make contacts and make money. However, he didn't say that he wanted to start churches (Greek word that he didn't know) and he certainly didn't create Christianity. I put into my book that it should have been called the Church of Constantine, because he was responsible for it. If people only knew about the murderous Constantine -- I don't think that they would like to be involved in something he began.
Matthew 6: was a very enlightening chapter. It told people exactly what to do. Go into their closets and pray directly to the Father who created them and not to stand praying in the synagogues (churches) like the hypocrites do.
This is where I am coming from -- simply love. If everyone knew how great this love is -- they would never do anything to separate themselves from the love.
By the way your story (Caterpillars & Butterfly) was 82% valid -- not bad considering that The Bible is 6%-7%.
A few days later, after sending her SYFK she replied:
Read your Citizens of Eternity discourse (SYFK) -- 98%!!! This is according to the Creator. I always ask. It agrees wholeheartedly with my beliefs. Beautifully done.
Now, I am simply passing along to you what Barbara said. I cannot vouch for any of it that I do not already know about. What I do know is that what I have written is my Truth, having seen through the church by age 21 or 22 and been walking with the living Jesus ever since, one-on-one, with no hirelings inbetween. This that I am now doing - writing SYFK and putting it and my Diary records on the internet, free for 'all who will' - is my commitment after 40 years of tutelage from the Great Tutor, Jesus and I know that much he has revealed to me has been in discord with the ways of organised religion. I know who I believe! Of course I find it very validating, affirming, encouraging - even a little flattering if ego was why I am doing this, which it is not - what Barbara has said about the percentages being so high for SYFK. I must confess I was a little surprised the percentages were that low for the Bible but to me the only REALLY important bit of the Bible is the 4 Gospel accounts about Jesus. None of the rest is crucial. That means I don't have to concern myself with its veracity. Of course a lot of the Old Testament has been shown to be founded in historical fact. Fine, but it doesn't mean it is ALL true. But, MOST important of all, don't let any of this put you off from accepting, believing, KNOWING that Jesus is the real thing.
I'm so tired of being confused, I TOTALLY understand how you feel D. Be assured that all that is because you have been accepting someone else's 'truth.' The only place you will find YOUR truth - that is, the truth that Papa gives to YOU - is Within. Sounds like my record is stuck in the groove, doesn't it? Well, Olga pounded that into my head over and over. Am I glad she did. so tired of my body even. I don't understand the point of physically suffering, quite naturally, in the body, though I have a grasp of free will, and how an all-good, all-powerful God must let the product of various free human wills produce consequences which must not be interfered with. I don't even understand why God had to make us to suffer the disgusting inconvenience of taking a crap, and having to clean up, when he could have even made waste sweet and edible. I am not sure whether you had a smile on your face when you wrote that but it brought a smile to mine because I also have pondered that for most of my life ;-) One answer I could give is that He has the perfect mechanism for doing just that: Compost the waste, cultivate it into the soil and grow the sweetest, most edible crops in it. Not a bad system for Time and Place. Of course, in Eternity the system is somewhat more refined!
I say to Papa every morning upon awakening, 'Thank you Papa, for this day. I CHOOSE to be joyful in all of it.' There are no 'quick fixes' that are of the Kingdom; we each and all have to travel the Path, every step of the Way. Man has devised many 'sticking plasters' for a quick fix but they are not lasting and are of the without, not the within. Faith, Trust, Obedience and Commitment are the Keys to the Kingdom. I observe that you have all of those qualities, D, even if fluctuating. Don't let that cause you to deceive yourself into believing they are not there. If they were not, you would have given up long ago. Like the baby who falls over, it matters not how many times that happens; it is how many times he picks himself up that counts.
If I have a heart for you (and I have) I assure you, Papa's and Jesus' hearts are far greater for you.
Peace and joy be with you, all is well.
The exchanges shown below were posted on February 28th 2006
Hello Becky,
As you might imagine, I am quite busy but do try to respond to all incoming messages.
Do I understand you have been married 5 times? My, you have been searching ;-) As Papa said to me, 'Don't give up!'
I have made some responses/comments below, among your text, in green type.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 3:48 PM
Subject: Thank you for your marvellous presentation....
...I have been searching for a long time (in earth years) myself. It seems the path I have chosen has dwelt with the communication between men and women - often in a romantic setting. I have several writings...none as calmly simple (although the writing is in educated and well created format) as your own.
Thank you that "there on the internet" is your grouping of works. When I read the very first one, - Caterpillars & Butterfly - I felt such a spring of emotion. It was the right time to read this and my request for aid was answered.
I am moved by the use of language and writing style you offer. Thank you for this. The world is awash with written words that no-one can understand! Let's have more saying what we mean and meaning what we say, then the world will be a more peaceable place. I have always felt deep inside that language held so much more than vocabulary Amen x 3...the nuances, the metaphors, and the very cadence seem to possess levels of communication. This is music to my ears Becky. This paragraph has spoken to me more than the others because this is my perception also. You have expressed it most meaningfully.
Ego has a tendency to get in the way in this lifetime. Assuredly so. If you read 'A Course in Miracles' you will see just how true this statement really is and in fact, that will show you how much of an understatement it actually is ;-) I found your idea on seeking the path alone to be comforting, having felt somewhat the misfit in my own searches. Ultimately, that - alone - is the only way into the Holy of Holies, although, as you read in SYFK, the Master, and many others from the Realms of Light, accompanied me every step of the decades-long journey toward the Holy of Holies and finally morphed into the Golden Portal by which I was able to enter. Then, as I stepped into the threshold, Papa was right there inside eagerly waiting to greet me with love and joy that have no words to express. So, spiritually, I was not alone and neither is/will be anyone else making such a journey. That is impossible because love is the dynamic of the entire universe and all Creation because that is the dynamic of the Creator.
Thank came to me at the perfect time There is no other time and the fact that you recognise this is a good indicator of your own progress on the Path...I am grateful to you and the All-That-Is. This is mutual. We are all One. I sense your awareness of that and so, let us celebrate the Oneness.
Inward peace and light be with you and REMAIN with you,
With so much appreciation and wishing you great goodness,
Dear Andrea,
Thanks SO MUCH for your message. Please see responses in blue type in your message, below.
Many, many blessings and much love,
---- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:03 PM
Subject: Thank you
Dear Brian,
My heart, my spirit and my soul was ready to read your writings today..... And there you were. That is Papa for you. He just loves to surprise us with joy. Synchronicity is actually the 'norm' in the ascended consciousness and the fact that we experience it more and more here, in this, the most exciting time in the history of humanity on Earth, is a very strong indicator of this being the time of fulfilment prophesied by Joel 22 centuries ago. Alleluia! Thank you for helping me to receive just what I have been praying for..... words of truth, and assistance in my awakening to that truth that has always been there for me, always waiting to be discovered. I am grateful to God and you today. I think I can speak for Papa as well as myself when I respond with a great big 'Thank you' ;-)
My name is Andrea. My awakening rushed into my life 1995. My experience began in my basement on day after I had cried out to God for help. I cried many tears that day in the basement as I worked on my laundry. I expressed to God how I always did my best my whole life, to do what He had asked me to. I thanked God for all that I had been given, Giving thanks - 'an attitude of gratitude' - is a most powerful and empowering form of attunement with the outpouring giving that IS Papa. It gets us on His wavelength and I can tell you, that is a very good place to be! then I told God: With my three sons grown and living their own lives and my husband who had his own family business with our three sons. I yelled at God. "What do I have God?" "God, I have nothing I can call my own." "Dear God, I need something for me." Please God, give me something I can call my own." "Something God!" This is wonderful! I love it because it was the REAL you, crying out from the place where you were at that moment. That is the most meaningful form of prayer, or what I prefer to simply call attunement, or speaking, straight from your heart to the heart of Papa. That is the sort of communing He likes best because it is SINCERE. Can you begin to imagine how much waffle is directed His way from planet Earth every moment of every day? I am glad I don't have to hear it!
God had always been a part of my life early on and my life changed at the age of nine when my mother became bedridden. At the age of nine God became my best friend because I knew he was the only one who truly understood what my heart felt at that young age. And He still does. He never stops understanding or being our best friend. SEVEN DAYS after I cried out to God in the basement. something happened to change my whole life. It has brought me to this moment, making me SO aware of just how close God is to me.
I began to write. Stories about Angels that kept me up till early morning hours. I could not put my pen down, the words were flowing out of me and I was loving every moment. It became my passion, writing. I had never written anything in my life, until then. I realized that the writings, the stories were blessings. Indeed they were. GOD had given me this gift to write. I thanked him over and over again for the gift to write. THEN.... One day something happened.
I sat in my kitchen and wrote my story of when I was nine. I have given it a title and hope to have it published. "The Six Of Us And God Made Seven." Sounds like a great title to me. That story of when I was nine was a blessing. It healed my heart and gave me such great understanding about "all" the questions I had given to God over the years while I was growing up. I was over filled with joy and gratefulness to God for this. Seven days after writing that story something happened. I received my "Ninth" birthday card that my grandmother had sent me forty-one years earlier. Now I was holding my story of being nine and my ninth birthday card in my hands. A wonderful piece of affirming and validating synchronicity, with Papa's signature all over it. Nothing is impossible with God. Nope His timing is always perfect. Yep. That was just the beginning of things for me. God has given such great blessings to me. Because of my writing, I have discovered poetry. I wrote six poems one night in "15 min." and I had "never" written a poem in my life. You may have written poetry but hearing about it is MUSIC to my ears ;-) The first poem entitled, "My God Within The Sky"
The days pass by and I search the sky.
I look and wait for my Lord to appear.
The heavens will open and He will descend,
to reclaim those who believe in Him.
I am ready and waiting to return to my master,
to all that I've left behind.
I know I have a place of my own
and I see it all in my mind.
I have come to share my life with you.
I have learned more than I can say.
All that I've done, I've done for Him.
My God within the sky.
I exhort you to keep on with allowing this inspiration to flow. It is VERY good practise for receiving the Living Word (and I am not just speaking about bible scripture) straight from the Source.
Remember: I had never written a poem in my life and now I had written SIX, such as the one you just read in "15 min." Nothing is impossible with God and after writing the poems, more was given to me. I received writings that I knew were not my thoughts, these writings were being given to me, such as the next writing:
You entered this world alone but the Father is with you always. Have faith, trust and believe in the impossible. For it is before you always. Allow yourself to see that which your eyes can not see. Yes, yes, yes. Trust that which comes to you in love. For there is only good before you. You are a child of God. His love for you is endless and He has forgiven you from your sins. Be free to all that has bound you and know that I am here. I never leave you but help you in all things, big and small. Andrea, I am saying yes x 3 to each sentence here. Be assured, this is the Master. Follow My teachings and understand the laws. The end shall come of things as you know them to be. I shall reign forever and ever. The peace will fill each heart and only love will be felt. I come when you are unaware to receive, to receive those who believe. Andrea, this does not, of course, mean he rejects those who don't believe. That is religious mythology to hold power over the masses rather than power with them. Trust the words that have been written as truth. Only then will you see Me. Knock and it shall be shown to you. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given unto you. I love you. I am the keeper of the sheep. You are My lambs about to come home. You hold My teachings close to heart; understand the words. Strength is yours for the asking. Yes, the love is there. Know the words are true. All is happening as was planned, do not fear. Love one another. Forgiveness is in your heart. I shall be before you soon. I have not forgotten you. Ask and it shall be so. Never be bothered by anything, for all is well, now and forever. I am with you always.
I have "many writings" as this one; some are signed "I Am that I Am." Dear Andrea, beloved of the Father, I urge you, keep a faithful record of them all and ask (and give thanks) for guidance as to how to proceed. I assure you, that guidance will not fail. It may manifest itself in ways that take you unawares but it will never fail you. Trust is the key, always.
I have had visions and been given sight to see things before they have taken place. You are in Good Hands
I have had dreams and remembered the dream in the morning, so clear, that it took me two hours once to share it with my husband. I had been with three men, dressed in white and they spoke with me through the night. They talking to me about God and his love and how the Bible is our map, to guide us through this life. That God created life to be filled with love and that it's to be so simple for us, if we follow this map, this guide for this life we've been given. Of course the Bible is wonderful but always be open to intuition/inspiration as you read/study because there is much attributed to Jesus that it is not possible for him to have said (in other words, so out of character/accord with who he is and his purpose for coming here). Let your heart speak to you if you come across something attributed to him that does not resonate for you. Hold fast to all that does resonate in your heart, always keeping in mind that Jesus, like Papa, is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and who also said, 'I have not come to judge the world, I have come to save the world.' If you read something attributed to him that is not in accord with this, be careful, hold it in the 'pending file,' and ask him - direct, not through a hireling - for illumination on it. It doesn't matter if the illumination comes immediately or days, weeks, months or years later, if you are simply keeping the matter in the pending file, without getting agitated about it. When the time is right and you have, meanwhile been growing spiritually, you will assuredly gain greater understanding of the veracity or otherwise, of the item in question.
I have had such awesome experiences that I never knew were possible, until they happened to me. I had a vision of Jesus' return. I not only saw but felt, truly felt it physically in my chest, the pounding of the horse's hooves as Jesus sat on the his white horse and rode across the sky, holding His shield and Archangel Michael rode behind Him upon a black horse. (They were huge.) Such an experience is to give you assurance of the reality of him and his great God-mission for all mankind. It does not matter what form the experience takes because all is allegorical and it is the Principle that matters. In other words, the manner of his appearing is not what counts, it is the reality that he IS appearing that is important. This is the problem with literalist religionists, who take every word from scripture and apply a completely literal understanding to it. Or, they see the symbol and perceive it as the reality.
One experience at Torch Lake has always left a question in my mind and perhaps you may be the one to provide me with some kind of understanding. I would appreciate your help.
I stood outside in front of my husband at the cabin after a rainfall. Walking over to the spot where I stood was most difficult because I was experiencing the feeling of being "very" light. I felt as though I could float, if I would have let myself do so. I stood there and before me appeared SIX PILLARS of illuminating light, Of course, this is 'Living Light' and could be perceived as angels, or human 'Beings of the Light' and yet I was able to see, that reached to the sky. I was receiving the thoughts, "We are with you always" 'We' suggests the Beings of the Light, appearing to you as Pillars of Light "You are never alone" "You are loved." These words were being given to me over and over again and while these words came to me I felt this great love embrace me and a peace filled my being. I was telling my husband what I was seeing, as I looked at the pillars and I even pointed to each one that stood before me. I felt a presence behind me and I knew, "just knew" that there were six pillars behind me, that I was surrounded by 12 pillars. I am not great at the symbolism of numbers but I am sure there are those who will affirm the importance of 12.
I had the thought to turn around to see if my feelings were true, that the six pillars were behind me. BUT I did not. As I had that thought to do so, the thought was given to me, "Yes, they are there." I never turned around, I trusted that they were. In the psychic, or extended consciousness, our senses are heightened and we can sense or see what is all around us. My husband saw nothing but he stayed with me through the whole experience. The feeling of being "light" also remained with me and I almost fell as I fought to keep my feet upon the ground. This love and peace I was receiving was not of a love and peace that I had ever known, EXCEPT for one other time.
This love and peace became a part of who I was. Brian can you tell me what the 12 pillars represented? Apart from the above, I feel this is 12 aspects of the Kingdom, such as Love, Protection, Wisdom, Compassion, Guidance, Spiritual Empowerment, Gentleness, Forgiveness, Understanding. That's 9 and you can fill in the rest, according to your own understanding, feelings, aspirations etc. The 9 I suggest may not all be accurate for you but the principle should point you in the right direction. God continues to reveal to me. He leads me. I have been so blessed to have much. God has truly made me a rich woman by those He has placed into my life and today I discovered you. Andrea, this is entirely mutual. We ALL bring our gifts to the table of life, to share with our fellows. I give thanks that mine have been serviceable to you; give thanks also, that your gifts are serviceable to me, as I do, because you have brought wonderful gifts to me. THANK you.. It is my hope that you may have an answer to my question.
I know you are a busy man and I appreciate you taking the time to read my letter. I thank you for all you have shared with me and so many who are in search of "truth." This, it is now clear to me, is why I have been guided to this place. This is what the previous 40 years (and the rest, from previous Acts, or incarnations) have been all about: preparation. There is nothing impossible and what I have shared with you today is only a fraction of all that I have been given. Don't forget, keep a faithful record of it all, with dates. Get it on your computer, so you have ease of access, search facility, copy & paste etc. This is not happening by chance and without purpose. The fact you do not yet know the purpose does not matter. It will be made known when the time is right. Our God is an awesome God. I am thankful to be a part of all that is. You truly are a part and have 'something you can call your own' under construction, RIGHT NOW. Papa heard your cry in the basement and He is answering it right now, by giving you all these wondrous experiences, so you can attest to His wondrousness to your fellows, when the time is right. This is your preparation time. Alleluia.
Have a blessed day. You have helped to make it one. Thank you I look forward to receiving your answer to my question.
Love and Light,
I just wanted you to know I love your life story and your connection to spirit and your hunger/curiosity for spiritual information. I have hungered this way my entire life and now know the Creator so wonderfully. It gives me such comfort to hear your story and your seeking. Thank you so much for sharing. I haven't found anything offensive in your writing at all. People will always be offended by something we say or do, but we all share a commonality, none of us are perfect. So those people who will judge you need to take the log out of their eye before they continue to complain about the twig in your eye. I've seen the Christ also, he appeared to me and spoke to me telepathically, for about 10 min. It was the most beautiful day of my life!!!! He was filled with so much love and compassion, it was amazing. I think of that experience everyday. I continue to invite him to appear to me again. I'm going to go and read some more of your story now. I hope you and your wife are being blessed each day. I send you my blessings too.
Peace, Light, Love, and Wisdom, Dr. Rev. Christiana (Doctor of Metaphysical Science)
Dear, blessed Chris,
Your message has moved me deeply. I have received many, many messages of thanks for sharing and this tells me how the world is hungering and thirsting for spiritual openness. That is what the Master has been to me and that is my desire to be for my fellows, so your message is wonderfully affirming and validating. That is why I am here and am on course in the Kingdom work for which I have yearned ever since Olga introduced me to the real, living Jesus and got me 'hooked up' with him.
Sharing the pure joy and wonder of experiencing the Master is the greatest blessing imaginable. Of course it is actually impossible to imagine it until one has experienced it because nothing of the Earth-mind consciousness comes with a dimension of it. It is of eternity and remains with us, unfading, for ever and always.
Dear Chris, it is such joy to have this contact with you. I do hope you will share with me more about yourself (after all, if you have read/are reading SYFK you will know just about all about me! ;-)
Where are you practising being a Dr of Metaphysical Science? It sounds interesting but I cannot help suspect that you are surrounded by scientific sceptics who have no light of spiritual discernment. Please tell me I am wrong and I will rejoice for a month! I am eager to hear all about it. Would the HTG url be helpful to the students? or anyone else? It is there to help 'all who will,' so please be free to point anyone at it.
Looking forward to further exchanges and fellowship and with unbounded love and blessings,
The exchanges shown below were posted on February 17th 2006
Dear Brian,
I have just read the article about the caterpillars and the butterfly and I can't tell you what a wonderful experience it was. I, too, believe that Jesus is our brother and that we are destined to become like him. I would very much like to read your book...
Have just read your Caterpillar article.
I found it very helpful and refreshing Thank you !
I read "The Caterpillars and the Butterfly and thought it was beautiful. Thank you.
I have been one of those caterpillars that has shied away from all denominations because of all the lies and false teachings. I have recently begun to read some of the teachings of Jesus and am becoming closer to him as time goes on.
Dear Brian,
I just read the article featured on and feel a pulsing in my heart. Your analogy is incredibly in tune with my beliefs.
Victory to Truth,
I was impressed with your Article. I hope many people read this Article. What is the truth behind Pat Robinson and Jerry Falwell, and some others who are bent upon converting the whole world to Christianity and save the people? They are spreading hatred against all the people who are not Christians. Are they different from the Islamic Fundamentalists, or for that matter any other Fundamentalists in the world? What could be done to prevent the harm being done to humanity by these people?
Best regards,
Dear Vasudeva,
Victory to Truth indeed! Bless Pat Robinson and Jerry Falwell from the depths of your soul and they will be helped to see the Truth and you also will be uplifted by the love that flows into you as your blessing goes out.
I very much enjoyed the butterfly story about Christ. It brought tears to my eyes and reminded me that I need to spend more time in prayer and meditation.
Thank you so much for your contribution to my life,
Your butterfly allegory is, well, I honor its truth. As you are probably well aware, in ancient Greek, butterfly is the word used to mean - soul. One day, in great sorrow and an immensely deep crying out, I asked my soul to somehow come to me and help me.
I was out walking in a field, and talking/crying out loud as is my 'way' and after my gut wrenching outburst, I gradually became very silent. In a very short while, a lovely small yellow and white butterfly came and landed on my right forearm. It simply stayed there at total rest in total peace for nearly 20 minutes.
Jesus has always seemed way more than personal to me. The connection I have always felt is one of the few constants in my life. IT has simply always been there and been my heart.Jacquie
Dear Brian,
I very much enjoyed your story of the caterpillars and the butterfly. As one who is always trying to find Jesus I look for help wherever I can get it. This has led me to join the 'official' church despite misgivings about some of its attitudes.
Dear Brian,
Your e-mail and your story have been nearly the total focus of my thinking after I read what you sent me this afternoon. THANK YOU so much for taking the time to do this with so much care.
Second, my life experiences have asked me to trust beyond reason. I think this is what you are talking about as you describe your personal journey with Jesus.
Third, Jesus alive ON Earth interacting one on one with one who loves Him so dearly .... is wonder -ful !
I had a dream in which a fairly large group of people were treating me horribly ... the details of it - even then - were not clear. However, what was perfectly clear was Jesus' voice saying .... STOP. I simply KNEW it was Jesus. I did not see Him nor was He identified by anyone there. They did stop at once and everything dissolved in gentle peace. I was near a full blown panic attack in my sleep/dream prior to that.
Most importantly, several months later I was reading a book that described nearly the exact scene and Jesus was there present and said simply .... STOP. They did stop at once and everything dissolved in gentle peace.
I cried reading that and was barely able to speak for quite some time after.
Brian, I so Thank You for the gift of being able to read what you have written from your immensely personal experiences with Jesus.
Your letter has so blessed me. I can't imagine the scope of your writing. Many thanks for such an awesome opportunity. I HAVE talked to Jesus my whole life as if He were right 'here' to talk to - and I am trusting I have listened as well.
( Ok, I'll honestly admit - that might not have always been my FIRST action ! :)
All along, although I have questioned myself, I have been so sure it was/is true. There was a very rugged time period in my life when I deeply struggled with what seemed to be no response at all. Thankfully, that has changed. Reading what you wrote is a wonderful affirmation for me. I have come to believe the step beyond faith and trust is - knowing.
Thank You again ...
Be blessed,
Thank you so much for the first real interpretation of Jesus I have ever heard. I have been searching for a long time and though I am very Spiritual I had all but given up on the concept of Jesus.
Don't get me wrong I have always believed that he existed, but not as God, as so many of my friends believe, but as a truly spiritual being. The most wonderful part of your article is that it comes as a much needed insight.
IrisI just finished reading your Butterfly allegory. It was beautiful!
I know that each of us is a divine spark of our Father...our Creator. We are all interconnected. I also realize that we are each on our own spiritual path...some paths are long and winding, and some are short and direct. The important thing to realize is that ALL of these paths eventually lead back to the same destiny...reunion with God.
Thanks for your inspiring lesson.
Dear Brian-
I just finished reading your article "The Caterpillars and the Butterfly". What a beautiful description of the process of enlightenment. I agree with your insights on how religion has got it wrong. So many people get stuck in external forms or belief statements. They aren't understanding how to take the Christ consciousness into themselves and live from that higher perspective. Very few people understand the process and are good teachers.
Dear Brian,
Many blessing have i found in your words and through your experiences. And how wondrous is the Light Bearer Of God, Olga, her witness, presence, communion and intercessions are still so alive in through the website that you have so graciously shared. Truly the Master's Presence is the Light of her Love for all and in all as is the Master's. I spent all night reading your shared story and going through the website. Truly our Elder brother Jesus has blessed you in communion with himself in leading you to your path in fulfilling the desires of your heart.
Jesus came to me in a vision and showed to me who i am after a long desert journey which seem beyond my strength to make or complete, but with His Presence beside me and within me, we stepped into the wonderful city of God, known as the New Jerusalem as recorded by his Beloved John. My heart is gladdened that indeed we are "Companions of the Way" and in sweet communion we are forever sharing the same life and mind that is in Christ Jesus. To know God aright is eternal Life. God Bless you once again for the teaching of the Butterfly, and being the faithful servant to reach out in Spirit, Truth, and Fellowship which is the only Communion Of Love, within the Divine Presence...
In His Love....Michael.
I read what you wrote and will save it for future reference. You indeed, do have a beautiful soul -- and have been in direct contact with our Father-Creator. The Life Force within us -- is the Creator who made us -- and it is a shame that people don't know this. Since childhood, I have spoken direct -- as I was told that God is Love. I went to all kinds of places of worship -- but never felt the energy as strong as I did in my own quiet room.
I know that Jesus was very special and selected to bring the greatest message that ever existed: Matthew 22: ...on Two Commandments hang all the law and all the prophets...and if people had heeded these commandments -- we would have had peace. Nothing is more important than these commandments.
Arguing over the letter of the law -- and not adhering to the spiritual truth has been a stumbling block for humanity. I have a brother who is a "born-again" -- and we constantly butt heads. We are both set in our ways. However, we love each other and he has stopped telling me that I am going to burn in hell forever. I simply say -- the message was only about love. Nothing else! Is there anything greater than real love? He couldn't say No.
Blessings on you.
I have had mystical experiences since I was a child but unfortunately down a seemingly very different road from you or my friends. My experiences seemed to be expansions of consciousness which exposed a reality which was infinitely more real than this pinpoint of consciousness we call human life. There were no visions. Everything just Was -- being everything, or Wasn't --- being nothing, depending which end of the spectrum presented.
Because of the way certain things have happened I have to believe that I am guided, but in the experiences there was no awareness of any presence even the little illusory me disappeared. Yours, and my friends' paths seem to be full of the awareness of inner teaching and spiritual companionship, and I should like, if I am able, to find out if I can walk along that road for a while and see if that is where I should be, or at least get some guidance by more advanced beings before undertaking again the other difficult path..
I hope this makes sense to you. If it does it will be the first time it has to anyone..
Blessings, Dorothy
Dear Brian,
I am enlightened by your story The Caterpillars and the Butterfly. Thank you, I gained a lot from that, and a focus for my attention.
A newly inspired reader,
I downloaded "Synchronicity*, for Goodness Sake" yesterday and printed it. (Boy, did I use some ink! It was more than worth it, I assure you!) Haven't finished reading all of it yet but - My Goodness, you do speak to my heart and soul!!! I relate so strongly to your search and your experience it's as if I lived in your head and heart. I find myself saying YESSSS as I read. I'm sure you know what a pure treasure that is, Brian. I just want to pour it out to everyone in the world! I have sent emails to everyone I know. In particular to a young friend in New Jersey, who is experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul, with prayers that he can allow it into his consciousness.
I see you in bliss, Brian, glowing with the light of love that I feel from you! If enough of us work on it, I really believe that we can put majestical energy in force that will change this weary world into a much more peaceful, healing place. It's not only our birthright - it's our job. Individually and globally.
Namaste', Dear Brian!!!
“In the midst of the earth ariseth my city
after the fashion of the heavenly,
Wherein the multitude of them that love me and keep my words
Minister unceasingly to the sick and fainting spirits of men.
The call goeth out continually, Come, O come ye to the waters
Everyone that thirsteth. Buy milk and wine without money and without price,
And nourish your souls, and rejoice in health and joy;
For it is my Father’s good pleasure to bestow upon you
the freedom of the city.
Here is freedom from sickness: whosoever will, let him be free.
Here are riches of wisdom and power: whosoever will, let him be rich.
Here is knowledge: whosoever will, let him know the secrets of God
and the power and perfection of His laws.
Here is fulfilment: whosoever will, let him enlarge his capacity
and his influence.
Here is Peace: whosoever will, let him meditate therein.
Grace be with you.”
How poetically and perfectly this message describes the purpose of Jesus and of all who espouse themselves to him and his great desire.
Got to the bit above and had to say how beautiful that message is….it resonates really strongly with me…..the whole manuscript has made complete sense and has filled in loads of gaps!!
Kindest regards.
I just read your article. Thank you very much.
You confirm many things that i have been thinking about.
I just recently was in youth ministry at a large successful church (long
wonderful story) and am going through just that metamorphosis that you
It feels like i am waking up, or being born again again if you will.
I am in the process of bringing Jesus into my future as i struggle with some
of the church culture of my past.
It is an amazing journey.
And it is all happening within the past 2 years.
Thank you for your 30 years of personal journey and research i look forward
to hearing more.
In love and light
JohnDear Friend, (I think I got your name wrong last time; please excuse me),
I am going to reply to your message by typing my text among yours. Please see below.
Dear Brian ,
Thanks for your letter and for the book .
have just started savoring the book, reading only one chapter at a time .
The first question I have is this :
A person like me who is born in other culture –with teachings of different Gods and structure – is taken through the journey of your experiences . There is only one Creator. Humans from different cultures have given that Creator many different names and have created many different mythologies (religions) about "Him." Of course, "God" is not restricted to male or female but is ALL things and all genders. I will use the term 'God' for the Creator here, for convenience but Allah or any other term is neither right nor wrong and makes no difference, in spite of what many leaders of various religions may say. God is Spirit, Universal Consciousness and dwells within each and every one of us, including those who are not awake to that reality.
Is it necessary that he accepts Jesus as “Jesus”.? You will not be condemned to eternal punishment if you don't 'accept' Jesus! Jesus is a friend, who loves you and everyone unconditionally. Does a friend wish to harm or punish those he loves? He desires to help any and all who ask him. He is empowered to help all. I asked him and he responded to my request. In truth, this was all pre-arranged before I incarnated but I did not remember that until he told me many years later. If you feel drawn to him when you have read SYFK all you have to do is tell him; ask him to be your friend and guide. He will then come into your life and be your friend and guide. You do not have to conform to any outer religious rules and structures. It is personal, between you and him only. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. If you feel drawn to follow the attunement method described in the Communion website I gave you - - then you may find it will be as serviceable to you as it has been to me.
To me – the God can be a female gender . So, a faith identical to yours – should it be developed or followed To get a glimpse of God or Son of God ? Jesus was/is a Messenger from the Creator who came to bring a message of unconditional love and remind mankind who we really are: God's children, made in 'His' image and likeness. That is to be understood in the spiritual sense rather than a literal-minded sense as if God 'looks like' a human-being. God is the life of all, but humans are the pinnacle of God's Creation, with the spark of God-consciousness within us. We all have the potential creative power that Jesus demonstrated. He was God-conscious - in a state of fully conscious union with God and this is why he was able to do what he did. Most of the rest of humanity has forgotten this but we can, if we desire it, grow in remembrance until we have come back to that place; fulfil our potential; inherit our birthright; reach our ultimate destiny. It does not matter how long it takes because we are all citizens of eternity. Jesus chose his path of incarnation for a particular reason. His real name was Yeshua but neither that nor the fact that he was a man makes any difference. People allow these things to make a difference because they have limited light of discernment. As their discernment grows those outward things are perceived as no longer being of any importance. It is spiritual truth that matters, not outward trappings.
Is not God a pure form of Love ? God is indeed a pure form of Love. We all have that within us. Cultural differences are of no concern to the Creator Spirit (God). Male and Female are all as one in their ultimate, spiritually realised destiny and Jesus loves every one of us, male and/or female. Any Christian who says otherwise does not understand the man they claim to be following. and he / She can be Jesus or Ms. Jesus ? There are many souls who are female who are spiritually enlightened, in this Earthly life and in the 'next' life. I urge you to not attach any importance to whether a Guiding Light is male or female. Go, rather, with whatever makes you comfortable.
A person wanting to really understand the divine love . Glory be. You are precious in the sight of God, who loves you UNCONDITIONALLY. Anyone who says otherwise is mistaken in their perceptions.
Peace and Light be with you as you read one chapter at a time. When you have read them all, taking-in the detail that faster-reading may miss, you will have clearer vision. SYFK is the story of my journey but your journey is/will be uniquely yours. Give thanks.
Many blessings,
Brian, THANK YOU for the kind words and sharing of your thoughts. I am most grateful. Today is our wedding anniversary. Though we were only blessed with 3 years together, they were truly a blessing in all ways. Gary was killed 2 months and 3 days before our second wedding anniversary. Today is our third.
I have started your manuscript and gotten to page 13 and felt I just had to write to you. I have been hearing for days in my head, "When the student is ready, the Teacher will come." I was amazed to see those same words early in your script.
I find myself reading with open mouthed awe and joy about your feelings and perceptions. They are very much like mine. I was also raised in the Episcopal church and left searching for something more.
Do you mind if I ask questions now and again of you as I read your words? I have so many questions and thoughts running through my head, but do not want to intrude on your time. I feel like you did when you contacted Olga! :o)
Thank you again so much. Today has been a heavy day but I am feeling excited and joyful as I read.
My Dear Kate,
I feel I know you; in my soul of course, I do, for we are all One. Thank you for sharing about Gary. He is with you, close and loving. I feel the love of his heart for you.
You are already experiencing synchronicity, having been given the thought about the teacher coming when the student is ready. This is the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Breath, inspiring you so that when you encountered those words again, from an outside source, you would know it to be an affirmation. Glory be!
OF COURSE you may contact me any time with questions; that is why I am here, to freely give of the blessings and understandings that I have freely received. It is my intent to share, by agreement with the questioner (with anonymity if requested), the questions and the answers I am inspired to give, with the other seekers who have contacted me because there are so many souls hungering and thirsting for spiritual sustenance which has been denied by the church of Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-21). But Papa God never leaves his children and his messengers are constantly bringing comfort and guidance. Those who are ready to receive it will receive it, just as you have received an affirmation which has spoken to your soul.
Give thanks. Joy fill your heart,
Thank you for sharing. I have a question and perhaps you will ask Jesus about this. Jesus did and does refer to God in the masculine Father...or you fondly call Him. In my spiritual experiences I feel this is very limiting and untrue. The very word God is so strongly masculine in the Christian tradition that, as you have been given Papa, I have been given "Oneness" which is a term neither masculine or feminine and more resonating within for me. 2000 years ago the idea of God The Father was fitting as a way to understand the loving spiritual presence perhaps. Today it excludes the feminine and is limiting in scope. In my deeper understanding Oneness is both and/or neither...All.
Calling God our Father is patriarchal :(
In Oneness, Jeanne
Dear Jeanne,
I see that you have read SYFK (or at least part) because you see that I refer to 'God' as 'Papa.' You will therefore have read how that came about and you will also have seen that reference is made to 'God' as 'Creator Spirit' and 'Oneness' and the 'Source of All.'
It is helpful to understand several things: Jesus lived in a Patriarchal society and the female of the species was of secondary consideration in that society. He therefore communicated his perceptions of Eternal Reality in a manner with which the people could resonate. It should also be noted that he did many things to honour womanhood, which the discerning reader of the records in the Gospel accounts will readily see indicated that Jesus honoured ALL of Creation. Also, do not allow yourself to be misled into thinking that Jesus was not totally aware of the Yin/Yang nature of Creation. Yang is incomplete without Yin and vice-versa.
In the Eternal realm, there is neither male nor female and Jesus said as much. 'God' is genderless, or conversely, combines all the qualities of male and female. In the relative (Earth) world, yin/yang is a wondrous way for us all to experience the Oneness. So, please continue in your perceptions of the Oneness as entirely serviceable to your growing in spiritual consciousness of the eternal realities.
Do not allow others to persuade you from being centred in your truth, UNLESS you resonate with another perception. That resonance will enable growth.
Peace and joy abound in you.
PS: Did you read the section entitled 'Goddess Theresa'?
I understand completely that Jesus lived in a patriarchal society. We still do although hopefully we are evolving away from this. For this very reason I have a problem with God The Father and I do not find it's usage helpful in our present day....unless we say God the Father and Mother. Oneness fits so well. It will serve your equanimity, inward peace, harmony and balance well to stay with whatever is comfortable for you. If you are troubled by 'Father' or any terms that others have created, ignore them; it is only your health that will be damaged by remaining distressed by them. You are giving power to them by 'having a problem' with them. Jesus does not 'fight' or get into contra energy flows with those who disagree with his perceptions (Yes, he did with the religious leaders of his day but that was because it served his agenda to get himself crucified) so why do you? The trinity concept of Father-Son-Spirit also is lopsided! Maybe only a woman can understand how these terms sound as if not to include her. I know this is not the intention but on an unconscious level I believe these masculine only terms do have a negative effect ! They certainly seem to be pushing your buttons! That is your choice, as always. Because the church calling itself 'Christian' is and has been patriarchal does not mean that that is what the REAL (genderless) Creator Spirit or the Messenger anointed by that Spirit to deliver a message to Earth are patriarchal in attitude. Be kinder to yourself and enter in, where 'He/She' can and will respond lovingly to your outreach with love, tenderness, caring, PEACE, guiding, uplifting gifts that are totally tailored and perfectly RIGHT for YOU. For this very reason I am personally finding Buddhism more transcending than Christianity Forget 'Christianity,' as it is practised by the 'church of Laodicea' (see Rev. chapter 3:14 ff) and you will be closer to the Source. as doing away with terms and concepts and beliefs is very freeing and expanding and allows me to go deeper into the source of being. On an unconscious level God The Father can even keep men in a mind set of superiority !!! Astute observation!
How are we to overcome this as a society? Not by 'fighting;' that is not of the Kingdom Consciousness. Try being centred in your own truth and simply LIVING it, not allowing others' truth to upset you. See the perfection in everything; that doesn't mean you have to adopt it, just ALLOW it and choose your own path.
Thank You for your time and your answer.
Dear Brian,
Thank you ever so much for sending me the story of your spiritual journey. I have read about 20 pages so far, and it is absolutely amazing and extraordinary, to say the least! You are clearly a very, very pure soul, with the highest of desires for most of your life.......this is a beautiful story, and you are truly an excellent writer! It resonates with much that I know to be true, but it is also "expanding my horizons" in many ways....
I thank you for sharing experiences that are so deeply personal, and taking the risks that come along with this kind of open sharing. I will write more when I have read finished it.
Blessings and blissings to you!
CindyDear Cindy,
I wonder if you have any idea how much messages such as yours mean to me?
You are very observant, that to write about such deeply personal and intimate things takes some careful consideration. But it was made much easier when I became aware in the last few years that that was why I had incarnated this time. Also, the thought that really tipped me over the edge was that having such a wondrous journey, if I came to the end of my time here and had not shared it with my fellow travellers, how regretful I would feel at having wasted such a priceless opportunity. It is since writing this and sharing it with others, such as you, and the heart-warming responses I have had, that I realise just how magnificent a blessing it is to give and to share. I mean it in total sincerity when I say that to hear comments such as yours has made the entire exercise totally worthwhile.
So, thank you, from the inmost chambers of my heart and soul, for your kindness in all the good things you have said. I notice you use the wonderful word 'resonates' and I look forward very much to hearing more of your own awarenesses of Truth and how it has expanded your horizons, once you have finished SYFK.
Peace, love, light bless you for fulfilment of your life's purposes,
Dear Brian-
It is so uplifting and exciting to know that Jesus is ready to be so personally present with me and those that ask. I am having a bit of trouble downloading the Communion Service but hopefully the computer servers will work and I can soon get it.
I so appreciate you sharing all this beautiful inner life experience! Wow, wow, wow! I am beside words as I don't think I ever anticipated all the saints and Jesus and the Father working so closely with those of us here now. Especially you being visited by Jesus so many times and entering the Holy of Holies and having the experience of helping so many souls needing help. I have had some dreams about this and many contemplative experiences in my 44 years, but nothing like yours. It is a wonderful thing to find out, and I know so much is possible now and the reasons I have left the Anglican church the past year are valid. Thank you for putting all of this in a bigger light. I am planning to share your book with some dear friends who will find it most uplifting and confirming of their beliefs.
What would you advise my husband and I to do in our daily routine to open ourselves up to Christ as our teacher and way shower? I would love to know of others doing this work in my area also or if you are available to help. I am so grateful to you for making this available.
Many blessings!
My Dear Mary,
Great to hear from you. What kind and uplifting things you are saying. This is manna to my heart and soul, to know that my life and the wondrous experiences with which I have been so greatly blessed, are being helpful to other sincere seekers after eternal truth and souls who love the Lord Jesus and wish to know how to more meaningfully follow him.
You said: What would you advise my husband and I to do in our daily routine to open ourselves up to Christ as our teacher and way shower? I would love to know of others doing this work in my area also or if you are available to help. I am so grateful to you for making this available. My response, in blue type:
There are so many things that could be said in response to this. Always first, for me, are the Master's words 'Seek FIRST the KOH'. This, like the KOH, is WITHIN us, not 'out there.' There is nothing we HAVE to 'do' because we are human BEINGS, not human doings. Desire is everything. The first thing the Master said to me is 'What is your desire?' As I said repeatedly throughout the book, if we TRULY seek and EARNESTLY desire, Papa and the Master Jesus KNOW this and are with us, closer than our own heartbeat, loving us beyond any Earth-mind comprehension. Next, talk with Jesus, don't pray to him. He is your friend, the best you can ever have. He does desire, earnestly, to be your friend and friends are at peace, at ease with each other.
Next, ACCEPT that he ACTUALLY is right there, with you, every moment. I recommend strongly that you read SYFK again; indeed, as many times as you feel drawn to do so. I say this because all the answers you are seeking are already in there. This is a work 40 years in incubation. Such a living work is never finished but it is substantially comprehensive in its coverage of what is dearest to your heart and soul. It took me 40 years to be able to commit it to paper; I do not believe anyone can fully absorb and understand all that it imparts at one reading. The more you read it the more you will find parts that are resonant with your seeking heart and enquiring mind and that you will find yourself saying, 'Aah, yes! That's right, now I understand.' You have already found so much resonant with your inner being, at just one reading. Nobody who is a sincere seeker reads the Bible only once. That which reaches into the heart and soul is worthy of further consideration.
Lastly (probably not actually lastly!) read the instructions for the Communion, follow the service, sit in the Silence with notepad and pen and talk with Jesus. I promise you, if you love him and earnestly desire fellowship with him and to learn of him (all of which it is plain you do), he will be, is, there, with you, loving you exquisitely and he does speak with you. Listen for the still, small voice, speaking in your head, accept it is him and write it down. As I said in SYFK, it is like photography; we must allow the exposure but then 'fix' it by accepting and writing it down (if it is words - or even if you see images, describe them. This fixes it in your consciousness and gets you in training, so you will become more adept at it each time).
If you have trouble downloading the Communion, copy and paste sections to a Word document, so you will be able to recreate it on your own computer.
A few other pointers. I never got on well with the writings of Paul, or the rest of scripture. I wanted to know what Jesus had to say, so I read the gospels, over and over. None of the rest matters and has caused massive confusion, countless rules and regulations. Papa and Jesus aren't interested in all that stuff; just love. If you love Jesus he will show you the way. Listen to your heart; it is the seat of your soul and the meeting place between you and the Realms of Light. Don't let your head dictate to you. TRUST; Jesus will never let you down; he loves you.
Many who have left behind any connection to the church have also left behind any desire for a connection to Jesus because they do not see the distinction between the two. I am here to unequivocally reassure any and all who are confused or in doubt, Jesus is ‘the business,’ in spite of any perceptions to the contrary held by souls disillusioned by experiences in the church.
Peace, love and myriad blessings to you and your husband,
How would Jesus feel about someone who was able to do it, "hook-up with Papa", themselves. Would he be alright with that or would he react somehow?
Hi John,
I feel sure Jesus would react somehow to that and that somehow would be to
rejoice and give thanks.
What I can vouch for absolutely (in the literal sense of the word) is that
he certainly IS able to lead us back to Papa and that if we choose not to
follow him he will not judge us and condemn us or even think negative
thoughts about us because that is not any part of his nature. He said: And
if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not
to judge the world, but to save the world. (John 12:47). I know there are
many other Gospel records which appear to contradict that but after 40 years
of knowing him intimately I can state unequivocally that I believe them to be
mistranslations or insertions by subsequent church authorities with their
own agenda.
The quote above, however, resonates entirely with the Jesus with whom I have walked since the 1960s. God is love, unconditional love and Jesus said, 'If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.' I interpret this as being that he manifested ALL the qualities of Papa, including and especially,
UNCONDITIONAL love. This means NO judging. It is humanity, lost in the 'wilderness' of forgetting who we really are, that has fallen into the pit
of judgementalism and look where that has taken us!! ;-)
I hope this is helpful but I welcome further dialogue if you wish.
Peace and blessings,
BrianThanks! Saw many interesting things in what you have written. I tell everybody about the Father Within -- who is with us at all times -- just waiting to be acknowledged. The Father created us to Love -- and to be Loved -- nothing is greater than this love. WE must let people know that WE ARE NEVER ALONE -- The One who created all there is -- is there for us to LOVE. ONLY A THOUGHT AWAY!!
People truly want love -- and they do not know the LOVE THAT AWAITS THEM -- UNTIL THEY OPEN THEIR MINDS. All religions have stepped between mankind and the Maker.
The Messiah told people to go direct -- not to stand praying in public places to be seen by men -- posing as such devoted religious hypocrites. There was no way a religion could have been formed, if the words of the Messiah had been heeded. Go into your closet and pray and the Father which seeth in secret -- shall reward you openly.
The Father is the One who did the Works -- The Works could have not been done without the Father-Creator's Energy. Not an atom or molecule would exist -- if the Father-Creator had not made it. The Messiah who brought the message -- Matthew 22: On 2 Commandments hang all the law and all the prophets (prophecies). Love the Maker; and Love One Another.
This was it. Nothing was more important. If people had heeded this -- PEACE WOULD HAVE OCCURRED. IT WAS NOT ABOUT RITUALS!
What did the Messiah say about the healings and other things he did? He said that the things that I do -- ye shall do also-- and more so.. How is this possible? Well, the Father is within -- each and every one of us -- just waiting to be acknowledged and loved.
How many acknowledge the Creator?
So many obvious glaring errors in this Bible.
Constantine and papal followers were also responsible for the last paragraph in Revelations.
Don't change one word or you will burn in hell. They did this so they could be in control -- they wanted full power -- and full tribute from every little soul. They were soul-less pagans who supposedly converted to "Christianity" -- for only one reason -- MONEY. It was a racket.Remember what the Messiah said, when someone said to him...Good Master. Don't call me good. There is none good, but the One. The Jews didn't use the word god at the time that the Master Messiah walked. The Romans used the word god. They worshipped many gods at this time...Jupiter...Saturn...Mercury, etc. They are the ones who brought the word god into being. They were the ones who had the money to do the first bible. Always find the Money -- and then you will know who brought what into being.
The Messiah was very spiritual -- and humble. Can you see him saying "My name is Jesus Christ?" Christ means "anointed one." I don't believe that he would have used a name calling himself, "the anointed one." He was a revolutionary thinker. He was a true lover of the Father -- and he told people how to pray direct...."Our Father." He didn't teach his disciples to pray to him.
I tell everyone -- go direct! The Father wants our love -- and wants all of us to come to him.
My children used to tell me that I wasn't good enough to go direct. No one on this level is perfect -- but how can we elevate our souls -- unless we go direct and ask for guidance?
I talk to the Creator all the time. I show everyone how to close their eyes -- and become at one-with the Creator -- I know that if each soul simply found the Love they needed -- and experienced it -- the world could change. Love is the ONLY ANSWER. It will change the world.
Many blessings on you and your family.
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