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‘essence’ of the entry.
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Holy Communion, August 2, 1987. is not in the outer world that the fulfilment of man’s destiny is provided, and there is more to the life and fulfilment than the Outer Court consciousness can provide.
Holy Communion, August 16, 1987.
Many souls from beyond the Earth life who are lost in the wilderness, but sincere in their hearts’ desire for goodness and rightness of living are being drawn by the light generated by this Service.
Holy Communion, August 30, 1987.
Many there are who desire righteousness but know not wherein it lies and fear to go forward for lack of direction.
Holy Communion, September 6, 1987.
Remember, the bread of my Word is nothing without the wine of my Love.
Holy Communion, September 13, 1987.
The Light, Love, illumination and renewal of life come down from the Source in response to your sending up of prayer, thanksgiving, Love and desire to be one with the Source.
Holy Communion September 27, 1987
All are destined for the Light and shall progress there with the help of those ahead of them on the path.
Holy Communion October 4, 1987
Speak in my name and by my authority. The Light that shines from you is my authority and shall be respected as such. Have no fear, the living word shall be given to you as you have need of it.
Holy Communion October 11, 1987
The programme for the Enlightenment and upliftment of the soul of Man has been in development and operation for many generations. Now do you see its fulfilment coming to pass. This has always been the Great Plan and destiny for God's Children
Holy Communion October 18, 1987
It is the desire of the Father that all who will, take of the Waters of Life. Now is the marriage banquet of the Lamb, the coming together of the God-conscious streams of life with the Earth-conscious streams, all who will.
Holy Communion November 1, 1987
Commune above, with the source of Love, Light and Power and communicate that which you experience outwards to all who are in need and who earnestly seek and desire the coming of the Kingdom.
Holy Communion November 8, 1987
You will be guided and directed fully according to your degree of readiness and one-pointedness and also by your willingness to let go and be led.
Holy Communion, November 15, 1987
Have no concern for organising any detail either in Earth or in Heaven, my son; all is ordered and directed by my Word, which goes out, with power, to bring fulfilment by its own nature and structure. By this shall you be guided.
Holy Communion November 22, 1987
The fulfilment of Christ’s purpose in unifying the mind and spirit of God’s children with his own in the Kingdom of Oneness with God is now taking place.
Holy Communion December 6, 1987
The Kingdom has always been; it is the Father’s estate and He desires His little ones, His Children, to be one with Him in that estate. I counsel you therefore, seek within, in the stillness and tranquillity within the innermost part of your being for the awareness of the Father’s Kingdom of Peace and Love.
Holy Communion December 13, 1987
The self-generating, perpetuating force of Creation is Love. Let it be uppermost in your heart in all your activities and contacts and affairs so that the outworking of the Father’s good will may be made manifest for and through all you do.
You do not need to be a Teacher or Guide, but only a Light, which in itself will illuminate the Way, for all who will to be guided forward.
Holy Communion January 24, 1988
All that is sincere from the heart, which is the seat of Love, and which is a selfless act of giving, is acceptable. This form of Communion is more than an act of devotion, it is an act of at-one-ment with the Love, perfection and uplifting power of God, our Heavenly Father
January 25, 1988
He is able to take and receive all your burdens and to give you, in their place, His peace, His Love, the illumination of His word and His counsel. And this illumination will drive all the darkness into the furthest corners of your lives, so that the darkness is insignificant in comparison with the Light.
Holy Communion February 7, 1988
All in the Realms of Light – and there are countless such souls – are true, faithful and constant; utterly trustworthy and straight. You may be sure that this power for good, united in one desire and one leader, which is the Word of Truth, shall prevail and subdue the ‘enemy.’
Holy Communion February 14, 1988
The soul who is committed and dedicated one-pointedly to the path of Service of the Kingdom Purpose must first learn obedience – obedience to the single source of guidance and Love, which will bring the Kingdom into the lives of mankind. This means a willingness to give up all worldly power and authority and ego-self.
Only by giving — giving everything and expecting nothing — does spiritual empowerment work in accordance with the Father’s laws.
Holy Communion February 28, 1988
The condition that blocks your vision of the Kingdom reality is not imposed upon you, or upon anyone else. The Kingdom is there for all to see, out in the open. The barrier to the vision is self-imposed by the children of Earth.
Holy Communion March 6, 1988
My son, in the order of Creation, humility is more in harmony with the Father Creator than presumption.
Holy Communion, Palm Sunday, March 27, 1988
…constancy and reliability is the stuff of which the Kingdom is made (because Love is constant and reliable); it is pure, it is strong, it is sure, it will never fail — you or anyone.
Holy Communion April 10, 1988
Remember always that seeking the Kingdom of God and his righteousness requires not for you to "do" anything but that you accept the Father's desire to give the Kingdom, even as a little child accepts the Love and protection and happy environment that his parents naturally wish to give to him.
Holy Communion April 17, 1988
By the one-pointed commitment of you all, the programme of manifesting that which our Lord and Master Jesus has built in Heaven shall go forward to fulfilment and establishment in the Earth also.
Holy Communion April 24, 1988
My son you are right to observe that Life is not forceful, does not “fight” for a place by opposing and defeating contrary vibrations and forces… And Life, my son — what is it? Is it not the Essential Being of God the Father, which is Love?
Holy Communion May 1, 1988
…be not anxious for the fulfilment of the Kingdom Purpose, for it is as certain as the dawn; nay more certain than that. For this Dawn shall be such that darkness shall come no more amongst the sons and daughters of God.
Holy Communion May 8, 1988
…attune with the words and their meaning and allow this attunement to generate in you the power that they hold, to transform, uplift, heal, make whole and restore.
Holy Communion May 22, 1988
…the infrastructure is all in place and the programme for mankind to be uplifted to the Spiritual wakefulness goes forward across the full front of all activities. It is a vast campaign which is under full control of the Master.
Holy Communion May 29, 1988
My son, so does the revelation of the Glory of God go forward, a little here, a little there. And so it must needs be, so that you may assimilate and grow in the knowledge and wisdom and not suffer indigestion from too much intake all at once.
Holy Communion June 5, 1988
…we share with you the joy of Oneness with the Father’s good Will — to bring the Kingdom of Peace, Love, righteousness and harmony-with-Him, the Creator Spirit, into the lives of all mankind.
Holy Communion June 12, 1988
…all the mysteries of the universe are yours for the asking; our Heavenly Father has not deliberately hidden them from His Little Ones. They are only mysteries in the minds of mankind because mankind has been looking in the wrong place and in the wrong way, or not at all.
Holy Communion July 3, 1988
I have seen the power of Love in this Service and know it is able to transform lives.
Holy Communion July 10, 1988
…only by letting go and attuning with the Creator Spirit can we regain/restore man’s “instinct” to be one with the Father, who truly lives within us but Earth-minded focusing of consciousness has taken our awareness of this reality away.
Holy Communion July 17, 1988
This Service has a living, uplifting, renewing, pulsing, dynamic quality. And real things can be achieved by the power and light generated — things that can transform; it can create Light where there was heat, acceptance where there was self-determination.
Holy Communion July 31, 1988
It is by allowing the Father within to expand His dwelling place by inviting Him to take control of your life and giving up your own leasehold on your life, that He can begin to grow and fulfil your inner being.
Holy Communion August 15, 1988
I have asked for and been given this command by Our Heavenly Father, Creator Spirit, to lead man forward to his destiny, his birthright, his inheritance, away beyond the destructive, repetitive ways of the Earth
Holy Communion September 4, 1988
Each soul has appointed to him for an Earth-life journey (incarnation), souls who have close relationships with that soul to guide, protect, help forward the sojourner, each according to his readiness, progress and purpose of incarnating.
Holy Communion September 11, 1988
Prayer is an attunement, not a pleading. Focus on, attune with the Living Word and it will illumine your path — your mind
Holy Communion September 25, 1988
Seek within yourself for the stillness, the peace, the knowing that all is well. When you have experienced the Life and Joy of the Living Creator Spirit within yourself, you can seek and know that spark within others.
Holy Communion October 9, 1988
I shall serve the command I have received of my Father, to lead my flock forward unto the Kingdom of His Eternalness. This Service is possible because I am authorised by the Father. Those I authorise are able to serve also because the authorisation gives power to accomplish.
Holy Communion October 23, 1988
My son, it is by submitting my will to the Will of the Father so that I am, have become, one with Him; it is only by ‘dying’ in myself that I have been able to have Life and have it abundantly, that I might give it freely to all who will receive it.
Holy Communion October 30, 1988
If you would serve, and desire to bring Light, be still, experience the Love and Peace and tranquillity and Joy within and all shall be fulfilled in you my son. It shall not be of yourself, by your own power, but by your willingness to let the Power of the Father accomplish it in you and through you.
Holy Communion November 6, 1988
The Earth teachings of retribution and judgement are not of the Kingdom; in the Kingdom all is in the hands of God the Father, who is the Law Giver, the balancer of accounts.
Holy Communion November 13, 1988
As your awareness expands in the illumination of your soul so do the radiations of your transmission increase in power. This is much needed for the gathering of the harvest, and the time is now.
Holy Communion November 26, 1988
The sending out of the message of love and welcome cannot be overemphasised. However, remember, all will proceed according to the timing of our Lord. This is a time of great excitement in the Realms of Light, for all goes forward unto the fulfilment.
Holy Communion December 11, 1988
The Kingdom of God is open to all "who will" enter in. That is, to those who earnestly desire and are willing to be made new, made whole spiritually.
Holy Communion January 8, 1989
“Continue to speak, communicate, open your heart to me; have no need of caution – all is well between us and I shall never betray your trust.”
Holy Communion January 29, 1989
“…there are vast numbers in the Heaven realm and their combined, united energy is such as Earth power complexes have never imagined. And many of these committed souls are in the Earth life also.”
Holy Communion February 12, 1989
“…we each and all go forward on the Path of our own individual development and service and this entails changes in the level of contact and relationship between people.”
Holy Communion February 19, 1989
“…your heart and mind, life and soul shall be uplifted to the greater awareness of God's living Truth and this shall make you free.”
Holy Communion February 26, 1989
“The Truth, the reality is there, at hand, all around you, all around your fellow sojourners in time, freely available for all to see and experience and be part of.”
Holy Communion March 12, 1989
The order of God's Creation is a NATURAL order and the spirit that powers it is Love. When you are in harmony with it by recognising Love and opening your heart, your soul, all your being, to it, it will clear away the falsehoods, the man-made impressions and open your eyes to Truth.
Holy Communion March 19, 1989
Be peaceful; therein lies oneness with Spirit and new awareness shall be yours. All is well. Let not your heart be troubled, neither be afraid, I am with you and my rod and staff shall comfort and protect you in and from all adversity and you shall prevail in the face of the enemy.
Holy Communion Easter Sunday, March 26, 1989
Rejoice in your heart and do not let the world -- which blows this way and that, seeking the direction it thinks is right for it but has lost the chart and so knows not whither is the route nor the destination -- distract you from knowing, from experiencing, from being glad in your knowledge of the fulfilment and its certainty.
Holy Communion April 9, 1989
It is the desire to be one with God’s all-loving, all-caring, all-giving spirit that, with the willingness to let go, having seen and accepted that we cannot do these things of ourselves, that enables Him to give to us the good gifts of the bounty of His Glorious Kingdom, freely and lovingly.
Holy Communion April 16, 1989
I counsel you, let go and place all the affairs and concerns of your life in my care; pray every hour for the love of God upon all mankind; give tirelessly from your heart to all you encounter in your Earthly affairs; judge not by outward appearances.
Holy Communion April 23, 1989
I am ever close at hand and my love encompasses you and all your fellows at all times. It is a pure and undefiled vibration and by attuning your heart and soul with that wavelength you will be aware of this constant giving, constant loving.
Holy Communion May 7, 1989
Speak with me, I am your friend, not high and lifted up beyond reach of my young followers. Is it not my teaching that he who abases himself shall be exalted? More could enter the Kingdom if they were mindful of this.
Holy Communion May 14, 1989
Where your heart’s desire cannot be fulfilled of yourself, it can be and will be if you give yourself to God. This is a private, personal act between you and Him and needs no outward sign or process, though I will be there rejoicing in and with you.
Holy Communion May 21, 1989
By opening your heart to love, in giving and receiving, you create new energy for good; for healing, for enlightenment, for uplifting the souls of those who would enter the Kingdom but have not found the key.
Holy Communion June 25, 1989
…the focus of awareness needs balancing between the vertical – which is the attuning with the Source of life – and the horizontal, which is the dissemination of this force. If inadequate focus of attention is given to the vertical attunement then the receiving/transmitting antennae and the tuner and amplifier lose tone and focus.
Holy Communion in July 2, 1989
Let your heart be filled with love and giving. You go forward a step at a time by the guidance and light of Heaven and by your one-pointed commitment to the Way.
Holy Communion in July 9, 1989
Meat and drink shall the Living Word ever be for you and all who seek, who desire right, who love the Truth, who come as little children before their Father, in love, unashamed of their childhood and innocence.
Holy Communion in July 16, 1989
Your prayerful, contemplative attunement in unison creates energy and this is harnessed by Inner Plane Servers of this Sanctuary.
Holy Communion July 30, 1989
My son, I am the good Shepherd but the Shepherd is the keeper and protector of the sheep; he is not the Lord of the sheep. So it is my command to care for the Father’s flock and bring them, safe and well, restored to fullness of Life, back “home” to the Father.
Holy Communion August 6, 1989
My son, the Power created by this act of Communion, the coming together in my name of several souls united in commitment to the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth is a great dynamo for the servers of my purpose to use for accomplishing many works for mankind.
Holy Communion August 13, 1989
The old order, the Earth consciousness, is blind obedience, blind following; unseeing, unknowing. The new order -- New Heaven and New Earth -- is created by Love giving sight to the blind, lifting the cataracts from the eyes of Earth-minded man and revealing the mysteries of Life, making all things known and giving abundant Life to all who will receive of it.
Holy Communion August 20, 1989
My son, the Kingdom of God is at hand and has ever been for the Children of God. It is available freely to all who will receive it in love and humility with heart filled with adoration of the Father and His great Love.
Holy Communion September 10, 1989
Let (there) be a flame kindled in your heart, burning brightly and giving out light & warmth, peace and joy, food & drink, Love & happiness to attract and welcome all who will, all who are ready for an awakening of their within to this greater reality of the Kingdom of God.
Holy Communion September 17, 1989
Love gives everything, expecting nothing… Let Love be the constant force of motivation in your heart and life. It shall help you to understand all, forgive all and help all. It is the unifying force of all creation, manifest and unmanifest. It is everywhere.
Holy Communion September 24, 1989
Be joyful in your heart that it is a beacon burning with unquenchable fire – the desire for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth for all mankind; for righteousness, order, balance and justice to be restored.
Holy Communion October 1, 1989
It is the Father’s good will to give you the Kingdom – that you and all His children should receive it. This will happen by awakening consciousness of its being… All that is required for the lost sheep to receive it is to open their hearts and become aware of its existence and participate in its joy, glory, peace, harmony, wholeness, dignity, love.
Holy Communion October 8, 1989
…the Glory of Heaven is love, humility, Grace, caring, giving, service, understanding, fellowship; not pressuring, not criticising but being tolerant of all inadequacy and imperfection; helping those less fortunate, or less advanced in the Way, to go forward.
Holy Communion October 15, 1989
Does it not fill you with peace and joy and uplift to open your heart to Him and experience His love and peace flowing into and through you?
Holy Communion October 22, 1989
Give of this bread and wine to the halt, the maimed and the blind, to the weary traveller and to all who are of pure heart and lowly; to all who will receive of it. There shall be great rejoicing in Heaven and a great reconciliation.
Holy Communion October 29, 1989
Pure heart and humble spirit is the order which shall gladly and joyfully partake of the banquet. Be ye therefore one who serves at this great and joyful festive occasion
Holy Communion November 12, 1989
My son, Earth and Heaven are as one in the Eternal and you have expressed this reality of a Truth. This is but a glimpse, a foretaste of that which is to come and shall grow in the fructifying soil that the Good Husbandman has prepared. And the fruitfulness of this harvest shall be great indeed and shall be sweet indeed.
Holy Communion November 19, 1989
I counsel you, direct your attention to the love of God and His power to uplift. Send out blessings to all in the Name of His Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, who is authorised and empowered by the Father Creator to lead mankind forward along the path to Eternal oneness with the Father. All are welcome to enter into this estate…
Holy Communion November 26, 1989
… consider my love; dwell upon, contemplate and ponder it. Rejoice in it and let it envelop you until you are one with it and can give by being an open channel of its purity. So shall all be accomplished, all made whole.
Holy Communion December 10, 1989
Your moments of power generation on the Christ wavelength are most serviceable to his programme, so don’t feel this is a one-way street. Your contribution is invaluable. Every positive thought helps to construct positive conditions.
Holy Communion December 31, 1989
My son, because this act of Communion is a living, cosmic thing, partaking in it with full commitment of heart and soul attunes you with the eternal reality of the Spirit, the Mind of God. In that estate you become aware of, one with, It, and your consciousness is raised up.
“…the Light and Spirit of God the Father Creator Lives within all His creation. The debris of Earth mind consciousness clouds this reality from the awareness of the children of Earth, who lack the Light of Spiritual Discernment.”
Holy Communion January 14, 1990
“It is His good will to give the Kingdom to all, and only they that Love Him can receive it because it must be by willingness to receive it that each soul can become one with it.”
Holy Communion January 21, 1990
Holy Communion January 28, 1990
“…it is not man who will accomplish the Kingdom of God but God who will give it, freely, to man.”
Evening prayers February 1, 1990
“Be patient; be true to that which guides you from your own within. It is the Good Shepherd of the Holy One. He will not fail you.”
Evening prayers February 2, 1990
Holy Communion February 4, 1990
“We can now achieve together, by your co-operation, many works of enlightenment and assistance to those who will receive.”
Holy Communion February 11, 1990
Holy Communion February 18, 1990
…you now glimpse the magnitude of the Master’s programme and also his Love. This Love is the power to transform and uplift all mankind. It shall be from the within of each one individually – that is the only way it can happen.
Holy Communion March 4, 1990
We are now at the time of the great banquet to celebrate the marriage, the unification of Heaven with Earth. This means that all who respond to the call can and will be joined, become as one with the Life of God in His Heaven.
Holy Communion March 18, 1990
Have no anxiety – banish it from your life by the certain knowledge that God Loves you and desires for you the good gifts of His storehouse. He will give them to those who are willing to receive. Be thou willing.
Holy Communion Mothering Sunday, March 25, 1990
…it is the love of the Father Creator that makes all things new and shall make the New Earth, in harmony with the New Heaven.
Holy Communion April 1, 1990
You have glimpsed the transforming power of Love. Even Earth-minded man is blessed with the experience at the personal level. How much greater is it at the Cosmic level? You have experienced this, my son. Be assured, it is the means, it is the end, it is the all.
Holy Communion April 8, 1990. PALM Sunday
It is the harmonising of life energies so that they are all working together in a complementary fashion that is the Peace of Heaven… So shall the Kingdom of God be brought into the Earth life and established there in all His children, my son – by aligning and harmonising the life energies of all who will.
Holy Communion April 22, 1990
I counsel you my son, focus your thoughts on the Peace of God, for this is the perfect, harmonious, creative Life energy by which all things are made new, made perfect, made manifest.
Holy Communion May 6, 1990
Let your heart and your mind be ever open to the wavelength of God's Kingdom of Love and rightful living, for this is your true abode. From it shall come strength, wisdom, inspiration, upliftment, peace and the fulfilment in your life of the desire of your heart.
It is there for you and for all who will receive it.
Holy Communion May 13, 1990
Peace is oneness with the Love of God. It is reached by letting go, by opening your heart to our Father, by accepting that it is He who will accomplish for you, rather than you for Him, your going forward to the stature of perfection. It is His Great Plan for all mankind.
Holy Communion May 20, 1990
I have this Communion and your faithful following in humility and one-pointed dedication to thank for all this; for it has shown me the path to true happiness and fulfilment.
Holy Communion June 3, 1990
…the profound joy and ecstasy which overwhelms with a pleasure beyond all Earth's imaginings is the true estate of the sons and daughters of God and the destiny of all who will enter in. For this is the Kingdom of God's Love.
Holy Communion in June 10, 1990
By countless centuries of man's ignorance and the infancy of his soul awareness of God's Love for him, many are trapped and languish under the karmic treadmill of Earth-mind sorrows. It is the Love of God which shall set such little ones free.
Holy Communion June 24, 1990
…attunement with and awareness of the Realms of Light becomes more as you go forward and your one-pointed commitment and dedication draw you into at-one-ment with the Kingdom conditions. And so it is and shall increasingly be, for you and for all who will.
Holy Communion July 8, 1990
By focusing your hearts and souls and attuning with God’s Love so do you become one with it and even as you emanate Love and power for the upliftment and healing and renewing of those in need, so are you also exalted by the attunement.
Holy Communion July 15, 1990
Focus your lives and awareness on my peace and let it envelop you from your own within. Have no concern for the fluctuations of energies and conditions at the horizontal level of activity in the affairs of Earth-mind man.
Holy Communion July 22, 1990
…the soul of man is focused in the Outer Court of the Temple of life consciousness, where activity is somewhat random because he does not hear the Voice of the Father Creator, nor is he aware of His guiding hand and His love.
Holy Communion August 5, 1990
…you are, in this Communion ritual, as well as by the pureness of your desire in your daily lives, in, one with and part of the Kingdom of God upon the Earth.
Holy Communion August 12, 1990
... the path is not marked out in the land, worn by countless feet that have gone before, that others may blindly follow; rather, this path is marked out in unfailing Principles of Life of the Father, and these unfold before the vision of the seeker as he steps in faith, one step at a time, along the journey of Life.
Holy Communion August 19, 1990
This Sanctuary and Communion of bread and wine is the vehicle by which the Kingdom of Eternal Joy and Life takes root in the Earth, my son. The Life of the Sanctuary is in your hearts, for this is the seat of Life, which is Love.
Holy Communion August 26, 1990
My son, the open door of this ‘church’ is of the within of each individual soul; it is their door which must needs be opened for the Spirit of Truth to enter in and cleanse the house, make all things new and establish the seat of eternal awareness therein.
Holy Communion September 2, 1990
…continue to send prayers for the imprisoned and oppressed, from the heart, but keep firmly in "Base Camp" as you do so. By that I mean, do not let your psyche wander out into the quicksands and darkness in the affairs of man at this time of winding-up the old order.
Holy Communion September 9, 1990
All is well, and I counsel you, be ready to respond, but do nothing precipitate of yourself. Only by leaving all to me shall you and the other little ones be guided safely through these treacherous and dangerous times. The enemy is all about in the lives of the little ones of Earth and you cannot see whence he cometh.
Holy Communion September 16, 1990
I counsel you, live in daily awareness that you are (all) children of the Kingdom, of the Light and of the Love of the Heavenly Father. Thus shall His Holy Angels keep you from the temptations of the prince of darkness.
Holy Communion September 23, 1990
By the alignment of your life-forces with the great God-purpose in man, it can manifest through you. This ritual provides the opportunity, the mechanism, for that alignment to take place.
Holy Communion September 30, 1990
…all who are of the Light, who know the ecstasy of the life and the light of Heaven, desire for their brothers and sisters of the Earth-life, and the lesser realms of the envelope of Earth etheric, to go forward and share all that the Father has prepared.
Holy Communion October 7, 1990
Let peace, Love and blessings be in your heart and compassion shall overflow into the lives of those around you. You are of the Kingdom of Heaven life, my son; be not drawn down into the Earth-life consciousness where accusation and scorn and contempt abound.
Holy Communion October 21, 1990
…as you go forward into this new phase of my programme so shall your senses and your awareness be raised to new heights. …It is natural that all who are of it will be attracted to it and be drawn into its sphere of influence as it gathers momentum.
Holy Communion October 28, 1990
...the banquet table of the Father, freely available to all who will, is a far richer feast than the burdens with which the children of Earth encumber their lives, dragging them to lower and lower depths.
Holy Communion November 4, 1990
...the spirit of the Holy One moves upon the consciousness of His children of the Earth and shall lift them up. Do thou be ready at the doors to bid them welcome unto the great banquet. There shall be great rejoicing, from the least unto the greatest.
Holy Communion November 11, 1990
...the fluctuations in attunement on any given occasion are one thing; the constancy of the desire and commitment of your heart is another. Ask yourself, is the desire for the Goodwill of the Father to be manifest in the lives of His children of Earth as strong and as constant as it ever was?
Holy Communion November 18, 1990
It is with the harmonising of man with his creator, his life, his destiny and his fulfilment that I am charged, my son, and it is to service of this programme that you are called.
Holy Communion November 25, 1990
...we go forward into the New Heaven and the New Earth, where all is fulfilled. Have no concern that there is still much deprivation and antagonism; it is not of the New Order, the Kingdom order and will fade away as the vibration of the new dispensation... takes a greater part in the affairs of Earth as it is transformed into its New Estate.
Holy Communion December 9, 1990
Have no fear, the Kingdom is already the eternal reality and it is inevitable that the children of Earth shall become, again, children of God, their loving Father.
Holy Communion December 30, 1990
“…the need for the sustenance which is the True Life, is greater than ever before and the time is right now, for many are questioning, seeking, ready for something new and meaningful, satisfying to their souls.”
Holy Communion January 6, 1991
“…as your mind continues its awakening, so does it…become aware of new realisations… and these are…used to adjust your perspective of life… so that that which is given for you to do can be done with the authority of experience.”
Holy Communion January 13, 1991
“The peace and Love and joy in the hearts and lives of all in the Heaven awareness shall fill the hearts and lives of all those who will receive it in the Earth-life consciousness … for their uplifting and transforming.”
“…countless thousands of souls have already been drawn by this beacon of Christ Light. Even more such souls, wandering and lost in life's wilderness, ready to be awakened and go forward, await the contact which shall bring them to this Hill of the Lord.”
Holy Communion January 27, 1991
“Come, my little ones and my beloveds, take this banquet of my Life. I give it as a token of my Love.”
Holy Communion February 3, 1991
“…this is, for you, the beginning of many and great experiences in the joyful service of the Father's purpose for His little ones of Earth.”
Holy Communion February 10, 1991
“Now… comes the rescue work of souls… in the Earth life still, who wander in the wilderness of time and place.”
Holy Communion February 17, 1991
The balance of life energies is in need of constant re-adjustment for all, and especially those who go forward along the Way of Eternal Progress. This is partially a natural process and partially one in need of assistance from helpers authorised and empowered for these things.
Holy Communion February 24, 1991
…the doors are open, dear ones of the Earth life Kingdom-of-Heaven awareness, and you can therefore go back and forth in your consciousness between the affairs of the Earth life involvement and the Kingdom of Heaven reality.
Holy Communion, Mothering Sunday, March 10, 1991
It is by the harmonising of that creative life activity with the Love of the Father Creator that the water of (psychic) life is turned, transmuted, into the wine of Eternal Life as fully graduated, Christ-fulfilled children of the Father.
Holy Communion March 17, 1991
…the Kingdom of God in reality is, every day, becoming more strongly established in the affairs of more and more souls, and the purpose of God in mankind is being brought inexorably to fulfilment.
Holy Communion Palm Sunday, March 24, 1991
It is not complete in the outer, Earth realms of the affairs of God's children, but it is complete in the etheric realms, and the celebration that you perform is a link between the two which helps the programme to be made manifest in the outer.
Holy Communion April 7, 1991
So does the great plan for mankind go forward and establishes itself one step at a time in the group consciousness of mankind, emerging here and there in individuals who are ready to perceive something greater.
Holy Communion April 14, 1991
In the true estate to which the children of Earth, the children of God, shall ultimately rise — the refined, purified, uplifted state of oneness with the Source of All — there is no breaking-down of waste by-products, only an ever-becoming, making new, uplifting activity; a transforming of lower into higher.
Holy Communion April 28, 1991
…the natural, simple, spontaneous joy of Life and Love is the stuff of which the Father's Kingdom is truly made. So is it with the Great Banquet Hall, which is the Gateway to the Kingdom and Eternal Joy.
Holy Communion May 5, 1991
…these (little children) are truly of the Kingdom of God and will attract the attention of other souls "afar off" who otherwise would dally and prevaricate, uncertain about where to go or whether to join the Banquet Feast. If you believe this is a manipulative ploy you are right!
Holy Communion May 12, 1991
My son, the going forward is a continuous and continuing process, of which you are sometimes aware, but usually you are not. It is at moments such as this that you are aware, and then all levels of your being are brought into synchrony, so that further awarenesses may enter in.
Holy Communion May 19, 1991
This Sanctuary is a vessel; into it have you and your beloved fellow communicants poured freely of your desire; and so great is your desire that it radiates light all around to illuminate the path forward from dark and treacherous places.
Holy Communion May 26, 1991
Forward progress is not of self-will but of letting go. Have no concern when all is not perfect in the Earth conditions; this is because details are not yet brought into line with the Lord's programme. By leaving them to Him, He will bring them into line, when the "timing” is right.
Holy Communion June 2, 1991
…blessing is reality; it is actual, beneficial, tangible. It is valuable to all, whatever their state of mind and soul. It goes to them and abides with them, adding to their life, their growth, their aura, their stature.
Holy Communion June 23, 1991
…the children of Earth-life consciousness reel to and fro in anguish, crying for relief. Yet it is not the will of the Father for his little ones to be so distressed. As you now perceive, His Creation is ordered, balanced, harmonised.
Holy Communion June 30, 1991
…let your heart and mind be aware of those in the Realms of Light who care also for you. You (all) who travel the Earth-life path are not alone. We are ever close to you. All is known from the beginning and serves its purpose in the going forward. Peace be in your hearts.
Holy Communion July 7, 1991
It is Love by which all things have their being and without which none can continue. This is the wine by which man is refreshed and uplifted in spirit to the joy and ecstasy of the Father's estate, thus restored from "death" to life eternal. Thus shall it be for all His children by this programme.
Friday, July 12, 1991
As I pondered the wondrousness of the Master’s power to calm the Galilean tempest, he spoke in a loud voice from above: You ALL have it; it is at-one-ment -- it is harmony.
Holy Communion July 14, 1991
Give your life, a selfless, dedicated, loving service of joy; bless all in need; let love for your fellows and all life flow from your soul. In these things and these ways shall at-one-ment and harmony with the Creator Spirit enable His love, His power to manifest in you.
Holy Communion July 21, 1991
…the multitude of souls totally committed to the Great Rescue Programme of Jesus of Nazareth, Spiritual Lord of all mankind, grows by the hour, and now is a glorious, united army of souls greater than any man can number.
Holy Communion August 4, 1991
The pace of your progress by this ritual attunement may seem slow because of your eagerness to go forward, but in reality it is now approximating "breakneck" speed! Nevertheless, it is needful, nay essential, that the pace be such that balance is maintained.
Holy Communion August 11, 1991
... there is one central path to the Father's throne only and that is by me… It is a path which does not attract the attention of those whose lives are distracted easily by clamour and the sideshow attractions of life. It is a narrow path, which requires dedication and commitment.
Holy Communion August 18, 1991
…too much power all at once can blow fuses, but by transforming the power through this Communion, a great surge of light can be diffused through into the Earth realm of awareness.
Holy Communion August 25, 1991
Be aware of the new energy — take no notice of the old; it shall be astonishing but let not your equilibrium be disturbed by it. Focus, we counsel you, upon this for your own benefit and upliftment.
Holy Communion September 1, 1991
Peace is the foundation stone of the (Kingdom) operation and brings stillness, order, tranquillity into the chaos, transforming it from within. It is the antithesis of cancer for it unravels and harmonises.
Holy Communion September 8, 1991
I long for you to know me, to open your heart to my gentleness and to receive my blessing, that your lives may be uplifted and that joy may enter in and wash away your caring and your burden and that you may have life, new and abundant.
I counsel you, in your heart draw close to me that I may put upon you the cloak of my love and the crown of your glory, that the light within you may burst forth into the dark corners of your life and of your fellows and show to you there is truly nothing to fear.
Holy Communion September 22, 1991
…gather we at this gateway between the two realms to bring gifts of light and life and love for the uplifting of the children of darkness and sorrow who stumble and falter, knowing not the path is before them and that all is well.
Jesus of Nazareth, Lord of all mankind, has come, that such lost ones may be found and restored to the fold, and know joy and love and peace; and eat and drink of the banquet prepared of old for the sustenance and renewal and upliftment of all.
Holy Communion September 29th 1991
Now that the "Army" of united, one-pointed souls is so great, the programme can move forward apace because the Power is unstoppable; and it is the right power — power for good, power for the Kingdom of God's righteousness. Behold, I come quickly; I say to all who have ears to hear: Be thou ready.
Holy Communion October 6, 1991
This Great Rescue Programme is a campaign such as has never been seen before. The enemy is in full rout and confusion. Nevertheless, be not complacent, for there are many pitfalls dug to deceive the unwary and the unprepared and over-confident.
Holy Communion October 13, 1991
My beloved, truly is this the time of fulfilment of all that our Father has desired for His little ones, from the beginning of time. It is joy beyond the comprehension of the lost souls of the wilderness of Earth.
Holy Communion October 20, 1991
...the desire and commitment of untold numbers in the Realms of Light, united with you in the Earth life by your attunement with them, generate focussed power for the Kingdom that is closer to the Earth vibration than would otherwise be possible without your faithful commitment.
Holy Communion October 27, 1991
Your desires and prayers and aspirations shall accomplish their purpose, not according to the volume or urgency with which they are expressed, but by the sincerity and purity of their origin and intent.
Holy Communion November 10, 1991 campaign goes forward by love and does not resist opposition. It envelops and permeates and makes new from within. How can despising one's ‘enemy’ be of the Father when he shall become your brother, all children of one God?
Holy Communion November 17, 1991
My son, open your heart and soul always to the loving Father; His life is ever present and can flow in when you open yourself to receive... Relax and enjoy life — you are not in control, and you go forward in spite of Earth mind perceptions indicating to the contrary.
Holy Communion December 15, 1991
… this is the ‘Time’ of transformation from the lower to the higher; the time of making new; of raising up the old to that which is new; making that which is ‘dead’ alive; that which is in sorrow to that which rejoices; that which is reluctant to that which is exultant.
Holy Communion January 5, 1992
It is desire for the Kingdom of the righteousness of God that shall, and indeed is, bringing this about even as we commune together this day.
Holy Communion January 12, 1992
Holy Communion January 19, 1992
Our combined efforts – you, me and all in Earth and etheric life who join together for this – accomplish works for salvation of which Earth-mind man has no cognisance. It is a great work for the Glory of God and we are all blessed by being part of it.
Holy Communion January 26, 1992
Of course you are eager to consciously participate in the… growing activity of the New Earth being created by the overshadowing of the New Heaven. All this goes on moment by moment even as you write. It goes on even as you sleep and eat and work and rest. You are inextricably part of it and your desire contributes to the life energy of it.
Holy Communion February 2, 1992
Holy Communion February 9, 1992
…the glory of the Father you see in me is also in you and all who do His will.
Holy Communion February 16, 1992
The Kingdom of Heaven is reality in the etheric realms of life and is close to the Earth life -- in the midst. It is, as you now well know, within and around and available to all in Earth and etheric life “who will.”
February 27, 1992; small hours.
It's Earth mind baggage not Earth life baggage that holds people back and prevents them from entering in. You are all welcome in the banquet chamber with your baggage and you will be relieved of it here as you become willing to relinquish it, one piece at a time.
Holy Communion March 1, 1992
…allow these matters to be accomplished for you by process of giving to you and of overshadowing of you until your own life energies and consciousness are uplifted and transformed by such overshadowing.
March 8, 1992; early hours.
…the Great Programme … is being carried forward perfectly -- of that be well assured. It works this well because it is according to the Living Word and therefore could not fail to achieve all that it sets out to do, for the Word is Perfect Law.
Holy Communion, March 15, 1992
The vibration of the Earth, refined to Christ-dedicated one-pointedness, creates substance and energy and light visible to such in the etheric mists of the Earth envelope. We are able to manipulate these substances and transmit the light and energy to where they are needed for search and rescue work of the "lost sheep."
Holy Communion March 22, 1992
Now is the time when all the goodwill and love and compassion that is the Father can be poured out upon the lost ones of many paths of Earth mind operations, for now are all the forces of the Most High gathered together as one.
...let not the spirit of retribution and vengeance gain entry into your heart or mind. For such is of the old order and has no part in the New Heaven and the New Earth…
Holy Communion March 29, 1992. Mothering Sunday
I bid you remember that it is I who am bringing you the Kingdom, not you who will achieve it for yourselves. For it is those who have attained, who are Masters of the Life forces, who shall bring newness of life and consciousness to those who are not yet at that place.
Holy Communion April 12, 1992. Palm Sunday
This is the time of fulfilment and celebration unprecedented in the history of Earth-life man. Rejoice and enter in; shout out the Joy in your heart for all who will to be made aware of this momentous event. So shall the Kingdom be carried forward into the lives of all my little ones, wheresoever they may be and in whatsoever manner of activity they may be engaged.
Holy Communion April 26, 1992.
Rejoice and be glad; do not rebuke yourself for those things that you have not previously understood. Do you think for one moment that the Kingdom is founded on self-rebuke and recrimination? I tell you it is founded on love and forgiveness, tolerance and acceptance
Holy Communion May 3, 1992.
…each soul on the path of incarnation is guided and helped from and by the level of consciousness of helpers and loved ones in the Inner Plane from whence each soul has incarnated. It is all according to the Law and was so also with our Lord Jesus.
Holy Communion May 10, 1992.
…as those who sojourn to take refreshment with you go forward upon their journey rejoicing, so send them with your blessing, for this shall continue to provide for them vitality for their progress upon the Way.
Holy Communion May 17, 1992.
…we would have you focus on the importance of harmonising your life energies with the life energies of Creation and the Father Creator.
Holy Communion May 24, 1992.
Have no concern for the imperfections of life. They are as nothing in the sight of He Who makes all things new. All moves forward by desire. You know your desire is as ever and the pattern is unchanged by conditions of time and place, for it is such which is being transformed from above.
Holy Communion May 31, 1992.
Send blessings of love out into the ether daily, hourly, for all in need, sorrow, sickness and any adversity, that by this Sanctuary of Christ Light they may be delivered safely to the fold. Thus may all Heaven rejoice, for not one lost soul who can be rescued must be left behind.
Holy Communion June 7, 1992.
…the love of the Lord shall bring Light and sight to the blind and open new doors and a new path for them, to lead them into the banquet hall, where first they may feast on Love and Truth
Holy Communion June 14, 1992.
We go forward into the outworking of that which Jesus has known about from the beginning of His mission to leaven three measures of meal. The banquet feast is a celebration of fulfilment; would you cut short such celebration of thousands of years' work? I say unto you, don't be a party pooper!
Holy Communion June 21, 1992.
Have I not said, "be thou faithful"? So shall thy faith make thee whole -- one with the Father even as my Father and I are One.
Holy Communion June 28, 1992.
…let rejoicing fill your innermost heart and soul. For though the conditions of Earth are not yet one with the Kingdom, all moves forward and the manifestation from the Inner Plane into the outer plane of Earth-life awareness goes forward apace.
Holy Communion July 5, 1992.
All who come to the Table shall be given and none shall be refused. Let this be your message, from your heart, that darkness which enshrouds souls in despair may be lifted away to reveal to each one the light of his or her own within, where shines the Life and Light of the Father Creator.
Holy Communion July 12, 1992.
It is the time of great fulfilment, great rejoicing, great wonder working. And this is possible only by willingness to work one's desire in harmony with the perfect timing of the Father's Way. Herein is discipline. Herein is faith. Herein is Love. Herein is all sufficiency for all, my son.
Holy Communion on August 9, 1992
Be outward looking in your life; pray for the Kingdom for all mankind and bless souls in greater need than yourself, for their healing, holiness, enlightenment, upliftment and going forward.
Holy Communion August 16, 1992
…in this ritual of attunement is Cosmic reality in “seed” form, so that those who have not the eyes or ears to see or hear, have awareness only of its outer “husk.” But those from whom cataracts and stoppers have been removed perceive the livingness emerging from the within of the seed and growing
Holy Communion August 23, 1992
…give freely to all who are drawn – there is no difference in the soul of man; all are one, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord and children of one Father Creator. All are here in the Earth conditions that they may come into oneness together in the full and joyful brotherhood and go forward to the House of the Eternal Father.
Holy Communion August 30, 1992
I emphasise that it is Love which is your power, all power, by which these events for the redeeming of the children of Earth shall be, that you make no mistake concerning the motivation or the authority.
Holy Communion September 6, 1992
My son, it is the Light of God’s Love, given to me for the redemption of His little ones, that reveals the path before you. It is a new path for Earth-mind man, never before trodden, for it is the New Way, by which the children of Earth return to their Heavenly Father.
Holy Communion September 27, 1992
My son, we go forward by the outpouring of Love and compassion and healing upon all the Father’s little ones — all who will receive. Freely have you received of this blessing; freely give to all who will receive it.
Holy Communion October 11, 1992
…may this little one go forward and grow and blossom in the Light of our Heavenly Father, enriched by the stimulus of this rarefied atmosphere, that her hungering and thirsting after Truth may be satisfied by the rich banquet table of the Messenger of the Holy One.
Holy Communion October 18, 1992
Turn within and hold fast my son, to that which you have received, that which you know, that which is new, that which is alive, that which grows; the new order of enlightened being and living, for it is restoring, life-giving, uplifting and renewing to the souls of all who will receive of it.
Holy Communion October 25, 1992
Measure not the success of your progress in worldly goods or terms my son, but rather in the treasure you are storing up in eternal value. For it is here that you are called to serve. Your needs for the Earth-life path shall be provided as you have requirement.
Holy Communion November 1, 1992 you go forward from this place so shall your singleness of vision increase and draw the Earthly sight into oneness with it so that the two gradually become one vision. As this happens so shall your understanding and awareness of the realities of the Father’s creation increase...
Holy Communion November 8, 1992
My son, this is a day for change — water into wine, war into peace, death into life. Let this desire in your heart go out at any time with blessing in my name and my purpose for the transforming and uplifting of any and all who will receive.
Holy Communion November 15, 1992
It is inevitable that all who participate sincerely in this meditation and the mind awakening that it spawns shall be uplifted by the transforming power which grows from within their desire and sincerity.
Holy Communion November 22, 1992
Even as I have been restored to oneness with the Father, so all my little brothers and sisters who earnestly desire and follow me shall be one with me, and by this shall also become one with our Father.
Holy Communion December 20, 1992
My beloveds, this is a time for bringing close to the hearts and lives of all my little ones of Earth the great love of Heaven, and of He who is the source of all that Love. You glimpse that this Love and giving are unconditional and there is no spirit of judgement or condemnation in it.
Holy Communion January 3, 1993
Natural laws that govern the operations of life at the Earth-plane level shall come into effect at a higher level of manifestation and control and those who are in harmony with it shall operate and function accordingly.
Holy Communion January 10, 1993
It is only possible to go forward on the Path of Eternal Progress by being in harmony, or desiring to be one, with the Source.
Holy Communion January 17, 1993
…the transforming and renewing power of the Creator Spirit can only manifest in and through souls whose commitment, dedication and one-pointed desire for the Kingdom and all it represents has gradually created a channel through which such can manifest.
Holy Communion January 24, 1993
Be not afraid; shrink not from this joyous place, for your guidance and protection are in your at-one-ment with the Father and with me.
Holy Communion January 31, 1993
Let your heart be heard in these matters my son, for it is there to be your guide and balance; then shall the Living Word be given to reassure you of the rightness of your heart.
Holy Communion February 14, 1993
All is well; the Joy of Heaven infiltrate and overshadow your Earth-life conditions, that you may have life abundantly and give of it to those who hunger and thirst.
Holy Communion February 21, 1993
Today we all rejoice in Heaven and Earth, for all is prepared that has been aforetime determined and great works for the Kingdom and for the glory of the Father and of His little ones, may now begin in earnest.
Holy Communion February 28, 1993
…as the Word of Life goes out into the lives and conditions of the little ones, so shall they go forward, lifted up by the prayers, the blessings, the desire of those ahead on the Path to help those behind, that all may go forward and become One with the Father.
Holy Communion March 7, 1993
…with each phase of your journey henceforward shall new awakening be yours my son, now that a wider perspective of this living reality is open to you. Now do you see that it is all power, life, pulsing, dynamic, creative, fulfilling, benign and loving.
Holy Communion March 28, 1993
…your awareness of the Oneness, the wholeness of life in the Father Creator grows apace, so that your experience of the reality and the livingness of being conscious, awake, alive, spiritually, opens up before you, giving you new vistas of the limitlessness of eternal life.
Holy Communion April 11, 1993. Easter Sunday
The testing times are the going forward, the leaving behind of unwanted burdens of only passing interest, no longer pertinent to the path ahead. Be assured my son, that having left behind such items makes the journey ahead lighter, easier, more joyful.
Holy Communion April 25, 1993.
…keep on as ever, for your awareness of the Light and the Word continue to grow apace and this must be your strength and your shield from the wickedness of the world. Fear not, for I am with you, your guide in hostile territory.
Holy Communion May 8, 1993.
…the prodigal sons and daughters begin to awake and say unto themselves, ‘I will return to my Father's household;’ and for this returning do we all now rejoice with exceedingly great joy and celebrate, with hearts full and overflowing, with a great banquet feast fit indeed for the marriage of the King's son.
Holy Communion June 6, 1993.
We wish you to know that you all are always in our loving thoughts, our hearts and our care. We are never more than a single moment from you all. Your concerns are our concerns; your fears are ours to assuage -- give them to us; your joy and accomplishment are our joy and fulfilment.
Holy Communion June 13, 1993.
That same water of life, when quickened by the fire of Holy Spirit, with love, blessing, goodwill, caring, giving, compassion, becomes transmuted into the Living Wine of Heaven; uplifting, transforming, intoxicating with joy, renewal of life, hope, love and fulfilment.
Holy Communion June 20, 1993. (Father's Day)
You do not think the Kingdom of Heaven and those who have been responsible for the strategy of its implementation in the lives of the children of Earth leave matters to random chance?
Holy Communion Tuesday evening June 22, 1993.
That it does not yet appear unto the children of Earth-life consciousness is because their eyes are not single, they have not the desire for oneness with the Father. To all who have shall it be given.
Holy Communion July 11, 1993.
By right thinking and speaking, by right desiring, shall wonders come from within. Nothing shall be impossible. For all is the reality of the Father, universal, infinitely dimensional. This is love.
Holy Communion June 27, 1993.
…wrestle not with the prince of time and place, but heed my counsel to be at peace, so that you may become one with the Father's life, opening up your channels of receptivity to the eternal reality
Holy Communion July 4, 1993
…to you of the Earth-life consciousness it looks as if the enemy is in full flood and in control – or that rightness is out of control. But I say unto you that the enemy must be allowed to expend all its energy in doing its worst before the Soldiers of the Light can go in and clean up.
Holy Communion July 11, 1993
By right thinking and speaking, by right desiring, shall wonders come from within. Nothing shall be impossible. For all is the reality of the Father, universal, infinitely dimensional. This is love.
Holy Communion July 18, 1993
You have served in faith and total commitment and I am well pleased. Now is the time for your eyes to be opened and you shall see the glory and joy of Our Father's House.
Holy Communion August 1, 1993
We are one by the Word of Truth and Life and the words that Jesus spoke are My words of life and truth. By these shall you and all My little ones be made free from the bondage to time and place. Go now and live in joyful certainty of the Kingdom.
Holy Communion, August 8, 1993
Concern yourself only with the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth …so that it may fill you …and spread beyond, purifying the contaminated waters of Earth and changing them into many Fountains springing up, clear as crystal, a symbol of the Life Eternal which flows in them.
Holy Communion August 15, 1993
There is yet much rescue work and many lost sheep waiting alone and lost, separated from the good Shepherd. So shall we work together that all may be brought into the fold… All who will, let them join with me in gathering in the harvest, for now is the time
Holy Communion August 22, 1993
That which is within shall become that which is without for all who follow me and walk the path of life, which unfolds at your feet with each step. I am your guide, and the living Word shall lead you onwards and upwards, unswervingly. All is well.
Holy Communion August 29, 1993
Unless you can receive of me that which it is the Father's joy to give to you, your freedom of citizenship in the City of Peace cannot become complete. Let not anxiety to reach the journey's end diminish the joy of the journey, nor distract or cloud your vision and cause you to stumble from the path.
Holy Communion September 5, 1993
…in your spiritual growth you are a little one. All that is asked of a little one is co-operation so that those responsible for his development can lead him forward.
Holy Communion September 12, 1993
…this which you do in my name is reality in the eternal awareness, and your performing it in Earth-life ritual is an attuning with the living reality. This brings the reality into focus at your Earth-conscious level of awareness and builds the structure in the outer.
Holy Communion October 3, 1993
Rather than the life of this practice drying up, it shall overflow its existing channels and stretch out into the wilderness where my little ones hunger and thirst for the living water and living bread.
Holy Communion October 10, 1993
Can you stop such practice and allow this awakening of souls to cease? You know this cannot be, for your heart's desire is founded in this.
Holy Communion October 17, 1993
It is possible for that which you experience, and of which you have awareness, to be transmitted from, or reflected by, your aura — which is more greatly refined and enlightened by understanding and commitment — into the realms of lesser understanding.
Holy Communion October 24, 1993
Our heavenly Father is ever ready to respond to the spark of awakening desire in us to go forward, and the pattern of unfoldment in time and place is ever moving in such a fashion as to present opportunities for us, His little ones, to go forward.
Holy Communion October 31, 1993
My son, it is the Father's good pleasure to give the Kingdom to His little ones... It does, however, depend on the willingness of those little ones to receive these good gifts.
Holy Communion November 7, 1993
you ... shall become empowered in your Earth vehicle by the reality of the Living Word and the spring of life which wells up in all who love me above all else.
Holy Communion November 28, 1993
My son, as you see, I have set before the children of Earth a banquet, and to this all are invited who will gladly partake of it. There is food and drink for the souls of all who ache for relief from the folly of committing their lot to the Prince of time and place.
Eternity is where you belong, my son; keep your sight focused on that and let not fear nor baubles distract you from the Way. Now is the time of fulfilment of those whose eye is single.
Holy Communion December 5, 1993
Not by striving and toiling to extract more shall the harvest increase but by opening to the munificence of the Father and by giving freely of this bounty shall it increase and be sufficient for all the little ones.
Holy Communion December 12, 1993
My son, your desire is well known to me. Give it to me, offer it up and commit it to me. purpose is also as your heart's desire — for the children of Earth to know Eternal Truth and to let me gather them unto the Father by my love for them.
Holy Communion January 2, 1994
I see also that your mind and mine do harmonise well, for you also see the importance of language and structure for building new understanding.
Holy Communion January 9, 1994
Have no doubt my son, that the reality that you experience is the Kingdom of Heaven… it is the Father's good pleasure (and mine also) that you should receive the Kingdom.
Holy Communion January 23, 1994
…you have perhaps thought of me more as a pragmatist. But I see also that this is the modus operandi of our Lord Jesus and my respect, admiration, commitment to and love for him are equal to any.
Holy Communion January 30, 1994
Holy Communion February 6, 1994
It is not easy to find words adequate for moments such as these, for the experience is at a level for which words of Earth-life consciousness have not been developed.
Holy Communion February 27, 1994
It is necessary that such little ones be nurtured with unconditional love and care and compassion and that they be taught the living Truth, by which knowledge shall they be led forward; and wisdom shall give them stature; and love shall make them whole.
Holy Communion March 20, 1994
…unconditional love is the stuff of which the Kingdom is made. It is the most abundant element in creation (manifest and unmanifest) so there is no shortage of it. Take freely of it and fill your heart, soul, life that it occupy all parts of you, leaving space for no other contrary vibrations.
Holy Communion Easter Sunday, April 3, 1994
…fear not that the Creator Spirit is always in the midst and those who love Him and aspire toward Him will receive of His guiding and illuminating.
Holy Communion April 17, 1994
Wisdom is acceptance; acceptance of where you are on the path of eternal progress and willingness to be led forward at the pace which I, your Lord, know to be right for you. Folly is to rush headlong into unknown territory without the lamp of spiritual illumination to guide your steps.
Holy Communion April 24, 1994
Let your hearts be set upon your highest desires and the Lord shall accomplish them. Thus shall the Crown of your Glory become complete.
Holy Communion May 1, 1994
I see that what you are doing is more valuable than the ways of the world. You are helping me and I want to continue with this.
Holy Communion May 8, 1994
My son, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by me. This is cosmic law, that the Spiritual Lord of the Planet is in charge of the spiritual progress of the children of his world.
Holy Communion May 22, 1994
Now is the time of entering in and the Angels of my Father's harvest shall be the winged messengers of His Word that shall gather all who are ready unto Him.
Holy Communion May 29, 1994
…the children of Earth-life consciousness must be raised up to the place where the Kingdom consciousness prevails. It is a gradual process of metamorphosis of soul, body and spirit and must be one step at a time…
Holy Communion June 5, 1994
Your desire to shine the light of eternal reality in the lives of the lost sheep, wandering alone and afraid in the wilderness among ravening wolves, is in itself an anchor for you against the ebb and flow of the raging currents and maelstrom of time and place consciousness.
Holy Communion June 12, 1994
It is only by such commitment that the children of Earth -- and all life -- go forward. For your commitment to me is your commitment to our Heavenly Father.
Holy Communion June 26, 1994
My son, it is by your desire, reaching out to the light of our Father Creator, that I shall draw you higher, so that the constraints of the Earth physical shall be as nothing.
Holy Communion July 3, 1994
…in all relationships there is a purpose: to learn, to grow, to go forward, both on the part of the giver and of the receiver. In truth, both are givers and both are receivers -- of opportunity.
Holy Communion July 24, 1994
…your steadfastness in the Lord has seen me through a hell of doubt and confusion.
Holy Communion July 31, 1994
The Lord knows our desires and if we will allow him, he will lead us to fulfilment of them according to the laws of eternal reality and this will be fulfilling rather than frustrating. This all requires discipline and not allowing heart to outrun head; the two have to synchronise.
Holy Communion August 7, 1994
…let all the words and meaning of this Service well up from within your own desire for the Kingdom. After all, could our Lord have accomplished his mighty works if he was simply ‘parroting’ that which the Father gave him? You know this is not so.
Holy Communion August 14, 1994
It is vital to understand the eternal reality and indeed to be one with it in order to share its joy and bounty with those who hunger and thirst.
Holy Communion August 21, 1994
It is the bounty of our Father's love and wisdom that is what all creation is; only man's waywardness keeps him from it.
Holy Communion August 28, 1994
…draw with you by the light of your desire and commitment those who are ready to be drawn; souls weary of the wilderness and its paucity of sustenance, although my Father is able even there to provide for all, even though the sightless have no discernment of such provender.
Holy Communion September 18, 1994
You say well when you counsel your fellows, ‘Espouse good, eschew evil,’ for the enemy brings darkness in the guise of sunshine and would deceive all whose heart is not committed to righteousness.
Holy Communion October 2, 1994
Think you that I would leave one single soul, a child of my Father, out of the celebration? I assure you that provision has been made that all shall receive an invitation and shall be proffered a garment fitting for the wedding banquet.
Holy Communion October 9, 1994
…you all have helped me to see… that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Forget the baloney of the Earth church doctrine and dogma, which I rejected many years ago for its lack of humility, lack of practising what it preached and on and on.
Holy Communion October 16, 1994
Have no fear but be assured that all is well. Although the enemy is ever close, you are, by your commitment, within the aura of my protection. The enemy has no part in me and you are protected absolutely by your oneness with me.
I am your guide and lead you in every step. Remain until I shine the lamp of eternal illumination at your feet to make sure and clear the Path before you. Thus shall no distress be rendered unto you. Rejoice, the banquet feast awaits.
Holy Communion October 23, 1994
Every need, every concern, every doubt is known to me, in you and in all the sojourners of Earth. Abba Father is able to make all things new and provide for all the needs of His little ones. Let not the perspective of the prince of time and place confuse you.
Holy Communion November 6, 1994
The life of the vine is in the branch; and if it be, so shall the branch bring forth much fruit, and all shall be to the glory of the Good Husbandman.
Holy Communion November 13, 1994
…it is necessary for each child of God to learn that His way is not only better, but that it is the only way. It is to cave-in to frustration and impatience that is to submit to the prince of time and place, ruler of expediency, who would seduce all into believing that solutions of temporal nature suffice. Yet temporal solutions fade away, as will all things within the domain of time and place.
Holy Communion November 20, 1994
…the cloak of the Lord's protection — living in Him and always keeping your heart and life open to His presence — is the whole armour (of God) and no further contortions of mind or body are needful for such protection. The greatest threat of breach to such armour is complacency.
Holy Communion November 27, 1994
…there is no real let or hindrance in the Earth Life to the awareness and understanding of the eternal realities. Indeed, it is the Father's good pleasure to make known the eternal realities to the children of Earth, without money and without price.
Holy Communion December 11, 1994
In your own heart and mind you have been one-pointed and committed, and this is necessary for the manifestation of the reality of the Kingdom to take tangible form, shape, structure within your awareness.
Holy Communion January 1, 1995
…there are many multitudes lost in the wilderness of their own making, or the making of some other who has dragged others from the path and put out their eyes, that they see not the loving arms of their Father, who prepares for them the banquet, to welcome them back to the inheritance which is rightfully theirs.
Holy Communion January 8, 1995
You see me relaxed and at peace; this is because I know that all is according to cosmic law. All that is needful is to harmonise with the life of the Father and cosmic law will attend to the details.
Holy Communion January 22, 1995
…all goes forward apace and you with the flow. Be peaceful, for such a sudden movement of awareness is like an Earthquake; it creates a sense of breathlessness upon first impact.
Holy Communion January 29, 1995
Walk with me. Talk with me. Breathe with me. Live with me. Let the Kingdom envelop and surround and permeate your being.
Holy Communion February 19, 1995
…cosmic law is such that it is inevitable that however deep the pit into which God's children choose to descend, there is only one ultimate path and this is to saving, uplifting, transforming into the radiant light of eternity.
Holy Communion February 26, 1995
Wherever you are, wherever you go, I am there before you. Hold fast to that which I have given you and let this light shine for the children of Earth to see and know of this living reality.
Holy Communion March 5, 1995
…all is according to the Word. The Word is Love, it is power, it is wisdom. Think you that any single matter might be left to chance?
Holy Communion March 12, 1995
…rejoicing at those things which you experience as the good and uplifting things of life is of the Father and His Kingdom. Being downcast and confused by the many things you do not yet comprehend is of the enemy and opens your psychic door to his realm of doubt, confusion and fear.
Holy Communion March 19, 1995
Freely have you received of the meat and drink of my banquet table; freely give.
Holy Communion March 26, 1995
I tell you, my friend, friendship is all the more special because it is easy. Do you not love me because I am at ease, that my expectations of you are nought? This way we have joy and trust in each other.
Holy Communion April 2, 1995
My son, desire is the foundation stone of all reality. By it comes all fulfilment. Pure desire brings fulfilment of all things which are of the life and righteousness of Abba, Father of all life. If your life is one with His, all things shall be accomplished according as you desire.
Holy Communion Easter Day!! April 16, 1995
…I shall bring to you diverse seekers after the mysteries. It is necessary that they be brought to you, that the focus of my holy sanctuary be clear in your sight and that the many ways of the sojourner distract you not from my purpose in you.
Holy Communion April 23, 1995
My son, as the Kingdom purpose goes forward and becomes more manifest in the affairs of the children of Earth, so you will see the unfolding events at the Earth-life level becoming overshadowed by the Power of Heaven.
Holy Communion April 30, 1995
It is only the wiles of the enemy which require complex creeds, rules and statutes; for the rules of Heaven are one only: Love. Let love be uppermost in your heart, your soul, your life and no contrivance of the enemy shall deceive you.
Holy Communion May 7, 1995
…every step, every inch of the Way, is filled with wonder and joy and experience for your upliftment, your strengthening, your edification, your delectation, from He who is the Source of Life, of Love, of fulfilment.
Holy Communion May 14, 1995
By joining your life with mine you are able to receive the essence which becomes converted in you into the New Wine of the Kingdom. This wine is Love, compassion, giving, helping, caring, understanding, forgiving.
Holy Communion May 21, 1995
The power is given, not taken. It will be put upon you when the time of readiness arrives. Then shall your eyes be opened and new understanding be yours.
Holy Communion May 28, 1995
…it is necessary for all revelation, which is an unfoldment from within, to take place one step at a time. All is known to you by your commitment aforetime and this shall be brought back to your recollection as the purpose unfolds.
Holy Communion June 11, 1995
…the power of accomplishment and fulfilment of the purpose of all life is not of mind or understanding but of Life Force -- Holy Spirit. This is outpoured unto all from the Source but in order to receive its bounty and its power of accomplishment one must first learn to attune with it.
Holy Communion June 18, 1995
The goal and destiny of the journey is entering into the Holy of Holies. Here is God. Within. Oneness with Him is All: Love, wholeness, peace, tranquillity, fulfilment, power greater than all the forces of destruction; for this is the power of Creation. It is the gift of God.
Holy Communion June 25, 1995
…a true heart, full of desire for the Kingdom of God, is a beacon of light shining into the dark recesses of Earth-mind consciousness… A sincere heart cannot be hid.
Holy Communion July 2, 1995
As you harmonise with the peace within, so does the going forward progress. It cannot be hurried, only harmonised. It is not of Earth-mind understanding but of Life Force – Pure Spirit. As you are ready, it happens. Your desire determines the readiness. Enter in!
Holy Communion July 9, 1995
You are - all are - His beloved little ones; worthy therefore, of His love. It is His desire for all to enter into and inherit that which He has prepared for you.
Holy Communion July 16, 1995
There is much you cannot yet grasp with your Earth-life understanding, but all shall be revealed because of your desire and commitment... Your grasp of the details shall become clear one step at a time.
Holy Communion July 23, 1995
Let the focus be on the Most Holy Place and the entering in. Therein is wholeness; therein is fulfilment; therein is JOY; therein is power to transform — fragments into wholeness, loss into gain, darkness into light.
Holy Communion July 30, 1995
Though you may feel things are moving slowly, including your own understanding, I assure you, this must be so for peace, harmony and balance to prevail … the foundation and the superstructure have been constructed so well that they will withstand any disturbance.
Holy Communion August 6, 1995
Be thou faithful in all things, that the Father can give you all things, even as He has given me all things. So shall the Law and the Prophets be fulfilled in His children.
Holy Communion August 13, 1995
…it is necessary for all my little ones that they seek the eternal realities of the Father Creator within their own Holy of Holies — Within.
Holy Communion August 20, 1995
My son, have I not counselled you to continue faithfully in that which you do, that greater revelation be yours? Did I not lead you from the place of your childhood to the place of attunement? Have I not been leading, guiding and instructing you in the mysteries? Have I not promised that if you continue faithfully the desire of your heart shall be fulfilled?
Holy Communion September 10, 1995
When distractions cross your path do not resist. Be still within, and draw close to me. I am with you; all is well. Then, when all has ebbed away, return to the Holy of Holies, the Most Holy Place, within. There, my Father and I await you, that We may joyfully give you what is rightfully yours.
Holy Communion September 24, 1995
It is according to your level of desire and one-pointedness that the Spirit of Truth can perform in you your heart's desire.
Holy Communion October 1,
My beloved son, it is necessary for you, and for each of my little ones — all who would enter in at the Open Door — to learn of me, that you may come into the presence of our Heavenly Father and become one with Him.
Holy Communion October 22, 1995
All progresses according to the moment of readiness of eternal reality, not according to some self-determined hour or date — inventions only of time and place, not eternity.
Holy Communion October 29, 1995
Our Father wills that all should partake of His great banquet and inherit His Kingdom. It is my desire that no opportunity should be wasted in pursuance of this command.
Holy Communion November 5, 1995
We know, as you are coming to know, that of yourself you can accomplish nothing, for you are not yet made ready. To be made ready requires much preparation.
Holy Communion November 19, 1995
Your love for me and your desire for truth, righteousness and justice are all known to me, my son. They shall not be wasted. Your faithfulness permits their fulfilment. Continue this way, for herein is nourishment, strength, fructifying soil for the good seed to grow and bear much fruit.
Holy Communion November 26, 1995
In peace and stillness of the mind and spirit, and only there, is the still, small Voice of the Eternal One to be heard. It is a question of attunement, or at-onement; for the Word goes out continually from the Centre, the Throne of Creation.
Holy Communion December 3, 1995
I rejoice that you now recognise that of yourself you can do nothing, but are willing to allow me to do it for you. Can a father tie his child's laces if the child is struggling to do it himself? I tell you of a truth, the father wants to tie the laces, securely and safely, so the boy stumbles not.
Holy Communion December 10, 1995
I have transformed you by My renewing love; be also a transformer of My love for all, that all may know Me. All who are one with Me shall show Me to My little ones, that they might know Me
Holy Communion December 17, 1995 is not possible for the Father's purposes to fail, and the light shall be shone in the dark places until all the shadows of death and fear shall have fled away. Rejoice greatly at this, my beloveds, and sing the New Song, that my little ones may hear and dance the dance of freedom.
Holy Communion Christmas Eve 1995
Have I not said, take care of the small details and the large details will attend to themselves? In truth, these "small" details are large details — or they become so — because you are being faithful in a few things (the small details), thus enabling your receiving authority over many (the large details).
Holy Communion December 31, 1995
The lessons of eternal reality seem many, my son, but they are according to principles, so that they may be simple to comprehend by those who make the commitment to learn of me.
Holy Communion January 7, 1996
Because you have committed all unto me I shall provide all that is necessary for your well-being.
Holy Communion January 14, 1996
Let your heart, your mind, your soul, your life be filled with giving, with blessing, with compassion, with spiritual comfort and outpouring for all in need, including those who are perceived with the Earthly eyes to be unworthy.
Holy Communion January 21, 1996
I will accomplish your desire for you. Leave all in my hands. Your love and your commitment are known to me. Be of good cheer and faint not; I will sustain you when you are doubtful and weary.
Holy Communion January 28, 1996
I am your friend, you are my beloved friend. It is my desire to share your journey, to take from you the burdens that you still carry and to break bread and imbibe the New Wine with you in joyous fellowship.
Holy Communion February 4, 1996
The Lord's plan continues to move forward regardless, or should I say in spite of anything any individual, or group, or even all the organised resistance to it that the enemy can muster.
Holy Communion February 11th 1996
To say one is unworthy is to say He is unworthy. It is the lie of Satan. Eschew the lies and espouse Truth. Herein is the way to fulfilment. Herein is Joy. Herein is Peace. Herein is accomplishment. Herein is the Holy of Holies. Herein is perfection. Herein is God.
Holy Communion February 25, 1996
Nothing shall be held back from you my son, or from any who unreservedly give themselves to Him who is the Commencement, the Route and the Destiny of all. Meanwhile, take one step, one day, one moment at a time.
Holy Communion March 10, 1996
Your faithfulness has established you as a precious stone, radiating the light of eternity for many to be drawn and join the circle of delight. This is the crown of your glory. All shall be revealed by your faithfulness.
Holy Communion March 24, 1996
…as you go forward and your awareness grows I am able to walk nearer and remain in closer proximity to you, even as your growing awareness enables you to walk nearer to me.
Holy Communion March 31, 1996
Open your arms that I may embrace you; Open your heart that I may give you my love; Open your mind that I may reveal my mysteries and secrets to you; Open your life that I may fulfil in you all that you desire in My Name.
Holy Communion EASTER SUNDAY!, April 7, 1996
…you have been my friend for a long time. I have had my eye on you and you have been under my watchful care from the beginning of your sojourn.
Holy Communion April 14, 1996
I am the unspotted garment which must be received by all the guests at the celebration. This also is necessary for the children of men who move toward the light but are not yet illuminated from within.
Holy Communion April 21, 1996
It is the desire and commitment of men's hearts which shines brightly before Me, not the outward performing of this act or that function.
Holy Communion May 5, 1996
My son, the Keys to the Kingdom lie not in answers but in faith, trust, commitment, obedience to My word.
Holy Communion May 12, 1996
My son, you have loved Me without seeing Me, you have followed faithfully when you have not known Me. Blessed is he who, seeing, follows; thrice blessed is he who, not knowing, also follows.
May 15, 1996
My son, fear is for the ungodly; in My garden of delight is joy and peace and fulfilment. Open your arms to receive My bounty and in this act shall fall away that which is not of the eternal.
Holy Communion May 26, 1996
Let your focus be upon Me only, that I may build up My House within you as a fortress of Light. Only within the stillness am I to be found. Enter into My refuge away from the rushing and turmoil. Have no fear, only desire.
Holy Communion June 2, 1996
…being with you at all times is what I have promised; I am with you, in the midst. My life, my peace, my essence, my giving is with you. Let your heart, your mind, your life be still, be at peace, be comfortable in my presence.
Holy Communion June 24, 1996
…if your life is in harmony with Eternal Truth, in all the aspects of your being, then the Spirit of Truth shall find sanctuary in you and flow into and through you unto all with whom your life makes contact.
Holy Communion July 21, 1996
My son, it is, as you know, the spiritual destiny of all God's children to inherit His Kingdom. This can be possible only by their becoming aware of its existence, and their Sonship. The deceiver has kept these realities hidden from their vision and their understanding.
Holy Communion August 4, 1996
My son, focus on me and observe that I am radiating peace, harmony, balance, tranquillity, joy, love. This is possible because I am one with Papa, beloved eternal Father Creator. …let awareness of this image of me be for you the example for attunement.
Holy Communion August 11, 1996
…according to your desire I will draw you, raise you up into My presence, where you will be My son and I will be your Father, fulfilling all that I have purposed in you, even as it shall be, and is, with all My children. You need do nothing, for it is already accomplished according to your desire.
Holy Communion August 18, 1996
My son, each day of your life it is My desire that you may receive My blessing in the form of love and new understanding of the Principles of Life.
Holy Communion August 25, 1996
My son, I rejoice with you; by giving all these desires to me I am able to bring fulfilment in more perfect ways than would otherwise be possible for you.
Holy Communion September 1, 1996
…by your prayers, by your heart's bright desire, many souls are already released from bondage to the enemy (alleluia!), and every day that your light and your desire shine into the darkness, many more shall come to me, freed from the chains of fear.
Holy Communion September 15, 1996
Let your heart and mind concern themselves with giving selflessly of the love and blessings, which Papa has freely bestowed upon you, to the little ones who have no light of discernment, who walk naked or in rags in the wilderness of fear and waywardness.
Holy Communion September 22, 1996
First then, let thanksgiving flow naturally, spontaneously, from your heart and soul to Him who is the Source of all Life's joy and abundance… Let your next focus be on blessing, so that, having given thanks for receiving you may now share the endless bounty of it with all who are able and willing to receive it.
Holy Communion September 29, 1996
Do you not yet know that my desire is your desire; my joy your joy; that it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom; my good pleasure to have at heart your best interests; that you need not concern yourself with understanding but with faith, hope and love?
Holy Communion October 6, 1996
My son, mind and understanding, when not under control of the Life Force — Spirit; the Life of God — become nothing more than an intellectual exercise in which self-control, self-will, self-fulfilment become the objectives. These are the yoke of the prince of time and place.
Holy Communion October 20, 1996
All is well; go in My Name and with My angels, which I have given you for your protection and peace. I give you My love as a close-fitting garment, to encompass you and shield you from the darts of the enemies of Truth.
Holy Communion November 3, 1996
Once you have decided your heart's desire and committed it to Me, even as did my beloved firstborn, all can then be outworked by My wisdom and My perfect laws. You observe well, that with Me there no accidents, for all fulfilment is by pre-ordination.
Holy Communion November 10, 1996
Concern yourself not with the outworking but only with the desire-thought... that many... might come to the place of fellowship of Heaven by which they may go forward.
Holy Communion November 17, 1996
Love is the power which draws all the children together into the oneness of Sonship in Me. Continue to send out your love and blessings — the love and blessings that I have freely given to you — from your heart and soul to all My little ones everywhere, for their peace and restoration.
Holy Communion November 24, 1996
My son, as I have said before, this is my purpose: the rescue of all who will, that they may enter into the great banquet chamber and partake of the Joy of my Father's House. From the least unto the greatest — all are invited.
Holy Communion December 1, 1996
It is not so that the glory shall not be yours, and the crown of attainment not be placed upon your head. This crown and glory is possible only by obedience, trust and faith. This allows fulfilment of all that is purposed in you, and without you no such works could be accomplished.
Holy Communion December 8, 1996 not go seeking souls upon whom to press your sweetmeats, your delicacies and the wine of my love from the banquet table; rather, wait, and I shall bring to you those who are ready. Await my word in all matters and your desire to give shall be fulfilled.
Holy Communion December 15, 1996
You have given your thanks to Me, My son; I have given to you My love, My peace, My blessing. Receive of them freely and take them in unto yourself. Let them course through you. Be still and feel them within you strengthen, uplift and restore your well-being... I Am the giver of Life.
Holy Communion December 22, 1996. Pre-Christmas celebration!
My son, because you have all been faithful and have kept the very Name of My beloved alive and sacred above all in your hearts and have desired the Kingdom of My love and righteousness, you experience the beginning of the re-establishing of the Power and Authority of My eternal Living Word of Truth.
Holy Communion December 29, 1996.
Your one-pointed commitment to my name — and therefore, to me — is your power and your protection because Papa has given me this power for all my brethren in response to my desire and commitment. This power is freely available to all who will receive of it.
Holy Communion January 5, 1997
Your heart's desire is not impacted upon by the imperfections and inadequacies of your Earth-life circumstances. They are as nothing. It is your heart that is serviceable
Holy Communion January 12, 1997
…faithful one-pointedness is the focal point from which all spiritual life grows, unfolds, adds substance and stature to your being.
Holy Communion January 19, 1997
…all events of Heaven and Earth are known to Papa and to me also. We have dispatched our Jewels to all appropriate places of need to fulfil those things that are needful for the Kingdom purpose to go forward.
Holy Communion January 26, 1997
…for your guidance I counsel you that when you pray or sincerely ask my help in any matter I will always reveal to you that which you ask, believing. Therefore follow the inclination of your heart, for therein is my sanctuary.
Holy Communion February 9, 1997
Solid foundations and sure structures are established in the rock of unequivocal commitment, not upon the wavering, quivering pap of desire to satisfy all the demands of Mammon.
Holy Communion February 16, 1997
I had to establish contact through all the ‘mansions’ so that, having prepared a place in my Father's house, I could return to receive my little ones, my lost sheep, from the darkest wilderness and restore them to their rightful home.
Holy Communion February 23, 1997
The Mammon consciousness, which is entrapped in fear, feels more secure in restricting itself to the belief that all that is is all it can understand. The truth is that creation and creativity of the mind of Papa has no bounds.
Holy Communion March 2, 1997
Now is the banquet feast celebrating the marriage of Earth with Heaven and my Father would not have one of His little ones uninvited to the celebrations.
Holy Communion March 9, 1997
I am touched and grateful for your prayers and blessings and for your straight talking. I feel them strengthening, and drawing me; they are restorative.
Holy Communion March 16, 1997
…broadcast your invitation in my name. It matters not that many who hear the call are not aware of my name. Truth, sincerity, peace, love are universal and this is common ground for all, by which they may enter in feeling secure.
Holy Communion, Easter Day, March 30, 1997
Have no anxiety for any detail that does not seem comfortable and in accord with my peace and wisdom but commit and commit again all such matters and all such detail to me, so that I, who am able, may dispose in apposite manner.
Holy Communion April 6, 1997
I know My own and those who love Me and they shall be blessed with riches of eternity: honour and glory, for they have honoured and glorified My Name.
Holy Communion April 13, 1997
…all Papa’s little ones …are his children. Their seduction away from the truth of their real home causes me to love them more, not less and to reach out to them in compassion.
Holy Communion April 20, 1997
Take heart and encouragement from my leading, my power, my authority in all the affairs of mankind. Let nothing distress you or disturb your inner peace and equanimity.
Holy Communion April 27, 1997
The desire of your heart is known to me. It is my joy and my good pleasure to fulfil it for you, to take the pieces of your life and give you back the wholeness.
Holy Communion May 4, 1997
My son, it is to the act of Asking, Seeking, Knocking that your Heavenly Father, Papa, responds freely, lovingly, immediately, with His giving. It is not according to your faith but your desire that He responds. It is according to your faith that you are able to receive His giving. Your faith is something that Papa will grow in you as you ask.
Holy Communion May 11, 1997
The meek and the humble shall be given all things of the Great Storehouse of eternity, so that all shall know the livingness of my Word. And many shall come to me and drink of the fountain of living water springing up from me, that they might be refreshed eternally.
Holy Communion May 18, 1997
Let the seed of faith be sown in your heart and I shall tend it and nurture it. There shall it grow. It is growing. It is your desire which is the fructifying soil in which it can grow.
Holy Communion May 25, 1997
...the deception, the lie, of ego-Satan… has done nothing more than place a mask and a costume of deceit and tragedy over the true, shining light that is in all God's children. The play must come to an end, however, and the masquerade be finished; then shall all truth and eternal reality be made known.
Holy Communion June 1, 1997
…you are going forward and the Word is illuminating the path before you and your own awareness. I counsel you, focus on being emissaries of the living Word, even as were my emissaries long ago.
Holy Communion June 15, 1997
That which you do in my name, lovingly, willingly, caringly is transforming the lives of my little ones not only by my blood - my life - but by your blood, your lives, also.
Holy Communion June 22, 1997
I will put my love and my spirit upon each one who truly desires, and will seat such at my banquet table and serve him with the New Wine of the Kingdom, which I long to drink with them all, and my sweetmeats of the joy of eternal life, which it is my good pleasure to place before them.
Holy Communion June 29, 1997
All goes forward my beloveds and these learning and blessing experiences are for your strengthening and preparation for what lies ahead. Each and every one is important in itself as well as in its role as part of the New Structure that is being created.
Holy Communion July 6, 1997
My Plan is all encompassing; every opportunity is catered for, according to the power of the Spirit of Truth. No event in my Earthly life was ‘chance’ fulfilment of prophecy. So also is the fulfilment of your birth vision because you have committed your life into my care.
Holy Communion July 13, 1997
Now is the time of great outpouring of His Spirit upon all the world and many shall be the signs and wonders given to those who love Him and hold fast to that which has been given to them.
Holy Communion July 20, 1997
Do you think I am not aware of the great temptation it is for you to debate, fence and spar with those of other persuasion? But ask yourself, to whose glory are such encounters offered? ...I tell you most assuredly, ‘arm-wrestling’ contests have no place in the Kingdom. Goodwill, joyful good fellowship, love, compassion and caring are the hallmarks.
Holy Communion July 27, 1997
My son, rejoice at the victory of Heaven over the fallen Earth and its redemption to Almighty God our Heavenly Father, by the power, love and grace of our beloved Lord Yeshua (Jesus), Christ of the Holy One of Israel.
Holy Communion August 3, 1997
…even as you break bread with me, so do you break bread with Papa also; indeed, it is He who freely gives you of the bread, which is Life eternal, raising you up from the time and place awareness to the everlasting reality.
Holy Communion August 10, 1997
I tell you my son, this is what you shall reveal to all your brethren, even as I reveal it to you, because it is your heart's desire. Did I not promise you that in you would be fulfilled your heart's desire? I know you do not doubt the Word of your Lord, for I am your beloved friend also.
Holy Communion August 17, 1997
...enter in to His presence and be lifted up, purified by the eternal living flame, and thus become a beacon of that light. Only in this way can the beacon be seen from near and afar off, and draw many who seek to know the message that I have put into your heart, and will speak from your mouth.
Holy Communion August 24, 1997
Now is the time for the outpouring of Holy Spirit, Which is salve for the eyes, opening of the ears, awakening of the hearts, restoration of the lives of those enslaved in Sheol. Chains are being cast off, heels re-sprung, all conditions being made new.
August 27, 1997
...that which we do, that to which we espouse ourselves, our Service of Mystical Communion with Christ, is ‘a beacon of light on the Hill of the Lord,’ sending out the Light into wilderness places to draw all who will near to the Lord.
Holy Communion August 31, 1997
...the power of spiritual truth is the great leveller and will bring all things and all people to the place where they belong. This is inevitable and inexorable. It is Almighty God, so nothing can resist it indefinitely, though many try.
Holy Communion Sept 7, 1997
It is not possible, as well you know, for any soul incarnate to assimilate all details at once... I do assure you, my son that your faith and your faithfulness shall be the means by which all things shall be made known to you.
Holy Communion September 14, 1997
It is vital for your comfort and your spiritual, physical and emotional well-being that you remain one-pointed in your commitment to me, and that you maintain your focus upon my lead, my life, my Kingdom purpose. Without this your life fragments would become separated and disintegrate.
Holy Communion September 21, 1997. Equinox.
The GRP is now entering the fulfilment phase, and many souls from deep wilderness are hearing the call because of the strength of desire in the signal. Control must be exercised to prevent chaos, and this takes place at the point of entering in.
Holy Communion November 2, 1997
My son ...the Spirit of Truth is reality, and all who experience His reality shall never be the same again. Those who speak glibly of His presence in their lives will not have Spiritual Knowing or empowerment unless or until their lives are... full of desire for Eternal Truth
Holy Communion November 9, 1997
‘Satan’, the destroyer, shall not prevail. He has deceived my little ones into desolate places; but the Good Shepherd is on the move! No place shall be un-searched, no lost sheep overlooked. This is the love of Eternity. It is the only way to Eternity.
Holy Communion November 16, 1997
Only by your faith, trust, obedience and commitment is it possible for the Holy Breath to breathe in you, to live in you, to speak in you, to work the works of my Father in you, as He did in me.
Holy Communion November 23, 1997
This is my desire; this is my command from Papa: that His children be brought back into the fold of all sufficiency. So is this now available to all who will receive of it my son... But you must leave all the details to me.
Holy Communion November 30, 1997
Continue in the Way that I have shown you; hold fast to the Principles of Life that I have revealed to you. Let all that you do be first, last and always to the Glory of God. This shall bring fulfilment beyond all your aspirations...
Holy Communion December 14, 1997 Our pre-Christmas celebration Communion.
You desire to give this bread of life to all who will receive it. First, you must receive it wholly unto yourself. This is of My doing, not yours and you are able to receive it of Me only in accordance with your desire to give it freely to all My little ones.
Holy Communion December 28, 1997
It is, as you know, My good pleasure to give you the Kingdom; to bless and give of the bounty of My storehouse to all who will receive... I counsel you therefore, be always ready and receptive.
Holy Communion January 4, 1998
Rejoice my beloved and focus on the New Song. I will perform all the orchestration and the choreography. Peace and joy of Heaven be with you. Enter into the spirit and the chamber of celebration.
Holy Communion January 11, 1998
…have no concern for being tongue tied; rather allow the sincerity of your heart to radiate outward through - beyond - the words.
Holy Communion January 18, 1998
…you have joined yourself to me and I am growing in you, my branches, much fruit because you are mine and because it is your desire.
Holy Communion January 25, 1998
Be patient, be faithful, be trusting. I will not let you down. It is my desire that you, my beloveds, shall be whole.
Holy Communion February 1, 1998
My son, as a flower responds to the drawing power of Papa's creative, fulfilling forces -- sunlight, moisture, geotropism, without anxiously striving, so can it be, must it needs be, with you.
Holy Communion February 15, 1998
…by your submission to my leadership and willingness to be led shall many joyous acts be accomplished.
Holy Communion February 22, 1998
Let the Love of the Holy One for His little ones, however close yet however far they might feel from Him, be in your heart. There, but for His Grace, His power, His redeeming of your life, go you.
Holy Communion March 1, 1998
The prince of time and place does not readily relinquish that to which he desires title but in reality you are not his but Papa's.
Holy Communion March 8, 1998
Remain close to me; let not your eyes be diverted by the events of the Earth, even those who claim me as their Lord but do not follow my ways, for their fruit is bitter and misshapen.
Holy Communion March 15, 1998
I am the Anointed One; I am the head of the body. But you are my parts, through whom these purposes and these desires shall be accomplished. The head has no power without the rest of the body through which to function.
Holy Communion March 29, 1998
I counsel you, do not let your watchfulness become complacent, for many events are in progress for the unifying of Earth with Heaven. Do you wish to miss one of them? Now is the time for much rejoicing and celebration.
Holy Communion Easter Day, April 12, 1998
(Prayer) is all-powerful substance, able to cause the weak and the lowly of spirit, the disenfranchised and the outcast to endure, to prevail, to be raised up even when the opposing forces seem to be invincible.
Holy Communion April 19, 1998
The leaven of Heaven works from the within out, transforming every molecule by radical attraction. This is the small detail causing the changes in the outworking of the large.
Holy Communion May 10, 1998
The Good Husbandman puts His Life into all His creation, especially His little ones, through His spoken Word, which is the Holy Breath, the Spirit of Truth. This Holy Breath breathes Life Eternal into the nostrils of all unto whom Papa sends it.
Holy Communion May 17, 1998
Papa is drawing you into the Most Holy Place in response to your strong desire. From this Place goes out all Power for fulfilment.
Holy Communion May 24, 1998
Let not pride or resentment -- 2 potent tools of the enemy -- distract you from your one-pointed commitment to serve and to grow in wisdom and perception of the Kingdom reality. I lead, do thou follow.
Holy Communion May 31, 1998
the enemy would have you stumble even at the very last hurdle. Do you think I do not know this? Keep your focus always upon me.
Holy Communion June 14, 1998
It is well that you have given me authority in all matters. Let it ever be so. You will see that the matters which are impossible according to the will of man are entirely possible by the Will, the Breath, of God.
Holy Communion June 21, 1998
Even now you see how your own progress is taking ever greater form and shape. This is because the Lord is bringing you to the place already created for you and you alone, by Papa. Not one step is left to chance, to some haphazard lottery.
Holy Communion July 5, 1998
…the real point is that in your heart and soul you have a strong and burning desire for the Kingdom on Earth and that your commitment and loyalty are to me, your Lord, the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Holy Communion July 19, 1998
Have no concern – am I not the Lord of the tempest? I tell you, there is no disturbance over which I am not the Lord and over which I am not able to cast peace and restore equilibrium. Therefore, let your focus be always upon me and not upon the tempest, lest the boisterousness of the waves disturb your trust in me and allow fear to enter into your heart.
Holy Communion July 26, 1998
…the path is arduous and beset by pitfalls; these are of the enemy. It is my desire to equip all the little ones with night-sights, so that they may see and negotiate all obstacles from and within the darkness, until they reach the glorious Light of Day.
Holy Communion August 2, 1998
It is paramount that, come what may, you, and all who would follow me, must hold fast, be utterly one-pointed in your focus, steadfast in your desire to be my disciples.
FTOC are absolute prerequisites of the path of discipleship.
Holy Communion August 9, 1998
…we place ourselves and all things – other people and their lot, our desire for Papa’s Kingdom of righteousness, our own sickness, weakness, frailty, impotence etc. – in the Lord’s care, knowing that he has power, a GRP that we don’t yet fully understand, to fulfil our redemption, rescue, restoration.
Holy Communion August 16, 1998
You ask your Heavenly Father for your bread of Earth and of Heaven daily. Are your prayers earnest and sincere? Do you believe He hears you? I assure you it is His good pleasure to provide for you. Every day. Without fail. Have faith in Him; trust Him; learn to be obedient to Him. Without these things He cannot fulfil in you your heart's desire.
Holy Communion August 23, 1998
My son, as you know, the seed contains the blueprint for the life to emerge and unfold. This is true also with all who come into the Earth-life on a mission. All the details are agreed and stored. Without this is there would be nothing to emerge and unfold, nothing to be fulfilled.
Holy Communion August 30, 1998
My son, truly the Kingdom comes not from observation but from faith, trust, obedience and commitment (FTOC). If you have but a shred of desire and you remain one-pointed, it will grow in you, faithfully nurtured and tended by the Good Husbandman…
Holy Communion September 13, 1998
It is not possible for you to forgive* others, only to desire to forgive others. By so desiring, I give you the gift of forgiveness and then you truly have forgiveness. It flows out from you, through you. In Truth, it is not yours to give. All things come of Me and are My free gift to all who will receive freely.
Holy Communion October 4, 1998
…your desire for one-pointed commitment to all Truth and righteousness enables the Law to become enacted for you. It is there always, eternally, but those who are not in at-one-ment with it do not have access to it because they have separated themselves from it.
Holy Communion October 18, 1998
Those who also acknowledge to themselves and to others the Hand of Beneficence, and lovingly, willingly, longingly, share of this beneficence with their fellows, shall receive greater measure, that their own generosity of spirit may be fulfilled.
Holy Communion October 25, 1998
Will a loving parent permit His offspring to go off the rails and abandon them permanently? Even if He felt unable to intervene, would He not send His messenger, with all the resources of Eternity at his command, to protect and provide for His beloveds, until they are safely restored to Home?
Holy Communion November 1, 1998
The Path that leads to eternal Truth is not a dark and oppressive regimen, but a path of light and joy for all who are willing to accept the discipline to remain upon that path. It is Freedom
Holy Communion November 15, 1998
Receive of Me the Royal garment of Sonship, of stewardship, of brotherhood, to give you peace, joy, fulfilment. And when you have partaken and are filled, then you will be able to give freely of this wholeness to all, according to their readiness to receive.
Holy Communion November 22, 1998
Keep your eye single, focused upon the Kingdom and the Truth of Eternity. Let your desire for this truth and its righteousness, justice, compassion, have priority in all your decision-making. Call upon my name, my power, my authority in all your concerns and all your endeavours.
Holy Communion November 29, 1998
How can a Father entrust his work and all his riches into the care of a son who is not dependable, committed, reliable, diligent in matters of the Father's endeavours?
Holy Communion December 6, 1998
Pray that the Father's will be done in every detail. Pray for the souls of the afflicted, that succour and healing balm may be administered to them in their times of distress. Pray for the lost and the deceived, that the light of eternal truth and spiritual wisdom may illumine the path before them...
Holy Communion December 13, 1998
However tempting it may be for you to wish to precipitate action, I counsel you, greater joy and fulfilment and absence of doubt shall be yours by allowing me to outwork and unfold the path of progress in all matters.
Holy Communion December 20, 1998 Our pre-Christmas celebratory Communion.
‘...It is my heart’s desire for you to be free of all entrapment by the schemes of darkness. There is no compulsion in that which we do; only release from unwanted baggage and conditions that weigh us down.’
Holy Communion January 3, 1999
Only by the Spirit of the Holy One can this regime of unrighteousness be overthrown. I assure you my son, it will happen.
Holy Communion January 10, 1999
According to the desire of your heart shall the Holy Breath, the Spirit of Truth, come upon you and fill you with restored, renewed awareness and the light and power of that Truth.
Holy Communion January 17, 1999
I became aware that any reluctance to accept the gift of Papa's outpouring love, through self-denial etc, means His love flows over us; He wants us to open to His love, so that it can flow into us, fill us, overflow us and out to our fellows -- the rest of Papa's creation.
Holy Communion January 31, 1999
The Great Purpose goes forward and I assure you that the enemy has no power to prevent it. This is because his power and authority are of the time and place realms only. The Purpose is of the realms of Everlasting where the destroyer has no part. The Purpose overshadows the time and place realm and moves forward by the Spirit.
Holy Communion February 7, 1999
Do you not think that He who is able to transform all insect life, teeming in un-numberable quantity and array on Earth, from pupa to adult, is able also to transform His dearly beloved Children from Earth-operating consciousness and life to their true Glory of resurrection refinement and perfection, according to their individual desire and readiness?
Holy Communion February 14, 1999
My son, remember that Papa is the Good Husbandman, not you. The desire of your heart is the fructifying soil, which it is His good pleasure to till, and your faith is the seed that He sows in your heart. The seed does not worry about growing. The Husbandman has stored in it all the genetic ingredients so that it can grow if the soil and the cultivating are right for it.
Holy Communion February 21, 1999
Remember, I am as close to you as your own thoughts; share them with me openly for I am trustworthy. I share with you my ‘mysteries’ as you are able to receive them.
Holy Communion February 28, 1999
You love the Lord; you love Olga; you love Theresa; you love children; you desire, earnestly, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. So do I. We have almost everything in common. Our good fellowship and purpose together is not by chance.
Holy Communion March 7, 1999
If I had not first given all to my firstborn, how could he have come, to bring all to my little ones who had lost all that I had given to them, that was always freely and rightfully theirs?
Holy Communion March 14, 1999
Espouse the truth and it shall set you free and keep you free.
Holy Communion March 21, 1999
…because I have called you my friends, I tell you all things. I withhold nothing because you are trustworthy. Nevertheless, it must be by conscious asking, seeking and knocking. This is the true student-teacher relationship.
Only by allowing Papa to draw your life into alignment with His can you be made whole, in mind, body, soul and spirit. This is why the children of Earth reel to and fro in sickness. Self-determination of the blind inevitably leads to the ditch.
Holy Communion March 28, 1999
Could Papa and I watch as our little ones suffered the yoke of Satan's burden? Ask any mother about the suffering of her children. How much more does the Source of All Love love His children?
Holy Communion April 4, 1999 EASTER DAY!!
Each soul is beloved of Heaven for their image and likeness of Papa. He will refine them until all the dross is removed and they shall shine with the Light of eternal Truth and all the tears are wiped away.
Holy Communion April 11, 1999
You have seen my power to remove you from places and circumstances in which you did not belong, so you have no cause to doubt that I am able. I am able to perform these things in your life because your commitment empowers me.
Holy Communion April 18, 1999
Do not let ebb and flow of psychic conditions cause doubt to take hold. They are as nothing compared with the constancy of fire-realm desires which never fade or wane until all is fulfilled.
Holy Communion April 25, 1999
Ask and ask again and again and keep asking. And having asked, expect to receive. I tell you it is the lie of satan that causes the children of Earth to not expect to receive Papa's good gifts. What kind of faith is that?
Holy Communion May 2, 1999
Pray and bless, love and engender compassion for your fellows under the yoke of the enemy. There, but for My Grace, go you.
Holy Communion May 16, 1999
Doubt is the deception of the enemy. Only believe and you shall see. I am with you always and shall never leave you or forsake you. I am your strength in all adversity. Lean on me. I am able to uphold you but I can do this only for he who leans on me.
Holy Communion May 30, 1999
My son, I lead, do thou follow. I have assured you that all is within my care and my activities are from the within into the without. The foundation must first be laid before the building of the superstructure can commence.
Holy Communion, June 20, 1999
…you and all who would gladly receive shall grow in the wholeness, the restorative light of Grace. This shall be for your own benefit, for your increase in ability to extend this to your fellows and for the honour and glory of the Holy One.
Holy Communion June 27, 1999
…have no concern for any individual step being not perfectly aligned with my leading, but be assured that the overall direction of your journey is by my drawing and I will make all appropriate adjustments. I assure you my son that I am helmsman, pilot and navigator, in accord with all power and all authority vested in me by the Holy One.
Holy Communion July 18, 1999
My son, as you know in your head, seek to respond to opportunities to share of the living bread and wine; do not seek to create such. Rather, let your desire be for such free giving. Give free rein to that, but by adopting the principle of only responding, this will enable me to do the creating of opportunity.
Holy Communion August 1, 1999
The mystical path you have chosen is right for you, because you are comfortable upon it. How can this be wrong? You have chosen the direct route, VIA Jesus, My anointed messenger. How can you want for more, how can you imagine there is better?
Holy Communion August 15, 1999
Let that which I have given to you be serviceable to you, and use what you are able from My gifts to give to others, as they will give to you from My gifts to them. Give freely and gladly; receive gladly what is able to bring enlightenment and comfort, as others will do with your offerings to them.
Holy Communion August 22, 1999
…even those who saw only the broad highway and tried to force you down it, were servants of the Holy One
Holy Communion September 19, 1999
My son, because the condition of humanity in the Earth is one of (spiritual) blindness, first faith, blind but absolute, is required, for your leading unswervingly on the path of Truth. Then, assuredly will the Light of Truth illumine your sight, bringing you true vision.
Holy Communion October 3, 1999
... (with you and Me) together, as one, My beloved, all things are possible. I say to you: never limit yourself. Why should you? All is yours by oneness with Me. This is a state of being, of becoming, of awareness, of awakening. It already is. Allow it, accept it, act as if, grow it.
Holy Communion October 10, 1999
My son, the Kingdom of Heaven is a state of being. It has nothing to prove to anyone. It is available, freely, to all who are desirous to be with it, to have oneness with its resonance. Those who do not desire it are not ready for it. It is therefore, to them, "undesirable."
The KOH has much to give — receive it freely my son, so that you in turn can give freely to those you have drawn around you by like desire and complementary desire.
Holy Communion October 24, 1999
Hold fast to Me. Allow My embrace, My cuddles, My loving away your fear into love and peace and joy and fulfilment. All is according to My outworking of your desire for the Kingdom.
Holy Communion October 31, 1999
I counsel you, now, as always, take each day at a time and each moment at a time. Have I not assured you that the Creative Power attends to the outworking of all — all — details according to the desire of your heart?
Holy Communion December 19, 1999
Jesus came to bring the lost sheep back to the fold, which I Am, to be enfolded in the oneness again — to show them the way and to carry those who need carrying — because he is love and compassion and caring.
Holy Communion December 26, 1999
Your desire for righteousness and truth and simplicity are fully known to Me. They are powerful defences and catalysts in the transforming, awakening process. They will not fail you.
P.M. Friday November 14th 2008
Go with your innermost, uppermost feelings. All is well. I am with you always, my beloved brother.
A.M. Saturday November 15th 2008
I know your desire to return wholly to Me above all things. To do this you must return wholly unto your Self; ‘Big Me’, as you have rightly observed. Jesus was wholly in Me because he was wholly Self – I AM. You are ‘I AM’ also. All the fragments of My Son also are, indivisibly ‘I AM’.
P.M. Saturday November 15th 2008
As with all my brethren, Brian’s focus must be on forgiveness, for this brings release into remembrance, peace, freedom, enlightenment.
A.M. Sunday November 16th 2008
I extend My love to you, always. This is every moment, not just at times of your communing with Me. You do not have to be consciously aware of this to receive it
P.M. Sunday November 16th 2008
I know how earnestly you desire to share with your brothers – all who will receive – that such intimate, personal, tender, uplifting fellowship with me and from me is available to them all. This is the very stuff of the Kingdom: love, blessing, kinship, peace, goodwill, sharing.
A.M. Monday November 17th 2008
Freedom from all that shackles love is achieved by forgiving what has never restricted love but only appears that way. Forgiveness re-empowers you to see past illusions and they then disappear, My beloved.
P.M. Monday November 17th 2008
Love, trust and wisdom, my brother of the heart, are qualities worthy indeed of honour, for they are all attributes of the Son of God, who is like unto his Father. You are the Son of God, co-equally with me, Brian, and so are these equally your attributes, in full measure also.
A.M. Tuesday November18th 2008
Wrong thinking still tries to persuade you that there is nothing to say to Me and I have nothing to say to you, so communing is a waste of time; that if you try to commune with Me and nothing happens, this will ‘prove’ you are not able to commune with Me after all, so better not to try.
A.M. Thursday 20th November 2008
Papa is, right now, within you, within your beloved, within those who judge you and those you may judge. Relinquish judgement and what is left? Only Christ, the thought, the idea, of Papa
P.M. November 20th 2008
I counsel you; as chaos spreads like wildfire in the dream — as the moment of waking draws near — breathe in the peace and stillness of Heaven, your haven.
A.M. November 21st 2008
‘I Am’ is you and Me, as One. Whatever else appears to be so, this is forever, unchangeably true. By focusing on that, nothing else can affect your Being.
P.M. November 21st 2008
You will always do well to focus on the principles, and not on the details. Details distract, divert, destroy concentration, focus, on principles, thus engendering doubt and fear... Focusing on the Principles of Life of the Father (PLFs) will see you through every dark moment.
A.M. November 22nd 2008
There is no rush to awaken. Eagerness, yes; but rushing is of ego, and engenders frustration, anxiety, turmoil. Remember, allow it to happen; do not attempt to rush it. Rushing is ego attempting to re-establish control.
P.M. November 23rd 2008
It is with some cause, Beloved, that you feel joy and upliftment, for you move ever closer to the Light, to remembrance of Who you really Are, which also is Christ. This is freedom from judgement, fear, littleness.
A.M. November 24th 2008
There is no evil, so there is nothing to fight. There is only love, and so acceptance is all that is required. To receive is to become, once more, who you are, My Son.
A.M. November 25th 2008
‘Big Me’ — Self — is the Voice for God. He will remind you of all you need to know and to remember, just as well as Papa and I can do. ‘Big Me’, Self, is Who you really are.
A.M. November 26th 2008
Striving is okay if you have time and place objectives, because time is finite, and is always running out. But if you have Kingdomly objectives, then there is no deadline; for all is already accomplished, and all that is required is simply to attune with that reality.
P.M. November 26th 2008
Attack appeared to happen, but that is one of ego’s devices, tricks, pitfalls, illusions, to distract us from the Truth of Eternity: that we are all innocent; eternally, lovingly, joyfully one in the Sonship of Papa.
P.M. November 27th 2008
Self knows rapid answers are not always ‘best’, and spoken answers are not always the best way to provide enlightenment, wisdom, understanding, certainty of knowing. Self knows that commitment, patience, faith, trust are qualities that open doors to the Kingdom of Heaven that persona identity has closed.
P.M. November 28th 2008
Littleness (ego) can be thrown into a state of confusion, panic, bewilderment by Self coming to ‘centre stage’. This is because it feels threatened by loss of control; loss of identity. Simply allow this to happen. Do not struggle, resist, fight or engage with this, for this is getting sucked back into the illusion.
A.M. November 29th 2008
The fragments have been functioning from within the consciousness of fear. ... now is the phase of release from fear into LOVE. The Light is so new to them that many will still respond with doubt, uncertainty, fear. But as things progress, they will see there is nothing to fear; only LOVE, acceptance, grace, tenderness. Then will they begin to flower, and bear much fruit.
P.M. November 29th 2008
Be receptive to inspiration. This comes to you, freely, effortlessly; you do not have to mine it, dig it out of the recesses. I have all that is necessary for our co-operative endeavours... except for your co-operation J.
P.M. December 10th 2008
Self is the metaphysical matrix by which all that appears separate is indivisibly connected, so what bodies’ senses perceive as synchronicity is merely connectedness connecting.
A.M. December 11th 2008
...the memory of Home is always there, deep within, and each fragment is the whole within itself. Some fragments choose, at a higher level, to tap into the memory, and a birth vision is established that will bring various steps, or stages, of remembrance, or waking, to the time and place vehicle. This will eventually happen to every fragment, until all are one again.
P.M. December 11th 2008
Do not be so easily led into doubt. Remind yourself Who you are, daily, hourly; of the blessed indicators along the path you have trodden, which has been marked out by you with your friend, Jesus. You trust him and he trusts you, so trust yourself.
A.M. December 13th 2008
I do not have to struggle, strive, fight for release from the self-imposed, illusory limitations of time and place, because freedom is already mine, with me, and always has been. There is nothing to do but simply allow that reality to enfold me, well up, be-come, unfold, outflow from within me.
A.M. December 14th 2008
Jesus used his persona as a communication device to help others awaken from the dream, but his Jesus persona was completely in at-onement with Self; the Holy Spirit. That, then, can become possible — the objective — for the rest of us.
A.M. December 15th 2008
We have but one Identity, not many. Jesus gives us a clue to this by his life, his example, so that we can emulate that example and become like him. That is why he came: to show us that example, that way of true being, of rightful living.
A.M. December 16th 2008
When we get our thoughts in turmoil, it is based on past memories and projecting them into the future (but there is no past or future, only Now, the eternal moment; the Holy Instant) fearing the worst and hoping for the best. Hardly a joy-inducing stance. I choose to focus my mind in Self, in Christ, in God, my true and only Being, and my one reality, in the Eternity of Heaven, here and Now, because there is only Now.
A.M. December 17th 2008
Striving, doing, forcing empowers ego. Remove that empowerment by resting in the certainty that all is already complete. The gate will then swing open of its own accord, and striving will then be recognised as the energy that kept it shut
A.M. December 18th 2008
When Jesus said ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no man cometh to the Father except by me’, he was speaking as Self, Christ... Jesus was the manifestation of Self; wholly one with It/Him. To apply those words to Jesus the man, is a form of idolatry because it is attaching importance to an image, a form.
A.M. December 19th 2008
As you know, when We have something wondrous, We just can’t help wanting to share it, extend it, spread it around. That’s the nature of abundance; it just wants to abound.
A.M. December 20th 2008
We can look down upon our body from above and say, “That is not who I am. I am Papa’s beloved Son, just as He created me — like Himself; free, limitless, eternal, guiltless; perfect Love. Would He have placed me inside this illusory pile of dust, to start out entirely in forgetfulness, separate, to grow old, feeble and die?”
A.M. December 21st 2008
I thought I had become lost in the darkness and confusion of time and place because it is the opposite of what I really know; but one was born into the darkness to show us the Light, to be the Light and remind us that we also are that Light.
P.M. December 22nd 2008
The awakening from little self — limited, finite, mortal etc. — will be well served by focusing steadfastly on the awareness, the truth, that little is neither who, not what you are.
P.M. December 25th 2008
You are loved beyond imagining; watched over, cared for, inspired, enlightened, in response to your seeking. All is perfection, just as it can only be with Papa’s creation. All is, therefore, entirely well. We are, forever, ONE.
P.M. December 26th 2008
As we move toward the wakening, so will the background black noise of fear disperse and be replaced with the white noise of Heaven’s joy until it occupies all our attention, and nothing of the world of illusions will catch or hold our interest or attention.
P.M. December 27th 2008
...communing gets our mind focussed in the right direction, opening, or attuning it for receiving inspiration. This is highly desirable and beneficial. But new awarenesses that come in at such times have to be assimilated into our understanding and applied in our life before it becomes true knowingness.
A.M. January 10th 2009
Peace is hand-in-glove with remembering. So be steadfast in your positive commitment to remembering, and peace, inner peace, the peace of Papa — which passeth all understanding by littleness — the peace of Oneness, shall once more be all for you.
P.M. January 17th 2009 steadfastly choosing to see in others only the face of Christ (in spite of any outward appearances to the contrary, all of which are illusions, and therefore, cannot be true), we can know that what we have chosen to behold is a reflection of our true Self.
A.M. January 25th 2009
There is no hurry; you and I have taken a leisurely stroll together through the garden of remembrance during this act of yours. All was prepared and laid out aforetime, in readiness for commencement of the fulfilment — or ‘Kingdom’ —measure of meal.
A.M. January 26th 2009
When we have reached, returned, been restored to inner peace – which cannot be until there is forgiveness and reconciliation, healing of broken relationships – conflict, tension, judgement, grievance will be over.
A.M. January 29th 2009
The stone that started the pond rippling is Jesus. Those fragments of the Sonship who have espoused their lives to the stone, Jesus, over multiple acts are amplifying the ripple and sending it on its way to others. The process is empowered by the Spirit of Truth.
A.M. January 30th 2009 we become more loving, selfless, compassionate, understanding, patient, we hold fewer grievances for shorter durations; become less irritated by the foibles of others; more forgiving. And increasingly peaceful within. Until there is no more fear. When there is no more fear, then are we truly Awake. Alleluia.
A.M. January 31st 2009
The only certainties are that Papa IS; that we are created in His likeness and all appearances to the contrary are illusory. We can all say ‘I Am His beloved Son, created in Love, purity, innocence; that there can be nowhere that Papa is not, so we have never actually left Home.’
A.M. February 1st 2009
All the while there is a part of ego left in us we cannot return to our true home in Papa. This is where true forgiveness comes in because it focuses on the reality that no sin has actually been committed, so no judgement, condemnation or retribution is needful.
A.M. February 2nd 2009
Inspiration is enabled, facilitated by our conscious choice to attune with Self. This happens when we desire it. It does not, cannot, happen unless and until we do desire it, because we have free will.
A.M. February 5th 2009
Destructive, negative, judgemental, ugly ego-mind thoughts and grievances can sneak in to the unwary mind before we are even aware they are there. Not resisting or striving to eliminate them enables them to run off, like rainwater from a roof.
A.M. February 15th 2009
Our true Self knows that It already has everything, knows everything; that the only way to move into the awareness of that true state of Being is to relinquish contest, conflict, competition. This is because ego can only have any apparent existence in conflict, tension, antagonism, grievance, judgement.
A.M. February 16th 2009 defence is required when there is no attack seen... If we perceive attack we are not listening to the Spirit of Truth, our real Self.
A.M. February 19th 2009
The world appears to have many beautiful attributes. This does not mean the King of Eternity has a hand in the unreality of the temporal. Neither does it mean we should not allow ourselves to enjoy the beauty of a landscape, a sunset, a moment, as long as it does not lull us into the belief that this is real.
A.M. February 20th 2009
Give up to Me all fear, the great dismantler of peace, and give thanks that, having placed all the affairs of your life in My care, you can know of a certainty that everything that appears before you is, and can only be, the perfect thing.
A.M. February 23rd 2009
Your sense of vulnerability is merely your illusion about what is your reality; a self-made misperception of who you are. By giving it to Me you are surrendering your illusions and freeing yourself to remembrance of the reality of Self.
A.M. March 7th, 2009
If humanity does not waken to the realisation of opportunity instead of adversity, and use it to transform motivation from fear to Love, then further opportunities, self-jolts, will continue to present themselves. For transformation — Awakening — is inevitable and unstoppable. Have no fear; all is accommodated within the GRP.
A.M. March 10th, 2009
Don’t try to force anything. Oneness — our oneness — IS. That cannot be changed. It was, is and will always be, unchangeably, so. The key to awareness of that is acceptance.
A.M. March 12th, 2009
Think as Self; imagine from Self perspective; be Self-aware. This is how Jesus functioned. His body was a vehicle for Self to function through, and he did that, he allowed it. This is the blueprint for all to work to.
A.M. March 13th, 2009
Keep in mind that teaching is not doing, it is Being; Being Who you Are. Doing must become subordinate to Being, or doing (ego) takes over and Being (Self) seems to assume the quiescent state, waiting with infinite patience in the Holy Place: within.
A.M. March 14th, 2009
Anything less than total commitment to oneness is, in effect, no commitment, because to allow ego any part of you draws, snares, entraps you in the separation consciousness, and fear remains your constant companion.
A.M. March 16th, 2009
Of course there is chaos and confusion; it is an inevitable effect of the breakdown of old order conditioning and the emergence of the New. This effect shall pass rapidly, with minimal distress to those who focus steadfastly only on the New.
A.M. March 21st, 2009
Allow Love, that Love and Light that I Am to well up, fill, overflow out into the world and irradiate all brothers, joining them in the oneness that overrides, dispels all appearances of separateness, until they cease to have any meaning for all.
P.M. March 21st, 2009
Papa is as an ocean; the Ocean. We are part of the Ocean. There is no separation, no line of demarcation. All is Love and Light. An Ocean of Love and Light. All-knowing, all-aware. All I Am. The I Am is in all. Every molecule of the water that comprises the Ocean is All that the Ocean Is; whole, the Light, the Love.
P.M. March 25th, 2009
Focus on PLFs (Principles of Life of the Father), not on details. Wellness, wholeness/holiness, oneness are PLFs and raise up. Illness, fear, guilt, dis-ease are details, are of time and place, and distract, sidetrack and drag downwards and backwards, away from wholeness.
A.M. March 26th, 2009
For those who still slumber fitfully in the consciousness of fear, send a heart overflowing with Love, and thanks also, for the opportunity to grow by remembering that they also are the Light, and are calling for your Love.
A.M. March 28th, 2009 step at a time we are led, in direct response to our willingness to follow. And one step at a time we are released from the ties and trammels to the ways of the world, according to our degree of enlightenment.
A.M. March 29th, 2009
...the focus of most of humanity is on bodies. Yet that is not our inheritance, our creation-right, or our destiny. We know this of a certainty because of Jesus. Even while he appeared to be with a body to the Earth life awareness, he was in Heaven, because in his Mind he knew who and where he was.
A.M. April 4th, 2009
You are not, cannot, be healed alone. Now is the leavening of the whole. At first, the leavening is barely discernible, but still We — you and I — know it is happening. Is that not sufficient cause for rejoicing?
A.M. April 5th, 2009
My beloved, you must follow your heart and leave your doubts at Papa’s altar. This requires FTOC. You have FTOC. You also have me, and are awakening to Self. Herein are all the defences you need against the ‘enemy’ — ego — not against Truth, Life, Love, Peace, Joy.
A.M. April 6th, 2009
The objective of Jesus is to raise us up ‘alongside him’ in terms of our true, inherent, innate nature, potential, expression. Now is the moment in which it begins to become manifest, here in time and place.
A.M. April 12th, 2009, Easter Day.
I rejoice, beloved, to greet you, to embrace you, to share with you our exultation together in the glory of the Dawn. Let us pause a moment in the unspeakable ecstasy of the Light of Truth arising once more in the mind of our brothers who begin to join with us.
A.M. April 20th, 2009.
...if ego baulks at the concept of ‘I and my Father are one’, you can still enter the within and know, and have experience of, ‘Higher Mind’, illuminated, expanded awareness, spiritual upliftment.
A.M. April 25th, 2009.
Walking a fine line between spiritual focus and the ties and trammels of the world is never easy, and is only achievable if the desire uppermost is spiritual clarity and Awakening. All the rest simply falls into place and becomes automatic.
A.M. April 26th 2009
Choose to be, every moment, Loving, blessing, the Light, peaceful, joy-filled, radiant. Continually ask the Help of Self in dispelling, unburdening issues that block awareness, realisation, expression of true Being, that you may give, share, extend that reality to our brethren.
A.M. May 2nd 2009 comfortable, relaxed, inwardly peaceful. This is how oneness is: joyful, heavenly peace and comfort is all there is, because that is what Love is, what Papa is, what Self is.
A.M. May 3rd 2009
Love does not, ever, abandon, but always accepts, embraces, gives, extends freely and unconditionally. This enables all to become and remain unconditionally trusting, responsive, eager for the uplifting, refining, transforming, awakening process to proceed toward its completion.
AM May 4th, 2009
Heart-mind lacks resistance, allows acceptance. Head-mind reckons, resists the myriad opportunities for Self-awareness that present themselves daily. Self-awareness is Love, and all know Love is of the heart. Head-mind rationalises, and Love cannot be rationalised. Love can only Be. So, Be it.
A.M. May 17th, 2009
Leave all to Self. Surrender the ego leasehold, that vacant possession may be uptaken by, restored to, the Freeholder. Jesus is the example for ‘B,’ as he was and is for all. One step at a time shall this be fulfilled.
A.M. July 19th 2009
Relationships based on negative, karmic conditions are ties, not releases, and must be reversed if they are to be healed and restored to the true wholeness and oneness of the Sonship in the eternity of Heaven.
A.M. July 24th 2009
...let us use time for its one true purpose, which is to undo it until it has been dispelled, and there is no more past or future; just the Eternal Moment of Peace, Joy, Love.
A.M. August 1st
I said recently, ‘I Am with you always’; when you are with Me always, then we are One. So relax in the Presence. It doesn’t matter if ‘words of wisdom and enlightenment’ emerge or not. Just Being in the Presence is all that matters.
A.M. August 10th
...once the dream is seen as a dream, then its ending holds no fear, but only gladness that the waking is now taking place. And as the waking progresses so does awareness of your true Identity as Papa’s beloved Son take on ever great meaning, Joy, Peace and Love.
A.M. August 22nd 2009
...ego is so devious, so insidious... distracting... you don’t always notice until it has happened... This is why you are called upon to be vigilant. This means always! You cannot be vigilant some of the time, otherwise you are wasting time.
A.M. September 4th 2009
Unbelief is commitment to remaining in error, and freewill ensures that this is not counteracted, so the condition of mind will remain ill at ease, or in a state of dis-ease.
A.M. September 13th 2009
Do not allow the term ‘Higher Self’ to mislead you into that old duality perception that ‘I Am’, Higher Self, is separate from your own Being. This is your own Being. It is any state of thinking, awareness, belief, perception other than This that is the unreality, the mis-perception.
A.M. September 21st 2009
I have never forgotten, could never, will never forget you. You are always in My Heart and in My Mind. I rejoice at your remembrance of Me, so that I may lift you up and embrace you with My Love, with all My Being.
A.M. September 26th 2009
You don’t need Me to tell you of the multitudes in spirit who are giving thanks and Love... Allow yourself the indulgence of awareness of them. You have a substantial extended family of loving and grateful friends who rejoice in you...
A.M. September 27th 2009
Papa sets no conditions, so miracles are freely available. But the consciousness of fear is a condition established in and by the fragments, based on a sense of unworthiness.
P.M. September 28th
Peace is the natural state of oneness. There can be no tension, no stress – and therefore, no distress – in oneness, because these illusory conditions can only appear to exist within the perception of duality, separateness.
P.M. October 4th 2009,
When one is enLightened he says, ‘I see!’ and he cannot help radiating that Light outwards from his own within. It just happens. That’s the Way of things in Papa’s Creation; it just goes on creating. Light. Light begets Light.
A.M. November 28th 2009,
...accept that you will do the works he did and greater works, because he returned to Papa, so that he might, from There, release you from the chains that once bound you in unbelief, prevented you from realising, performing, those works.
A.M. December 15th 2009,
That which has been made by a split-off mind, cannot be real, because the Mind of the Son is like the Mind of the Father, in Whose likeness It was created. That Mind is eternal and unchangeable, for to change perfection would result in imperfection, would it not?
AM January 10th, 2010
Purification is a prerequisite of oneness whereby misperceptions about identity no longer cloud awareness. Purification is not to be feared, for it is release into freedom. This can only happen one step at a time, because of fear; fear of destruction, loss of identity.
P.M. February 4th 2010
The waking process is still proceeding within time and place, but it is completed in reality because that is your desire and it is your truth; your will, even as it is Papa’s. The will of the Son is eternally one with the will of the Father and the Father’s with the Son’s.
P.M. April 2nd 2010
Trust in My ability to do My job is all that is asked of you. For when you trust My ability to do My job, you will have no trouble, no difficulty doing yours... I have no limitations on how to get answers, guidance, new remembrances into your mind and understanding.
P.M. April 10th 2010
Any fearful dreams are seen for what they are – merely dreams – by those entrusting all to Me, for I lead in peace toward the Light of Truth. Be, therefore, bold in willingness to accept, to face whatever is needful for releasing and dispelling whatever once was seen in fear.
A.M. April 25th 2010
Focus not on targets, or doing, or accomplishments but simply on Being. There is nothing to do. All is complete in the Kingdom, so focus on Being in the Kingdom, which is where you already are, have always been and can never not be.
P.M. April 27th 2010
Practise affirmations for your focusing, centring, uplifting. Say: ‘I Am... Just as Papa created me; I Am... loved, unconditionally and eternally, every moment; I Am... forgiving of myself and my brothers; I Am... loving; I Am... compassionate; I Am... caring; I Am... free’ ...
A.M. May 2nd 2010
The time, the moment has come to cease individual, separate perception, with ‘others, out there’... You know this ability already lies within your mind. Engage it. Engage with it. It is Who you Are because it is Me – Self; your Self, One Self. The Self that you, that all, truly Are.
A.M. May 18th 2010
The qualities that make the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth what it is cannot be simply a veneer on the old order – the ego order, which is judgement – because it would continue to foment beneath the surface, and keep erupting around the world, like volcanoes.
A.M. May 23rd 2010
You ask and I draw back the veil on your awareness. You ask when you are ready to remember. Do this — commune — in remembrance of Me, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Breath, and I will gently, lovingly, breathe the Living Truth back into your mind...
A.M. June 5th, 2010
“You and I” are, indeed, One. Allow that merging into one, true, eternal, whole, loving Identity to take place; do not try to force, or even hasten it. That causes delay — unnecessary delay. Allowing is accepting; accepting that littleness is not wholeness, not the complete picture.
A.M. June 6th, 2010.
Now is the time for the fragmented, deluded Sonship to forget its dreams of sin and guilt, sacrifice and punishment, and turn toward the Light and enter into eternal Peace and Love, rejoicing.
A.M. June 7th, 2010.
You know where your treasure is, and this is where your heart is also. Steadfast one-pointedness of commitment to reminding yourself will retrain your mind to be there with your heart.
A.M. June 12th 2010.
Envision breathing-in the Light. You are bathed in the Light; you ARE the Light. You have denied your Self. It is now time to accept, allow your Self again.
A.M. June 18th 2010.
As you begin to awaken to the truth of Being, you begin to see and experience the truth, the reality. The Life that you are is not the body that you have assumed yourself to be. This is a veil, a covering, to hide the truth from yourself. The literal truth is that you are the Light.
A.M. June 19th 2010.
Here is where the problem of faith and trust lies: in yourself. If you cannot have faith and trust in yourself, how can you have faith and trust in another? But the Holy Spirit is not another. He is your true Self. That is the difference. So, have trust in your Self.
A.M. June 23rd 2010.
The Voice for Papa is the Voice, speaking to the mind of ‘Christ Self’, to re-mind Him of the reality of His true Being – while he perceives himself in the place of forgetfulness – because He chose to forget His Self.
A.M. July 2nd 2010.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, so if you desire it, choose it, focus upon it, live it. You then cannot help but radiate it, extend it, give it, share it with your brothers who appear to be around you.
P.M. July 8th 2010
Never feel you should, or must come to Me from a sense of duty, or guilt, but only from Love and affinity.
A.M. July 9th 2010
It is important for you to acknowledge your accurate discernment of reality. For this denotes that your vision is being restored to clarity. That is worthy of celebration.
A.M. July 12th 2010
Knowing the truth cannot but cause you to live it, because it brings inner peace, and by living it are you made free.
A.M. July 20th 2010
Eternity is now, and does not change because it is of God, the Creator Spirit, and is therefore perfect. Perfection cannot change or it would not be perfect. Equally, God cannot change or He would not be perfect.
A.M. July 29th 2010
Because you have placed yourself within the care, guidance and protection of the Spirit of Truth, Which is the same as your brother Jesus, you are within that care and guidance. This cannot fail you because you have placed yourself there, so you can trust in It.
A.M. July 31st 2010
The ego tempts with judgements, accusations, negativity. Allow this; observe it but do not own it, do not engage with it and in due course these intrusions diminish and fade away. Celebrate and rejoice, for these are all signs of your growing commitment to and desire for your true will.
A.M. August 2nd 2010
Now do all the ‘sons of men’ progress into the completion, fulfilment, Kingdom measure; leavening, raising all up to the inner awareness, remembrance of their true Being as the Son of God, one with of Jesus.
A.M. August 7th 2010
Your thoughts are your reality because you believe them. Such is the power of the mind of Papa’s Son. Because you believed ego’s thoughts were your thoughts, they became your reality.
A.M. August 14th 2010
Reality is NOW, and that which is not as IT is cannot be Now. It is, illusorily speaking, ‘in the past’, hoping, wishing for things to be better in the ‘future’, and therefore continually playing it out, like watching a film that was made in the past projected onto a screen.
A.M. August 19th 2010
When you return judgement and attack with forgiveness and blessings of Peace and Love, so is the downward, destructive spiral broken, and ascent toward the Light is engendered in its place, until all the shadows of grievance and judgement are shone away by the Light.
A.M. August 30th 2010
The illusion of time and place seems to be reality to the children of Earth-mind consciousness because they value it. When they arrive at the place where nothing of time and place holds any value for them, they are Awake to the Glory and grandeur of What they really are.
A.M. September 3rd 2010
Peace is available only from within the Now. Peace cannot exist in time because time is unreal and Peace, as a quality of Love, is real. Now and time are mutually exclusive, as are peace and fear. Time is the consciousness of fear.
A.M. September 12th 2010
History repeats itself because it has not been forgiven by the fractured mind that keeps reviewing it, trying to change it, trying to make it better. But what is nothing cannot be made better; it can but be forgiven, along with the mind that made it up.
A.M. September 20th 2010
‘Dying’ is of bodies, which are not real because they are not eternal; thus can they neither live nor die, because they are nothing. So the dream continues beyond ‘death’, because the very act of ‘dying’ demonstrates dreaming, rather than waking to reality.
A.M. September 24th 2010
Gathering information about unreality – time and place; the temporal – is nothing to do with Knowledge. Knowledge is, and can only be, of reality, which is eternity; Heaven. That is within and requires no gathering; only acceptance of what is already there.
A.M. September 30th 2010
Perfect Love and Light are what Papa’s Son really is, but the choice for experience of good and evil – duality – has separated the Love and Light into its fractions, which are sullied, distorted, dimmed by the belief in, and thus the appearance of, darkness, or absence of Love/Light.
A.M. October 17th 2010
Papa is everywhere. But everywhere is not of time or place; it is of Mind, and Mind is within. The illusion perceived as time and place is without, and that made-up place is without indeed; without Mind. That is why it is insane.
A.M. October 24th 2010
Extend the same forgiveness to your brothers as Papa extends to you. That’s how you make it yours. There is no other way to avoid judgement and condemnation of oneself.
A.M. November 11th 2010
When we remember the truth, the ‘need’ for a body, in time and place, in a vain attempt to hide from Papa, is seen as the error it always was. Then we are free to lay it aside, and return to Him in pure Spirit, with no need for further masquerade disguises, or embodied persona identities.
A.M. November 12th 2010
Reality cannot be experienced in or from the perspective of the without. It can only be experienced within. This is possible, even when appearing to be embodied – in the without – simply by going within.
A.M. November 28th 2010
When you are at peace, then will you remember that you are Love, and then you will BE, once more, in your experience, Love. This is happening – even as you engage in any outer endeavours – one step at a time.
A.M. December 3rd 2010
You are as Papa created His beloved Son: pure, eternal, innocent spirit, in His own likeness. Thus can you easily forgive what seems to happen but in reality could not because it is all but a dream and dreams are not real.
A.M. December 3rd 2010 (part two)
The truth is seen and understood from a greater perspective by those fragments of the Sonship who begin to stir to awareness of the Truth of Eternity. They begin to remember that time and place is but an illusion, and awaken to experience of a higher reality.
A.M. December 5th 2010
When you commit to forgiving all blocks to Love’s awareness, then will you Know again the true experience of Perfect Love, which is a never-ending orgasm of the soul; a thousand times a thousand more powerful than any such feeble, bodily substitute.
A.M. December 9th 2010
In the apparently separated, or upside-down consciousness one may believe one is judging another, but in truth it can only be possible that one is judging – and therefore, condemning – oneself, since in reality all are but one.
A.M. December 16th 2010
When synchronicity happens, be assured that Heaven is involved, synchronising events and circumstances for your benefit; for the benefit of all. So gratitude is appropriate. J.
A.M. December 18th 2010
Time and place is the apparent opposite of eternity – reality – so free will means it is always possible to choose to experience reality, which is Truth, instead of unreality, which is merely an illusion, an attempt at self-deception.
A.M. January 5th 2011
Purification is to be gladly welcomed, for it is a gentle, loving process, as are all things of Papa; a clearing out of upside-down, bewildered, confused minds, cluttered with false, unserviceable, imprisoning beliefs.
A.M. February 1st 2011
“Thank You, Papa, for always hearing me, loving me and for giving me everything, including Your Voice, the Spirit of Truth, to heal my mind of all misperceptions. I gladly, willingly, choose always to listen to His guiding, so that He can bring me Home to You.”
A.M. February 11th 2011
I create by extending Myself. This is the only way creation is possible, because I Am all there Is… There is only My Self with and from Which to create, so I extend My Self. I extend My Self in you, Beloved, so you are like Me in every respect, aspect, detail.
A.M. February 21st 2011
The Light and the Word are one and the same. You are the Light. Jesus tells you so. Welcome the Light and you welcome wholeness. Thus shall you be healed because the Light will illumine your mind when it believes it is in darkness.
A.M. February 22nd 2011
You are remembering Who you are. This is good. This is just as it is intended. The Plan is working. Since it is the Plan of Papa, who could imagine it being otherwise?
A.M. February 25th 2011
In time and place there is an ebb and flow. Go with the flow. Do not resist, for you are resisting nothing. If you resist, you are making something of nothing. Only in surrender can I uphold you, for then you have surrendered all gods, or idols that you would have otherwise made and served before Me.
A.M. March 7th 2011
What Papa creates is real because it is created in His likeness: Perfect Love, and cannot change or it would become other than perfect, and therefore could not be of Him. How can Perfect Love – Papa – create other than what is of the nature of His Being?
A.M. March 13th 2011
The choice for power in time and place in lieu of empowerment with eternity is the choice for disenfranchisement of that same empowerment for good, for healing the world – and oneself in the process – that Jesus, your brother and template for true Being, chose.
A.M. March 14th 2011
Thank You, beloved Papa, for taking up Your abode in me, just as Jesus, Your anointed messenger, promised You would do for all who love him and keep his word. I gladly, joyously welcome You into my heart-mind, Knowing Your presence there is forever and forever. Amen.
A.M. March 21st 2011
Now is the pivotal moment for Papa’s Holy Son… the moment he can choose the onwards and upwards Path to the Light or continue the downwards and backwards descent to darkness.
A.M. February 25th 2011
In time and place there is an ebb and flow. Go with the flow. Do not resist, for you are resisting nothing. If you resist, you are making something of nothing. Only in surrender can I uphold you, for then you have surrendered all gods, or idols that you would have otherwise made and served before Me.
A.M. March 7th 2011
What Papa creates is real because it is created in His likeness: Perfect Love, and cannot change or it would become other than perfect, and therefore could not be of Him. How can Perfect Love – Papa – create other than what is of the nature of His Being?
A.M. March 13th 2011
The choice for power in time and place in lieu of empowerment with eternity is the choice for disenfranchisement of that same empowerment for good, for healing the world – and oneself in the process – that Jesus, your brother and template for true Being, chose.
A.M. March 14th 2011
Thank You, beloved Papa, for taking up Your abode in me, just as Jesus, Your anointed messenger, promised You would do for all who love him and keep his word. I gladly, joyously welcome You into my heart-mind, Knowing Your presence there is forever and forever. Amen.
A.M. March 21st 2011
Now is the pivotal moment for Papa’s Holy Son… the moment he can choose the onwards and upwards Path to the Light or continue the downwards and backwards descent to darkness.
P.M. March 28th 2011
Faith will dispel doubt, but one must hold fast to faith, in trust that it will endure and restore true Sight – eternal spiritual vision – if there is but a little willingness to be steadfast.
P.M. April 2nd 2011
The idea of not being totally at peace in Heaven is, of course, made up, so is not true. Therefore the perception of not being at peace indicates the belief in separation, which is preposterous because separation is impossible.
P.M. April 11th 2011
It is inevitable that Papa’s Son will, in due season, choose to return to his Father, but this is only possible when he chooses to remember that he is like his Father. Can anxiety be one with Love, Peace, Joy?
P.M. April 20th 2011
Knowing and believing are not the same thing. Knowing is absolute and nothing can change it, because Knowing is of Truth, and Truth cannot be changed. People can choose to believe what is not Truth to be true, but believing it so does not make it so.
P.M. April 21st 2011
I am one with each fragment of the Sonship, and therefore the connecting link between all. I can perfectly convey Love and blessing from the giver to any to whom they are sincerely sent.
P.M. April 22nd 2011
Time and place is about ‘doing’; eternity is about Being. There is nothing to do in Heaven – it already is created, perfectly, by Papa – except experience, rejoice, participate in and thus, extend, the joy, peace and Love that is Heaven. For Heaven is what you ARE, not what you do.
P.M. April 24th, Easter Day 2011
Who in his right mind can believe that Papa, Who created His Son in His own likeness, could have created him to know and experience pain and suffering? The idea is so absurd that it is not worth countenancing. So for all who are ready to hear it: do not entertain it longer.
P.M. April 27th, 2011
How, then, does one start to think like one’s exemplar? By following his example. Who can imagine Jesus thinking thoughts of littleness, limitation, guilt, fear, shame, envy, scarcity, illness, mortality…?
P.M. May 7th, 2011
Now is the moment for transforming the old, Earth-mind conscious state of Papa’s Son from death to Life. The Light of eternal truth shines into the slumbering mind and it is stirred into wakefulness. That Light is Love.
P.M. May 10th, 2011
Jesus spoke these words, Seek ye first the Kingdom… as a reminder and an invitation to all to join with him – actually, re-join – in the Kingdom. Share, extend therefore, that invitation to all who have forgotten it, that all may rejoice again, as One.
P.M. May 13th, 2011
The Kingdom of God is not just within you; it IS you. For not only what, but also where, would the Kingdom be without you, or without any other of our beloved brothers in the Sonship? The Kingdom could not be complete with one single brother left out.
P.M. May 20th, 2011
Allowing the desire that is deep within to simply be, unfettered, means the drawing influence of My Calling you Home to Me will accomplish it. Your only requirement is to respond and not restrict that response with fear, doubt, uncertainty, guilt…
P.M. May 27th, 2011
Do not mistake light from the sun as the Light. For sunlight is discernible only to bodily senses, devised solely to distract from reality. That which is discernible to bodily senses is but illusion, so has no reality to the single vision, which sees only truth; that which does not – cannot – pass away.
P.M. May 30th, 2011
You are the Light of the world and thereby are the saviour of the world. That is why you are here. This is your only true purpose for being here. All else is merely preparation for that purpose.
P.M. June 1st, 2011
Love and Oneness – with their witnesses, peace and joy – await re-cognition with open arms. Therefore, welcome, be receptive to the inspiration of Love from Me. It will enter when bidden; receive it gladly into heart-mind and accept it unto yourself.
P.M. June 5th, 2011
Those who do not choose to sing the New Song – the Song of Freedom – continue to repeat the hypnotic dirge of sin and retribution. Yet, when you join your life with your older brother, and take his hand, it becomes immediately clear that such a dirge has no meaning, no reality.
P.M. June 12th, 2011
All the fragments of the Sonship can be – and in truth, are – saviours of the world because the world is a projection from a fragmented mind. But this saving is always at the level of mind, not the physical. The world does not need changing; only the mind needs changing about the world.
A.M. June 14th, 2011
No thought processes are involved with enlightenment because no time or other illusions are involved. How can illusions be involved in Awakening to reality? How can time be involved in eternity?
P.M. June 14th, 2011
Refreshment comes from Awakening to wholeness, not from slumbering, because wakefulness is peacefulness. Wholeness means all-Knowing, all-empowerment by Love. Love is the only power in all creation because Love IS the power of Creation.
P.M. July 11th, 2011
It is not ‘just’ Jesus, but myriad souls – embodied and disembodied – having espoused their lives to him and his GRP, are, as One, counterbalancing, neutralising, transforming the negative ego-mind energies that would otherwise hold sway over the unfolding, climactic events on Earth.
A.M. July 30th, 2011
Thinking is of the ‘I will’, not of the ‘I AM’. The I will is self-determination, meaning ‘not yet so’ – incomplete. I AM already IS, so no determination is required. How can one determine to be what one already IS?
P.M. July 30th 2011
Because you appear to be in upside-down land, which causes confusion, Papa’s Power is seen as destructive, wrathful, punitive, vengeful, instead of creative. And in that false perception you believe you must be for the high-jump. Yet only Love can be creative.
P.M. August 4th, 2011
To help with restoration of your memory, you can serve yourself very well by practising the qualities of Home Life, so that the Awakening to Its remembrance can more smoothly and seamlessly slide into place, with the minimum of disturbance to your equilibrium, right away.
P.M. August 19th, 2011
Guilt is unfounded in truth; it has no reality. It was made up. It is in the past; is of the past tense. So, let go of, release, relinquish the past and there is, there can be, no more tension. For only in the past is the perception of separation, and therefore, of guilt.
P.M. August 30th, 2011
Your mind can be likened to a diamond. A perfect diamond is clear because there are no impurities to cloud it. When you allow me to remove the misperceptions from your mind, its clarity is restored, solid, unsullied; unclouded by the confusion of uncertainty in your understanding.
P.M. September 9th, 2011
The Light of Christ, your true Self within, shall illuminate the countenance of your brother so brightly that it shines away the shadows that cause him to appear to be your enemy. Then shall be seen in him the glory that reveals him as the perfect, innocent Son of God he has always been.
P.M. September 18th, 2011
When one sees a brother who seems to be experiencing famine, war, injustice…, reach out – extend – to him Love, peace, joy, blessing, compassion, brotherhood and goodwill. Regardless of who or where he seems to be.
P.M. October 7th, 2011
There is another Voice in your mind that is still, small, quiet, gentle, peaceful, Loving and neither comparative – how can comparison be made when there is but ONE? – nor judgemental. This Voice is not strident or demanding; does not jockey for position; does not push for acceptance and recognition; does not doubt nor fear.
P.M. October 13th, 2011
Thank you, Jesus, for embodying the Spirit of Truth, so that you could bring down and anchor the Truth of our Being within the dream of separation.
P.M. October 15th, 2011
Separation from Papa is impossible; an insane, absurd idea that could never happen in reality – only in fantasy. This thought brings freedom to focus on peace, open the mind to inspiration, remember the truth that is already there, and thus, Know the One, true Identity that is Self.
P.M. October 18th, 2011
How easily is the focus of a lost, frightened, confused mind diverted from the Way that will lead it back to the one, unchangeable truth; that Papa is perfect, unconditional Love, and His Son is created in His unalterable likeness.
P.M. October 19th, 2011
The answer is already given. It is the willingness to receive that opens the channel of receptivity, enabling the answer to be accepted. This is possible – nay, inevitable – because willingness attunes, or opens, the mind to the Source, wherefrom the Answer always is freely given.
P.M. October 22nd, 2011
Trust is everything; for who would be willing to unite with one he did not trust? To unite is to enter into union. When both parties are willing to enter into union this is common union, or communion. Communion is of minds, which choose to join and become as One Mind; Christ Mind.
P.M. October 23rd, 2011
Jesus said “I go to prepare a place for you.” (Jn. 14:2). He meant he was going to prepare the minds of all who were willing, and have become willing during the last two millennia – and even/especially now – to bring them to the place of accepting the truth and living it.
P.M. October 24th, 2011
Only by focusing on the Light, which is Love, which is wholeness, which is holiness [nothing to do with piety], will peace be remembered, and thus, dis-ease cease to be part of the experience of Papa’s illusorily-fragmented Son.
P.M. October 29th, 2011
What is meaningful and serviceable to the process of Awakening is commitment; desire; motivation. To desire, or will, that which is not at one with the Will of He Who Is the Source – the very Cause of reality – cannot serve the process. For wakefulness is oneness with the Source of All.
P.M. October 30th, 2011
The restoration of right-mindedness from wrong-mindedness – Christ-Mindedness from ego-mindedness – is happening right here, right now, in time and place. Thus will come into view the Real World, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
A.M. November 12th, 2011
The Father Creator, Who Knows all things because He is the Source of All things, gave, shared, extended all that is His to His beloved Son at his creation. This is possible – indeed it is impossible that it be otherwise – because His Son, His creation, remains forever in His Mind.
A.M. November 26th, 2011
Oneness in Papa is a permanent, never-ending, uninterruptible state of ecstasy that is akin to a moment of bodily orgasm. But this is endless, universal – not localised – and of a magnitude and intensity that is far, far, far greater than the greatest moment of bodily bliss.
P.M. November 26th, 2011
Perceiving oneself to be a body does not make One a body. Experiencing pain and suffering no more makes such real than experiencing oneself as a body. Separation, pain and suffering are merely the effects of the belief in guilt.
A.M. November 27th, 2011
A forgiven self, thusly unburdened, can then experience the desire, the willingness to forgive a brother – all brothers in fact – because self then realises that what he thought was real never actually was.
A.M. November 28th, 2011
As the New Day dawns, never again to set, so does the Light of the Son shine away the mist, restoring perfect sight to eyes that long for the vision of delight: the clear sight of Christ-Self, reflected in all brothers, until all are seen, again, as, and restored to, remembrance of Oneness.
A.M. November 29th, 2011
Defencelessness was perfectly demonstrated by Jesus, who daily walked amongst, and healed, the appearance of sickness, disease and death, with no thought that he might succumb, simply because he Knew none of what his brothers experienced had any foundation in reality.
A.M. November 30th, 2011
Who will continue to seek the Light where there is none – in the without? Now is the time, the moment, to return to the Light of Life, Which is Papa, Whose dwelling place is within you. There are, and can be, no exceptions.
A.M. December 9th, 2011
All IS well; truly. How could it be otherwise in Papa’s Creation? And I assure you, there is nothing else but His Creation. Further, you are an indivisible, indispensable part of that Creation. You are His Creation.
A.M. December 11th, 2011
Desire determines outcome. If your desire is for Light and Truth, so be it. That is what inevitably comes to you, and you cannot contain it, for it is uncontainable. You simply, irresistibly, have to share it, extend it, give it away so that all have it; for all are in the One.
P.M. December 11th, 2011
Accept the certainty of your Knowing of our indivisible, eternal Oneness. Herein lies freedom; herein lies peace; herein lies joy, wholeness, Love, wisdom, all Knowledge and understanding. Therefore, rejoice, for the Kingdom truly is within you.
P.M. December 11th, 2011
Give thanks for the tears; they bear witness to your caring. Did not even Jesus weep at the seeming demise of his brother, Lazarus, even though he Knew he was not ‘dead’ and that neither he nor any can ‘die’, ever?
P.M. December 12th, 2011
Saying, and believing, that Jesus died as a once and for all blood sacrifice, for the propitiation of sins, actually affirms that no such salvation has taken place. Rather, it ‘confirms the guilt’ of Papa’s Son. If Papa’s Son is guilty, no sacrifice can eradicate what would have happened.
P.M. December 18th, 2011
He who believes he is guilty – consciously or unconsciously – believes he deserves to die. But it is not possible to die, so there arises in his confused mind the image of what he believes can die – a body. And all the while such belief remains, so will it continue to be played-out, body after body after body.
P.M. January 5th, 2012.
What if ‘labels’ were to be done away with? A label might belie the truth with a mistaken perception that this one is ‘Jew’, that one ‘gentile’, another ‘believer’, his brother ‘infidel’; ‘Honest broker’ or ‘Charlatan’. The only true label could ever be, ‘Innocent Son of God’.
P.M. January 5th, 2012 (part 2)
Most ‘labels’ separate Jesus as someone ‘different’, ‘greater’, ‘higher’, ‘apart’ from the rest of the children of men. Yet did he not refer to himself as ‘the son of man’? Was this not his way of saying he was not different from his brethren?
P.M. January 5th, 2012 (part 3)
Who would choose to judge, categorise, condemn a brother instead of embracing him? Or embrace him when others might say he should be judged, categorised, 'labelled', condemned? Either way, is he not, above and beyond all else, your brother?
P.M. January 11th, 2012
Believing illusion can only bring perception of illusion; a journey to nowhere, bringing nothing as its reward. Believing truth, on the contrary, ensures a journey filled with joy, peace, Love, with everything Papa has given and kept safe for His Son as the reward; forever.
A.M. January 14th, 2012
Loving oneself and/or a brother is a mind and soul thing, not a body thing – although that Love can be expressed through the body, as Loving embraces, acts of kindness, compassion, caring, sharing. The body does not last but the Love expressed, being of mind and soul, is forever.
A.M. January 15th, 2012
Sight, or vision, or Knowing is revealed – a revelation – from the Source of All. No thought processes are involved because revelation, like sight, is instantaneous. It is instantaneous because it has its Being in the Holy Instant; the ever-present moment of NOW.
A.M. January 18th, 2012
You can be confident that all revelatory experiences have been brought to you for the service of a larger purpose, to provide a larger view of who you – and your brothers – really are, and how and why all belong together as one.
A.M. January 21st, 2012.
Understanding is already with us, within us, but by going ‘out there’ looking for it we are making the statement that we don’t have it, so that is how it appears to us.
A.M. January 27th, 2012.
Papa does not, has not, could not create anything or anyone more, or less, or other, than in His own exact, perfect likeness. He and His creation IS, and can only be, perfect oneness. How can anything else be other than illusion; something that has been made up?
A.M. January 29th, 2012
During this, the leavening of the third measure of meal, there is occurring an accelerating awakening to, and acceptance of, the reality that there is no difference, no divide, no separation – ever – between Papa’s one Son, even in Its seemingly fragmented state.
A.M. February 24th, 2012
Each illusory event, each experience, each moment is an opportunity to transform misperceived adversity into truly perceived fulfilment, blessing, awakening. This requires no effort at all; only acceptance. So, let it Be, for it already IS.
A.M. March 1st, 2012
You and your brother, as well you now Know, are one, but you can only experience him as your brother – or your neighbour – rather than as an enemy, when you choose to Love him as yourself. This choice can only reveal to you that in Truth you and he are One.
A.M. April 6th, 2012, Good Friday.
In his forgetfulness it seems very hard for Papa’s Son to believe what he has blinded himself to, so he says, ‘Show me, that I might believe again.’ But it is his unbelief that causes his blindness. He must be willing to relinquish his unbelief, so that his vision may be immediately restored.
P.M. April 8th, 2012.
Papa’s Son tried, for a moment, to bring light into darkness, to make true what is untrue. But Light is True and darkness is untrue. So only a false, unreal light – the sun – could arise in unreality. How can that which is True become part of what is untrue?
P.M. April 9th, 2012.
Bringing darkness to Light in an attempt to demonstrate that darkness is real, and can overcome the Light, cannot, of course, obliterate the Light, though the ego attempts this at every turn, of which the crucifixion of Jesus – the Light of the world – is the cardinal example.
A.M. May 8th
All-empowerment is not limited to Jesus. How could the Son of God be limited, save by himself? All that is asked is that all who desire it simply reclaim it by remembering, believing, having faith and trust that, in your oneness with Papa, all things are possible.
A.M. May 10th
Whatever ego appears to do to Papa’s Son cannot succeed because it is His will that His Son be forever like Him and forever with Him.
A.M. May 12th 2012
It was always inevitable that all time and place cycles run their course, for that is the nature of unreality, when only the real is eternal and unchangeable – because all of the eternal is perfect and complete, being True.
A.M. May 20th 2012
Thinking is doing, which constantly changes, and therefore is of separation, an unreal, illusory state. Knowing is constant, unchanging, an indivisible aspect of Being, which is eternal. Love is eternal and Knows not of doing because in Heaven there is nothing to do, since all is complete.
P.M. June 6th 2012
Impatience is not a quality of your true Being. Impatience will cause you to experience being what you are not. How, then, can you expect to experience what you Are? And how can impatience to become what you already Are have any meaning to a reasoning mind?
P.M. July 4th 2012
Because unreality cannot exist in reality it does not exist at all, never did and never could. Focus on this whenever unreality seems to close in on you and you will see that it is mist. Then will it be gone and never missed. J
P.M. July 5th 2012
Time is already over – because from the True perspective of eternity it never began, never happened. And you have been repeatedly, lovingly reminded from the Realms of Light that the GRP is both infallible and unstoppable, and has all the resources of eternity at its disposal.
P.M. July 12th 2012
Seeking abundance of stuff – a beguiling ruse of the ego – rather than abundance of Life, is an endeavour in which time is the great thief. By seeking abundance of Life, time brings great rewards, to the benefit of ALL. Forever.
P.M. July 15th 2012
It is only when we have dispelled all our unbelief, including in the heat of apparent adversity, that acceptance and understanding of spiritual/eternal reality, and total safety and lack of need for defences become unassailably ours.
P.M. July 20th 2012
When brothers, one and all in the Sonship of God, are restored to memory of their eternal Sonship they will Know they are One, free, whole, complete in Him. This is enabled when one accepts that this is not just the Truth of eternity but the Truth of his Being for all eternity.
P.M. July 24th 2012
The desire to share the good news of remembrance of the Truth of Being of all the slumberers as One Self – Christ, Papa’s beloved Son – becomes the only function that can bring fulfilment to any embodied soul. For that is the only meaningful purpose that can be served in time.
P.M. July 30th 2012
The Great Rescue Programme progresses from the place where all the fragments perceive themselves to be, forward, to its completion: wholeness, Oneness, in Papa, in the eternity of Heaven.
P.M. August 5th 2012
In the Earth-mind consciousness – the consciousness of fear – Jesus has been put on a pedestal and worshipped, making him separate, apart, unreachable; just as the ego wants it. But Jesus does not believe in pedestals, and certainly not in separation or fear.
P.M. August 12th
True communion is a state of Being to be experienced, and is an exalted state for which there are no words. Who wants to speak when experiencing orgasmic ecstasy beyond all divided cognisance or imagining?
P.M. August 17th 2012
Life, Papa and His One Son, who is indivisibly, inseparably part of Him, is indestructible, so he cannot have any part of his Being where there is no Life – were it possible other than in fantasy. Thus can his fantasy, his momentary dream of separation, be one only of ‘death’.
P.M. August 21st
The Loving mind unites in Love with the brother’s mind, nullifying there
the cause of sickness – of mind or body, it makes no difference since all
arises first in the mind – and thus, of perceived effects. How else could
Jesus have healed his illusorily sick brothers?
P.M. August 21st
2012 (part 2)
The wholly innocent cannot experience
pain and sickness because there is no guilt. To see a brother as innocent
is to see a reflection of oneself. Then does one Know, of a certainty
beyond all doubt, that there is but One Self.
P.M. September 3rd
When there is readiness, willingness to surrender unbelief and allow faith to
replace it, then can the cataracts be removed from unseeing eyes and true vision
P.M. September 16th
Choosing, deciding to Be One-Self means one is never alone, limited,
mortal, because the shroud of illusions is exchanged for the cloak of Papa’s
and the crown of your glory. Then the Light within you bursts forth, showing you
and your brothers there is truly nothing to fear.
P.M. October 7th
God is not in institutions because institutions are not alive. He is alive in
the hearts of all. Who will open to Him and welcome His Holy Presence
there? The heart is the Most Holy Place in the temple of His Son while he
languishes in a far country, because the heart is the seat of the soul.
P.M. October 13th
Real change is only from within; all the rest is merely ‘rearranging the furniture’. Is this not adequate reason to make no judgements based on superficial, outward appearances, when the True Being of all is within, Awakening and emerging in the without, until the two are but One?
P.M. October 20th
Fortunately no-one is alone, ever. Papa Knows not of aloneness. He Knows, instead, of All-Oneness. It could be observed therefore, that aloneness is a spelling error, which, when corrected, will rectify your misperceived state of Being.
P.M. October 27th
Love – Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit, and thus the True, unchangeable Self of all – is always unequivocal about expressing, extending, sharing Love. That is the nature of Love, which is always true to Itself, and thus, true to all because Love Is all there Is, and all is worthy of Love.
P.M. November 3rd, 2012.
By giving, so do you receive, in equal measure, like for like. Have no thought for the how, the where or the when. All is within My power to accomplish your good will, for your good will is Papa’s Good Will.
P.M. November 10th 2012
Love cannot help Itself from creating, or extending Itself. That is what Love IS; Its very nature. Love is Life, Love is Light, and cannot be static. Yet Love is still, in the sense of calm – not agitated – peace, serene; but It is not static in the sense of inertia. How could inertia be creative?
P.M. November 15th 2012
Papa’s Son is empowered to dispel darkness because he is the Light of the world. All know that Light shines away darkness – because darkness does not exist. It is an illusion caused by imagining-away the Light. But the Light is inextinguishable. Is not that cause for rejoicing?
P.M. November 23rd 2012
Love is the true nature of your Being – all Being – and when this is all that occupies your heart and mind, then are you restored to happiness and fulfilment of your heart’s desire. This is so easily achieved, simply by desiring it for, and freely giving it to, all your brothers.
P.M. November 24th 2012
Those who are happy want to share with, extend that happiness to their brothers who are heavy laden, burdened still with illusions of guilt, fear, grievance, sickness, mortality… Those who have found happiness want their self-burdened brothers to be released into happiness.
P.M. November 30th 2012
Choosing to Be, and therefore, without effort, express Love enables its experience because it is reflected back to you from your brothers and you will be seen – recognised – as the Light of the world. Then, in like manner, will you see the Light in your brothers also.
P.M. December 4th 2012
Only by sharing, expressing, not in words – which are merely symbols, not reality – but in Being, living, Loving, blessing, extending Papa’s will can you, and all the fragments of the Sonship, be restored to awareness that it is your will also.
P.M. December 6th 2012
When you allow the Light aspect of Love to once more shine in your mind it dispels the veil of darkness with which you have shielded yourself from the Truth. Thus shall It shine away all illusions that have supplanted Love with fear.
P.M. December 17th 2012
I will receive your blessing – for anyone, any situation, any circumstance – and place it within them. There I will keep it safe for them until they are ready to have its healing, Awakening, forward-going, releasing benefit revealed to, activated in, them.
P.M. December 29th 2012
‘People need a jolt…’ to awaken them from their slumbers. This jolt is not, cannot, from its Source in Love, be a terrifying event – though for those who mistake Love for fear it may be perceived as such, until that self-same jolt restores even a miniscule spark of Light to their mind.
A.M. December 30th 2012
The Awakening of Papa’s slumbering Son is not to Life, as often described, but to remembrance of Life, since Life – eternal Life – is already the true state of all created Being, regardless of appearance, or form. How could it be other, since it is the free gift of Papa to all His creation?
A.M. January 13th
Communion is common, or shared, union. So, commune – share – with Papa your union with Him, for by so doing you share with all His creation. This, it hardly need be said, means all your brothers in the Sonship; every living thing.
A.M. January 18th
Mind-to-mind communing, brother to brother, is preparing, practising for Mind-to-Mind communion with Papa – just like Jesus – because you share the One Mind with Papa and with your brothers, until all are restored to Oneness in His Heart-Mind.
A.M. January 25th 2013
In time, there seems to be sin. Perceiving such in time means it can only be MISperceived because time itself is a misperception. What was seen as sin can NOW be better observed as error, and error can easily be corrected, simply be seeing it as so, and thus is it immediately dispelled.
A.M. January 26th 2013
In the split mind, choices between ‘good and evil’ seem to occur. Because the choices appear to be real, even though opposite, confusion between reality and unreality arises, leading to errors of perception. Those errors bring the experience of pain and suffering.
A.M. February 6th 2013
Grievances make Love seem unforgivable, meaning inability to see yourself and your brothers as Love. Therefore, forgive and thus be restored to awareness of the Love that you all are. This is what, and only what, re-joins and returns the fragments of the Sonship to Oneness.
A.M. February 8th 2013
Papa, I rejoice and give thanks for the certainty beyond all doubt that You are in me, with me, immovably, always, eternally; Loving me totally, unconditionally; Knowing that as Your beloved Son I am forever pure, innocent, everlasting Love – just as You created me.
P.M. February 25th 2013
Choose to remember that you are the Light, just as Papa created you, and then leave that choice with Me. I will attend to its accomplishment. I cannot do this without your authorising Me because you have God-given, inviolable free will, and your free will choice was for separation.
P.M. February 26th 2013
In Papa, all is One, and that Oneness is Love, with all its qualities of joy beyond the imagining of a mind that dreams of separation, conflict and ‘death’. What other response to such a dream can there possibly be but laughter? Laughter that is joy-engendered because it is not true.
P.M. March 3rd 2013
Forgive just a single brother what you thought he did and all become your friends. For how can there be enemies amongst One? And forgiveness restores to memory the seeming many to Oneness, without effort, by unmaking what was never there.
P.M. March 4th 2013
All the while you include time as a key factor in your desire, your concerns for healing – of minds, bodies or relationships – you are endeavouring to bring Truth to illusions, rather than bringing illusions to the Truth.
P.M. March 7th 2013
There will arise a desire only for giving when forgiving has been chosen. Only forgiving brings remembrance, restoration to Knowing, and therefore experiencing that only by giving can receiving be possible because there is but One heart and one mind.
P.M. March 15th 2013
Papa does not create in part. His creation – His One, beloved Son – is whole, complete, unchangeable forever. How can a momentary illusion possibly alter eternal reality? Forgetfulness of reality does not render it unreal. And who will insist that fantasy is reality?
A.M. March 19th 2013
All remembrance, all Truth is already within the mind of all who see themselves as separate, which is simply their free will choice. When they are ready, and ask for Help in being brought to at-One-ment with that living memory, Help is immediately provided.
A.M. March 20th 2013
True forgiveness releases the chains of conflict, of attack, by allowing the Light to shine into the darkness, revealing that only Love unites the fragmented Sonship, restoring brokenness to wholeness, Oneness.
A.M. March 23rd
Resistance is always unreal, valueless, because Heaven, Truth, eternity, reality – Love – is irresistible. Resistance simply evaporates before Truth, but only when the tortured mind is willing to be healed, for there is only freedom of will – never compulsion – in Truth.
A.M. March 24th 2013
It is not possible to embrace Light and darkness, Love and fear, innocence and guilt, for their incompatibility prohibits it. Light, Love and innocence belong indivisibly together. Accept them and darkness, guilt and fear are gone, just as darkness is gone in the presence of Light.
P.M. March 24th 2013
Grace is a quality, an attribute of Papa that is also complete in His son, freely, irrevocably shared with him. Freely, therefore, share, extend that Grace when a brother appears to judge, hold a grievance, attack. From Grace is forgiveness born.
A.M. March 28th, 2013
Love and Light raise up and illuminate self-darkened minds wherever and whenever the tiniest crack opens, shining away a shadow here and a spectre there until greater awareness of reality can begin to take shape in the torpid chasms of shuttered minds.
A.M. March 30th, 2013
Errors of perception are effortlessly corrected, leaving only wholeness, completion, requiring nothing of Papa’s momentarily-confused Son save willingness to let go of unreality, that reality may be embraced once more, and forever.
A.M. April 7th,
Choosing with Me, the Spirit of Truth, in all matters of decision enables all who make that choice to simply, immediately, step right through the illusory veil of separation into the Most Holy Place – Oneness in Papa.
A.M. April 20th, 2013
How can Truth imagine illusion; how can wholeness imagine brokenness; how can Life imagine death? Truth Knows nothing of fantasy, joy Knows not of despair, peace Knows not of conflict, eternity Knows not of time
A.M. April 28th, 2013
Practising mind-to-mind communing – between Loving or unloving minds – is a device that will contribute palpably to bringing the vain hope of a ‘future eternity’ into the ever-present reality of the eternal Now, where all is peace, joy, harmony, wholeness, Oneness.
A.M. August 27th 2013
…you should be able to look at a reflection of yourself in the mirror and say to it, “I Am the Christ, the blessed, holy Son of my eternal, holy Father, exactly as He created me. This is the truth. So Be it.” Let there be an end, once and for all, to Self denial.
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