Diary for 1993


The following Diary entries were posted on May 12th 2006.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion January 3, 1993 


Natural laws that govern the operations of life at the Earth-plane level shall come into effect at a higher level of manifestation and control and those who are in harmony with it shall operate and function accordingly. 


Another New Year and one year closer to the fulfilment of the Fathers purposes in the Children of Earth even if they do not know it! 


Yes my friend, the purpose does go forward but it is in harmony with and according to the Laws which govern Life itself; it goes forward in the within, where is laid the true and immovable foundation upon which can and shall be built the Kingdom of God in the outer.  In reality the outer shall become transmuted into the Inner; those in the Outer Court shall be drawn forward and upward into the Inner Court where only the Will of the Father can be done. 

It shall be in the Earth because of the high level of awareness of those in the Earthly life functioning and desiring according to the Fathers Will even as our Lord Jesus showed us is possible 2000 years ago, it shall not be such a dense level of operating and the awareness shall be of the eternal reality.  Natural laws that govern the operations of life at the Earth-plane level shall come into effect at a higher level of manifestation and control, and those who are in harmony with it shall operate and function accordingly.

Be of good cheer my friend, for though it may seem afar off, it is necessary that those who aspire to life at the Kingdom of Heaven level of operation must undertake the vows of obedience, and proceed with the training course to learn by discipline.  There is no compulsion and no time limit, for the discipline is Love and voluntarily adhering to that which is gradually perceived as the Will of the Father rather than that which is expedient. 

 The discipline is something with which each aspirant comes to align his life as it is perceived, and understanding increases by the aligning with, or drawing closer to, the Source, and by the discipline.  You are well versed in this and your one-pointedness is deep-rooted.  Thus shall survival of drought, hurricane and pestilence be possible.  Keep on keeping on and all shall be well.  May all the blessings of Heaven envelop and keep you strong in the Way of the Lord. 



Holy Communion January 10, 1993 


It is only possible to go forward on the Path of  Progress back to Eternity by being in harmony, or desiring to be one, with the Source.   


Master Jesus, you claimed power on Earth to forgive sins; I believe ‘sin’ is simply being, functioning out of harmony with the loving Will of the Father, such as wrongdoing against our fellows. Such is inevitable when we are lost, feeling separate from Him.  


My son, you have perceived correctly that in principle, great or small error is the same   being out of at-onement with the Source of all Life our Father Creator. It is only possible to go forward on the Path of  Progress  back to Eternity by being in harmony, or desiring to be One, with the Source. 

Of course the little ones of Earth-life consciousness are not in a state of oneness, Grace, with the Father. But for those who desire that state, and aspire to it, it is the Fathers Will that they should be able to receive of it and achieve oneness with it. This can only be possible by the aid of One completely harmonised with the Life of the Father, and thus able to act as an intermediary, because the gulf in consciousness is too great. I am he. 

I have received this command power and authority of the Father, by desiring it, to help the little ones forward by the alignment and harmonising of my own Being as One with the Father. It is necessary that ‘sin forgetfulness of eternal Truth and reality is gradually left behind, for it is imbalance. The little ones do not know how to do this and need the intercession of One who does know. 

This is possible only by desire and asking. By such activity can willingness to forgive others set the conditions for forgiveness setting at nought to be achieved.  This is possible by giving to me the burdens of imbalance so that I may transform them into new opportunity to go forward, free of the restraining hold that such conditions create for those caught up in them.

Think on these matters, that greater understanding may be revealed to you my son.



Holy Communion January 17, 1993 


…the transforming and renewing power of the Creator Spirit can only manifest in and through souls whose commitment, dedication and one-pointed desire for the Kingdom and all it represents has gradually created a channel through which such can manifest. 


Master Jesus, I realise we in the Earth-life service of this Communion ritual must go forward in the outworking, maturing of our desire for the Kingdom to be brought into not only our own lives but of all the children of Earth. 


My son, truly do you go forward in the Way.  All is well; have no fear and your confidence in these matters shall grow as you become familiar with this newly awakening manifestation of the transforming and renewing of power of the Creator Spirit unfolding from your own within.  And I counsel you, my son, remember always that this manifestation can only take place in and through souls whose commitment, dedication and one-pointed desire for the Kingdom and all it represents has gradually created a channel through which such can manifest.  It is a channel in which personal, earthly ambition and desire are recognised as being of no eternal value and in which the Will of the Father Creator is seen as more desirable, more fulfilling.

So shall the Holy Spirit begin to infiltrate the space created by the abasing of ego-self desire and shall go forward according to the degree of readiness of the channel to act as a vessel for the Holy Spirit.

All shall be a gradual process, for your comfort and peace.  Your faithfulness and your desire make this possible and so is it and shall it be, according to Cosmic law, for all the Fathers little ones.

Joy be in your hearts my beloveds, for the revelations of this day.



Holy Communion January 24, 1993


Be not afraid; shrink not from this joyous place, for your guidance and protection are in your at-one-ment with the Father and with me.


I realised this morning that whereas I have, until now, been joining the IPS for this Service and relying upon their leading and guiding, now, as a result of a natural process of going forward it is necessary for me to be aware that I must conduct the Service from a centre within my own desire for the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth and that this Service truly reflects that desire within me, so that it is the desire welling up from within and manifesting through me that I must follow/be led by and that the IPS, who came so close late last year, have drawn back to give me this space for this realisation, this change of perspective, this going forward, to happen. 

So then, it is that the IPS are now “coming to me” for the Service, so that they can respond to the conditions created by the Service as initiated by and from my desire.  So, any new seekers drawn by the light and sincerity of my attunement can then be further instructed and helped forward by the IPS once the new seekers have awakened to the reality behind this ritual and become ready to go forward.  All this change is necessary because we, in the Earth life, can generate spiritually-empowered psychic energy for use and directing by Christ-authorised IPS, for transforming conditions in the Earth physical. The IPS need our Earth-life-generated power for this work because those in need of it are unaware of the more elevated power engendered by the IPS in the Realms of Light.

It is a most subtle change of perception/perspective of the reality of SMCC and the Fathers perfect plan for His little ones to come to at-one-ment with Him but it is nevertheless a real and important one, and which, being a PLF will apply to all Earth-life servers of this Sanctuary of SMCC as they go forward to this place of awareness.


So be it my son; it is as you perceive and was ever thus.  It was so with me in my earthly life, that it was from within my own God-filled centres of desire for the Kingdom upon the Earth that the Father worked through me.  I did not cleave unto the Inner Plane Servers Moses, Elijah, Abraham... but they were ever with me, loving, close, committed to support in that which the Father worked in me.  So I now say unto you: Let the Fathers will and His Love fill your life Centres and work His wonders in you, for the uplifting of the children of Earth.

Be not afraid; shrink not from this joyous place, for your guidance and protection are in your at-one-ment with Him and with me.  You shall progress, as ever, one step at a time from the place where you are, at a pace with which you remain comfortable.  All is well.


Master, I can do this only with your help and by your Grace.


So be it my son.  Go in joy and peace.



Holy Communion January 31, 1993


Let your heart be heard in these matters my son, for it is there to be your guide and balance; then shall the Living Word be given to reassure you of the rightness of your heart. 


Master Jesus, beloved Lord, I perceive that rather than cleaving unto the Inner Plane, the time comes when those of us who are of the Inner Court (the Kingdom desire, aspiration and consciousness) here in the Earth-life, for the Kingdom purpose, become ready to change our direction and begin to give outwardly into the Earth-life consciousness, where those who may be ready to go forward can begin to recognise in us the Light which we manifest, and cleave unto us, desiring to receive the bread and wine after which they begin to hunger and thirst.  By this change of direction looking/giving outwardly rather than looking/receiving inwardly, we are actually drawing the Light, the Love, the Life of the Heavenly Father, with Whom we are now becoming one (because of our desire and commitment for the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth) and can be a channel for Him in the Earth, for outpouring to those in need.


My son, this is the path down which you are travelling and your recognition and interpretation of the signs is correct.  Well done little one (cheering from the IPS!).

I rejoice with you at your going forwardAt this moment it may seem like small accomplishment but in reality it is a new place from where you will grow, discern anew realities of the Eternal and be able to progress in that which is given unto you to share.  So is the path of forward progress set out for all who aspire to serve and who above all else desire the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth.

Have I not said, Seek ye first the Kingdom and all ye have need of shall be added unto you?  Have, therefore, no concern at your lack of ambition to serve Mammon, for such dual commitment is not possible.  Rather, do only that which is given unto you to do, for I am controlling these matters, and thus shall the affairs and concerns of your material circumstances and well-being be provided for.

Let your heart be heard in these matters, my son, for it is there to be your guide and balance; then shall the Living Word be given to reassure you of the rightness of your heart.  Have no concern for the morrow – ‘sufficient unto the day...’.  Upon the morrow the Spirit of the Holy One can and will provide for you according to the need of the moment.  This is Truth and this is Principle; hearken unto it and so shall all be well with you in/upon the Way.


Master Jesus, thank you, as ever, for your guiding Light upon the path.


So shall it be my son; all is well.  I am well pleased with that which you do.  Peace and Joy of Heaven be with you.



Holy Communion February 14, 1993


All is well; the Joy of Heaven infiltrate and overshadow your Earth-life conditions, that you may have life abundantly and give of it to those who hunger and thirst.


This has been a Service of new realisation of the living, spiritual realities behind the words and structure of the ritual, such as I have never experienced before.


My friend, you go forward by your faithful, one-pointed commitment to this focusing mechanism into the reality of which it is a symbol, and its multi-dimensionalism opens up before you.  Its limitless facets shall expand before your vision as different aspects of time and place conditions bring them to you and you to them.

Have faith in the power of Jesus Christ to keep you on the track and in balance as the progress gathers momentum in your being.  Truly is this of the within and can only manifest through a living, incarnate channel, such as yourself, one step and one experience at a time.  Thus is the need to be fully ‘centred’ in our Master greater than ever as the Kingdom awareness increases within you.

Peace, harmony, balance are keywords for you to focus upon in maintaining the balance and proportion between that which is becoming your inner life and that which is the Earth-life vehicle of expressing that which you experience.  Without such control the vehicle would be overwhelmed by the flood of signals coming in and inadequate channels to process them through into the outer.

I assure you such is possible, and we have the supreme example in the Master himself, who had the full awareness of the Kingdom in reality and was able to maintain the balance in bringing it through in timely and proportional fashion into the Earth-life conditions in which he placed himself.

All is well; the Joy of Heaven infiltrate and overshadow your Earth-life conditions, that you may have life abundantly and give of it to those who hunger and thirst.


The following Diary entries were posted on August 3rd 2006.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion February 21, 1993


Today we all rejoice in Heaven and Earth, for all is prepared that has been aforetime determined, and great works for the Kingdom and for the glory of the Father, and of His little ones, may now begin in earnest. 


Jesus, my beloved Lord and Master, this is a marvellous day.  I feel as if Im in the midst of the multitude of Inner Plane/Kingdom Servers and that that which I/we do is more the reality behind the words of this ritual Service than the words themselves.  It is as if I am coming alive to the reality of the words and that real, tangible blessing and help and giving out of the bread of Life which is the Word and the Love which is the Wine, is actually taking place before my eyes.


My beloved son, this, in reality, has always been the case for as long as your desire has been sincere, but now you begin to experience that which has ever been so, by your faithfulness and by your going forward.  And it is also possible at this moment because your beloved has also been freed from the burden of the evil one, which now has set her free, that her hearts desire also may be fulfilled with great joy and delight.

Today we all rejoice in Heaven and Earth, for all is prepared that has been aforetime determined, and great works for the Kingdom and for the glory of the Father, and of His little ones, may now begin in earnest.  All that has gone before has been making ready.  Now do we begin.

Nevertheless my son I counsel you against recklessness in your eagerness to proceed.  Let the timing and placement of all remain in my hands; be not anxious to rush ahead at a pace which cannot be sustained for healthy, balanced growth.  Remain always close to me, for though the enemy is displaced, it lurks always in the shadows and in surprise places, ready to wrest from the sure places any who lapse in diligent and watchful treading of the Path.

Let your hearts and souls rejoice this wondrous day my beloveds, for we go forward together, AS ONE in peace and Joy and glory.  All is well.



Holy Communion February 28, 1993


…as the Word of Life goes out into the lives and conditions of the little ones, so shall they go forward, lifted up by the prayers, the blessings, the desire of those ahead on the Path to help those behind, that all may go forward and become One with the Father.


The Rector’s birthday celebrations – “I am 53 years young!”  He is obviously referring to the fact that he laid aside his body in 1940.  The Master has been in the midst, putting his hands on our shoulders individually with personal Love.  At the contemplation of the bread he said, “Take ye all, of this”, and started handing it out to all, at the offering.  He took it to each person individually as I focused upon them and then placed his cloak and their crown on them.


My son, beloved of our Father, that which you see is not new, but has ever been so; it is your newness of vision which enables you to witness such.  Thus it was in the long ago in the upper room and now even so is it and shall it be, the same for ever in my Father’s Kingdom.  And as the Word of Life goes out into the lives and conditions of the little ones, so shall they go forward, lifted up by the prayers, the blessings, the desire of those ahead on the Path to help those behind, that all may go forward and become One with the Father.

So, now, it’s all prepared, and the desire of this ritual Service is alive in the hearts of you my beloveds, unfettered by the evil one; that that which has been purposed by me and by our beloved John (‘The Teacher’) may go forward in glory and joy to great fulfilment in service of the Father’s plan for all His Family.

I am with you three chosen ones, as with all my chosen ones wherever they may be, to lead, to guide, to protect, to uplift.  Have no fear but open yourselves fully to me.  All is well.  We go forward quickly now my beloveds.



Holy Communion March 7, 1993


…with each phase of your journey henceforward shall new awakening be yours, my son, now that a wider perspective of this living reality is open to you.  Now do you see that it is all power, life, pulsing, dynamic, creative, fulfilling, benign and loving.


Although physically I have been solitary in this communion, I have had greater awareness of the livingness of the words, the meaningfulness of the reality behind the symbols (words and objects of the altar table) and the Spirit power for bringing about change, upliftment, transformation, joy in my life and the lives of all the little ones of Earth-life consciousness, here and in the etheric realms.  It has truly been a celebration of joyousness.

Blessed Jesus, you came that we may have life and truly have it abundantly.  This I see, I know, I feel, I experience, I believe, I understand, right at this moment.


My son, I rejoice with you in this enhanced level of awareness that you now experience.

Truly has this been the desire of the Father for all His little ones from the beginning.  This is His modus operandi in all His activities and it is great joy for Him that His little ones now begin to awaken to this awareness.  And with each phase of your journey henceforward shall new awakening be yours, my son, now that a wider perspective of this living reality is open to you.  Now do you see that it is all power, life, pulsing, dynamic, creative, fulfilling, benign and loving.

This is purity, refinement, wholeness; life without the encumbrances of the broad way of mammon, of the false creeds that the enemy has bestowed upon the Father’s little ones to drain them of the riches of pure, untrammelled breathing, living and being, and stifling their receptors of such with fears and concerns that blot out the Light that is rightfully and wholly theirs.

Have no fear, my son, for by your commitment you are protected and defended from these darts, these slings and arrows of the enemy battalions.  Do thou remain one-pointed, true, straight and upright in thy desire.  Thus shall your fulfilment and your glory be assured.


Master, thank you.  I commit all into your blessed care.


So be it my son.



Holy Communion March 28, 1993


…your awareness of the Oneness, the wholeness of Life in the Father Creator grows apace, so that your experience of the reality and the livingness of being awake, alive, spiritually, opens up before you, giving you new vistas of the limitlessness of eternal Life.


The message at the beginning of the Service is:


I have banished the enemy.


The Master sat in a fold-up chair at a picnic table, handing out the bread as if sandwiches at a picnic and said,


I do this because you are my beloved friends and it is my joy to be with you.


It is our great joy to be with you also, beloved Lord Jesus.

Jesus, Lord of our lives, beloved friend, Light of the world, we rejoice in this blessed experience of fellowship.


My beloved son, your awareness of the Oneness, the wholeness of Life in the Father Creator grows apace, so that your experience of the reality and the livingness of being awake, alive, spiritually, opens up before you, giving you new vistas of the limitlessness of eternal Life.  It is not just never-ending, it is endless in its dimensionality so that all is possible, all is experiencible, all is available to all, freely and fully.  It, too, is expanding in all directions and in all dimensions.

You see how flat and limited is life committed to the way of mammon by comparison.  It is as salt without its savour.

It is the destiny of all to know this greater reality, my son, but to you my beloveds it is now available by your discipline and your commitment.  Thus do we all celebrate with all the joy and exultation of Heaven this very day.

Fulfilment of that which in you is purposed, is assured, my beloveds.  Go in peace in the certain knowledge that I am always with you in all your endeavours.

I am your friend and I thank you for welcoming me into your life and opening your door unto me.


The following Diary entries were posted on November 1st 2006.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion April 11, 1993.  Easter Sunday


The steep places are where you go forward, leaving behind unwanted burdens, no longer pertinent to the path ahead.  Be assured my son, that leaving such items makes the journey ahead lighter, easier, more joyful. 


I have been aware of the IPS and the Master, appearing in his radiant, Heavenly glory but then setting that aside and giving me the bread and wine as he must have appeared at the Last Supper in the long ago.  Truly the Son of Man came to serve, not to be served.

Beloved Jesus, thank you for your great Love.


My son, it is by Love that you live, go forward; that you come, a step at a time, to remembrance of Life eternal.  Because you have been faithful so shall your own desires be fulfilled.  You see how full and unswerving commitment to Christ service is necessary for the Light of spiritual discernment to grow in your heart and mind.  And such service is a joyful experience, for fellowship with souls of like commitment, whether in the Earth life or the etheric realms, is unlike fellowship in temporal matters. 

The steep places are where you go forward, leaving behind unwanted burdens, no longer pertinent to the path ahead.  Be assured my son, that leaving such items behind makes the journey ahead lighter, easier, more joyful.  You see this already.

So I say, as ever, keep on in this way, one-pointed, single in your outlook.  Thus shall your whole body become filled with Light.

The children of Earth wander, lost in the dark, and are sore in need of a beacon to illumine the way ahead.  Fear not that it is I, your Lord, brother and friend who walk before you, guiding your steps safely past the pitfalls, the steep and treacherous places, the ravening wolves, who would rend you, should you venture without my protection.  But all is well, my son; I have overcome, and the Father’s Will shall be accomplished in His little ones.

The way forward is marked out for you, one step at a time.  Rejoice and be exceeding glad.  Peace be with you all my little children.


I saw the Cloud of Light envelop and surround us but it came from our own within, as if someone had switched on a light in us.



Holy Communion April 25, 1993


…keep on as ever, for your awareness of the Light and the Word continue to grow apace, and this must be your strength and your shield from the wickedness of the world.  Fear not, for I am with you, your guide in hostile territory.


Having had my first awareness of Jessica as a young adult* on Friday morning, this is her first Communion participating as an adult, being confirmed in her commitment to the Lord Jesus for her life’s ‘mission’ as she prepares to re-incarnate.

It has brought new meaning to many parts of the Service, which has been alive as never before, with a special celebration and an air of occasion.  The Master Jesus has been so real and present in the midst.  At the words ‘enveloped and surrounded as by cloud of Light…’ I saw the light ‘switched on’ within us again, so that the cloud of Light was actually emanating from our own within; a going forward.


And so do we all go forward my friend.  Today is a mile post on the road along which we all travel.  It is a joyous experience, a coming together of those of like mind and desire in Heaven and in Earth life.

The circumstances of your home** are as of your lives at present – the need for clearing out the old in Earth affairs is manifesting downstairs and this is truly proceeding apace; fear not, be of good courage, hold fast – all is well.  Meanwhile, in the ‘Upper Room’ all progresses as ever, according to the Word of Life, and your commitment brings new accomplishment and new joy as week succeeds to week.

Rejoice in the glorious reality of the Kingdom and in Jesus Christ our beloved Lord.


The Master speaks: The time is not yet for your work to become an operation of openness.  Await my word.  You will know of a surety when the time is right.  It will be circumstances not of your making which shall bring it about.  Meanwhile keep on as ever, for your awareness of the Light and the Word continue to grow apace, and this must be your strength and your shield from the wickedness of the world.  Fear not, for I am with you, your guide in hostile territory.


Thank you beloved Master.


I have kept you unspotted from the world.


* See SYFK, chapter 6.

** The gas-fired heater for the hot water and the central heating system had been leaking un-noticed for years, causing the kitchen floor and its supporting joists to rot.  The heater, floor and joists all had to be removed and replaced, meaning that downstairs was in some turmoil, but the Upper Room sanctuary of Christ Communion was ‘firing on all cylinders.’



Holy Communion May 8, 1993   


…the prodigal sons and daughters begin to awake and say unto themselves, ‘I will return to my Fathers household;’ and for this returning do we all now rejoice with exceedingly great joy, and celebrate, with hearts full and overflowing, with a great banquet feast fit indeed for the marriage of the Kings son.


Blessed Jesus, thank you for the joy of this Communion, in which our awareness of you increases, and accomplishment also increases.

At the offering of bread the master said,


Inasmuch as you have done it to the least of my brethren, you have done it to me.


And at the wine,


Whosoever shall drink of the wine of my Love, it shall be as a well of Living Water, springing up unto Life eternal.


And so shall it be my son.  This Service, you now increasingly experience, is a living celebration of the union of Heaven with Earth.  And thus was it ever intended to be, for truly they are one in the sight of our Father.  And the prodigal sons and daughters begin to awake and say unto themselves, ‘I will return to my Fathers household’; and for this returning do we all now rejoice with exceedingly great joy and celebrate, with hearts full and overflowing, with a great banquet feast fit indeed for the marriage of the Kings son.

And I rejoice with you, my son, that your heart is filled with the joy of this celebration; and that your awareness, your understanding of the living reality of the Kingdom grows and flowers.  Be of good cheer in all things, my son, and leave all the circumstances of your life to me.  Seek always for Peace, Harmony and Balance in all the affairs of your life.  For the Peace of Heaven and of the Fathers life is stillness, tranquillity, acceptance that all is possible by being His son, accepting that you are His son and that it is His joy and pleasure to give you His estate His state of Being, His Kingdom.

Harmonising your life energies with each other, rather than allowing anxiety and fear to distort and bring to disarray and conflict these energies, enables them to be joined as one with the Fathers harmonised energy rays.  This shall bring in power anew into your aura for accomplishing that whereunto you have incarnated.  Ponder in your heart these things, my son, and I shall speak to you of balance another day.



June, 1993


During the last few weeks a number of wonderful events have been experienced:


(NB: This entry has been added to SYFK, chapter 9, and follows the incident recorded there about the Master Jesus appearing to Steve and me in the pub in the Lake District, in northern England.)


Steve and I visited and walked along a stretch of Hadrian’s Wall, built across northern England by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in the second century CE. As we walked along the top of the wall, soaking up the atmosphere of the place and its history, we became aware of a number of Roman legionnaires trapped in a time warp of the early part of the first millennium CE, still patrolling the wall. By our speaking with them, and with the help of Jesus and Theresa’s brother, John, and no doubt many others also, they were freed from being stuck in that era. There were about twenty legionnaires that we were aware of. After much rejoicing and celebrating at their release from their predicament, most went their way, but one in particular, who we came to know as Claudius, remained with us. He and John struck up an immediate rapport, and when Steve and I got in the car to drive to a nearby pub for lunch, he and John sat in the back exchanging military anecdotes and experiences from two very different periods.

The following day we visited a place called High Force, a waterfall high up on the River Tees in County Durham. This is set in a well-maintained, wooded parkland area. After admiring the view from the lower end of the waterfall we climbed up the steep steps at its side to explore the top area. Steve and I sat on rocks beside the top of the waterfall admiring the view in glorious, late spring sunshine. Suddenly my focus of attention was switched from the horizontal, Earth consciousness to the vertical, soul awareness, and something made me look up. To my awe and astonishment there was a giant cross of living-gold sunlight about four or five metres high with its base implanted in me. It was as if I was its earthly base or foundation.

At Communion not many days later I wrote:

At the symbol of the lights, the Master appeared to my left as he showed himself to John of Patmos (Rev. 1:12-16), in the seven branch candlestick, or menorah. To my right, slightly in front, was the giant cross of gold light that I had seen embedded in me at High Force. Then the Master moved from my left, in front of me, to my right, where he merged with the cross of gold light, and they became one. I knew that the cross represented the Father, and was a two-dimensional portrayal, or symbol, of intersecting Life lines not just in three dimensions or multi dimensions but omni dimensions, representing His omni-Presence.

Whilst in County Durham we also visited the Bowes Museum, near Barnard Castle. It was built in the 1800s by Sir John and Lady Josephine Bowes, in the style of a French chateau. It houses an astounding array of artefacts, collected by Josephine from all over Europe at truly staggering cost; indeed, sufficient to nearly bankrupt Sir John. All these treasures are displayed over three floors. Across the hall from the main entrance were larger-than-life, full-length portraits of the couple. As Steve stood admiring the likeness of Sir John, suddenly he was aware of him standing there beside the portrait, looking quite sombre. Steve immediately said, quietly, under his breath, “God bless you”. This instantly caught Sir John’s attention and broke his muse. Turning to Steve and smiling, he said, “Why, thank you, sir”.

We duly began our exploration of this vast collection, and as we ascended a wide staircase to the next floor I became aware that we were being followed by someone from the spirit world. I had been aware of her speaking for some while but had not been focused on what was being said. On the stairs it came into focus, and to my amazement she was saying just one word, over and over, in a distressed, hopeless monotone: ‘Trinkets’. That’s all she said. As the impact of this lodged in my mind, suddenly it all became clear who and what this was about.

It was Lady Josephine. She had devoted many, many years to amassing this collection; it had been her life’s work. The intention was to display these priceless artefacts – paintings, furniture, sculptures, jewellery, clothing, ceramics and much, much more – for the edification of the poor and uneducated masses, to uplift their awareness and understanding of the wider world.

Of course, as soon as she departed this life for the next she realised that this had been a massive folly; the poor and starving masses would have benefited much more by help with employment, healthcare, nutrition, education, sanitation and the like. They saw her endeavours as the excesses of the super-rich class, and contempt was much more likely their reaction than gratitude.

As all this sank in I became filled with compassion for this dear, lost and deluded soul, who had, she clearly now felt, spent her sojourn in time in pursuit of something purely to indulge her own misperceptions regarding the important things in life. She now realised she could have done something truly philanthropic for her less materially fortunate fellows. She was wandering aimlessly in this place that had now become her prison, bereft of hope for herself, and filled with sorrow at being unable to undo her ‘burdensome’ error. As she followed us despondently about, repeating the word trinkets endlessly, she wrung her hands in despair. As I shared this with Steve he now became aware that Sir John also was with us and he was anxious for whatever help we might be able to give to his hapless wife, who was quite unaware of his presence. He stood there with a look on his face that betrayed a whit of hope amidst his otherwise joyless countenance. Steve and I both spoke silently to Josephine, assuring her that there was no longer any requirement for her to remain in this place or this state of mind; that hers was a well-intentioned error and that no harm was done by it; that the poor would, as Jesus reminded us, be always with us; that she could ask for help and release from this by Jesus and would be instantly re-united with her beloved spouse and restored to joy, inner peace and love.

The utterances of ‘trinkets’ ceased. Steve and I looked at each other and suddenly we had no heart for more of this place, though we had barely scratched the surface of all it proffered. We headed out into the sunshine, and as we walked around the chateau to the car park at the rear, there were John and Josephine, hand in hand, countenances radiant with life, love and joy. They waved exuberantly to us as they skipped like teenagers across the immaculate lawns, calling out their heartfelt thanks for our help.

No doubt Josephine has now consulted the Master Jesus for more serviceable ways to help her distressed fellow travellers on the Path Home to Eternity, ably aided and abetted by a delighted John.


A week or two prior to the short break with Steve in the north of England I had been to Poland on business. On the plane back from Warsaw to London on a Sunday morning there was terrific turbulence that tossed the plane about in all directions. I saw two angels, one each side of the plane. They held it in what looked like a giant ‘cat’s cradle’, which was supporting the plane and allowing it to move with the turbulence, whilst keeping it totally safe. The angels were having a wonderful time, laughing and rejoicing, helping to reduce the effect of the turbulence on the plane by manipulating the cradle with their hands, rather like a puppeteer manipulates a puppet on a string. It was clear that the plane was so well within their protective care that there was absolutely no need for any concern whatsoever!

Soon the turbulence eased and being Sunday morning I decided to hold the Communion Service ‘in my head’. In my dual-conscious awareness the plane was full of Christ communicants occupying the seats, in place of the ‘ordinary’ passengers.

At the offering I saw the Master Jesus as a steward, walking up the aisle between the seats, handing out the eternal life bread and Christ-love wine to all the communicant passengers. At the end of the Service a rousing “Three cheers for Jesus of Nazareth” was given. He smiled shyly and modestly at this. He then walked up the aisle to where I was standing – in the dual consciousness – as officiant and put his arm around my shoulder, declaring of me to the communicants, “My beloved brother.” His love overwhelmed me and I fell spontaneously to my knees at his feet. He reached forward and put something on me. It appeared to be a combination of an enveloping, etheric cloak and also a loop of ribbon with a cross of the most gleaming gold, about six inches/fifteen centimetres high. It seemed to be at one moment a simple cross of horizontal and vertical intersecting bars with the vertical bar slightly longer than the horizontal bar, and at another moment a ‘cross potent’ or equilateral cross in a circle. The ribbon and the cloak were of red, purple and blue. I interpret this as a symbol of being in the Earth (red), of Heaven (blue) and achieving balance between the two (purple).

The Master said, “I give you this badge of office.” I interpret this to mean as officiant of SMCC communion.

I said, “Of myself I cannot do this, but by your love, grace and power so shall it be possible.”

I have since come to believe the real badge of office is the giant cross with its base in me, and that which the Master put around my neck is a symbol.



Holy Communion June 6, 1993


We wish you to know that you all are always in our loving thoughts, our hearts and our care.  We are never more than a single moment from you all.  Your concerns are our concerns; your fears are ours to assuage give them to us; your joy and accomplishment are our joy and fulfilment.


The Romans are here in their hundreds, to experience this blessed event.  It seems that Claudius and his friends have been busy rescuing many more trapped Roman soldiers from Hadrians Wall.

At the symbol of the lights, the Master appeared to my left as he showed himself to John of Patmos (Revelation 1: 12-16), in the seven branch candlestick, or menorah.  To my right, slightly in front, was the giant cross of gold light that I had seen embedded in me at High Force.  Then the Master moved from my left in front of me to my right where he merged with the cross of gold light and they became one.  I knew that the cross represented the Father and that the cross was a two-dimensional portrayal of intersecting energy lines not just in three dimensions or multi dimensions but omni dimensions.

At the words, ‘I will come unto him and manifest…’ the Master said, ‘I will walk with him - until the end of time.’


Brian, I come close with a personal message of greeting for this, the anniversary of your incarnating.  It is with the highest regard that I behold you, and in the greatest esteem that I am privileged to be your friend and helper.  You may protest at such words of admiration and feel that such should be addressed from you to me, but I wish to put on record that your qualities of commitment and one-pointedness in the Earth-life conditions now especially in times of such disarray, are worthy of the highest commendation.  I speak for all the Servers of the Inner Sanctuary in saying that without this commitment our desire to serve this aspect of the Masters great purpose of the furthering of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth could never be fulfilled.

We wish you to know that you all are always in our loving thoughts, our hearts and our care.  We are never more than a single moment from you all.  Your concerns are our concerns; your fears are ours to assuage give them to us; your joy and accomplishment are our joy and fulfilment.

Yes, you are in the Earth and feel out on a limb, wrestling with nigh-on impossible conditions, but it is through you all that our work is possible.  And even now you see how the Lord is converting the troubled waters of your lives into the wine of eternal joy, rising up unto life everlasting.  So shall it be by this joint venture in which we all make our absolute and unequivocal commitment.  So shall its success and fulfilment be never in doubt.  We all rejoice in lives committed and shared unstintingly with you all, the Earth-life servers of SMCC.  I am your friend in Christ service.    The Rector.


The following Diary entries were posted on January 31st 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion June 13, 1993 


That same Water of Life, when quickened by the fire of Holy Spirit, with Love, blessing, goodwill, caring, giving, compassion, becomes transmuted into the Living Wine of Heaven; uplifting, transforming, intoxicating with joy, renewal of life, hope, Love and fulfilment.


From the moment of starting the music there was a flood of glorious love and joy switched on from the IPS.  I realised, for the first time at the offering of bread, what the Master meant by the statement about ‘eating him’ as being the living bread; for by taking in the food and offering it up in Love and blessing for the seekers, it is transmuted in us, by our attunement with the Love and blessing of the Father, into living, sustaining, uplifting substance, for the nourishing of the souls (not, of course, bodies) who hunger and thirst.  As I made the offering I was aware of a host of souls who were so eager they tried to rush forward and grab the bread off the plate; but they were restrained by someone who said, “Not yet;  wait – watch, and I knew then that the bread off the plate would not be enough to sustain them but after I had eaten it, it would become transmuted, by my desire and degree of oneness with the Father, into living bread, enough for all.

Also, with the wine, that it would flow in a transmuted, spirit form from my offering in sincerity of desire and become an endless flow, a fountain, springing up unto Life eternal.


Yes, Brian, the water flowing uphill concept that needed a little more development!*  The un-quickened water of the psychic life consciousness flows backwards, downhill and is dissipated and sullied by the dross that it collects on the way.  That same Water of Life, when quickened by the fire of Holy Spirit, with Love and blessing and goodwill, caring, giving, compassion, becomes also transmuted into the Living Wine of Heaven; uplifting, transforming, intoxicating with joy and renewal of Life, hope, Love and fulfilment.  And so, as it flows in so does it flow up in the Life and Soul of all who will receive of it with gladsome heart and mind and be thus lifted up unto Life eternal.


Thank you for this mystical explanation, Rector; I am so pleased and happy with the progress forward in recent weeks and months.


Truly is the going forward in inner awareness and illumination a daily occurrence and the closeness between the Earth-life servers and we of spirit who serve the Christ Sanctuary is gaining momentum daily.  This is joyous for us as also for you.  It is the mark of the server of Christ discipleship that in giving is joy and fulfilment.  This is the way forward and so we move on, one step at a time.

All is well; give to and share with us all your moments of difficulty and anxiety for it is our joy to help you, that our desires for the Kingdom on Earth may be fulfilled.


*As Steve and I were walking in the Lake District a week or two previously, we came across a tiny rill, or stream, that appeared to be flowing uphill.  I said to Steve, “This water is flowing uphill!”  His response, “That it is a concept that needs a little more development”, was so plainly out of character with Steve, and not him, but the Rector speaking through him, that I burst out laughing.



Holy Communion June 20, 1993 (Father's Day)


You do not think the Kingdom of Heaven and those who have been responsible for the strategy of its implementation in the lives of the children of Earth leave matters to random chance?


The children have been so close and loving, and the Service appears to be more ordered, peaceful somehow, as if my officiating is starting to emerge and harmonise more perfectly with the purpose/spirit of the order of Service.

Beloved Teacher, I feel as if that is what you have wanted.


My faithful and one-pointed friend, of course this is precisely what I have wanted. Each and every soul goes forward on the path of Christ service; no-one remains stationary; it is not possible.  You are the first seekers to learn of my student (Olga); none of this was an accident.  All was mapped out.  You do not think the Kingdom of Heaven and those who have been responsible for the strategy of its implementation in the lives of the children of Earth leave matters to random chance?  Of course such would not be the case.  Yes, individual events may be random and the Lord, as you now know, does not lose a single opportunity to fulfil some purpose in furthering the Kingdom by each such situation.  And the overall pattern of progress is according to the coinciding of the life pattern of the individual with the star pattern as it unfolds and as it relates to each such little one.

So is it not entirely surprising to me to see you going forward as the officiant of this ritual, for such was ever on the cards.  Neither is it any less joyful to me that it is the case.  It is possible by your desire, discipline, your commitment and your one-pointedness.  Without these things no true Christ service is possible.  And the recompense for such is power and authority by gaining control over the Life forces.  Such is possible only by commitment to service and comes to none other and by no other method.

It is our desire in the Inner Plane that all our beloved fellow-servers of Earth-life should know us and be happy in fellowship with us, for we are all one, pilgrims treading the path unto Life eternal and to oneness with our Father.  We go forward together in love and peace.  Amen.



Holy Communion Tuesday evening June 22, 1993 (with Patricia, visiting from Canada)


That it does not yet appear unto the children of Earth-life consciousness is because their eyes are not yet single, they have not the desire for oneness with the Father.  To all who have shall it be given.


At the offering of bread, as I held my arms out (with the plate) in blessing of all, I felt as if the giant cross of gold Light and I had merged and become as one.  I sensed the cross (of Life) was radiating out the Life (living word/bread) to all mankind and this was showering upon the Earth in all the different manifestations of sustenance for body, soul, mind and senses (music, beauty etc).


And so is this the case my son, for it is the cross of Life of the Living Father Creator, which comes from eternity and goes unto eternity from within to without, from up to down (Heaven to Earth) and back again and from east to west, left to right, north to south and around again. 

You see it as the cross of living, golden Light and so is it, but it is, in truth, of infinite dimensionality, radiating, pulsing, dynamic, even as you glimpse the aura of its light going out in all directions.  So is it radiating out in all dimensions.  So is it you, so is it all the little ones, within and around, renewing, uplifting, giving.  It is the Father; it is the Creator, the Source of All.

And seeing me merge in it in the seven lights (see Diary entry for June 6th 1993 for details) is seeing me in the Father and He in me.  Even so are you also, His little ones.  That it does not yet appear unto the children of Earth-life consciousness is because their eyes are not yet single, they have not the desire for oneness with the Father.  To all who have shall it be given.

All is well; it shall be accomplished, by your commitment, in the secret place, and shall be made known openly.

Do nothing, but pray.



Holy Communion June 27, 1993


…wrestle not with the prince of time and place, but heed my counsel to be at peace, so that you may become one with the Fathers Life, opening up your channels of receptivity to the eternal reality


I have had some difficulty attuning, with a sense of all the Earth-life chores rushing upon my consciousness to distract me from one-pointed spiritual focus.

Master Jesus, by your Life, your Light, your guiding, we able to go forward unto the Kingdom Life.


My son, have no fear for fluctuations in the energy flow and the rays of illumination of heart, mind and footsteps; it is part of the Earth-life condition and the means by which the path of Earth-life experience is trodden.

In such conditions, wrestle not with the prince of time and place, but heed my counsel to be at peace, so that you may become one with the Fathers Life, opening up your channels of receptivity to the eternal reality and thus allowing the discordant time and place energies to flow around you and be dissipated.

All is well my son your attunement with the Fathers peace negates the contrary energies of the time and place consciousness and enables equilibrium to be restored.


The following Diary entry was posted on April 25th 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion July 4, 1993


…to you of the Earth-life consciousness it looks as if the enemy is in full flood and in control or that rightness is out of control.  But I say unto you that the enemy must be allowed to expend all its energy in doing its worst before the Soldiers of the Light can go in and clean up.


During the ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ I sensed the Master explaining that the importance of getting/keeping our energies harmonised and balanced is because energy rays that are out of kilter allow enemy (ego) forces access.

The energies have been subdued yet I have had an awareness of great excitement in the Inner Plane.  At the offering I felt the Master wanted me to stay sending out the bread and wine much farther afield than ever before and at the thanks prayer ‘…may we faithful stewards…’ I heard him say, ‘Gather up all the fragments, that nothing be lost.’ This refers to our Earth-life, Christ committed energies, for what the Rector described as a ‘major thrust’ out into the wilderness in cleaning up the enemy strongholds and establishing bridgeheads in strategic places.


So be it, and thus proceeds the Kingdom programme, for the Masters plan anticipates enemy action, and before they act he has sent out the word of Command.  Of course to you of the Earth-life consciousness it looks as if the enemy is in full flood and in control or that rightness is out of control.  But I say unto you that the enemy must be allowed to expend all its energy in doing its worst before the Soldiers of the Light can go in and clean up. 

This is because the Way of the Cross* does not permit intervention or confrontation.  Love, which is the Way of the Cross, is unconditional, and they also serve who only stand and wait.  Then, when all has been spent by the enemy forces, so shall those who serve the Cross of Light enter into the desolation and begin the work of restoration.  Fear not that this is wasteful, for the enemy brings down upon itself the structure that it has builded up and this means there is no demolition work necessary for the workers of the Lord in preparation for establishing the foundation for the Kingdom City.  It is, as you see by this, the truly perfect perfect plan, in which nothing is left to chance because it is according to the principles of eternal Life.  This is Wisdom.  It is unstoppable.  It proceeds and goes forth.  Let us give thanks to Almighty God for His Love and caring.

However much you may feel frustrated by the enemy having free sway, and wish to intervene, let this understanding of the principles guide your steps and bring caution into your actions for the Lord.


This message appeared to be from a former high dignitary of the Church and Theresa immediately sensed Thomas à Becket. 

* This does not imply the cross of crucifixion or sacrifice, but of Life eternal, of which a cross is a symbol.


The following Diary entry was posted on June 20th 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion July 11, 1993


By right thinking and speaking, by right desiring, shall wonders come from within.  Nothing shall be impossible.  For all is the reality of the Father, universal, infinitely dimensional.  This is Love. 


Master Jesus, this has been an extraordinary Service of new awareness of the spirit realm power and activity generated by this meditation.


My son, you now begin to glimpse why I have said ‘Bless and curse not’ and why the emphasis of my teaching is on Love, compassion, forgiveness and all the good qualities of the little ones of the Father.  For those are the qualities which it is His pleasure to give, which draw the Life awareness to Him, where all that is desirable in His sight is accomplished.  For the Living Word is all-powerful, is creative, is generative, is programmed/constructed to accomplish its own fulfilment by its own, organic nature.

Attune with the Living Word and become one with its purpose, my son; then in you shall be fulfilled your hearts desire for peace, harmony, justice, caring, the brotherhood of Love, renewal of all that is good in the children of Earth, unto their Sonship with the Father.

And so shall the Word, which has gone out, not return void unto the Source.  By right thinking and speaking, by right desiring, shall wonders come from within.  Nothing shall be impossible.  For all is the reality of the Father, universal, infinitely dimensional.  This is Love.  Have no concern for the newness to you of these things my son; ponder them as you receive the revelation and understanding shall come one step at a time.


The following Diary entries were posted on July 25th 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion July 18, 1993


You have served in faith and total commitment and I am well pleased.  Now is the time for your eyes to be opened and you shall see the glory and joy of our Fathers House.


Our Heavenly Father has been in the midst and at the words of Isaiah the Prophet ‘Concerning the dwelling place of God,’ He immediately said, ‘I AM within. The silence within which we all felt His presence was electric and the words of Habakkuk and St Paul were filled with extra meaning.

‘Winnie’ (Winston Churchill), recently rescued with the help of Clementine and gone forward, filled with humility and love for the Lord, stood beside me making the gestures and speaking the words of the Gloria.  At the offering I said to the IPS, “Take all we can give,” and became aware of our Father replenishing as much as the IPS took to give out to those in need.

Master Jesus, beloved Lord, the unfolding pattern of this Service and of our lives is wondrous to behold.


My son, it is, as you now well know, your Love and commitment that makes all this possible.  You are well-established in the Kingdom concept and your lives are dedicated to its establishment in the Earth.

New revelation, not just of the mysteries of Life, but of the programme by which the purpose of this ritual shall be accomplished, shall unfold before your eyes.  It is a wider, more comprehensive service of Our Fathers desire for His little ones of Earth than you have so far been aware, but it is necessary for you to know the scope and fullness of its operation in order that your conscious participation and involvement may take place.

You have served in faith and total commitment and I am well pleased.  Now is the time for your eyes to be opened and you shall see the glory and joy of our Fathers House.  All is well.



Holy Communion August 1, 1993


We are one by the Word of Truth and Life, and the words that Jesus spoke are My words of Life and Truth.  By these shall you and all My little ones be made free from the bondage to time and place.  Go now and live in joyful certainty of the Kingdom.


Heavenly Father, your message*confirms all our recent experiences, that You are taking up Your abode within us and this is something about which I feel comfortable and relaxed in some ways but in other ways I feel uncertain about where we are going from here.


My son, it is My desire for all My little ones that they should become aware of eternal reality and by so doing should have peace and joy in their lives, from within, for it is there from which emanates the eternal reality and in which lies all fulfilment; it is there that My little ones shall find Me.  I reach out to them and rejoice that they begin to waken to My Call and begin to abandon the way of self-determination in favour of the Way of eternal joy, which it is My good pleasure to give abundantly to all.

I draw close to My little ones; and to those who draw close to Me and aspire to live by the Word of Life, so do I give the bread and wine of eternal Life and Truth, and rejoice, for My own have returned unto Me.  It is as much you taking up your residence in Me as I in you, for we are One.  This My beloved Jesus knew and experienced in his Earthly life, even as he had done since before time, and of which he spoke; he in Me, you in him, I in you.  Now is the beginning of fulfilment of all law and prophecy.

The Word by Jesus or by his angels or messengers is as Mine, for it is the living, eternal Word.  We are One by the Word of Truth and Life, and the words that he spoke are My words of Life and Truth.  By these shall you and all My little ones be made free from the bondage to time and place.

                 Be peaceful, My son; all is well and shall continue thus.  By and by you shall become aware of the next step, for it is already marked out for you.  Go now and live in joyful certainty of the Kingdom.  I bless you and am for ever with you.


* The following extract from chapter 10 of SYFK explains this:


... I had got into bed and was settling down for sleep. As I lay there with the light extinguished I suddenly became aware that there was the figure of a man standing at the foot of the bed. This startled and somewhat unnerved me because the figure was in silhouette form and was totally black. There was absolutely no light at all, of any kind, emanating from this form. It was like a black hole in a way, utterly bereft of any indication of the Light of Life. In my experience, this signalled a presence from the realms of darkness, and I was not eager for an encounter of that ilk. This form was very tall; I would say at least six feet six inches (two metres). As I took in this apparition, a voice which I knew to be Papa spoke from what I assumed at the immediate moment was where the mouth of the apparition would be, but realised, as I considered this later, was actually above and behind the head of the form.

The words spoken were, “Man, the Temple of God.” Nothing else. There seemed to be many contradictions to this experience. I realised that the apparition was not an actual human but a representation of one, rather like a cardboard cut-out or a mannequin; utterly lifeless. If this form was intended to be a representation of man as the temple of God (1Cor 3:16: Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?), it did not seem like the kind of representation I would have anticipated. Where was the light; where was the animation, the life, the livingness? This was devoid of all. This left me feeling distinctly unsettled and uneasy. Was this some sort of intrusion from the realms of darkness, trying to confuse me? Yet, at the same time, I knew of an absolute certainty that the voice that had spoken was Papa. Something did not add up.

As I lay there considering this, suddenly Papa spoke again, this time from beside the bed, to my left, about at my waist level but at the height of a standing person. This time He said, “The Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple.” (Mal. 3:1: Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.)

This time, there was no sense of darkness and nothing unsettling. On the contrary, this left me feeling completely comfortable and at peace, and at the same time with a sense of excitement because I knew, at the soul-knowing level, that there was going to be a third message, creating a trilogy which would bring meaning to the whole experience. I waited in eager anticipation. Nothing happened. Anticipation began to turn into something closely resembling anxiety! I waited some more, and after maybe two or three minutes – a very long time when waiting in a situation like this – He spoke for the third time, “I will come unto him and will make My abode with him (Jn. 14:23: Jesus answered and said unto him, “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”)

Needless to say, I was not able to piece all this together and create a complete picture of it straight away. Also needless to say, I cogitated this very carefully, and my conclusion about it from the advantage of minute examination over time is that the black form was a representation of the temple without the presence of Him with Whose occupancy it would ultimately be filled. It was a symbolic representation of the temple vacated by its rightful occupant, the Son of God, who believes he has separated himself from his Father Creator – an upside-down perception if ever there was one! Without the Life, the Light of the Creator, there would be, there can only be, emptiness, nothingness, darkness, an absence of anything, including, and especially, light because light and life are synonymous. If one can envision any part of God’s Creation from which the Creator Spirit is (or could be) absent, assuredly this form was it. Nothingness. Only a ‘black hole’ in the form of man but utterly devoid of Beingness. A form, one might say, awaiting re-occupation by the Source of All, the very spirit, or essence, of Life Itself; all-knowingness; perfect Love; creativity in all its boundlessness.

Here was a demonstration of the truth revealed in A Course in Miracles that the world, the physical universe, our bodies, and indeed, all that is of time and place – and is therefore destined to pass away – are not created by God, the Creator Spirit; that all that is of time and place is a dream of separation from Him, and that Jesus is, by his Great Rescue Programme, leading us back to Papa. When we have been ‘made ready’, or prepared – by the retraining and correcting of our misperceptions of our true reality, so long held by the apparently split-off-from-Truth, separated part of our mind, or ego, and restored to our true, Christ-Minded, thinking and knowledge – we will be re-unified to the oneness of the Sonship in the Father Creator.


The following Diary entries were posted on October 31st 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion, August 8, 1993  


Concern yourself only with the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth …so that it may fill you …and spread beyond, purifying the contaminated waters of Earth and changing them into many Fountains springing up, clear as crystal, a symbol of the Life Eternal which flows in them.


Earlier in the week the Father said, “It is My desire that you become accustomed to My peace.”  This was to reassure me that His Living inner Presence is for our wholeness and accomplishment.

Heavenly Father, I know that we are going forward and I feel a sense of certainty that we have reached an important place, as if we begin to enter the Inner Court of the “Temple of God Awareness.


Your awareness is right, My beloved, and that is what is happening.  The Temple grows and becomes a living vehicle fit for habitation by Holy Spirit, Eternal Truth, by a process of service, of testing1 to ensure its fitness for the dwelling place of the Most High.  It is when the Most High makes His abode in the Temple that the Temple shall become whole, shall grow with the Light of the Ever-Living-One within.

Have no concern for the imperfections and for the matters of Earth-life consideration, nor for health.  Concern yourself only with one-pointed desire for the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth and how you may be willing to receive it as a free gift from your Heavenly Father, Who loves you, so that it may fill you and spill over into the awareness of those near you, and spread beyond, purifying the contaminated waters of Earth2 and changing them into many Fountains springing up, clear as crystal; a symbol of the Life Eternal which flows in them.

You are at the place of entering in, at the door, wherein all shall be made known to you.  Listen for My word whereby you shall be instructed in the Everlasting Way.  I shall bring to you all that is needful for the journey.  Incline your ear and keep pure your heart, as ever.  All else not of Life shall fall away.

I speak to you in Spirit and in Truth.


1 It is important to understand that God does not test us; it is a process of ‘self-examining’ so that we can know, from our own inner certainty, that we are ready to proceed into the next stage of the mission.

2 This refers to peoples and their assorted cultural and religious conditions, which are ego-driven rather than Holy Spirit Minded.



Holy Communion August 15, 1993


There is yet much rescue work and many lost sheep waiting alone and bereft, separated from the good Shepherd.  So shall we work together that all may be brought into the fold… All who will, let them join with me in gathering in the harvest, for now is the time


Although the energies and the Earth-life level have been subdued, I feel the presence of activity of the Lord and all the IPS very close at hand.  At the offering the Master called out, “Come unto me all ye in the highways and byways and in the dark places, that I may give you life abundantly.”


My son, this purpose of our working together goes forward.  There is yet much rescue work and many lost sheep waiting alone and bereft, separated from the good Shepherd.  So shall we work together that all may be brought into the fold.

I have established in this upper room a place of power, and from which my call goes out to all the little ones who faint in their spirit.  All who will, let them join with me in gathering in the harvest, for now is the time and I have marked the fields with my seal that the grain may be safely gathered into my granary.  That which is mine shall be gathered unto me, for this is the charge from my Father and it cannot fail, for it is the Living Word which goes out from eternity unto eternity and shall not return unto me void.

He who would be unclean, let him remain unclean and I shall cut him asunder, for the Word is a powerful sword, against which none can prevail.1  But he who would be cleansed, upon him I pour out my Love unceasingly and without limitation.  Therefore be open channels of my Love and compassion and I shall wash you also.

I have much to reveal unto you, my children of the Light, and as yet you are unable to hear my message clearly.  This is why I speak in parable and symbol, that you may receive the principle and it shall grow in your understanding.  Be thou faithful but strive not, for I shall accomplish my works in you by your faith.


1As the Master says, he speaks in parable and symbol, so this is not intended to put the wind up those who are not yet ready to go forward into the light of the New Day now dawning.  Their time will come during this 2,000-year Aquarian era now beginning, because the Word is all powerful and is calling us Home.  It is like a magnet to iron filings, so none can ultimately resist because it is the law of Creation.  Meanwhile, those who choose to remain within ego-mind domination will continue to be divided into multiple separate parts (incarnations) ‘cut asunder’ not by an angry, vengeful Lord but by cosmic law; ‘the process.’  The Lord pours out his Love upon them also but for the present they choose not to receive it.  Those who do so choose will receive it and its blessings and benefits.  None of this is judgement or favouritism; simply the PLFs in operation.


The following Diary entries were posted on January 30th 2008.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion August 22, 1993


That which is within shall become that which is without for all who follow me and walk the path of life, which unfolds at your feet with each step.  I am your guide, and the living Word shall lead you onwards and upwards, unswervingly.  All is well.


Last week Steve saw the chalice shatter into millions of fragments, like dust, and a few moments later I heard the Master, standing very close and with a smile and twinkle in his eye, say, “My love cannot be contained.

With events of the last weeks and months unfolding at such a pace and opening up a new dimension of awareness of the Kingdom programme, it seems this is like a shattering of the vase, whereby that which we have been practising in this Communion ritual over the years is in the process of being spilled out, or broken out, or emerging out, or expanding out from its operation of hiddenness form and will flow, uncontained, out toward and into the lives of souls by the wayside, and even in the dark places, so that the Master can give unreservedly to all, that they may have life abundantly.  Truly this is a transformation and uplifting from above down.


My son, you observe well and wisely.  It is as you suspect.  Have no fear, nor concern yourself with how this shall come into being for it is already accomplished.  The unfoldment of it into the Earth-life shall be one step at a time, and in truth has already begun.  You need do nothing, nor seek to change anything it is by my leading and my guiding.  Do thou follow faithfully and steadfastly, for herein lies joy and fulfilment and power and Life and glory of our Father.

That which is within shall become that which is without for all who follow me and walk the path of Life, which unfolds at your feet with each step.  I am your guide, and the living Word shall lead you onwards and upwards, unswervingly.  All is well. 



Holy Communion August 29, 1993


Unless you can receive of me that which it is the Fathers joy to give to you, your freedom of citizenship in the City of Peace cannot become complete.  Let not anxiety to reach the journeys end diminish the joy of the journey, nor distract or cloud your vision and cause you to stumble from the path.


There have been little toddlers here around us, only about two or three years old, wide-eyed.  The message is that we come to the Lord as little children, allowing Him to give us the Kingdom, for we cannot accomplish it ourselves.  “Be still and know that I am God; I will accomplish it.”

Beloved Lord, these little children are an example of what we must become.


My son, there is nothing that you must do; it is a change of perspective that is needed, whereby your acceptance that it is I who will accomplish for you, and in you the awakening to the joy and peace and glory of our Fathers household, that shall bring you wholeness.  It is necessary that you allow me to give it to you, to bring you to that place of being, by my Love and my desire for you to have it.  It is the Way; it is the Law of Life; it is not something about which you need feel guilty.  It is the principle of the Fathers ordering, whereby he who is ahead on the Path gives all things that are available to him for the bringing forward of those behind him in the Way.  There is no shame in being behind on the path, even as there is no shame in being a little child.

Indeed, are not little children joy beyond measure to their parents and to all who perceive them in their innocence as they receive the gifts of new awareness, and so progress along the path of eternal unfoldment?  Unless you can receive of me that which it is the Fathers joy to give to you, your freedom of citizenship in the City of Peace cannot become complete.  Let not anxiety to reach the journeys end diminish the joy of the journey, nor distract or cloud your vision and cause you to stumble from the path. 


The following Diary entries were posted on April 23rd 2008.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion September 5, 1993


…in your spiritual growth you are a little one.  All that is asked of a little one is co-operation so that those responsible for his development can lead him forward. 


Beloved Lord Jesus, as we now come to the place where we must learn to become as little children, or we cannot enter the Kingdom, here I realise how, in all the years previously, I have not successfully wrestled with this.  Now, it seems, is the time I (we) must go forward in this.  Thank you for your guiding.


My son, you have been as a little child all along, for you have not known the Way and have followed me, followed my leading, trusting as a little child trusts his father to lead him wherever lifes path goes.  This has been serviceable, and accomplishments have been achieved beyond measure and beyond your comprehension.

Now is the time for assessment of where you are, and a new perspective of the relationship between you and our Father, Holy Spirit and me.  In truth We are in you, you are in Us and we are one.  Your awareness of this at the spiritual discernment level is beginning, and in your spiritual growth you are a little one.  All that is asked of a little one is co-operation so that those responsible for his development can lead him forward.  Your desire and one-pointed commitment to co-operation is absolute; by this shall you be led forward.  It is at the spiritual level of discernment that you are a little one, and your Earth-mind consciousness must needs accept this and align itself accordingly.  This you have done naturally and unknowingly.  Then shall the Life of the Father Spiritual Knowingness grow and fill His house.  Pray on this and await further revelation, my son.  Seek in the living Word, for by this is all revealed and made known.  Go in peace and joy.



Holy Communion September 12, 1993


…this which you do in my name is reality in the eternal awareness, and your performing it in Earth-life ritual is an attuning with the living reality.  This brings the reality into focus at your Earth-conscious level of awareness and builds, manifests, the structure in the outer.


Brian, my faithful and one-pointed friend, this which you do in my name is reality in the eternal awareness, and your performing it in Earth-life ritual is an attuning with the living reality.  This brings the reality into focus at your Earth-conscious level of awareness and builds, manifests, the structure in the outer.  The building is, has been and shall be a continuing process, even as the building of the City of Peace in the lives and awareness of the children of Earth shall be a continuing process.

I counsel you, let not your heart outrun your head; let not your eagerness to go forward into the outer realms, where all is chaos, confusion and bewilderment, lead you astray.  The foundation is of the within and must continue to be structured and strengthened.  This will serve you well when the energies of time and place are spent and the building of the New Earth can begin.

Meanwhile I will send you on little missions of rescue, encouragement and upliftment, that you may gain in stature and in wisdom and may know of a surety that all is proceeding according to the cosmic order game-plan.  Continue in this ritual and by it go forth mightily in Spirit, sending out into the realms of all in need, as your desire to freely give motivates.  This shall be fulfilment even when unseen by you, and shall bring you forward in experience and understanding of my work, hastening the process by which your activity shall extend into the lives of all who will receive my bread and wine in the Earth-life.

All is well.  Peace and joy be with you.


I felt our Service was atop a rounded grassy knoll in very sunny, open space, with multitudes from all places coming.  We are, prophetically and symbolically speaking, out in the open.


The following Diary entries were posted on July 16th 2008.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 3, 1993


Rather than the Life of this practice drying up, it shall overflow its existing channels and stretch out into the wilderness where my little ones hunger and thirst for the living water and living bread.


At the offering of the wine, “… unto the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven…” our Father said, “The Earth is mine and the fullness thereof.”  This does not mean the geo-planet, but us, His children, who believe ourselves to be here, and the fullness of our true Self as His Son.

I saw a pool of water, as in the River Jordan; souls were coming down the bank and immersing themselves in it for cleansing, purifying, and restoring, renewing, uplifting their souls.  On the opposite bank stood the Master Jesus, welcoming, smiling, blessing, joyful.

Lord and Master, I feel the Kingdom beginning to emerge into my life, my awareness, my perception, here in the Earth.  It is awesome to behold; uplifting and inspiring.


My son, the shattering of the chalice* does not mean an end to your practice of this ritual of communing with me and attuning with the Kingdom.  Rather it is a new beginning of more open awareness and fulfilment of that in which you have been faithful over the years.  It is an expansion of my influence in and through that which you do, for it has grown in form and structure, and like my Love, cannot be contained.  Rather than the life of this practice drying up, it shall overflow its existing channels and stretch out into the wilderness where my little ones hunger and thirst for the living water and living bread.  Continue therefore in your devotion and joy as yet unknown to you shall be yours.  So shall be the accomplishing of your hearts desire in the fulfilling of many works for the Kingdom.  Now is the time for great rejoicing. Draw near unto me; let your communing continue, for it is the Open Door through which you, and all who will, shall enter in and partake in the marriage of Heaven with Earth and the great banquet celebration which accompanies it .


 I heard the Teacher say in a confidential manner to the Rector, “Everything is progressing so splendidly.”

 * See entry dated August 22nd for explanation.



Holy Communion October 10, 1993


 Can you stop such practice and allow this awakening of souls to cease?  You know this cannot be, for your hearts desire is founded in this.


Brian, beloved and faithful one you are witness to the fulfilment of my words that this ritual shall overflow and expand its influence by the observing of your new friend* and his reaction to what you do.  Can you stop such practice and allow this awakening of souls to cease?  You know this cannot be, for your heart's desire is founded in this.


* This refers to an experience with a soul from spirit who we came to know as Francois, whom we saw in his monks cell, writing with a quill pen.  He was clearly stuck in a time warp.  As he became aware of us and we blessed him and welcomed him into the midst of our Communion Service, his cell disappeared, his mediaeval garb dissolved and he became radiant Light and joy, in but a moment.


Peter (our older son in spirit) speaks:

Dad, it is hard to express in words the joy that we all have in the going forward of the purpose of this coming together in one desire and one mind.  There has been so much achieved over the years and especially in the last months as our attunement with you (us in spirit and you and Mum and Steve in the Earth-life) becomes more refined.  We can all really start motoring.  We are just as excited and thrilled as you are, for we see the results of our joint endeavours across a broader band than you, and it is all equally delightful.  There is no doubt that when a soul awakens to the simple truth and reality of the livingness of the words and order of this ritual’, it ‘blows them away. (You see, I keep up with Earth vernacular it has its uses!)


Then John (Theresa’s brother) speaks:

Peter is right, Brian I speak from my own experience of how impressed I was at the sincerity of what you and Titch were doing and it wasnt long at all before I was hooked and look what a reprobate I was (am!?) And then Vic (John’s father-in-law, who passed away in 1988) you saw him transformed and amazed at what he saw.  There are countless others, most of whom you in the Earth-life have not seen.  But now especially as your experience of the expanding influence of the desire of this Service grows the rate of growth will become exponential.  We all rejoice with you.  Keep up the good work and we are right there.


The following Diary entry was posted on November 19th 2008.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 17, 1993


It is possible for that which you experience, and of which you have awareness, to be transmitted from, or reflected by, your aura which is more greatly refined and enlightened by understanding and commitment into the realms of lesser understanding. 


This is a Service of new awareness, new oneness, with our beloved heavenly Father looking upon us all and receiving our love and commitment, and saying, ‘You are my beloved children, in whom I am well pleased.’

Jesus, beloved Lord, I am really experiencing an expanded awareness of your Great Rescue Programme and the effects of it in the lives and affairs of us and ‘all who will’, at various levels of awakening and service.


My son, your perception is good and correct.  Incarnate souls have an important role of mediation between the eternal realms and the realms of time and place consciousness both incarnate and excarnate.  It is possible for that which you experience, and of which you have awareness, to be transmitted from, or reflected by, your aura which is more greatly refined and enlightened by understanding and commitment into the realms of lesser understanding.  Thus may souls who are ready to go forward, but restricted by one condition or another, receive illumination from you by your commitment and your giving.  This is a PLF and applies universally to all who so desire.

It will take much more time and commitment for those whose vision is clouded by false understanding but who are men of goodwill to be able to receive that which you receive more rapidly from eternal reality.  Nevertheless, give everything and expect nothing.  Thus shall there be a continuing going forward of all you, your beloveds of Earth and spirit life and those who will at all levels of awareness and understanding.  It is sincerity, peace, constancy and goodwill which will win the confidence of little ones.  Even as I lead and you follow, do you also lead by my example and others will be drawn and follow.


Thank you Jesus my, beloved Lord, friend and guide to the eternal realities, for your living, continuous revelation.


The following Diary entry was posted on February 4th 2009.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 24, 1993


Our heavenly Father is ever ready to respond to the spark of awakening desire in us to go forward, and the pattern of unfoldment in time and place is ever moving in such a fashion as to present opportunities for us, His little ones, to go forward.


Heavenly Father, I see how this Service is a power mechanism, a dynamo, generating light for souls to go forward; us and all who will.  I see how, even when we are not especially aware of Inner Plane conditions, it is nonetheless a combination of our faithfulness in and to the ritual practice and our desire for all that it stands for which leads us all forward a step at a time, and it is inevitable that by this path we shall, all your children, come to the stature of the perfect man.


Well spoken and well observed, my friend.  And all this can best proceed by acceptance that it is our heavenly Father who is doing this for us and not we for Him.

Indeed, there is no possible alternative, for we are not yet equipped with sight, wisdom or power adequate to accomplish it.  It is also clear that the sight, wisdom and power come from our heavenly Father, and only by being willing to receive these gifts from Him, freely, can we acquire them.

But what does He require of us in return?  Yes, it is indeed, desire, commitment, faith, one-pointedness.  These are the ingredients which He shall quicken.  How could it be otherwise?  For He does not force us to go forward into the Light against our will, against our desire or readiness.  He is ever ready to respond to the spark of awakening desire in us to go forward, and the pattern of unfoldment in time and place is ever moving in such a fashion as to present opportunities for us, His little ones, to go forward.

It is so in life at all levels, for nowhere is the awakening static.  So do the children of Earth move toward fulfilment.  And by the enlightenment of your new awareness, transmitted outwards to all who will receive it and go forward, shall and does this ritual accomplish your hearts desire, each week, irrespective of your degree of attunement to, or awareness of, the Realms of Light.  All is fulfilled by desire.  Peace be with you, my friend of Christ desire.


The following Diary entry was posted on April 15th 2009.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 31, 1993


My son, it is the Fathers good pleasure to give the Kingdom to His little ones... It does, however, depend on the willingness of those little ones to receive these good gifts.


Beloved Lord Jesus, I know that even though the energies are at somewhat of a low ebb and our awareness of Inner Plane activity is also, you have explained that much is accomplished by our heart’s desire for the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.


My son, it is the Fathers good pleasure to give the Kingdom to His little ones, even as it is the good pleasure of Earthly parents to give of their best to their little ones of Earth-life incarnation.  It has no bearing on whether the little ones behave well all the time.  It does, however, depend on the willingness of those little ones to receive these good gifts.  Can a parent give a good gift to his or her little one when the little one is unwilling to receive it?  Nevertheless, the parent, in his greater wisdom, knows the gift is good and will benefit the little one, so he must create conditions in which the little one shall become aware that the gift is more desirable and beneficial to accept than to continue in the circumstances whereby he does not benefit from the gift.

When the little one, by and by, recognises that his life is less fortunate without it, he will come to his father and say, I am sorry I was unwilling to receive what it was your desire to give me; this was ungrateful and ungracious of me; I will do my best to make amends and live in such a way as to demonstrate the change of understanding and gratitude for your giving.

And this, my son, is all the Father Creator wishes for His little ones; that their eyes be opened to the great gift.  If the little ones will not gladly receive, He will not vent His wrath He has no wrath for His love is unconditional.  Rather, He will seek ways to bring the awareness of His children to the desirableness of His gift.


Master, you have a way of making it so simple.


And so it is, my son!  Peace be with you.


The following Diary entry was posted on June 17th 2009.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion November 7, 1993


you ... shall become empowered in your Earth vehicle by the reality of the Living Word and the spring of Life which wells up in all who love me above all else.


My beloved Jesus, I see how this Communion Service is an instrument serviceable to your purpose in bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into the Earth.


It is as you say, my son, entirely serviceable; designed for that very purpose, and highly efficient in its performance.  But communing with me is still an operation of hiddenness, performed in the within to function from the within into the without.  The moment at which such communing shall manifest as an operation of openness is the time when you, and all who serve its purpose in the Earth-life wholeheartedly and one-pointedly shall become empowered in your Earth vehicle by the reality of the Living Word and the spring of Life which wells up in all who love me above all else.

Then shall you be called to give of this reality in the open, even as you now serve its reality in the upper room, in secret, hidden away from the tawdry clamour of Earth-life conditions.  It must be so, that its purity be not sullied by that which is not pure in spirit, even as that which comes from Heaven into the Earth must be hidden within the womb, so that it may grow in stature until the time when it shall come forth into the Earth for its uplifting and transforming.  For this purpose came I into the world and to this end does my purpose go forward unto its fulfilment.

Be of good cheer, little ones; the time draws nearer when all shall know me, and your hearts desire and mine shall be accomplished.


The following Diary entry was posted on August 19th 2009.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion November 28, 1993


My son, as you see, I have set before the children of Earth a banquet, and to this all are invited who will gladly partake of it.  There is food and drink for the souls of all who ache for relief from the folly of committing their lot to the prince of time and place.


Eternity is where you belong, my son; keep your sight focused on that and let neither fear nor baubles distract you from the Way.  Now is the time of fulfilment of those whose eye is single. 


At the words “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will refresh you” there was a surge of souls forward toward the Master as he spoke through me.

Lord Jesus, I feel as if the world conditions will continue to decline due to the karmic entanglements of mankind, and I feel a need, greater every day, for drawing closer within your loving protection and guiding and uplifting.


My son, as you see, I have set before the children of Earth a banquet, and to this all are invited who will gladly partake of it.  There is food and drink for the souls of all who ache for relief from the folly of committing their lot to the prince of time and place.  It does not appear at first as if all shall be provided by acceptance of such an invitation, but the Cardinal Cross requires for balance to be achieved and maintained between the eternal reality, where all the children of Earth belong, and time and place, where they sojourn, until that sojourn is over and the return to oneness is complete.

I have said, labour not overmuch for the meat that perishes, for it is the Fathers goodwill to give you the Kingdom, and He will provide all the needs of those who seek after Him and earnestly desire the Kingdom.

Therefore, keep on in this way faithfully to offer this sacrifice of thanksgiving and keep your heart, mind and soul trimmed, that the oil of your desire may be serviceable to the light shining in you for the benefit and upliftment of many.

Eternity is where you belong, my son; keep your sight focused on that and let neither fear nor baubles distract you from the Way.  Now is the time of fulfilment of those whose eye is single.  The little ones need leadership and only by your faithfulness and one-pointedness can you be authorised for this when the time is right.  All is well for those who live and desire righteousness*; therefore let your heart be glad and rejoice in me, for I have overcome all things.


*This is not to be interpreted as an oblique threat of Divine judgement or retribution on those who do not so desire.  Rather it can be construed as implying that those who place their lives in the care, guidance and protection of Jesus/Holy Spirit (and keep it there!) will be led to a place of (at least, initially, relative) safety from karmic distress, whereas those who choose to remain within ego’s thrall cannot be thusly protected because free will prohibits intervention with, or subversion of, that free choice.


The following Diary entry was posted on October 21st 2009.


Holy Communion December 5, 1993


Not by striving and toiling to extract more shall the harvest increase, but by opening to the munificence of the Father and by giving freely of this bounty shall it increase and be sufficient for all the little ones.


The Master has been right in the midst, giving new meaning and understanding to almost every part of the Service.  At the words “Thou who are the light of the world” the Teacher said, “shine and live in our hearts…”

Master Jesus, this has been a Service like none before; the unfolding reality of its multi-dimensional meaning and livingness has brought understanding of aspects of which we have previously been unaware.


My son, this is a ‘sacrifice’ of thanksgiving, but not actually a sacrifice at all; for as you give from your own level of awareness, so does your heavenly Father give from His greater bounty that you are always receiving from Him, that your hungering and thirsting may never go unsated.

So is it with His little ones of Earth-life experience, and is this reality given at all levels of life awareness, with food springing forth from the earth, and lakes and rivers, and springs of pure water to refresh and renew the life of those who labour in the fields of life.

Not by striving and toiling to extract more shall the harvest increase but by opening to the munificence of the Father and by giving freely of this bounty shall it increase and be sufficient for all the little ones.

Even so, the Fathers love is unconditional, for He knows the conditions of His children and is able to provide for them in the wilderness, until they follow His lead and return again to the Valley of Plenty to receive of His banquet of Life Eternal.

All is well, little ones.


The following Diary entry was posted on December 9th 2009.


Holy Communion December 12, 1993


My son, your desire is well known to me.  Give it to me, offer it up and commit it to me. ...my purpose is also as your hearts desire for the children of Earth to know Eternal Truth and to let me gather them unto the Father by my Love for them.


Beloved Jesus, on this last Communion before Christmas, our ‘Celebration of Advent’ Communion, not only do I celebrate outwardly, but my heart and soul celebrate the wonder of your coming into the lives of the children of Earth, to raise them up, so that their destiny may be fulfilled and they consciously become Children of the Eternal Father.  Master, I feel the wonder and restoring, uplifting, transforming power of your Love, Peace, Joy, giving, and my heart and soul ache with the burning zeal of my desire to know you more completely and to share your living reality with the children of Earth.  This is my desire, Lord, that others may experience your livingness and the joy that knowing you can bring into our lives.


My son, your desire is well known to me.  Give it to me, offer it up and commit it to me.  It is a pure desire, but it cannot be fulfilled of yourself.  It can only be a vessel, a channel, serviceable to my purpose, which is also as your hearts desire for the children of Earth to know Eternal Truth and to let me gather them unto the Father by my Love for them.  Your desire must become pure in Spirit, cleansed of the imperfections of Earth-life vision.

Fear not, my son, for all shall be accomplished, and it shall be by my power.  I shall accomplish it according to your giving it to me.  You cannot perform this task but your desire shall enable me to perform it to the fulfilling of Gods purpose in His Children, and this shall be your glory in His Name.

Never doubt that all in your heart is known to me, my son.  Go in peace and joy and let your heart be glad, for all that shall be fulfilled according to the Living Word.  Your heart is one with the Word; therefore your hearts desire is accomplished.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid; I am with you always.



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