Diary for 1988


The following Diary entries were posted on April 6th 2006.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion January 17, 1988

You do not need to be a Teacher or Guide, but only a Light, which in itself will illuminate the Way, for all who will be guided forward.


At the Affirmation of Faith I was aware of a number of seekers from the “wilderness” standing at the open door behind Theresa, looking tentatively in, unsure whether they should, or were welcome to, enter.  I bade them enter and one or two came in to what now appeared as a large church or cathedral, where they took a seat in the pew near the centre front.  I believe this is the first of such to make such a step of commitment.


My son, you wonder what to do next, do you not? I counsel you, do nothing, save continue in this way to one-pointedly attune with Christ our Lord, and receive his Love and blessing, which in turn you can allow to radiate out for all to see. You do not need to be a Teacher or Guide, but only a Light, which in itself will illuminate the Way, for all who will to be guided forward. Nothing is or will be expected of you in this role of Communicant except to receive the Light and reflect it by freely sharing it with all who are brought to you by their readiness to receive of the Light.


That’s good, Teacher, for I would not relish a teaching or preaching role!


Such a role is already yours, my son, but only as circumstances permit, and that is as seekers are brought to you. Again, you need do nothing, especially going out to seek such aspirants. As ever, occupy and commit your life to the Kingdom. All shall be unfolded and revealed one step at a time. All is well. The new visitors have come to observe, attracted by the sincerity of your acts of at-one-ment.  Welcome all who so venture and rejoice in their observation.  If they should desire to participate they will be drawn from within.  If they ask of you, freely give.  All shall be fulfilled by the drawing Power of God’s Love and the forward movement of His Plan.


The Rector sang “Nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be – when the Earth shall be filled with the Glory of God as the Waters cover the Sea.”



Holy Communion January 24, 1988


All that is sincere from the heart, which is the seat of Love, and which is a selfless act of giving, is acceptable.  This form of Communion is more than an act of devotion, it is an act of at-one-ment with the Love, perfection and uplifting power of God, our Heavenly Father


Beloved Lord Jesus, to sit in your all-encompassing Peace and Love is to be bathed in golden, healing, warming, strengthening sunlight.  Thank you for helping me to gradually know it.  May this offering sacrifice of my Love and commitment to the Kingdom in the form of this Service of Communion Devotion be acceptable and serviceable.


My son, all that is sincere from the heart, which is the seat of Love, and which is a selfless act of giving, is acceptable.  This form of Communion is more than an act of devotion, it is an act of at-one-ment with the Love, perfection and uplifting power of God, our Heavenly Father so that you may both receive of its blessing and give out of that blessing and Light, focused and magnified in you, to all who desire and are in need of its blessedness.

Trust in me and continue in this way, my son.  Much is being accomplished by your one-pointed commitment.  You begin to be aware but yet there is much that you do not see which progresses.


The Rector:

Brian, we are close, as ever; reach out and touch our Love and presence.  Of course there are fluctuations in the vibrations, even as in the weather.  Be not concerned, the Father’s Kingdom overrides all those minor things.  To be at peace within and know His Love and protection will mean no disturbance in the outer realm, or even the psychic realm, can cause dismay within.  “There’s no discouragement can shake his avowed intent to be a pilgrim.”  Take heart, soldier, all is progressing and the campaign is not only going well, it is going according to plan.  Victory and joy for all of goodwill is assured even now.  We will continue to provide you with bulletins of progress and care packages of our Love and upliftment.  All is well.  S. 


January 25, 1988


He is able to take and receive all your burdens and to give you, in their place, His peace, His Love, the illumination of His word and His counsel.  And this illumination will drive all the darkness into the furthest corners of your lives, so that the darkness is insignificant in comparison with the Light.


The Rector:

My dearest friends, the pressures which you are experiencing at the Earth-plane level are, indeed well known to me and, of course, not just to me but to He who is able to take and receive all your burdens and to give you, in their place, His peace, His Love, the illumination of His word and His counsel.  And this illumination will drive all the darkness into the furthest corners of your lives, so that the darkness is insignificant in comparison with the Light.  This is not to say that the darkness or the pressures will cease to exist but rather that by your awareness of His Love and His Light, by attunement with Him, they shall be changed in your perception of them and they shall become of less significance and shall not bear you down under the burden.

I would draw to your attention that the Master's programme for the upliftment of mankind from the burdens of the Earth-life consciousness goes forward and that this programme, even now, moves toward its fulfilment.

I counsel you therefore, that even though the Master's word is "Occupy till I come," and "Do such as is given to you to do," nevertheless, seek the principles of Heaven and of God's will in all your Earthly endeavours.  And while it is not given to me to reveal to you the end from the beginning in these burdensome affairs and concerns of your Earthly lives, have faith in Christ Jesus to work out a satisfactory end to an unsatisfactory condition.  And he is with you.  Relax in that certain knowledge and reality.  May His Peace abide with you and in all that you do.  Speak with me at any time and in any place and I will be there.  In love and in fellowship, I am yours, S.



Holy Communion February 7, 1988


All in the Realms of Light – and there are countless such souls – are true, faithful and constant; utterly trustworthy and straight.  You may be sure that this power for good, united in one desire and one leader, which is the Word of Truth, shall prevail and shine away the darkness.


Beloved Lord, in analogy with weather, I feel as if there is a low-pressure area in my aura, with fog clouding the vision of Heaven and awareness of the Kingdom reality.  Highly gusting winds are distracting my attempts at focusing!


Then I counsel you, say to it: Peace – be still!  And from the inner sanctuary of tranquillity, relaxed acceptance that I am the Lord, adequate for all adversity, spiritual Lord of mankind, shall flow an inner calm that shall cause stillness within you.  Have no anxiety for fulfilment, it comes even as life itself grows within the womb – from the within into the without.  So it is with all life – the life that wells up from the Father Creator, who is all Life.  You cannot prevent it from happening, you cannot make it happen.  It will happen because the Father has ordained it to be so.  Therefore I counsel you, be at peace and let it happen around you, within you, for you are part of it.  From it you draw strength and inspiration, guidance and protection, Life and Love itself.


Master Jesus, thank you for being our Light and guidance, inspiration and strength; for loving us and leading us forward to the Kingdom and for the Holy and blessed fellowship of the Inner Plane Servers of the Sanctuary, the Rector and godmother Olga and our beloved Peter; and especially for beloved John, the Teacher of this Way, so true and faithful and constant.


My son, all in the Realms of Light – and there are countless such souls – are true, faithful and constant; utterly trustworthy and straight.  You may be sure that this power for good, united in one desire and one leader, which is the Word of Truth, shall prevail and shine away the darkness.

 Now are you at peace!  Go forward boldly in my Name and in peace my son.  All is well.



Holy Communion February 14, 1988


The soul who is committed and dedicated one-pointedly to the path of service of the Kingdom Purpose must first learn obedience – obedience to the single Source of guidance and Love, which will bring the Kingdom into the lives of mankind.  This means a willingness to give up all worldly power and authority and ego-self.


Beloved Lord, I see how the programme for mankind’s redemption has gone forward in the last few decades.  I see also how there is so much for us to know and understand that I wonder how we can ever grasp it all!


My son, the soul who is committed and dedicated one-pointedly to the path of service of the Kingdom Purpose must first learn obedience – obedience to the single Source of guidance and Love, which will bring the Kingdom into the lives of mankind.  This means a willingness to give up all worldly power and authority and ego-self.  When this has happened and complete faith in the Voice and Spirit of guidance is established, then shall the faith be replaced by sight – sight of the Kingdom reality and the Love and power inherent in it.  This is how to restore, to uplift, to make whole, to transform, to make new.  It is a power that can only come when ego-self-desire has been left behind and willingness for God’s Love to replace it has been adopted in its stead.

You have glimpsed the reality, Beloved.  You know of a certainty that it is and that it will be for all the world.

I counsel you, do nothing; you cannot bring this state of Being, neither can you adopt the way of mammon and its power complexes, for they would blind you to awareness of your inner being.  Simply be at peace and contemplate these matters within your heart.  New realisations shall come to you from this and all shall be accomplished for you.


Master, I know that of myself I can do nothing.  I commit all to you and pray that my life may be serviceable to you and your great programme.  Guide me along the path a step at a time.


The following Diary entries were posted on July 6th 2006.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion February 21, 1988


Only by giving - giving everything and expecting nothing - does spiritual empowerment work in accordance with the Father’s laws. 

Master Jesus, slowly I’m coming to understand the way of God’s universal laws of empowerment; that by letting go and giving ourselves wholly to Him, in trust, even as a little child does with its parents, so will He bring us to a greater understanding.


        This is so, my son; it is as the Earth life analogy, that the parent gives in selfless Love to the little one and the little one accepts, at first selfishly, taking and wanting all.  The parent must teach the little one that this is not the way, sometimes by hard rebuke and chastisement but always with Love.  Gradually the little one understands that Love is giving and sharing, even as the parents have taught from the start.

Here is where the analogy fails my son, because in the Earth life, the selflessness of the parent fails and the example becomes imperfect.  Only by giving giving everything and expecting nothing does spiritual empowerment work in accordance with the Father’s laws.

In the New Earth, even as the New Heaven which already is the Kingdom of Heaven wherein God’s Love and righteousness is fully established, the Law of Love and giving shall be known and lived.

This shall be accomplished by the drawing power of God’s Love.  You do not have to do it all yourself, my son, though the Earth life teaching may have convinced you you should!


I’m gradually getting over that Master!


And all the world shall pass to a new realisation that this is not necessary, my son.  Be at peace, not anxious to progress.  It shall be as you allow it to be.



Holy Communion February 28, 1988


The condition that blocks your vision of the Kingdom reality is not imposed upon you, or upon anyone else.  The Kingdom is there for all to see, out in the open.  The barrier to the vision is self-imposed by the children of Earth. 

Master Jesus, I feel so positive about the Service today and am slowly learning to be more passive in my commitment. 


My son, a child does not have to be aggressive in his love for his parents nor in his willingness and commitment to serve the Kingdom of God's Righteousness.  It is a sense of harmony and contentment within, knowing that all is according to the Love of the Father, and that you are living in harmony with that estate.

The condition that blocks your vision of the Kingdom reality is not imposed upon you, or upon anyone else.  The Kingdom is there for all to see, out in the open.  The barrier to the vision is self-imposed by the children of Earth.  Imagine all the souls of Earth walking around with a cloud in front of them blinding themselves to the glorious reality of Life.

This cloud shall thin and evaporate as you come more into attunement — At-One-ment — with the Kingdom.  Again, it is not something to be willed away by your earthly mind.  It is obedience to the Voice within and desire to have the Father give the Kingdom, and shall cause a realignment of the focus so that the cloud shall no longer be the wavelength at which your vision shall be functioning.  This is happening in your life already my son.  All is well.


I was aware of the Teacher as my “operator”, and of the Rector, with Peter as his assistant, coordinating transmission of the vibrations, the energy, of the Service from their “control box”; Olga was the director of the energies created by the music and singing — the “Artistic Director” of harmonies and structures.



Holy Communion March 6, 1988


My son, in the order of Creation, humility is more in harmony with the Father Creator than presumption. 


Beloved Lord, I have been under the impression that I was supposed to conduct the Service for untold visitors, and send out the vibrations to all the world. This was causing me to think I must “perform” the Service and to a certain standard.  Now I realise it is not so.


My son, in the order of Creation, humility is more in harmony with the Father Creator than presumption.  By partaking of solitary Communion, with your beloved, in humility and Loving dedication, you create energy at the Earth level that is serviceable to others who are lost on life's path.  This energy is conducted and transmitted from the control centre of the Inner Sanctuary to all who seek sincerely after Truth.  The solitary partaking remains for you the same.  Yes, you have been shown the benefit and influence of the Service in attracting such lost souls.  They may be drawn, may watch, may decide to participate.  All will benefit from a genuine outpouring of Love and compassion and Light generated by the living Word.  This is not yet your responsibility.  By being made aware of the influence for good on the seekers after truth is to expand your consciousness, it is not to authorise you to be their pastor, nor to actively seek such nor aspire to draw them within your sphere of influence.

I say to you, let go and let peace be with you.  There is no shame or concern that your understanding grows a step at a time.  Rather, rejoice that it is so.  Remember, he that is last shall be first; he that serves shall be great; he that gives everything, expecting nothing, shall receive.

Be joyful that all is according to the Will of the Father my son, perfectly ordered and balanced, powered by Love.


Thank you blessed Master.  You lead and I will try to follow; by your grace and love shall it be so.



Holy Communion, Palm Sunday, March 27, 1988


…constancy and reliability is the stuff of which the Kingdom is established (because Love is constant and reliable); it is pure, it is strong, it is sure, it will never fail you or anyone.   

I realise it was on Palm Sunday last year that I saw the Master Himself come in and join the “congregation” of the Service in that very real, palpable way.* So much has been revealed since then, although I feel on a bit of a low ebb in the Spirit but I know the feelings come in waves.  During the hymn before the Kingdom Prayer I heard someone singing the hymn “Breathe on me breath of God.”  I believe it was the Rector, standing by my shoulder as I knelt.

Rector, my great and stalwart friend, you have been strength and encouragement to me over the years; I thank you for the constancy and reliability of your love and friendship.


Brian, that constancy and reliability is the stuff of which the Kingdom is made (because Love is constant and reliable); it is pure, it is strong, it is sure, it will never fail you or anyone.  When one has experienced the joy and upliftment and strengthening vibration of the Kingdom of God, one wants to be forever part of it and to co-operate with the Spirit of Truth, righteousness and Love.  What you experience from my friendship is that essence manifesting in and through my wavelength.  It is so also in you I feel it from you and I know your heart is pure and your desire is unquenchable for the Kingdom.  Others also will feel this vibration coming from you, in the Earth life as well as the etheric realms.  It is the sincerity of a pure heart and soul, and those who pick it up will respond to its drawing power and enjoy being in the comfortable aura created by it, which enwraps them in its glow.

Give full recognition to that Gift of God with which you have been blessed Brian, and rejoice, for it will serve you well in fulfilling your heart's desire.

All of us in the Etheric realms of Heaven greet you in the Earth realm of Heaven at this time of celebration the Master's triumphal entry into Jerusalem and overcoming death, for all to follow. 

*I wrote in the Diary on Palm Sunday, April 12th 1987: ‘Right at the beginning of the Service the Master, Jesus himself, came right in, thronged by a crowd of clamouring people pressing right against him and impeding his progress.  I could feel the heat of the Judæan climate, smell the dust and the sweat of the people.  It was as it must have been in the long ago except this time he was on foot – perhaps after he had dismounted the donkey…’

The following Diary entries were posted on September 20th 2006.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion April 10, 1988


Remember always that seeking the Kingdom of God and his righteousness requires not for you to "do" anything but that you accept the Father's desire to give the Kingdom, even as a little child accepts the Love and protection and happy environment that his parents naturally wish to give to him.


Beloved Jesus, Lord and Master, my mind is full of so many different thoughts and I feel as if I'm going nowhere at present; I keep expecting some forward progress to manifest at the Earth and Spiritual level.


My son, life in time and place is a living, dynamic, evolving, unfolding progress but it has its seasons of rapid growth and its seasons of consolidation.  During those seasons of consolidation I counsel you, study the Living Word both that which has come to you and the Scriptures also.  This will strengthen your foundation in knowledge and understanding of the Living Word and be valuable food for the next phase of active growth.

Remember always that seeking the Kingdom of God and his righteousness requires not for you to "do" anything but that you accept the Father's desire to give the Kingdom, even as a little child accepts the Love and protection and happy environment that his parents naturally wish to give to him.  Be at peace, therefore, my son; receive the Love of the Father that He wishes to give freely to you all.


Master, thank you for your love and guidance and peace. 


Peace is a crucial estate my son; without it you cannot receive love, joy, harmony, upliftment.  It (peace) is an emptying of self will and holding on, the letting go of the desire to control, even subconsciously, the conditions of one's life, that may even be based in fear and insecurity, and a recognition, acceptance, of the all-sufficiency of the Creator Spirit to give you of His Love, care, comfort, understanding and that without Him nothing can exist.

I therefore counsel you, Peace, be still. 



Holy Communion April 17, 1988


By the one-pointed commitment of you all, the programme of manifesting that which our Lord and Master Jesus has built in Heaven shall go forward to fulfilment and establishment in the Earth also.


At the words “Thou who art the Light of the World…. that we may manifest Thy light before men”, I felt a tremendous surge of power going out of my outstretched fingertips and felt compelled to stay in that position for an extra while because this is the energy the Rector, from his control box beams to “whosoever will” for their benefit and upliftment.

I was strongly aware of our Loved ones in the Realms of Light from the outset, and after a few moments’ silence to adjust the vibrations of Pauline* and us all to the same frequency, the Teacher spoke from the front of the altar saying “All is well — let us begin”.  Olga has been present between Theresa and Pauline and the Rector is very “solidly” in his control box, very active with so much energy to use!

Beloved Teacher, I give thanks for your presence, your care, your leading of this Service in the power and grace and dignity you bring.


My son, the Service is not for me, nor is it mine; I have drawn together words and gestures as a means of focus for the generating of God's Love and power to uplift mind, body and spirit in the Earth by the Light so generated.  The dedication of the servers of the sanctuary is the ingredient that sparks the power.  By the one-pointed commitment of you all, the programme of manifesting that which our Lord and Master Jesus has built in Heaven shall go forward to fulfilment and establishment in the Earth also.  Do thou, therefore, my Children of the Light, continue faithfully in this way, and the desire of your hearts shall be reality in all spheres of human consciousness, even as it is in Heaven.  I rejoice and my heart is full with the united dedication and service of this day.  Peace be with you all.  Have no concerns for the outworking of any conditions; all is in the care of the Master Jesus and shall be according to His wisdom more readily by your commitment of the details to Him.


*A friend visiting from Vancouver who knew Olga from the 1960s and has also been a faithful communicant since that time.



Holy Communion April 24, 1988


My son, you are right to observe that Life is not forceful, does not “fight” for a place by opposing and defeating contrary vibrations and forces… And Life, my son — what is it?  Is it not the Essential Being of God the Father, which is Love?


Master and Lord, Jesus, I see that the mysteries of life and Gods great Love are to be found in quietness and gentleness.  This is the vibration on which you came into the world, and operate.


My son you are right to observe that Life is not forceful, does not "fight" for a place by opposing and defeating contrary vibrations and forces.  Life goes forward continually until it reaches opposition energies, then it stops and if the opposition pushes forward, Life retreats until the opposition ceases.  Then Life goes forward again.  And unopposed, Life overcomes great obstacles and colonises every corner of the universe.  It is the true force of the universe, which is tireless and unending.  Other energies, as you yourself have experienced, expire and run out of steam, falling by the wayside and fading away.  Then, back comes Life and presses forward.

And Life, my son what is it?  Is it not the Essential Being of God the Father, which is Love?  This is so great and refined a reality, my son, that it is not easy for the mind which is trammelled by Earth cares and concerns to wrestle with and prevail.  But I counsel you, ponder this in the quiet moments of your heart and mind, when pressures are not close upon you.

Meanwhile, my son, I rejoice with you at the progress of your commitment to the Kingdom and of your understanding of its presence being in love and gentleness and peace and letting go.  Keep on in this ritual Service, my son, and in contemplating the mysteries.  Let humility come before assumption.  Then shall you be called to go up higher rather than down lower.  It is not for you to know when is the time of glory but for others to give it to you when they see the glory is thine.  Give everything, expect nothing this is the order of the Kingdom.  Gradually the heart and soul will be in happy harmony with that truth.

I bless you for your one-pointedness.  All is well my son.  Peace, be still. 



Holy Communion May 1, 1988


…be not anxious for the fulfilment of the Kingdom Purpose, for it is as certain as the dawn; nay, more certain than that.  For this Dawn shall be such that darkness shall come no more amongst the children of God.


Beloved Master Jesus, today I have realised two important things: that only we, with our sense of unworthiness, prevent the Love of our Heavenly Father from flowing in and making us whole, filling us with the very energy of Life and Love which will energise and transform us from the Earth consciousness to the Heaven consciousness and enabling us to be part of the New Heaven and the New Earth order which you have been preparing.  Then I have realised that by the officiant “offering” - yet himself eating and drinking, the bread and wine - what actually is happening is that the officiant is the agent of a transmutation of that bread and wine to energies which go out to “all who will” in the wilderness, for their renewing, strengthening and uplifting and unto their perfecting.  Praise be to God and our Father for His Glory.


So be it my son; it is as you observe.  I rejoice with you as each new revelation registers itself in your awareness.  And it shall ever continue so as you seek, as you open up your centres of reception to the Living Word and as you give in one-pointed, dedicated Love to the Kingdom purpose.

This purpose, my charge, goes forward each moment of each day; be not anxious for its fulfilment, for it is as certain as the dawn; nay, more certain than that.  For this Dawn shall be such that darkness shall come no more amongst the children of God.  They shall be lifted up, away from that which can cause shadows of darkness, where the Light shall be in the midst, radiating among, from and to all who will receive this, God's Glory.

And so I say to you, as ever, beloved, continue in this way and greater joy and upliftment shall be yours and shall continue to grow; and greater accomplishments of your heart's desire shall be also.  Be at peace, I am ever with you all.


The following Diary entries were posted on December 20th 2006.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)

Holy Communion May 8, 1988


…attune with the words and their meaning and allow this attunement to generate in you the power that they hold, to transform, uplift, heal, restore and make whole. 


The Service has been very peaceful, with a great sense of attunement with the power of the words and their meaning.  I have been aware of the transmuted energy flowing out to all who seek and to all who will, wherever they may be in the wilderness.  I seem to have found the balance between being the officiant and yet keeping the Service personal and private, or being aware that my job is to generate the energy and Light of God's Love at the Earth plane level for the Rector to use, so that I don't need to be concerned about whether or to whom he is directing it.


This is right Brian, you do not have the gift of psychic sight or clairvoyance, so you are not naturally able to see into the life beyond Earth.  Therefore, since you do have the gift of understanding and empathy, attune with the words and their meaning and allow this attunement to generate in you the power that they hold, to transform, uplift, heal, restore and make whole.  This is your great ability.  It does not matter that you are unaware of where that energy will be used, for we have the organisation and the facilities for channelling this power to where it is needed.  It is rather like the electricity which is stored in a battery; it can be transported and used in multiple ways.

It is important that you do not attempt to go out into the wilderness, especially at this stage of your development, for you do not have the knowledge to protect you from the danger of psychic exposure.  Leave the sending of your energies to us and be content that this is perfectly adequate.  And if souls seeking solace or some greater reality come to you for the bread and wine of spiritual upliftment, then give freely of Christ's table.


Thank you for the joy and comfort of your guidance and fellowship, Rector.


Peace be with you dear and beloved friends and fellow servers of the Sanctuary of Christ's Peace and Love.  May you both receive his healing grace to strengthen you in life's journey.



Holy Communion May 22, 1988


…the infrastructure is all in place and the programme for mankind to be uplifted to the Spiritual wakefulness goes forward across the full front of all activities.  It is a vast campaign which is under full control of the Master. 


At the beginning, as I knelt to make my dedication, I became aware of the Teacher, deep within the Inner Sanctuary of Peace; such a subtle vibration, so refined and utterly without any Earth coarseness in it.  It helped me to attune with the Heavenly vibration.

Beloved Teacher, I thank you for the awareness of the peace and perfection of the Heavenly, Kingdom vibration.  Help us all to be aware of the need to come to the Father as little children.


As you have recently understood, my son, the analogy of children of Earthly parents in their complete trust and innocence, placing all in the ability of their parents to Love, protect, guide and care for them, so is it with our Father Creator.  I counsel you, place your trust in Him and go to Him with open heart and soul, giving Love and all your cares and concerns into the safekeeping of His loving hands.

We of the Inner Plane Sanctuary of Christ Communion are aware of all your needs, the more so than you yourselves.  Leave all to us, and be one-pointed in your commitment.  Circumstances shall guide you along the right path as far as you permit.  Have no concern to receive instruction; relax and enjoy the Peace.  You cannot control the coming of the Kingdom but your willingness to be in harmony with that vibration means that by letting go you can be serviceable in ways of which you have no awareness at some times; at others you are aware, at least to some degree.  All shall be accomplished; the infrastructure is all in place and the programme for mankind to be uplifted to Spiritual wakefulness goes forward across the full front of all activities.  It is a vast campaign which is under full control of the Master.  All is well.  Be at peace.

The Rector speaks:

Brian, we receive your Love, indeed all your communications, as loud and clear here as if we were in the same plane with you.  Have no fear, be free and natural in your approach to us, your fellow servers of Christ's Sanctuary.  God's richest blessings be upon you both.  Go in peace.



Holy Communion May 29, 1988


My son, so does the revelation of the Glory of God go forward, a little here, a little there.  And so it must needs be, so that you may assimilate and grow in the knowledge and wisdom and not suffer indigestion from too much intake all at once.


Blessed Lord Jesus, I give thanks for the revelation of the Kingdom and the Glory of God our Heavenly Father, one step at a time.  May I come to understand that Love, the Love of God for all, is the key ingredient, plus compassion, selflessness, goodwill and understanding and tolerance, to being one with the Father, looking from the within out with Him rather than in toward Him from the without, even as you did in your Earth life of blessing and giving.


My son, so does the revelation of the Glory of God go forward, a little here, a little there.  And so it must needs be, so that you may assimilate and grow in the knowledge and wisdom and not suffer indigestion from too much intake all at once.  Let your new understandings settle peacefully upon your soul, then shall your growth be balanced and steady, not out of control and cancerous.

All is well my son; you go forward and the Little One also, each at your pace and according to the readiness.  I bless your faithfulness.  Resist not antagonistic and contrary energies but be still in your heart and send out blessings upon the choppy waters.  Peace, be still.



Holy Communion June 5, 1988


…we share with you the joy of Oneness with the Father's good Will to bring the Kingdom of Peace, Love, righteousness and harmony-with-Him, the Creator Spirit, into the lives of all mankind.


Rector, on special days (my birthday) I always feel that you are close by, as a loyal and loving friend would be for such occasions.  That friendship is enduring and much treasured.


Brian, not only am I close, but Peter ("Happy birthday Dad," interjects Peter) and my beloved, the Teacher ("I too have Love at the personal level my son, for you as well as all other seekers and those who desire goodwill for all men," so speaks the Teacher).  We and many others, both servers and seekers from many realms of consciousness, come to wish you our Love and blessings on this, your anniversary day.  We also do more than bring these greetings and congratulations to you personally; we share with you the joy of Oneness with the Father's good Will to bring the Kingdom of Peace, Love, righteousness and harmony-with-Him, the Creator Spirit, into the lives of all mankind.

In reviewing the last year you can plainly see that not only have you and your beloved gone forward but the Kingdom programme also has gone forward, and we move with it.

Certainly I was with you at dinner last night and am so happy at the progress Theresa is making.  She is moving away beyond the subjective hold of the psychic consciousness, up into the realisation of the Cosmic, Spiritual realm of wholeness of vision, where she recognises that each singular event is in fact not a singular event but an interconnected part of the whole.  She is truly looking forward, seeking to learn from each experience and move away from the difficulties of her past.  Three cheers!  It is joy to us all to share your milestones and truly witness the progress.


Dad, I wish to add my personal Love and blessings to those of the Rector and the other Servers, for this, your day.  Thanks for all you have done to help the purpose of this group forward that is, the SMCC group.  God bless you and Mum, always.  Peter.


Thanks to you all from the depths of my heart.  We are a wonderful team.


The following Diary entries were posted on March 21st 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion June 12, 1988


…all the mysteries of the universe are yours for the asking; our Heavenly Father has not deliberately hidden them from His Little Ones.  They are only mysteries in the minds of mankind because mankind has been looking in the wrong place and in the wrong way, or not at all.


Jesus, beloved Master, although I do not feel particularly tuned in today, my heart and soul rejoice in the peace and comfort of knowing we need do nothing to hasten the Kingdom of God's Love and right living according to His Eternal Word; that by desiring the Kingdom and being willing to let you bring it from the Father, it will be accomplished for us.  Only such a concept could be of the Eternal Reality; it is contrary to man's Earth mind view of the way things are.  Thank you for this and all the joyous revelations you bring to us.


My son, all the mysteries of the universe are yours for the asking; our Heavenly Father has not deliberately hidden them from His Little Ones.  They are only mysteries in the minds of mankind because mankind has been looking in the wrong place and in the wrong way, or not at all.  God has always been diligent in shining the Light of His Love and the eternal reality of life for all His children and all creation.  This has been known to all peoples who have inhabited the Earth and they have revered and often feared the Creator Spirit.  But it is man who has lost his way, being deceived by the suggestion that his own intelligence is an adequate substitute for the loving Father and His caring providence, and that has clouded the light of God-Awareness.

Hence my counsel to come unto me as a little child, innocent of worldly cleverness and I will enlighten you and lead you forward along the path of everlasting joy and fulfilment.  Stay close to me, my son, and less anguish and pain shall trouble your lives.  There must be a process of learning, of going forward, but the process will be less painful and more rewarding by your one-pointed commitment to serving the Sanctuary of Peace.


Thank you Master for your loving reassurance.

At the offering of the wine, I felt as if I was the chalice, pouring out the wine of Heavenly Love for the quenching of thirsting souls. 



Holy Communion July 3, 1988


I have seen the power of Love in this Service and know it is able to transform lives.


At the offering of wine for those who seek, John, Theresa's brother, spoke and said, “Leave it to me,” for Theresa has been upset and distraught, possibly I feel over her father.  I said to John, “Are you with us?” meaning committed to the Communion and he said,


"Yes, I am.  This matter can not be resolved instantly but leave it with me and don't be concerned.  Titch is anxious because of the negative vibrations.  Tell her to take shelter in the Lord's Love.  As you were reading last night in Revelation, the Lord's Power has overcome the enemy.  She has nothing to fear except fear itself let faith open the door to its knock and she will find nothing there.  Tell her Big Brother is looking after her and will hold her hand.  I have seen the power of Love in this Service and know it is able to transform lives.  I know your commitment to it Brian, and I share your commitment.  The Lord can restore and make all things new and that is what I want for our family.  I see how this can happen, by the Love of the Lord.  That is our greatest and only hope.

Brian, I am with you in your desire for the Kingdom and want to be part of the Communion, working in my own way to serve the Lord.


John, I welcome you and thank you for your sharing and opening up this channel of communication.  I'm very glad we are friends after a bad start.


Me too.  Tell Titch I love her and will, with the Lord's help, protect her, and that she is not to worry.  God bless you both and your lovely girls; I'm very proud of them and love you all.  I feel I can speak to you Brian, there are no barriers; you understand.



Holy Communion July 10, 1988


…only by letting go of our attachment to worldly things and attuning with the Creator Spirit can we regain/restore man's “instinct” to be one with the Father, who truly lives within us, but Earth-minded focusing of consciousness has taken away our awareness of this reality.


As I sat, contemplatively, at the beginning of the Service I realised how only by letting go of our attachment to worldly things and attuning with the Creator Spirit can we regain/restore man's “instinct” to be one with the Father, who truly lives within us, but Earth-minded focusing of consciousness has taken away our awareness of this reality.  We can regain it if we let go and allow the stillness of the within to come through.  God, our heavenly Father, the Creator Spirit, is within us all the time — He does not “come down” in answer to our prayer; we simply need to be aware of His presence by quiet attunement and stillness within.  His Love for us is omnipresent, never fluctuating.  It is not dependent upon our “good behaviour and saying prayers.”  It is constant, unfailing, above personal irregularities of our nature, character, progress.  Whatever we do, his Love is unchangingly, solidly, constantly there, right within us.  The purpose of Jesus, the anointed messenger of the Father, is to bring to our attention this everlasting, unchanging reality; to activate the re-opening of our inner awareness to the presence of our Father right within us.  He shines the cube lamp of Spiritual Reality on the path of our awakening minds.  It is the cube lamp because that is the nature of our Earth-mind consciousness a box which is sealed but which contains the light of Spiritual illumination, eternal awareness, God-Awareness, within, once we begin to realise it can be opened.  Jesus will help us to open it but first we must abandon the path of outer consciousness ego self-will and become obedient to the Voice of Eternal Truth who leads us down the hidden path that the world knows not.

Blessed Master, thank you for this Revelation.


My son, you go forward along the Path.  I rejoice with great joy.  All is well, all shall be well.  Be constant, unswerving in your one-pointedness.  Fear not.  Peace and joy be in your hearts and lives, I am with you always unto the coming of the Kingdom upon the Earth. 



Holy Communion July 17, 1988


This Service has a living, uplifting, renewing, pulsing, dynamic quality.  And real things can be achieved by the power and Light generated things that can transform; it can create Light where there was heat, acceptance where there was self-determination. 


This has been such a peaceful Service, I have felt relaxed and attuned with the Cosmic reality of Love, where all life is unified in the Spirit of eternal Life, peace and harmony.

John, I'm so pleased at the drawing together of our communicating, especially that it is at a level of Spiritual commitment, where “self,” especially “Earth-mind itself” is sublimated and we share a realisation of the need and have the desire for the Kingdom of God.


Brian, I can say to you now, at first I did not feel what you were doing was of any value, for anyone you, Titch, me, but thought ‘Let him get on with it.’  Yet I gradually became aware that life at the "mundane" level, even when not in a state of conflict with others, had no sense of satisfaction, it was not leading anywhere.  Remember, I'm a Gemini too!  And I wanted to experience something new, worthwhile, that I could get to grips with and give me a sense of satisfaction.

It became clear that this could only be so in a new dimension and that dimension is the Spiritual awareness.  I saw your sincerity and commitment, the desire for that same fulfilment in Titch and how Peter, my nephew, was such a radiant example of joy and happiness in Spiritual Commitment.

Gradually I came closer and realised this is not just a lot of mumbo-jumbo I'd seen all that and it was lifeless and meaningless.  This Service and its words and form have a living, uplifting, renewing, pulsing, dynamic quality I could see it.  I watched and was drawn to the peace and joyful, uplifting energy created by it.  Now I am close and learning every day of new and important commitment.  And real things can be achieved by the power and Light generated things that can transform; it can create Light where there was heat, acceptance where there was self-determination.  So keep on, Brian and Titch, to generate the energy for transformation you are achieving real and valuable things by your faithful, weekly ritual of dedication and commitment.  You are helping others and you are going forward yourselves.

Have no fear of the negative of course there is negative energy around, mountains of it; but by commitment to and focusing on the positive, the negative has no lasting toehold in your lives.  Good builds upon good, a bit here and a bit there; bad doesn't, especially if you are not tuned in to it.  And good can restore all that has been damaged by any bad experience.


John, thank you for telling us about yourself and sharing your commitment; we rejoice with you and look forward to further shared experiences.  Thanks also for your encouragement.  God bless you always.


The following Diary entries were posted on June 13th 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion July 31, 1988


It is only by allowing the Father within to expand His dwelling place by inviting Him to take control of your life and giving up your own leasehold on your life, that He can begin to grow and fulfil your inner being.


Beloved Lord Jesus, I have glimpsed the living, Loving Spirit of the Father Creator, right here in my own being and realised that He is with us, within us, constant in the power and joy and uplifting energy of His Loving, transforming ability. Speak to me more of this.


My son, the Father it is Who is your life; truly is He within all His creatures, and His spirit of Creative, ever-becoming Being is within His Children. This it is that will transform and uplift mankind. Of myself I can do nothing. It is by the realisation that self cannot accomplish the Kingdom-of-all-harmony-with-Love and that by allowing the Father within to expand His dwelling place by inviting Him to take control of your life and giving up your own leasehold on your life, that He can begin to grow and fulfil your inner being. Then shall be seen in you and all his little ones the manifestation of His Glory.


First we must “surrender our leasehold” to Him?


My son, trust is all. His Love for all His little ones is total giving. Only by absolute surrender, as you put it, can He accomplish the Glorifying of Himself in you, even as He did in me. Have no thought for the morrow, sufficient unto the day let your commitment be and then likewise on the morrow and each and every morrow. Put your trust in Him and do that which is given you to do each day. Thus shall the Spirit of Truth, for the Father Creator, accomplish His purpose in you.

My command is to bring this good news to the children of the Father. This command is won through surrender of self to His Will. Only by this at-one-ment can we fully receive His Spirit within us; only by this at-one-ment shall the Kingdom of God-awareness manifest in the lives of His children.

Have no fear my son, your desire shall enable Him to accomplish it for you. Therefore, be peaceful, let go, enjoy all the activities of your lives together, Earthly and Heavenly.  Let them be of a pure motivation and be not anxious always to "please" Him; He will please you with His good gifts.


Thank you Master and Lord for the continuing revelation.



Holy Communion August 15, 1988


I have asked for and been given this command by our Heavenly Father, Creator Spirit, to lead man forward to his destiny, his birthright, his inheritance, away beyond the destructive, repetitive ways of the Earth


Blessed Jesus, I'm gradually coming to know, discern, understand  more comprehensively Who and What the Father is – that He is the living Spirit of Life and Love right within us.


This is so, Beloved, that man lost sight of the Creator Spirit within himself and has been searching "without" for the Glory of Life, rather than "within"; and while it is one thing for the unself-conscious creatures to live in harmony with the Creator Spirit at the psychic level of consciousness, it is quite another for man – who is created in the likeness of God, imbued with the spark of potential for God-consciousness, spiritual, all-Knowing, eternal consciousness to know the way forward when there is conflict between the psychic which repeats itself and the Spiritual, which moves forward, ever extending, ever creating.

And so this is why I have asked for and been given this command by our Heavenly Father, Creator Spirit, to lead man forward to his destiny, his birthright, his inheritance, away from the destructive, repetitive ways of the Earth-conscious, psychic realm of pleasure-from-the-immediate to that which is joyful eternally, in the sight of God, the Eternal One.

Of course this takes time, for man has freedom to choose between right and wrong, good and bad, and often the difference has been blurred by contraptions of man's own making, so he thinks he is doing right when he is in fact moving backwards on the retrograde, psychic treadmill of repetitive action.

But fear not; the Good Shepherd has power to lead, guide, protect and bring his flock to new pastures.  All shall be well, my son.  By this power vested in me, without which I could do nothing, shall man be shown the Glory of God and shall desire to go forward in harmony, peace, joy, dignity and Love, to receive the Kingdom that has been prepared for him from the beginning.  Be faithful and I will fulfil your heart's desire, Beloved.  I bless you.



Holy Communion September 4, 1988


Each soul has appointed to him for an Earth-life journey (incarnation), souls who have close relationships with that soul, to guide, protect, help forward the sojourner, each according to his readiness, progress and purpose of incarnating.


Beloved Teacher, my heart and mind and vision are gradually being enlightened, a step at a time.  I feel as if I'm wrestling in a larger field at present and I’m having a bad bout with forces, contrary to the one-pointed spiritual commitment that I desire, clouding my consciousness.


My son, as you have read this day (Isaiah ch. 6 vs. 5ff) the aspirant and volunteer is not yet fitted for the journey and mission for which he volunteers.  First he must be purified by the fire of eternal Spirit.  These matters are not of the mind or of the [ego]-will but of the Life Force, which is our Father Creator, and circumstances shall guide and direct you.  All that is required is desire and one-pointed commitment to the His Kingdom.

Each soul has appointed to him for an Earth-life journey [incarnation], those who have close relationships with that soul, to guide, protect, help forward the sojourner, each according to his readiness, progress and purpose of incarnating.  This is, of course, true also for you. Some of these are known to you, others are not; this is not important.  What is important is trust, faith and Love, letting go and confidence that your – our Heavenly Father, the Creator Spirit, Loves you, Loves us all, and that Jesus, His Anointed Messenger, has a perfect plan for all 'who will' to be uplifted, by His Love and concern for the little ones, to be one with the Father, to inherit the Kingdom, which is their birthright.

I therefore counsel you, rejoice, be at peace, let go; all is well, all is within the control of the Great Rescue Programme for the upliftment of mankind.  That which is for you and yours shall be made known but cannot happen at will.  It shall happen a step at a time as you go forward in life's journey and you shall see the progress by looking back.  All is well. 


The following Diary entries were posted on September 26th 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion September 11, 1988


Prayer is an attunement, not a pleading.  Focus on, attune with the Living Word and it will illumine your path your mind


The events of this week have helped me forward a long way.  The Rector has spoken at length about the fact that we cannot go forward by an act of self will, that Our Heavenly Father will accomplish it for us and that Jesus is His Agent by which we shall be led; that it is best for us to not attempt to go forward of our own will, but leave it all in the Master's hands; that by “holding on” to self-determination for the Kingdom we interfere with the way the Lord works, and events and progress cannot happen as spontaneously because we are trying to make it happen, which is not the way it works.

I have just realised, during the Gloria, that we need to ask the Heavenly Father, Who leads men still in the way everlasting, to illumine our path, not because He will ignore us if we don't keep asking Him, but because we need to attune our own minds to the fact that He is leading and illuminating it is happening all the while because we are His Children and He Loves us irrespective of who, where and what we are.  And saying, focusing on, the words brings our consciousness into awareness that He is doing it, and by attuning with the illuminating we can become aware of it.  It is like becoming aware of birdsong, sunshine, fresh air when out for a walk by attuning with them, focusing on them, we become aware of their presence.  They are there all along but if we are deeply engrossed in some matter of concern at the Earth level then we may not be aware of their presence.


Hence the counsel "Prayer is an attunement, not a pleading."  Focus on, attune with the Living Word and it will illumine your path your mind as new understanding, new awareness of the eternal realities come to your attention.  They are there all along out in the open, not hidden as birdsong.  Attune and you shall become aware.


Thank you blessed Lord, for this illumination.



Holy Communion September 25, 1988


Seek within yourself for the stillness, the peace, the knowing that all is well.  When you have experienced the Life and Joy of the Living Creator Spirit within yourself, you can seek and know that spark within others. 


I feel emphasis on the word JOY in the Communion today, with an understanding that the Love of the Father, His Son and all the multitude of Heaven is an inexpressibly happy, JOYFUL and uplifting experience.


Brian, it is appropriate for this to be the theme of the focus of your thoughts and feelings on the eve of the anniversary of your marriage.  Marriage is a JOYOUS event and a continuing JOYFUL experience.  Together, you and Theresa can serve the Kingdom purpose and programme of Jesus, Lord of all hopefulness and Lord of all JOY for mankind, in Love harmony, happiness.

The Communion Service is a Joyful event, in which you join with us to praise, attune and experience the love of our Father.  The Love is within, the Kingdom of God Awareness is within.  It is within you, each, individually.  Seek within yourself for the stillness, the peace, the knowing that all is well.  When you have experienced the Life and Joy of the Living Creator Spirit within yourself, you can seek and know that spark within others. 

The time is not yet for the work, the fulfilment of your life, to begin, Brian.  I sense the impatience, the eagerness to begin.  How can you begin when you are not yet made ready?  You are at a certain place on the path and that is only part way.  Be patient, be faithful, be one-pointed; when the time is right you will know.  You have a sense of expectation which is unable to express itself fully yet, but the Master's word that your heart's desire shall be fulfilled is for your comfort.  And Theresa is your Companion of the Way; remember, her life stream is one with yours.  Joy, peace, happiness be with you at this festive occasion.


God bless you for your love and fellowship, Rector.


The following Diary entries were posted on December 19th 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 9, 1988


I shall serve the command I have received of my Father, to lead my flock forward unto the Kingdom of His Eternalness.  This service is possible because I am authorised by the Father.  Those I authorise are able to serve also because the authorisation gives power to accomplish.


Blessed Lord Jesus, I rejoice and exult in your Peace and Love.  This Communion ritual is ever more meaningful to me, uplifting and strengthening of my spirit, and gives me resolve to be one-pointed in my commitment to the Kingdom and to serve.


My son, your one-pointed commitment to the desire for the Kingdom is sufficient and I receive your heart's desire.  I will serve you if you will let go and allow it.  Be not overanxious to accomplish your desire, but let it remain in your heart, where it will grow and become a strong help to all who are drawn to the Light of your desire.

I shall serve the command I have received of my Father, to lead my flock forward unto the Kingdom of His Eternalness.  This service is possible because I am authorised by the Father.  Those I authorise are able to serve also because the authorisation gives power to accomplish.  Such power in the hands of those who are not fully dedicated and instructed would be destructive, as electricity.

Be patient therefore, my son and rejoice in my Love, rejoice in the Love of God and all its manifestations.  Continue to observe the Laws of Life; continue to attune with the Creator Spirit; continue to send Love and to desire the Power of God's Love to transform the lives of men.  But this is all that is required of you.  The rest shall come, imperceptibly, as you go forward.

Continue in faith, to do that which is required of you at the Earth plane level of consciousness.  I am guiding you and all things in these matters also, my son.  All is well.  Peace be with you.



Holy Communion October 23, 1988


My son, it is by submitting my will to the Will of the Father that I am, have become, one with Him;  it is only by ‘dying’ in myself that I have been able to have Life and have it abundantly, that I might give it freely to all who will receive it. 


Beloved Lord Jesus, it is joy to my soul to simply let go in your Love and peace and know you will accomplish the bringing of the Kingdom by your Love, wisdom and God-empowerment.


My son, it is by submitting my will to the Will of the Father that I am, have become, one with Him; it is only by ‘dying’ in myself that I have been able to have Life and have it abundantly, that I might give it freely to all who will receive it. Therefore, if you will receive it, let go of your own worldly ambitions and desires, for by holding on, your hands are in the closed, clenched, position; by letting go, your hands are open to receive as well as to give. This can then be a continuous process of giving and receiving giving of your own Self, your energy, your life, which is ever renewed by the re-charging, uplifting, transforming, energising Love and Life force of our beloved Father, who is the Creator Spirit, the Power of Creation.

He shall restore you and uplift you to new realms of being where you shall see, feel, experience the spiritual destiny of man, who is the child, the offspring of God, created in His very likeness to inherit the Kingdom of Oneness with Him; to be part of Him and share His power to make all things new and glorious.

This is the destiny, the inheritance of the Sons of God.  Ponder these things, my son; study the Living Word, in the Scriptures and as I bring them into your awareness.  Let your mind and your heart share the wonder of them.  There they shall take root and grow in the fructifying soil of your seeking, enquiring mind and shall illuminate the path forward for you.  Give free rein to your highest desire for mankind to become lifted up and transformed from the earth and water realms through the air realms to the fire realms,* where all is one with the Father Creator Spirit.  Be peaceful my son, that Joy unending may be yours.  All is well.


*Earth symbolises body; water symbolises soul (psyche); air symbolises mind, and fire symbolises spirit.


The following Diary entries were posted on March 19th 2008.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 30, 1988


If you would serve, and desire to bring Light, be still, experience the Love and Peace and tranquillity and Joy within and all shall be fulfilled in you my son.  It shall not be of yourself, by your own power, but by your willingness to let the Power of the Father accomplish it in you and through you. 


Blessed Master, I feel as if you have been leading much of the Service yourself and administered the Bread and Wine of partaking.


So it is, my son, and you glimpse more of the reality of Love.  Love is constant, it is giving, it is wanting to share good gifts; it is Joy, upliftment, Peace, tranquillity, comfortableness, acceptance.

All these things, my son, I feel, I have, I give — to you, to all.  Yes, to all.  Would that all would, could, receive.  But Love is the Power to transform, to uplift, to make whole, to restore, and those that would know me shall know me, by the agency of Light attracting their attention to the quietness within, where they may — shall — find me.  Also, those who wander in the wilderness shall be drawn by this same Cube Lamp.

If you would serve, and desire to bring Light to the attention of such wanderers, and any who will come unto me, be still, experience the Love and Peace and tranquillity and Joy within and all shall be fulfilled in you, my son.  It shall not be of yourself, by your own power, but by your willingness to let the Power of the Father accomplish it in you and through you.


Master, thank you for guiding and illuminating my thoughts and understanding.  I commit my being to this Service for the Glorification of our Heavenly Father.


So be it, my son.  Be at peace.



Holy Communion November 6, 1988


The Earth teachings of retribution and judgement are not of the Kingdom; in the Kingdom all is in the hands of God the Father, who is the Law Giver, the balancer of accounts.


On Saturday, November 5, as I gave massage and prayed for healing and peace for Theresa, I suddenly realised, as the Lord’s Love came flowing through me for her, that not only his Love but his compassion for the children of Earth was also there, closely commingled with his Love, and that this is a most important vibration.  It seems to me that as adults can have a blend of love and compassion for children, so is compassion an integral part of our feelings of Love for all on the Path or indeed, off the Path, wandering in the wilderness.


My son, compassion is a feeling of selfless giving, devoid of personal involvement in any way connected to the relationship between the parties at the Earth-conscious level.  There is none of the Earth in it.  The Earth teachings of retribution and judgement are not of the Kingdom; in the Kingdom all is in the hands of God the Father, who is the Law Giver, the balancer of accounts.

Therefore have no concern for Earth-mind propriety in relationships.  Those who may be judged at that level have many mitigating circumstances, and these are known to Him with power of Life over death.  Let your heart be charitable — filled with Love.


At the end of the ‘Our Father,’ Theresa's mother spoke and said “I am Christian too,” as if to say, “Don't reject me as alien; my commitment is to Jesus also and that has always been paramount in my life.”


"Brian, thank you for listening.  Life has not been easy this time and many circumstances were not of my choosing, even though many things could have been different if I had been stronger of body and spirit.  I know you have a greater capacity for understanding than you are aware of, and compassion is strong in you.  I am coming to new realisations of the greater Truths of Creation, and need help and understanding.  Your commitment to the Communion and the Lord Jesus is clear from here and I need this strength which emanates from the Sanctuary it is alive and peaceful.  I see it clearly and it is for all who will I have heard you say so many times.  I ask your tolerance and understanding and for all the past grievances to be erased.  I want to speak to Theresa and establish a rapport with her but don't feel I can get through yet.  I know time heals and John has been a great help to me.  I still want to start again with a clean slate and go forward unencumbered by baggage and doctrine.  Thank you for listening; give my love and blessings to Theresa, she is so much in my thoughts and prayers."


The following Diary entries were posted on June 11th 2008.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion November 13, 1988


As your awareness expands in the illumination of your soul so do the radiations of your transmission increase in power.  This is much needed for the gathering of the harvest, and the time is now.


Beloved Lord Jesus, this Service has been beautiful for me as I have felt and been attuned with and aware of your great, cosmic, unconditional Love and that you are the messenger of the Source of that Love — our Heavenly Father.  I have felt His Love for all mankind and felt empathy for all His little ones, wandering blind in the wilderness, believing themselves to be without help.

I pray our commitment in this ritual Service may be to generate an outpouring of Holy, Heavenly Love for all to receive, for the uplifting of their lives and understanding, that they may be fulfilled in Spirit and glorify His Name by bearing much fruit.


My son, faithful and true in the Word and the Way, your prayer is received, your one-pointed commitment understood.  It shall be serviceable to the programme of God's purpose in the spiritual awakening of mankind.

Keep on, my son, in this way, we continue to go forward and the progress gathers momentum.  As your awareness expands in the illumination of your soul so do the radiations of your transmission increase in power.  This is much needed for the gathering of the harvest, and the time is now.  Continue to be faithful and one-pointed.  As you give, so shall you receive of the limitless blessing and Joy of our Father.



Holy Communion November 26, 1988


The sending out of the message of Love and welcome cannot be overemphasised.  However, remember, all will proceed according to the timing of our Lord.  This is a time of great excitement in the Realms of Light, for all goes forward unto the fulfilment.


During the consecration I realised that we grow and change from taking Communion for our own benefit first and foremost, but to “all who will” in the wilderness, also.  By giving to those who will, so do we also we receive the blessing and benefit for ourselves; we do not take it.  It is a gift from God our Father — Life abundant.  It is a self-perpetuating and ever-growing, becoming force — the force of Life — LOVE.  The purpose of this Mystical Communion is to call all God's children to the marriage banquet of Earth with Heaven, Earth-mind mankind with God awareness by the agency of Jesus, spiritual Lord of mankind, the Anointed Messenger of God, who can, and will, transform our lives into wholeness if we will give him its fragments.

The extending of the message to all who will is vital in this Service because they are unable, as yet, to be made aware of the Love of God and His Kingdom direct, and the Lord wants to save all from prolonged wandering.  So by this method we can serve Him by broadcasting, extending, the invitation.  No wonder the Rector’s black box* is so big and powerful and his activity of such importance.


My young, faithful follower of our beloved Lord, you grasp more of the Kingdom programme by your one-pointed commitment.  This is indeed a Great Rescue Programme for the Children of the wilderness and for all who would go forward.  Now is the time of harvest, of fruitfulness, and many there are who would be brought into the granary.

The sending out of the message of Love and welcome cannot be overemphasised.  However, remember, all will proceed according to the timing of our Lord. This is a time of great excitement in the Realms of Light, for all goes forward unto the fulfilment.  So do you see the progress for you and for the whole Plan.  There are many who see the Light and will be drawn forward, and this is the Plan.  It will continue, and your commitment to it is invaluable.  Such commitment will continue to bring peace and blessings into your lives.  All is well, my son.


*Background to this may be found in the diary entries dated Oct. 11th & 18th, Nov. 8th, Dec. 27th 1987, and in various subsequent entries, where it is referred to as a “control box.”


The following Diary entries were posted on October 15th 2008.


Holy Communion December 11, 1988


The Kingdom of God is open to “all who will” to enter in.  That is, to those who earnestly desire and are willing to be made new, made whole spiritually.


Brian, your grasp of what this Service is about is helping me to direct the energies* more effectively.  As you come to relax and feel less formal, you realise that the Service is for your and Theresa's benefit as well as the countless ”lost sheep," and also that your attunement and understanding helps the vibrations to build power that can be used for helping to spread the word.

The message, the invitation, to be part of the Marriage Banquet is "to all who will."  This is because the Love of God, which our Lord Jesus proclaims and comes to demonstrate, is universal.  He — the Father Creator — loves all Creation; how could it be otherwise?

The Kingdom of God is open to all "who will" to enter in.  That is, to those who earnestly desire and are willing to be made new, made whole spiritually.  It is not available to those who do not want the Light of God's Love, truth, joy, peace, tranquillity; not because God is unwilling to give it, but because they are unwilling to receive it.  They have placed themselves outside His Grace.  We therefore concentrate on those who are willing.  Many do not know how or where to receive the Kingdom.  They need a guide, a Light, to attract their attention in the fog, or other conditions in which they find themselves.  They are not looking for piety or sack cloth; they rejected that with the various ages of the church.  They are looking for sincerity, a believable message, to encourage, to explain, to illuminate the dark corridors of their minds; to open doors of their understanding, so they may say to themselves, "I see" — the Way forward, the next step.

It is all part of the Great Plan — the Great Rescue Programme.  It is not complex, it is not too high and exalted for man to see, understand, follow.  It is perfectly obvious to he whose eyes have been opened!  This is why Jesus spoke in parables; because all life is analogous, ordered by Principles of Life, the rules of God's Creation, the Laws by which Creation functions.  And the key is Love.

It is ‘mind blowing’ in its simplicity, is it not?  By your grasp you can explain it to others.  Not all others — only those who are ready.  We will direct you, give you opportunity to practise.  Practise away from the contrary vibrations of Earth activity.  Practice with us, with any true seeker who comes — in Earth or etheric clothing.  And remember, we are all with you.  One step at a time is all you need to concern yourself with.  Otherwise you will become unbalanced in the growth.  Equilibrium is essential.  Peace and Joy be with you.  I will speak again.


This was the Rector, speaking with a voice of great, Kingdomly authority.

*In 1987 I had started to become aware that the Rector (and subsequently, Peter) was operating what appeared to me to be a ‘black box’ or ‘control box.’  This device eventually took on, for me, the appearance of a control console for recording and mixing of sound in a recording studio.  He explained that it is for gathering the prayer and blessing energy and Light generated at the Earth level by incarnate communicants, transforming that power to a form that is serviceable for the benefit of those in ‘need, sorrow, sickness or other adversity’ and transmitting it to the intended recipients.



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